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Oligomerization of G protein-coupled receptors has been proposed to affect receptor function and regulation; however, little is known about the molecular nature of such complexes. We previously utilized bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) to demonstrate that the prototypic Family B secretin receptor can form oligomers. We now explore the order of oligomerization present utilizing unique bimolecular fluorescence complementation and energy transfer techniques. The non-fluorescent carboxyl-terminal and amino-terminal halves of yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) were fused to the carboxyl terminus of the secretin receptor. These constructs bound secretin normally and signaled in response to secretin like wild type receptor. When co-expressed on COS cells, these constructs physically interacted to yield typical YFP fluorescence in biosynthetic compartments and at the plasma membrane, reflecting receptor homo-dimerization. However, the addition of another potential partner in form of Rlu- or CFP-tagged secretin receptor yielded no significant BRET or FRET signal, respectively, under conditions in which intact YFP-tagged secretin receptor yielded such a signal. Absence of higher-order receptor oligomers was further confirmed using saturation BRET techniques. Absence of significant resonance transfer to the secretin receptor homo-dimer was true for carboxyl-terminally-tagged secretin receptor, as well as for receptor incorporating the transfer partner into each of the three distinct intracellular loop domains. These results suggest that the secretin receptor can exist only as a structurally-specific homo-dimer, without being present as higher-order oligomers.  相似文献   

Leptin mediates its metabolic effects through several leptin receptor (LEP-R) isoforms. In humans, long (LEPRb) and short (LEPRa,c,d) isoforms are generated by alternative splicing. Most of leptin’s effects are believed to be mediated by the OB-Rb isoform. However, the role of short LEPR isoforms and the possible existence of heteromers between different isoforms are poorly understood. Using BRET1 and optimized co-immunoprecipitation, we observed LEPRa/b and LEPRb/c heteromers located at the plasma membrane and stabilized by leptin. Given the widespread coexpression of LEPRa and LEPRb, our results suggest that LEPRa/b heteromers may represent a major receptor species in most tissues.

Structured summary

MINT-7714817: LEPRb (uniprotkb:P48357-1) physically interacts (MI:0915) with LEPRb (uniprotkb:P48357-1) by anti tag co-immunoprecipitation (MI:0007)MINT-7714785: LEPRc (uniprotkb:P48357-2) physically interacts (MI:0915) with LEPRc (uniprotkb:P48357-2) by bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (MI:0012)MINT-7714951, MINT-7714744: LEPRa (uniprotkb:P48357-3) physically interacts (MI:0915) with LEPRa (uniprotkb:P48357-3) by bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (MI:0012)MINT-7714859: LEPRb (uniprotkb:P48357-1) physically interacts (MI:0915) with LEPRa (uniprotkb:P48357-3) by anti tag co-immunoprecipitation (MI:0007)MINT-7714885, MINT-7714672: LEPRb (uniprotkb:P48357-1) physically interacts (MI:0915) with LEPRb (uniprotkb:P48357-1) by bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (MI:0012)MINT-7714835: LEPRa (uniprotkb:P48357-3) physically interacts (MI:0915) with LEPRa (uniprotkb:P48357-3) by anti tag co-immunoprecipitation (MI:0007)MINT-7714914, MINT-7714723, MINT-7714759: LeprB (uniprotkb:P48357-1) physically interacts (MI:0915) with LEPRa (uniprotkb:P48357-3) by bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (MI:0012)MINT-7714703, MINT-7714936, MINT-7714772: LEPRb (uniprotkb:P48357-1) physically interacts (MI:0915) with LEPRc (uniprotkb:P48357-2) by bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (MI:0012)MINT-7714872: LEPRb (uniprotkb:P48357-1) physically interacts (MI:0915) with LEPRc (uniprotkb:P48357-2) by anti tag co-immunoprecipitation (MI:0007)  相似文献   

