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Mongrain R Faik I Leask RL Rodés-Cabau J Larose E Bertrand OF 《Journal of biomechanical engineering》2007,129(5):733-742
In the context of drug eluting stent, we present two-dimensional numerical models of mass transport of the drug in the wall and in the lumen to study the effect of the drug diffusion coefficients in the three principal media (blood, vascular wall, and polymer coating treated as a three-compartment problem) and the impact of different strut apposition configurations (fully embedded, half embedded, and not embedded). The different conditions were analyzed in terms of their consequence on the drug concentration distribution in the arterial wall. We apply the concept of the therapeutic window to the targeted vascular wall region and derive simple metrics to assess the efficiency of the various stent configurations. Although most of the drug is dispersed in the lumen, variations in the blood flow rate within the physiological range of coronary blood flow and the diffusivity of the drug molecule in the blood were shown to have a negligible effect on the amount of drug in the wall. Our results reveal that the amount of drug cumulated in the wall depends essentially on the relative values of the diffusion coefficients in the polymer coating and in the wall. Concerning the strut apposition, it is shown that the fully embedded strut configuration would provide a better concentration distribution. 相似文献
目的连续对比分析不同海拔地区同级别医院非鲍曼不动杆菌的耐药性,寻找不同海拔对鲍曼不动杆菌的耐药性的影响并指导合理应用抗生素。方法回顾分析2011-2013年两家不同海拔地区同级别医院临床分离的鲍曼不动杆菌药敏结果。结果 2011年至2013年,低海拔地区医院鲍曼不动杆菌检出率为12.66%、17.01%、15.33%。高海拔的地区院鲍曼不动杆菌检出率为0.24%、1.50%、1.44%。低海拔地区医院鲍曼不动杆菌仅对美满环素仍保持较高的敏感率;除头孢哌酮/舒巴坦外,对多数常用药物耐药率均高于70%。而且保持稳定。高海拔的地区院鲍曼不动杆菌对常用抗生素的耐药率逐年下降,庆大霉素、左旋氧氟沙星、亚胺培南、头孢哌酮、头孢他啶的敏感率近两年均在60%以上。结论低海拔地区医院鲍曼不动杆菌检出率高,常用抗生素耐药率高。高海拔的地区院鲍曼不动杆菌检出率低,常用抗生素敏感率高。环境因素对微生态具有重要的影响作用。 相似文献
The flow and concentration fields for various medical oxygen delivery devices are numerically investigated. Simulations are performed for a classical Venturi mask and two new OxyArm portable devices. The velocity and oxygen concentration fields are investigated for: (i) a constant (steady-state) inhalation and (ii) a complete respiratory cycle (unsteady). The numerical results are qualitatively compared with clinical trials. It is found that the optimal functioning of these medical devices implies a balance between oxygen delivery by advection and the mixing process that allows for reliable CO2 monitoring (capnographic capability). Also, at the typical scales associated with these devices the flow is found to be Reynolds number dependent. 相似文献
D. WEBLEY 《The Annals of applied biology》1970,66(2):347-352
Thirty comparisons were made of the catch of different numbers of slug pellets and the effect of meteorological factors on them. Ten pellets/2 1/2 ft (0.75 m) gave the greatest catch although, economically, the best treatment was from two to five pellets for Agriolimax reticulatus ; for Arion hortensis and Milax budapestensis the return per pellet was low. Throughout the year only 16.6% of the catch variance was removed by meteorological factors. 相似文献
Y Matsuzaki T Ikeda T Matsumoto T Kitagawa 《Journal of biomechanical engineering》1998,120(5):594-601
The study of steady and unsteady oscillatory static fluid pressures acting on the internal wall of a collapsible tube is essential for investigation of the complicated behavior observed when a flow is conveyed inside a tube. To examine the validity of two one-dimensional nonsteady theoretical flow models, this paper presents basic experimental observations of flow separation and reattachment and measured data on the static pressure distributions of the flow in a quasi-two-dimensional channel with a throat, together with information on the corresponding shape of the wall deflection and motion. For combinations of moderate Reynolds numbers and angles of the divergent segment of the channel, a smooth flow is separated from the wall downstream of the minimum cross section and reattached to the wall farther downstream. The measured data are compared with numerical results calculated by the two flow models. 相似文献
Radioisotope studies of the choleresis function of the liver, ultrasonic studies of the liver and contractile function of the gallbladder and gastroduodenoscopy were carried out in eight subjects after a 24-h stay in a 12° antiorthostatic position (AOP) simulating the hemodynamic changes in the abdominal cavity caused by microgravity. The dynamically hindered venous blood outflow from the liver induced in the AOP model caused activation of choleresis on an empty stomach. This activation manifested itself as an increase in the central perfusion zone of the liver parenchyma, dilation of the biliary ductules, and contraction of the gall-bladder, as well as choleresis into the duodenum. Activation of choleresis in the liver took place against the background of a reduction of the area of radioactive marker distribution in the liver and a decrease in the hepatocyte metabolic activity and the concentration function of the biliary excretion system. The functional characteristics of the liver in the AOP model reflected the reaction caused by changes in its blood content due to the changes in the body position negative to the gravity vector. The mechanism of the changes includes the occurrence of a dynamic venous plethora in the liver; centralization of hepatic blood flow, and activation of choleresis activity against the background of peripheral blood flow depletion, as well as the reduction of metabolic activity of hepatocytes and the concentration function of the biliary excretion system. 相似文献
