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A major challenge in formulating an effective immunotherapy is to overcome the mechanisms of tumor escape from immunosurveillance. We showed that hypoxia-induced autophagy impairs cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL)-mediated tumor cell lysis by regulating phospho-STAT3 in target cells. Autophagy inhibition in hypoxic cells decreases phospho-STAT3 and restores CTL-mediated tumor cell killing by a mechanism involving the ubiquitin proteasome system and SQSTM1/p62. Simultaneously boosting the CTL-response, using a TRP-peptide vaccination strategy, and targeting autophagy in hypoxic tumors, improves the efficacy of cancer vaccines and promotes tumor regression in vivo. Overall, in addition to its immunosuppressive effect, the hypoxic microenvironment also contributes to immunoresistance and can be detrimental to antitumor effector cell functions.  相似文献   

Patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) have a greatly increased risk of cardiovascular disease. There is growing interest in the link between vascular damage and lupus-specific inflammatory factors. Impaired endothelial repair could account for the endothelial dysfunction in this patient group. This review describes the contribution that endothelial progenitor cells could play in the pathogenesis of premature vascular damage in this disease. The methods of isolation, detection, and characterization of endothelial progenitor cells, together with their potential role in repair of the endothelium and as a therapeutic target in SLE, are discussed.  相似文献   

Fever is a fundamental response to infection and a hallmark of inflammatory disease, which has been conserved and shaped through millions of years of natural selection. Although fever is able to stimulate both innate and adaptive immune responses, the very nature of all the molecular thermosensors, the timing and the detailed mechanisms translating a physical trigger into a fundamental biological response are incompletely understood. Here we discuss the consequence of hyperthermic stress in dendritic cells (DCs), and how the sole physical input is sensed as an alert stimulus triggering a complex transition in a very narrow temporal window. Importantly, we review recent findings demonstrating the significant and specific changes discovered in gene expression and in the metabolic phenotype associated with hyperthermia in DCs. Furthermore, we discuss the results that support a model based on a thermally induced autocrine signalling, which rewires and sets a metabolism checkpoint linked to immune activation of dendritic cells. Importantly, in this context, we highlight the novel regulatory functions discovered for IGFBP‐6 protein: induction of chemotaxis; capacity to increase oxidative burst and degranulation of neutrophils, ability to induce metabolic changes in DCs. Finally, we discuss the role of IGFBP‐6 in autoimmune disease and how novel mechanistic insights could lead to exploit thermal stress‐related mechanisms in the context of cancer therapy.  相似文献   

A growing body of experimental evidence demonstrates that the serpin antichymotrypsin plays a regulatory role in Alzheimer plaque physiology by interacting with the 42 residue β-amyloid protein, and we have used molecular modeling and energy minimization techniques to study this interaction. Based on the unique plasticity of β-sheet elements in antichymotrypsin (as well as other serpins), we conclude that the interaction of the two proteins is mediated by insertion of the N-terminus of β-amyloid into β-sheet C of antichymotrypsin as a pseudo-strand s1C. This β-strand insertion requires the displacement of native antichymotrypsin strand s1C, which is known to occur partially or completely at different stages of serpin function. Thus, the association of the two proteins in vivo may be facilitated by a particular functional state of the serpin, e.g., the native or protease-complexed state. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The Arizona Health Sciences Library has collaborated with clinical faculty to develop a federated search engine that is useful for meeting real-time clinical information needs. This article proposes a technology mediation role for the reference librarian that was inspired by the project, and describes the collaborative model used for developing technology-mediated services for targeted users.  相似文献   

Lipid droplets have been considered for a long time as inert intracytoplasmic deposits formed within cells under various conditions. Recently, new tools and new approaches have been used to visualize and study these intracellular structures. This revealed new aspects of lipid droplets biology and pointed out their organized structure and dynamic composition. In adipocytes, the specialized cell type for the storage of energy as fat, lipid droplets are particularly well-developed organelles, and exhibit unique properties. Also discussed in this paper is the view that lipid droplets, through specific candidate constituents, can play a role in the sensing of the level of their lipid stores by adipocytes.  相似文献   

Active DNA demethylation performed by ten-eleven translocation (TET) enzymes produces 5-hydroxymethylcytosines, 5-formylcytosines, and 5-carboxylcytosines. Recent observations suggest that 5-hydroxymethylcytosine is a stable epigenetic mark rather than merely an intermediate of DNA demethylation. However, the clear functional role of this new epigenetic player is elusive. The contribution of 5-hydroxymethylation to DNA repair is being discussed currently. Recently, Jiang and colleagues have demonstrated that DNA damage response-activated ATR kinase phosphorylates TET3 in mammalian cells and promotes DNA demethylation and 5-hydroxymethylcytosine accumulation. Moreover, TET3 catalytic activity is important for proper DNA repair and cell survival. Here, we discuss recent studies on the potential role of 5-hydroxymethylation in DNA repair and genome integrity maintenance.  相似文献   

