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This paper examines some of the factors that affect the expression of libido in beef cattle, focusing on the male and the free-ranging situation. The ways in which bull libido is assessed and the relationship between libido test results and fertility are discussed. Genetics play a role in determining libido, but there are many environmental factors affecting its expression, and a number of these factors influence sexual activity in both tests of libido and paddock mating. Herd fertility is multi-factorial and, consequently, it is difficult to draw definitive conclusions about the relationship between libido and fertility. Multiple males increase the expression of libido, but it is uncertain whether this translates into improvements in herd fertility. However, there are consequences for individual bull fertility, as there is ample evidence of inherent differences between bulls. Male:female ratios appear to have minor effects on libido and fertility. Anecdotal evidence indicates that multiple matings with the same or different bulls may reduce the duration of oestrus. Social relationships between bulls can affect the expression of libido, with subordinate bulls being inhibited by the presence of dominant bulls. There is evidence that dominant bulls may achieve more matings at pasture, but this is not necessarily shown in their fertility. Older bulls show greater expression of libido in tests and appear more efficient in serving, although these changes may reflect greater sexual experience. Provided bulls are sexually mature and physically able to mate, age per se appears not to affect fertility, but age interacts with dominance, which can influence fertility. There is evidence of breed differences in expression of libido, but this appears not to be demonstrated in fertility. There is anecdotal evidence that bulls and females prefer to mate with similar genotypes/phenotypes with implications for fertility. Limited research on thermal and nutritional effects indicate some adverse consequences for libido of climatic extremes for unadapted bulls and of over-feeding, but not under-feeding. Limited research has investigated the effects on libido and fertility of multiple stressors associated with relocation; relocation to dramatically different environments has long-lasting detrimental consequences for fertility. Too few studies have been conducted to draw conclusions about the effects of topography and herd dispersion on libido and fertility. Temperament is likely to affect the expression of libido when animals are put into new situations, but this has not been critically researched. In the light of this review, the implications for managing cattle to optimise fertility are discussed and suggestions made as to areas where further research is needed.  相似文献   

Associations between specific host genes and susceptibility to Mycobacterial infections such as tuberculosis have been reported in several species. Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) impacts greatly the UK cattle industry, yet genetic predispositions have yet to be identified. We therefore used a candidate gene approach to study 384 cattle of which 160 had reacted positively to an antigenic skin test ('reactors'). Our approach was unusual in that it used microsatellite markers, embraced high breed diversity and focused particularly on detecting genes showing heterozygote advantage, a mode of action often overlooked in SNP-based studies. A panel of neutral markers was used to control for population substructure and using a general linear model-based approach we were also able to control for age. We found that substructure was surprisingly weak and identified two genomic regions that were strongly associated with reactor status, identified by markers INRA111 and BMS2753. In general the strength of association detected tended to vary depending on whether age was included in the model. At INRA111 a single genotype appears strongly protective with an overall odds ratio of 2.2, the effect being consistent across nine diverse breeds. Our results suggest that breeding strategies could be devised that would appreciably increase genetic resistance of cattle to bTB (strictly, reduce the frequency of incidence of reactors) with implications for the current debate concerning badger-culling.  相似文献   

Three different models of bovine tuberculosis (Tb) in brushtail possums were evaluated against their stated purpose, and testable assumptions and predictions evaluated against available data where possible. Not surprisingly, two of the models may be falsified based on currently available data with respect to either important model assumptions or predictions, and the third may suffer from being right for the wrong reason. This does not mean that these models are not useful. To the contrary, I argue that all models, especially those published in the scientific literature have largely addressed their stated purpose, and have contributed to our understanding of and ability to manage bovine tuberculosis infection in brushtail possum populations. No model, however, satisfactorily explains the pronounced spatial clustering of possum Tb, and the models critiqued have provided little strong inference as to the routes of transmission of Tb among possums. This situation is not helped by the scarcity of datasets on Tb in uncontrolled possum populations that are readily available to confront competing possum/Tb models with. As time passes, there is a very real risk that these data sets will be lost. This is of particular concern, as the expansion in the area of New Zealand under active possum management means the future opportunity to collect further data on Tb in uncontrolled possum populations is severely limited.  相似文献   



