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AIMS: To determine the possible effects of inclusion of dried skim milk (DSM) in swine diets on indigenous Lactobacillus spp. and Escherichia coli, and its potential for controlling pathogen shedding and affect animal growth in growing-finishing swine. METHODS AND RESULTS: Animals were fed over three dietary phases to match production needs from age 10-14 weeks, 14-18 weeks and 18-22 weeks. For each feeding phase, diets were formulated to contain 0 or 10% DSM (balanced for metabolizable energy and true ileal digestible amino acids). Animals were weighed every 2 weeks and faecal samples were collected from 40 animals (20 with DSM and 20 without DSM) at week 10 (d 0 on diets), 14, 18 and 22 of age, and were analysed for Lactobacillus spp., Enterobacteriaceae, coliforms, E. coli, Salmonella, Campylobacter and E. coli O157:H7. At the start of the study (week 10), faecal bacterial counts (log10 CFU g(-1) faeces) were 9.55, 7.26, 7.01 and 6.93 for Lactobacillus, Enterobacteriaceae, coliforms and E. coli populations respectively. The Enterobacteriaceae, coliform and E. coli populations decreased through week 14 and 18, but were higher in animals fed with the DSM diet compared with the basal diet without DSM. The Lactobacillus populations at weeks 14 and 18 were lower in the animals fed the diet without DSM, whereas feeding DSM maintained the Lactobacillus counts from week 10. At week 22, populations of Enterobacteriaceae, coliforms and E. coli were >week 18 for the animals fed the diet without DSM, less change was observed with the feeding of DSM, and no differences between the diets were observed at week 22. However, in week 22 the animal gain was positively correlated with Lactobacillus numbers and negatively correlated with E. coli numbers. Subtraction of the E. coli population (log10) from the Lactobacillus population (log10) yielded a positive value termed 'effective'Lactobacillus that correlated well with animal gain and may better define a beneficial function in the intestine. Salmonella were detected in over 60% of the animals at week 10 and 14, and <20% at week 18 and 22. Campylobacter were detected rarely at weeks 10, 14 and 18, but were found in 25% of the animals at week 22. The DSM did not affect Salmonella or Campylobacter shedding, but examination of individual animals over the entire experiment indicated that fewer recurring incidences of Salmonella shedding occurred in animals that maintained higher Lactobacillus. In addition, at week 22, Salmonella and Campylobacter shedding was associated with lower levels of effective Lactobacillus and lower animal weight gains. CONCLUSIONS: The DSM did not directly affect the animal performance or pathogen shedding via the Lactobacillus spp. population at any phase of production. However, analysis of data from all animals revealed that faecal Lactobacillus affected Salmonella shedding and in the finishing phase, animal growth and pathogen shedding also were affected, as reflected by the 'effective'Lactobacillus-associated observations. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: In the swine intestine, any benefits from gastrointestinal Lactobacillus may be compromized by the E. coli population, and this antagonism may explain responses observed with prebiotics or probiotics in some swine.  相似文献   

Growth rates and efficiency of food conversion of young chicks fed on diets marginally limiting in total nitrogen and containing 150 g/kg diet of flash-dried microbial cells (MC) with and without amino acid supplements, were measured in three experiments. Performance of these animals was compared with that of groups fed on a methioninefortified soya bean meal (SBM) control diet. In all experiments, chicks fed on the SBM control diet grew faster and were more efficient than chicks fed on the basal unsupplemented MC diet. In Experiment 1, arginine supplementation markedly enhanced weight gain and efficiency of food utilisation of chicks offered the basal MC diet; methionine had no effect. The second experiment demonstrated that a supplement containing methionine, arginine and tryptophan was more effective in augmenting the nutritional value of MC than either methionine with arginine or tryptophan with arginine. In the final experiment, weight gain and food intake of chicks fed on MC with supplements of arginine, methionine and tryptophan were increased markedly by additions of lysine and glutamic acid but not by addition of lysine alone. In all experiments, performance of animals in MC supplemented groups was lower than that of animals fed on the SBM control diet.  相似文献   

