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Cytotoxic product(s), which are responsible for inducing the release of acetylcholinesterase-enriched vesicles from human erythrocytes and cell lysis, are generated when 1-saturated-2-polyunsaturated glycerophosphocholine was incubated with oxyhemoglobin (Itabe, H., Kobayashi, T. and Inoue, K. (1988) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 961, 13-21). To identify the products, a model compound, 1-O-octadecyl-2-linoleoylglycerophosphocholine was incubated with oxyhemoglobin. The oxidation products were isolated by both straight-phase and reverse-phase HPLC. The products, which were responsible for inducing erythrocyte membrane damage, were analyzed by secondary ion mass spectrometry and 1H-NMR. One of the cytotoxic products isolated was identified as 1-O-octadecyl-2-azelaoylglycerophosphocholine. Methyl esterification of the product confirmed the proposed structure.  相似文献   

Antioxidant action of Mn2+ on radical-mediated lipid peroxidation without added iron in microsomal lipid liposomes and on iron-supported lipid peroxidation in phospholipid liposomes or in microsomes was investigated. High concentrations of Mn2+ above 50 microM inhibited 2,2'-azobis (2-amidinopropane) (ABAP)-supported lipid peroxidation without added iron at the early stage, while upon prolonged incubation, malondialdehyde production was rather enhanced as compared with the control in the absence of Mn2+. However, in a lipid-soluble radical initiator, 2,2'-azobis (2,4-dimethyl-valeronitrile) (AMVN)-supported lipid peroxidation of methyl linoleate in methanol Mn2+ apparently did not scavenge lipid radicals and lipid peroxyl radicals, contrary to a previous report. At concentrations lower than 5 microM, Mn2+ competitively inhibited Fe(2+)-pyrophosphate-supported lipid peroxidation in liposomes consisting of phosphatidylcholine with arachidonic acid at the beta-position and phosphatidylserine dipalmitoyl, and reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)-supported lipid peroxidation in the presence of iron complex in microsomes. Iron reduction responsible for lipid peroxidation in microsomes was not influenced by Mn2+.  相似文献   

Co2+ inhibited nonenzymatic iron chelate-dependent lipid peroxidation in dispersed lipids, such as ascorbate-supported lipid peroxidation, but not iron-independent lipid peroxidation. Histidine partially abolished the Co2+ inhibition of the iron-dependent lipid peroxidation. The affinity of iron for phosphatidylcholine liposomes in Fe(2+)-PPi-supported systems was enhanced by the addition of an anionic lipid, phosphatidylserine, and Co2+ competitively inhibited the peroxidation, while the inhibiting ability of Co2+ as well as the peroxidizing ability of Fe(2+)-PPi on liposomes to which other phospholipids, phosphatidylethanolamine, or phosphatidylinositol had been added was reduced. Co2+ inhibited microsomal NADPH-supported lipid peroxidation monitored in terms of malondialdehyde production and the peroxidation monitored in terms of oxygen consumption. The inhibitory action of Co2+ was not associated with iron reduction or NADPH oxidation in microsomes, suggesting that Co2+ does not affect the microsomal electron transport system responsible for lipid peroxidation. Fe(2+)-PPi-supported peroxidation of microsomal lipid liposomes was markedly inhibited by Co2+.  相似文献   

Lipid peroxidation of membrane phospholipids can proceed both enzymatically via the mammalian 15-lipoxygenase-1 or the NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase system and non-enzymatically. In some cells, such as reticulocytes, this process is biologically programmed, whereas in the majority of biological systems lipid peroxidation is a deleterious process that has to be repaired via a deacylation-reacylation cycle of phospholipid metabolism. Several reports in the literature pinpoint a stimulation by lipid peroxidation of the activity of secretory phospholipase A(2)s (mainly pancreatic and snake venom enzymes) which was originally interpreted as a repair function. However, recent experiments from our laboratory have demonstrated that in mixtures of lipoxygenated and native phospholipids the former are not preferably cleaved by either secretory or cytosolic phospholipase A(2)s. We propose that the platelet activating factor (PAF) acetylhydrolases of type II, which cleave preferentially peroxidised or lipoxygenated phospholipids, are competent for the phospholipid repair, irrespective of their role in PAF metabolism. A corresponding role of Ca(2+)-independent phospholipase A(2), which has been proposed to be involved in phospholipid remodelling in biomembranes, has not been addressed so far. Direct and indirect 15-lipoxygenation of phospholipids in biomembranes modulates cell signalling by several ways. The stimulation of phospholipase A(2)-mediated arachidonic acid release may constitute an alternative route of the arachidonic acid cascade. Thus, 15-lipoxygenase-mediated oxygenation of membrane phospholipids and its interaction with phospholipase A(2)s may play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of diseases, such as bronchial asthma and atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Interaction of phospholipid membranes with poly(ethylene glycol)s   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1. The water-soluble polymer, poly(ethylene glycol), causes concentration-dependent increases in the temperature of the gel--liquid crystalline phase transitions of aqueous dispersions of dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine and of dipalmitoyl phosphatidylethanolamine. 2. For dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine it has been further demonstrated that poly(ethylene glycol) increases the transition enthalpy and entropy while decreasing the cooperativity of the transition. 3. These results are discussed in relation to the possible modes of action of poly(ethylene glycol) in promoting cell fusion.  相似文献   

