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Data from sedimentation analysis suggest that modification of about 40% of free amino groups of inorganic pyrophosphatase by maleic anhydride, pH 10.5, results in a loss of the enzyme ability to form dimers at neutral values of pH. The specific activity of monomeric pyrophosphatase is 50-80% of that of the dimeric form. The monomer has a pH optimum of about 7, requires metal ions for activation of both enzyme and substrate and is capable of exergonic synthesis of PPi in the active center. The enzyme binding to PPi is strongly stabilized by fluoride. The experimental data indicate that the individual subunit of inorganic pyrophosphatase possesses all the main catalytic properties of native dimeric molecule.  相似文献   

Crystalline inorganic pyrophosphatase isolated from baker's yeast   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Crystalline inorganic pyrophosphatase has been isolated from baker's yeast. The crystalline enzyme is a protein of the albumin type with an isoelectric point near pH 4.8. Its molecular weight is of the order of 100,000. It contains about 5 per cent tyrosine and 3.5 per cent tryptophane. It is most stable at pH 6.8. The new crystalline protein acts as a specific catalyst for the hydrolysis of inorganic pyrophosphate into orthophosphate ions. It does not catalyze the hydrolysis of the pyrophosphate radical of such organic esters as adenosine di- and triphosphate, or thiamine pyrophosphate. Crystalline pyrophosphatase requires the presence of Mg, Co, or Mn ions as activators. These ions are antagonized by calcium ions. Mg is also antagonized by Co or Mn ions. The rate of the enzymatic hydrolysis of inorganic pyrophosphate is proportional to the concentration of enzyme and is a function of pH, temperature, concentration of substrate, and concentration of activating ion. The approximate conditions for optimum rate are: 40 degrees C. and pH 7.0 at a concentration of 3 to 4 x 10(-3)M Na(4)P(2)O(7) and an equivalent concentration of magnesium salt. The enzymatic hydrolysis of Na(4)P(2)O(7) or K(4)P(2)O(7) proceeds to completion and is irreversible under the conditions at which hydrolysis is occurring. Details are given of the method of isolation of the crystalline enzyme.  相似文献   

The conditions were found for obtaining trimeric, dimeric, and monomeric forms of the Escherichia coli inorganic pyrophosphatase from its native hexameric form. Interconversions of the oligomers were studied, and rate constants for their dissociation and association were determined. All forms were found to be catalytically active, with the activity decreasing in the order: hexamer-trimer-dimer-monomer. The activity of trimeric and dimeric forms was high enough to study and to compare their catalytic properties. The monomeric form of the enzyme was unstable.  相似文献   

1. An active monomeric form of inorganic pyrophosphatase from baker's yeast was prepared by maleylation of the protein at pH 10.5. 2. The dimeric and monomeric pyrophosphatase bound at non-catalytic sites 0.5 and 1.0 mol of slowly dissociating Pi per mol subunit, respectively. This stoichiometry was not affected on active site blockage with PPi. 3. Added Pi accelerated the dissociation of Pi from the dimeric but not monomeric enzyme. 4. Our results indicate a strong interaction to occur between the non-catalytic sites of two subunits of native pyrophosphatase which results in diminished stability of Pi binding to one of them.  相似文献   

The interaction of uranyl ions with inorganic pyrophosphatase from baker's yeast was investigated by measurement of their effect on the protein fluorescence. Fluorescence titrations of the native enzyme with uranyl nitrate show that there is a specific binding of uranyl ions to the enzyme. It was deduced that each subunit of the enzyme binds one uranyl ion. The binding constant was estimated to be in the order of 10(7) M-1. The enzyme which contains a small number of chemically modified carboxyl groups was not able to bind uranyl ions specifically. The modification of carboxyl groups was carried out by use of a water soluble carbodiimide and the nucleophilic reagent N-(2,4-dinitro-phenyl)-hexamethylenediamine. The substrate analogue calcium pyrophosphate displaced the uranyl ions from their binding sites at the enzyme. From the results it is concluded that carboxyl groups of the active site are the ligands for the binding of uranyl ions.  相似文献   

The interaction of magnesium ions with inorganic pyrophosphatase from baker's yeast was studied by means of heat denaturation. The heat inactivation of this enzyme is a biphasic process. The velocities in the initial range and in the subsequent slower part of inactivation are diminished with rising Mg2+ concentration in the inactivation assay. A model is proposed which describes this behavior. It is assumed that two enzyme conformations exist in equilibrium whose conversion rates correspond to the inactivation rate in its order of magnitude. The equilibrium is shifted by Mg2+. The two enzyme species differ in their Mg2+ binding behavior as evidenced by differences in the half-saturation constants and the cooperativity of the binding. The same conclusions are drawn from the fluorimetric measurement of denaturation of inorganic pyrophosphatase. Besides, an additional Mg2+ binding site is demonstrable, the saturation of which obviously leads to stabilisation of part of the enzyme structure without protecting it against loss of enzymatic activity. With the same method the labilizing effect of Zn2+ on the structure of the inorganic pyrophosphatase from baker's yeast was studied.  相似文献   

Kinetic measurements were performed to test the effect of uranyl ions on the enzymatic hydrolysis of pyrophosphate. A strong inhibition of the enzyme was found. From a Dixon-plot an inhibition competitive to the substrate magnesium pyrophosphate and an inhibitory constant of Ki = 3 . 10(-7) M was deduced.  相似文献   

