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Extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling regulates multiple cellular functions required for normal development and tissue repair. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are key mediators of this process and membrane targeted MMPs (MT-MMPs) in particular have been shown to be important in normal development of specific organs. In this study we investigated the role of MT1-MMP in kidney development. We demonstrate that loss of MT1-MMP leads to a renal phenotype characterized by a moderate decrease in ureteric bud branching morphogenesis and a severe proliferation defect. The kidneys of MT1-MMP-null mice have increased deposition of collagen IV, laminins, perlecan, and nidogen and the phenotype is independent of the MT-1MMP target, MMP-2. Utilizing in vitro systems we demonstrated that MTI-MMP proteolytic activity is required for renal tubule cells to proliferate in three dimensional matrices and to migrate on collagen IV and laminins. Together these data suggest an important role for MT1-MMP in kidney development, which is mediated by its ability to regulate cell proliferation and migration by proteolytically cleaving kidney basement membrane components.  相似文献   

Cleft formation is the initial step in submandibular salivary gland (SMG) branching morphogenesis, and may result from localized actomyosin-mediated cellular contraction. Since ROCK regulates cytoskeletal contraction, we investigated the effects of ROCK inhibition on mouse SMG ex vivo organ cultures. Pharmacological inhibitors of ROCK, isoform-specific ROCK I but not ROCK II siRNAs, as well as inhibitors of myosin II activity stalled clefts at initiation. This finding implies the existence of a mechanochemical checkpoint regulating the transition of initiated clefts into progression-competent clefts. Downstream of the checkpoint, clefts are rendered competent through localized assembly of fibronectin promoted by ROCK I/myosin II. Cleft progression is primarily mediated by ROCK I/myosin II-stimulated cell proliferation with a contribution from cellular contraction. Furthermore, we demonstrate that FN assembly itself promotes epithelial proliferation and cleft progression in a ROCK-dependent manner. ROCK also stimulates a proliferation-independent negative feedback loop to prevent further cleft initiations. These results reveal that cleft initiation and progression are two physically and biochemically distinct processes.  相似文献   

Laminin-alpha5 chain was localized in all epithelial basement membranes (BMs) of mouse submandibular gland (SMG) from the onset of branching morphogenesis and became restricted to BMs of epithelial ducts in the adult. To investigate whether the laminin-alpha5 chain plays a role in branching morphogenesis, a set of cell-adhesive peptides from the C-terminal globular domains (LG1-5) was tested for their effects in SMG organ cultures. One peptide, LVLFLNHGH (A5G77f), which represents a sequence located in the connecting loop between strands E and F of LG4, perturbed branching morphogenesis and resulted in irregularities in the contours of epithelial structures, with formation of deep clefts. The data suggest a role for the laminin-alpha5 LG4 module in the development of the duct system, rather than in the bifurcation of epithelial clusters. The epithelial BM of A5G77f-peptide-treated explants was continuous, which was in contrast to our previous finding of impaired epithelial BM assembly in explants treated with the laminin-alpha1 LG4 module peptide, or with a monoclonal antibody against this domain. A5G77f also perturbed in vitro development of lung and kidney. These results suggest a crucial role for the LG4 module of laminin-alpha5 in epithelial morphogenesis that is distinct from that of the laminin-alpha1 LG4.  相似文献   

The RET receptor tyrosine kinase is activated by GDNF and controls outgrowth and invasion of the ureteric bud epithelia in the developing kidney. In renal epithelial cells and in enteric neuronal precursor cells, activation of RET results in chemotaxis as Ret expressing cells invade the surrounding GDNF expressing tissue. One potential downstream signaling pathway governing RET mediated chemotaxis may require phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), which generates PI(3,4,5) triphosphate. The PTEN tumor suppressor gene encodes a protein and lipid phosphatase that regulates cell growth, apoptosis and many other cellular processes. PTEN helps regulate cellular chemotaxis by antagonizing the PI3K signaling pathway through dephosphorylation of phosphotidylinositol triphosphates. In this report, we show that PTEN suppresses RET mediated cell migration and chemotaxis in cell culture assays, that RET activation results in asymmetric localization of inositol triphosphates and that loss of PTEN affects the pattern of branching morphogenesis in developing mouse kidneys. These data suggest a critical role for the PI3K/PTEN axis in shaping the pattern of epithelial branches in response to RET activation.  相似文献   