Bovine tuberculosis (BTB) is a widespread zoonosis in developing countries but has received little attention in sub-Saharan Africa, especially in Niger. Recent investigations confirmed the high incidence of the disease in cattle slaughtered in an abattoir in Niamey. The fact that most of the animals in which M. bovis has been identified were from the rural area of Torodi implied the existence of a probable source of BTB in this region. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of BTB infection in cattle and to identify risk factors for infection in human and cattle populations in Torodi.

Methods and Principal Findings

A survey was carried out at the level of households keeping livestock (n = 51). The questionnaire was related to the potential risk factors and the presence of clinical signs of TB both in animals and humans. Comparative Intradermal Tuberculin Test was conducted to determine the TB status in cattle (n = 393). The overall apparent individual animal prevalence of tuberculin reactors was 3.6% (CI: 95%, 1.9–5.9), whereas the individual true prevalence was estimated at 0.8% (CI: 95%, 0.0–5.0). Using a multivariate logistic regression analysis and a classification tree analysis, the only household level risk factor that significantly influenced the presence of BTB in cattle was the presence of animals coughing in the herd (OR = 4.7, 95% CI: 1.12–19.71, p-value = 0.034). The lack of the practice of quarantine was borderline significant (OR = 4.2, 95% CI: 0.96–18.40, p-value = 0.056).


The study confirmed that BTB is endemic in cattle in Torodi and the risk of the transmission of the disease to humans is potentially high. For the control of the disease in livestock, slaughtering of infected animals and the compensation of the owners is needed. Collaboration between the veterinary and the medical sectors, in the diagnosis, monitoring, prevention and control of BTB is strongly encouraged.  相似文献   

The survival probability of an individual may be limited by density-dependent mechanisms and by environmental stochasticity, but can also be modified by individual characteristics. In our study, we investigated over-winter survival of subadults of an enclosed European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus population in a temperate zone habitat over the period 1992–2002. We: (1) selected for appropriate models to explain individual variation in over-winter survival and the animals autumn body mass, the latter was used as a measure of the individual pre-winter body condition; and (2) aimed to compare the sensitivity of the target variables on the realised variation of the factors considered. Model selection based on information theory revealed that individual over-winter survival was best explained by the combination of autumn body mass, winter temperature, population density and sex, where the probability of survival was higher in females than in males. According to this model, the probability of survival reacted most sensitively to variation in the autumn body mass and in winter temperature. Individual autumn body mass was best explained by the combination of the date of birth, population density, and weather conditions by means of the percentage of rainy days during the first 2 months after the animals had emerged above ground, where the autumn body mass was negatively related to the percentage of rainy days. The chosen model suggested that the autumn body mass reacted most sensitively to variation in the date of birth. Combining these models, we found that weather conditions during two different periods of time as well as population density, sex and the date of birth operated together to determine the probability of over-winter survival. In particular, the study points out the high impact of environmental stochasticity on over-winter survival: (1) by direct effects of winter temperature conditions, and (2) by the indirect action of weather conditions to which the animals were exposed during the early period of juvenile development.  相似文献   

The PGal4 transposon inserted upstream of the pan-neural gene prospero (pros) causes several neural and behavioral defects in the Voila(1) strain. The precise excision of the transposon simultaneously rescued all these defects whereas its unprecise excision created new pros(V) alleles, including the null allele pros(V17). Here, we describe the relationship between the genetic structure of pros locus, larval locomotion, and larval gustatory response. These two behaviors showed varying degrees of variation depending upon the pros allele. We also found a good relation between behavioral alteration, the level of Pros protein in the embryo, and the degree of disorganization in the larval neuromuscular junction. These data suggest that the complete development of the nervous system requires a full complement of Pros, and that a gradual decrease in the levels of this protein can proportionally alter the development and the function of the nervous system.  相似文献   

