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Previous work has shown that neurons in the medial geniculate body (MGB) of the echolocating bat, Myotis lucifugus, display response properties that are distinguishable from those of their afferents in the inferior colliculus (IC). Specifically, MGB neurons display phasic temporal discharge patterns, poor entrainment to trains of constant-amplitude sound pulses, and facilitated responses to amplitude-modulated trains of sound pulses (Llano and Feng 1999). In this study we used a modeling approach to examine the relative contributions of different known sources of inhibition on the temporal response properties of auditory thalamocortical neurons. We found that GABAA-mediated post-excitatory inhibition resulting from coactivation of thalamocortical neurons and local inhibitory interneurons (in a triadic arrangement) is sufficient to reproduce many of the temporal response properties of MGB neurons. Addition of long-duration GABAB-mediated inhibition gave the thalamocortical neuron temporal response characteristics that more closely resemble those seen in the experimental data. Neither recurrent inhibition from the thalamic reticular nucleus nor post-synaptic nonlinear mechanisms were necessary to reproduce the temporal transformations between the IC and MGB. This work suggests that feed-forward inhibitory circuitry, coupled with slow GABAB-mediated inhibition, can emulate temporal information processing at the MGB. The transformation taking place in the MGB can be used to extract salient features from complex, time-varying stimuli, such as echoes returning from moving prey. Received: 11 August 1999 / Accepted in revised form: 5 April 2000  相似文献   

查玉平  陈京元 《昆虫知识》2011,48(1):160-166
听觉对于昆虫的求偶、同种竞争、躲避天敌以及寄生昆虫寻找寄主等方面具有非常重要的作用。早年人们对昆虫听觉系统的形态学、生理学及行为学等方面进行了广泛研究。而近年来,研究人员对昆虫听觉分子机理开展了大量研究,对昆虫听觉相关基因包括Atonal(Ato)基因、Spalt(Sal)基因等十几种基因进行了结构分析和功能研究。本文综述了国内外昆虫听觉相关基因的研究进展。  相似文献   

After a century of study, mutations in connexin32, peripheral myelin protein22, and protein zero are now known to culminate in the prototypical phenotype of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. Many of these mutations have been modeled in rodents and in tissue culture. Consequently, structure-function predictions for these mutations are now possible and detailed analyses of many of them are ongoing. Despite the marked differences in the functions of these three proteins, it is profitable to consider the many similarities between them, including the types of mutational mechanisms and their effects on myelin structure and function. Accordingly, the biology and genetics of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease and other inherited peripheral neuropathies due to mutations in these proteins are reviewed.  相似文献   

Many animals produce pulse-like signals during acoustic communication. These signals exhibit structure on two time scales: they consist of trains of pulses that are often broadcast in packets—so called chirps. Temporal parameters of the pulse and of the chirp are decisive for female preference. Despite these signals being produced by animals from many different taxa (e.g. frogs, grasshoppers, crickets, bushcrickets, flies), a general framework for their evaluation is still lacking. We propose such a framework, based on a simple and physiologically plausible model. The model consists of feature detectors, whose time-varying output is averaged over the signal and then linearly combined to yield the behavioral preference. We fitted this model to large data sets collected in two species of crickets and found that Gabor filters—known from visual and auditory physiology—explain the preference functions in these two species very well. We further explored the properties of Gabor filters and found a systematic relationship between parameters of the filters and the shape of preference functions. Although these Gabor filters were relatively short, they were also able to explain aspects of the preference for signal parameters on the longer time scale due to the integration step in our model. Our framework explains a wide range of phenomena associated with female preference for a widespread class of signals in an intuitive and physiologically plausible fashion. This approach thus constitutes a valuable tool to understand the functioning and evolution of communication systems in many species.  相似文献   

