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The rate change of gene frequency in a population subject to emigration obviously depends on differences in the effective reproductive size (and resulting random genetic drift effects) between emigrants and natives. An important additional force may be the different selection pressures of the original and the new environment into which the population penetrates. Discrete traits and monolocus systems have been studied in many natural populations of various species. However, knowledge about the migration influence on quantitative, i.e. polygenic, characters is very limited. The present study set out to answer the following biological questions: (1) Does migration induce changes in sets of phenotypic, genetic and environmental correlations? (2) If so, are these changes expressed in levels and/or structure of the correlation matrices? Data on 20 anthropometric traits in 305 Mexican families [129 families from Mexico (sedentary population) and 176 families living in Texas (migrant population)] were used for analysis. The curves of distribution and average values of phenotypic, genetic and environmental correlations remained unchanged between the two populations. However, qualitatively (i.e., as far as the agreement between matrix compositions is concerned), all three matrices changed significantly. The phenotypic correlations appear to be the most highly canalized, the correspondence between the two matrices being 62.1%. The environmental matrices had the highest variation, and although 26.3% of the correlations were in agreement, this was statistically nonsignificant. The most important finding in the present study was the relatively low correspondence between the two genetic matrices (35.6%). We suggest that these changes were provoked by preselection (i.e., by a nonrandom sample) of migrating individuals.  相似文献   

Controversy exists regarding the suitability of fully developed versus measured inlet velocity profiles for image-based computational fluid dynamics (CFD) studies of carotid bifurcation hemodynamics. Here, we attempt to resolve this by investigating the impact of the reconstructed common carotid artery (CCA) inlet length on computed metrics of "disturbed" flow. Twelve normal carotid bifurcation geometries were reconstructed from contrast-enhanced angiograms acquired as part of the Vascular Aging--The Link That Bridges Age to Atherosclerosis study (VALIDATE). The right carotid artery lumen geometry was reconstructed from its brachiocephalic origin to well above the bifurcation, and the CCA was truncated objectively at locations one, three, five, and seven diameters proximal to where it flares into the bifurcation. Relative to the simulations carried out using the full CCA, models truncated at one CCA diameter strongly overestimated the amount of disturbed flow. Substantial improvement was offered by using three CCA diameters, with only minor further improvement using five CCA diameters. With seven CCA diameters, the amounts of disturbed flow agreed unambiguously with those predicted by the corresponding full-length models. Based on these findings, we recommend that image-based CFD models of the carotid bifurcation should incorporate at least three diameters of CCA length if fully developed velocity profiles are to be imposed at the inlet. The need for imposing measured inlet velocity profiles would seem to be relevant only for those cases where the CCA is severely truncated.  相似文献   

The winter sliding sport known as skeleton requires athletes to produce a maximal sprint followed by high speed sliding down a bobsled track. Athletes are required to complete the course twice in 1 hour and total time for the 2 runs determines overall ranking. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the effect of whole-body vibration (WBV) on lower body power to explore the utility of WBV as an ergogenic aid for skeleton competition. Elite skeleton athletes (1 male and 6 females) completed an unloaded squat jump (SQJ) immediately followed by 2 countermovement jumps (CMJs) and a maximal 30-m sprint before and after WBV or no vibration (CON) using a crossover design. The second 30-m sprint was slower following both CON (1.4% decrement; p = 0.05) and WBV (0.7% decrement; p = 0.03). Mean vertical velocity was maintained following WBV in the SQJ but decreased following CON (p = 0.03). There was a trend for athletes to commence the SQJ from a higher starting stance post-WBV compared to CON (p = 0.08). WBV decreased total vertical distance traveled compared to CON in the SQJ (p = 0.006). WBV had little effect on peak velocity, jump height, dip, and peak acceleration or any CMJ parameters. When sprint athletes' warm up and perform maximal jumps and a 30-m sprint with 15-20 minutes of recovery before repeating the sequence, the second series of performances tend to be compromised. However, when WBV is used before the second series of efforts, some aspects of maximal jumping and sprinting appear to be influenced in a beneficial manner. Further research is required to explore whether WBV can improve the second sprint for athletes in actual competition and/or what sort of WBV protocol is optimal for these populations.  相似文献   

