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Eighty-seven red foxes were investigated for the presence of Toxocara eggs on a sample of their hair from the peri-anal region. The worm burden of Toxocara in each fox intestine was also assessed and the relationship between eggs on the hair and worms in the intestine explored. Twenty-eight per cent of the foxes were found to have Toxocara eggs on their hair, with an average of 1.31 +/- 3.21 eggs per gram of hair (+/- SD). Sixty-one per cent of foxes harboured Toxocara worms within their intestines, with a mean worm burden (+/- SD) of 4 +/- 8. Host age and sex did not significantly influence the observed eggs on the hair or the worm burden. No significant correlation was found between the numbers of eggs on the hair and the worm burden within the intestine. These data collected from foxes are explored in the context of data from stray dogs and the possible epidemiological differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Fungi have showed a great potential for the biological control of nematodes. However, they have not been evaluated for the control of animal and/or human parasites transmitted by egg contaminated soils. Environmental contamination with Toxocara spp. eggs is a public health problem. Accidental swallowing of Toxocara canis eggs (a nematode of dogs) usually results on a zoonotic infection (toxocarosis). The objectives of this research were: 1) To test the presence of antagonistic fungi against T. canis in the soil in public places of La Plata city, Argentina, infected with eggs of this parasite, 2) To determine the possible association between biotic and abiotic factors of the soil with the presence of fungal parasites of egg nematodes. Soil samples were tested for: textural type, organic matter (%), pH, presence of egg-parasite fungi, of larvae and of nematode eggs, in particular of Toxocara spp. The studied area showed the following characteristics: pH: 6.6-8.0, organic matter: 1.2-70%, with a predominantly loam texture. The following antagonistic fungal genera were identified: Acremonium, Aspergillus, Chrysosporium, Fusarium, Humicola, Mortierella, Paecilomyces and Penicillium. A prevalence of 70% was detected for nematode eggs, of 33% for Toxocara spp. eggs and of 90% for larvae. No association between the presence of egg-parasite fungi and the considered factors was found. More studies are necessary to know the natural antagonism factors to T. canis eggs for its in situ biological control.  相似文献   

This study consisted of a stratified sampling, randomly taken, of the soil from the squares and parks of the city of La Plata, Province of Buenos Aires, in order to establish the prevalence of contamination caused by Toxocara sp. A total 242 soil samples was examined. From each sample a 10 grams aliquot was taken, washed in a 0.2% Tween 80 solution, and processed using the technique of concentration by flotation with sugar solution. There was a prevalence of 13.2%. In each positive sample, the quantity of eggs varied from 1 to 4. Toxocara sp. eggs were observed in 15 out of 22 squares and parks investigated. The sampling design and the processing method employed were satisfactory for the recovering and identification of Toxocara sp. eggs.  相似文献   

Earth observation environmental features measured through remote sensing and models of vector mosquitoes species Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus provide an advancement with regards to dengue risk in urban environments of subtropical areas of Argentina. The authors aim to estimate the effect of landscape coverage and spectral indices (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index [NDVI], Normalized Difference Water Index [NDWI] and Normalized Difference Built-up Index [NDBI]) on the larvae abundance of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus in Eldorado, Misiones, Argentina using remote satellite sensors. Larvae of these species were collected monthly (June 2016 to April 2018), in four environments: tire repair shops, cemeteries, dwellings and an urban natural park. The proportion of landscape coverage (water, urban areas, bare soil, low vegetation and high vegetation) was determined from the supervised classification of Sentinel-2 images and spectral indices, calculated. The authors developed spatial models of both vector species by generalized linear mixed models. The model's results showed that Ae. aegypti larvae abundance was better modelled by NDVI minimum values, NDBI maximum values and the interaction between them. For Ae. albopictus proportion of bare soil, low vegetation and the interaction between both variables explained better the abundance.  相似文献   

Fertile eggs of Toxocara pteropodis, passed in the faeces of juvenile flying-foxes, were ovoid to spheroid in shape with a diameter range of 80-110 microns. The shell was often seen to comprise 4 layers: a fine inner lipid layer, a thicker clear chitinous layer, an equally thick outer vitelline layer and a pitted outermost, proteinaceous uterine layer of variable thickness. Infertile eggs were less uniform in shape and generally did not have well-defined shell layers, the formation of which is triggered by sperm penetration of the oocyte. The eggs of this species are bulkier than those of related ascaridoids, apparently because of a thicker external coat which, while not providing mechanical strength, is thought to protect against desiccation. Scanning electron microscopical findings suggest that the outer layer is not applied directly by uterine cells, but forms by the gradual deposition of secretions in the uterine lumen, regardless of whether the oocyte has been fertilized.  相似文献   