1. The central projections of the A1 afferent were confirmed via intracellular recording and staining with Lucifer Yellow in the pterothoracic ganglion of the noctuid moths, Agrotis infusa and Apamea amputatrix (Fig. 1). Simultaneous recordings of the A1 afferent in the tympanal nerve (extracellularly) and in the pterothoracic ganglion (intracellularly) confirm the identity of the stained receptor as being the A1 cell. 2. The major postsynaptic arborizations of interneurone 501 in the pterothoracic ganglion were also demonstrated via intracellular recording and staining (Fig. 2). Simultaneous recordings of the A1 afferent (extracellularly) and neurone 501 (intracellularly) revealed that each A1 spike evokes a constant short latency EPSP in the interneurone (Fig. 2Bi). Neurone 501 receives only monaural input from the A1 afferent on its soma side as demonstrated by electrical stimulation of each afferent nerve (Fig. 2Bii). EPSPs evoked in neurone 501 by high frequency (100 Hz) electrical stimulation of the afferent nerve did not decrement (Fig. 2Biii). These data are consistent with a monosynaptic input to neurone 501 from the A1 afferent. 3. The response of neurone 501 to a sound stimulus presented at an intensity near the upper limit of its linear response range (30 ms, 16 kHz, 80 dB SPL) was a plateau-like depolarization, with tonic spiking activity which continued beyond the end of the tone. The instantaneous spike frequency of the response was as high as 800 Hz, and was maintained at above 600 Hz for the duration of the tone (Fig. 3). 4. The relationship between the instantaneous spike frequency in the A1 afferent and that recorded simultaneously in neurone 501 is linear over the entire range of A1 spike frequencies evoked by white noise sound stimuli (Fig. 4). Similarly, the relationship between instantaneous spike frequency in the A1 afferent and the mean depolarization evoked in neurone 501 is also linear for all A1 spike frequencies tested (Fig. 5). No summation of EPSPs occurred for A1 spike frequencies below 100 Hz.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The past year has seen significant advances in our understanding of the structural (circuitry and chemistry of synaptic connections) and functional characteristics of the auditory brainstem. Some of the findings that shed light on the mechanisms underlying complex auditory information processing are highlighted.  相似文献   

听觉皮层信号处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王晓勤 《生命科学》2009,(2):216-221
听觉系统和视觉系统的不同之处在于:听觉系统在外周感受器和听皮层间具有更长的皮层下通路和更多的突触联系。该特殊结构反应了听觉系统从复杂听觉环境中提取与行为相关信号的机制与其他感觉系统不同。听皮层神经信号处理包括两种重要的转换机制,声音信号的非同构转换以及从声音感受到知觉层面的转换。听觉皮层神经编码机制同时也受到听觉反馈和语言或发声过程中发声信号的调控。听觉神经科学家和生物医学工程师所面临的挑战便是如何去理解大脑中这些转换的编码机制。我将会用我实验室最近的一些发现来阐述听觉信号是如何在原听皮层中进行处理的,并讨论其对于言语和音乐在大脑中的处理机制以及设计神经替代装置诸如电子耳蜗的意义。我们使用了结合神经电生理技术和量化工程学的方法来研究这些问题。  相似文献   

The caudomedial nidopallium (NCM) of songbirds is a telencephalic area involved in the auditory processing and memorization of complex vocal communication signals. We used pure tone stimuli and multiunit electrophysiological recordings in awake birds to investigate whether the basic properties of song-responding circuits in NCM differ between canaries and zebra finches, two species whose songs are markedly different in their spectral and temporal organization. We found that the responses in zebra finch NCM are characterized by broad tuning and sustained responses that may facilitate the integration of zebra finch song syllables and call notes that are of long duration and have a broad harmonic structure. In contrast, we found that the responses in canary NCM show narrower tuning and less sustained responses over the time periods analyzed. These characteristics may contribute to enhanced processing of the narrow-band whistles, rapid trills, and steep frequency modulations that are prominent features of canary song. These species differences are much less pronounced in field L2, the direct thalamorecipient region that represents a preceding station in the central avian auditory pathway. NCM responses did not differ across sexes of either species, but field L2 did show wider tuning in zebra finch females relative to males. In sum, species differences in the response properties of NCM likely reflect selectivity for the acoustic elements of each species' vocal repertoire.  相似文献   

