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There has been increasing interest in algae‐based bioassessment, particularly, trait‐based approaches are increasingly suggested. However, the main drivers, especially the contribution of hydrological variables, of species composition, trait composition, and beta diversity of algae communities are less studied. To link species and trait composition to multiple factors (i.e., hydrological variables, local environmental variables, and spatial factors) that potentially control species occurrence/abundance and to determine their relative roles in shaping species composition, trait composition, and beta diversities of pelagic algae communities, samples were collected from a German lowland catchment, where a well‐proven ecohydrological modeling enabled to predict long‐term discharges at each sampling site. Both trait and species composition showed significant correlations with hydrological, environmental, and spatial variables, and variation partitioning revealed that the hydrological and local environmental variables outperformed spatial variables. A higher variation of trait composition (57.0%) than species composition (37.5%) could be explained by abiotic factors. Mantel tests showed that both species and trait‐based beta diversities were mostly related to hydrological and environmental heterogeneity with hydrological contributing more than environmental variables, while purely spatial impact was less important. Our findings revealed the relative importance of hydrological variables in shaping pelagic algae community and their spatial patterns of beta diversities, emphasizing the need to include hydrological variables in long‐term biomonitoring campaigns and biodiversity conservation or restoration. A key implication for biodiversity conservation was that maintaining the instream flow regime and keeping various habitats among rivers are of vital importance. However, further investigations at multispatial and temporal scales are greatly needed.  相似文献   

Beta diversity, and its components of turnover and nestedness, reflects the processes governing community assembly, such as dispersal limitation or biotic interactions, but it is unclear how they operate at the local scale and how their role changes along postfire succession. Here, we analyzed the patterns of beta diversity and its components in a herbaceous plant community after fire, and in relation to dispersal ability, in Central Spain. We calculated multiple‐site beta diversity (βSOR) and its components of turnover (βSIM) and nestedness (βSNE) of all herbaceous plants, or grouped by dispersal syndrome (autochory, anemochory, and zoochory), during the first 3 years after wildfire. We evaluated the relationship between pairwise beta diversity (βsor), and its components (βsim, βsne), and spatial distance or differences in woody plant cover, a proxy of biotic interactions. We found high multiple‐site beta diversity dominated by the turnover component. Community dissimilarity increased with spatial distance, driven mostly by the turnover component. Species with less dispersal ability (i.e., autochory) showed a stronger spatial pattern of dissimilarity. Biotic interactions with woody plants contributed less to community dissimilarity, which tended to occur through the nestedness component. These results suggest that dispersal limitation prevails over biotic interactions with woody plants as a driver of local community assembly, even for species with high dispersal ability. These results contribute to our understanding of postfire community assembly and vegetation dynamics.  相似文献   

The difficulty of integrating multiple theories, data and methods has slowed progress towards making unified inferences of ecological change generalizable across large spatial, temporal and taxonomic scales. However, recent progress towards a theoretical synthesis now provides a guiding framework for organizing and integrating all primary data and methods for spatiotemporal assemblage‐level inference in ecology. In this paper, we describe how recent theoretical developments can provide an organizing paradigm for linking advances in data collection and methodological frameworks across disparate ecological sub‐disciplines and across large spatial and temporal scales. First, we summarize the set of fundamental processes that determine change in multispecies assemblages across spatial and temporal scales by reviewing recent theoretical syntheses of community ecology. Second, we review recent advances in data and methods across the main sub‐disciplines concerned with ecological inference across large spatial, temporal and taxonomic scales, and organize them based on the primary fundamental processes they include, rather than the spatiotemporal scale of their inferences. Finally, we highlight how iteratively focusing on only one fundamental process at a time, but combining all relevant spatiotemporal data and methods, may reduce the conceptual challenges to integration among ecological sub‐disciplines. Moreover, we discuss a number of avenues for decreasing the practical barriers to integration among data and methods. We aim to reconcile the recent convergence of decades of thinking in community ecology and macroecology theory with the rapid progress in spatiotemporal approaches for assemblage‐level inference, at a time where a robust understanding of spatiotemporal change in ecological assemblages is more crucial than ever to conserve biodiversity.  相似文献   

