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Dynamics of lung collapse and recruitment during prolonged breathing in porcine lung injury 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
Neumann Peter; Berglund Jan Erik; Mondejar Enrique Fernandez; Magnusson Anders; Hedenstierna Goran 《Journal of applied physiology》1998,85(4):1533-1543
Oleic acid (OA)injection, lung lavage, and endotoxin infusion are three commonly usedmethods to induce experimental lung injury. The dynamics of lungcollapse and recruitment in these models have not been studied,although knowledge of this is desirable to establish ventilatorytechniques that keep the lungs open. We measured lung density bycomputed tomography during breath-holding procedures. Lung injury wasinduced with OA, lung lavage, or endotoxin in groups of sixmechanically ventilated pigs. After a stabilization period, repetitivecomputed tomography scans of the same slice were obtained duringprolonged expirations with and without positive end-expiratory pressureand during prolonged inspirations after 5 and 30 s of expiration. Lungcollapse and recruitment occurred mainly within the first 4 s ofbreath-holding procedures in all three lung injury models, and somecollapse and recruitment occurred even within 0.6 s. OA-injured lungswere significantly more unstable than lungs injured by bronchoalveolarlavage or endotoxin infusion. In this experimental setting, expirationtimes <0.6 s are required to avoid cyclic alveolar collapse duringmechanical ventilation without extrinsic positive end-expiratorypressure. 相似文献
M. Schmid 《Chromosoma》1978,68(2):131-148
In the chromosomes of 12 frog species of the suborder Diplasiocoela (Amphibia, Anura), the constitutive heterochromatin and the nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) have been specifically stained. On most of the chromosomes, aside from the centric heterochromatin, telomeric and interstitial C-bands were also found. The various C-bands display a very variable reaction to alkaline pretreatment; this indicates heterogeneity in the constitutive heterochromatin. Sex chromosomes could not be identified in any of the species studied. The number and chromosomal positions of the NORs vary quite strongly between species and between families. In 4 species of the genus Rana, there were, aside from the standard-NORs in chromosome pair 10, between 4 and 14 extra, small NORs detectable in the smaller chromosome pairs. As possible causal mechanism of these additional small NORs the reintegration of amplified rDNA during amphibian oogenesis is suggested. Q- or G-bands could only be recognized in mitotic prophase chromosomes. The strong spiralization of metaphase chromosomes prevents the differential demonstration of Q- or G-bands in the euchromatic regions. 相似文献
A cytogenetic study performed on a population of the South American leptodactylid frog Eleutherodactylus maussi revealed multiple sex chromosomes of the X1X1X2X2/X1X2Y (=XXAA/XXAY) type. The diploid chromosome number is 2n=36 in all females and 2n=35 in most males. The multiple sex chromosomes originated by a centric fusion between the original Y chromosome and a large autosome. In male meiosis the X1X2Y (=XXAY) multiple sex chromosomes form a classical trivalent configuration. E. maussi is the first species discovered in the class Amphibia that is distinguished by a system of multiple sex chromosomes. Only one single male was found in the population with 2n=36 chromosomes and lacking the Y-autosomal fusion. This karyotype (XYAA) is interpreted as the ancestral condition, preceding the occurrence of the Y-autosome fusion.by H.C. Macgregor 相似文献
M. Schmid 《Chromosoma》1980,77(1):83-103
The chromosomes of 26 species of Anura from variously highly evolved groups were analysed with the fluorescent GC-specific antibiotics mithramycin and chromomycin A3 as well as with the AT-specific quinacrine. The mithramycin- and chromomycin A3-stainings generally resulted in a pattern of the constitutive heterochromatin opposite to the one obtained with quinacrine stain. The weaker a heterochromatic region fluoresces with quinacrine, the stronger is the intensity of the fluorescence achieved with mithramycin and chromomycin A3. Some of the telomeric and interstitial heterochromatic regions, however, exhibit no enhanced fluorescence with any of the fluorochromes. The nucleolar constrictions of the nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) displayed the brightest mithramycin- and chromomycin A3-fluorescence in the karyotypes and interphase nuclei of all species examined. The contrast of the brightly fluorescing GC-rich heterochromatin and of the NORs is considerably enhanced, when the non-fluorescent AT-specific oligopeptide distamycin A is employed as a counterstain. No banding patterns were observed with the fluorochromes in the euchromatic regions of the metaphase chromosomes; this is attributed to the strong spiralization of the anuran chromosomes. A cytochemical classification of the various chromatin types in the anuran chromosomes is discussed on the basis of the differential labelings found on the constitutive heterochromatin by means of the fluorochromes.This paper is dedicated to Professor Dr. Hans Bauer on the occasion of his 75th birthday 相似文献