The complicated response characteristics of the identified nonspiking interneuron type E4 upon elongation stimuli to the femoral chordotonal organ (fCO) can be obtained by a computer simulation using the neuronal network simulator BioSim, if the following assumptions were introduced: (1) The interneurons receive direct excitatory input from position- and velocity-sensitive fCO afferents but also, in parallel delayed inhibition from the same velocity-sensitive afferents. (2) Position-sensitive afferents in part show adaptation with a rather long time-constant. A subsequent experimental analysis demonstrated that all these assumptions fit the reality: (1) Interneurons of type E4 receive direct excitatory input from fCO afferents. (2) Interneurons of type E4 are affected by velocity dependent delayed inhibitory inputs from the fCO. (3) The fCO does contain adapting position-sensitive sensory neurons, which have not been described before. The described principle of the information processing is also able to generate the response in interneurons of type E6 with less steep amplitude-velocity characteristic due to a different weighting of the direct excitation and delayed inhibition.Abbreviations EPSP excitatory postsynaptic potential - FETi fast extensor tibiae motor neuron - fCO femoral chordotonal organ - FT-control loop femur-tibia control loop - IPSP inhibitory postsynaptic potential - SETi slow extensor tibiae motor neuron  相似文献   

杨曦  陈鹏  蒋霞  潘敏慧  鲁成 《昆虫学报》2021,64(2):250-258
Notch 信号通路由 Notch 受体、Notch 配体(DSL 蛋白)、CSL[C promoter binding factor-1(CBF1),Suppressor of hairless(Su(H)),Lag-1]转录因子、其他效应子和Notch调节分子构成,在动物组织的发育和器官的细胞命运决定中起着基础性的...  相似文献   

Insects and vertebrates separately evolved remarkably similar mechanisms to process olfactory information. Odors are sampled by huge numbers of receptor neurons, which converge type-wise upon a much smaller number of principal neurons within glomeruli. There, odor information is transformed by inhibitory interneuron-mediated, cross-glomerular circuit interactions that impose slow temporal structures and fast oscillations onto the firing patterns of principal neurons. The transformations appear to improve signal-to-noise characteristics, define odor categories, achieve precise odor identification, extract invariant features, and begin the process of sparsening the neural representations of odors for efficient discrimination, memorization, and recognition.  相似文献   

Processing of EGF-family ligands is an essential step in triggering the EGF receptor pathway, which fulfills a diverse set of roles during development and tissue maintenance. We describe a mechanism of ligand processing which is unique to insects, and possibly to other invertebrates. This mechanism relies on ligand precursor trafficking from the ER by a chaperone, Star (S), and precursor cleavage by Rhomboids, a family of intra-membrane protease. Remarkably, the ability of Rhomboids to cleave S as well, endows the pathway with additional diversity. Rhomboid isoforms which also reside in the ER inactivate the chaperone before any ligand was trafficked, thus significantly reducing the level of ligand that will eventually be processed and secreted. ER localization also serves as a critical feature in trafficking the entire ligand-processing machinery to axonal termini, as the ER extends throughout the axon. Finally, examination of diverse species of insects demonstrates the evolution of chaperone cleavability, indicating that the primordial processing machinery could support long-range signaling by the ligand. Altering the intracellular localization of critical components of a conserved signaling cassette therefore provides an evolutionary mechanism for modulation of signaling levels, and diversification of the biological settings where the pathway functions.  相似文献   

A model of the peripheral auditory system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Recent electrophysiological data obtained from auditory nerve fibers of cats have made possible the formulation of a model of the peripheral auditory system that relates the all-or-none activity of these fibers to acoustic stimulation. The components of the model are intended to represent the major functional components of the peripheral system. These components are: (i) a linear mechanical system intended to represent the outer, middle, and mechanical parts of the inner ear; (ii) a transducer intended to represent the action of the sensory cells; and (iii) a model neuron whose properties are intended to represent the nerve excitation process. A general-purpose digital computer has been used to determine the response of the model to a variety of acoustic stimuli. These results have been compared with data obtained from auditory nerve fibers.This work was supported in part by the Joint Services Electronics Program (Contract DA 36-039-AMC-03200(E); and in part by the National Science Foundation (Grant GP-2495), the National Institutes of Health (Grant MH-04737-05), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Grant NsG-496); and by Research Grant NB-01344, National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness of the National Institutes of Health, Public Health Service.  相似文献   