Hox proteins control structural morphogenesis, pattern formation and cell fate in the developing embryo. To determine if Hoxb-5 participates in patterning of early airway branching during lung morphogenesis, gestational day 11.5 embryonic lung cultures were treated with retinoic acid (RA) to up-regulate and antisense oligonucleotides to down-regulate Hoxb-5 protein expression. RA (10?6 M) and Hoxb-5 antisense oligonucleotide (20 μM) treatment each significantly decreased branching morphogenesis (P<0.001), but the morphology of branching under these conditions was very different. RA-treated lungs had elongated primary branches but decreased further branching with increased Hoxb-5 immunostaining in subepithelial regions underlying these elongated airways. Western blots confirmed that Hoxb-5 protein was increased by 189±20% (mean±S.E.M., P<0.05) in RA-treated lungs compared to controls. In contrast, lungs treated with Hoxb-5 antisense oligos plus RA had foreshortened primary branches with rudimentary distal clefts resulting in decreased numbers of primary and subsequent branches. Immunohistochemistry confirmed that Hoxb-5 antisense oligos inhibited Hoxb-5 protein expression even in the presence of RA. We conclude that regional and quantitative changes in Hoxb-5 protein expression influence morphogenesis of the first airway divisions from the mainstem bronchi. RA-induced alterations in branching are mediated in part through regulated Hoxb-5 expression.  相似文献   

Collagen XIX is an extremely rare extracellular matrix component that localizes to basement membrane zones and is transiently expressed by differentiating muscle cells. Characterization of mice harboring null and structural mutations of the collagen XIX (Col19a1) gene has revealed the critical contribution of this matrix protein to muscle physiology and differentiation. The phenotype includes smooth muscle motor dysfunction and hypertensive sphincter resulting from impaired swallowing-induced, nitric oxide-dependent relaxation of the sphincteric muscle. Muscle dysfunction was correlated with a disorganized matrix and a normal complement of enteric neurons and interstitial cells of Cajal. Mice without collagen XIX exhibit an additional defect, namely impaired smooth-to-skeletal muscle cell conversion in the abdominal segment of the esophagus. This developmental abnormality was accounted for by failed activation of myogenic regulatory factors that normally drive esophageal muscle transdifferentiation. Therefore, these findings identify collagen XIX as the first structural determinant of sphincteric muscle function, and as the first extrinsic factor of skeletal myogenesis in the murine esophagus.  相似文献   

Metazoan development involves a myriad of dynamic cellular processes that require cytoskeletal function. Nonmuscle myosin II plays essential roles in embryonic development; however, knowledge of its role in post-embryonic development, even in model organisms such as Drosophila melanogaster, is only recently being revealed. In this study, truncation alleles were generated and enable the conditional perturbation, in a graded fashion, of nonmuscle myosin II function. During wing development they demonstrate novel roles for nonmuscle myosin II, including in adhesion between the dorsal and ventral wing epithelial sheets; in the formation of a single actin-based wing hair from the distal vertex of each cell; in forming unbranched wing hairs; and in the correct positioning of veins and crossveins. Many of these phenotypes overlap with those observed when clonal mosaic analysis was performed in the wing using loss of function alleles. Additional requirements for nonmuscle myosin II are in the correct formation of other actin-based cellular protrusions (microchaetae and macrochaetae). We confirm and extend genetic interaction studies to show that nonmuscle myosin II and an unconventional myosin, encoded by crinkled (ck/MyoVIIA), act antagonistically in multiple processes necessary for wing development. Lastly, we demonstrate that truncation alleles can perturb nonmuscle myosin II function via two distinct mechanisms—by titrating light chains away from endogenous heavy chains or by recruiting endogenous heavy chains into intracellular aggregates. By allowing myosin II function to be perturbed in a controlled manner, these novel tools enable the elucidation of post-embryonic roles for nonmuscle myosin II during targeted stages of fly development.  相似文献   

