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Distinction between members of the Anopheles nili group of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae), including major malaria vectors in riverside villages of tropical Africa, has been based mainly on doubtful morphological characters. Sequence variations of the ribosomal DNA second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) and D3 28S region between morphological forms revealed four genetic patterns corresponding to typical An. nili (Theobald), An. carnevalei Brunhes et al., An. somalicus Rivola & Holstein and the newly identified variant provisionally named Oveng form. Primers were designed based on ITS2 fixed nucleotide differences between haplotypes to develop a multiplex PCR for rapid and specific identification of each species or molecular form. Specimens of the An. nili group from Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast and Senegal were successfully identified to species, demonstrating the general applicability of this technique based on criteria described in this paper.  相似文献   

The rationales given for studies of the population genetics of vectors are usually: (1) to predict the spread of genes, such as genes conferring insecticide resistance or possibly refractoriness to parasites and (2) to reveal novel insights into the epidemiology and transmission of vector-borne disease. The successful genetic transformation of mosquitoes has highlighted the need for a critical assessment of the rapidly accumulating body of data on the population genetics of malaria vectors. This article assesses how successful molecular genetic techniques have been in revealing new population patterns.  相似文献   



Based on sensitivity analysis of the MacDonald-Ross model, it has long been argued that the best way to reduce malaria transmission is to target adult female mosquitoes with insecticides that can reduce the longevity and human-feeding frequency of vectors. However, these analyses have ignored a fundamental biological difference between mosquito adults and the immature stages that precede them: adults are highly mobile flying insects that can readily detect and avoid many intervention measures whereas mosquito eggs, larvae and pupae are confined within relatively small aquatic habitats and cannot readily escape control measures.  相似文献   

Many malaria vector mosquitoes in Africa have an extreme preference for feeding on humans. This specialization allows them to sustain much higher levels of transmission than elsewhere, but there is little understanding of the evolutionary forces that drive this behaviour. In Tanzania, we used a semi-field system to test whether the well-documented preferences of the vectors, Anopheles arabiensis and Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto (s.s.) for cattle and humans, respectively, are predicted by the fitness they obtain from host-seeking on these species relative to other available hosts. Mosquito fitness was contrasted, when humans were fully exposed and when they were protected by a typical bednet. The fitness of both vectors varied between host species. The predicted relationship between host preference and fitness was confirmed in An. arabiensis, but not in An. gambiae s.s., whose fitness was similar on humans and other mammals. Use of typical, imperfect bednets generated only minor reductions in An. gambiae s.s. feeding success and fitness on humans, but was predicted to generate a significant reduction in the lifetime reproductive success of An. arabiensis on humans relative to cows. This supports the hypothesis that such human-protective measures could additionally benefit malaria control by increasing selection for zoophily in vectors.  相似文献   

Insecticides belonging to the pyrethroid family are the only compounds currently available for the treatment of mosquito nets. Unfortunately, some malaria vector species have developed resistance to pyrethroids and the lack of alternative chemical categories is a great concern. One strategy for resistance management would be to treat mosquito nets with a mixture associating two insecticides having different modes of action. This study presents the results obtained with insecticide mixtures containing several proportions of bifenthrin (a pyrethroid insecticide) and carbosulfan (a carbamate insecticide). The mixtures were sprayed on mosquito net samples and their efficacy were tested against a susceptible strain of Anopheles gambiae, the major malaria vector in Africa. A significant synergism was observed with a mixture containing 25 mg/m2 of bifenthrin (half the recommended dosage for treated nets) and 6.25 mg/m2 of carbosulfan (about 2% of the recommended dosage). The observed mortality was significantly more than expected in the absence of any interaction (80% vs 41%) and the knock-down effect was maintained, providing an effective barrier against susceptible mosquitoes.  相似文献   

Vector control remains an important component of malaria control, particularly in Africa where most infant deaths occur. Among the different methods, insecticide-treated bednets seem to be a suitable way to reduce morbidity and child mortality in endemic areas. To facilitate their large-scale use and to investigate alternative vector control methods, the authors propose these current directions of research that are already being explored in Africa through a collaborating network involving several African countries: (1) vector genetics, (2) insecticide resistance and (3) vector control strategies.  相似文献   

An exposure-free bednet trap (the 'Mbita trap') for sampling of Afrotropical malaria vectors was developed during preliminary studies of mosquito behaviour around human-occupied bednets. Its mosquito sampling efficiency was compared to the CDC miniature light-trap and human landing catches under semi-field conditions in a screen-walled greenhouse using laboratory-reared Anopheles gambiae Giles sensu stricto (Diptera: Culicidae). When compared in a competitive manner (side by side), the Mbita trap caught 4.1+/-0.5 times as many mosquitoes as the CDC light-trap, hung beside an occupied bednet (P < 0.000 1) and 43.2+/-10% the number caught by human landing catches (P < 0.0001). The ratio of Mbita trap catches to those of the CDC light trap increased with decreasing mosquito density. Mosquito density did not affect the ratio of Mbita trap to human-landing catches. In a non-competitive comparison (each method independent of the other), the Mbita trap caught 89.7+/-10% the number of mosquitoes caught by human landing catches (P < 0.0001) and 1.2+/-0.1 times more mosquitoes than the CDC light trap (P = 0.0008). Differences in Mbita trap performance relative to the human landing catch under noncompetitive vs. competitive conditions were explained by the rate at which each method captured mosquitoes. Such bednet traps do not expose people to potentially infectious mosquito bites and operate passively all night without the need for skilled personnel. This trap is specifically designed to catch host-seeking mosquitoes only and may be an effective, sensitive, user-friendly and economic alternative to existing methods for mosquito surveillance in Africa.  相似文献   

