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Loss‐of‐function mutations in progranulin (GRN) are a major autosomal dominant cause of frontotemporal dementia (FTD), a neurodegenerative disorder in which social behavior is disrupted. Progranulin‐insufficient mice, both Grn+/? and Grn ?/? , are used as models of FTD due to GRN mutations, with Grn+/? mice mimicking the progranulin haploinsufficiency of FTD patients with GRN mutations. Grn+/? mice have increased social dominance in the tube test at 6 months of age, although this phenotype has not been reported in Grn ?/? mice. In this study, we investigated how the tube test phenotype of progranulin‐insufficient mice changes with age, determined its robustness under several testing conditions, and explored the associated cellular mechanisms. We observed biphasic social dominance abnormalities in Grn+/? mice: at 6–8 months, Grn+/? mice were more dominant than wild‐type littermates, while after 9 months of age, Grn+/? mice were less dominant. In contrast, Grn ?/? mice did not exhibit abnormal social dominance, suggesting that progranulin haploinsufficiency has distinct effects from complete progranulin deficiency. The biphasic tube test phenotype of Grn+/? mice was associated with abnormal cellular signaling and neuronal morphology in the amygdala and prefrontal cortex. At 6–9 months, Grn+/? mice exhibited increased mTORC2/Akt signaling in the amygdala and enhanced dendritic arbors in the basomedial amygdala, and at 9–16 months Grn+/? mice exhibited diminished basal dendritic arbors in the prelimbic cortex. These data show a progressive change in tube test dominance in Grn+/? mice and highlight potential underlying mechanisms by which progranulin insufficiency may disrupt social behavior.  相似文献   

Zhang JM  Strong JA 《生理学报》2008,60(5):617-627
Traumatic injury or inflammatory irritation of the peripheral nervous system often leads to persistent pathophysiological pain states. It has been well-documented that, after peripheral nerve injury or inflammation, functional and anatomical alterations sweep over the entire peripheral nervous system including the peripheral nerve endings, the injured or inflamed afferent fibers, the dorsal root ganglion (DRG), and the central afferent terminals in the spinal cord. Among all the changes, ectopic discharge or spontaneous activity of primary sensory neurons is of great clinical interest, as such discharges doubtless contribute to the develop-ment of pathological pain states such as neuropathic pain. Two key sources of abnormal spontaneous activity have been identified following peripheral nerve injury: the injured afferent fibers (neuroma) leading to the DRG, and the DRG somata. The purpose of this review is to provide a global account of the abnormal spontaneous activity in various animal models of pain. Particular attention is focused on the consequence of peripheral nerve injury and localized inflammation. Further, mechanisms involved in the generation of spontaneous activity are also reviewed; evidence of spontaneous activity in contributing to abnormal sympathetic sprouting in the axotomized DRG and to the initiation of neuropathic pain based on new findings from our research group are discussed. An improved understanding of the causes of spontaneous activity and the origins of neuropathic pain should facilitate the development of novel strategies for effective treatment of pathological pain.  相似文献   

Imprinted genes are highly expressed in monoaminergic regions of the midbrain and their functions in this area are thought to have an impact on mammalian social behaviors. One such imprinted gene is Grb10, of which the paternal allele is generally recognized as mediating social dominance behavior. However, there has been no detailed study of social dominance in Grb10 +/p mice. Moreover, the original study examined tube‐test behavior in isolated mice 10 months of age. Isolation testing favors more territorial and aggressive behaviors, and does not address social dominance strategies employed in group housing contexts. Furthermore, isolation stress impacts midbrain function and dominance related behavior, often through alterations in monoaminergic signaling. Thus, we undertook a systematic study of Grb10 +/p social rank and dominance behavior within the cage group, using a number of convergent behavioral tests. We examined both male and female mice to account for sex differences and tested cohorts aged 2, 6 and 10 months to examine any developments related to age. We found group‐housed Grb10 +/p mice do not show evidence of enhanced social dominance, but cages containing Grb10 +/p and wild‐type mice lacked the normal correlation between three different measures of social rank. Moreover, a separate study indicated isolation stress induced inconsistent changes in tube test behavior. Taken together, these data suggest future research on Grb10 +/p mice should focus on the stability of social behaviors, rather than dominance per se.  相似文献   