Whereas it is widely accepted that the transit peptide of the precursor for the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein (preLHCP) is responsible for targeting this polypeptide to chloroplasts, the signals which govern its intraorganellar targeting appears to be transit peptide-mediated for plastocyanin (Smeekins, S., Bauerle, C., Hageman, J., Keegstra, K., and Weisbeek, P. (1986) Cell 46, 365-375) and several other nuclear-encoded, thylakoid luminal proteins. To determine whether a similar mechanism operates for LHCP (an integral thylakoid protein), we have used oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis to delete the proposed transit sequence from a petunia precursor of this polypeptide. Intact preLHCP and the deletion mutant product have been expressed in vitro, and their abilities to integrate into purified thylakoids have been compared. We have found that both polypeptides insert into thylakoids correctly, provided the latter are supplemented with a membrane-free stromal extract and Mg.ATP. Our results clearly demonstrate that whereas the transit peptide is required for transport into chloroplasts, thylakoid integration of preLHCP is determined by mature portions of the polypeptide. In addition, we note that transit peptide removal has little effect on the apparent solubility of the in vitro translation products.  相似文献   

Hippocampal neurogenesis has been implicated in the pathogenesis of and recovery from depression. However, most of the underlying studies were endpoint investigations in experimental animals yielding conflicting results, and it has been under debate to which extent these results could be transferred to human patients. Now, researchers have developed a powerful new tool to address these questions by a non-invasive method in humans and animals in vivo, using magnetic resonance spectroscopy to detect a biomarker for proliferating progenitor cells that give rise to new neurons. This makes it possible to study the role of neural progenitor cells in a wide variety of human brain disorders.  相似文献   

Despite their potential importance as therapeutic targets, the initial events in neurodegenerative diseases are poorly understood. Emerging evidence suggests that presynaptic dysfunction might be an early event in these pathologies, and three papers now link dysregulation of SNAREprotein levels and function caused by the absence of synuclein or cysteine string protein (CSP) to activity-dependent neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

Blockade of chemokines or chemokine receptors is emerging as a new potential treatment for various immune-mediated conditions. This review focuses on the therapeutic potential in rheumatoid arthritis, based on studies in animal models and patients. Several knockout models as well as in vivo use of chemokine antagonists are discussed. Review of these data suggests that this approach might lead to novel therapeutic strategies in rheumatoid arthritis and other chronic inflammatory disorders.  相似文献   

《Journal of Physiology》1996,90(5-6):333-334
Rats trained as normal animals on a delayed matching-to-place task until they were fully familiar with the environment and the strategy required for effective performance were treated with a CSF or D-AP5 at a dose shown to be sufficient to block LTP in vivo. A striking delay-dependent impairment was observed in the AP5-treated animals. These findings indicate that 1-trial event memory depends on NMDA receptors.  相似文献   

Leaf expansion and xylem cytokinin concentration ([X-CK]) decrease in response to nitrogen (N) deprivation. Debate continues over cause, effect, and correlation. Supporting studies provide, at best, correlative evidence that [X-CK] controls leaf growth in response to N-deprivation, while dissenting studies indicate that leaf growth responses to N can be independent of changes in X-CK supply to leaves. A model is proposed to evaluate the physiological significance to leaf growth of changes in plant and environment N concentrations, and plant CK concentrations.  相似文献   

Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) synthesized in the hypothalamus has the capability of inducing the release of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) from the anterior pituitary, which in turn stimulates the production of thyroid hormones in the thyroid gland. Immunoreactivity for TRH and TRH-like peptides has been found in some tissues outside the nervous system, including thyroid. It has been demonstrated that thyroid C-cells express authentic TRH, affecting thyroid hormone secretion by follicular cells. Therefore, C-cells could have a paracrine role in thyroid homeostasis. If this hypothesis is true, follicular cells should express TRH receptors (TRH-Rs) for the paracrine modulation carried out by C-cells. In order to elucidate whether or not C-cell TRH production could act over follicular cells modulating thyroid function, we studied TRH-Rs expression in PC C13 follicular cells from rat thyroid, by means of immunofluorescence technique and RT-PCR analysis. We also investigated the possibility that C-cells present TRH-Rs for the autocrine control of its own TRH production. Our results showed consistent expression for both receptors, TRH-R1 and TRH-R2, in 6-23 C-cells, and only for TRH-R2 in PC C13 follicular cells. Our data provide new evidence for a novel intrathyroidal regulatory pathway of thyroid hormone secretion via paracrine/autocrine TRH signaling.  相似文献   

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