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天冬氨酸特异性的半胱氨酸蛋白酶(caspase)家族是执行细胞凋亡的主要酶类,对caspase结构及生物学功能的研究有助于更深入的研究细胞凋亡的分子机制。Caspase具有高度保守性,它们具有相似的氨基酸序列、结构和底物特异性。且具有QACRG的五肽活性位点,该活性位点是caspase家族的典型结构。昆虫caspase在caspase依赖型的细胞凋亡中起关键作用,文章介绍和评述昆虫中已经分离、鉴定的caspase及其功能。  相似文献   

The precise, regional execution of programmed cell death is required for the proper patterning and sculpting of the embryonic primordium during animal development. In addition, cell death that is not directly involved in sculpting is also widely observed. The most abundant morphological form of programmed cell death in developing animals is apoptosis, and identification of the apoptotic genetic pathways has enabled the study of apoptosis' regulation and roles during development. Genetic and bio-imaging studies have permitted the study of the active roles of cell death in development and organismal homeostasis.  相似文献   

调亡过程中关键参与者是caspase家族的多种成员,它们在凋亡过程中要受到严格调控。凋亡抑制蛋白IAP通过抑制caspase的活性从而参与对凋亡的调控,所以IAP的结构特征及其调控机制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Signal transduction and the regulation of apoptosis: roles of ceramide   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Knowledge about the molecular regulators of apoptosis is rapidly expanding. Cell death signals emanating from death receptors or internal cell injury detectors launch a number of signaling pathways which converge on several key families of proteins including specialized proteases and endonucleases which play a critical role in the execution of the death order. In this review, we summarize recent discoveries relating to the signaling pathways involved, the death receptors, the caspase family of apoptotic proteases, Bcl-2 family members, the sphingolipid ceramide, and the tumor suppressor p53. In particular, we focus on the role played by ceramide as a coordinator of the stress response and as a candidate biostat in the detection of cell injury.  相似文献   

Many developing tissues require programmed cell death (PCD) for proper formation. In mice and C. elegans, developmental PCD is regulated by the Bcl-2 family of proteins. Two bcl-2 genes are encoded in the Drosophila genome (debcl/dBorg1/Drob-1/dBok and buffy/dBorg2) and previous RNAi-based studies suggested a requirement for these in embryonic development. However, we report here that, despite the fact that many tissues in fruit flies are shaped by PCD, deletion of the bcl-2 genes does not perturb normal development. We investigated whether the fly bcl-2 genes regulate non-apoptotic processes that require caspases, but found these to be bcl-2 gene-independent. However, irradiation of the mutants demonstrates that DNA damage-induced apoptosis, mediated by Reaper, is blocked by buffy and that debcl is required to inhibit buffy. Our results demonstrate that developmental PCD regulation in the fly does not rely upon the Bcl-2 proteins, but that they provide an added layer of protection in the apoptotic response to stress.  相似文献   

Caspases, cysteine proteases with aspartate specificity, are key players in programmed cell death across the metazoan lineage. Hundreds of apoptotic caspase substrates have been identified in human cells. Some have been extensively characterized, revealing key functional nodes for apoptosis signaling and important drug targets in cancer. But the functional significance of most cuts remains mysterious. We set out to better understand the importance of caspase cleavage specificity in apoptosis by asking which cleavage events are conserved across metazoan model species. Using N-terminal labeling followed by mass spectrometry, we identified 257 caspase cleavage sites in mouse, 130 in Drosophila, and 50 in Caenorhabditis elegans. The large majority of the caspase cut sites identified in mouse proteins were found conserved in human orthologs. However, while many of the same proteins targeted in the more distantly related species were cleaved in human orthologs, the exact sites were often different. Furthermore, similar functional pathways are targeted by caspases in all four species. Our data suggest a model for the evolution of apoptotic caspase specificity that highlights the hierarchical importance of functional pathways over specific proteins, and proteins over their specific cleavage site motifs.  相似文献   