Social dominance and agonistic behavior play important roles in animal societies. Melatonin and testosterone are closely related to social dominance and agonistic behavior in rodents, but interactions between both of them remain unknown. In this study we investigated the effects of testosterone and melatonin by manipulating photoperiod and castration on social dominance and agonistic behavior in male Tscheskia triton. Castration significantly decreases social dominance of both short- and long-day males, suggesting that testosterone benefits social dominance of males in both breeding and non-breeding seasons. In intact conditions, long-day males tended to dominate short-day males, suggesting that the effect of testosterone on social dominance was a little stronger than melatonin. However, castrated short-day males became dominant over their castrated long-day opponents meaning that high melatonin levels obviously benefit social dominance in males. Hormone implantation indicated that testosterone had no effect on non-breeding condition, but that melatonin was important during the breeding season. Our results indicate that both testosterone and melatonin are important in determining social dominance in male hamsters, and the effect of testosterone appears to be stronger than melatonin. Testosterone is responsible for aggression and social dominance in male hamsters during the breeding season, while melatonin regulates behavior during non-breeding, probably due to the different seasonal secretory patterns of the hormones.  相似文献   

Play behavior in juvenile primates, rats and other species is sexually dimorphic, with males showing more play than females. In mice, sex differences in juvenile play have only been examined in out-bred CD-1 mice. In this strain, contrary to other animals, male mice display less play soliciting than females. Using an established same-sex dyadic interaction test, we examined play in in-bred C57BL/6J (B6) 21-day-old mice. When paired with non-siblings, males tended to be more social than females, spending more time exploring the test cage. Females displayed significantly more anogenital sniffing and solicited play more frequently than did males. To determine if the origin of the sex difference was sex chromosome genes or gonadal sex, next we used the four core genotype mouse. We found significant interactions between gonadal sex and genotype for several behaviors. Finally, we asked if sibling pairs (as compared to non-siblings) would display qualitatively or quantitatively different behavior. In fact, XX females paired with a sibling were more social and less exploratory or investigative, whereas XY males exhibited less investigative and play soliciting behaviors in tests with siblings. Many neurobehavioral disorders, like autism spectrum disorder (ASD), are sexually dimorphic in incidence and patients interact less than normal with other children. Our results suggest that sex chromosome genes interact with gonadal hormones to shape the development of juvenile social behavior, and that social context can drastically alter sex differences. These data may have relevance for understanding the etiology of sexually dimorphic disorders such as ASD.  相似文献   

Scent marking by deposition of urine, and the preputial glands, of adult, male, wild house mice, Mus mmmlus L., were studied and compared with those of an outbred domestic strain. The preputial glands of dominant wild mice were always heavier than those of subordinates. No dominance relationships could be established among the domestic mice. For study of scent marking each mouse was observed singly in a residential maze. Dominant wild mice marked more than the subordinates. The domestic mice scent-marked much less even than the subordinate wild mice. Subordinate wild mice spent less time than the dominant wild mice outside the nest; but the number of excursions outside the nest made by the subordinates resembled that of the dominants. Hence social status influenced the pattern of movements in a structured environment.  相似文献   

Social status has been associated with health consequences, although the mechanisms by which status affects health are relatively unknown. At the physiological level, many studies have investigated the potential relationship between social behaviour/rank and physiological stress, with a particular focus on glucocorticoid (GC) production. GCs are of interest because of their experimentally established influence on health-related processes such as metabolism and immune function. Studies in a variety of species, in both naturalistic and laboratory settings, have led to complex outcomes. This paper reviews findings from primates and rodents and proposes a psychologically and physiologically relevant framework in which to study the relationship between social status and GC function. We (i) compare status-specific GC production between male and female primates, (ii) review the functional significance of different temporal patterns of GC production, (iii) propose ways to assess these temporal dynamics, and (iv) present novel hypotheses about the relationship between social status and GC temporal dynamics, and potential fitness and health implications. To understand whether GC production mediates social status-related fitness disparities, we must consider social contest conditions and the temporal dynamics of GC production. This framework will provide greater insights into the relationship between social status, physiological stress and health.  相似文献   