The PGal4 transposon inserted upstream of the pan‐neural gene prospero (pros) causes several neural and behavioral defects in the Voila1 strain. The precise excision of the transposon simultaneously rescued all these defects whereas its unprecise excision created new prosV alleles, including the null allele prosV17. Here, we describe the relationship between the genetic structure of pros locus, larval locomotion, and larval gustatory response. These two behaviors showed varying degrees of variation depending upon the pros allele. We also found a good relation between behavioral alteration, the level of Pros protein in the embryo, and the degree of disorganization in the larval neuromuscular junction. These data suggest that the complete development of the nervous system requires a full complement of Pros, and that a gradual decrease in the levels of this protein can proportionally alter the development and the function of the nervous system. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 55: 1–13, 2003  相似文献   

Species-area curves are often employed to identify factors affecting biodiversity patterns. The aim of this study was to determine how model choice affects biological interpretation of SAC parameters at a small scale in wet, temperate meadows (?elezné hory Mts, Czech Republic). We estimated 88 species-area curves in nested plots on areas ranging from 0.01 to 4?m2 at 22 localities using four different models (Arrhenius, Gleason, and their log transformations). Relationships were tested between the parameters of the fitted curves (slope and intercept) and a number of environmental and vegetation characteristics (environmental??water table, pH, nutrient availability, organic matter content; community??productivity, evenness; and individual plant??shoot cyclicity, persistence of connection among ramets, multiplication rate, dispersal ability). Species diversity was calculated for 0.01, 1, and 4?m2. The corrected Akaike information criterion was used to identify the best model. The models differed in their sensitivity to environmental, community, and individual plant characteristics. The spatial scale that was the most suitable for revealing the factors underlying species diversity was the smallest considered (0.01?m2). The most important factors were spatial pattern in community structure (evenness, lateral spread), plant mobility (lateral spread and persistence), and soil properties. Although Gleason model showed better fit to data (both non-log and log transformation) and its intercept was more sensitive to tested biological characteristics, the Arrhenius model was more sensitive when correlating biological characteristics and slope. Choice of model according to best fit criteria restricts possibilities of biological interpretation and deserves further study.  相似文献   

Bovine tuberculosis (BTB), caused by Mycobacterium bovis, is a disease that was introduced relatively recently into the Kruger National Park (KNP) lion population. Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV(ple)) is thought to have been endemic in lions for a much longer time. In humans, co-infection between Mycobacterium tuberculosis and human immunodeficiency virus increases disease burden. If BTB were to reach high levels of prevalence in lions, and if similar worsening effects would exist between FIV(ple) and BTB as for their human equivalents, this could pose a lion conservation problem. We collected data on lions in KNP from 1993 to 2008 for spatio-temporal analysis of both FIV(ple) and BTB, and to assess whether a similar relationship between the two diseases exists in lions. We found that BTB prevalence in the south was higher than in the north (72 versus 19% over the total study period) and increased over time in the northern part of the KNP (0-41%). No significant spatio-temporal differences were seen for FIV(ple) in the study period, in agreement with the presumed endemic state of the infection. Both infections affected haematology and blood chemistry values, FIV(ple) in a more pronounced way than BTB. The effect of co-infection on these values, however, was always less than additive. Though a large proportion (31%) of the lions was co-infected with FIV(ple) and M. bovis, there was no evidence for a synergistic relation as in their human counterparts. Whether this results from different immunopathogeneses remains to be determined.  相似文献   



