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Abstract: Development as well as current status of the knowledge of nonhuman primate blood groups are discussed together with some practical implications of the red cell antigen polymorphisms in anthropoid apes, Old and New World monkeys and prosimians. Recent data on molecular biology and genetics throw light on the relationships among simian and human red cell antigens and their evolutionary pathways.  相似文献   

To assess both the need and potential of different primates for studying human epididymal function, the ultrastructure of the epididymis in several New and Old World monkeys has been compared with that of man. Sexually mature monkeys of six species were used; three talapoin monkeys, two pig-tail macaques, one patas monkey, one capuchin, one spider monkey, and four common marmosets. Samples of human epididymis were obtained from men undergoing vasectomy. Tissue was examined by light and electron microscopy and observations were quantified using image analysis. The primate epididymis displayed several ultrastructural features not observed in other mammals. These included the presence of small membrane-bound granules in the infranuclear cytoplasm of principal cells, and a close association of blood capillaries with the basal lamina and mitochondria-rich cells. Differences were apparent in the number and volume of organelles in principal cells from different regions of the epididymis and between species. Epididymal tissue in man showed a much greater ultrastructural diversity than that of monkeys. The significance of these results is discussed in relation to the need for an animal model for studying the primate epididymis.  相似文献   

Two distinct variable number tandem repeats (VNTRs) within the human serotonin transporter gene ( SLC6A4 ) have been implicated as predisposing factors for CNS disorders. The linked polymorphic region in the 5'-promoter exists as short ( s ) and long ( l ) alleles of a 22 or 23 bp elements. The second within intron 2 (Stin2) exists as three variants containing 9, 10 or 12 copies of a 16 or 17 bp element. These VNTRs, individually or in combination, supported differential reporter gene expression in rat neonate prefrontal cortical cultures. The level of reporter gene activity from the dual VNTR constructs indicated combinatorial action between the two domains. Chromatin immunoprecipitation demonstrated that both these VNTR domains can bind the CCCTC-binding factor and this correlated with the ability of exogenously supplied CCCTC-binding factor to modulate the expression supported by these reporter gene constructs. We suggest that the potential for interaction between multiple polymorphic domains should be incorporated into genetic association studies.  相似文献   

Recent advances in developmental biology reveal that patterns of morphological development, even during early phases, may be highly susceptible to evolutionary change. Consequently, developmental data may be uninformative with regard to distinguishing homology and homoplasy. The present analysis evaluates postnatal ontogeny in papionin primates to test hypotheses about homology and homoplasy during later periods of development. Specifically, the analysis studies the allometric bases of craniometric resemblances among four papionin genera to test the hypothesis that homoplasy in adult cranial form, particularly of baboons (Papio) and mandrills (Mandrillus), is underwritten by divergent patterns of development. Bivariate and multivariate allometric analyses demonstrate that the developmental patterns in Papio baboons diverge markedly from ontogenetic allometric trajectories in other papionin species. The resemblances between Papio and Mandrillus (assuming that patterns of development in smaller papionins are ancestral) are largely consequences of perinatal increases in relative brain size in juvenile Papio. Postnatal growth to large size and strong negative allometry of neurocranial form results in shape similarities because developmental pathways for large papionin genera intersect. Analyses show that allometric data may not be particularly informative in revealing homoplasy. However, placed into proper phylogenetic context, such data illustrate derived patterns of development that may reflect critically important life-history or ontogenetic adaptations.  相似文献   

The U5 monoclonal antibody developed by immunizing mice with Japanese monkey lymphocytes could react with lymphocytes of primate species including Old World monkeys, apes, and human. However, the distributions of U5 antigen on major functional subsets of lymphocytes were different in primate species. The U5 antigen was mainly distributed on natural killer (NK) cells in human, but on B cells in Old World monkeys. On the other hand, U5 antigen was detected on both B and NK cells in chimpanzees and gibbons, indicating that the distribution of U5 antigen on lymphocyte might change from B cells to NK cells during primate evolution.  相似文献   

To assess the change of serotonin transporter (5-HTT) gene-linked polymorphic region that has occurred during the process of hominization, we examined the allelic variation of 5-HTT gene-linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) in anthropoid apes such as chimpanzees, gorillas, orang-utans, and gibbons, and determined the DNA sequences of the alleles in each species. All chimpanzees examined shared only the 17.5 repeat allele, while polymorphism was observed in the other apes and the 16 and 20 repeat alleles were most frequent in gorillas and orang-utans, respectively. 5-HTTLPR was highly polymorphic in gibbons and the 17 and 23 repeat alleles were most common among 5 alleles. Alleles with extra-long repeated (22 and 23) sequences were found in orang-utans and gibbons, and the alleles of these Asian apes were similar to the rhesus monkey allele.  相似文献   