Genetic markers for study of the anopheline vectors of human malaria   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Human malaria is truly a disease of global proportions and is one of the most broadly distributed vector-borne infections. Anopheline mosquitoes are the exclusive vectors of human malaria. A handful of species predominate as the most notorious malaria vectors, but the species and forms involved in the transmission of human malaria world-wide are incredibly diverse. Many of the anophelines that vector malaria exist as members of species complexes that often contain vector and non-vector species. Additionally, single anopheline species often exhibit significant heterogeneity across the species' range. This phenotypic and genotypic plasticity exacerbates the difficulties in identification of vector populations and implementation of effective surveillance and control strategies. Polytene chromosome investigations were among the first to provide researchers with tangible genetic markers that could be used to differentiate between what are now recognised as species and chromosomal forms of anopheline mosquitoes. The advent of the polymerase chain reaction gave access to the molecular genetics of genomes and the techniques that followed have facilitated investigation of the genetics of individual specimens or population size samples. The variety and number of genetic markers available for the study of malaria vectors has literally exploded in the last 10 years. Markers have expanded from the 'traditional tools' to include a vast array of molecular markers. Contemporary markers range from what are now referred to as 'classical genetic markers' to methods used to detect and identify single nucleotide polymorphisms and finally to highly polymorphic markers. One of the greatest advantages of this wide variety of genetic markers is that researchers may choose to utilise any combination of markers or techniques to address multifaceted questions relating to malaria transmission. These molecular markers have proven useful in a wide variety of applications including molecular taxonomy, evolutionary systematics, population genetics, genetic mapping, and investigation of defined phenotypes.  相似文献   

Recent works have considered the problem of using transgenic mosquitoes to control a malaria epidemic. These insects have been genetically engineered to reduce their capacity to infect humans with malaria parasites. We analyze a model of the mosquito population dynamics when genetically modified individuals are introduced into a wild type population so that the effect of their introduction can be assessed. The model describes the dynamics of gene selection under sexual reproduction in a closed vector population. Our results show that the fitness of the resulting heterozygous population is the key parameter for the success of the invasion, independently of the fitness of homozygous vectors. The vector population dynamics model is then combined with an epidemiological model to study the feasibility of controlling a malaria epidemic. Basic reproductive numbers are calculated for both models, and conditions are obtained for preventing reappearance of the epidemic. Simulations on this model show that it may be possible to reduce or even eradicate the epidemic only if the heterozygous population is better adapted than the wild type. They also show that this can be achieved without completely eliminating the wild type mosquitoes.  相似文献   

Spraying of canvas tents with residual pyrethroid insecticide is an established method of malaria vector control in tented refugee camps. In recent years, plastic sheeting (polythene tarpaulins) has replaced canvas as the utilitarian shelter material for displaced populations in complex emergencies. Advances in technology enable polythene sheeting to be impregnated with pyrethroid during manufacture. The efficacy of such material against mosquitoes when erected as shelters under typical refugee camp conditions is unknown. Tests were undertaken with free-flying mosquitoes on entomological study platforms in an Afghan refugee camp to compare the insecticidal efficacy of plastic tarpaulin sprayed with deltamethrin on its inner surface (target dose 30 mg/m2), tarpaulin impregnated with deltamethrin (initially > or = 30 mg/m2) during manufacture, and a tent made from the factory impregnated tarpaulin material. Preliminary tests done in the laboratory with Anopheles stephensi Liston (Diptera: Culicidae) showed that 1-min exposure to factory-impregnated tarpaulins would give 100% mortality even after outdoor weathering in a temperate climate for 12 weeks. Outdoor platform tests with the erected materials (baited with human subjects) produced mosquito mortality rates between 86-100% for sprayed or factory-impregnated tarpaulins and tents (average approximately 40 anophelines and approximately 200 culicines/per platform/night), whereas control mortality (with untreated tarpaulin) was no more than 5%. Fewer than 20% of mosquitoes blood-fed on human subjects under either insecticide-treated or non-treated shelters. The tarpaulin shelter was a poor barrier to host-seeking mosquitoes and treatment with insecticide did not reduce the proportion blood-feeding. Even so, the deployment of insecticide-impregnated tarpaulins in refugee camps, if used by the majority of refugees, has the potential to control malaria by killing high proportions of mosquitoes and so reducing the average life expectancy of vectors (greatly reducing vectorial capacity), rather than by directly protecting refugees from mosquito bites. Mass coverage with deltamethrin-sprayed or impregnated tarpaulins or tents has strong potential for preventing malaria in displaced populations affected by conflict.  相似文献   

Following the recent emergence of malaria in South Korea, vector control has been an important task. For this, vector identification is very important. Earlier, two PCR-based assays have been described. But, poor species resolution and their ability to include only 4-5 species limit their use. Thus, it has now become important to revise the assay identifying these members. In this study, a new assay based on internal transcribed spacer 2 and 28S of ribosomal DNA has been described. The assay successfully identified all the Korean malaria vector mosquitoes. Therefore, it is an indispensable tool to study ecology, abundance and biology of these species.  相似文献   

A finely worked bronze dog has been standing on my desk for twenty years now. Aside from the books with their dedicatory signatures, it is the only material thing I have in memory of Aleksandr Romanovich Luria. A week after he died, Lana Pimenovna, his wife, asked if I could drop in to see her. I thought that the reason for her call—to ask me to enlarge, reproduce, and frame some photos she had made of Aleksandr Romanovich in various years during his lifetime—was only a pretext: the publisher's in-house photographer or any other photographer could have done this.  相似文献   

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