Human OX1 orexin receptors have been shown to homodimerize and they have also been suggested to heterodimerize with CB1 cannabinoid receptors. The latter has been suggested to be important for orexin receptor responses and trafficking. In this study, we wanted to assess the ability of the other combinations of receptors to also form similar complexes. Vectors for expression of human OX1, OX2 and CB1 receptors, C-terminally fused with either Renilla luciferase or GFP2 green fluorescent protein variant, were generated. The constructs were transiently expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells, and constitutive dimerization between the receptors was assessed by bioluminescence energy transfer (BRET). Orexin receptor subtypes readily formed homo- and hetero(di)mers, as suggested by significant BRET signals. CB1 receptors formed homodimers, and they also heterodimerized with both orexin receptors. Interestingly, BRET efficiency was higher for homodimers than for almost all heterodimers. This is likely to be due to the geometry of the interaction; the putatively symmetric dimers may place the C-termini in a more suitable orientation in homomers. Fusion of luciferase to an orexin receptor and GFP2 to CB1 produced more effective BRET than the opposite fusions, also suggesting differences in geometry. Similar was seen for the OX1–OX2 interaction. In conclusion, orexin receptors have a significant propensity to make homo- and heterodi-/oligomeric complexes. However, it is unclear whether this affects their signaling. As orexin receptors efficiently signal via endocannabinoid production to CB1 receptors, dimerization could be an effective way of forming signal complexes with optimal cannabinoid concentrations available for cannabinoid receptors.  相似文献   

The bacterium Escherichia coli exhibits chemotactic behavior at temperatures ranging from approximately 20 °C to at least 42 °C. This behavior is controlled by clusters of transmembrane chemoreceptors made from trimers of dimers that are linked together by cross-binding to cytoplasmic components. By detecting fluorescence energy transfer between various components of this system, we studied the underlying molecular behavior of these receptors in vivo and throughout their operating temperature range. We reveal a sharp modulation in the conformation of unclustered and clustered receptor trimers and, consequently, in kinase activity output. These modulations occurred at a characteristic temperature that depended on clustering and were lower for receptors at lower adaptational states. However, in the presence of dynamic adaptation, the response of kinase activity to a stimulus was sustained up to 45 °C, but sensitivity notably decreased. Thus, this molecular system exhibits a clear thermal sensitivity that emerges at the level of receptor trimers, but both receptor clustering and adaptation support the overall robust operation of the system at elevated temperatures.  相似文献   

Two-component signal transduction pathways consisting of a histidine kinase and a response regulator are used by prokaryotes to respond to diverse environmental and intracellular stimuli. Most species encode numerous paralogous histidine kinases that exhibit significant structural similarity. Yet in almost all known examples, histidine kinases are thought to function as homodimers. We investigated the molecular basis of dimerization specificity, focusing on the model histidine kinase EnvZ and RstB, its closest paralog in Escherichia coli. Direct binding studies showed that the cytoplasmic domains of these proteins each form specific homodimers in vitro. Using a series of chimeric proteins, we identified specificity determinants at the base of the four-helix bundle in the dimerization and histidine phosphotransfer domain. Guided by molecular coevolution predictions and EnvZ structural information, we identified sets of residues in this region that are sufficient to establish homospecificity. Mutating these residues in EnvZ to the corresponding residues in RstB produced a functional kinase that preferentially homodimerized over interacting with EnvZ. EnvZ and RstB likely diverged following gene duplication to yield two homodimers that cannot heterodimerize, and the mutants we identified represent possible evolutionary intermediates in this process.  相似文献   

We report highly sensitive bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) assays with optimized donor/acceptor couples. We combined the energy donors Renilla luciferase (Rluc) and the Rluc8 variant with the energy acceptors yellow fluorescent protein, the YPet variant and the Renilla green fluorescent protein (RGFP). Different donor/acceptor couples were tested in well-established assays measuring ligand-induced β-arrestin (βARR) intramolecular rearrangements and recruitment to G protein-coupled receptors. We show increased sensitivity with Rluc8/YPet and Rluc8/RGFP couples and measured previously undetectable BRET signals. These tools improve existing βARR assays and offer new options for the development of future BRET assays.  相似文献   