Studies in adults have shown marked changes in geometry and relative positions of the carotid arteries when rotating the head. The aim of this study was to quantify the change in geometry and analyze its effect on carotid hemodynamics as a result of head rotation. The right carotid arteries of nine young adult subjects were investigated in supine position with straight and left turned head positions, respectively. The three-dimensional (3D) carotid geometry was reconstructed by using 3D ultrasound (3D US), and the carotid hemodynamics were calculated by combining 3D US with computational fluid dynamics. It was observed that cross-sectional areas and shapes did not change markedly with head rotation, but carotid vessel center lines altered with planarification of the common carotid artery as a main feature (P < 0.05). Measured common carotid flow rates changed significantly at the individual level when the head was turned, but on the average, the change in mean common carotid flow rate was relatively small (0.37 +/- 1.11 ml/s). The effect of the altered center lines and flow rates on the atherogenic nature of the carotid bifurcation was evaluated by using calculated hemodynamic wall parameters, such as wall shear stress (WSS) and oscillatory shear index (OSI). It was found that WSS and OSI patterns changed significantly with head rotation, but the variations were very subject dependent and could not have been predicted without assessing the altered geometry and flow of the carotid bifurcation for individual cases. This study suggests that there is a need for standardization of the choice of head position in the 3D US scan protocol, and that carotid stents and emboli diverters should be studied in different head positions.  相似文献   

Heart rate variability and postexercise heart rate recovery are used to assess cardiac parasympathetic tone in human studies, but in some cases these indexes appear to yield discordant information. We utilized pyridostigmine, an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor that selectively augments the parasympathetic efferent signal, to further characterize parasympathetic regulation of rest and postexercise heart rate. We measured time- and frequency-domain indexes of resting heart rate variability and postexercise heart rate recovery in 10 sedentary adults and 10 aerobically trained athletes after a single oral dose of pyridostigmine (30 mg) and matching placebo in randomized, double-blind, crossover trial. In sedentary adults, pyridostigmine decreased resting heart rate [from 66.7 (SD 12.6) to 58.1 beats/min (SD 7.6), P = 0.005 vs. placebo] and increased postexercise heart rate recovery at 1 min [from 40.7 (SD 10.9) to 45.1 beats/min (SD 8.8), P = 0.02 vs. placebo]. In trained athletes, pyridostigmine did not change resting heart rate or postexercise heart rate recovery when compared with placebo. Time- and frequency-domain indexes of resting heart rate variability did not differ after pyridostigmine versus placebo in either cohort and were not significantly associated with postexercise heart rate recovery in either cohort. The divergent effects of pyridostigmine on resting and postexercise measures of cardiac parasympathetic function in sedentary subjects confirm that these measures characterize distinct aspects of cardiac parasympathetic regulation. The lesser effect of pyridostigmine on either measure of cardiac parasympathetic tone in the trained athletes indicates that the enhanced parasympathetic tone associated with exercise training is at least partially attributable to adaptations in the efferent parasympathetic pathway.  相似文献   