The effect of calcium ions on the peroxidation of ox-brain phospholipid liposomes in different free-radical catalysing systems has been assessed. Using thiobarbituric acid-reactivity (TBA) as a measure of lipid peroxidation, calcium ions both inhibited and enhanced peroxidation in the different systems.Changing the composition of the ox-brain phospholipid liposome with synthetic non TBA-reactive phosphatidylcholine, significantly altered its susceptibility to peroxidation both in the presence and absence of calcium ions.The results are discussed with reference to the possibility that calcium ions induce conformational changes in membrane phospholipids. Susceptibility to peroxidation is then influenced by a complex interrelationship between the qualitative lipid composition of the membrane, the pro-oxidant catalyst and the presence of calcium or other active ions.  相似文献   

Hematin- and peroxide-catalyzed peroxidation of phospholipid liposomes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The effect of hydroperoxides on hematin-catalyzed initiation and propagation of lipid peroxidation was examined utilizing soybean phosphatidylcholine liposomes as model membranes. Polarographic and spectrophotometric methods revealed a bimodal pseudocatalytic activity for hematin. A slow initiation phase of peroxidation was observed in the presence of low peroxide concentrations, whereas a fast propagative phase was observed at higher peroxide levels. Peroxide levels were manipulated enzymatically by the combination of phospholipase A2 and lipoxidase or by the direct addition of linoleic acid hydroperoxide, cumene hydroperoxide, or hydrogen peroxide. In addition, the effect of two different techniques for liposome preparation, i.e., sonication and extrusion, were compared on the basis of peroxidation kinetics. High pressure liquid chromatography analysis showed that sonicated liposomes contained higher levels of endogenous peroxides than the extruded ones. These sonicated liposomes also exhibited more rapid peroxidation following hematin addition. Extruded liposomes were more resistant to hematin-catalyzed peroxidation but became better substrates when exogenous hydroperoxides were added. All three peroxides reacted with hematin during which decomposition of peroxide and irreversible oxidation of hematin took place. Spectral analysis of hematin indicated that a higher oxidation state of hematin iron may be transiently formed during reaction with hydroperoxides and accounts for the propagation of lipid peroxidation when reactions proceed in the presence of soybean phosphatidylcholine liposomes. Of the three peroxides studied, linoleic acid hydroperoxide was most efficient in supporting hematin-catalyzed lipid peroxidation. The relevance of our findings is discussed in terms of the concentration dependence for lipid peroxides in determining the rate and extent of radical propagation chain reactions catalyzed by heme-iron catalysts such as hematin. Variation of hematin and linoleic hydroperoxide concentrations may provide an efficient and reproducible method for inducing and manipulating the rates and extent of lipid peroxidation through facilitation of the propagative phase of lipid peroxidation. In addition, we address a problem inherent to in vitro studies of heme-catalyzed lipid peroxidation where preparations of peroxide-free membranes should be of concern.  相似文献   

All of the isobranched fatty acids of 12 to 18 carbons have been synthesized in gram quantities by a convenient acetylene coupling reaction followed by catalytic hydrogenation. The corresponding phosphatidylcholines (PCs) have been synthesized and their thermotropic phase behavior investigated by differential thermal analysis. The isobranched acyl phosphatidylcholines show gel-to-liquid-crystalline phase transition temperature (Tcs) some 20°C below those of the corresponding straight-chain PCs and appear to exhibit two slowly interconverting low-temperature phases below Tc. The observed strong alternation of Tcs between isobranched PCs with odd- and even-carbon number acyl chains contrasts with the behavior of the straight-chain PCs and suggests that the acyl chains of the branched-chain PCs are strongly tilted with respect to the bilayer normal below and/or above Tc while those of the straight-chain PCs are not. These results clearly indicate significant differences in the overall packing of branched-and straight-chain PCs in the gel and possibly the liquid-crystalline state.  相似文献   