顾世红  陈建国 《昆虫知识》2009,46(4):501-508
胰岛素及其信号转导的探讨为当代生物学一大热点,研究显示:从线虫到果蝇、小鼠及其人类其胰岛素信号转导路径十分类似。昆虫胰岛素的研究开始于家蚕,在20世纪80年代,日本学者在分离家蚕促前胸腺激素(prothoracictropic hormone,简称PTTH)时,发现所纯化的为一称为家蚕素的神经激素,该激素之氨基酸排列顺序与高等动物体内的胰岛素部分相似,但是家蚕素的生理功能至今仍不是很清楚。而果蝇的分子遗传学研究则显示,胰岛素及其信号转导调控果蝇的生长、发育、寿命等许许多多的生理现象。专一性地改变果蝇前胸腺之胰岛素信号转导,会严重影响幼虫的蜕皮与变态。而作者利用家蚕所进行的研究更显示,将牛的胰岛素注射于家蚕幼虫体内可显着提高其蜕皮激素的分泌,离体培养前胸腺时加入牛胰岛素也可直接增加其激素的分泌,牛胰岛素可直接活化家蚕前胸腺细胞之胰岛素受体及信号分子Akt的磷酸化。另外,从线虫、果蝇到小鼠胰岛素及其信号转导突变体的研究结果显示了胰岛素信号转导调控寿命的重要性。利用猴子及人所进行的研究结果显示,低卡路里摄取之所以会延长寿命是因为卡路里的摄取与胰岛素信号转导的变化有关。因此,不同物种利用相同的胰岛素信号转导通路调控发育及老化机制,该发现大大鼓舞了科学家们利用低等的生物来研究复杂的生命现象。  相似文献   

Caspases and apoptosis in fish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Apoptosis has a vital impact on the development and homeostasis of all multicellular organisms. Hence, all metazoan species seem to possess the necessary components of the apoptotic machinery, but in general, their numbers and complexity have increased during evolution. The key apoptotic factors are a cascade of cysteine proteases known as caspases. The fish homologous of almost all the mammalian caspases have also been identified, but several fish-specific caspases with putative distinct functions have also been reported. Despite these differences, the extrinsic and intrinsic pathways have been remarkably well conserved throughout 500 million years of vertebrate evolution. Here, the authors review what is currently known about fish caspases and apoptosis and demonstrate the huge amount of sequence information available from a range of fish species by screening Atlantic salmon genome databases for apoptotic homologous.  相似文献   

The duration of Drosophila melanogaster larval and pupal periods was measured in laboratory thermal lines and in populations collected along a latitudinal transect in eastern Australia. In replicated laboratory lines kept for 9 years at 16.5° C or 25° C the duration of larval development had continued to diverge compared with 4 and 5 years previously, with more rapid larval development, and hence reduced total duration of pre-adult development, in the low temperature lines at both experimental temperatures. After 4 years of separate evolution, lines derived from the 25° C lines and subsequently cultured at 29° C showed no evidence of significant divergence in the duration of any part of the pre-adult period. The geographic populations showed a decrease in the duration of larval development, and hence of the total pre-adult period, with increasing latitude. In both laboratory and field populations, evolution at lower temperature was associated with more rapid larval development to a larger adult body size, the opposite genetic correlation between these traits to that found within a single temperature. The indications are that lower temperatures may be permissive of more efficient growth in D. melanogaster. It will be important to discover if evolution in response to temperature induces similar correlations in other ectotherms.  相似文献   

Tumours evolve several mechanisms to evade apoptosis, yet many resected carcinomas show significantly elevated caspase activity. Moreover, caspase activity is positively correlated with tumour aggression and adverse patient outcome. These observations indicate that caspases might have a functional role in promoting tumour invasion and metastasis. Using a Drosophila model of invasion, we show that precise effector caspase activity drives cell invasion without initiating apoptosis. Affected cells express the matrix metalloprotinase Mmp1 and invade by activating Jnk. Our results link Jnk and effector caspase signalling during the invasive process and suggest that tumours under apoptotic stresses from treatment, immune surveillance or intrinsic signals might be induced further along the metastatic cascade.  相似文献   

Inhibitor of apoptosis proteins and apoptosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Apoptosis is a physiological cell death process that plays a critical role in development, homeostasis, and immune defense of multicellular animals. Inhibitor of apoptosis proteins (IAPs) constitute a family of proteins that possess between one and three baculovirus IAP repeats. Some of them also have a really interesting new gene finger domain, and can prevent cell death by binding and inhibiting active caspases, but are regulated by IAP antagonists. Some evidence also indicates that IAP can modulate the cell cycle and signal transduction. The three main factors, IAPs, IAP antagonists, and caspases, are involved in regulating the progress of apoptosis in many species. Many studies and assumptions have been focused on the anfractuous interactions between these three main factors to explore their real functional model in order to develop potential anticancer drugs. In this review, we describe the classification, molecular structures, and properties of IAPs and discuss the mechanisms of apoptosis. We also discuss the promising significance of clinical applications of IAPs in the diagnosis and treatment of malignancy.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which membrane-bound Bcl-2 inhibits the activation of cytoplasmic procaspases is unknown. Here we characterize an intracellular, membrane-associated form of procaspase-3 whose activation is controlled by Bcl-2. Heavy membranes isolated from control cells contained a spontaneously activatable caspase-3 zymogen. In contrast, in Bcl-2 overexpressing cells, although the caspase-3 zymogen was still associated with heavy membranes, its spontaneous activation was blocked. However, Bcl-2 expression had little effect on the levels of cytoplasmic caspase activity in unstimulated cells. Furthermore, the membrane-associated caspase-3 differed from cytosolic caspase-3 in its responsiveness to activation by exogenous cytochrome c. Our results demonstrate that intracellular membranes can generate active caspase-3 by a Bcl-2-inhibitable mechanism, and that control of caspase activation in membranes is distinct from that observed in the cytoplasm. These data suggest that Bcl-2 may control cytoplasmic events in part by blocking the activation of membrane-associated procaspases.  相似文献   

