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水仙花系我国十大名花之一,是我国人民喜爱的迎春花卉。它叶丛青翠,花形美丽,淡雅清香,置于案头、茶几,生气盎然。水仙花也叫凌波仙子、天葱、雅蒜,为石蒜科鳞茎花卉,常在大鳞茎两侧着生数枚小鳞茎,叶片扁平带状,花单从叶丛中抽出,一般每球抽花葶1-2支,生长健壮的大球,可抽花葶3-10支,伞形花序,着花5-7朵,花被基部联合成简状,裂片6枚,开放时平展如盘,常见栽培有两个品种,一个叫“金盏银台”,单瓣花,花被纯白色,平展汗放,副冠金黄色.浅杯状;另一个叫“玉玲成”,重瓣花,花瓣褶皱无林状副花冠。水仙花在室温15℃…  相似文献   

讲授初中《生物》第一册(上)第八章“植物体是一个整体”时,我用水仙花作为材料,指导学生进行栽培实验,观察“绿叶”与“红花”的生长,并理解两者之间的生长关系,教学效果比较明显。水仙属石蒜科植物。本地花木市场有售的水仙鳞茎——水仙球棋爱好者栽培、观赏水仙花。鳞茎内已有叶芽和花芽,鳞片叶中贮藏着大量的营养物质。栽培时,先将鳞片叶上部的1/3切去(勿伤其叶芽和花芽),然后浸入清水中2~3无,使其中的胶粘状物质(养料)浸出,并将其洗尽以减少贮存的营养物质。加工处理后的鳞茎,摆放在盛浅水的盆(碗冲,置于向阳窗台…  相似文献   

随着我国医疗体制改革的不断推进,医院面临着自身管理体系和管理方式的重要革新。在新形势下,如何保证医疗质量管理更加规范、管理体系更加完善是医院管理者普遍重视的问题。医疗质量是医疗技术和医疗服务的核心、是医院竞争力的实质、是医院发展的根本。医院医疗质量的水平直接影响着患者的受益程度,也影响着医院自身的声誉和效益。因此,加强医疗质量管理可以有效地保证患者的利益,提高医院竞争力,促进医院可持续发展。随着社会的发展、科技的进步、医学模式的转变及国防建设的需要,军队医院的职能和作用也发生了变化,其不仅为军人提供医疗服务,也为地方群众就医提供便利。军队医院的医疗质量管理直接关系着军人的健康保障,也影响着地方群众的治疗效果。本文通过分析军队医院医疗质量管理存在的问题提出相应的对策,部队医院医疗质量管理部门应与时俱进,顺应国家医药卫生体制改革的同时,着眼于未来发展,建立健全医疗质量管理体系,改进管理模式,从而提高医疗质量,创造更高的经济效益和社会效益,以实现科学的可持续发展。  相似文献   

综述近年来水仙花生物技术的研究进展,包括水仙花离体植株再生、相关基因克隆与遗传转化及其在快繁、脱毒、遗传改良、种质资源保存以及次生代谢物质生产等方面的应用,并探讨该领域存在的问题。  相似文献   

经人工接种分离纯化的水仙花叶病毒(NMV),以表现局斑的苋色藜叶片为提纯材料,经聚乙二醇(PEG600)沉淀、差速离心和蔗糖密度梯度离心提纯后,进行6次家兔免疫注射制备抗血清。结果表明注射后3周左右效价最高,经毛细管沉淀方法测定可达1:5,000。用琼脂双扩散方法将此NMV抗血清与来自荷兰的NMV抗血清进行比较,结果发现二者的抗体性相同。应用此法制成的NMV抗血清,以琼脂双扩散、ELISA方法分别对30份水仙组培脱毒试管苗样本进行带毒率检测。结果表明所测得的平均带毒率分别为33.3%和80.0%,并用IEM测定方法验证了ELISA结果的可靠性和准确性。  相似文献   

经人工接种分离纯化的水仙花叶病毒(NMV),以表现局斑的苋色藜叶片提纯材料,经聚乙二醇(PEG6000)沉淀、差速离心和蔗糖密度离心提纯后,进行6次家兔免疫注射制备抗血清。结果表明注射后3周左右效价最高,经毛细管沉淀方法测定了可达1:5,000。用琼脂扩散方法将此NMV抗血清与来自荷兰的NMV抗血清进行比较,结果发现二者的抗体性相同。应用此法制成的NMV抗血清,以琼脂双扩散、ELISA方法分别对30份水仙组培脱毒试管苗样本进行带毒率检测。结果表明所测得的平均带毒率分别为33.3×和80.0%,并用IEM测定方法验证了ELISA结果的可靠性和准确性。  相似文献   

城市绿地土壤质量是保障绿化植物健康生长的基础,也是保障绿地为城市及其居民提供健康生态系统服务和城市可持续发展的重要基础.目前在提升城市绿地土壤质量方面,主要关注了肥力质量和环境质量方面的问题,对健康质量方面的问题还较少关注.本文综述了土壤健康质量的概念、内涵及其评价指标,总结了城市绿地土壤健康质量所面临的主要问题和挑战...  相似文献   

通过种子萌发试验,研究常温和低温储藏方式及赤霉素、光照、温度等不同处理对滇海水仙花种子萌发的影响。结果表明,光照及清水浸泡处理有利于滇海水仙花种子的萌发;在光照条件下滇海水仙花种子萌发的最适温度为20 ℃,发芽率可达94%,温度的升高或降低均会降低种子发芽率;5 ℃低温储藏方式能较好保持滇海水仙花种子的活力,但贮藏时间不宜超过4个月,最好随采随播。  相似文献   