Protein aggregation is involved in a number of disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease, cystic fibrosis, and prion diseases. Such aggregates are formed by peptides in beta-conformation. The study of the processes of aggregation or its inhibition makes it necessary for the peptide to remain in a monomeric state at the beginning of aggregation assays. Using three poly-L-lysine as a model of beta-peptide, we measured the spectral changes occurring in the visible spectrum of Congo Red (CR), a diazo dye, in two solvent media, namely, an aqueous solution of ethanol 10% (v/v), and an aqueous solution of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) 5% (v/v). Aggregation constants show that the presence of ethanol at low concentration produces a disaggregating effect, regardless of the degree of polymerisation of the peptide. This effect is considered to be due to the direct binding of ethanol molecules to the peptide. This binding undergoes an enhancement of the electrostatic repulsion among charged lysine chains. 相似文献
Xiaoxiang Zhu Daniel W. Pack 《Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering》2014,17(3):187-198
In-stent restenosis occurs in coronary arteries after implantation of drug-eluting stents with non-uniform restenosis thickness distribution in the artery cross section. Knowledge of the spatio-temporal drug uptake in the arterial wall is useful for investigating restenosis growth but may often be very expensive/difficult to acquire experimentally. In this study, local delivery of a hydrophobic drug from a drug-eluting stent implanted in a coronary artery is mathematically modelled to investigate the drug release and spatio-temporal drug distribution in the arterial wall. The model integrates drug diffusion in the coating and drug diffusion with reversible binding in the arterial wall. The model is solved by the finite volume method for both high and low drug loadings relative to its solubility in the stent coating with varied isotropic–anisotropic vascular drug diffusivities. Drug release profiles in the coating are observed to depend not only on the coating drug diffusivity but also on the properties of the surrounding arterial wall. Time dependencies of the spatially averaged free- and bound-drug levels in the arterial wall on the coating and vascular drug diffusivities are discussed. Anisotropic vascular drug diffusivities result in slightly different average drug levels in the arterial wall but with very different spatial distributions. Higher circumferential vascular diffusivity results in more uniform drug loading in the upper layers and is potentially beneficial in reducing in-stent restenosis. An analytical expression is derived which can be used to determine regions in the arterial with higher free-drug concentration than bound-drug concentration. 相似文献
Franz Bozsak Jean-Marc Chomaz Abdul I. Barakat 《Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology》2014,13(2):327-347
Despite recent data that suggest that the overall performance of drug-eluting stents (DES) is superior to that of bare-metal stents, the long-term safety and efficacy of DES remain controversial. The risk of late stent thrombosis associated with the use of DES has also motivated the development of a new and promising treatment option in recent years, namely drug-coated balloons (DCB). Contrary to DES where the drug of choice is typically sirolimus and its derivatives, DCB use paclitaxel since the use of sirolimus does not appear to lead to satisfactory results. Since both sirolimus and paclitaxel are highly lipophilic drugs with similar transport properties, the reason for the success of paclitaxel but not sirolimus in DCB remains unclear. Computational models of the transport of drugs eluted from DES or DCB within the arterial wall promise to enhance our understanding of the performance of these devices. The present study develops a computational model of the transport of the two drugs paclitaxel and sirolimus eluted from DES in the arterial wall. The model takes into account the multilayered structure of the arterial wall and incorporates a reversible binding model to describe drug interactions with the constituents of the arterial wall. The present results demonstrate that the transport of paclitaxel in the arterial wall is dominated by convection while the transport of sirolimus is dominated by the binding process. These marked differences suggest that drug release kinetics of DES should be tailored to the type of drug used. 相似文献
冬小麦生育期农田尺度下土壤硝态氮淋失动态的数值模拟 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