中国汉族群体vWF基因40内含子VNTR   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文将Amp-FLP与RFLP结合起来,检测vWF基因40内含子VNTR。调查长沙地区156名无亲缘关系汉族人,发现vWF基因40内含子VNTR基因136个。基因型152个,全部为杂合子,分布符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡定律。此VNTR杂合率为0.9884,PIC为0.9883,是现已检出Amp-FLP中多态性最高的遗传标记。家系分析显示VNTR无遗传重组,依照常染色体共显性遗传。用高分辨  相似文献   

Automated DNA sequencing of a fragment of the relatively slowly evolving mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene was used to distinguish primate species, and the method was compared with species determination based upon classical taxonomy. DNA from blood from 53 monkeys housed at the Stichting AAP Shelter for Exotic Animals, all Old World monkeys, was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with a primer set spanning approximately 390 nucleotides of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene. The products were directly sequenced and compared with our database of primate 12S sequences. Many individuals were found to harbor a 12S sequence identical to one of the reference sequences. For others, phylogenetic methods were used for species estimation, which was especially informative in Cercopithecus species.  相似文献   

AIMS: Harmonization and evaluation of the multiple-locus variable-number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA) method for sub-typing Salmonella enterica ssp. enterica serovar Typhimurium (Salm. Typhimurium) in Denmark and Norway, and analysis of the typing data. METHODS AND RESULTS: The Salm. Typhimurium MLVA (STMLVA) method, which uses length polymorphisms in five tandem-repeated DNA loci to differentiate isolates, was harmonized between Denmark and Norway, using a common set of 14 isolates. The MLVA assay that is routinely used at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health was set up at the Statens Serums Institute. Both the institutes used an ABI-310 Genetic Analyzer for capillary separation of PCR products, and the same internal size standard. Running the same set of 14 test isolates in both countries and comparing the results showed an excellent typing match at all loci in all isolates. Subsequently, 461 isolates were genotyped in Norway and 454 isolates were genotyped in Denmark. The STMLVA assay displayed a large number of allelic profiles that were distinct for each country as well as shared profiles. Differences in variable number of tandem repeats allele frequencies and absence of amplification products were observed between Denmark and Norway. CONCLUSIONS: The MLVA method was set up in two different laboratories and produced completely matching typing data that could be shared rapidly by e-mail for comparison. Notably, differences in allele frequencies and absence of amplification were noted between the countries. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The STMLVA method was shown to be easily implemented and to produce typing data, which were shared over the Internet. This enables increased speed of typing and comparison of data between countries, when compared with earlier typing methods. Information embedded in the allele frequencies might give clues to the origin and source of isolates.  相似文献   

The New World primate Aotus nancymaae (owl monkey) has been shown to be an excellent experimental model when studying malarial parasites. Characterising the T-cell receptor (TR) repertoire by means of the different variable beta (TRBV) genes displayed contributes to a better understanding of these lymphocytes role in the response against several malarial antigens. This study describes identifying and characterising eleven new TRBV gene sub-groups in cDNA from Aotus nancymaaes peripheral blood lymphocytes; these 11 gene sequences displayed homology to the previously reported human TRBV3, TRBV10, TRBV11, TRBV14, TRBV18, TRBV19, TRBV20, TRBV25, TRBV27, TRBV29 and TRBV30 sub-groups, resulting in 83% overall homology at the amino acid level. An additional Aotus sequence was found having similarity with the human TRBJ-2–7*01 gene. Evolutionary relationships amongst these sequences and the homologous genes from both New and Old World primates have shown that the TRBV repertoire has been maintained in the species being studied, displaying varying association patterns and substitution rates, depending on the sub-group being studied. The degree of identity observed when comparing human and Aotus genes suggests that these species might have a similar TRBV repertoire.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to describe the curvature of anthropoid limb bones quantitatively, to determine how limb bone curvature scales with body mass, and to discuss how bone curvature influences static measures of bone strength. Femora and humeri in six anthropoid genera of Old World monkeys, New World monkeys, and gibbons were used. Bone length, curvature, and cross-sectional properties were incorporated into the analysis. These variables were obtained by a new method using three-dimensional morphological data reconstructed from consecutive CT images. This method revealed the patterns of curvature of anthropoid limb bones. Log-transformed scaling analyses of the characters revealed that bone length and especially bone curvature strongly reflected taxonomic/locomotor differences. As compared with Old World monkeys, New World monkeys and gibbons in particular have a proportionally long and less curved femur and humerus relative to body mass. It is also revealed that the section modulus relative to body mass varies less between taxonomic/locomotor groups in anthropoids. Calculation of theoretical bending strengths implied that Old World monkeys achieve near-constant bending strength in accordance with the tendency observed in general terrestrial mammals. Relatively shorter bone length and larger A-P curvature of Old World monkeys largely contribute to this uniformity. Bending strengths in New World monkeys and gibbons were, however, a little lower under lateral loading and extremely stronger and more variable under axial loading as compared with Old World monkeys, due to their relative elongated and weakly curved femora and humeri. These results suggest that arboreal locomotion, including quadrupedalism and suspension, requires functional demands quite dissimilar to those required in terrestrial quadrupedalism.  相似文献   

