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Polysomes from the salivary glands of Chironomus tentans were investigated to determine whether Balbiani ring 75S RNA is incorporated into polysomal structures, and thus probably acts as messenger RNA. A new extraction technique for obtaining ribonucleoproteins was applied that gives a high yield of polysomes with only moderate degradation of the cytoplasmic, high molecular weight RNA. The polysomes sedimented in a broad region (200-2,000S) with a peak value of about 700S, which suggested that they were partly of very large sizes. This was confirmed by visualization of the polysomes in the electron microscope: 400S polysomes contained mainly 11-16 ribosomes, and 1,500S polysomes about 60 ribosomes per polysome. However, polysomes containing 100 or more ribosomes were also observed. It was further established that most of the cytoplasmic 75S RNA was located in polysomes, preferentially in the most rapidly sedimenting ones. From the available information on Balbiani ring RNA in cytoplasm and the present demonstration of 75S RNA molecules in polysomes, it was concluded that at least some Balbiani ring RNA, generated as 75S RNA within the Balbiani rings, eventually enters polysomes without being measurably changed in size. The present information on the potential amino acid coding sequences in 75S RNA is discussed in relation to the large size of the polysomes observed.  相似文献   

Steven T. Case 《Chromosoma》1986,94(6):483-491
Balbiani rings (BRs) on polytenized chromosomes in Chironomid salivary glands contain members of a homologous multigene family that encodes a family (the sp-I family) of high M r secretory polypeptides. Each of these BR genes is comprised largely of tandemly duplicated core repeat sequences consisting of related constant (C) regions and intergenically divergent subrepeat (SR) regions. A set of oligodeoxyribonucleotide probes were synthesized that correspond to the transcribed strand of the SR region of BR1, BR2, BR2/, and BR6 core repeats. Under a defined set of conditions, it was possible to show that each oligonucleotide probe hybridized exclusively to its cognate repeat type without hybridization to other repeat types in cloned DNA templates. These BR probes were then used in dotblot hybridization experiments to simultaneously follow alterations in the steady-state level of BR mRNAs in response to prolonged exposure of larvae to galactose. The results indicated that the relative amounts of these four BR mRNAs may change in a noncoordinate manner. These BR probes were also used in experiments to compare simultaneously the salivary gland content of sp-I components and specific BR mRNAs in larvae that exhibited naturally occurring or induced alterations in BR gene expression. A correlation was found which suggested that sp-Ia is encoded in a gene comprised of BR1 repeats, sp-Ib is encoded by BR2 repeats, sp-Ic is encoded by BR6 repeats and sp-Id is encoded by BR2 repeats.  相似文献   

M M Lamb  B Daneholt 《Cell》1979,17(4):835-848

The content of RNA with an origin in the Balbiani rings 1 and 2 (BR 1+2) has been determined in chromosomes, nuclear sap and cytoplasm of Chironomus tentans salivary gland cells. Together with information on rate and completeness of export this permits an estimation of half-life of this RNA in cytoplasm and its residence time in the nucleus. The quantities in the BR, nuclear sap, and cytoplasm are roughly related as 110200. The 75 S RNA in the nuclear sap with an origin in the BR 1+2 must to a high extent be a precursor to the cytoplasmic 75 S RNA in vivo. The half-life of the cytoplasmic component is about 20 h and the half-life (residence time) for BR 1+2 RNA in the nuclear sap around one hour. The presence of a large pool of BR RNA in the sap explains the previously observed delay in its cytoplasmic appearance in vivo.  相似文献   

The giant puffs, the Balbiani rings (BR) 1 and 2 of Chironomus tentans polytene chromosomes synthesize large RNA molecules sedimenting at about 75S. An RNA fraction of approximately the same size is present in nuclear sap and cytoplasm. In situ hybridization of cytoplasmic 75S RNA and other electrophoretically defined cytoplasmic RNA fractions showed BR RNA to be confined to the 75S RNA, and absent in other high molecular-weight cytoplasmic RNA fractions, which indiates that BR RNA is transferred from the nucleus into the cytoplasm without an appreciable size reduction.  相似文献   

