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研究各个生物类群的起源时间是生物学、古生物学、地质学的重要研究范畴,然而由于化石记录的不完整性,仅仅通过化石无法准确地提供生物各门类的起源时间,更无法真实地反映各门类直接的演化关系,长期以来科学家们都希望能够找到新的突破口。分子钟假说可以在缺乏化石证据的条件下通过分子数据和统计学方法推算各类群间的分歧时间。文中将对分子钟假说的发展历程、基本原理、研究方法及存在的主要问题进行介绍,并就近期利用分子钟的若干研究示例进行分析,以期能对整个分子钟有个更为全面的论述。  相似文献   

苔藓动物是后生动物系统进化研究中的关键类群之一。作者基于冠轮动物38个代表种类的LSU和SSU rRNA组合基因序列数据,以二胚层动物为外类群,运用最大简约法、最大似然法和贝叶斯分析法,重建了触手冠担轮动物的系统树;同时,基于分子钟的方法推测了苔藓动物主要类群的起源与分歧时间。分子系统学的分析结果表明:触手冠动物并非都是单种系群;而苔藓动物则为单种系群,并构成触手冠担轮动物的基部类群。尽管苔藓动物的最早化石记录仅发现于奥陶纪特马豆克期地层中,谱系年代分析结果显示:苔藓动物及其主要谱系在新元古代已经分化;其中,苔藓动物祖先类群的起源时间约为634Ma,基部类群(被唇纲)与其它苔藓动物的分歧时间大约为607Ma。这一结果说明,化石记录始于奥陶纪的苔藓动物根植于新元古代的埃迪卡拉纪,早期祖先类群可能缺乏钙化骨骼,因而不易保存为化石。从而支持关于动物主要门类起源于新元古代的谱系年代学研究成果。  相似文献   

多足动物可能是最早入侵陆地环境的无脊椎动物之一。随着泛甲壳动物大类的确立,多足动物亚门的谱系发生问题已成为节肢动物研究中的焦点。基于表型性状的系统学研究中,多足动物亚门在节肢动物门中的系统分类和单系性等问题一直存在争议;化石记录的稀少又使多足动物的起源及演化历史变得迷雾重重。近年来分子系统学的进展为深入探讨多足动物谱系发生问题开辟了新的途径;分子定年的应用为探讨多足动物起源、登陆等早期演化问题提供了新的手段。谱系年代学综合了化石记录和分子定年两方面的优势,为更加精确地讨论多足动物起源、内部类群分歧时间及其地质背景奠定了基础。谱系年代分析显示,多足动物类起源于寒武纪晚期或更早;多足动物内部类群的分歧不晚于奥陶纪;而化石证据显示,多足动物的登陆事件也可能发生在这一时期,多足动物内部类群的分歧事件(及食性分化)可能与登陆过程有关。精确的多足动物亚门谱系发生关系以及谱系年代学细节还有待于进一步综合系统学、多基因和多重化石参照点的合理分析加以深入和完善,进而为早期陆地复杂生态系统的建立提供新的证据。  相似文献   

海绵动物是最原始的后生动物,营底栖、滤食性生活,它们体内共生有丰富的微生物菌落,包括仅在海绵动物体内存在的特异性微生物。为了探讨海绵特异微生物是否与宿主存在协同演化关系,我们基于16SrRNA基因序列利用宽松分子钟方法估测了各个门类中海绵特异微生物的分歧时间,并与海绵动物的化石记录及分子谱系年代学结果相比较。结果表明:多数微生物门类中海绵特异微生物的分支分化发生在新元古代(800—1000Ma),与海绵动物的分子化石记录和当前分子钟估算结果之间存在一定程度的一致性,说明微生物与宿主海绵动物之间存在一定的协同演化关系。少数门类中海绵特异微生物分化时间过早于(如蓝细菌,2200Ma)或者过晚于(如古细菌,148Ma;Alphaproteobacteria,480Ma)新元古代,这可能是由于系统采样等因素所致,有待于进一步的分析与研究。  相似文献   

