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We characterized behavioral and adrenocortical activities of Tamandua tetradactyla under human care driven by the hypothesis that they vary between males and females. We also assessed the potential association between natural or abnormal behaviors and adrenocortical activity. We kept females and males T. tetradactyla in individual, contiguous enclosures at Córdoba Zoo (Argentina), under natural photoperiod and temperature. During 29 consecutive days we monitored the animals’ behavior by recording their activity pattern every 5 min using infrared cameras (8352 records/individual). We collected all feces and measured fecal glucocorticoid metabolites (FGM) with an 11‐oxoaetiocholanolone enzyme immunoassay. We found individual differences in all behavioral variables. We detected that females exhibited lower total activity than males (23.8 ± 0.2% and 32.3 ± 0.3%, respectively; p = .005). Females were more active at night and males during the day (p < .05) and exhibited less abnormal behaviors than males (p = .05). Although we did not find sex‐related differences for average FGM, we detected individual differences (p < .0001). We found that daily FGM showed negative (?0.39) and positive (0.38) correlations with natural and abnormal behaviors, respectively (p < .0001). Thus, we consider that individual input and sex are factors to be considered in stress responses of the species in captivity. Natural and abnormal behaviors may demand different levels of adrenocortical activity. Our findings may prove useful as normative data for ex situ management of conservation programs.  相似文献   

Although numbers of giant anteaters within North American facilities have been steadily increasing for the last 15 years, the population now exhibits an unstable age distribution with genetically valuable individuals nearing reproductive senescence. Contributing to this issue is the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) described lack of standardization of breeding introduction practices and high risk of female injury occurring during such pairings. This report describes the development of a successful breeding protocol at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo based on hormone monitoring and efficient communication between science and animal management teams that minimizes risk of female injury. By training a female giant anteater for urine sample and body weight data collection, staff members accurately predicted estrus, and timed breeding introductions to facilitate positive interactions between the male and female. Such training also allowed for careful monitoring of two pregnancies through parturition (169–184 days from breeding) and post‐partum return to estrus (114–129 days from parturition). Urinary hormone monitoring revealed a sharp progestogen increase averaging >five‐fold over basal levels (0.52 ± 0.05 ng/mg creatinine) which was sustained throughout the second half of pregnancy. Mean regular estrous cycle length (n = 14 cycles), was calculated as 46.17 ± 1.39 days, measured as days between estrogen peaks of mean concentration 2.27 ± 0.19 ng/mg creatinine. This report summarizes impressive collaborative efforts among multiple zoological departments to achieve extensive hormonal and body weight monitoring from a female giant anteater, adding valuable information on reproductive parameters, and specifics for novel hormone assay techniques.  相似文献   

Tamandua tetradactyla (Pilosa), the lesser anteater, is a medium‐size mammal from South America. Its wide distribution through different landscapes, solitary and nocturnal habits, and the difficulty to capture and contain specimens limit the amount of individuals and populations sampled during fieldworks. These features along with the lack of specific molecular markers for the lesser anteater might be the causes for paucity in population genetic studies for the species. Historical samples from museum specimens, such as skins, and non‐invasive samples, such as plucked hair, can be supplementary sources of DNA samples. However, the DNA quantity and quality of these samples may be limiting factors in molecular studies. In this study, we describe nine microsatellite loci for T. tetradactyla and test the amplification success, data reliability and estimate errors on both historical and non‐invasive sample sets. We tested nine polymorphic microsatellites and applied the quality index approach to evaluate the relative performance in genotype analysis of 138 historical samples (study skin) and 19 non‐invasive samples (plucked hair). The observed results show a much superior DNA quality of non‐invasive over historical samples and support the quality index analysis as a practical tool to exclude samples with doubtful performance in genetic studies. We also found a relationship between the age of non‐invasive samples and DNA quality, but lack of evidence of this pattern for historical samples.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of different captive housing conditions on reproductive cyclicity and adrenocortical activity in adult females of two small‐sized felid species, the tigrina (Leopardus tigrinus; n = 3) and margay (Leopardus wiedii; n = 2). Females were housed as singletons and subjected to three enclosure conditions over successive time periods: Phase I—large, enriched enclosures for 3 months; Phase II—small, empty enclosures for 5.5 months; Phase III—the same small enclosures enriched with branches and nest boxes for 6.5 months. Fecal samples were collected five times weekly throughout the study for analysis of progestagen, estrogen, and corticoid metabolites. On the basis of observed behaviors, stereotypic pacing was more frequent before feeding for all cats, regardless of enclosure conditions. Both species displayed a bimodal activity pattern, with peaks occurring at nightfall and dawn. All animals exhibited agitated behavior, characterized by a high frequency and duration of stereotypic pacing, primarily during the first 3 days after moving to the small empty enclosures. On the basis of hormonal analyses, ovarian follicular activity decreased and corticoid concentrations increased in tigrinas after transfer to the small barren cages compared to the patterns observed in the initial large, enriched enclosures. Corticoid concentrations in tigrinas then declined after small cage enrichment. Margay females exhibited increased corticoid excretion during Phases II and III, but in contrast to tigrinas, concentrations remained high even after cage enrichment. It was further showed that enriching the small enclosures was insufficient to reestablish normal ovarian activity within the time frame of the study for both species. In summary, margay and tigrina females exhibited distinct elevations in corticoid concentrations after transfer from large enriched enclosures to smaller barren cages that corresponded with agitated behavior, especially immediately after transfer. Fecal corticoid concentrations were reduced after cage enrichment in tigrinas, but not in margays. Although only a few individuals were evaluated, data suggest there may be species differences in response to captive environmental conditions. Overall results emphasize the importance of enclosure dimensions and enrichment when designing species appropriate environments for improving the health and reproductive fitness of threatened species. Zool Biol 26:441–460, 2007. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