在北京通州区永乐店田间试验的基础上 ,假设土壤由一系列不发生相互作用的一维土柱组成 ,根据实测的土壤有机质含量 ,假定土壤有机氮的矿化作用速率常数 (零级动力学 )和有机质含量成正比 ,运用 HYDRUS- 1D软件 ,分别就考虑和不考虑土壤有机氮的矿化速率的空间变异性这两种方案 ,对 2 0 0 0~ 2 0 0 1年冬小麦生长条件下农田尺度土壤氮素转化和硝态氮淋失规律进行了数值分析。两种方案的模拟结果表明 :考虑和不考虑土壤有机氮矿化速率的空间变异性对剖面 2 5 0 cm埋深处硝态氮淋失量的影响很小 ,其差异主要在于前者对土壤氮素的矿化量、固持及反硝化量、作物吸氮量的影响更大 ,其空间变异性高于不考虑矿化速率时的结果。剖面 2 5 0 cm埋深处平均的土壤水渗透量和累积硝态氮淋失量分别为 2 .2 5 mm、0 .0 0 984 m g/cm2 ,变异系数大于 1.4 6 ,属于强变异性。对模拟结果进行地统计学分析 ,结果表明 :剖面 2 5 0 cm埋深处的土壤水渗透量和硝态氮淋失量的半方差函数为纯块金形式 ,在空间上表现为相互独立。考虑有机氮矿化速率空间变异性时的土壤氮素净转化量、吸氮量均可用球状模型描述 ,其变程与土壤有机质含量的变程接近 ,约为 4 .7m;而不考虑有机氮矿化速率空间变异性时的土壤氮素净转化量用线性无基台值 相似文献
Drugs released from stents are driven by physiological transport forces, principally solvent-driven flow (convection) and random molecular agitation (diffusion). The relative strength of these two forces determines drug penetration and distribution in the arterial wall. Drug physicochemical factors can induce critical modulations to the primary distribution, both transiently and at steady state. Hydrophobic interactions and nonspecific binding, for example, can both result in tissue drug concentrations severalfold above administered concentration. Drug interaction with native proteins may also interfere with drug transfer at the stent-artery interface. These transport forces and tissue interactions can induce local drug concentrations even at steady state to vary by one or more orders of magnitude over the span of a few cells. To account for significant local variations in drug concentrations following stent-based delivery, rational design of vascular delivery systems requires consideration of drug distribution and tissue interactions on a local, continuum basis. Continuum analysis adapts traditional pharmacokinetics to the local environment by supplementing discrete global parameters of drug content with continuous local values of concentration, transport and binding. The interplay of these parameters with local flux conditions and drug and tissue properties defines the local drug distribution in space and over time. This type of analysis may well become increasingly relevant given the trend toward stent-based drug therapy in cardiovascular care. 相似文献
Borghi A Foa E Balossino R Migliavacca F Dubini G 《Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering》2008,11(4):367-377
Today the most popular approach for the prevention of the restenosis consists in the use of the drug eluting stents. The stent acts as a source of drug, from a coating or from a reservoir, which is transported into and through the artery wall. In this study, the behaviour of a model of a hydrophilic drug (heparin) released from a coronary stent into the arterial wall is investigated. The presence of the specific binding site action is modelled using a reversible chemical reaction that explains the prolonged presence of drug in the vascular tissue. An axi-symmetric model of a single stent strut is considered. First an advection-diffusion problem is solved using the finite element method. Then a simplified model with diffusion only in the arterial wall is compared with: (i) a model including the presence of reversible binding sites in the vascular wall and (ii) a model featuring a drug reservoir made of a degradable polymeric matrix. The results show that the inclusion of a reversible binding for the drug leads to delayed release curves and that the polymer erosion affects the drug release showing a quicker elution of the drug from the stent. 相似文献
A. Borghi E. Foa R. Balossino F. Migliavacca 《Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering》2013,16(4):367-377
Today the most popular approach for the prevention of the restenosis consists in the use of the drug eluting stents. The stent acts as a source of drug, from a coating or from a reservoir, which is transported into and through the artery wall. In this study, the behaviour of a model of a hydrophilic drug (heparin) released from a coronary stent into the arterial wall is investigated. The presence of the specific binding site action is modelled using a reversible chemical reaction that explains the prolonged presence of drug in the vascular tissue. An axi-symmetric model of a single stent strut is considered. First an advection–diffusion problem is solved using the finite element method. Then a simplified model with diffusion only in the arterial wall is compared with: (i) a model including the presence of reversible binding sites in the vascular wall and (ii) a model featuring a drug reservoir made of a degradable polymeric matrix. The results show that the inclusion of a reversible binding for the drug leads to delayed release curves and that the polymer erosion affects the drug release showing a quicker elution of the drug from the stent. 相似文献
Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) cryogel covered stents may reduce complications from thrombosis and restenosis by decreasing tissue prolapse. Finite element analysis was employed to evaluate the effects of PVA cryogel layers of varying thickness on tissue prolapse and artery wall stress for two common stent geometries and two vessel diameters. Additionally, several PVA cryogel covered stents were fabricated and imaged with an environmental scanning electron microscope. Finite element results showed that covered stents reduced tissue prolapse up to 13% and artery wall stress up to 29% with the size of the reduction depending on the stent geometry, vessel diameter, and PVA cryogel layer thickness. Environmental scanning electron microscope images of expanded covered stents showed the PVA cryogel to completely cover the area between struts without gaps or tears. Overall, this work provides both computational and experimental evidence for the use of PVA cryogels in covered stents. 相似文献