Arrestins are multi-functional proteins that regulate signaling and trafficking of the majority of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), as well as sub-cellular localization and activity of many other signaling proteins. We report the first crystal structure of arrestin-3, solved at 3.0 Å resolution. Arrestin-3 is an elongated two-domain molecule with overall fold and key inter-domain interactions that hold the free protein in the basal conformation similar to the other subtypes. Arrestin-3 is the least selective member of the family, binding a wide variety of GPCRs with high affinity and demonstrating lower preference for active phosphorylated forms of the receptors. In contrast to the other three arrestins, part of the receptor-binding surface in the arrestin-3 C-domain does not form a contiguous β-sheet, which is consistent with increased flexibility. By swapping the corresponding elements between arrestin-2 and arrestin-3 we show that the presence of this loose structure is correlated with reduced arrestin selectivity for activated receptors, consistent with a conformational change in this β-sheet upon receptor binding.  相似文献   

The interaction of activated G protein-coupled receptors with G proteins is a key event in signal transduction. Here, using a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based assay, we measure directly and in living cells the interaction of YFP-labeled alpha(2A)-adrenergic receptors with CFP-labeled G proteins. Upon agonist stimulation, a small, concentration-dependent increase in FRET was observed. No specific basal FRET was detected in the absence of agonist. Kinetics of the onset of receptor/G protein interaction were <100 ms and depended on expression levels of Galpha. Simultaneously recorded G protein-regulated inwardly rectifying K(+) channel currents revealed a maximal current response already at agonist concentrations producing submaximal FRET amplitudes. By analyzing FRET signals in the presence of a Galpha mutant, which dissociates more slowly from activated receptors, it was demonstrated that only a fraction of wild-type G proteins interacts with the activated receptor at any time. Our data suggest that alpha(2A)-adrenergic receptors and G proteins interact by rapid collision coupling and indicate that there is no significant precoupling between these receptors and G proteins.  相似文献   

Summary Protein-protein interactions are fundamental processes for many biological systems including those involving the superfamily of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). When addressing key questions concerning the regulation of GPCR-protein complexes and their functional significance, the development and refinement of non-invasive techniques to study these interactions will be of great value. One such technique, bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET), is a recently described biophysical method that represents a powerful tool with which to measure protein-protein interactions in live cells, in real time. This minireview highlights the impact that evolving techniques such as BRET have had on the study of dynamic protein interactions involving GPCRs. In particular, the application of BRET to the study of protein interactions involving the receptors for hypothalamic peptide hormones, thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), will be discussed. Using these receptors, BRET has successfully been used to demonstrate formation of both agonist-dependent and independent GPCR-GPCR complexes (oligomerization) and the agonist-dependent interaction of GPCRs with their intracellular adaptor protein partners, the arrestins. In summary, BRET is a highly snnsitive method that will not only aid in advancing our understanding of GPCR signalling and trafficking bout coud also potentially lead to the development of novel therapeutics that target these GPCR-protein complexes.  相似文献   

Protein-protein interactions are fundamental processes for manybiological systems including those involving the superfamily ofG-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). When addressing keyquestions concerning the regulation of GPCR-protein complexes andtheir functional significance, the development and refinement ofnon-invasive techniques to study these interactions will be ofgreat value. One such technique, bioluminescence resonanceenergy transfer (BRET), is a recently described biophysicalmethod that represents a powerful tool with which to measureprotein-protein interactions in live cells, in real time. Thisminireview highlights the impact that evolving techniques such asBRET have had on the study of dynamic protein interactionsinvolving GPCRs. In particular, the application of BRET to thestudy of protein interactions involving the receptors forhypothalamic peptide hormones, thyrotropin-releasing hormone(TRH) and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), will bediscussed. Using these receptors, BRET has successfully beenused to demonstrate formation of both agonist-dependent andindependent GPCR-GPCR complexes (oligomerization) and theagonist-dependent interaction of GPCRs with their intracellularadaptor protein partners, the arrestins. In summary, BRET is ahighly sensitive method that will not only aid in advancing ourunderstanding of GPCR signalling and trafficking but could alsopotentially lead to the development of novel therapeutics thattarget these GPCR-protein complexes.  相似文献   

