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The ostrich hyobranchial apparatus consists of the centrally positioned paraglossalia and basiurohyale and paired caudo‐lateral elements (horns), each consisting of the ceratobranchiale and epibranchiale. The paraglossalia lie within the tongue parenchyma and consist of paired, flat, caudo‐laterally directed cartilages joined rostrally. The basiurohyale forms a single dorso‐ventrally flattened unit composed of an octagonal‐shaped body from which extend rostral (the rostral process) and caudal (the urohyale) projections. The laryngeal skeleton consists of cricoid, procricoid and paired arytenoid cartilages. The large ring‐shaped cricoid cartilage displays a body and paired wings which articulate with each other and with the procricoid. The blunt, ossified, rostral projection of the cricoid and the scalloped nature of the arytenoid cartilages are unique to the ostrich. The procricoid is a single structure which links the paired arytenoids and wings of the cricoid. The hyobranchial apparatus is firmly attached to the tongue parenchyma and to the larynx and proximal trachea. In contrast to previous reports in this species, the horns of the hyobranchial apparatus are not related to the skull. Ossification of the body of the basihyale, the ceratobranchials and the rostral process and body of the cricoid cartilage of the larynx lends stability to these structures.  相似文献   

Termites are considered among the most efficient bioreactors, with high capacities for lignocellulose degradation and utilization. Recently, several studies have characterized the gut microbiota of diverse termites. However, the temporal dynamics of the gut microbiota within a given termite with dietary diversity are poorly understood. Here, we employed 16S rDNA barcoded pyrosequencing analysis to investigate temporal changes in bacterial diversity and richness of the gut microbiota of wood‐feeding higher termite Mironasutitermes shangchengensis under three lignocellulose content‐based diets that feature wood, corn stalks, and filter paper. Compositions of the predominant termite gut residents were largely constant among the gut microbiomes under different diets, but each diet caused specific changes in the bacterial composition over time. Notably, microbial communities exhibited an unexpectedly strong resilience during continuous feeding on both corn stalks and filter paper. Members of five bacterial phyla, that is, Spirochaetes, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, Tenericutes, and Acidobacteria, were strongly associated with the resilience. These findings provide insights into the stability of the gut microbiota in higher termites and have important implications for the future design of robust bioreactors for lignocellulose degradation and utilization.  相似文献   

Animals harbour diverse communities of symbiotic bacteria, which differ dramatically among host individuals. This heterogeneity poses an immunological challenge: distinguishing between mutualistic and pathogenic members of diverse and host‐specific microbial communities. We propose that Major Histocompatibility class II (MHC) genotypes contribute to recognition and regulation of gut microbes, and thus, MHC polymorphism contributes to microbial variation among hosts. Here, we show that MHC IIb polymorphism is associated with among‐individual variation in gut microbiota within a single wild vertebrate population of a small fish, the threespine stickleback. We sampled stickleback from Cedar Lake, on Vancouver Island, and used next‐generation sequencing to genotype the sticklebacks’ gut microbiota (16S sequencing) and their MHC class IIb exon 2 sequences. The presence of certain MHC motifs was associated with altered relative abundance (increase or decrease) of some microbial Families. The effect sizes are modest and entail a minority of microbial taxa, but these results represent the first indication that MHC genotype may affect gut microbiota composition in natural populations (MHC‐microbe associations have also been found in a few studies of lab mice). Surprisingly, these MHC effects were frequently sex‐dependent. Finally, hosts with more diverse MHC motifs had less diverse gut microbiota. One implication is that MHC might influence the efficacy of therapeutic strategies to treat dysbiosis‐associated disease, including the outcome of microbial transplants between healthy and diseased patients. We also speculate that macroparasite‐driven selection on MHC has the potential to indirectly alter the host gut microbiota, and vice versa.  相似文献   