里白科(Gleicheniaceae)是古老的真蕨类植物,最早的化石记录可追溯到石炭纪。现存类群的属级分类和系统演化关系一直存在很大的分歧,为了进一步探讨该类群的起源演化,文中运用最大简约法和贝叶斯演绎方法对18种代表现存里白科植物全部6属(包括新测的12种)的叶绿体3个编码基因序列(atpB,rbcL和rps4)进行分析,探讨其主要分类群(属级)的系统演化关系。结果显示,里白科植物为一个单系群,由3个分支构成:里白属(Diplopterygium Nakai)和Gleichenia japonica构成一个分支;芒萁属(Dicranopteris Bernh.)和Gleichenella pec-tinata构成另一个分支;假芒萁属(Sticherus C.Presl)与单种属Stromatopteris Mettenius及Gleichenia dicarpa构成第三个分支。用宽松分子钟方法推测里白科主要类群的起源时间为:现代里白科植物起源于早白垩世(111—140Ma),其主要分支类群随后发生多样性分化,里白属和芒萁属的快速辐射演化均发生在古近纪(40—64Ma,36—50Ma)。起源时间的估算结果暗示化石种三叠里白Diplopterygium triassica不应归入现代里白属,其归属需要重新考虑。  相似文献   

被子植物起源研究中几种观点的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对被子植物起源研究中的几种观点进行了讨论。(1)由于被子植物存在着一组共同的性状,它们不可能是从不同祖先起源的,而是有着共同的祖先。被子植物是一个单源起源的类群。现存被子植物分类系统是依据包括形态学(广义)、分子系统学、古植物学和植物地理学等的综合性状建立的,只能表示出现存类群的亲缘关系并且追溯到它们最近的祖先。人们现在还不可能建立一个包括全部已绝灭的类群和现代生存类群的谱系发生系统。因此,现存被子植物分类系统只能看作是“亲缘”系统。(2)分析了用于推测被子植物起源时间的分子、化石和地理分布证据。我们认为,要确定被子植物起源时间,植物化石是一类重要证据,但化石只能说是植物本身可保存部分和当时当地所提供的化石条件的综合反映,它们不可能就是植物类群或种的起源时间。人们还必须考虑到化石本身的演化历史。应用分子钟也是一种手段,但误差比较大。如果我们除了利用上述两种资料之外,根据植物类群的现代分布格局及其形成,把植物的演化同地球的历史和板块运动联系起来,以推断它们起源的时间,这无疑会增加其可信度。通过对56个种子植物不同演化水平的重要科属地理分布的研究结果,我们曾提出被子植物的起源时间可能要追溯到早侏罗世,甚至晚三叠世。(3)分析了基于分子证据所提出的被子植物基部类群——ANITA成员(包括无油樟科Amborellaceae、睡莲科Nymphaeaceae、八角目Illiciales、早落瓣科Trimeniaceae、木兰藤科Austrobaileyaceae)的性质,讨论了ANITA成员在现代几个被子植物分类系统中的系统位置的不同观点,评价了它们的形态学(广义)性状。指出ANITA的成员由于包含大量的祖征,是属于原始的类群。但由于它们的共有衍征很少,如花粉球形,说明它们在被子植物演化早期就分道扬镳了,沿着不同的传代线分化。因此ANITA是一个源于不同传代线的复合群。  相似文献   

朱敏科研团队 《化石》2021,(3):79-80,封3
地球上99.8%的脊椎动物包括我们人类自己都具有颌骨(上颌与下巴),被统称为有颌类.有颌类的起源(根据分子钟证据在奥陶纪)和完整有颌类化石大量出现(早泥盆世)之间,跨越整个志留纪的数千万年时间段存在严重的化石记录缺失,长期以来仅能通过零散保存的鳞片与棘刺推测有颌类在志留纪的演化.  相似文献   

苔藓动物是后生动物中的一个重要类群。然而,和其它主要后生动物类群相比,长期以来对它的系统学研究却相对滞后。其起源,系统发生地位以及与其它后生物门类之间、其内部各高级分类群间的谱系发生关系一直存在争议。一般认为它是介于原口动物和后口动物之间的过渡类群。但是,近年来的分子系统学研究已经证实了它的原口归属。古生物学资料表明,虽然苔藓动物的大多数类群在奥陶纪已经分化出来,但它在寒武纪却缺乏任何化石记录。另外,苔藓动物起源的时间和方式、其内部各类群间的系统发生关系特别是现生类群和化石类群之间的关系等诸多问题的解决,还有待于大量的形态学和不同的分子数据的进一步积累,并结合其地层分布等各种相关资料进行综合研究。  相似文献   

