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Eissenberg JC 《Gene》2012,496(2):69-78
The chromodomain motif is found among certain chromosomal proteins of all eukaryotes. The chromodomain fold - three beta strands packed against a C-terminal alpha helix - mediates protein-protein and/or protein-nucleic acid interactions. In some cases, the affinity of chromodomain binding is regulated by lysine methylation, which appears to target chromodomain proteins and associated complexes to specific sites in chromatin. In this review, our current knowledge of chromodomain structure and function is summarized.  相似文献   

Chromodomains are methylated histone binding modules that have been widely studied. Interestingly, some chromodomains are reported to bind to RNA and/or DNA, although the molecular basis of their RNA/DNA interactions has not been solved. Here we propose a novel binding mode for chromodomain-RNA interactions. Essential Sas-related acetyltransferase 1 (Esa1) contains a presumed chromodomain in addition to a histone acetyltransferase domain. We initially determined the solution structure of the Esa1 presumed chromodomain and showed it to consist of a well-folded structure containing a five-stranded β-barrel similar to the tudor domain rather than the canonical chromodomain. Furthermore, the domain showed no RNA/DNA binding ability. Because the N-terminus of the protein forms a helical turn, we prepared an N-terminally extended construct, which we surprisingly found to bind to poly(U) and to be critical for in vivo function. This extended protein contains an additional β-sheet that acts as a knot for the tudor domain and binds to oligo(U) and oligo(C) with greater affinity compared with other oligo-RNAs and DNAs examined thus far. The knot does not cause a global change in the core structure but induces a well-defined loop in the tudor domain itself, which is responsible for RNA binding. We made 47 point mutants in an esa1 mutant gene in yeast in which amino acids of the Esa1 knotted tudor domain were substituted to alanine residues and their functional abilities were examined. Interestingly, the knotted tudor domain mutations that were lethal to the yeast lost poly(U) binding ability. Amino acids that are related to RNA interaction sites, as revealed by both NMR and affinity binding experiments, are found to be important in vivo. These findings are the first demonstration of how the novel structure of the knotted tudor domain impacts on RNA binding and how this influences in vivo function.  相似文献   

Inhibitor of growth 1 (ING1) is implicated in oncogenesis, DNA damage repair, and apoptosis. Mutations within the ING1 gene and altered expression levels of ING1 are found in multiple human cancers. Here, we show that both DNA repair and apoptotic activities of ING1 require the interaction of the C-terminal plant homeodomain (PHD) finger with histone H3 trimethylated at Lys4 (H3K4me3). The ING1 PHD finger recognizes methylated H3K4 but not other histone modifications as revealed by the peptide microarrays. The molecular mechanism of the histone recognition is elucidated based on a 2.1 Å-resolution crystal structure of the PHD-H3K4me3 complex. The K4me3 occupies a deep hydrophobic pocket formed by the conserved Y212 and W235 residues that make cation-π contacts with the trimethylammonium group. Both aromatic residues are essential in the H3K4me3 recognition, as substitution of these residues with Ala disrupts the interaction. Unlike the wild-type ING1, the W235A mutant, overexpressed in the stable clones of melanoma cells or in HT1080 cells, was unable to stimulate DNA repair after UV irradiation or promote DNA-damage-induced apoptosis, indicating that H3K4me3 binding is necessary for these biological functions of ING1. Furthermore, N216S, V218I, and G221V mutations, found in human malignances, impair the ability of ING1 to associate with H3K4me3 or to induce nucleotide repair and cell death, linking the tumorigenic activity of ING1 with epigenetic regulation. Together, our findings reveal the critical role of the H3K4me3 interaction in mediating cellular responses to genotoxic stresses and offer new insight into the molecular mechanism underlying the tumor suppressive activity of ING1.  相似文献   

Certain actin-related proteins (Arps) of budding yeast are localized in the nucleus, and have essential roles as stoichiometric components of histone acetyltransferase (HAT) and chromatin remodeling complexes. On the other hand, identification of vertebrate nuclear Arps and their functional analyses are just beginning. We show that human Arp5 (hArp5) proteins are localized in the nucleus, and that arp5Δ yeast cells are partially complemented by hArp5. Thus, hArp5 is a novel member of the nuclear Arps of vertebrates, which possess evolutionarily conserved functions from yeast to humans. We show here that hArp5 shuttles between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Furthermore, after the induction of DNA double strand breaks (DSB), cell growth and the accumulation of phosphorylated histone H2AX (γ-H2AX) are impaired by hArp5 depletion. Association of hArp5 with the hIno80 chromatin remodeling enzyme and decrease of chromatin-bound hIno80 by hArp5-depletion indicate that hArp5 may have a role in the recruitment of the hINO80 complex to chromatin. Overexpression of hArp5 and hIno80 enhanced γ-H2AX accumulation. These observations suggest that hArp5 is involved in the process of DSB repair through the regulation of the chromatin remodelling machinery.  相似文献   