There is a growing ethical concern in modern society about animals' quality of life. We hypothesize that zoo visitors' perception of zoo animal welfare, particularly in the case of lesser anteaters, changes positively after listening to scientific information. Visitors observing active lesser anteaters in their enclosures at Córdoba Zoo (Argentina) were asked to respond to a questionnaire about animal welfare. The treatment group (T) answered the questionnaire after listening to a brief informative talk based on local scientific studies on lesser anteaters. The control group (C) answered the questionnaire without hearing the informative talk. Visitors (87.2%) considered biological, sanitary, and sociocultural aspects to be necessary conditions for optimum wild zoo‐housed animal welfare. The majority of visitors considered that natural surroundings provide the highest level of welfare for wild animals. Visitors in the T group ranked the zoo as providing a higher level of animal welfare than those in group C. In reference to management measurements, the T group agreed on the positive effect of the application of environmental enrichment (Likert Medians: C = 4 and T = 5; p = .0443). On the basis of their perception, most visitors in both groups stated that the lesser anteaters at Córdoba Zoo appeared to be in a good state of welfare. We interpret this as meaning that, what these Córdoba zoo visitors personally perceived while observing the lesser anteaters carried greater weight than what they learned from the informative talk, though the talk did slightly affect their opinion.  相似文献   

Monitoring adrenal activity through noninvasive fecal hormone sampling is rapidly gaining popularity as a tool to assess zoo animal welfare. However, few studies have sought to investigate the interrelationships between behavior, adrenal activity, and environment, and ask whether both behavioral and adrenal monitoring strategies are required to assess welfare sufficiently. We present the findings of a 9-month study of a small group (one male, two females) of Western lowland gorillas, Gorilla gorilla gorilla. First, we examined the effect of environmental variables on gorilla behavior. Second, we examined the effect of environmental variables on the concentration of fecal glucocorticoid metabolites (FGC) and the relationship between behavior and FGC. Environmental variables had similar effects on all three gorillas. Negative vigilance of visitors (NVV; staring, posturing, and charging at visitors) significantly increased in all subjects as environmental noise levels increased, and food-related behavior significantly decreased in all subjects as crowd size increased. Exhibit modifications had a number of positive effects on behavior. Notably, when privacy screens were used, NVV significantly decreased in two subjects. We found no significant effects of environmental variables on FGC. However, we did find significant relationships between behavior and FGC in one female. Specifically, her NVV was significantly higher one day before, and on the same day as, raised FGC. Also, hair plucking significantly increased in the two days following raised FGC. Overall, this study demonstrates how concurrent noninvasive fecal and behavioral monitoring can be used for gorilla welfare assessment.  相似文献   

African elephants (Loxodonta africana) play a vital role in most African ecosystems, with their opportunity to alter the entire ecosystem by their sheer numbers. Defining and measuring animal welfare has been much discussed. One potential way of determining an animal's welfare is to record the absence or presence of stress. Little research on elephant welfare has so far been performed in the Serengeti ecosystem. The aim of this study was to record the faecal glucocorticoid metabolite levels of African elephants in areas with high or with minimum human interference. A total of 117 faecal samples were collected from randomly located single elephants as well as family herds in the northern, central and western Serengeti National Park (SNP) as well as in Grumeti Game Reserve and Ikoma Open Area, northern Tanzania in 2010. Elephants had higher levels of faecal glucocorticoid metabolites in the areas outside, compared with areas inside SNP. No single males were observed outside SNP, and in general, higher abundance of elephants was observed inside SNP. This suggests that elephants may prefer to reside in the potential safer areas inside the national park, demonstrating the importance of protected areas to improve the welfare of elephants.  相似文献   