以我国中部渭河南部流域山区和平原生态区的底栖动物为研究对象,通过计算29个生物性状类别和7个功能多样性指数,比较了不同生态区的生物性状组成和功能与性状多样性指数差异性;应用综合RLQ和fourth-corner方法探索底栖动物生物性状组成与土地利用和理化变量的关系;通过广义线性模型(GLM)比较不同空间尺度环境变量对底栖动物功能与性状多样性指数影响的生态区差异性。研究发现,共18个底栖动物性状组成在山区和平原间存在显著差异性,其中具有无庇护所和以叶片为庇护所材料、外骨骼轻微骨化和骨化良好、草食性、捕食性等生物性状的底栖动物栖息于栖境状况较好的山区,体壁呼吸、虫体柔软、集食者等生物性状更多的集中在人类活动较严重的平原区。除了功能均匀度指数外,山区的性状和功能多样性指数均显著高于平原,说明平原环境干扰显著降低了底栖动物性状和功能多样性。综合RLQ和fourth-corner方法表明底栖动物生物性状对环境胁迫的响应存在可预测性。GLM模型结果表明,山区和平原生物性状和功能多样性指数受到不同空间尺度土地利用和理化环境变量的影响:流域尺度城镇用地、水温和TN含量是影响山区功能和性状多样性指数模型的重要环境变量,但平原区河段尺度农业用地面积百分比和平均水深是影响功能和性状多样性的主要因子。  相似文献   

Northern forest ecosystems are exposed to a range of anthropogenic processes including global warming, atmospheric deposition, and changing land‐use. The vegetation of northern forests is composed of species with several functional traits related to these processes, whose effects may be difficult to disentangle. Here, we combined analyses of spatio‐temporal dynamics and functional traits of ground flora species, including morphological characteristics, responses to macro‐ and microclimate, soil conditions, and disturbance. Based on data from the Swedish National Forest Inventory, we compared changes in occurrence of a large number of ground flora species during a 20‐year period (1994–2013) in boreal and temperate Sweden respectively. Our results show that a majority of the common ground flora species have changed their overall frequency. Comparisons of functional traits between increasing and declining species, and of trends in mean trait values of sample plots, indicate that current floristic changes are caused by combined effects of climate warming, nitrogen deposition and changing land‐use. Changes and their relations with plant traits were generally larger in temperate southern Sweden. Nutrient‐demanding species with mesotrophic morphology were favored by ongoing eutrophication due to nitrogen deposition in the temperate zone, while dwarf shrubs with low demands on nitrogen decreased in frequency. An increase of species with less northern and less eastern distribution limits was also restricted to temperate Sweden, and indicates effects of a moister and milder macroclimate. A trend toward dense plantation forests is mirrored by a decrease of light‐demanding species in both vegetation zones, and a decrease of grassland species in the temperate zone. Although denser tree canopies may buffer effects of a warmer climate and of nitrogen deposition to some extent, traits related to these processes were weakly correlated in the group of species with changing frequency. Hence, our results indicate specific effects of these often confounded anthropogenic processes.  相似文献   

Hypotheses to explain phylogeographic structure traditionally invoke geographic features, but often fail to provide a general explanation for spatial patterns of genetic variation. Organisms' intrinsic characteristics might play more important roles than landscape features in determining phylogeographic structure. We developed a novel comparative approach to explore the role of ecological and life‐history variables in determining spatial genetic variation and tested it on frog communities in Panama. We quantified spatial genetic variation within 31 anuran species based on mitochondrial DNA sequences, for which hierarchical approximate Bayesian computation analyses rejected simultaneous divergence over a common landscape. Regressing ecological variables, on genetic divergence allowed us to test the importance of individual variables revealing that body size, current landscape resistance, geographic range, biogeographic origin and reproductive mode were significant predictors of spatial genetic variation. Our results support the idea that phylogeographic structure represents the outcome of an interaction between organisms and their environment, and suggest a conceptual integration we refer to as trait‐based phylogeography.  相似文献   

Aims Competition for pollinators between phenotypically similar flowers is believed to play an important role in floral trait diversification in the angiosperms. However, in many plant communities, species with apparently similar floral phenotypes and generalist pollination systems co-flower. Here, the pollination systems of Ranunculus acris L. and Ranunculus repens L. were investigated to determine the factors enabling the species to coexist within apparently overlapping pollination niches.Methods Sympatrically flowering populations of R. acris and R. repens were investigated at three study sites in West Wales. The floral phenotypes of the two species were compared using measurements of floral morphology and spectral analyses of petal reflectance, using principal component analysis and bee and fly colour-space models. Evidence of inter-specific discrimination by foraging insects was tested for in the field and using floral arrays. The relative roles of behavioural constancy and spatial patchiness in maintaining pollinator fidelity were estimated.Important findings The floral phenotypes of R. acris and R. repens differed significantly. Social bees were highly constant when foraging at flowers of the two species and patchy floral distribution explained some of the observed fidelity. Dipterans visiting mixed floral arrays appeared to discriminate between the species, visiting more R. acris than R. repens flowers, but there was no difference in the number of visits to single-species arrays. Social bees were more likely to display constancy to flowers of R. repens in the field. Patchiness in floral distribution, subtle differences in floral phenotype, pollinator preferences and behavioural constancy are all likely to contribute to the continued coexistence of R. acris and R. repens, despite apparent overlap in their pollination niches. Such differences have the potential to facilitate the maintenance of species diversity in plant communities, even where plants appear to share similar floral phenotypes.  相似文献   