为探讨鲴亚科(Xenocyprinae)鱼类系统发育关系,研究基于2种线粒体基因和5种核基因序列对鲴亚科各物种的系统发育关系和分化时间进行评估。结果显示:不同方法和数据类型获得了基本一致的拓扑结构。3个属的单系性都得到了很好地支撑;但是,它们之间的进化关系却随着分子标记的不同而改变。这一结果可能是由于早期的基因流或谱系的随机分选所致。此外,银鲴(Xenocypris argentea)、云南鲴(Xenocypris yunnanensis)和黄尾鲴(Xenocypris davidi)之间呈现出嵌套型的谱系关系,暗示它们之间存在基因交流的可能性。基于化石地层年代校正的分子钟估算结果显示,鲴亚科主要类群的分化发生在中新世晚期,约15—12百万年前(Millions of years ago, Ma),这与东亚季风强盛时期的时间相吻合。  相似文献   

介形类(Ostracoda)因其丰富的化石记录和广布的海陆现生代表类群,而被认为是进化生物学中研究生物多样性产生机制和演变历程的颇具潜力的重要模式生物。介形类在甲壳亚门中的谱系发生位置、起源及其内部各类群间的系统关系还存在诸多争议。基于其体制构造的形态学特征,介形类被归入甲壳亚门下的颚足纲(Maxillopoda),但来自18S rDNA序列数据分析却显示Maxillopoda不是单系群。基于化石记录和壳体形态特征,高肌虫(Bradoriida)长期以来被认为是介形类的一个祖先类群,但保存有软躯体的早寒武世化石的研究表明,Bradoriida不是介形类甚至可能也不属于甲壳类。不同的研究者所强调的壳体和肢体形态特征各异,导致介形类最大的现生类群速足目(Podocopida)的四个超科之间的关系也存在诸多推测。壳体和肢体特征在系统演化意义上的不兼容,需要分子生物学等证据的介入。分子、形态和化石证据的积累及各种信息整合是系统演化研究的必然趋势。  相似文献   

Reconstructing the transmission history of infectious diseases in the absence of medical or epidemiological records often relies on the evolutionary analysis of pathogen genetic sequences. The precision of evolutionary estimates of epidemic history can be increased by the inclusion of sequences derived from ‘archived’ samples that are genetically distinct from contemporary strains. Historical sequences are especially valuable for viral pathogens that circulated for many years before being formally identified, including HIV and the hepatitis C virus (HCV). However, surprisingly few HCV isolates sampled before discovery of the virus in 1989 are currently available. Here, we report and analyse two HCV subgenomic sequences obtained from infected individuals in 1953, which represent the oldest genetic evidence of HCV infection. The pairwise genetic diversity between the two sequences indicates a substantial period of HCV transmission prior to the 1950s, and their inclusion in evolutionary analyses provides new estimates of the common ancestor of HCV in the USA. To explore and validate the evolutionary information provided by these sequences, we used a new phylogenetic molecular clock method to estimate the date of sampling of the archived strains, plus the dates of four more contemporary reference genomes. Despite the short fragments available, we conclude that the archived sequences are consistent with a proposed sampling date of 1953, although statistical uncertainty is large. Our cross-validation analyses suggest that the bias and low statistical power observed here likely arise from a combination of high evolutionary rate heterogeneity and an unstructured, star-like phylogeny. We expect that attempts to date other historical viruses under similar circumstances will meet similar problems.  相似文献   

To choose one or more appropriate molecular markers or gene regions for resolving a particular systematic question among the organisms at a certain categorical level is still a very difficult process. The primary goal of this review, therefore, is to provide a theoretical information in choosing one or more molecular markers or gene regions by illustrating general properties and phylogenetic utilities of nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) that have been most commonly used for phylogenetic researches. The highly conserved molecular markers and/or gene regions are useful for investigating phylogenetic relationships at higher categorical levels (deep branches of evolutionary history). On the other hand, the hypervariable molecular markers and/or gene regions are useful for elucidating phylogenetic relationships at lower categorical levels (recently diverged branches). In summary, different selective forces have led to the evolution of various molecular markers or gene regions with varying degrees of sequence conservation. Thus, appropriate molecular markers or gene regions should be chosen with even greater caution to deduce true phylogenetic relationships over a broad taxonomic spectrum.  相似文献   