Lipid peroxidation occurs in the context of many physiological processes but is greatly increased in various pathological situations. A consequence of phospholipid peroxidation is the generation of oxidation-specific epitopes, such as phosphocholine of oxidized phospholipids and malondialdehyde, which form neo-self determinants on dying cells and oxidized low-density lipoproteins. In this review we discuss evidence demonstrating that pattern recognition receptors of the innate immune system recognize oxidation-specific epitopes as endogenous damage-associated molecular patterns, allowing the host to identify dangerous biological waste. Oxidation-specific epitopes are important targets of both cellular and soluble pattern recognition receptors, including toll-like and scavenger receptors, C-reactive protein, complement factor H, and innate natural IgM antibodies. This recognition allows the innate immune system to mediate important physiological house keeping functions, for example by promoting the removal of dying cells and oxidized molecules. Once this system is malfunctional or overwhelmed the development of diseases, such as atherosclerosis and age-related macular degeneration is favored. Understanding the molecular components and mechanisms involved in this process, will help the identification of individuals with increased risk of developing chronic inflammation, and indicate novel points for therapeutic intervention. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Oxidized phospholipids-their properties and interactions with proteins.  相似文献   

A system, which contains NADPH, purified cytochrome P-450 reductase and adriamycin, produces H2O2, O-2 and adriamycin semiquinone radical with O2 consumption and NADPH oxidation. This system, however, does not promote a peroxidation cleavage of unsaturated phospholipid. On the other hand, ferric ion-ADP-adriamycin-co-ordination complex, which may convert to a perferryl ion-co-ordination complex by an intramolecular electron transfer mechanism in air, acts as a powerful initiator for lipid peroxidation. A similar perferryl ion-co-ordination complex could also be produced from ferric ion-ADP-adriamycin-co-ordination complex after reducing it by NADPH-dependent cytochrome P-450 reductase in air.  相似文献   

Multilamellar and unilamellar vesicles can be generated by a variety of techniques which lead to systems with differing lamellarity, size, trapped volume and solute distribution. The straight-forward hydration of lipid to produce multilamellar vesicles (MLVs) results in systems which exhibit low trapped volumes and where solutes contained in the aqueous buffer are partially excluded from the MLV interior. Large trapped volumes and equilibrium solute distributions can be achieved by freeze-thawing or by ‘reverse phase’ procedures where the lipid is hydrated after being solubilized in organic solvent. Unilamellar vesicles can be produced directly from MLVs by extrusion or sonication or, alternatively, can be obtained by reverse phase or detergent removal procedures. The advantages and limitations of these techniques are discussed.  相似文献   

Incubation of inner mitochondrial membranes from rat liver in the presence of inducers of peroxidation reactions, such as ascorbate or cysteine, produced a large loss in cytochrome oxidase activity parallel to the disappearance of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine molecular species, which contained a saturated and an unsaturated fatty acid. The loss in enzyme activity was unrelated to alterations in other species of these phospholipids or other ones. These results may reflect the existence of specific associations within the membrane between cytochrome oxidase and monosaturated phosphatidylcholines and/or phosphatidylethanolamines.  相似文献   

Lipid peroxidation is believed to play an important role in the pathogenesis of many diseases. Much research has therefore been devoted to peroxidation of different lipids in biomembranes and in model systems (liposomes) of different compositions. Yet, in spite of the relative simplicity of the liposomes, the existing literature is insufficient to reach definite conclusions regarding basic questions including the susceptibility of cholesterol to oxidation, its effect on the peroxidation of polyunsaturated phospholipids such as palmitoyllinoleoylphosphatidylcholine (PLPC) and how cholesterol influences the effect of water-soluble antioxidants such as urate on the peroxidation. The aim of the present study was to clarify these issues. Its major findings are that: (i) AAPH-induced peroxidation of cholesterol is slow and independent of the peroxidation of PLPC. In turn, AAPH-induced peroxidation of PLPC is not affected by cholesterol, independent of the presence of urate in the system. (ii) Cholesterol is not susceptible to copper-induced oxidation, but its inclusion in PLPC liposomes affects the peroxidation of PLPC, slowing down the initial stage of oxidation but promoting later stages. (iii) Addition of urate accelerates copper-induced peroxidation of PLPC in the absence of cholesterol, whereas in cholesterol-containing liposomes it inhibits PLPC oxidation. We attribute the complexity of the observed kinetics to the known cholesterol-induced rigidization of liquid crystalline bilayers.  相似文献   

Lipid peroxidation was intensified by tetrachloromethane in liver. Concentration of lipid peroxidation products was decreased after chitosan injections. It was shown that application of chitosan had a positive effect on the liver of mice intoxicated by tetrachloromethane.  相似文献   