The hepatic arterial buffer response (HABR) tends to maintain liver blood flow under conditions of low mesenteric perfusion. We hypothesized that systemic hypoperfusion impairs the HABR. In 12 pigs, aortic blood flow was reduced by cardiac tamponade to 50 ml. kg(-1). min(-1) for 1 h (short-term tamponade) and further to 30 ml. kg(-1). min(-1) for another hour (prolonged tamponade). Twelve pigs without tamponade served as controls. Portal venous blood flow decreased from 17 +/- 3 (baseline) to 6 +/- 4 ml. kg(-1). min(-1) (prolonged tamponade; P = 0.012) and did not change in controls, whereas hepatic arterial blood flow decreased from 2 +/- 1 (baseline) to 1 +/- 1 ml. kg(-1). min(-1) (prolonged tamponade; P = 0.050) and increased from 2 +/- 1 to 4 +/- 2 ml. kg(-1). min(-1) in controls (P = 0.002). The change in hepatic arterial conductance (DeltaC(ha)) during acute portal vein occlusion decreased from 0.1 +/- 0.05 (baseline) to 0 +/- 0.01 ml. kg(-1). min(-1). mmHg(-1) (prolonged tamponade; P = 0.043). In controls, DeltaC(ha) did not change. Hepatic lactate extraction decreased, but hepatic release of glutathione S-transferase A did not change during cardiac tamponade. In conclusion, during low systemic perfusion, the HABR is exhausted and hepatic function is impaired without signs of cellular damage.  相似文献   

Argus, CK, Gill, ND, Keogh, JWL, and Hopkins, WG. Acute effects of verbal feedback on upper-body performance in elite athletes. J Strength Cond Res 25(12): 3282-3287, 2011-Improved training quality has the potential to enhance training adaptations. Previous research suggests that receiving feedback improves single-effort maximal strength and power tasks, but whether quality of a training session with repeated efforts can be improved remains unclear. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the effects of verbal feedback on upper-body performance in a resistance training session consisting of multiple sets and repetitions in well-trained athletes. Nine elite rugby union athletes were assessed using the bench throw exercise on 4 separate occasions each separated by 7 days. Each athlete completed 2 sessions consisting of 3 sets of 4 repetitions of the bench throw with feedback provided after each repetition and 2 identical sessions where no feedback was provided after each repetition. When feedback was received, there was a small increase of 1.8% (90% confidence limits, ±2.7%) and 1.3% (±0.7%) in mean peak power and velocity when averaged over the 3 sets. When individual sets were compared, there was a tendency toward the improvements in mean peak power being greater in the second and third sets. These results indicate that providing verbal feedback produced acute improvements in upper-body power output of well-trained athletes. The benefits of feedback may be greatest in the latter sets of training and could improve training quality and result in greater long-term adaptation.  相似文献   

To test the hypotheses that short-term bed-rest (BR) deconditioning influences metabolic, cardiorespiratory, and neurohormonal responses to exercise and that these effects depend on the subjects' training status, 12 sedentary men and 10 endurance- and 10 strength-trained athletes were submitted to 3-day BR. Before and after BR they performed incremental exercise test until volitional exhaustion. Respiratory gas exchange and heart rate (HR) were recorded continuously, and stroke volume (SV) was measured at submaximal loads. Blood was taken for lactate concentration ([LA]), epinephrine concentration ([Epi]), norepinephrine concentration ([NE]), plasma renin activity (PRA), human growth hormone concentration ([hGH]), testosterone, and cortisol determination. Reduction of peak oxygen uptake (VO(2 peak)) after BR was greater in the endurance athletes than in the remaining groups (17 vs. 10%). Decrements in VO(2 peak) correlated positively with the initial values (r = 0.73, P < 0.001). Resting and exercise respiratory exchange ratios were increased in athletes. Cardiac output was unchanged by BR in all groups, but exercise HR was increased and SV diminished in the sedentary subjects. The submaximal [LA] and [LA] thresholds were decreased in the endurance athletes from 71 to 60% VO(2 peak) (P < 0.001); they also had an earlier increase in [NE], an attenuated increase in [hGH], and accentuated PRA and cortisol elevations during exercise. These effects were insignificant in the remaining subjects. In conclusion, reduction of exercise performance and modifications in neurohormonal response to exercise after BR depend on the previous level and mode of physical training, being the most pronounced in the endurance athletes.  相似文献   