Identifying a common set of genes that mediate host–microbial interactions across populations and species of mammals has broad relevance for human health and animal biology. However, the genetic basis of the gut microbial composition in natural populations remains largely unknown outside of humans. Here, we used wild house mouse populations as a model system to ask three major questions: (a) Does host genetic relatedness explain interindividual variation in gut microbial composition? (b) Do population differences in the microbiota persist in a common environment? (c) What are the host genes associated with microbial richness and the relative abundance of bacterial genera? We found that host genetic distance is a strong predictor of the gut microbial composition as characterized by 16S amplicon sequencing. Using a common garden approach, we then identified differences in microbial composition between populations that persisted in a shared laboratory environment. Finally, we used exome sequencing to associate host genetic variants with microbial diversity and relative abundance of microbial taxa in wild mice. We identified 20 genes that were associated with microbial diversity or abundance including a macrophage‐derived cytokine (IL12a) that contained three nonsynonymous mutations. Surprisingly, we found a significant overrepresentation of candidate genes that were previously associated with microbial measurements in humans. The homologous genes that overlapped between wild mice and humans included genes that have been associated with traits related to host immunity and obesity in humans. Gene–bacteria associations identified in both humans and wild mice suggest some commonality to the host genetic determinants of gut microbial composition across mammals.  相似文献   

The extent to which the gut microbiota may play a role in latitudinal clines of body mass variation (i.e., Bergmann's rule) remains largely unexplored. Here, we collected wild house mice from three latitudinal transects across North and South America and investigated the relationship between variation in the gut microbiota and host body mass by combining field observations and common garden experiments. First, we found that mice in the Americas follow Bergmann's rule, with increasing body mass at higher latitudes. Second, we found that overall differences in the gut microbiota were associated with variation in body mass controlling for the effects of latitude. Then, we identified specific microbial measurements that show repeated associations with body mass in both wild‐caught and laboratory‐reared mice. Finally, we found that mice from colder environments tend to produce greater amounts of bacteria‐driven energy sources (i.e., short‐chain fatty acids) without an increase in food consumption. Our findings provide motivation for future faecal transplant experiments directly testing the intriguing possibility that the gut microbiota may contribute to Bergmann's rule, a fundamental pattern in ecology.  相似文献   

The mosquito midgut is a hostile environment that vector‐borne parasites must survive to be transmitted. Commensal bacteria in the midgut can reduce the ability of mosquitoes to transmit disease, either by having direct anti‐parasite effects or by stimulating basal immune responses of the insect host. As different bacteria have different effects on parasite development, the composition of the bacterial community in the mosquito gut is likely to affect the probability of disease transmission. We investigated the diversity of mosquito gut bacteria in the field using 454 pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA to build up a comprehensive picture of the diversity of gut bacteria in eight mosquito species in this population. We found that mosquito gut typically has a very simple gut microbiota that is dominated by a single bacterial taxon. Although different mosquito species share remarkably similar gut bacteria, individuals in a population are extremely variable and can have little overlap in the bacterial taxa present in their guts. This may be an important factor in causing differences in disease transmission rates within mosquito populations.  相似文献   

Carrion beetles, Nicrophorus vespilloides, are reared on decomposing carrion where larvae are exposed to high populations of carcass‐derived bacteria. Larvae do not become colonized with these bacteria but instead are colonized with the gut microbiome of their parents, suggesting that bacteria in the beetle microbiome outcompete the carcass‐derived species for larval colonization. Here, we test this hypothesis and quantify the fitness consequences of colonization with different bacterial symbionts. First, we show that beetles colonized by their endogenous microbiome produce heavier broods than those colonized with carcass‐bacteria. Next, we show that bacteria from the endogenous microbiome, including Providencia rettgeri and Morganella morganii, are better colonizers of the beetle gut and can outcompete nonendogenous species, including Serratia marcescens and Escherichia coli, during in vivo competition. Finally, we find that Providencia and Morganella provide beetles with colonization resistance against Serratia and thereby reduce Serratia‐induced larval mortality. This effect is eliminated in larvae first colonized by Serratia, suggesting that while competition within the larval gut is determined by priority effects, these effects are less important for Serratia‐induced mortality. Our work suggests that an unappreciated benefit of parental care in N. vespilloides is the social transmission of the microbiome from parents to offspring.  相似文献   