The pharmacological actions of morphine and morphine-like drugs, such as heroin, mediate primarily through the mu-opioid receptor (MOR). It has been proposed that the functional diversity of MOR may be related to alternative splicing of the MOR gene. Although a number of MOR mRNA splice variants have been reported, their biological function has been controversial. In this study, two novel splice variants of the human MOR gene were discovered. Splice variants 1 and 2 (here called the SV1 and SV2) retain different portions of intron I. In vitro translation of SV1 and SV2 produced proteins with the predicted molecular weights. The splice variant proteins were identical to the wild-type MOR-1 up to the first transmembrane domains, but were different after the first intracellular loop domains. SV1 and SV2 of hMOR were present in human neuroblastoma NMB cells and human whole brain confirmed by RT-PCR. In a receptor binding assay, cells expressing the SV1 and SV2 do not exhibit binding to [(3)H]diprenorphine. The formations of MOR.SV1 and MOR.SV2 heterodimers were demonstrated by co-immunoprecipitation and bioluminescence resonance energy transfer between MOR and splice variants. Co-transfection of MOR-GFP and SV-DsRed gene showed that MOR and SV protein co-localized at the cytoplasmic membrane. In NMB cells expressing human MOR gene, transfection of SV1 or SV2 reduced binding activity of the endogenous MOR. These data support a potential role of SV1 and SV2 proteins as possible biological modulator of human mu-opioid receptor.  相似文献   

姜云璐  龚磊  白波  陈京 《生命科学》2014,(2):181-187
传统观念认为,在激动剂作用下,G蛋白偶联受体(GPCRs)能够激活G蛋白的α亚基,从而使Gα亚基与Gβγ亚基分离,被激活的Gα亚基通过信号转导进一步参与细胞的生理过程。但是,最新研究发现GPCRs和G蛋白存在多种偶联关系,GPCRs不仅能够激活Gα亚基,还可以与Gβγ亚基相互靠近,甚至会使G蛋白亚基构象发生重排而不分离,这对于疾病发病机制的研究及新的药物靶点的发现具有重要意义。就GPCRs与G蛋白之间的相互作用以及最新研究技术作一简要综述。  相似文献   

The beta(2) adrenergic receptor (beta(2)AR) is a G protein-coupled receptor that is selective to epinephrine. We demonstrate herein monitoring of an agonist-induced conformational change of beta(2)AR in living cells. The monitoring method is based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer from a cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) to a biarsenical fluorophore, FlAsH, attached to the C-terminus, and the third intracellular loop (ICL3), respectively. Recombinant beta(2)ARs exhibited agonist-induced increases in the FlAsH/CFP emission ratio, indicating that the ICL3 approached the C-terminus upon activation. Since the emission ratio changes were on a time scale of seconds, the conformational change of beta(2)AR in living cells was more rapid than that of purified beta(2)AR measured in vitro. Interestingly, the direction of the emission ratio change of beta(2)AR was opposite to that of the norepinephrine-responsive alpha(2A) adrenergic receptor reported recently. It was suggested that this discrepancy corresponds directly to the diametric biological functions, i.e., the activation or inactivation of adenylyl cyclase.  相似文献   

A NADPH-dependent blue fluorescent protein from Vibrio vulnificus CKM-1 (BFPvv) emits blue fluorescence under UV-exposure. Previously, the BFPvvD7 mutant generated by directed evolution displayed a fourfold enhancement in fluorescent intensity. Herein, a further increase in fluorescence in the new BFPvvD8 mutant, with three additional mutations from BFPvvD7, was made. To understand the underlying mechanism of the increased fluorescent intensity of BFPvv, we solved the BFPvvD8-NADPH complex structure. Accompanied with lifetime detection, we proposed that the enhanced intensity is related to the conformational change caused by a glycine residue (Gly176) mutated to other non-glycine residues at a turn close to the NADPH binding site. We also observed the F?rster resonance energy transfer (FRET) from our BFPvvD8 to each of the GFP-like fluorescent proteins, mTFP1 and EGFP, joined by an eight-residue linker between the N-terminal of BFPvvD8 and the C-terminal of GFPs. Taken together, with the newly solved BFPvvD8 structure, our results not only provide new considerations within the rational-based protein engineering of this NADPH-dependent BFP, but also suggest that BFPvvD8 could be a potential candidate in FRET-based biosensor techniques.  相似文献   