Inappropriate apoptosis results in the epidermal hyperplasia as in psoriasis and UVB irradiation has been successfully used to treat this kind of skin disorders. Previously, we reported that the novel phytosphingosine derivative, tetraacetyl phytosphingosine (TAPS) induced apoptosis in HaCaT cells. This study examined the effect of UVB irradiation and/or TAPS on the induction of apoptosis in HaCaT. 10 mJ/cm2 of UVB irradiation or 10 microM of TAPS alone exhibited weak cytotoxicity but co-treatment of UVB and TAPS synergistically enhanced the cytotoxicity and apoptosis in HaCaT. The cells treated with UVB and TAPS showed much higher levels of cleaved caspase-3, -8, -9 and Bax than with UVB or TAPS alone, whereas Bcl-2 level was decreased by co-administration of UVB and TAPS. In hairless mice, co-treatment of UVB and TAPS synergistically increased apoptosis, as shown in the HaCaT co-treated with UVB and TAPS. Furthermore, UVB irradiation caused an increase of apoptotic cells in the epidermis and the TAPS-treated mice showed an increase of apoptotic cells in the dermis as well as in the epidermis. These results suggest that the TAPS co-treatment synergistically increases the level of UVB-induced apoptosis via caspase activation by regulating the level of pro-apoptotic Bax and anti-apoptotic Bcl-2.  相似文献   

Caspase family proteases and apoptosis   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, is an essential physiological process that plays a critical role in development and tissue homeostasis. The progress of apoptosis is regulated in an orderly way by a series of signal cascades under certain circumstances. The caspase-cascade system plays vital roles in the induction, transduction and amplification of intracellular apoptotic signals. Caspases, closely associated with apoptosis, are aspartate-specific cysteine proteases and members of the interleukin- 1 ~-converting enzyme family. The activation and function of caspases, involved in the delicate caspase-cascade system, are regu- lated by various kinds of molecules, such as the inhibitor of apoptosis protein, Bcl-2 family proteins, calpain, and Ca^2+. Based on the latest research, the members of the caspase family, caspase-cascade system and caspase-regulating molecules involved in apoptosis are reviewed.  相似文献   

刘影  刘韩菡  李胜 《昆虫知识》2009,46(5):673-677
程序化细胞死亡(programmed cell death,PCD)分为I型PCD细胞凋亡(apoptosis)和II型PCD细胞自噬(autophagy)。果蝇等完全变态昆虫有2种类型的器官:即细胞内分裂器官(如脂肪体、表皮、唾液腺、中肠、马氏管等)和有丝分裂器官(复眼、翅膀、足、神经系统等)。在昆虫变态过程中,细胞内分裂器官进行器官重建,幼虫器官大量发生细胞凋亡和细胞自噬到最后完全消亡,同时成虫器官由干细胞从新生成;而有丝分裂器官则由幼虫器官直接发育为成虫器官。在果蝇等昆虫的变态过程中,细胞凋亡和细胞自噬在幼虫器官的死亡和成虫器官的生成中发挥了非常重要的作用。文章简要介绍细胞凋亡和细胞自噬在果蝇变态过程中的生理功能和分子调控机制。  相似文献   

Formerly, the mechanisms responsible for the killing of cells by ionizing radiation were regarded as being divided into two distinct forms, interphase death and reproductive death. Since they were defined based on the classical radiobiological concepts using a clonogenic cell survival assay, biochemical and molecular biological mechanisms involved in the induction of radiation-induced cell death were not fully understood in relation to the modes of cell death. Recent multidisciplinary approaches to cell death mechanism have revealed that radiation-induced cell death is divided into several distinct pathways by the time course and cell-cycle position, and that apoptotic cell death plays a key role in almost every mode of cell death. This review discusses the mechanisms of radiation-induced apoptosis in relation to cellcycle progression and highlights a new concept of the mode of cell death: 'premitotic apoptosis' and 'postmitotic apoptosis'. The former is a rapid apoptotic cell death associated with a prompt activation of caspase-3, a key enzyme of intracellular signaling of apoptosis. Arapid execution of cell killing in premitotic apoptosis is presumably due to the prompt activation of a set of pre-existed molecules following DNA damages. In contrast, the latter is a delayed apoptotic cell death after cell division, and unlike premitotic apoptosis, it neither requires a rapid activation of caspase-3 nor is inhibited by a specific inhibitor, Ac-DEVD-CHO. A downregulation of anti-apoptotic genes such as MAPK and Bcl-2 may play a key role in this mode of cell death. Characterization of these two types of apoptotic cell death regarding the cell cycle regulation and intrcellular signaling will greatly help to understand the mechanisms of radiation-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