关于生物多样性信息系统的问题与建议 二、管理与对策   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
生物多样性信息系统包括信息系统技术(数据库、信息管理与展示、模型与专家系统等)和技术支撑系统(硬件、系统软件和网络设施等),信息系统技术是建设重点。为此在信息系统的规划、评价体系、数据源和信息系统队伍的建设等方面都需要有具体的可操作措施,以确保投资的效率与信息系统目标的实现。  相似文献   

Narcissus latent virus (NLV) is common in many cultivars of narcissus and bulbous iris, but was detected in only one of nineteen cultivars of nerine. It induced symptoms in some narcissus cultivars, but inconspicuous infection in bulbous iris and nerine. NLV was not seed-borne in narcissus or Nicotiana clevelandii but was transmitted readily by aphids (Acyrthosiphon pisum, Aphis gossypii and Myzus persicae) in the non-persistent manner and by sap-inoculation to twelve of fifty-three species from three of sixteen families. Sap from N. clevelandii was infective after dilution to io-3 but not io*, after 10 min at 65 but not 70 oC or after 3–4 days at 20 oC or 16–32 days at 2 oC. Purified virus preparations were obtained from infected N. clevelandii by clarification of buffered leaf extracts with diethyl ether and carbon tetrachloride, followed by one or two cycles of differential centrifugation and molecular permeation chromatography. NLV has filamentous particles c. i3times65onm which sediment as a single component (io20, w= 156S). They contain c. 5% nucleic acid and a single polypeptide of mol. wt 32·6 × 103. The biological and physical properties of NLV place it in the carlavirus group; it is serologically related to lily symptomless virus, but not to fourteen other authentic carlaviruses. NLV has the cryptogram */*:*/(5):E/E:S/Ve/Ap.  相似文献   

Notes on basal rot of narcissus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Control of basal rot of narcissus following hot-water treatment against eelworm was equally good when 0.5% formalin was included in the bath or was used as a cold or warm steep immediately afterwards. When the formalin steep was delayed control was less good. All methods of applying formalin in connexion with hot-water treatments used in these experiments were equally harmless to growth and flowering of the bulbs.  相似文献   

Three plots were planted with similar-sized narcissus bulbs: healthy; infected with narcissus mosaic virus (NMV); and infected with narcissus yellow stripe + tobacco rattle virus (NYSV+TRV). No effects of infection were observed on flower number, diameter, paracorolla length or flower dry weight, but the flower stalks were shorter in the infected plants. NMV-infected plants produced slightly blemished flowers, and 74% of the NYSV + TRV-infected flowers were of poor quality. Virus infection delayed leaf growth and loss of bulb dry weight early in the season and senescence in July. NYSV+TRV-infected plants were more affected than NMV-infected plants. However, maximum leaf area was similar for all plants. The maximum plant dry weight and the final weight of the bulb were not significantly affected by infection, but small differences, which could be cumulative in successive years would not have been detected. Differences in net assimilation rate, if any, were small.  相似文献   

黄眉姬鹟种组的鸣声差异   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张雁云  王宁  张洁  郑光美 《动物学报》2006,52(4):648-654
黄眉姬鹟种组包括白眉姬(Ficedulazanthopygia)和黄眉姬(F.narcissina)。对于该种组内有关类群的分类地位,不同的学者有不同的看法。本文对有分类争议种(亚种)的领域歌曲(录自48只雄鸟)进行了分析,从领域歌曲分化的角度探讨了各种(亚种)的分类地位。结果表明:白眉姬鹟领域歌曲中,句子的结构、单支歌曲的时间和频率特征与其他类群差异显著,为该种组中最独特的一个类群,鸣声的分化支持其为一个独立的种;羽色明显不同的黄眉姬elisae亚种和narcissina亚种,其领域歌曲的差异也非常显著,已经明显地形成2个独立进化的单元,黄眉姬elisae亚种应为一个独立的种———FicedulaelisaeWeigold,1922;羽色上差异明显的elisae的亚成体和成体的鸣唱非常相似,在各个主要特征上均无明显差异,表明亚成体在发声方面的发育已接近成鸟.  相似文献   

One of the main problems of bioelectromagnetics - the unbelievable narrow resonance peaks at the cyclotron frequency of the alternating magnetic field - was considered. Modern electrodynamics of condensed matter clearly brings out that the reason of this phenomenon is extremely low viscosity within coherence domains of aqueous electrolytic solutions. The electrochemical model of action of combined static and alternating magnetic fields on aqueous solutions of amino acids is proposed. The possibility of arising a succession of changes in ionic forms in these processes was revealed. The dipole ions (zwitterions) together with water molecules electrostatically forming joint groups in the solution, create favorable conditions for arising mixed coherence domains there. Simultaneously with evolution of the coherent processes in these domains, the amino acid zwitterions are transforming into the usual ionic form, fit for cyclotron resonance. The development of cyclotron resonance under action of combined magnetic fields increases the ion kinetic energy, and the ions leave the domains for the incoherent component of the solution according to Del Giudice pattern (Comisso et al., 2006; Del Giudice et al., 2002), creating the peak current through the solution. Then the ions are transforming little by little into zwitterionic form again; after that, the solution becomes ready to react on exposure of magnetic fields again. The possibilities for formation of coherence domains composed of water molecules together with peptide molecules or protein ones are discussed.  相似文献   

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