Wei HW Chiang YF Chen YW Cheng CK Tsuang YH 《Journal of applied biomaterials & functional materials》2012,10(2):e107-e112
Purpose: Deeper insights into the mechanical behavior of lumbar disc prostheses are required. Prior studies on the biomechanical performance of artificial discs were mostly performed with finite element analyses, but this has never been analyzed with altering articulate curvature. This study aimed to ascertain the influence of the geometry of a ball-and-socket disc prosthesis for the lumbar spine. Materials and Methods: Three-dimensional finite element model of human L4-L5 was reconstructed. Convex, concave, and elliptic artificial disc models were also established with Computer-Aided-Design software. Simulations included: (1) three articulate types of polyethylene (PE) insert were implanted inferiorly and (2) concave and convex PE inserts were implanted on the superior or inferior sides in flexion/extension, lateral bending, and axial rotation in the lumbar spine. Shear stresses and von Mises stresses on PE insert were assessed for their loading distributions. Results: High shear stresses of all articulate types occurred in flexion, and convex PE insert performed the maximum stress of 23.81 MPa. Under all conditions, stresses on concave PE inserts were distributed more evenly and lower than those on the convex type. Elliptic geometry enabled confining the rotation of the motion unit. The shear force on the convex PE insert on the inferior side could induce transverse crack because the shear stress exceeded yielding shear stress. Conclusions: The concave PE insert on the inferior side not only decreased loading concentration but had relatively low stress. Such a design may be applicable for artificial discs. 相似文献
Pollen data from three Burkard volumetric samplers, running simultaneously on buildings at heights of 12, 24 and 30 metres above ground level from 23rd June to 21st July 1992, were used to investigate vertical differences in pollen abundance, and correlations with six different weather parameters. Regression analysis was used to investigate the relationship between Gramineae and Urtica pollen levels and the weather variables. Pollen concentrations from the 30 m trap were consistently smaller than those from the 12 and 24 m traps for all types examined. It was concluded that pollen from local sources was not sufficiently mixed in the air to reach the 30 m trap. A delay was observed in the peak concentrations of both Urtica and Gramineae pollen between the three traps, with the maximum occurring approximately four hours earlier at 12 m than at 24 and 30 m. Circadian rhythms were also more prominent at the lower trap than at the two higher ones. Urtica and Gramineae concentrations at 12 and 24 m were correlated significantly to all the weather variables examined. Only sunshine and relative humidity were significantly correlated with pollen concentrations of Urtica and Gramineae recorded at 30 m. Climate also affected the vertical variation in pollen concentration between the three traps. Rainfall, high wind speeds and high relative humidity reduced vertical variation, whilst warm sunny weather increased it. 相似文献
Delanoë-Ayari H Iwaya S Maeda YT Inose J Rivière C Sano M Rieu JP 《Cell motility and the cytoskeleton》2008,65(4):314-331
The distribution of forces exerted by migrating Dictyostelium amebae at different developmental stages was measured using traction force microscopy. By using very soft polyacrylamide substrates with a high fluorescent bead density, we could measure stresses as small as 30 Pa. Remarkable differences exist both in term of the magnitude and distribution of forces in the course of development. In the vegetative state, cells present cyclic changes in term of speed and shape between an elongated form and a more rounded one. The forces are larger in this first state, especially when they are symmetrically distributed at the front and rear edge of the cell. Elongated vegetative cells can also present a front-rear asymmetric force distribution with the largest forces in the crescent-shaped rear of the cell (uropod). Pre-aggregating cells, once polarized, only present this last kind of asymmetric distribution with the largest forces in the uropod. Except for speed, no cycle is observed. Neither the force distribution of pre-aggregating cells nor their overall magnitude are modified during chemotaxis, the later being similar to the one of vegetative cells (F(0) approximately 6 nN). On the contrary, both the force distribution and overall magnitude is modified for the fast moving aggregating cells. In particular, these highly elongated cells exert lower forces (F(0) approximately 3 nN). The location of the largest forces in the various stages of the development is consistent with the myosin II localization described in the literature for Dictyostelium (Yumura et al.,1984. J Cell Biol 99:894-899) and is confirmed by preliminary experiments using a GFP-myosin Dictyostelium strain. 相似文献