Key gene families such as FGFs and BMPs are important mediators of branching morphogenesis. To understand whether Wnt genes, and in particular, the canonical Wnt signaling pathway also function in the branching process, we have used a combination of experimental and genetic gain and loss of function approaches to perturb the levels of canonical Wnt signaling in two arborized structures, the lung and the lacrimal gland. Here, we show that the addition of Wnt3a conditioned medium or LiCl strongly represses growth and proliferation of the lung and lacrimal gland, a result that was confirmed in vivo using a dominant stable mutation of beta-catenin conditionally expressed in the lacrimal gland epithelium. In agreement with these data, knockdown of Wnt signaling with beta-catenin morpholinos results in a greater number of branches and increased cell proliferation. In addition, we show that canonical Wnt signaling is able to modulate the levels of Fgf10 and suppress BMP-induced proliferation in the lacrimal gland. Thus, canonical Wnt signaling negatively regulates branching morphogenesis providing a balance to FGFs and BMPs which positively regulate this process. This multilayered control of growth and proliferation ensures that branched structures attain the morphology required to function efficiently.  相似文献   

Mouse submandibular epithelium shows branching morphogenesis in mesenchyme-free conditions when covered with a basement membrane matrix (Matrigel) in medium supplemented with epidermal growth factor. In the present study, the role of laminin-1 (LN1), a major glycoprotein of Matrigel, in this culture system was defined. When the epithelium was cultured in a LN1-nidogen gel, the epithelium showed much branching, comparable to that observed with Matrigel. By electron microscopy, only a felt-like matrix was formed on the epithelial surface in the LN1-nidogen gel cultures, while an organized basal lamina structure was formed on the epithelial surface in direct or transfilter recombination cultures with mesenchyme. Next, the epithelium covered with Matrigel was cultured in medium containing either biologically active peptides from LN1, IKVAV-including peptide (2097-2108), AG10 (2183-2194), AG32 (2370-2381) or AG73 (2719-2730) from the alpha1 chain, or YIGSR-including peptide (926-933) from the beta1 chain. Only AG73 (RKRLQVQLSIRT from the alpha1 chain carboxyl-terminal globular domain) inhibited the epithelial branching in Matrigel. These results suggest that LN1-nidogen can support the branching morphogenesis of submandibular epithelium even if LN1-nidogen is not assembled into an intact basal lamina, and that the AG73 sequence is an important site on LN1, which interacts with submandibular epithelial cells.  相似文献   

With their continuous growth, understanding how plant shapes form is fundamentally linked to understanding how growth rates are controlled across different regions of the plant. Much of a plant's architecture is generated in shoots and roots, where fast growth in tips contrasts with slow growth in supporting stalks. Shapes can be determined by where the boundaries between fast- and slow-growing regions are positioned, determining whether tips elongate, branch, or cease to grow. Across plants, there is a diversity in the cell wall chemistry through which growth operates. However, prototypical morphologies, such as tip growth and branching, suggest there are common dynamic constraints in localizing chemical growth catalysts. We have used Turing-type reaction-diffusion mechanisms to model this spatial localization and the resulting growth trajectories, characterizing the chemistry-growth feedback necessary for maintaining tip growth and for inducing branching. The mechanism defining the boundaries between fast- and slow-growing regions not only affects tip shape, it must be able to form new boundaries when the pattern-forming dynamics break symmetry, for instance in the branching of a tip. In previous work, we used an arbitrary concentration threshold to switch between two dynamic regimes of the growth catalyst in order to define growth boundaries. Here, we present a chemical dynamic basis for this threshold, in which feedback between two pattern-forming mechanisms controls the extent of the regions in which fast growth occurs. This provides a general self-contained mechanism for growth control in plant morphogenesis (not relying on external cues) which can account for both simple tip extension and symmetry-breaking branching phenomena.  相似文献   