Galactose or certain other monosaccharides, administered for several days in the culture medium to larvae of Chironomus pallidivittatus, induce a new Balbiani ring, BR6, in their salivary gland chromosomes (W. Beermann, 1973, Chromosoma, 7, 198–259). This also applies to ethanol (Beermann, personal communication) and as found here, to glycerol. Induction of BR6 has previously been found to be paralleled by the appearance of one or two giant proteins (Ic1 and Ic2) probably deriving from allelic genes. We record here that the induction also includes the production of a new giant RNA species similar in size to the RNA from the Balbiani rings normally present, BR1 and BR2. Administration of inorganic phosphate together with glycerol prevented the appearance of BR6, as well as of the new RNA and component Ic protein(s); by contrast chloride and sulfate at similar concentrations did not prevent these effects. Administration of inorganic phosphate several days after the inducer and its continued presence reversed the effect of induction. Glycerol caused a marked depression in the level of inorganic phosphate in the hemolymph which persisted throughout its administration; the phosphate level in the glands was, however, unaffected. Inorganic phosphate administered together with the inducer at equimolar concentrations largely prevented the decrease in phosphate levels. It is concluded that a decrease in phosphate level is required for BR6 induction by glycerol. The two other inducers, galactose and ethanol, which were studied in less detail, seem to have a similar action.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1981,11(5):615-623
Salivary gland protein synthesis in Chironomus tentans larvae was analyzed from the mid-third instar to larval pupation. Correcting for stage specific variations in the specific activity of the amino acid pool revealed a 30–40% reduction in the rate of protein synthesis during the larval moult. Except for a transient increase early in the fourth instar, this low rate of protein synthesis was maintained until the pharate pupal period when protein synthesis dramatically increased: maximum synthesis occurred in mid-pharate pupae with a subsequent decline correlating with gland autolysis and cell death at pupation. Each developmental period was characterized by a particular pattern of secretory protein synthesis: high and 35,000 daltons peptides were maximally synthesized only at particular larval stages, being reduced or absent in post-ecdysis, diapause and autolysing salivary glands.Except for the ecdysone puffs, and as otherwise previously noted (Clever, 1961, 1962), puffing activity during the peri-moult period remained relatively constant and did not decrease by the 30–40% predicted from the decreased rate of protein synthesis. The nearly complete loss in synthesis of the 35,000 daltons peptide was not accompanied by regression in any puff.  相似文献   

Shizuo Yagi 《Chromosoma》1984,89(4):274-279
Treatment of Chironomus larvae with dilute (0.5%–1.0%) ethanol results in puffing changes similar to those obtained with galactose in the Balbiani rings (BRs) of the salivary gland chromosomes. A shift in the relative size of BR1 and BR2 in chromosome 4 of C. pallidivittatus or C. tentans was observed within 1–2 days after ethanol treatment. The exceptional Balbiani ring, BR6 in chromosome 3, began to appear within 1 day after ethanol treatment of C. pallidivittatus and was fully developed after 3–4 days. Prepupae appeared to be refractory to the treatment. To localize possible controls of BR puffing in Chironomus, ligatures were made at various positions along the thorax and the anterior abdominal segments of the ethanoltreated larvae. In surviving larvae, ligated anterior to the brain or posterior to the salivary glands, induction of BR6 could be detected. In contrast, little or no BR6 puff induction was found in animals ligated in the middle of the second segment approximately between the brain and the salivary glands. No shift in the BR1/BR2 relation occurred with any of the ligations combined with ethanol treatment.  相似文献   

S T Case  R L Summers  A G Jones 《Cell》1983,33(2):555-562
pCtBR2-2 is a genomic clone from Chironomus tentans that hybridized in situ to Balbiani ring 2 (BR2) on salivary gland polytene chromosome IV. DNA sequencing indicated that the insert contained nearly four copies of a 180 bp tandemly repeated nucleotide sequence that was distinctly different from a previously reported BR2 repeat. Sequence titration experiments detected about 70 copies of the 180 bp repeat per haploid genome, which would correspond to approximately 34% of a 37 kb BR2 gene. Each 180 bp repeat included a conserved 90 bp segment whose sequence was internally nonrepeating (INR), and a variable 90 bp repeated (R) segment comprised of three 30 bp repeats that may have evolved from a 9 bp consensus sequence. Results presented here raise the distinct possibility that other BR genes may contain significantly different repeated sequences that have not been identified.  相似文献   

Salivary glands of various stages of the last larval instar ofChironomus tentans were quantitatively analyzed with respect to the expansion of their Balbiani rings (B1, B2, B3) by a fast green staining procedure as well as to the rate of synthesis of their secretory proteins (S1, S2, S3) by a scintillation counting procedure of electrophoretic fractions. The extent of expansion of B1, B2 and B3 correlates positively with the rate of synthesis of S3, S2 and S1, respectively. With B1 and S3 these parameters undergo a parallel and developmentally specific change being rather depressed in intermolt, and particularly in diapausing animals.The material published in this paper is taken from the unpublished Doctorate Thesis of W. Pankow (1973): Entwicklungsspezifische Balbianiring-Aktivität und Sekretproteinsynthese in Speicheldrüsen von Chironomus tentans. Diss-Nr. 5166. Eidgenöss. Techn. Hochschule, Zürich; pp. 1–60. However, parts of it have been evaluated or presented in a different form  相似文献   

The secretory proteins of Chironomus tentans larvae form insoluble fibers that are spun into threads used to construct underwater feeding and pupation tubes. We began in vitro studies of the mechanism of assembly into fibers, the structure of the assembled proteins, and the contribution of individual proteins to the assembled structure. From measurements of turbidity and electron micrographs, we observed that the secretory proteins were isolated as complexes. These complexes are most likely at initial stages of assembly; further assembly into insoluble fibers must occur in vivo. Denaturation and reduction disrupted the complexes, and removal of the denaturing and reducing agents resulted in reassembly of the complexes. The circular dichroic spectrum of the complexes indicated that the assembled proteins had the tertiary structure alpha + beta. The largest secretory proteins were purified and shown to have both similar morphology, using electron microscopy, and a similar dichroic spectrum to that of the native complexes. We concluded that the large secretory proteins form the fibrous backbone of the complexes that we observe.  相似文献   

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