Cohesins are conserved and essential Structural Maintenance of Chromosomes (SMC) protein-containing complexes that physically interact with chromatin and modulate higher-order chromatin organization. Cohesins mediate sister chromatid cohesion and cellular long-distance chromatin interactions affecting genome maintenance and gene expression. Discoveries of mutations in cohesin's subunits and its regulator proteins in human developmental disorders, so-called “cohesinopathies,” reveal crucial roles for cohesins in development and cellular growth and differentiation. In this review, we discuss the latest findings concerning cohesin's functions in higher-order chromatin architecture organization and gene regulation and new insight gained from studies of cohesinopathies. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Chromatin and epigenetic regulation of animal development.  相似文献   

To link conformational transitions noted for DNA polymerases with kinetic results describing catalytic efficiency and fidelity, we investigate the role of key DNA polymerase beta residues on subdomain motion through simulations of five single-residue mutants: Arg-283-Ala, Tyr-271-Ala, Asp-276-Val, Arg-258-Lys, and Arg-258-Ala. Since a movement toward a closed state was only observed for R258A, we suggest that Arg(258) is crucial in modulating motion preceding chemistry. Analyses of protein/DNA interactions in the mutant active site indicate distinctive hydrogen bonding and van der Waals patterns arising from compensatory structural adjustments. By comparing closed mutant complexes with the wild-type enzyme, we interpret experimentally derived nucleotide binding affinities in molecular terms: R283A (decreased), Y271A (increased), D276V (increased), and R258A (decreased). Thus, compensatory interactions (e.g., in Y271A with adjacent residues Phe(272), Asn(279), and Arg(283)) increase the overall binding affinity for the incoming nucleotide although direct interactions may decrease. Together with energetic analyses, we predict that R258G might increase the rate of nucleotide insertion and maintain enzyme fidelity as R258A; D276L might increase the nucleotide binding affinity more than D276V; and R283A/K280A might decrease the nucleotide binding affinity and increase misinsertion more than R283A. The combined observations regarding key roles of specific residues (e.g., Arg(258)) and compensatory interactions echo the dual nature of polymerase active site, namely versatility (to accommodate various basepairs) and specificity (for preserving fidelity) and underscore an organized but pliant active site essential to enzyme function.  相似文献   

We determined the complete mitochondrial genome sequences for Bursaphelenchus mucronatus, one species of pinewood nematode. The genome is a circular-DNA molecule of 14,583 bp (195 bp smaller than its congener Bursaphelenchus xylophilus) and contains 12 protein-coding genes (lacking atp8), 22 tRNA genes, and 2 rRNA genes encoded in the same direction, consistent with most other nematodes. Based on sequence comparison of mtDNA genomes, we developed a PCR-based molecular assay to differentiate B. xylophilus (highly pathogenic) and B. mucronatus (relatively less virulent) using species-specific primers. The molecular identification system employs multiplex-PCR and is very effective and reliable for discriminating these Bursaphelenchus species, which are economically important, but difficult to distinguish based on morphology. The comparison of the mitochondrial genomes and molecular identification system of the two species of Bursaphelenchus spp. should provide a rich source of genetic information to support the effective control and management (quarantine) of the pine wilt disease caused by pinewood nematodes.  相似文献   

Suyari O  Kawai M  Ida H  Yoshida H  Sakaguchi K  Yamaguchi M 《Gene》2012,495(2):104-114
In Drosophila, the 255kDa catalytic subunit (dpolεp255) and the 58kDa subunit of DNA polymerase ε (dpolεp58) have been identified. The N-terminus of dpolεp255 carries well-conserved six DNA polymerase subdomains and five 3'→5' exonuclease motifs as observed with Polε in other species. We here examined roles of dpolεp255 during Drosophila development using transgenic fly lines expressing double stranded RNA (dsRNA). Expression of dpolεp255 dsRNA in eye discs induced a small eye phenotype and inhibited DNA synthesis, indicating a role in the G1-S transition and/or S-phase progression of the mitotic cycle. Similarly, expression of dpolεp255 dsRNA in the salivary glands resulted in small size and endoreplication defects, demonstrating a critical role in endocycle progression. In the eye disc, defects induced by knockdown of dpolεp255 were rescued by overexpression of the C-terminal region of dpolεp255, indicating that the function of this non-catalytic domain is conserved between yeast and Drosophila. However, this was not the case for the salivary gland, suggesting that the catalytic N-terminal region is crucial for endoreplication and its defect cannot be complemented by other DNA polymerases. In addition, several genetic interactants with dpolεp255 including genes related to DNA replication such as RFC, DNA primase, DNA polη, Mcm10 and Psf2 and chromatin remodeling such as Iswi were also identified.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of a female flightless geometrid moth Apocheima cinerarius was found to be 15,722 bp in length, containing 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes, 2 ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes, and a control region. The A + T content of the complete mitogenome is 80.83%. The AT skew value ([A − T] / [A + T]) is 0.027. The 13 PCGs of the mitogenome start with typical ATN codons, except for cox1 with the start codon CGA. All the tRNA genes have typical cloverleaf secondary structures, except for trnSer(AGN). The secondary structures of rrnL and rrnS were predicted. Six structural domains including conserved regions (IV, V) and variable regions (I, II, III, VI) were identified in the secondary structure of rrnL. The secondary structure of rrnS consists of 3 structural domains. The control region of A. cinerarius begins with conserved motifs of “ATAGA” + 19-bp poly T. It also contains a microsatellite-like (TA)26, a stem-and-loop structure, and a poly-A stretch. Phylogenetic analysis showed that Geometroidea is more closely related to Bombycoidea than to Noctuoidea. A. cinerarius is more closely related to Biston panterinaria than to Phthonandria atrilineata, which is in accordance with the conventional morphology-based classification.  相似文献   