To investigate the evolution of the Rh blood-group system in anthropoid apes, New and Old World monkeys, and nonprimate animals, serologic typing of erythrocytes from these species with antibodies specific for the human Rh blood-group antigens was performed. In addition, genomic DNA from these animals was analyzed on Southern blots with a human Rh-specific cDNA.Consistent with earlier reports, serologic results showed that gorilla and chimpanzee erythrocytes had epitopes recognized by human Rh D and c antisera, and gibbon erythrocytes were recognized by the c antisera. Surprisingly, some Old and New World monkeys also expressed a Rh c epitope on their erythrocytes. No erythrocytes from the nonprimate animals reacted specifically with any of the human Rh antisera.Southern blot analysis with a human Rh-specific cDNA probe detected Rh-related sequences in anthropoid apes, all New and Old World monkeys, and in most nonprimate animals tested. Although some Rh-related restriction fragments were conserved across species lines in primates, the Rh locus was more polymorphic in chimpanzees and gorillas than in humans. In addition, restriction fragments segregating with the presence of the D antigen in humans were present in the primate species that expressed the D antigen.  相似文献   

Platyrrhini (New World monkeys, NWm) are a group of primates characterized by behavioral and reproductive traits that are otherwise uncommon among primates, including social monogamy, direct paternal care, and twin births. As a consequence, the study of Platyrrhine primates is an invaluable tool for the discovery of the genetic repertoire underlying these taxon‐specific traits. Recently, high conservation of vasopressin (AVP) sequence, in contrast with high variability of oxytocin (OXT), has been described in NWm. AVP and OXT functions are possible due to interaction with their receptors: AVPR1a, AVPR1b, AVPR2, and OXTR; and the variability in this system is associated with the traits mentioned above. Understanding the variability in the receptors is thus fundamental to understand the function and evolution of the system as a whole. Here we describe the variability of AVPR1b coding region in 20 NWm species, which is well‐known to influence behavioral traits such as aggression, anxiety, and stress control in placental mammals. Our results indicate that 4% of AVPR1b sites may be under positive selection and a significant number of sites under relaxed selective constraint. Considering the known role of AVPR1b, we suggest that some of the changes described here for the Platyrrhini may be a part of the genetic repertoire connected with the complex network of neuroendocrine mechanisms of AVP–OXT system in the modulation of the HPA axis. Thus, these changes may have promoted the emergence of social behaviors such as direct paternal care in socially monogamous species that are also characterized by small body size and twin births.  相似文献   

The noradrenaline, serotonin and dopamine transporters are three main transporters, which are the target of the antidepressant drugs. In the present study we demonstrate that the life-long deletion of the noradrenaline transporter (NET) induced up-regulation of two other monoamine transporters, dopamine and serotonin (DAT and SERT, respectively). An increase in the binding of [3H]paroxetine to the SERT and [3H]GBR12935 to the DAT was observed in various brain regions of NET-KO mice, without alterations of mRNA encoding these transporters, as measured by in situ hybridization. This important finding impacts the interpretation of previous data indicating the supersensitizity of NET-KO mice for psychostimulants or stronger effect of citalopram in behavioral tests. While using the NET-KO mice in various psychopharmacological studies is very important, one has to be aware that these mice lack NET from the earliest period of their existence, thus compensatory alterations do take place and have to be considered when it comes to interpretation of the obtained results.  相似文献   



Interleukin-4 (IL-4) is a strong chondroprotective cytokine and polymorphisms within this gene may be a risk factor for osteoarthritis (OA). We aimed to investigate genotype and allele frequencies of IL-4 gene intron 3 variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) polymorphism in patients with knee OA in a Turkish population.