姚云  林欣大  王博 《昆虫学报》2015,58(7):699-705
【目的】已有研究表明,食用了饲喂以沙丁胺醇为主要成分的瘦肉精的动物肉类后,瘦肉精成分会在人体内富集,摄入过量沙丁胺醇会对生物体造成不良影响,但是,其具体毒性作用机理目前尚不明确。作为一种模式生物,黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster与哺乳动物的基因具有较高的同源性,且具有繁殖周期短、方便进行遗传操作等优势。因此,我们通过研究过量沙丁胺醇对黑腹果蝇基因组稳定性、细胞凋亡和蛋白表达的影响,来探究它对生物体毒性作用的机理。【方法】将野生型黑腹果蝇3龄幼虫用含沙丁胺醇(120 μg/mL)的饲料饲喂2 h后,对幼虫翅成虫盘进行H2Av抗体免疫染色。选取rpr-lacZ转基因黑腹果蝇1龄幼虫用含沙丁胺醇(40 和120 μg/mL)的饲料饲喂,对幼虫翅成虫盘进行lacZ活性测定。提取沙丁胺醇处理后的野生型3龄幼虫总蛋白,采用SDS-PAGE比较对照组和实验组蛋白表达的差异,并通过质谱分析差异蛋白的氨基酸序列。【结果】沙丁胺醇处理后,经免疫荧光染色发现野生型黑腹果蝇幼虫翅成虫盘部分细胞中组蛋白H2Av的量有显著增加。随着沙丁胺醇浓度的增加,转rpr-lacZ报告基因黑腹果蝇成虫盘细胞lacZ活性增强。采用SDS-PAGE和质谱分析表明,沙丁胺醇处理后黑腹果蝇肌动蛋白(Actin-87E)和异柠檬酸脱氢酶表达量上升。【结论】沙丁胺醇处理会引起黑腹果蝇细胞核DNA损伤,对基因稳定性有显著影响,并且会促进细胞凋亡和蛋白表达的改变。沙丁胺醇可能通过促进肌肉收缩和加速生物体能量代谢这两方面来减少脂肪积蓄。  相似文献   

Caspases: potential targets for regulating cell death   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
While in multicellular organisms all cells inexorably die, there are several different ways provided for the realization of cell death. One of them, apoptosis, represents a universal energy-dependent and tightly regulated physiologic process of cell death in both normal and pathologic tissues. The execution of apoptosis appears to be uniformly mediated through consecutive activation of the members of a caspase family. This review briefly summarizes current knowledge on the molecular mechanisms of caspase activation and the inhibitory components of caspase cascades. The suitability of caspases as a new potential therapeutic target is discussed next. Particular attention is focused on two broad categories of caspase-directed compounds: highly specific caspase inhibitors that distinctly block the progress of apoptosis and caspase activators that selectively induce cell death in a variety of in vitro and in vivo systems. These agents promise to be useful clinically, either alone or in combination with more conventional therapeutics.  相似文献   

Bacterial infection induces apoptotic cell death in human monoblastic U937 cells that have been pretreated with interferon gamma (U937IFN). Apoptosis occurs in a manner that is independent of bacterial virulence proteins. In the present study, we show that lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a membrane constituent of gram-negative bacteria, also induces apoptosis in U937IFN cells. LPS treatment led to the appearance of characteristic markers of apoptosis such as nuclear fragmentation and activation of caspases. While the caspase inhibitor Z-VAD-fmk prevented LPS-induced apoptosis as judged by its inhibition of nuclear fragmentation, it failed to inhibit cytochrome c release and loss of mitochondrial membrane potential. Transfection of peptides containing the BH4 (Bcl-2 homology 4) domain derived from the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-XL blocked LPS-induced nuclear fragmentation and the limited digestion of PARP. These results suggest that LPS does not require caspase activation to induce mitochondrial dysfunction and that mitochondria play a crucial role in the regulation of LPS-mediated apoptosis in U937IFN cells.  相似文献   

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