Abnormal phospholipid metabolism has been implicated in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia, and it was reported that phospholipase C (PLC) β1 is reduced in specific brain areas of patients with schizophrenia. However, the causal relationship of the PLCβ1 gene with behavioral symptoms of schizophrenia remains unclear. To address this issue, we have examined the mutant mice lacking PLCβ1 for schizophrenia-related phenotypes by performing various behavioral tests, including general locomotor activity, sensorimotor gating, social behaviors, and learning and memory. Phospholipase C β1 knockout mice showed hyperactivities in an open field. They showed impaired prepulse inhibition of acoustic startle response, which was ameliorated by a systemic administration of an antipsychotic D2-receptor antagonist, haloperidol. In addition, they showed abnormal social behaviors, such as lack of barbering behavior, socially recessive trait and lack of nesting behavior. Furthermore, they showed impaired performance in the delayed-non-match-to-sample T-maze test. The present results show that the PLCβ1 mutant mice share some of the behavioral abnormalities that have been reported in patients with schizophrenia. Thus, the PLCβ1-linked signaling pathways may be involved in the neural system whose function is disrupted in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Dvl1 is one of three murine Dishevelled genes widely expressed in embryonic development and in the adult central nervous system. Dishevelled proteins are a necessary component of the Wnt and planar cell polarity developmental signaling pathways. We reported previously that mice deficient in Dvl1 exhibited abnormal social interaction and sensorimotor gating. To assess the validity of our earlier findings, we replicated the previous behavioral tests and included several new assays. The behaviors assessed included: social interaction, sensorimotor reflexes, motor activity, nociception, prepulse inhibition of acoustic startle (PPI) and learning and memory. Assessments with an explicit social component included: social dominance test, whisker trimming, nest building, home-cage huddling and ultrasonic vocalization rate analysis in pups. In addition, separate cohorts of wildtype and Dvl1 -null mice were assessed for social recognition of a conspecific. Replicating the original report, Dvl1 -null mice were impaired in several tasks containing an explicit social component. However, no impairment was obser‐ ved in the social memory task. A previously observed deficit in PPI did not replicate in two institutions. In conclusion, we provide evidence that the social interaction phenotype of Dvl1 -deficient mice has a strong genetic influence, but the sensorimotor gating deficit was subject to environmental influences. The specificity of observed social interaction deficits also suggests that lack of Dvl1 is associated with deficits in the recognition of social hierarchy and dominance.  相似文献   

Social status impacts stress in primates, but the direction of the effect differs depending on species, social style, and group stability. This complicates our ability to identify broadly applicable principles for understanding how social status impacts health and fitness. One reason for this is the fact that social status is often measured as linear dominance rank, yet social status is more complex than simply high or low rank. Additionally, most research on social status and health ignores the effects of sex and sex-specific relationships, despite known differences in disease risk, coping strategies, and opposite-sex dominance interactions between males and females in many species. We examine the influence of social status, sex, and opposite-sex interactions on hair cortisol concentrations (HCC) in a well-studied species, rhesus macaques, where the literature predicts low ranking individuals would experience more chronic stress. Animals in three captive, seminaturalistic social groups (N = 252; 71 male) were observed for 6 weeks to obtain metrics of social status (rank and dominance certainty [DC]). DC is a measure of one's fit within the hierarchy. Hair samples were collected from each subject and analyzed for HCC. Generalized linear mixed models were used to examine (a) whether rank, DC, or sex predicted HCC; (b) whether same- or opposite-sex dominance relationships differentially impacted HCC; and (c) whether aggressive interactions initiated or received could explain any observed relationships. Results indicated that DC, not rank, predicted HCC in a sex-specific manner. For males, high HCC were predicted by receiving aggression from or having high DC with other males as well as having low DC with females. For females, only high DC with males predicted high HCC. These results likely relate to sex-specific life history pattern differences in inherited versus earned rank that are tied to female philopatry and male immigration.  相似文献   