The natural relationship13C/12C determined in three soil profiles under grass vegetation indicated a depletion in organic13C at depth: theδ 13C was between −18‰ and −15‰ in the A horizons and ranged from −18 to −22‰ at depth. Previous work showed that in forest soils, whereδ 13C was near −28‰ in the upper horizon, there was, on the contrary, a relative enrichment of the lower strata. This meant thatδ 13C, initially different in the various topsoils, became more equal at depth. Comparison between dark, deep horizons (sombric horizons), which are certainly of illuvial origine, would confirm this:δ 13C of grassland and a forest sombric horizon were almost equal at around −22‰. These results might mean that, in natural ecosystems, the isotopic carbon composition of the soil underlying humus would be independent of the vegetation type. This would have practical implications for the use of13C as a tracer for soil organic matter studies.  相似文献   

Landslides are common on the steep slopes of the subtropical montane forests in Northwestern (NW) Argentina (Yungas). Instrumental and tree-ring records from this region indicate that rainfall has increased during the second half of the 20th century and there has also been an increase in landslide events. We used dendroecological techniques to date the occurrence of landslides during the past 50 years and examine the relationships with regional precipitation trends. Alnus acuminata H.B.K. is the dominant species in the upper montane forest and colonizes the bare areas exposed by landslides. Landslide dating was based on the identification of suppression-release patterns in ring-width series from trees growing along the landslide scarps, in combination with age determination of trees growing on the landslide failure or depositional surfaces. We cored A. acuminata in three areas that span the latitudinal range of the montane forest in NW Argentina: Los Sosa (27°S), Hualinchay (26°S) and Yala (24°S). The results show that landslide occurrence (and therefore probability) is more frequent during summers with abundant rainfall. As General Circulation Models for subtropical South America predict an increase in summer precipitation during the 21st century, increased precipitation could induce changes in landslide regime that would lead to important environmental changes in these montane ecosystems.  相似文献   

The ingestion of soil in parks and public places containing eggs of Toxocara may constitute a significant health risk, particularly to children. To determine the most efficient method for extracting eggs from experimentally contaminated soil, two consecutive studies were undertaken. Four techniques, including washing, sieving, vacuum, and the one recommended by the World Health Organization, were evaluated. Recovery rates of over 85% were recorded with both washing and sieving methods. Using the washing technique, all combinations of the four pre-treatment solutions, distilled water, acetoacetic solution pH 5, 0.1 n sodium hydroxide and 1% Tween 20, and seven flotation fluids with different specific gravities (S.G.) ranging from 1.20 to 1.35 were assayed. The association of distilled water and saccharose solution with an S.G. of 1.27 showed the best results, with a recovery rate of 99.91%.  相似文献   

We developed a novel and simple method, using loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP), for the detection and discrimination of Toxocara canis and Toxocara cati eggs. The new method employs 4 steps: (1) concentration of Toxocara eggs in a small amount of sand; (2) dissolution of the proteinaceous membrane of eggs and simultaneously separation of them from the sand using NaClO treatment; (3) extraction of DNA using NaOH treatment; and (4) detection of T. canis / T. cati DNA using a LAMP assay. All these steps are fast, easy to perform, and do not require expensive equipment or reagents. The novel method was tested both experimentally and in a field study. In the laboratory, we could reliably detect as few as 3 T. canis eggs in artificially contaminated sand, if the experiment was repeated twice. In the field trial, we were able to detect T. cati DNA from 4 natural sandpits having moderate to heavy contamination, although not in a single lightly contaminated sandpit. All of the examined sandpits were found to be contaminated with eggs of T. cati, but none appeared to contain T. canis. Our new method could extract DNA from T. canis and T. cati eggs directly from sand samples as well as detect and distinguish these 2 species in a few easy steps, with markedly reduced time and expense.  相似文献   

A new flotation technique for the extraction of Toxocara eggs from soil has been devised. It has a fairly high recovery efficiency for Toxocara eggs, can be used for replicated quantitative experiments, and may also be used for recovery of other ascarid eggs from soil.  相似文献   

The first finding of a Capillariid in the urinary tract of a free ranging maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) is described. The individual was an adult male attacked by dogs in the locality of Cayastacito (Santa Fe, Argentina, 31 degrees 05' S, 60 degrees 34' W). Eggs found in urine measured 64.6-66.9 micrometer (mean 65.4 micrometer) x 26.9-31 micrometer (mean 29 micrometer). Further studies are needed to determine whether this finding corresponds to a new Capillariid species, related to C. brachyurus, or it is an already described species that has been introduced by domestic dogs.  相似文献   

We studied the presence of botulinum toxin-producing clostridia in 2,009 soil samples from five geographical regions of Argentina. The prevalence was 23.5%, and the distribution was not homogeneous among the regions. We observed a great multiplicity of serological types and a higher prevalence in nonvirgin soils than in virgin soils.  相似文献   