Hypothermia–rewarming of the heart results in contractile dysfunction under in vitro as well as in vivo conditions. Increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS), lipid peroxidation and calcium overload are proposed mechanisms. In the first protocol of this study, the effect of putative phospholipase and calcium channel modulator mepacrine during deep hypothermia (4 h 14 °C) plus rewarming was tested in an isolated perfused rat heart model previously reported not to involve increase in lipid peroxides. Contractile function was measured under isovolumetric conditions using an intra-ventricular balloon connected to a transducer and recording system. Mepacrine completely reversed hypothermia–rewarming induced contractile failure in this model (LV dP/dtmax: 3236 ± 517 vs. 1058 ± 185 mm Hg/s in untreated hearts). In the second part of the study, lipid peroxidation of the heart was examined in vivo in anesthetized rats subjected to 4 h of deep hypothermia followed by rewarming. In this model recovery of heart function judged by cardiac output is decreased whereas blood pressure and heart rate recover fully. Peroxy conjugated diene isomers of unsaturated fatty acids were measured in heart phospholipids. The composition of the non-esterified fatty acids and the phospholipid fatty acid pool was examined in order to reveal signs of membrane remodeling. The results demonstrated no significant changes in phospholipid peroxidation after rewarming (91.07 ± 5.23 vs. 88.63 ± 7.73 nmol/g dry wt. in control). There was significant relative reduction in the content of arachidonic acid in the phospholipid fraction (29.55 ± 1.65 vs. 24.76 ± 1.48%). There was marked decrease in non-esterified fatty acids in myocardial tissue (1992 ± 291 vs. 1069 ± 189 nmol/g dry wt.), but a significant relative increase in arachidonic acid (20:4) in this fraction (3.46 ± 0.42 vs. 4.99 ± 0.30%). In conclusion, rewarming from deep hypothermia is not associated with increased phospholipid peroxidation. There is, however, a significant remodeling of the phospholipid fraction of myocardial lipids in vivo probably as a result of receptor or calcium stimulated phospholipase activity. Calcium or calcium stimulated phospholipase activity could contribute to posthypothermic contractile dysfunction.  相似文献   

Isoprostanes are a family of prostaglandin (PG) F and E isomers generated by free-radical attack from membrane bound arachidonic acid. We measured detectable levels of 8-iso-PGF(2alpha) in the perfusates of synaptosomes obtained from different areas of the rat brain cortex. A small but significant release of this isoprostane was found under basal conditions from all the areas explored; being lower in the dorsal cortex in respect to the frontal, parietal and occipital areas. Exposure of synaptosomes to a phospholipase A(2) activator, i.e. calcium-ionophore A23187, an oxidant agent, such as hydrogen peroxide or amyloid beta-peptide did not modify 8-iso-PGF(2alpha) release when these stimuli were applied separately. However, either hydrogen peroxide or amyloid beta-peptide increased 8-iso-PGF(2alpha) release in a dose-dependent manner, when given in the presence of the calcium-ionophore A23187. Synaptosome treatment with a non-selective cyclooxygenase inhibitor (fenoprofen) did not modify 8-iso-PGF(2alpha) release in any way, but treatment with a water soluble antioxidant (Trolox C) completely suppressed isoprostane release under basal conditions, as well as after the oxidant injury induced either by hydrogen peroxide or amyloid beta-peptide. We conclude that, in neuronal endings, 8-iso-PGF(2alpha) is generated under basal conditions and its formation may be increased in a dose-dependent fashion by oxidant stimuli through a cyclooxygenase-independent mechanism involving free radical-catalyzed oxidation of arachidonic acid on membrane phospholipids.  相似文献   

Protein(s) catalyzing the transfer of [3H]cholesteryl ester and [14C]-phosphatidylcholine from high density lipoproteins to low density lipoproteins have been purified 4829-fold from human plasma by chromatography of the d > 1.21 g/ml infranatant fraction of human plasma on phenyl-Sepharose, CM-cellulose, concanavalin A-Sepharose, and finally by isoelectric focussing. At each step of the purification, both transfer activities coelute. The purified protein(s), molecular weight 150,000, transfer cholesteryl esters and phosphatidylcholine with a 1:1 stoichiometry and at equal rates of flux. Rat plasma contains a protein(s) which facilitates the transfer of phosphatidylcholine as effectively as human plasma. However, the rat plasma protein(s) does not facilitate the transfer of cholesteryl esters. These results suggest that human plasma contains one or more proteins which transfer both lipids, possibly as a 1:1 complex, whereas rat plasma lacks the cholesteryl ester transfer protein.  相似文献   

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