Both bovine coronavirus (BCV) and bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) infections are currently wide-spread in the Swedish dairy cattle population. Surveys of antibody levels in bulk tank milk have shown very high nationwide prevalences of both BCV and BRSV, with large variations between regions. In the Swedish beef cattle population however, no investigations have yet been performed regarding the prevalence and geographical distribution of BCV and BRSV. A cross-sectional serological survey for BCV and BRSV was carried out in Swedish beef cattle to explore any geographical patterns of these infections.  相似文献   

Vigilance in vertebrates is often inversely related to group size. We present evidence that distance to bushes and location within the herd are also critical factors in vigilance in springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis) in Etosha National Park, Namibia, where they are the preferred prey of cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus). Most springbok feed in heterospecific herds, both by grazing on grass and browsing on bushes. We studied 1245 animals; variations in vigilance (time alert) were explained by location within the herd, distance to bushes and roads, number of springbok in each herd, and gender and age. Vigilance time decreased with increasing herd size, with increasing distance to bushes and roads, and with density. Springbok on the edge of herds devoted significantly more time to vigilance than did those in other locations, and vigilance in edge animals decreased with group size. Adults were more vigilant than young, and males were more vigilant than females. Position within the herd, and distance from bushes, were the most important variables influencing vigilance. Location in the herd and gender/age affected both browsing and grazing springbok, although other factors accounted for the differences in vigilance between browsing and grazing springbok: 1) group size was not significant for browsers, but it was for grazers, and 2) distances to bushes and road were not significant for browsers, but they were for grazers. These data relate to the risk from predators and the benefits from other group members. Springbok in bushes cannot see all members of the herd, cannot derive early warning from many group members, and are more at risk from predators because the latter can hide in the bushes. Received: 17 May 1999 / Received in revised form: 30 August 1999 / Accepted: 29 November 1999  相似文献   

Systemic investigation of the mechanisms that control locomotions in the man provides elaboration of some problems concerning properties and construction of the locomotory apparatus, especially morphometric characteristics of the muscles--length and shoulder of the thrust force. Various methods for determining length and shoulder of the thrust force are considered. The first method is based on substituting the muscles for mathematical or mechanical model. The second method makes it possible to define the degree of the muscle elongation by means of measuring the distance between the ends of the sectioned tendon; it includes regression equations, connecting a relative elongation of the muscles with the angle change in the joints. As a result of perfection of the previously known methods, mathematical models are made, owing to them it is possible to calculate morphometric characteristics of 8 muscles in the lower extremities using computer facilities. As an example, results of calculations, by means of various methods, morphometric characteristics of the gastrocnemius muscle are presented. They are obtained at registration of the kinematics of the run with a maximal speed. Satisfactive coincidence of the results is obtained.  相似文献   

At present, there is no well-characterized animal model to study the effects of aging on fertility in women. The objectives of the study were to characterize age-related changes in ovarian and endocrine functions in old cows and to investigate the validity of a bovine model for the study of human reproductive aging. We tested the hypotheses that aging in cattle is associated with 1) elevated concentrations of gonadotropins and reduced concentrations of steroid hormones in systemic circulation and 2) increased recruitment of ovarian follicles during wave emergence. Daily ultrasonography was performed in 13- to 14-yr-old cows (n = 10) and their 1- to 4-yr-old daughters (n = 9) for one interovulatory interval to study ovarian function. Plasma samples were obtained every 12 h for determination of FSH, LH, progesterone, and estradiol concentrations. Circulating FSH concentrations were higher (P = 0.009) during follicular waves in old cows than in their daughters, but the number of 4- to 5-mm follicles recruited into a wave was lower (P = 0.04) in old cows. Plasma LH concentrations did not differ between groups (P = 0.4), but the ovulatory follicle in two-wave cycles was smaller in old cows (P = 0.04). Plasma estradiol concentrations were higher (P = 0.01) in old cows, and luteal phase progesterone tended to be lower (P = 0.1). We conclude that these changes are consistent with those reported for women approaching menopause transition. Therefore, our results validate the use of the bovine model to study reproductive aging in women.  相似文献   



The control of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) remains a priority on the public health agenda in Great Britain, after launching in 1998 the Randomised Badger Culling Trial (RBCT) to evaluate the effectiveness of badger (Meles meles) culling as a control strategy. Our study complements previous analyses of the RBCT data (focusing on treatment effects) by presenting analyses of herd-level risks factors associated with the probability of a confirmed bTB breakdown in herds within each treatment: repeated widespread proactive culling, localized reactive culling and no culling (survey-only).