Most subtropical forests in South America are located in regions with a marked seasonality in precipitation, which may induce the formation of annual bands in woody species. Due to the lack of precise information on tree-ring visibility, we evaluated the wood characteristics of 37 tree species in the subtropical Yungas and Chaco forests from northwestern (NW) Argentina. Anatomical features associated with the delimitation of growth bands were examined to establish the presence of tree rings. Different forest types reflect the precipitation gradients and wood anatomical features vary accordingly. Characteristics of wood structure are closely related to the dominant climatic patterns of each forest, revealing a common pattern of anatomical arrangements in terms of water transport and safety. In the Chaco and transitional forests, ring boundaries are related to marginal parenchyma whereas in montane forests growth ring boundary is mostly associated with the presence of thicker fibers at the end of the ring. The largest proportion of species with clearly marked growth rings occurs in the montane forest type of NW Argentina. Clear growth rings is a requisite for dendrochronological applications, hence the present work represents the first regional attempt to address the potential of subtropical species in South America to be used in dendrochronological studies.  相似文献   

Possibilities for carbon sequestration in tropical and subtropical soils   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Soil organic matter is a key component of all terrestrial ecosystems, and any variation in its composition and abundance has important effects on many of the processes that occur within the system. The role of soil organic matter in soil nutrient cycling and soil gaseous emissions is discussed in the context of agricultural sustainability and global environmental change. Recent data on organic carbon and nitrogen reserves in the soils of the world are presented, with special reference to the subtropical and tropical regions. Possibilities for long-lasting, enhanced sequestration of carbon in the soil through management of the land and water resources are reviewed. Finally, the need is stressed for an up-to-date database on soil resources and for a global monitoring system in order to permit the study of changes in soil organic matter quantity and quality over time, as determined by changes in land-use and climate.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of Toxocara canis eggs is described before and after exposure to microwaves. The morphology of normal eggs is compared to that of eggs from other helminths. Following treatment, the complete disorganization of the surface structure of the shell and the loss of much turgidity of the egg are observed. The destruction of the internal structure is most marked in the center of the egg and is associated with the disappearance of some layers of the shell. In addition, there is substantial damage to the synthesis apparatus (ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, lipid cisternae). An explanation based on the specific action of microwaves and micro-overheating is proposed, and the prophylactic use of this technique is considered.  相似文献   

亚热带两种森林土壤担子菌漆酶基因多样性比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chen XB  Su YR  He XY  Hu LN  Liang YM  Feng SZ  Ge YH  Xiao W 《应用生态学报》2011,22(10):2699-2704
漆酶是降解森林凋落物中木质素的关键酶之一,直接影响着森林生态系统碳循环过程.运用TA克隆、测序技术,研究了两种亚热带森林(原生常绿落叶阔叶混交林和人工马尾松林)凋落物层(O层)和土壤表层(A层,0~20 cm)降解木质素的担子菌漆酶基因多样性.结果表明:同一土壤层位,原生林土壤中担子菌漆酶基因多样性和种群丰富度高于马尾松林;同一森林生态系统,原生林土壤O层中担子菌漆酶基因多样性和种群丰富度略高于土壤A层,而马尾松林则O层明显低于A层;两森林土壤具有相同含漆酶基因的担子菌优势种群,且大部分优势种群与伞菌目小菇属或侧耳属有较高的氨基酸相似性;与原生林土壤A层和马尾松林土壤O层相比,原生林土壤O层和马尾松林土壤A层中含漆酶基因的担子菌种群分布相对均匀;马尾松林O层与A层之间漆酶基因核苷酸序列的相似性较原生林土壤O层与A层之间的高.表明植被和土壤层位显著影响漆酶基因多样性和群落结构,而植被和土壤层位引起的担子菌可利用底物和土壤pH值的差异可能直接驱动这种影响.  相似文献   

Investigations were carried out under operating conditions of Field Composting Factory in Brezno (Slovak Republic) to determine the effect of anaerobic stabilization of organic wastes from public areas on the survival of model helminth Toxocara canis and Ascaris suum eggs. Due to anaerobic conditions, low temperature, low C:N ratio and changes in physical and chemical properties of organic waste, less than 64% of A. suum eggs remained viable after 150 days of stabilisation. The anaerobic stabilisation had a greater effect on the viability of T. canis eggs than on A. suum eggs. The infectivity of T. canis eggs was confirmed by a follow-up experiment in laboratory mice. A small number of T. canis larvae were found in their brain and muscles on day 28 after infection. The results refer to the risks of dissemination, survival and potential spread of endoparasitic developmental stages in the environment through organic wastes subjected to low temperature stabilisation.  相似文献   

E V Rat'kin 《Ontogenez》1979,10(4):397-401
The heat stability of the eggs of a polyvoltine strain of Bombyx mori occurring in the conditions of hot climate was studied. No marked differences between this strain and the moderate climate strains were found in the level of heat stability and the character of its age changes. The mechanisms of heat stability upon the diapause-less egg development are discussed.  相似文献   

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