The timing of divergent events in history is one of the central goals of contemporary evolutionary biology. Such studies are however dependent on accurate evolutionary rates. Recent developments in ancient DNA analysis enable the estimation of more accurate evolutionary rates and therefore more accurate timing of divergence events. Consequently, this leads to a better understanding of changes in populations through time. We use an evolutionary rate calculated from ancient DNA of Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) to time divergent events in their history. We report the presence of two distinct and highly variable mitochondrial DNA lineages and track changes in these lineages through space and time. When the ancient DNA and the phylogenetic rates are used to estimate the time of origin of the lineages, two very different estimates resulted. In addition, these same rates provide very different estimates of the time of expansion of these lineages. We suggest that the rate calculated from ancient DNA is more consistent with the glacial history of Antarctica and requires fewer assumptions than does a narrative based on the phylogenetic rate. Finally, we suggest that our study indicates an important new role for ancient DNA studies in the timing of divergent events in history.  相似文献   

The plastid trnL-F region has proved useful in molecular phylogenetic studies addressing diverse evolutionary questions from biogeographic history to character evolution in a broad range of plant groups. An important assumption for phylogenetic reconstruction is that data used in combined analyses contain the same phylogenetic signal. The trnL-F region is often used in combined analyses of multiple chloroplast markers. These markers are assumed to contain congruent phylogenetic signal due to lack of recombination. Here we show that trnL-F sequences display a phylogenetic signal conflicting with that of other chloroplast markers in Annonaceae, and we demonstrate that this conflict results from ancient paralogy. TrnL-F copy 2 diverged from trnL-F copy 1 (as used in family-wide phylogenetic analyses) in a direct ancestor of the Annonaceae. Although this divergence dates back 88 million years or more, the exons of both copies appear to be intact. In this case, assuming that (putative) chloroplast markers contain the same phylogenetic signal results in an incorrect topology and an incorrect estimate of ages. Our study demonstrates that researchers should be cautious when interpreting gene phylogenies, irrespective of the genome from which they are presumed to have been sampled.  相似文献   

High-throughput sequencing enables rapid genome sequencing during infectious disease outbreaks and provides an opportunity to quantify the evolutionary dynamics of pathogens in near real-time. One difficulty of undertaking evolutionary analyses over short timescales is the dependency of the inferred evolutionary parameters on the timespan of observation. Crucially, there are an increasing number of molecular clock analyses using external evolutionary rate priors to infer evolutionary parameters. However, it is not clear which rate prior is appropriate for a given time window of observation due to the time-dependent nature of evolutionary rate estimates. Here, we characterize the molecular evolutionary dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 and 2009 pandemic H1N1 (pH1N1) influenza during the first 12 months of their respective pandemics. We use Bayesian phylogenetic methods to estimate the dates of emergence, evolutionary rates, and growth rates of SARS-CoV-2 and pH1N1 over time and investigate how varying sampling window and data set sizes affect the accuracy of parameter estimation. We further use a generalized McDonald–Kreitman test to estimate the number of segregating nonneutral sites over time. We find that the inferred evolutionary parameters for both pandemics are time dependent, and that the inferred rates of SARS-CoV-2 and pH1N1 decline by ∼50% and ∼100%, respectively, over the course of 1 year. After at least 4 months since the start of sequence sampling, inferred growth rates and emergence dates remain relatively stable and can be inferred reliably using a logistic growth coalescent model. We show that the time dependency of the mean substitution rate is due to elevated substitution rates at terminal branches which are 2–4 times higher than those of internal branches for both viruses. The elevated rate at terminal branches is strongly correlated with an increasing number of segregating nonneutral sites, demonstrating the role of purifying selection in generating the time dependency of evolutionary parameters during pandemics.  相似文献   