Summary In this study, a new technique for biomass determination was developed. Proteases were used to separate cells from the culture broth in skim milk whey permeate medium and the solubilization of casein was achieved 99% by elastase, 95% by pepsin and 90% by trypsin. Elastase was found to be efficient and reproducible for determining biomass in skim milk whey permeate medium.  相似文献   

The recent trend in the dairy industry towards elevated planes of milk feeding of young calves requires reconsideration of calf milk replacer (CMR) formulations. The fat:lactose ratio in CMR is typically lower than that of whole milk and effects of increasing fat inclusion at the expense of lactose in CMR on nutrient metabolism and gut function of rearing calves are not sufficiently understood. Therefore, the current study aimed to determine the effect of increasing replacement of lactose by fat on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and metabolism, and glucose/insulin sensitivity. A total of 40 male calves (1.7 ± 0.10 days of age, 46.7 ± 0.76 kg BW) were blocked based on arrival date and randomly assigned to one of four treatments containing differing levels of fat and lactose (18F: 18.8% and 47.6%; 22F: 22.3% and 42.8%; 26F: 26.0% and 38.6%; 30F: 30.1% and 33.8%, fat and lactose DM, respectively). Calves were individually housed for the duration of the 11 week study and received their CMR (150 g/L) twice a day (0700 and 1600 h) from a teat bucket. The CMR feeding schedule consisted of 6 L/d from d 2 to 14, 7 L/d from d 15 to 56, and then 4 L/d during gradual weaning from 56 to 63 days. Pelleted starter, chopped straw, and water were available ad libitum throughout the study. Measurements included feed intake, growth, nutrient digestibility, fecal composition, and blood parameters. A glucose tolerance test (GTT) was performed between 28 and 32 days of age. By design, metabolizable energy intake from CMR increased linearly with fat level, but this did not result in a difference in BW, ADG, or concentrate intake. Fecal composition remained unaffected by treatment except for higher fat content in 22F compared to 26F. Also, plasma non-esterified fatty acids and total bilirubin differences were limited to 22F having the highest values whereas 26F had the lowest values. Regarding the GTT, total area under the curve (AUC) for glucose was highest in 22F and 26F and lowest in 18F whereas the AUC between 30 and 60 min for glucose was highest in 26F and lowest in 18F and 22F. Overall, altering the lactose:fat ratio in CMR did not affect growth performance while having minor effects on nutrient metabolism, but future investigation should focus on physiological consequences and effects in adult life to understand biological impact of fat and lactose levels in CMR for rearing calves.  相似文献   

Kluyveromyces marxianus CBS 6164 cells, free or immobilized in Ca-alginate (2%) beads, are able to consume more than 99% of the skim milk lactose in anaerobic conditions. In batches at 30 °C, the lactose consumption after 3.5 h of skim milk fermentation by 30 and 50 g free K. marxianus cells per liter was around 99 and 99.6% respectively, with an approximate conversion of lactose to ethanol and CO2 of 80%. The immobilized cells, easy to handle and showing a faster and easier separation from the fermented medium compared to the free ones, were used in more than 23 batches (cycles of re-use) without losing their activity.  相似文献   