Atp1a3 is the Na‐pump alpha3 subunit gene expressed mainly in neurons of the brain. Atp1a3‐deficient heterozygous mice (Atp1a3+/?) show altered neurotransmission and deficits of motor function after stress loading. To understand the function of Atp1a3 in a social hierarchy, we evaluated social behaviors (social interaction, aggression, social approach and social dominance) of Atp1a3+/? and compared the rank and hierarchy structure between Atp1a3+/? and wild‐type mice within a housing cage using the round‐robin tube test and barbering observations. Formation of a hierarchy decreases social conflict and promote social stability within the group. The hierarchical rank is a reflection of social dominance within a cage, which is heritable and can be regulated by specific genes in mice. Here we report: (1) The degree of social interaction but not aggression was lower in Atp1a3+/? than wild‐type mice, and Atp1a3+/? approached Atp1a3+/? mice more frequently than wild type. (2) The frequency of barbering was lower in the Atp1a3+/? group than in the wild‐type group, while no difference was observed in the mixed‐genotype housing condition. (3) Hierarchy formation was not different between Atp1a3+/? and wild type. (4) Atp1a3+/? showed a lower rank in the mixed‐genotype housing condition than that in the wild type, indicating that Atp1a3 regulates social dominance. In sum, Atp1a3+/? showed unique social behavior characteristics of lower social interaction and preference to approach the same genotype mice and a lower ranking in the hierarchy.  相似文献   

Neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorders and schizophrenia have an expansive array of reported genetic and environmental contributing factors. However, none of these factors alone can account for a substantial proportion of cases of either disorder. Instead, many gene‐by‐environment interactions are responsible for neurodevelopmental disturbances that lead to these disorders. The current experiment used heterozygous knock‐out mice to examine a potential interaction between 2 factors commonly linked to neurodevelopmental disorders and cognitive deficit: imbalanced excitatory/inhibitory signaling in the cortex and prenatal stress (PNS) exposure. Both of these factors have been linked to disrupt GABAergic signaling in the prefrontal cortex (PFC), a common feature of neurodevelopmental disorders. The neuronal PAS domain protein 4 (Npas4) gene is instrumental in regulation of the excitatory/inhibitory balance in the cortex and hippocampus in response to activation. Npas4 heterozygous and wild‐type male and female mice were exposed to either PNS or standard gestation, then evaluated during adulthood in social and anxiety behavioral measures. The combination of PNS and Npas4 deficiency in male mice impaired social recognition. This behavioral deficit was associated with decreased parvalbumin and cFos protein expression in the infralimbic region of the PFC following social stimulation in Npas4 heterozygous males. In contrast, females displayed fewer behavioral effects and molecular changes in PFC in response to PNS and decreased Npas4.  相似文献   

Competition for resources and the need for cooperation are reported to affect patterns of social interactions and thus the quality of social relationships in primates. Relationships may be described as high quality when both individuals behave in a way that benefits their partner. We investigated the distribution of a wide range of social behaviors across sex partner combinations of adult spider monkeys with specific reference to contested resources. Data were collected from two communities of wild spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi yucatanensis) in the Otoch Ma'ax Yetel Kooh reserve in Yucatan, Mexico. Affiliative behavior was exchanged most frequently between males, and as male-male aggression was rare, male-male social relationships were characterized as high quality. Female-female social relationships were best described as low quality as females showed no preference to be in proximity with other females and female-female affiliative behavior was rare. Relationships between the sexes generally were characterized by high rates of female-directed male aggression, although additional investigation into the effects of kinship and female reproductive state on male-female relationships is required before further conclusions can be drawn. Dyadic and coalitionary female-female aggression was significantly higher than expected in a feeding context, confirming that female spider monkeys primarily compete for access to food. Male-male aggression did not increase significantly when in the presence of females, but males embraced at higher rates when in mixed-sex subgroups. As embraces serve to reduce the likelihood of aggression during tense situations, high rates of male-male embraces in mixed-sex subgroups may mitigate male conflicts over access to females.  相似文献   

Sexual selection has received a great deal of attention from field and laboratory researchers for over a century, but hard evidence of female choice of mates in mixed-sex groups remains scarce. Dominant males typically mate much more often than subordinants but evidence that females “choose” such males is elusive. In Gallus, which includes junglefowl and their domestic fowl descendants, females stay near and mate with dominant, territorial males. We demonstrate here that Gallus females in mixed-sex flocks who have no information about the social dominance status of males orient to, approach and stay near males with larger than average combs whereas females which do not have information about male dominance orient toward and stay near high ranking males. We verify that comb size correlates with male social rank. Hence, Gallus females do actively respond to “high quality” males; they apparently identify such males by male physical characteristics and, if available, information concerning male-male interactions.  相似文献   

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