Two hundred and sixty eight DNA sequences (hypervariable region 1 of the mitochondrial control region) were obtained from chimpanzees ( Pan troglodytes ) in 19 natural populations within the range of the easternmost subspecies, P. t. schweinfurthii. Methods of phylogenetic reconstruction were applied at both the haplotype and population levels. Chimpanzee haplotypes do not sort into location-specific clades on any haplotype trees, indicating that the subspecies is free of major phylogeographic subdivisioning. Trees of populations in which geographic structure was imposed on the data lacked phylogenetic resolution in that interpopulational relationships were poorly supported statistically. These results indicate either a near simultaneous origin for the chimpanzee populations sampled, or an obscuring of interpopulational phylogenetic relationships by gene flow. In contrast, area cladograms of the forests from which chimpanzees were sampled (constructed using lists of endemic taxa) were robust and statistically well-supported. Chimpanzee population history is apparently decoupled from the history of the forests which the populations inhabit. Eastern chimpanzee data are also used to draw phylogenetic and molecular evolutionary comparisons to humans.  相似文献   

The evolutionary history and biogeography of freshwater-dependent taxa in Australia is of intrinsic interest given the present-day aridity of this continent. Cherax is the most widespread and one of the most species-rich of Australia's nine freshwater crayfish genera. The phylogenetic relationships amongst 19 of the 23 Australian Cherax were established from mitochondrial DNA sequences representing the 12S rRNA and 16S rRNA gene regions. The relationships among species support an initial east–west separation, followed by a north–south divergence in eastern Australia. Molecular clock estimations suggest that these divergences date back to the Miocene. The phylogenetic relationships support endemic speciation within geographical regions and indicate that long-distance dispersal has not led to recent speciation as previously hypothesized. This new evolutionary scenario is consistent with the climatic history of Australia and the evolutionary history of other similarly distributed freshwater-dependent organisms in Australia.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 81 , 553–563.  相似文献   

被子植物系统发育深层关系研究: 进展与挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾丽萍  张宁  马红 《生物多样性》2014,22(1):21-434
被子植物系统发育学是研究被子植物及其各类群间亲缘关系与进化历史的学科。从20世纪90年代起, 核苷酸和氨基酸序列等分子数据开始被广泛运用于被子植物系统发育研究, 经过20多年的发展, 从使用单个或联合少数几个细胞器基因, 到近期应用整个叶绿体基因组来重建被子植物的系统发育关系, 目、科水平上的被子植物系统发育框架已被广泛接受。在这个框架中, 基部类群、主要的5个分支(即真双子叶植物、单子叶植物、木兰类、金粟兰目和金鱼藻目)、每个分支所包含的目以及几个大分支包括的核心类群等都具有高度支持。与此同时, 细胞器基因还存在一些固有的问题, 例如单亲遗传、系统发育信息量有限等, 因此近年来双亲遗传的核基因在被子植物系统发育研究中的重要性逐渐得到关注, 并在不同分类阶元的研究中都取得了一定进展。但是, 被子植物系统发育中仍然存在一些难以确定的关系, 例如被子植物5个分支之间的关系、真双子叶植物内部某些类群的位置等。本文简述了20多年来被子植物系统发育深层关系的主要研究进展, 讨论了被子植物系统发育学常用的细胞器基因和核基因的选用, 已经确定和尚未确定系统发育位置的主要类群, 以及研究中尚存在的问题和可能的解决方法。  相似文献   

谈系统发生树建立的分子标准   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着进化生物学以及生物信息学的发展 ,研究不同物种间进化关系的方法也有了新的进展。其中分子进化方法使得系统发生树的建立更加简便和精确。几种系统发生树的建树方法及相关分子标准目前比较流行。。  相似文献   

The extinction of species results in a permanent loss of evolutionary history. Recent theoretical studies show that this loss may be proportionally much smaller than the loss of species, but under some conditions can exceed it. Such conditions occur when the phylogenetic tree that describes the evolutionary relationships among species is highly imbalanced due to differences between lineages in past speciation and/or extinction rates. I used the taxonomy by C. G. Sibley and B. L. Monroe Jr to estimate the global loss of bird evolutionary history from historical and predicted extinctions, and to quantify the ensuing changes in balance of the bird phylogenetic tree. In the global bird fauna, evolutionary history is being lost at a high rate, similar to the rate of species extinction. The bird phylogenetic tree is highly imbalanced, and the imbalance is increased significantly by anthropogenic extinction. Historically, the elevated loss of bird evolutionary history has been fuelled mostly by phylogenetic non-randomness in the extinction of species, but the direct effect of tree imbalance is substantial and could dominate in the future.  相似文献   

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