The abundant proteins in human milk have been well characterized and are known to provide nutritional, protective, and developmental advantages to both term and preterm infants. Due to the difficulties associated with detection technology of the peptides, the expression of the peptides present in human milk is not known widely. In recent years, peptidome analysis has received increasing attention. In this report, the analysis of endogenous peptides in human milk was done by mass spectrometry. A method was also developed by our researchers, which can be used in the extraction of peptide from human milk. Analysis of the extracts by LC–MS/MS resulted in the detection of 1000–3000 Da peptide-like features. Out of these, 419 peptides were identified by MS/MS. The identified peptides were found to originate from 34 proteins, of which several have been reported. Analysis of the peptides’ cleavage sites showed that the peptides are cleaved with regulations. This may reflect the protease activity and distribution in human body, and also represent the biological state of the tissue and provide a fresh source for biomarker discovery. Isotope dimethyl labeling analysis was also used to test the effects of premature delivery on milk protein composition in this study. Differences in peptides expression between breast milk in term milk (38–41 weeks gestation) and preterm milk (28–32 weeks gestation) were investigated in this study. 41 Peptides in these two groups were found expressed differently. 23 Peptides were present at higher levels in preterm milk, and 18 were present at higher levels in term milk.  相似文献   

Summary Pseudomonas fragi strain CRDA 037 produced a fruity aroma when grown in skim milk-, whey-and whey permeate-based culture media. The production of the odour-active metabolites was related to the lipid content of these media but was not influenced by the pH of the cultures. Analysis of the fruity aroma revealed that esters of fatty acids were some of the odouractive metabolites. Addition of C3-C7 fatty acids to the culture at 0 h stimulated the production of the corresponding fatty acid esters from 12 to 1570 times compared to unsupplemented media. Supplementation of the culture media with the C3-C7 fatty acids at 48 h, resulted in a 1.4- to 932-fold increase in the ethyl ester concentration.  相似文献   

The abundant proteins in human milk have been well characterized and are known to provide nutritional, protective, and developmental advantages to both term and preterm infants. However, relatively little is known about the expression of the low abundance proteins that are present in human milk because of the technical difficulties associated with their detection. We used a combination of electrophoretic techniques, ProteoMiner treatment, and two-dimensional liquid chromatography to examine the proteome of human skim milk expressed between 7 and 28 days postpartum by healthy term mothers and identified 415 in a pooled milk sample. Of these, 261 were found in human skim milk for the first time, greatly expanding our understanding of the human skim milk proteome. The majority of the proteins identified were involved in either the immune response (24%) or in cellular (28%) or protein (16%) metabolism. We also used iTRAQ analysis to examine the effects of premature delivery on milk protein composition. Differences in protein expression between pooled milk from mothers delivering at term (38-41 weeks gestation) and preterm (28-32 weeks gestation) were investigated, with 55 proteins found to be differentially expressed with at least 90% confidence. Twenty-eight proteins were present at higher levels in preterm milk, and 27 were present at higher levels in term milk.  相似文献   

The effects of feeding two milk products (skim milk and skim milk yogurt) and two proposed hypocholesterolemic factors (orotic acid and uric acid) on serum cholesterol (HDL, LDL, total, HDL/Total and HDL/LDL), liver lipids (total liver lipids and liver cholesterol), and aortal cholesterol were studied. Ten groups, of nine rats each, were fed isocaloric Chow-based diets containing water, 45% skim milk (SM), 45% skim milk yogurt (SMY), and 0.0025% orotic acid (OA) or 0.001% uric acid (UA), without or with cholesterol. The SM diet (with cholesterol) resulted not only in lower total cholesterol (P < 0.10), LDL cholesterol (P < 0.05), aortal cholesterol (P < 0.01), and liver cholesterol (P < 0.10), but also in increased HDL (P < 0.05) and HDL/LDL (P < 0.10) cholesterol ratio. The SMY diet, on the other hand, resulted in lowered total serum cholesterol (P < 0.05) and aortal cholesterol (P < 0.01) and in higher LDL (P < 0.05) cholesterol. The hypocholesterolemic effects were more marked for SM than for SMY. Addition of OA and UA to diets increased serum cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and total liver lipids; the OA diet also increased liver cholesterol. Neither OA nor UA alone was the factor responsible for the hypocholesterolemic effects seen with SM and SMY feeding.  相似文献   