The kinetic mechanism of yeast inorganic pyrophosphatase (PPase) was examined by carrying out initial velocity studies. Ca2+ and Rh(H2O)4(methylenediphosphonate) (Rh(H2O)4PCP) were used as dead-end inhibitors to study the order of binding of Cr(H2O)4PP to the substrate site and Mg2+ to the "low affinity" activator site on the enzyme. Competitive inhibition was observed for Ca2+ vs Mg2+ (Kis = 0.93 +/- 0.03 mM), for Rh(H2O)4PCP vs Cr(H2O)4PP (Kis = 0.25 +/- 0.07 mM), and for RH(H2O)4PCP vs Mg2+ (Kis = 0.38 +/- 0.03 mM). Uncompetitive inhibition was observed for Ca2+ vs Cr(H2O)4PP (Kii = 0.49 +/- 0.01). On the basis of these results a rapid equilibrium ordered mechanism in which Cr(H2O)4PP binding precedes Mg2+ ion binding is proposed. The inert substrate analog, Mg(imidodiphosphate) (MgPNP) was shown to induce Mg2+ inhibition of the PPase-catalyzed hydrolysis of MgPP. The Mg2+ inhibition observed was competitive vs MgPP and partial. These results suggest that Mg2+/MgPNP release from the enzyme occurs in preferred rather than strict order and that the Mg2+/MgPP-binding steps are at steady state. Zn2+, Co2+, and Mn2+ (but not Mg2+) displayed activator inhibition of the PPase-catalyzed hydrolysis of PPi (this study) and of Cr(H2O)4PP (W.B. Knight, S. Fitts, and D. Dunaway-Mariano, (1981) Biochemistry 20, 4079). These findings suggest that cofactor release from the low affinity cofactor site on the enzyme must precede product release and that Zn2+, Mn2+, and Co2+ (but not Mg2+) have high affinities for the cofactor sites on both the PPase.M.MPP and PPase.M.M(P)2 complexes. The role of the metal cofactor in determining PPase substrate specificity was briefly explored by testing the ability of the Mg2+ complex of tripolyphosphate (PPPi) (a substrate for the Zn2+-activated enzyme but not the Mg2+-activated enzyme) to induce Mg2+ inhibition of PPase-catalyzed hydrolysis of MgPP. MgPPP was shown to be as effective as MgPNP in inducing competitive Mg2+ inhibition (vs MgPP). This result suggests that the low affinity Mg2+ cofactor-binding site present in the enzyme-MgPP complex is maintained in the enzyme-MgPPP complex. Thus, failure of Mg2+ to bind to the enzyme-MgPPP complex was ruled out as a possible explanation for the failure of the Mg2+-activated enzyme to catalyze the hydrolysis of MgPPP.  相似文献   

Investigation of the catalytic mechanism of yeast inorganic pyrophosphatase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
P1,P2-Bidentate Co(NH3)4PP was found to be a competitive inhibitor of pyrophosphatase vs. MgPP (Kis = 8.7 mM, pH 7) and, in the presence of Mg2+, an active substrate as well. P1,P2-Bidentate Cr(III) complexes of pyrophosphate, imidodiphosphate, and methylenediphosphonate were also competitive inhibitors vs. MgPP (pH 5.9; Kis = 0.2, 0.2, and 0.4 mM, respectively). In the presence of Mg2+, P1,P2-bidentate Cr(H2O)4PP was found to have a Km 10-fold greater and a turnover number 36-fold smaller than MgPP at pH 5.9. Mg2+, Mn2+, Co2+, Zn2+, Cd2+, Ni2+, and Fe2+ activate the CrPP--pyrophosphatase reaction, while Ca2+ and Ba2+ are not activators but serve as competitive inhibitors vs. Mg2+ (Kis = 0.35 and 2.3 mM). At levels above 0.1 mM, Mn2+, Co2+, and Zn2+ show activator inhibition. Kinetic studies with CrPP and Mg2+ suggest that the kinetic mechanism is rapid equilibrium ordered, with CrPP adding before Mg2+. pH studies of the MgPP/Mg2+ reaction and the CrPP/Mg2+ reaction suggest that the active form of the substrate is (MgPP)2- and that the uncomplexed metal ion cofactor interacts with at least two active-site residues, one possibly via H bonding and the other by direct coordination. The former group (pKa = 5.6) appears on the basis of temperature and solvent perturbation studies to be a carboxylic acid. The MgPP reaction also requires that an active-site residue (pKa = 7.5) be protonated. Temperature and solvent perturbation studies suggest that this residue is an amine. A mechanism accounting for these observations is presented.  相似文献   

The denaturation characteristics of inorganic pyrophosphatase from baker's yeast and the interaction with Cu2+ were investigated with fluorimetric methods. The position of the fluorescence emission spectrum with a maximum at 328 nm together with a quantum yield of 0.12 led to the conclusion that most of the tryptophan residues of the protein are buried in nonpolar inner regions of the molecule. The contribution of the tyrosine residues to the fluorescence of pyrophosphatase is only about 7%. Denaturation of the protein with denaturants or changes of the pH value cause a red shift of the fluorescence emission maximum. In the presence of Cu2+ ions a fluorescence quenching is observed. Thereby, a specific binding of one Cu2+ per subunit may be distinguished from further unspecific Cu2+ binding. The Cu2+ binding to the latter sites shows a time dependence according to a slow, reversible exposure of additional binding sites. This time dependent binding characteristics was also verified by following the free Cu2+ concentration with the fluorescent "metal indicator" epsilon-ADP.  相似文献   

Carboxamidomethylation of yeast inorganic pyrophosphatase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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