Identifying the influence of stochastic processes and of deterministic processes, such as dispersal of individuals of different species and trait‐based environmental filtering, has long been a challenge in studies of community assembly. Here, we present the Univariate Community Assembly Analysis (UniCAA) and test its ability to address three hypotheses: species occurrences within communities are (a) limited by spatially restricted dispersal; (b) environmentally filtered; or (c) the outcome of stochasticity—so that as community size decreases—species that are common outside a local community have a disproportionately higher probability of occurrence than rare species. The comparison with a null model allows assessing if the influence of each of the three processes differs from what one would expect under a purely stochastic distribution of species. We tested the framework by simulating “empirical” metacommunities under 15 scenarios that differed with respect to the strengths of spatially restricted dispersal (restricted vs. not restricted); habitat isolation (low, intermediate, and high immigration rates); and environmental filtering (strong, intermediate, and no filtering). Through these tests, we found that UniCAA rarely produced false positives for the influence of the three processes, yielding a type‐I error rate ≤5%. The type‐II error rate, that is, production of false negatives, was also acceptable and within the typical cutoff (20%). We demonstrate that the UniCAA provides a flexible framework for retrieving the processes behind community assembly and propose avenues for future developments of the framework.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial variation in density, biomass and body size of littoral fish species associated with nearshore Posidonia oceanica meadows was studied over an annual cycle in an area of the eastern Mediterranean Sea. A total of 109,350 littoral fishes were collected, belonging to 34 families and 88 species. Density of fishes peaked during the summer due to high numbers of juveniles. Season was a significant factor determining density, although number of species and biomass did not show any obvious seasonal pattern. Throughout the study, schooling planktivorous fish species such as the picarel Spicara smaris, the bogue Boops boops and the damselfish Chromis chromis were dominant, both in terms of density (80%) and biomass (70%). Temporal variation in density and body size of fishes was used to assess the seasonal and ontogenetic habitat use of each species, with their affinity to seagrass assessed by comparing their respective distribution on sand. Four functional guilds were created (juvenile migrants, seagrass residents, seasonal migrants and occasional visitors) to describe the habitat use of P. oceanica meadows by each species. Several species associated with P. oceanica meadows used this habitat mainly as juveniles during summer, although many others were present concurrently as adults and as juveniles. Among the species encountered, 11 were non-indigenous of Indo-Pacific origin, of which three used seagrasses mainly as juveniles and four as residents. The non-indigenous silverstripe blaasop Lagocephalus sceleratus ranked among the 10 most dominant species in terms of biomass (2%) and was classified as a seagrass resident.  相似文献   



To delineate boundaries of vegetation belts, characterize these belts by indicator species, plant functional types and plant distribution types, and explore options for climate change monitoring.


Three research sites in the continental inland of West Greenland.


Based on spatially constrained clustering of 147 vegetation relevés and 145 transect plots of plant communities, boundaries of altitudinal vegetation belts were assessed. Indicators for altitudinal sections were identified from 664 vegetation relevés among vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens and plant functional types using indicator species analysis. The performance of different plant groups along the altitudinal gradient was visualized with response curves.


Boundaries of altitudinal vegetation belts were detected at 400, 800 and 1175 m a.s.l. on north‐facing slopes and at 450, 900 and 1250 m a.s.l. on south‐facing slopes. The resulting four vegetation belts were well defined by 99 indicator species and nine indicator plant functional types. Species, plant functional types and vascular plant distribution types showed clear sequences along the altitudinal gradient, which partly resemble their distribution along the latitudinal gradient.


As an easily observable expansion of shrubs and a decline of mosses and lichens is expected, the boundary at 400/450 m a.s.l. is particularly promising for climate change monitoring. The anticipated replacement of numerous cryophilous by thermophilous indicator species, as well as an obvious shift of plant functional types suggest several monitoring options at 800/900 m a.s.l. The summit areas above 1175/1250 m a.s.l., having a discontinuous plant cover, are considered to be especially vulnerable to fast invasion by species of lower altitudes such as woody plants and sedges. Due to steep gradients and short migration distances in mountains, it can be assumed that these anticipated changes in the study area will be stronger and faster than the already observed changes along the latitudinal gradient in lowland areas of the Arctic.

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