Background information. The idea that GPCRs (G‐protein‐coupled receptors) may exist as homo‐ or hetero‐oligomers, although still controversial, is now widely accepted. Nevertheless, the functional roles of oligomerization are still unclear and gaining greater insight into the mechanisms underlying the dynamics of GPCR assembly and, in particular, assessing the effect of ligands on this process seems important. We chose to focus our present study on the effect of MT7 (muscarinic toxin 7), a highly selective allosteric peptide ligand, on the oligomerization state of the hM1 (human M1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor subtype). Results. We analysed the hM1 oligomerization state in membrane preparations or in live cells and observed the effect of MT7 via four complementary techniques: native‐PAGE electrophoresis analysed by both Western blotting and autoradiography on solubilized membrane preparations of CHO‐M1 cells (Chinese‐hamster ovary cells expressing muscarinic M1 receptors); FRET (fluorescence resonance energy transfer) experiments on cells expressing differently tagged M1 receptors using either an acceptor photobleaching approach or a novel fluorescence emission anisotropy technique; and, finally, by BRET (bioluminescence resonance energy transfer) assays. Our results reveal that MT7 seems to protect the M1 receptor from the dissociating effect of the detergent and induces an increase in the FRET and BRET signals, highlighting its ability to affect the dimeric form of the receptor. Conclusions. Our results suggest that MT7 binds to a dimeric form of hM1 receptor, favouring the stability of this receptor state at the cellular level, probably by inducing some conformational rearrangements of the pre‐existing muscarinic receptor homodimers.  相似文献   

Gao X  Hu H  Zhu J  Xu Z 《FEBS letters》2007,581(28):5505-5510
Angiogenin enhances tumorigenesis. However, the mechanisms of angiogenin-induced angiogenesis and cancer cell proliferation remain elusive. In this study, follistatin was identified as a binding partner of angiogenin by a yeast two-hybrid screen and confirmed by a pull-down experiment. The interaction of fluorescently tagged angiogenin and follistatin was monitored in real time by a laser confocal microscope and shown to localize at the sub-nuclear region of HeLa cells. Additional yeast two-hybrid analysis revealed that domains 2 and 3 of follistatin were the minimal structure requirement for angiogenin binding. These findings provide new clues for further studies on the mechanisms of angiogenin-induced angiogenesis or cancer cell growth.  相似文献   

Antidepressant mechanisms of action remain shrouded in mystery, greatly hindering our ability to develop therapeutics which can fully treat patients suffering from depressive disorders. In an attempt to shed new light on this topic, we have undertaken a series of studies investigating actions of tricyclic antidepressant drugs (TCAs) at the α2A adrenergic receptor (AR), a centrally important receptor, dysregulation of which has been linked to depression. Our previous work established a particular TCA, desipramine, as an arrestin-biased α2AAR ligand driving receptor endocytosis and downregulation but not canonical heterotrimeric G protein-mediated signaling. The present work is aimed at broadening our understanding of how members of the TCA drug class act at the α2AAR, as we have selected the closely related but subtly different TCAs imipramine and amitriptyline for evaluation. Our data demonstrate that these drugs do also function as direct arrestin-biased α2AAR ligands. However, these data reveal differences in receptor affinity and in the extent/nature of arrestin recruitment to and endocytosis of α2AARs. Specifically, amitriptyline exhibits an approximately 14-fold stronger interaction with the receptor, is a weaker driver of arrestin recruitment, and preferentially recruits a different arrestin subtype. Extent of endocytosis is similar for all TCAs studied so far, and occurs in an arrestin-dependent manner, although imipramine uniquely retains a slight ability to drive α2AAR endocytosis in arrestin-null cells. These findings signify an important expansion of our mechanistic understanding of antidepressant pharmacology, and provide useful insights for future medicinal chemistry efforts.  相似文献   

