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Summer food of sympatric red fox and pine marten in the German Alps   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Based on fecal analyses, we compared summer diet composition and trophic niche breadth for the sympatric red fox Vulpes vulpes (n=55 scats) and pine marten Martes martes (n=64) in the foothills of the German Alps. Mammals accounted for 41 and 51% of the consumed biomass by pine martens and red foxes, respectively, and no single mammal species exceeded 8% of the diet. The larger red fox consumed a wider range of prey sizes than the smaller pine marten, and both consumed large amounts of plants and also insects. Whereas the Levins index suggested that both predators have specialist feeding niches, the Shannon-Wiener index showed that both predators were relatively generalist. Despite its preliminary nature, our study suggests that a strict distinction between generalist and specialist trophic niches is not justified for medium-sized carnivores in the Alps, particularly as results greatly depend on the indices used.  相似文献   

The period following the withdrawal of parental care has been highlighted as a key developmental period for juveniles. One reason for this is that juveniles cannot forage as competently as adults, potentially placing them at greater risk from environmentally-induced changes in food availability. However, no study has examined this topic. Using a long-term dataset on red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), we examined (i) dietary changes that occurred in the one-month period following the attainment of nutritional independence, (ii) diet composition in relation to climatic variation, and (iii) the effect of climatic variation on subsequent full-grown mass. Diet at nutritional independence contained increased quantities of easy-to-catch food items (earthworms and insects) when compared with pre-independence. Interannual variation in the volume of rainfall at nutritional independence was positively correlated to the proportion of earthworms in cub diet. Pre-independence cub mass and rainfall immediately following nutritional independence explained a significant proportion of variance in full-grown mass, with environmental variation affecting full-grown mass of the entire cohorts. Thus, weather-mediated availability of easy-to-catch food items at a key developmental stage has lifelong implications for the development of juvenile foxes by affecting full-grown mass, which in turn appears to be an important component of individual reproductive potential.  相似文献   

Diets of raccoon dog, red fox and badger were studied in southern Finland from 1990 to 1996 by collecting faeces from dens and latrines during May-July of each year. The frequency of occurrence and relative volume of each food item in the faeces were calculated. The raccoon dog was the most and the red fox the least omnivorous of these carnivores, according to the diversity index. Diet composition of all these species varied among areas, indicating that they are opportunistic feeders. Mammals and birds constituted the bulk of the fox diet, while invertebrates, frogs and plants were most frequently eaten by the badger. The frequency of earthworms in badger faeces varied between 16 and 77%, according to area. Voles and shrews were important to the raccoon dog, but it also frequently consumed other food items. The food niches of the badger and the raccoon dog overlapped more than that of the red fox and other species. The red fox was more carnivorous and fed on larger prey items than the others, but the food composition of the red fox in the present study reflects the prey carried to the den for the pups; thus, the diet of adult foxes may be more similar to that of the raccoon dog. In conclusion, these 3 carnivores share many resources, suggesting that competition may occur among them: however, their diets also differ to some extent, which helps them to avoid competition. Furthermore, the badger and the raccoon dog are dormant during winter, when food is scarcest, which may be the reason why all these species can coexist in rather unproductive boreal forests.  相似文献   

The spatial behaviour of the red fox Vulpes vulpes shows a great flexibility (Voigt and Macdonald, 1984). Home range size varies from 10 to over 5000 ha (Macdonald, 1987; Voigt, 1987). In carnivores, variations in home range size, weighed for body mass (Gittleman and Harvey, 1982), are largely related to differences in habitat productivity, but the intraspecific local variation in home range size can be only partially explained by differences in productivity. Macdonald (1981, 1983) suggested that home range size and configuration were determined in the red fox by the dispersion of food-rich patches. More recently, it has been found that
(a) where humans are intolerant to the fox, resting sites are often located peripherally in home ranges (Meia and Weber, 1993);  相似文献   

Feeding ecology of red fox Vulpes vulpes was studied by scat analysis and snow-tracking m primeval temperate forest and adjacent meadows during four years (1985/86-1988/89) Winters varied from mild to unusually severe Main food resources for foxes were rodents of open meadows and river valleys (root vole Microtus oeconomus ). forest rodents (bank vole Clethrionomys glareolus and yellow-necked mouse Apodemus flavicollis ), hare Lepus europaetis and carcasses of wild boar Sus scrofa and red deer Cervus elaphus either killed by wolves and lynx or that had died from inanition Composition of fox diet m four cold seasons (autumn-winter) was compared to the abundance of main food resources Prolonged, sharp decline of Microtus was followed by only a twofold decrease of its share in fox diet Foxes continued to prey on declining Microlus The changes in the proportions of forest rodents and hare in fox diet clearly followed the fluctuations in numbers of these two prey Carcasses were alternative, buffer food to foxes and were taken considerably when Microlus and other prey were in low numbers or poorly accessible The depth of snow was the most important factor restricting foxes access to rodents Snow-tracking revealed that foxes dwelling in the forest widely used adjacent open areas In open meadows foxes mainly hunted for rodents, while in the forest the most significant foraging activity was scavenging Seasonal analysis of fox diet revealed that consumption of Microlus by foxes was stable throughout the year (37-47% of biomass consumed) Bank vole significantly contributed to fox diet in autumn, and hare in summer only Scavenging was most pronounced in winter and spring when carcasses made up 30% of biomass taken  相似文献   