A modified BrdU-Hoechst-Giemsa technique permitted the demonstration of easily reproducible replication patterns in the somatic chromosomes of Amphibia. These banding patterns allow for the first time a precise identification of all chromosomes and the analysis of the patterns of replication in the various stages of S-phase in Amphibia. Several possibilities for the use of this technique were demonstrated on three frog species of the family Ranidae, all differing greatly in their DNA-content. With this method, the homomorphic chromosome pair No. 4 in Rana esculenta could be identified as sex-specific chromosomes of the XX/XY-type. All male animals exhibit an extremely late replicating region in the Y-chromosome, which is lacking in the X-chromosome; in the female animals, both X-chromosomes replicate synchronously. These sex-specific chromosomes cannot be distinguished by other banding techniques. In the highly heteromorphic ZZ/ZW-sex chromosome system of Pyxicephalus adspersus a synchronous replication of the two Z-chromosomes of male animals and a very late replication of the short arm of the W-chromosome of female animals was demonstrated. These results support the assumption that there is no dosage compensation for Z-linked or X-linked genes by the sex chromosome inactivation mechanism in the sex chromosomes of Amphibia. 相似文献
Barbara G. Wilson 《Chromosoma》1975,51(3):213-224
Autoradiographic techniques were used to measure rate of replication and length of the replication unit in cultured cells of Scaphiopus couchi, Bufo cognatus, Rana clamitans, and Triturus viridescens, having nuclear DNA amounts in the ratio 1:4:7:39 respectively. The autoradiographic experiments were designed to show whether the larger amounts of nuclear DNA are correlated with more rapid rates of synthesis and/or with longer replication units. -- The DNA replication rate was 2.5 mu/minute (corrected for two growing points) with 10 minutes 3H-thymidine label at 22 degrees C, but decreased with longer labelling durations. The length of the replication unit (estimated by the distance from the center of one autoradiograph to the center of the next in sequence) was most commonly in the 10-25 mu range with a 30 minute label, in all four species. The average center-to-center distance was 8 mu at 10 minutes and increased with label duration, to over 45 mu with 24 hours label. Replication was predominantly but not exclusively bidirectional. Neither rate of replication nor length of the replication unit was proportional to the amount of DNA in these species. 相似文献
We monitored the steady-state ventilatory responses of anesthetized cats to increases in lung volume produced by expiratory threshold loads (ETL) to study the roles of peripheral and central neural mechanisms in controlling respiration at elevated lung volumes. Application of an ETL of 5 cmH2O produced a significant decrease in respiratory frequency (-18%) but no change in minute ventilation (VE) due to a significant increase in tidal volume (VT) (19.3%). The drop in frequency was due solely to an increase in expiratory duration. ETL of 10 cmH2O significantly reduced VE (-17.5%) for the same reason. VT was maintained or increased at elevated lung volumes due to both an increase in the rate of rise of phrenic activity and a maintenance of inspiratory duration (TI) despite increases in both chemical drive and pulmonary stretch receptor (PSR) activity. No PSR adapted completely to the maintained change in lung volume. The sensitivity of the inspiratory off-switch mechanism to increases in lung volume, given by the reciprocal of the VT-TI relationship, decreased significantly during breathing on ETL. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that central habituation, not just peripheral adaptation of PSR, determines breathing pattern at elevated lung volumes. 相似文献
Though the mechanics of breathing differ fundamentally between amniotes and "lower" vertebrates, homologous rhythm generators may drive air breathing in all lunged vertebrates. In both frogs and rats, two coupled oscillators, one active during the inspiratory (I) phase and the other active during the preinspiratory (PreI) phase, have been hypothesized to generate the respiratory rhythm. We used opioids to uncouple these oscillators. In the intact rat, complete arrest of the external rhythm by opioid-induced suppression of the putative I oscillator, that is, pre-B?tzinger complex (PBC) oscillator, did not arrest the putative PreI oscillator. In the unanesthetized frog, the comparable PreI oscillator, that is, the putative buccal/gill oscillator, was refractory to opioids even though the comparable I oscillator, the putative lung oscillator, was arrested. Studies in en bloc brainstem preparations derived from both juvenile frogs and metamorphic tadpoles confirmed these results and suggested that opioids may play a role in the clustering of lung bursts into episodes. As the frog and rat respiratory circuitry produce functionally equivalent motor outputs during lung inflation, these data argue for a close homology between the frog and rat oscillators. We suggest that the respiratory rhythm of all lunged vertebrates is generated by paired coupled oscillators. These may have originated from the gill and lung oscillators of the earliest air breathers. 相似文献