Interactions between bacterial microbiota and mosquitoes play an important role in mosquitoes’ capacity to transmit pathogens. However, microbiota assemblages within mosquitoes and the impact of microbiota in environments on mosquito development and survival remain unclear. This study examined microbiota assemblages and the effects of aquatic environment microbiota on the larval development of the Aedes albopictus mosquito, an important dengue virus vector. Life table studies have found that reducing bacterial load in natural aquatic habitats through water filtering and treatment with antibiotics significantly reduced the larva‐to‐adult emergence rate. This finding was consistent in two types of larval habitats examined—discarded tires and flowerpots, suggesting that bacteria play a crucial role in larval development. Pyrosequencing of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene was used to determine the diversity of bacterial communities in larval habitats and the resulting numbers of mosquitoes under both laboratory and field conditions. The microbiota profiling identified common shared bacteria among samples from different years; further studies are needed to determine whether these bacteria represent a core microbiota. The highest microbiota diversity was found in aquatic habitats, followed by mosquito larvae, and the lowest in adult mosquitoes. Mosquito larvae ingested their bacterial microbiota and nutrients from aquatic habitats of high microbiota diversity. Taken together, the results support the observation that Ae. albopictus larvae are able to utilize diverse bacteria from aquatic habitats and that live bacteria from aquatic habitats play an important role in larval mosquito development and survival. These findings provide new insights into bacteria's role in mosquito larval ecology.  相似文献   

Microorganisms in insect guts have been recognized as having a great impact on their hosts' nutrition, health, and behavior. Spiders are important natural enemies of pests, and the composition of the gut microbiota of spiders remains unclear. Will the bacterial taxa in spiders be same as the bacterial taxa in insects, and what are the potential functions of the gut bacteria in spiders? To gain insight into the composition of the gut bacteria in spiders and their potential function, we collected three spider species, Pardosa laura, Pardosa astrigera, and Nurscia albofasciata, in the field, and high‐throughput sequencing of the 16S rRNA V3 and V4 regions was used to investigate the diversity of gut microbiota across the three spider species. A total of 23 phyla and 150 families were identified in these three spider species. The dominant bacterial phylum across all samples was Proteobacteria. Burkholderia, Ralstonia, Ochrobactrum, Providencia, Acinetobacter, Proteus, and Rhodoplanes were the dominant genera in the guts of the three spider species. The relative abundances of Wolbachia and Rickettsiella detected in Nalbofasciata were significantly higher than those in the other two spider species. The relative abundance of Thermus, Amycolatopsis, Lactococcus, Acinetobacter Microbacterium, and Koribacter detected in spider gut was different among the three spider species. Biomolecular interaction networks indicated that the microbiota in the guts had complex interactions. The results of this study also suggested that at the genus level, some of the gut bacteria taxa in the three spider species were the same as the bacteria in insect guts.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a surge in interest in the effects of the microbiota on the host. Increasingly, we are coming to understand the importance of the gut microbiota in modulating host physiology, ecology, behavior, and evolution. One method utilized to evaluate the effect of the microbiota is to suppress or eliminate it, and compare the effect on the host with that of untreated individuals. In this study, we evaluate some of these commonly used methods in the model organism, Drosophila melanogaster. We test the efficacy of a low‐dose streptomycin diet, egg dechorionation, and an axenic or sterile diet, in the removal of gut bacteria within this species in a fully factorial design. We further determine potential side effects of these methods on host physiology by performing a series of standard physiological assays. Our results showed that individuals from all treatments took significantly longer to develop, and weighed less, compared to normal flies. Males and females that had undergone egg dechorionation weighed significantly less than streptomycin reared individuals. Similarly, axenic female flies, but not males, were much less active when analyzed in a locomotion assay. All methods decreased the egg to adult survival, with egg dechorionation inducing significantly higher mortality. We conclude that low‐dose streptomycin added to the dietary media is more effective at removing the gut bacteria than egg dechorionation and has somewhat less detrimental effects to host physiology. More importantly, this method is the most practical and reliable for use in behavioral research. Our study raises the important issue that the efficacy of and impacts on the host of these methods require investigation in a case‐by‐case manner, rather than assuming homogeneity across species and laboratories.  相似文献   

Changes in abiotic and biotic factors between seasons in subarctic lake systems are often profound, potentially affecting the community structure and population dynamics of parasites over the annual cycle. However, few winter studies exist and interactions between fish hosts and their parasites are typically confined to snapshot studies restricted to the summer season whereas host‐parasite dynamics during the ice‐covered period rarely have been explored. The present study addresses seasonal patterns in the infections of intestinal parasites and their association with the diet of sympatric living Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) in Lake Takvatn, a subarctic lake in northern Norway. In total, 354 Arctic charr and 203 brown trout were sampled from the littoral habitat between June 2017 and May 2018. Six trophically transmitted intestinal parasite taxa were identified and quantified, and their seasonal variations were contrasted with dietary information from both stomachs and intestines of the fish. The winter period proved to be an important transmission window for parasites, with increased prevalence and intensity of amphipod‐transmitted parasites in Arctic charr and parasites transmitted through fish prey in brown trout. In Arctic charr, seasonal patterns in parasite infections resulted mainly from temporal changes in diet toward amphipods, whereas host body size and the utilization of fish prey were the main drivers in brown trout. The overall dynamics in the community structure of parasites chiefly mirrored the seasonal dietary shifts of their fish hosts.  相似文献   