Methodology/Principal Findings

New cases of bTB breakdowns were monitored inside the RBCT areas from the end of the first proactive badger cull to one year after the last proactive cull. The risk of a herd bTB breakdown was modeled using logistic regression and proportional hazard models adjusting for local farm-level risk factors. Inside survey-only and reactive areas, increased numbers of active badger setts and cattle herds within 1500 m of a farm were associated with an increased bTB risk. Inside proactive areas, the number of M. bovis positive badgers initially culled within 1500 m of a farm was the strongest predictor of the risk of a confirmed bTB breakdown.


The use of herd-based models provide insights into how local cattle and badger populations affect the bTB breakdown risks of individual cattle herds in the absence of and in the presence of badger culling. These measures of local bTB risks could be integrated into a risk-based herd testing programme to improve the targeting of interventions aimed at reducing the risks of bTB transmission.  相似文献   

Timo Helle  Ilpo Kojola 《Ecography》2008,31(2):221-230
We examined how population density, winter weather, snow conditions, and 2 large-scale climatic indices (North Atlantic Oscillation, NAO, and Arctic Oscillation, AO) influenced demography (reproduction and mortality) in an alpine herd of semi-domesticated reindeer Rangifer tarandus between 1959 and 2000 in Finnish Lapland. The herd lived on heavily grazed lichen pastures, with winter densities between 0.8 and 3.9 individuals km−2. Icing conditions occurred every 7th yr, on an average, and decreased reproductive rate (calves/females) by 49%. In general linear models icing remarkably increased the fit of snow models to reproductive rate. Incorporation of an interaction term between icing and the snow depth index provided better fit than a model without interaction. Delayed snowmelt decreased reproductive rate. For the day of snowmelt, however, the model without interaction was better than the interaction model. These 3 models provided the best fit to the data and accounted for 51–54% of the variation in reproductive rate. Winter mortality was related to density and large-scale climatic indices, but not to local winter weather except a slight increase in mortality during an icing winter. The best model for winter mortality, including reindeer density and NAO, accounted for 26% of variation in mortality. Three factors may be involved explaining weak density dependence or the lack of such dependence; climate change scenarios that predict higher winter temperature, more frequent thawing-freezing periods, and deeper snow would be expected to decrease reproductive rate and increase winter mortality of reindeer and thus to reduce profitability of reindeer husbandry. In contrast, early springs would be advantageous for reindeer in the short term.  相似文献   

We have conducted a study based on single sperm typing in a family design to assess patterns of variability of the male recombination rate in cattle. 2214 sperm of 37 bulls were typed for 11 loci on bovine Chromosomes (Chrs) 6, 23, and the sex chromosomes. Statistically significant individual variability of the recombination rate was observed for one interval in the pseudoautosomal region (PAR) of the bovine sex chromosomes; one marker interval on bovine Chr 23 exhibited individual variability that was close to significance. Thirty-five of the bulls were members of six paternal halfsib groups, and highly significant variability between families was found for one interval in the PAR. This variability may be due to DNA sequence differences in the PAR or to a genetic control of the recombination activity in this region. It is demonstrated that differences in the recombination rate of the magnitude observed in the present study may have a considerable impact on the power of QTL mapping experiments as well as on the sustainability of marker-assisted selection strategies. Received: 1 February 1997 / Accepted: 15 June 1997  相似文献   