On food preference in the Red fox   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
  • 1 Foxes treat different prey species in a variety of ways, eating, burying, or discarding them on the basis of preference.
  • 2 Because foxes often utilize cached food and because they can remember which prey species is in a given cache the preference effect can be longstanding.
  • 3 Evidence from the literature suggests that comparable effects of preference for different species of small mammals affects the diet of wild foxes and their behaviour in the same way as demonstrated in these experiments.
  • 4 Certain distastes appear common to all foxes and most carnivores, for instance, insectivore and carnivore meat, in particular that of their own species.
  • 5 An incidence of active cannibalism by a fox is reported.
  • 6 The effect of food preference is shown to change during the course of one individual's life perhaps as a consequence of such factors as rearing cubs and competition for food.
  • 7 One effect of the behavioural consequences of food preference is to defer the decision of what to eat.
  • 8 That the fox will kill animals that it does not eat means that populations of animals that are not strictly fox prey are still at risk from fox predatory activity.

It is widely held that when predator avoidance conflicts with other activities, such as feeding, avoidance of predators often takes precedence. In this study, we examine how predation risk and food distribution interact to influence the schooling behavior and swimming speed of foraging juvenile walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma. Fish were acclimated to either spatially and temporally clumped, or spatially and temporally dispersed food for 3 weeks. Fish were then monitored while feeding in the absence and presence of predatory sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria. Fish foraging for clumped food swam rapidly in a loose school when predators were absent, but swam more slowly and adopted more cohesive schooling in the presence of predators, trading-off foraging opportunity for decreased vulnerability to predators. Fish foraging for dispersed food swam about slowly and did not engage in cohesive schooling in either the absence or presence of predators. These fish accepted greater predation risk in order to continue foraging, suggesting that the cost of schooling, in terms of decreased foraging opportunity, was greater when food was dispersed than when it was clumped. This lower responsiveness to predators among fish receiving dispersed food demonstrates that predator avoidance does not always take precedence over other activities, but rather, that a balance is maintained between predator avoidance and feeding, which shifts as food distribution changes.  相似文献   

Desert seed-harvester ants, genus Pogonomyrmex, are central place foragers that search for resources collectively. We quantify how seed harvesters exploit the spatial distribution of seeds to improve their rate of seed collection. We find that foraging rates are significantly influenced by the clumpiness of experimental seed baits. Colonies collected seeds from larger piles faster than randomly distributed seeds. We developed a method to compare foraging rates on clumped versus random seeds across three Pogonomyrmex species that differ substantially in forager population size. The increase in foraging rate when food was clumped in larger piles was indistinguishable across the three species, suggesting that species with larger colonies are no better than species with smaller colonies at collecting clumped seeds. These findings contradict the theoretical expectation that larger groups are more efficient at exploiting clumped resources, thus contributing to our understanding of the importance of the spatial distribution of food sources and colony size for communication and organization in social insects.  相似文献   

The reasons for variation in group size among animal species remain poorly understood. Using ‘Ashmole's halo’ hypothesis of food depletion around colonies, we predict that foraging range imposes a ceiling on the maximum colony size of seabird species. We tested this with a phylogenetic comparative study of 43 species of seabirds (28 262 colonies), and investigated the interspecific correlation between colony size and foraging ranges. Foraging range showed weak relationships with the low percentiles of colony size of species, but the strength of the association increased for larger percentiles, peaking at the maximum colony sizes. To model constraints on the functional relationship between the focal traits, we applied a quantile regression based on maximum colony size. This showed that foraging range imposes a constraint to species’ maximum colony sizes with a slope around 2. This second‐order relationship is expected from the equation of the area of a circle. Thus, our large dataset and innovative statistical approach shows that foraging range imposes a ceiling on seabird colony sizes, providing strong support to the hypothesis that food availability is an important regulator of seabird populations.  相似文献   

Alan  Wolfe †  A. M. Long   《Journal of Zoology》1997,242(2):370-375
Irish mountain hare and rabbit hair fibres were examined for differences in microstructure. Obvious and significant differences were found in the widths of the cortex in the shield and shaft regions of the dorsal guard hairs. Other less obvious differences were also noted in scale overlap and patterns. These findings were applied in the examination of a small number of fox scats collected from a coastal grassland habitat. Mammals were by far the most important prey item of the fox; rabbit remains were present in 83% of scats examined. Hare remains were present in 15% of the scats with significantly more hare remains occurring in the scats during winter.  相似文献   

Predation by the red fox Vulpes vulpes is believed to be threatening the little penguin Eudyptula minor on Phillip Island in Victoria. Polymorphism at seven microsatellite loci was examined to estimate the extent of differentiation between Phillip Island and mainland populations of V. vulpes. Loss of alleles has occurred on Phillip Island where foxes first appeared = 88 years ago compared with mainland populations. Genetic differentiation between the Phillip Island and mainland populations was high. The relatively high differentiation found between the two populations could be due to either low migration rates, the effect of the composition of founder animals or both effects. Further ecological and historical information about the populations is needed to explore the likely significance of these effects.  相似文献   