Intestinal tracts are among the most densely populated microbial ecosystems. Gut microbiota and their influence on the host have been well characterized in terrestrial vertebrates but much less so in fish. This is especially true for coral reef fishes, which are among the most abundant groups of vertebrates on earth. Surgeonfishes (family: Acanthuridae) are part of a large and diverse family of reef fish that display a wide range of feeding behaviours, which in turn has a strong impact on the reef ecology. Here, we studied the composition of the gut microbiota of nine surgeonfish and three nonsurgeonfish species from the Red Sea. High‐throughput pyrosequencing results showed that members of the phylum Firmicutes, especially of the genus Epulopiscium, were dominant in the gut microbiota of seven surgeonfishes. Even so, there were large inter‐ and intraspecies differences in the diversity of surgeonfish microbiota. Replicates of the same host species shared only a small number of operational taxonomic units (OTUs), although these accounted for most of the sequences. There was a statistically significant correlation between the phylogeny of the host and their gut microbiota, but the two were not completely congruent. Notably, the gut microbiota of three nonsurgeonfish species clustered with some surgeonfish species. The microbiota of the macro‐ and microalgavores was distinct, while the microbiota of the others (carnivores, omnivores and detritivores) seemed to be transient and dynamic. Despite some anomalies, both host phylogeny and diet were important drivers for the intestinal microbial community structure of surgeonfishes from the Red Sea.  相似文献   

Here, we document the development of the House Sparrow Passer domesticus gut microbiota for the benefit of future ecological and evolutionary studies in this widely used avian system. We collected and inventoried luminal and mucosal samples from the distal guts of nestling House Sparrows between 3 and 12 days of age, and also collected similar samples from adult birds. Luminal bacterial community membership and structure differed significantly between nestlings and adults. The relative abundance of Proteobacteria in the lumen decreased around day 9, whereas the relative abundance of Firmicutes increased, demonstrating age‐related changes in the microbiota of House Sparrows.  相似文献   

Many aspects of animal ecology and physiology are influenced by the microbial communities within them. The underlying forces contributing to the assembly and diversity of gut microbiotas include chance events, host‐based selection and interactions among microorganisms within these communities. We surveyed 215 wild individuals from four sympatric species of Drosophila that share a common diet of decaying mushrooms. Their microbiotas consistently contained abundant bacteria that were undetectable or at low abundance in their diet. Despite their deep phylogenetic divergence, all species had similar microbiotas, thus failing to support predictions of the phylosymbiosis hypothesis. Communities within flies were not random assemblages drawn from a common pool; instead, many bacterial operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were overrepresented or underrepresented relative to the neutral expectations, and OTUs exhibited checkerboard distributions among flies. These results suggest that selective factors play an important role in shaping the gut community structure of these flies.  相似文献   

The use of lactobacilli as probiotics in swine has been gaining attention due to their ability to improve growth performance and carcass quality, prevent gastrointestinal infection and most importantly, their ‘generally recognized as safe’ status. Previous studies support the potential of lactobacilli to regulate host immune systems, enhance gut metabolic capacities and maintain balance in the gut microbiota. Research on swine gut microbiota has revealed complex gut microbial community structure and showed the importance of Lactobacillus to the host's health. However, the species‐ and strain‐specific characteristics of lactobacilli that confer probiotic benefits are still not well understood. The diversity of probiotic traits in a complex gut ecosystem makes it challenging to infer the relationships between specific functions of Lactobacillus sp. and host health. In this review, we provide an overview of how lactobacilli play a pivotal role in the swine gut ecosystem and identify key characteristics that influence gut microbial community structure and the health of pigs. In addition, based on recent and ongoing meta‐omics and omics research on the gut microbiota of pigs, we suggest a workflow combining culture‐dependent and culture‐independent approaches for more effective selection of probiotic lactobacilli.  相似文献   

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