The study included 202 patients with knee OA and 180 healthy controls. Genomic DNA was isolated and IL-4 gene 70 bp VNTR polymorphism determined by using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with specific primers followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis.


Our result show that there was statistically significant difference between knee OA patients and control group with respect to IL-4 genotype distribution and allele frequencies (p = 0.000, OR: 0.20, 95% CI: 0.10–0.41, OR: 0.22, 95% CI: 0.12–0.42, respectively).


Our findings suggest that there is an association of IL-4 gene intron 3 VNTR polymorphism with susceptibility of a person for development of knee OA. As a result, IL-4 gene intron 3 VNTR polymorphism could be a genetic marker in OA in a Turkish study population. This is the first association study that evaluates the associations between IL-4 gene VNTR polymorphism and knee OA.  相似文献   

To investigate the association of endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene intron 4 (eNOS4) polymorphisms with nephrotic syndrome, the eNOS4 genotypes were assessed in 161 children with nephrotic syndrome in comparison with 78 healthy subjects. We classified the children with nephritic syndrome into 2 groups: as steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome (SSNS) (n = 125) and steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome (SRNS) (n = 36). The eNOS4 polymorphisms were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction. The frequencies of eNOS4 aa, ab and bb genotypes were 3%, 31%, and 66% in all the nephrotic syndrome groups, and 1%, 23%, and 76% in the control group (x2 = 2.87, p > 0.05). In addition, the frequencies of eNOS4 aa, ab and bb genotypes were 2%, 33%, and 65% in SSNS group, and 5%, 28%, and 67% in the SRNS group (x2 = 1.13, p = 0.567). The present study is the first to investigate eNOS4 gene polymorphisms in children with SSNS and SRNS. Our data show that the eNOS4 gene polymorphisms were not associated with the development, frequent relapse and response to steroid in nephritic syndrome.  相似文献   

The expression of the epitope detected by the monoclonal antibody Leu-5 and the rosette formation with sheep red blood cells was examined for the mononuclear cells of 25 primate species including human subject. The plot of rosette-forming cells against Leu-5-positive cells enabled us to classify these species into three large groups: hominoids--Old World monkeys (Leu-5-positive cells greater than or equal to rosette-forming cells), New World monkeys (Leu-5-positive cells less than rosette-forming cells), and prosimians (Leu-5-positive cells less than 5%, some of them with both Leu-5-positive cells and rosette-forming cells less than 5%).  相似文献   

Despite the well-documented relation between estradiol (E2) and behavior, exposure to stressors may modify sensitivity to E2. The effects of E2 on behavior are, in part, likely related to their modulation of the serotonin (5HT) and oxytocin systems. The short allele (s-variant) polymorphism found in the promoter region of the SLC6A4 gene that encodes the 5HT transporter (5HTT) modulates responsivity to stressors. The current study used ovariectomized adult female rhesus monkeys to evaluate how exposure to the psychosocial stressor of social subordination and polymorphisms in the gene encoding 5HTT influence the behavioral effects of E2 and immunoreactive serum oxytocin. Dominant females had higher levels of oxytocin than subordinate animals even though E2 increased immunoreactive serum oxytocin in all females. E2 increased affiliative behaviors in all animals, with even more of these prosocial behaviors directed at dominant females. S-variant females, regardless of social status, were more aggressive toward more subordinate cage mates and these behaviors too were increased by E2. Subordinate s-variant females are most often involved in agonistic behavior, less affiliative behavior, and were less responsive to the anxiolytic action of E2. The results show that the short allele of the 5HTT gene synergizes with psychosocial stress exposure to affect the behavioral efficacy of E2 while confirming the actions of E2 for producing generalized behavioral arousal in females. Whether differences in the central action of 5HT and/or oxytocin are responsible for this effect requires further study.  相似文献   

Pulmonary hypertension is a potentially lethal condition, which affects adults and children alike. Genetic factors are implicated in the causation of primary pulmonary hypertension. We investigate the role of polymorphism in the 5HTT gene in the etiology of pulmonary hypertension in children aged 1-18.8 years. We have tested the hypothesis that the 5HTT gene does contribute to the pathogenesis of this disease in children by comparing the allelic frequencies of both the long and short variants between children with idiopathic pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary hypertension secondary to underlying pulmonary disease. We found that homozygosity for the long variant of 5HTT was highly associated with idiopathic pulmonary hypertension in children, suggesting perhaps a more important role for 5HTT gene function in the pathogenesis of early onset disease.  相似文献   

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