Development of salivary glands is a highly complex and dynamic process termed branching morphogenesis, where branched structures differentiate into mature glands. Tight junctions (TJ) are thought to play critical roles in physiological functions of tubular organs, contributing to cell polarity and preventing lateral movement of membrane proteins. Evidence demonstrated that claudins are directly involved in TJ formation and function. Using immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence we have mapped the distribution of claudins-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 11 and compared it with the expression of differentiation markers in human salivary glands obtained from foetuses ranging from weeks 4 to 24 of gestation. Expression of all claudins, except claudin-2 was detected in the various phases of human salivary gland development, up to fully mature salivary gland. The expression of all claudins increased according to the progression of salivary gland maturation evidenced by the classical markers-cytokeratin 14, cytokeratin low molecular weight, smooth muscle actin and human secretory component. Tight junction proteins-claudins appear to be important in the final shape and physiological functions of human salivary glands and are parallel related with markers of salivary gland differentiation.  相似文献   

Summary The midgut epithelial basement membranes in 13 species of Coleoptera belonging to 11 families have been examined ultrastructurally and are described in the present work. Regular grid-like substructures are present in 6 species. One of the basement membranes possessing a regular structure is roughly characterized histochemically on the light microscopic level; it contains tyrosine-rich protein and PAS-positive carbohydrate but apparently no acid mucosubstances.The function of these peculiar substructures is entirely unknown. No correlation between the feeding biology of the beetles and the occurrence and morphology of the substructures has been found. It may, however, be possible to link the substructures with the systematic position of the animals. This is supported by the fact that exactly the same characteristic pattern of substructures has been found in the four investigated species belonging to Polyphaga-Haplogastra and not anywhere else.  相似文献   

Cdc42 is a small GTPase, which acts as a molecular switch to regulate a wide variety of cellular functions, such as actin cytoskeleton organization, cell proliferation, apoptosis, cell migration and in particular, cell polarity. Formation and maintenance of the basement membrane is a polarized process, which requires directed secretion, deposition and organization of basement membrane components at the basal side of epithelial cells. In the current study, we analyzed the maintenance of skin basement membrane in mice with a keratinocyte-restricted deletion of the Cdc42 gene. In the absence of Cdc42, basement membrane components became aberrantly deposited and the processing of laminin 5 was impaired in parts of the dermal-epidermal junction. These impairments became more severe with age and corresponded to local defects of the basement membrane in 4.5-month-old mutant mice. However, both, structure and number of hemidesomosomes were not significantly changed in the Cdc42 mutant skin compared with the control mice and no blister formation was observed in mutant skin. These data indicate that Cdc42 in keratinocytes is important for maintenance of the basement membrane of skin.  相似文献   

The mouse prostate gland develops by branching morphogenesis from the urogenital epithelium and mesenchyme. Androgens and developmental factors, including FGF10 and SHH, promote prostate growth (Berman, D.M., Desai, N., Wang, X., Karhadkar, S.S., Reynon, M., Abate-Shen, C., Beachy, P.A., Shen, M.M., 2004. Roles for Hedgehog signaling in androgen production and prostate ductal morphogenesis. Dev. Biol. 267, 387-398; Donjacour, A.A., Thomson, A.A., Cunha, G.R., 2003. FGF-10 plays an essential role in the growth of the fetal prostate. Dev. Biol. 261, 39-54), while BMP4 signaling from the mesenchyme has been shown to suppresses prostate branching (Lamm, M.L., Podlasek, C.A., Barnett, D.H., Lee, J., Clemens, J.Q., Hebner, C.M., Bushman, W., 2001. Mesenchymal factor bone morphogenetic protein 4 restricts ductal budding and branching morphogenesis in the developing prostate. Dev. Biol. 232, 301-314). Here, we show that Bone Morphogenetic Protein 7 (BMP7) restricts branching of the prostate epithelium. BMP7 is expressed in the periurethral urogenital mesenchyme prior to formation of the prostate buds and, subsequently, in the prostate epithelium. We show that BMP7(lacZ/lacZ) null prostates show a two-fold increase in prostate branching, while recombinant BMP7 inhibits prostate morphogenesis in organ culture in a concentration-dependent manner. We further explore the mechanisms by which the developmental signals may be interpreted in the urogenital epithelium to regulate branching morphogenesis. We show that Notch1 activity is associated with the formation of the prostate buds, and that Notch1 signaling is derepressed in BMP7 null urogenital epithelium. Based on our studies, we propose a model that BMP7 inhibits branching morphogenesis in the prostate and limits the number of domains with high Notch1/Hes1 activity.  相似文献   