The signaling property of metabotropic glutamate receptor 1alpha (mGlu1alpha) is different from that of short-form splice variants. This could be caused by the exposure of a cluster of positively charged amino acid residues, RRKK, in the proximal C-tail which is thought to be masked by the long C-tail of mGlu1alpha. We found that the RRKK residues, when exposed, attenuate Gq coupling and decrease the basal activity and the surface expression of mGlu1, in agreement with previous results. Moreover, these residues abolish the Gi/o coupling of mGlu1, but do not affect glutamate-induced dimeric rearrangement and protein kinase A-dependent modulation of mGlu1. These results suggest that the RRKK residues do not inhibit the conformational change upon glutamate binding and protein accessibility to the intracellular loops where G-protein coupling occurs, but rather act as an inhibitory domain against G-protein coupling in a different manner depending on the type of G protein.  相似文献   

HAMP domains play key signaling roles in many bacterial receptor proteins. The four-helix HAMP bundle of the homodimeric Escherichia coli serine chemoreceptor (Tsr) interacts with an adjoining four-helix sensory adaptation bundle to regulate the histidine autokinase CheA bound to the cytoplasmic tip of the Tsr molecule. The adaptation helices undergo reversible covalent modifications that tune the stimulus-responsive range of the receptor: unmodified E residues promote kinase-off output, and methylated E residues or Q replacements at modification sites promote kinase-on output. We used mutationally imposed adaptational modification states and cells with various combinations of the sensory adaptation enzymes, CheR and CheB, to characterize the signaling properties of mutant Tsr receptors that had amino acid replacements in packing layer 3 of the HAMP bundle and followed in vivo CheA activity with an assay based on Förster resonance energy transfer. We found that an alanine or a serine replacement at HAMP residue I229 effectively locked Tsr output in a kinase-on state, abrogating chemotactic responses. A second amino acid replacement in the same HAMP packing layer alleviated the I229A and I229S signaling defects. Receptors with the suppressor changes alone mediated chemotaxis in adaptation-proficient cells but exhibited altered sensitivity to serine stimuli. Two of the suppressors (S255E and S255A) shifted Tsr output toward the kinase-off state, but two others (S255G and L256F) shifted output toward a kinase-on state. The alleviation of locked-on defects by on-shifted suppressors implies that Tsr-HAMP has several conformationally distinct kinase-active output states and that HAMP signaling might involve dynamic shifts over a range of bundle conformations.  相似文献   

Leukotrienes (LTs) are biologically active compounds derived from arachidonic acid which have important pathophysiological roles in asthma and inflammation. The cysteinyl leukotriene LTC4 and its metabolites LTD4 and LTE4 stimulate bronchoconstriction, airway mucous formation and generalized edema formation. LTC4 is formed by addition of glutathione to LTA4, catalyzed by the integral membrane protein, LTC4 synthase (LTCS). We now report the use of bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) to demonstrate that LTCS forms homo-oligomers in living cells. Fusion proteins of LTCS and Renilla luciferase (Rluc) and a variant of green fluorescent protein (GFP), respectively, were prepared. High BRET signals were recorded in transiently transfected human embryonic kidney (HEK 293) cells co-expressing Rluc/LTCS and GFP/LTCS. Homo-oligomer formation in living cells was verified by co-transfection of a plasmid expressing non-chimeric LTCS. This resulted in dose-dependent attenuation of the BRET signal. Additional evidence for oligomer formation was obtained in cell-free assays using glutathione S-transferase (GST) pull-down assay. To map interaction domains for oligomerization, GFP/LTCS fusion proteins were prepared with truncated variants of LTCS. The results obtained identified a C-terminal domain (amino acids 114–150) sufficient for oligomerization of LTCS. Another, centrally located, interaction domain appeared to exist between amino acids 57–88. The functional significance of LTCS homo-oligomer formation is currently being investigated.  相似文献   

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