Changing conditions of life impose new requirements on the morphology and physiology of an organism. One of these changes is the evolutionary transition from aquatic to terrestrial life, leading to adaptations in locomotion, breathing, reproduction, and mechanisms for food capture. We have shown previously that insects' wings most likely originated from one of the gills of ancestral aquatic arthropods during their transition to life on land. Here we investigate the fate of these ancestral gills during the evolution of another major arthropod group, the chelicerates. We examine the expression of two developmental genes, pdm/nubbin and apterous, that participate in the specification of insects' wings and are expressed in particular crustacean epipods/gills. In the horseshoe crab, a primitively aquatic chelicerate, pdm/nubbin is specifically expressed in opisthosomal appendages that give rise to respiratory organs called book gills. In spiders (terrestrial chelicerates), pdm/nubbin and apterous are expressed in successive segmental primordia that give rise to book lungs, lateral tubular tracheae, and spinnerets, novel structures that are used by spiders to breathe on land and to spin their webs. Combined with morphological and palaeontological evidence, these observations suggest that fundamentally different new organs (wings, air-breathing organs, and spinnerets) evolved from the same ancestral structure (gills) in parallel instances of terrestrialization. 相似文献
W W Ballard 《Developmental biology》1970,21(3):424-439
A G Brice H V Forster L G Pan T F Lowry C L Murphy J Mead 《Journal of applied physiology》1991,70(2):715-725
We studied the changes in breathing and respiratory muscle electromyograms (EMG) during passively induced increases in end-expiratory lung volume (EELV) in awake normal (N), hilar nerve-denervated (HND), carotid body-denervated (CBD), and HND + CBD ponies. EELV was increased by applying continuous negative pressure (-10 and -20 cmH2O) around the torso of the standing pony. In all groups, negative pressure produced sustained increases in EELV that were linearly related to the degree of negative pressure. Elevated EELV decreased breathing frequency (f) in N and CBD ponies but increased f in HND and HND + CBD ponies. When EELV was increased, tidal volume was unchanged or above control in N ponies but was below or near control in the other groups. In all groups during elevated EELV, arterial PCO2 initially decreased but then increased relative to control with isocapnia achieved after approximately 1.5 min. In all groups, the elevated EELV was accompanied by increased stimulation of the diaphragm as indicated by increased rate of rise of the integrated EMG (P less than 0.05). During elevated EELV, the duration of diaphragm EMG was reduced, but only in HND ponies was this reduction significant (P less than 0.05). In N ponies, the major effect of elevated EELV on the expiratory transversus abdominis (TA) muscle was an increase (P less than 0.05) in duration of activity and therefore total activity. The work of breathing was thus presumably shifted more to this muscle during elevated EELV. These changes in TA timing were not observed in HND and HND + CBD ponies during elevated EELV. We conclude that elevation of EELV, which presumably places the diaphragm on a less favorable portion of its length-tension relationship, results in compensatory increased stimulation of the diaphragm that is not critically dependent on hilar and carotid chemoreceptor afferents. However, hilar afferents do contribute to the changes in diaphragm and TA duration of activity during elevated EELV. 相似文献
Pisarri T. E.; Jonzon A.; Coleridge J. C.; Coleridge H. M. 《Journal of applied physiology》1990,68(5):1997-2005
We examined the ability of rapidly adapting receptors (RARs) to monitor changes in dynamic lung compliance (Cdyn) in anesthetized spontaneously breathing dogs by recording RAR impulses from the vagus nerves. We decreased Cdyn in steps through the physiological range by briefly restricting lung expansion with an inflatable cuff around the chest and recording the response after deflating the cuff; we restored Cdyn to control by hyperinflating the lungs. Of 45 RARs, 34 were stimulated by a 40 +/- 2% reduction in Cdyn, their inspiratory discharge increasing on average more than threefold. Two-thirds of responsive RARs were stimulated by less than or equal to 20% reductions in Cdyn; in most, firing increased proportionately with lung stiffness (1/Cdyn) as Cdyn was decreased further. Stimulation by reduced Cdyn was not simply a function of the concomitant increase in transpulmonary pressure, because similar increases in pressure produced by increasing tidal volume produced smaller increases in firing. RAR stimulation was unaffected by atropine and, hence, was not dependent on neurally mediated changes in bronchomotor tone. Our results indicate that during spontaneous breathing RARs provide a signal inversely proportional to Cdyn. 相似文献