The influence of the sub-endothelial basement membrane (BM) on the adhesion and migration of leukocytes is not well-defined. We therefore investigated the behaviour of human neutrophils on purified BM proteins and on BM deposited by short- or long-term cultures of endothelial cells (EC). The adhesion, but not migration velocities, of neutrophils activated with interleukin-8 was dependent on the coating concentrations of purified collagen, laminin or fibronectin. In contrast, adhesion was similar on matrices deposited by 3-day or 20-day cultures of EC, but neutrophils migrated more slowly on the distinct BM that formed over 20 days. In addition, while adhesion on all surfaces was greatly reduced when neutrophils were treated with antibody against β2-integrins, antibody against β1-integrins only inhibited adhesion to the 20-day BM. Thus, the native BM has distinct effects on integrin usage and migration by neutrophils, which are not reproduced by purified proteins or matrix deposited early during endothelial culture.  相似文献   

Living cells develop their own characteristic shapes depending on their physiological functions, and their morphologies are based on the mechanical characteristics of the cytoskeleton and of membranes. To investigate the role of lipid membranes in morphogenesis, we constructed a simple system that can manipulate liposomes and measure the forces required to transform their shapes. Two polystyrene beads (1 microm in diameter) were encapsulated in giant liposomes and were manipulated using double-beam laser tweezers. Without any specific interaction between the lipid membrane and beads, mechanical forces could be applied to the liposome membrane from the inside. Spherical liposomes transformed into a lemon shape with increasing tension, and tubular membrane projections were subsequently generated in the tips at either end. This process is similar to the liposomal transformation caused by elongation of encapsulated cytoskeletons. In the elongation stage of lemon-shaped liposomes, the force required for the transformation became larger as the end-to-end length increased. Just before the tubular membrane was generated, the force reached the maximum strength (approximately 11 pN). However, immediately after the tubular membrane developed, the force suddenly decreased and was maintained at a constant strength (approximately 4 pN) that was independent of further tube elongation or shortening, even though there was no excess membrane reservoir as occurs in living cells. When the tube length was shortened to approximately 2 microm, the liposome reversed to a lemon shape and the force temporarily increased (to approximately 7 pN). These results indicate that the simple application of mechanical force is sufficient to form a protrusion in a membrane, that a critical force and length is needed to form and to maintain the protrusion, and suggest that the lipid bilayer itself has the ability to buffer the membrane tension.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to observe the expansion of a monolayer of endothelial cells over specific components of the basement membrane. This was performed in vitro in a monolayer expansion assay over 5 days. The control surface was uncoated glass in the form of coverslips. Test substances were coated at a concentration of 10 μg/ml. The highest expansion was obtained with a high molecular weight fragment mixture of collagen type IV (IV-F, consisting of 75, 120 and 140 KD fragments), followed by fibronectin. Collagens type I, III and IV tetramer gave similar results, less than fibronectin or collagen type IV-F, although all of the above basement membrane coatings promoted expansion significantly above that of the control (P<0.01). The poorest expansion was obtained with laminin, which was significantly less than the control. The pentapeptide GRGDS, related to the fibronectin cell binding region, gave expansion significantly below that of the intact fibronectin molecule, as did the intact collagen type IV molecule compared with type IV-F (P<0.025). This indicates that sequences of the fibronectin molecule other than the cell binding sequence may be involved in promoting endothelial cell expansion. In addition, the integrity of the collagen type IV molecule does not appear necessary for this effect. On the contrary, the higher movement on IV-F may represent an inherent repair mechanism in damaged endothelium. Autoradiographic studies show that endothelial cell proliferation at the expanding front is involved in the migration assay.  相似文献   