The apparent digestibility of diets in which dried pig faeces replaced 0, 15, 30 and 45% of hay (diets A, B, C and D, respectively) was compared using four steers in an experiment of 4 × 4 Latin square design.All rations were readily consumed and no undesirable effect on animal health was observed. Each increase in the proportion of pig faeces in the diet reduced the apparent digestibility of the dietary components. The dry matter digestibility of diets A, B, C and D was 57.9, 52.4, 50.0 and 44.5%, respectively. Similar reductions occurred in the apparent digestibility of crude protein, crude fibre, ether extract and nitrogen-free extract.  相似文献   

Aims:  To determine the effect of a range of supplements on the bioconversion of linoleic acid to conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) by Bifidobacterium breve NCIMB 702258 in reconstituted skim milk (RSM).
Results:  Seven supplements (yeast extract, casein hydrolysate, tryptone, l -cysteine hydrochloride, sodium acetate, sodium butyrate and sodium propionate) were identified as increasing the bioconversion of linoleic acid to c9 , t 11 CLA. Using these supplements, the percentage bioconversion of linoleic acid (0·35 mg ml−l) to the c9 , t 11 CLA isomer was elevated from 15·5 ± 1·1% in 20% RSM (w/v) to 48·1 ± 2·2% in the supplemented RSM. Through additional supplementation of 20 mg m1−1 inulin and optimization of inoculum and linoleic acid concentration, the percentage bioconversion to c9 , t 11 CLA was increased to 55·0 + 3·2%.
Conclusions:  Through supplementation, the concentration of CLA produced by bifidobacteria in RSM can be increased to levels comparable to those observed in the synthetic medium cys-MRS.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  The impact of 22 supplements on the production of the c9 , t 11 CLA isomer by the strain B. breve NCIMB 702258 in milk has been determined. The results provide an understanding of the factors, which influence CLA production by bifidobacteria in RSM.  相似文献   

The effects of amino acid additions to diets containing methanol-grown dried microbial cells (MC) have been examined in two experiments with young turkeys. The sample of MC used was an early pelleted preparation of Methylophilus methylotrophus produced by Imperial Chemical Industries in the initial stages of the development of Pruteen. The pellets were crushed to a coarse powder prior to dietary inclusion. In the first study, turkeys fed on either 100 or 200 g MC/kg diet with supplements of methionine had similar growth rates and efficiency of food conversion as those fed on a control soya bean meal (SBM) diet containing equivalent dietary nitrogen concentrations (54 g N/kg DM). Combined additions of methionine and arginine to the MC diets had no further effect on growth performance. In the second experiment, an unsupplemented basal diet containing 150 g MC/kg diet and 55 g N/kg DM supported marginally better weight gain, efficiency of food utilisation and efficiency of carcass deposition of gross energy (GE) and N than a basal SBM diet with 53 N/kg DM. Methionine supplementation of the latter diet improved growth performance to levels approaching those in the group fed on the basal MC diet. Feeding the basal SBM and MC diets containing sub-optimal levels of dietary N (46 and 48 g N/kg DM, respectively) confirmed the slightly superior nutritional value of the MC diet. Methionine supplementation enhanced growth performance and efficiency of carcass deposition of N and GE in turkeys fed on the SBM diet. On the other hand, methionine supplementation of the corresponding basal diet containing MC induced only slight improvements in growth and efficiency of deposition of N and GE in the carcass. Combined additions of methionine and lysine to the N-restricted diets containing SBM or MC were less effective than the addition of methionine alone.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper we compare the effectiveness of various lactose permeabilization treatments forKluyveromyces lactis. Best yields are obtained with 4:96 toluene: ethanol and with 70% ethanol in mild conditions, expression of intracellular ?-galactosidase activity being increased 40-fold with respect to untreated cells. Permeabilized cells hydrolyse lactose from milk whey more rapidly than control cells and do not further metabolize monosaccharides. This is a desired characteristic in terms of their potential commercial application.  相似文献   

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