There is still a considerable lack of quantitative information concerning the effects of stent structures on blood flow in an aneurismal cavity. In this paper, five virtual stents with different structures and wire cross-sections were designed for incorporation into the same patient-specific aneurysm model. Computational fluid dynamics simulations were performed so as to study how these five types of stents modified hemodynamic parameters. Numerical results demonstrated that the mean flow rate in the aneurismal cavity decreased the most in the model that used a stent with a rectangular wire cross-section, and that the wall shear stresses at the dome and neck of the aneurysm decreased more in models that used a stent with a circular wire cross-section or a spiral stent with a rectangular wire cross-section compared to other models. In addition, the wall pressure on the aneurysm increased slightly after implantation of the stent in all five models. This result differs from that previously published, and may help guide the design and assist clinicians in selecting an appropriate stent for treating cerebral aneurysms.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of whole body vibration (WBV) training on maximal strength, squat jump, and flexibility of well-trained combat athletes. Twelve female and 8 male combat athletes (age: 22.8 ± 3.1 years, mass: 65.4 ± 10.7 kg, height: 168.8 ± 8.8 cm, training experience: 11.6 ± 4.7 years, training volume: 9.3 ± 2.8 hours/week) participated in this study. The study consisted of three sessions separated by 48 hours. The first session was conducted for familiarization. In the subsequent two sessions, participants performed WBV or sham intervention in a randomized, balanced order. During WBV intervention, four isometric exercises were performed (26 Hz, 4 mm). During the sham intervention, participants performed the same WBV intervention without vibration treatment (0 Hz, 0 mm). Hand grip, squat jump, trunk flexion, and isometric leg strength tests were performed after each intervention. The results of a two-factor (pre-post[2] × intervention[2]) repeated measures ANOVA revealed a significant interaction (p = 0.018) of pre-post × intervention only for the hand grip test, indicating a significant performance increase of moderate effect (net increase of 2.48%, d = 0.61) after WBV intervention. Squat jump, trunk flexion, and isometric leg strength performances were not affected by WBV. In conclusion, the WBV protocol used in this study potentiated hand grip performance, but did not enhance squat jump, trunk flexion, or isometric leg strength in well-trained combat athletes.  相似文献   

Physical inactivity is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Sedentary animals compared to physically active controls exhibit enhanced sympathoexcitatory responses, including arterial baroreflex-mediated sympathoexcitation. Hypotension-induced sympathoexcitation is also associated with the release of vasoactive hormones. We hypothesized that sedentary conditions may enhance release of the vasoactive hormones AVP and ANG II. To test this hypothesis, the humoral response to hypotension was examined in conscious rats after 9-12 wk of sedentary conditions or "normally active" conditions. Normally active conditions were produced by allowing rats access to running wheels in their home cages. Running distance peaked after 4 wk (4.5 +/- 0.7 km/day), and the total distance run after 9 wk was 174 +/- 23 km (n = 25). Similar levels of hypotension were induced in conscious sedentary or physically active animals with the arterial vasodilator, diazoxide (25 mg/kg iv). Control experiments used a saline injection of equivalent volume. Plasma samples were collected and assayed for plasma AVP concentration and plasma renin activity (PRA). Sedentary conditions significantly enhanced resting and hypotension-induced PRA relative to normal physical activity. In contrast, resting and hypotension-induced AVP levels were not statistically different between groups. These data suggest that baroreflex-mediated activation of the renin-angiotensin system, but not AVP secretion, is enhanced by sedentary conditions. We speculate that augmented activation of the renin-angiotensin system may be related to enhanced sympathetic outflow observed in sedentary animals and may contribute to increased risk of cardiovascular disease in the sedentary population.  相似文献   