Genetic improvement for drought tolerance in chickpea requires a solid understanding of biochemical processes involved with different physiological mechanisms. The objective of this study is to demonstrate genetic variations in altered metabolic levels in chickpea varieties (tolerant and sensitive) grown under contrasting water regimes through ultrahigh‐performance liquid chromatography/high‐resolution mass spectrometry‐based untargeted metabolomic profiling. Chickpea plants were exposed to drought stress at the 3‐leaf stage for 25 days, and the leaves were harvested at 14 and 25 days after the imposition of drought stress. Stress produced significant reduction in chlorophyll content, Fv/Fm, relative water content, and shoot and root dry weight. Twenty known metabolites were identified as most important by 2 different methods including significant analysis of metabolites and partial least squares discriminant analysis. The most pronounced increase in accumulation due to drought stress was demonstrated for allantoin, l ‐proline, l ‐arginine, l ‐histidine, l ‐isoleucine, and tryptophan. Metabolites that showed a decreased level of accumulation under drought conditions were choline, phenylalanine, gamma‐aminobutyric acid, alanine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, glucosamine, guanine, and aspartic acid. Aminoacyl‐tRNA and plant secondary metabolite biosynthesis and amino acid metabolism or synthesis pathways were involved in producing genetic variation under drought conditions. Metabolic changes in light of drought conditions highlighted pools of metabolites that affect the metabolic and physiological adjustment in chickpea that reduced drought impacts.  相似文献   

An extremely low‐frequency magnetic field (ELF‐MF) is generated by power lines and household electrical devices. Many studies have suggested an association between chronic ELF‐MF exposure and anxiety and/or depression. The mechanism of these effects is assumed to be a stress response induced by ELF‐MF exposure. However, this mechanism remains controversial. In the present study, we investigated whether chronic ELF‐MF exposure (intensity, 3 mT; total exposure, 200 h) affected emotional behavior and corticosterone synthesis in mice. ELF‐MF‐treated mice showed a significant increase in total immobility time in a forced swim test and showed latency to enter the light box in a light–dark transition test, compared with sham‐treated (control) mice. Corticosterone secretion was significantly high in the ELF‐MF‐exposed mice; however, no changes were observed in the amount of the adrenocorticotropic hormone and the expression of genes related to stress response. Quantification of the mRNA levels of adrenal corticosteroid synthesis enzymes revealed a significant reduction in Cyp17a1 mRNA in the ELF‐MF‐exposed mice. Our findings suggest the possibility that high intensity and chronic exposure to ELF‐MF induces an increase in corticosterone secretion, along with depression‐ and/or anxiety‐like behavior, without enhancement of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis. Bioelectromagnetics 34:43–51, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Reproductive endocrine patterns were characterized in female ocelots (Leopardus pardalis; n = 3), tigrinas (Leopardus tigrinus; n = 2), and margays (Leopardus wiedii; n = 2) housed in captivity in southern Brazil. Females were maintained as singletons and exposed to natural fluctuations in photoperiod. Cyclic changes in ovarian steroids were monitored by analyzing estrogen and progestogen metabolites in fecal samples collected five times weekly for 14 to 18 months. Based on intervals between fecal estrogen peaks, mean (± SEM) duration of the estrous cycle was 18.4 ± 1.6 days for the ocelots (range, 7–31 days; n = 75 cycles), 16.7 ± 1.3 days for the tigrinas (range, 11–27 days; n = 23 cycles), and 17.6 ± 1.5 days for the margays (range, 11–25 days; n = 32 cycles). Fecal progestogen analyses combined with two laparoscopic observations of the ovaries confirmed that ocelots and tigrinas did not ovulate spontaneously. In contrast, non‐mating–induced luteal phases of 40.1 ± 6.3 days in duration (range, 30–60 days) were observed frequently in both margays. There was no evidence of gonadal seasonality in margays in either follicular or luteal activity. In ocelots, cyclic changes in estrogen excretion were observed during each month of the year; however, only one female cycled continuously. In the other two ocelots, periods of acyclicity of several months’ duration were observed. It was not possible to conclude whether tigrinas were aseasonal because estrous cyclicity was observed in only one of two individuals. In the female that cycled, a 3‐month period of acyclicity was observed in the late fall/early winter. These data demonstrate similarities among three felid species of the genus Leopardus, including evidence they are polyestrous but experience unexplained periods of ovarian inactivity. Only the margays differed by exhibiting occasional spontaneous, non‐mating–induced ovulations. Historically, these species have not bred well in captivity. However, it is hoped that understanding the biological similarities and differences among them could lead to improved management strategies that may one day result in increased reproductive success. Zoo Biol 20:103–116, 2001. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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