Glycosaminoglycans in the form of heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPG) and chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPG) are required for normal kidney organogenesis. The specific roles of HSPGs and CSPGs on ureteric bud (UB) branching morphogenesis are unclear, and past reports have obtained differing results. Here we employ in vitro systems, including isolated UB culture, to clarify the roles of HSPGs and CSPGs on this process. Microarray analysis revealed that many proteoglycan core proteins change during kidney development (syndecan-1,2,4, glypican-1,2,3, versican, decorin, biglycan). Moreover, syndecan-1, syndecan-4, glypican-3, and versican are differentially expressed during isolated UB culture, while decorin is dynamically regulated in cultured isolated metanephric mesenchyme (MM). Biochemical analysis indicated that while both heparan sulfate (HS) and chondroitin sulfate (CS) are present, CS accounts for approximately 75% of the glycosaminoglycans (GAG) in the embryonic kidney. Selective perturbation of HS in whole kidney rudiments and in the isolated UB resulted in a significant reduction in the number of UB branch tips, while CS perturbation has much less impressive effects on branching morphogenesis. Disruption of endogenous HS sulfation with chlorate resulted in diminished FGF2 binding and proliferation, which markedly altered kidney area but did not have a statistically significant effect on patterning of the ureteric tree. Furthermore, perturbation of GAGs did not have a detectable effect on FGFR2 expression or epithelial marker localization, suggesting the expression of these molecules is largely independent of HS function. Taken together, the data suggests that nonselective perturbation of HSPG function results in a general proliferation defect; selective perturbation of specific core proteins and/or GAG microstructure may result in branching pattern defects. Despite CS being the major GAG synthesized in the whole developing kidney, it appears to play a lesser role in UB branching; however, CS is likely to be integral to other developmental processes during nephrogenesis, possibly involving the MM. A model is presented of how, together with growth factors, heterogeneity of proteoglycan core proteins and glycosaminoglycan sulfation act as a switching mechanism to regulate different stages of the branching process. In this model, specific growth factor-HSPG combinations play key roles in the transitioning between stages and their maintenance.  相似文献   

Renal glomerular basement membrane was labeled in vivo by the injection of tracer amounts of radioactive sulfate into normal adult rats. The biosynthesis and turnover of [35S]glycosaminoglycans in purified basement membrane was determined from the specific activity of 35S in pronase digests of basement membranes isolated 1–7 days after injection. Peak radioactive labeling occurred 24 h after injection following which the specific activity of basement membrane sulfate, expressed as cpm/μg uronic acid, progressively declined over the ensuing period of study. The biologic half-life of radioactive sulfate in basement membrane was estimated at about 7 days, which is within the range previously reported for [35S]glycosaminoglycans in whole renal cortex. The findings indicate that 35S-labeled components of glomerular basement membrane have a relatively rapid turnover.  相似文献   

The mouse submandibular gland (SMG) epithelium undergoes extensive morphogenetic branching during embryonic development as the first step in the establishment of its glandular structure. However, the specific signaling pathways required for SMG branching morphogenesis are not well understood. Using E13 mouse SMG organ cultures, we showed that inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase), wortmannin and LY294002, substantially inhibited branching morphogenesis in SMG. Branching morphogenesis of epithelial rudiments denuded of mesenchyme was inhibited similarly, indicating that PI 3-kinase inhibitors act directly on the epithelium. Immunostaining and Western analysis demonstrated that the p85 isoform of PI 3-kinase is expressed in epithelium at levels higher than in the mesenchyme. A target of PI 3-kinase, Akt/protein kinase B (PKB), showed decreased phosphorylation at Ser(473) by Western analysis in the presence of PI 3-kinase inhibitors. The major lipid product of PI 3-kinase, phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PIP(3)), was added exogenously to SMG via a membrane-transporting carrier in the presence of PI 3-kinase inhibitors and was found to stimulate cleft formation, the first step of branching morphogenesis. Together, these data indicate that PI 3-kinase plays a role in the regulation of epithelial branching morphogenesis in mouse SMG acting through a PIP(3) pathway.  相似文献   

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