This study examines the acute effects of plyometric exercise on 1 repetition maximum (RM) squat performance in trained male athletes. Twelve men (mean age +/- SD: 20.5 +/- 1.4 years) volunteered to participate in 3 testing sessions separated by at least 6 days of rest. During each testing session the 1RM was assessed on back squat exercise. Before all 3 trials subjects warmed up on a stationary cycle for 5 minutes and performed static stretching. Subjects then performed 5 submaximal sets of 1-8 repetitions before attempting a 1RM lift. Subjects rested for at least 4 minutes between 1RM trials. During the first testing session (T1) subjects performed a series of sets with increasing load until their 1RM was determined. During the second and third testing sessions subjects performed in counterbalanced order either 3 double-leg tuck jumps (TJ) or 2 depth jumps (DJ) 30 seconds before each 1RM attempt. The average 1RM lifts after T1 and testing sessions with TJ or DJ were 139.6 +/- 29.3 kg, 140.5 +/- 25.6 kg, and 144.5 +/- 30.2 kg, respectively (T1 < DJ; p < 0.05). These data suggest that DJ performed before 1RM testing may enhance squat performance in trained male athletes.  相似文献   

Pulsations of the internal carotid and stapedial arteries produce unwanted sounds (noise) in the middle ear cavity which influence hearing in some mammals. 'Noise' pressure levels calculated from pulse rates, volume pulsations of the arteries, and Fourier analysis of arterial waveforms, correlate well with low frequency thresholds of hearing in the Long-eared hedgehog, Tree shrew and Kangaroo rat. In mammals adapted to hear low frequency sounds, such as the Kangaroo rat and fossorial insectivores, the arteries are enclosed in noise attenuating bony tubes. However, most small mammals possess extended high frequency hearing with little sensitivity at the low frequencies of the arterial sounds. In lower tetrapods such as anurans and most lizards, the broad connection between the middle ear cavity and the pharynx creates a leakage pathway which greatly reduces the noise from the stapedial artery. It is probably for these reasons that the large intratympanic arteries did not disturb hearing in early mammals or submammalian forms.  相似文献   

Thomas JB  Milner JS  Steinman DA 《Biorheology》2002,39(3-4):443-448
The human carotid artery bifurcation is a complex, three-dimensional structure exhibiting non-planarity and both in- and out-of-plane curvature. The aim of this study was to determine the relative importance of vessel planarity, a potential geometric risk factor for atherogenesis, in determining the local hemodynamics. A combination of computational fluid dynamics and magnetic resonance imaging was used to reconstruct the subject-specific hemodynamics for three subjects. Planar models were then constructed by translating the centroids of the lumen contours onto a plane defined by the centroids of the vessel branches near the bifurcation apex. A novel "patching" technique was used to convert the continuous arterial surfaces into contiguous but discrete patches according to an objective scheme, making it possible to compare the original and planar models without the need for registration and warping. Results suggest that the planarity of the vessel has a relatively minor effect on the spatial distribution of mean and oscillatory wall shear stress. Out-of-plane curvature was, however, found to have a marked influence on the extent and magnitude of these hemodynamic variables. We conclude that vessel curvature - whether in- or out-of-plane - rather than planarity may deserve further scrutiny as a potential geometric risk for atherogenesis.  相似文献   

Decreased central arterial compliance is an emerging risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Resistance training is associated with reductions in the elastic properties of central arteries. Currently, it is not known whether this reduction is from one bout of resistance exercise or from an adaptation to multiple bouts of resistance training. Sixteen healthy sedentary or recreationally active adults (11 men and 5 women, age 27 +/- 1 yr) were studied under parallel experimental conditions on 2 separate days. The order of experiments was randomized between resistance exercise (9 resistance exercises at 75% of 1 repetition maximum) and sham control (seated rest in the exercise room). Baseline hemodynamic values were not different between the two experimental conditions. Carotid arterial compliance (via simultaneous B-mode ultrasound and applanation tonometry) decreased and beta-stiffness index increased (P < 0.01) immediately and 30 min after resistance exercise. Immediately after resistance exercise, carotid systolic blood pressure increased (P < 0.01), although no changes were observed in brachial systolic blood pressure at any time points. These measures returned to baseline values within 60 min after the completion of resistance exercise. No significant changes in these variables were observed during the sham control condition. These results indicate that one bout of resistance exercise acutely decreases central arterial compliance, but this effect is sustained for <60 min after the completion of resistance exercise.  相似文献   

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