Reduction of information redundancy in the ascending auditory pathway   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Information processing by a sensory system is reflected in the changes in stimulus representation along its successive processing stages. We measured information content and stimulus-induced redundancy in the neural responses to a set of natural sounds in three successive stations of the auditory pathway-inferior colliculus (IC), auditory thalamus (MGB), and primary auditory cortex (A1). Information about stimulus identity was somewhat reduced in single A1 and MGB neurons relative to single IC neurons, when information is measured using spike counts, latency, or temporal spiking patterns. However, most of this difference was due to differences in firing rates. On the other hand, IC neurons were substantially more redundant than A1 and MGB neurons. IC redundancy was largely related to frequency selectivity. Redundancy reduction may be a generic organization principle of neural systems, allowing for easier readout of the identity of complex stimuli in A1 relative to IC.  相似文献   

Koelsch S  Sammler D 《PloS one》2008,3(7):e2650


Music-syntactic irregularities often co-occur with the processing of physical irregularities. In this study we constructed chord-sequences such that perceived differences in the cognitive processing between regular and irregular chords could not be due to the sensory processing of acoustic factors like pitch repetition or pitch commonality (the major component of ‘sensory dissonance’).

Methodology/Principal Findings

Two groups of subjects (musicians and nonmusicians) were investigated with electroencephalography (EEG). Irregular chords elicited an early right anterior negativity (ERAN) in the event-related brain potentials (ERPs). The ERAN had a latency of around 180 ms after the onset of the music-syntactically irregular chords, and had maximum amplitude values over right anterior electrode sites.


Because irregular chords were hardly detectable based on acoustical factors (such as pitch repetition and sensory dissonance), this ERAN effect reflects for the most part cognitive (not sensory) components of regularity-based, music-syntactic processing. Our study represents a methodological advance compared to previous ERP-studies investigating the neural processing of music-syntactically irregular chords.  相似文献   

Neural processing of auditory looming in the human brain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Acoustic intensity change, along with interaural, spectral, and reverberation information, is an important cue for the perception of auditory motion. Approaching sound sources produce increases in intensity, and receding sound sources produce corresponding decreases. Human listeners typically overestimate increasing compared to equivalent decreasing sound intensity and underestimate the time to contact of approaching sound sources. These characteristics could provide a selective advantage by increasing the margin of safety for response to looming objects. Here, we used dynamic intensity and functional magnetic resonance imaging to examine the neural underpinnings of the perceptual priority for rising intensity. We found that, consistent with activation by horizontal and vertical auditory apparent motion paradigms, rising and falling intensity activated the right temporal plane more than constant intensity. Rising compared to falling intensity activated a distributed neural network subserving space recognition, auditory motion perception, and attention and comprising the superior temporal sulci and the middle temporal gyri, the right temporoparietal junction, the right motor and premotor cortices, the left cerebellar cortex, and a circumscribed region in the midbrain. This anisotropic processing of acoustic intensity change may reflect the salience of rising intensity produced by looming sources in natural environments.  相似文献   

This work examines the computational architecture used by the brain during the analysis of the spectral envelope of sounds, an important acoustic feature for defining auditory objects. Dynamic causal modelling and Bayesian model selection were used to evaluate a family of 16 network models explaining functional magnetic resonance imaging responses in the right temporal lobe during spectral envelope analysis. The models encode different hypotheses about the effective connectivity between Heschl's Gyrus (HG), containing the primary auditory cortex, planum temporale (PT), and superior temporal sulcus (STS), and the modulation of that coupling during spectral envelope analysis. In particular, we aimed to determine whether information processing during spectral envelope analysis takes place in a serial or parallel fashion. The analysis provides strong support for a serial architecture with connections from HG to PT and from PT to STS and an increase of the HG to PT connection during spectral envelope analysis. The work supports a computational model of auditory object processing, based on the abstraction of spectro-temporal “templates” in the PT before further analysis of the abstracted form in anterior temporal lobe areas.  相似文献   

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