Predation by red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is the most important mortality cause for neonatal roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in Scandinavia. With the objective of investigating how the fox finds fawns and how antipredatory behaviour of roe deer females influences choice of hunting method, I analysed observations of interactions between red fox and roe deer females. The observations were collected over 14 years in a mixed forest/agricultural landscape in Sweden. Of 49 fox–doe encounters, the doe attacked the fox in 59%. In 90% of these attacks the fox was successfully deterred. In two observations a doe saved a fawn attacked by a fox. Two hunting methods used by the fox were discerned. In 28 cases foxes searched the ground, and in 18 cases they surveyed open areas, often from a forest edge. The latter behaviour seemed more directed at fawns and was seen leading to a capture attempt. Searching seemed less efficient and also difficult to conduct due to the aggressiveness of does. A surveying sit-and-wait type of hunting method thus appeared as the most successful. The possibility to use this method could explain why roe deer fawns are more vulnerable to fox predation in open habitats.  相似文献   

物种的空间分布会受到种间相互作用(如捕食关系等)和环境变量等多种因素共同影响。阐明环境变量和种间相互作用对同域物种空间分布关系的影响, 对于理解群落聚集和生物多样性的维持机制至关重要。为了解川西高原常见雉类与捕食者的空间分布关系及其驱动因素, 本研究利用2016-2018年在川西高原84个红外相机位点获得的682张目标物种的独立照片, 采用条件型双物种占域模型(conditional two-species occupancy model)在相机位点尺度评估了在川西高原广泛分布的黄喉雉鹑(Tetraophasis szechenyii)、血雉(Ithaginis cruentus)和白马鸡(Crossoptilon crossoptilon)与其捕食者赤狐(Vulpes vulpes)的空间分布关系。结果显示: (1)在物种作用和环境变量的共同影响下, 赤狐和血雉(物种相互作用因子, species interaction factor, SIF = 1.31 ± 0.14)与赤狐和黄喉雉鹑(SIF = 1.42 ± 0.41)在研究区域内的空间分布趋于重合, 赤狐和血雉的空间关系随距河流距离的增加呈现先重合后趋于分离的趋势, 而赤狐和黄喉雉鹑的空间关系随距河流距离的增加呈现出由重合转为分离的趋势。赤狐与白马鸡在空间分布上相互独立(SIF = 1), 白马鸡的空间分布主要受环境因子影响, 而赤狐对其没有影响。(2) 3种雉类的探测率受物种作用的影响, 在相机位点尺度上赤狐的存在减少了3种雉类的探测率(pB > rB)。本研究为物种空间分布关系的研究提供了新的案例, 也为理解物种共存机制和生物多样性保护提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Increases in red foxVulpes vulpes (Linnaeus, 1758) numbers and densities have been found in all European countries involved in the rabies vaccination program. In Poland, the number of foxes has increased steadily since the 1990s. Between 1999–2000, the average density of foxes reached 1.3–2 ind./km2 in some parts of the country. The aim of the study was to estimate the change in fox population densities in central Poland during 1980–2006, and to assess the effect these changes have had on the spatial distribution of natal dens, mean numbers of cubs observed at occupied dens and the sedentary/nomadic fox ratio. Estimations of fox population density and numbers were based on three methods: (1) counts of tracks in snow, (2) locations of natal dens and counts of cubs, and (3) the battue (driving) method. The three methods of assessment were used continuously in our study area over a period of 25 years. Average yearly results were analysed and comparisons made between the periods before and after implementation of the anti-rabies vaccination. The results obtained with all three methods show a significant increase in the fox population, when the two analysed periods are compared. Increases in fox population densities correlated with increased numbers of breeding sites being located outside forests, from only single ones in the 1980s to 24% of the total in 2005. The average number of cubs per occupied den decreased significantly (by 11%) in comparison with before the anti-rabies vaccination period. The great increase (more than 100%) in fox numbers observed using the battue (driving) method suggest, that nomadic animals can form an important part of winter population in our study area.  相似文献   

Pituitary responsiveness to exogenous LHRH was studied in vivo and in vitro in the female red fox, a mono-oestrous species. In vivo, the ability of the pituitary to release LH in response to a single injection of LHRH (2 micrograms/kg) was determined at various stages of the reproductive cycle. The greatest responsiveness is observed during the preovulatory period, the lowest during the luteal phase. During the anoestrus phase, the responsiveness is reduced by more than 50% in lactating females compared to non lactating females. In vitro, dispersed fox anterior pituitary cells were exposed four times to LHRH (10(-9) M), hourly, for 8 min. Pituitary cells were taken from lactating and non lactating females. The cells are not sensitive to LHRH in lactating females but become more and more sensitive after weaning. It is suggested the inhibitory influence of lactation could be the result of prolactin-ovarian steroids-gonadotrophins interactions.  相似文献   

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