Although measures to control bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) had been in force in the United Kingdom for many years and had resulted in a marked decline in clinical cases, the announcement by the Secretary of State for Health on March 20, 1996, that a new variant form of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease may be linked with exposure to BSE, resulted in the introduction of several new control measures. These measures included a scheme banning human consumption of meat from cattle who were more than 30 months old (the so-called “over 30-month scheme; ”OTMS), a subsidy for slaughter of calves, and additional inspections of abattoirs. The altered slaughter procedures and lack of rendering facilities meant an initial backlog of OTMS animals having to remain on farms. This placed pressures on accommodation and feed stocks, the latter being in short supply because of a poor grass growth the previous summer. Initially, the long delay before the removal of casualty animals from the farm resulted in increased summer mastitis problems for nonlactating cows. The export of calves to the European Union for veal production was banned, thereby allowing the cessation of a previously legal trade that was considered distasteful by many members of the general public. Financial concerns disturbed and continue to disturb affected farmers.  相似文献   



Bovine renal lipofuscinosis (BRL) is an incidental finding in cattle at slaughter. Condemnation of the kidneys as unfit for human consumption was until recently considered the only implication of BRL. Recent studies have indicated a negative influence on the health of affected animals. The present study investigated the prevalence, genetics and effect of BRL on milk yield and weight at slaughter.


BRL status of slaughter cattle was recorded at four abattoirs during a 2-year-period. Data regarding breed, age, genetic descent, milk yield and weight at slaughter were extracted from the Danish Cattle Database. The prevalence of BRL was estimated stratified by breed and age-group. Furthermore, total milk yield, milk yield in last full lactation and weight at slaughter were compared for BRL-affected and non-affected Danish Holsteins and Danish Red cattle.


433,759 bovines were slaughtered and 787 of these had BRL. BRL was mainly diagnosed in Danish Red, Danish Holstein and crossbreds. The age of BRL affected animals varied from 11 months to 13 years, but BRL was rarely diagnosed in cattle less than 2 years of age. The total lifelong energy corrected milk (ECM) yields were 3,136 and 4,083 kg higher for BRL affected Danish Red and Danish Holsteins, respectively. However, the median life span of affected animals was 4.9 months longer, and age-corrected total milk yield was 1,284 kg lower for BRL affected Danish Red cows. These cows produced 318 kg ECM less in their last full lactation. Weight at slaughter was not affected by BRL status. The cases occurred in patterns consistent with autosomal recessive inheritance and several family clusters of BRL were found. Analysis of segregation ratios demonstrated the expected ratio for Danish Red cattle, but not for Danish Holsteins.


The study confirmed that BRL is a common finding in Danish Holsteins and Danish Red cattle at slaughter. The disorder is associated with increased total milk yield due to a longer production life. However, a reduced milk yield was detected in the end of the production life in Danish Red. The study supports that BRL is inherited autosomal recessively in the Danish Red breed and Danish Holsteins, but with incomplete penetrance of the genotype in Danish Holsteins.  相似文献   

Five calves inoculated orally with 10(5)-10(6) sporocysts of Sarcocystis hominis from human feces were necropsied 10, 18, 24, 111, and 222 days postinoculation (DPI). Calves became febrile (greater than 40-41 C) between 10 and 24 DPI and developed mild anemia (packed cell volumes were reduced by 40% of initial values) between 29 and 57 DPI but otherwise remained clinically normal. Focal hepatitis, mesenteric lymphadenitis, and myocarditis were seen in calves at 10, 18, and 24 DPI. No stages of the parasite were found at any of these times except for a few merozoites in macrophages associated with myocardial lesions in the calf necropsied 24 DPI. Mature sarcocysts at 111 and 222 DPI were up to 950 microm long and their walls were up to 6 microm thick. They were found only in skeletal muscles. One immature sarcocyst was seen in the myocardium of the calf at 222 DPI.  相似文献   

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