Members of the Calliphoridae (blowflies) are significant for medical and veterinary management, due to the ability of some species to consume living flesh as larvae, and for forensic investigations due to the ability of others to develop in corpses. Due to the difficulty of accurately identifying larval blowflies to species there is a need for DNA-based diagnostics for this family, however the widely used DNA-barcoding marker, cox1, has been shown to fail for several groups within this family. Additionally, many phylogenetic relationships within the Calliphoridae are still unresolved, particularly deeper level relationships. Sequencing whole mt genomes has been demonstrated both as an effective method for identifying the most informative diagnostic markers and for resolving phylogenetic relationships. Twenty-seven complete, or nearly so, mt genomes were sequenced representing 13 species, seven genera and four calliphorid subfamilies and a member of the related family Tachinidae. PCR and sequencing primers developed for sequencing one calliphorid species could be reused to sequence related species within the same superfamily with success rates ranging from 61% to 100%, demonstrating the speed and efficiency with which an mt genome dataset can be assembled. Comparison of molecular divergences for each of the 13 protein-coding genes and 2 ribosomal RNA genes, at a range of taxonomic scales identified novel targets for developing as diagnostic markers which were 117–200% more variable than the markers which have been used previously in calliphorids. Phylogenetic analysis of whole mt genome sequences resulted in much stronger support for family and subfamily-level relationships. The Calliphoridae are polyphyletic, with the Polleninae more closely related to the Tachinidae, and the Sarcophagidae are the sister group of the remaining calliphorids. Within the Calliphoridae, there was strong support for the monophyly of the Chrysomyinae and Luciliinae and for the sister-grouping of Luciliinae with Calliphorinae. Relationships within Chrysomya were not well resolved. Whole mt genome data, supported the previously demonstrated paraphyly of Lucilia cuprina with respect to L. sericata and allowed us to conclude that it is due to hybrid introgression prior to the last common ancestor of modern sericata populations, rather than due to recent hybridisation, nuclear pseudogenes or incomplete lineage sorting.  相似文献   

Jasmonate:amino acid synthetase (JAR1) is involved in the function of jasmonic acid (JA) as a plant hormone. It catalyzes the synthesis of several JA-amido conjugates, the most important of which appears to be JA-Ile. Structurally, JAR1 is a member of the firefly luciferase superfamily that comprises enzymes that adenylate various organic acids. This study analyzed the substrate specificity of recombinant JAR1 and determined whether it catalyzes the synthesis of mono- and dinucleoside polyphosphates, which are side-reaction products of many enzymes forming acyl approximately adenylates. Among different oxylipins tested as mixed stereoisomers for substrate activity with JAR1, the highest rate of conversion to Ile-conjugates was observed for (+/-)-JA and 9,10-dihydro-JA, while the rate of conjugation with 12-hydroxy-JA and OPC-4 (3-oxo-2-(2Z-pentenyl)cyclopentane-1-butyric acid) was only about 1-2% that for (+/-)-JA. Of the two stereoisomers of JA, (-)-JA and (+)-JA, rate of synthesis of the former was about 100-fold faster than for (+)-JA. Finally, we have demonstrated that (1) in the presence of ATP, Mg(2+), (-)-JA and tripolyphosphate the ligase produces adenosine 5'-tetraphosphate (p(4)A); (2) addition of isoleucine to that mixture halts the p(4)A synthesis; (3) the enzyme produces neither diadenosine triphosphate (Ap(3)A) nor diadenosine tetraphosphate (Ap(4)A) and (4) Ap(4)A cannot substitute ATP as a source of adenylate in the complete reaction that yields JA-Ile.  相似文献   

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