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Sphagnum mosses are keystone components of peatland ecosystems. They facilitate the accumulation of carbon in peat deposits, but climate change is predicted to expose peatland ecosystem to sustained and unprecedented warming leading to a significant release of carbon to the atmosphere. Sphagnum responses to climate change, and their interaction with other components of the ecosystem, will determine the future trajectory of carbon fluxes in peatlands. We measured the growth and productivity of Sphagnum in an ombrotrophic bog in northern Minnesota, where ten 12.8‐m‐diameter plots were exposed to a range of whole‐ecosystem (air and soil) warming treatments (+0 to +9°C) in ambient or elevated (+500 ppm) CO2. The experiment is unique in its spatial and temporal scale, a focus on response surface analysis encompassing the range of elevated temperature predicted to occur this century, and consideration of an effect of co‐occurring CO2 altering the temperature response surface. In the second year of warming, dry matter increment of Sphagnum increased with modest warming to a maximum at 5°C above ambient and decreased with additional warming. Sphagnum cover declined from close to 100% of the ground area to <50% in the warmest enclosures. After three years of warming, annual Sphagnum productivity declined linearly with increasing temperature (13–29 g C/m2 per °C warming) due to widespread desiccation and loss of Sphagnum. Productivity was less in elevated CO2 enclosures, which we attribute to increased shading by shrubs. Sphagnum desiccation and growth responses were associated with the effects of warming on hydrology. The rapid decline of the Sphagnum community with sustained warming, which appears to be irreversible, can be expected to have many follow‐on consequences to the structure and function of this and similar ecosystems, with significant feedbacks to the global carbon cycle and climate change.  相似文献   

Although free‐living protists play essential roles in aquatic and soil ecology, little is known about their diversity and phylogeography, especially in terrestrial ecosystems. We used mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) gene sequences to investigate the genetic diversity and phylogeography of the testate amoeba morphospecies Hyalosphenia papilio in 42 Sphagnum (moss)dominated peatlands in North America, Europe and Asia. Based on ≥1% sequence divergence threshold, our results from single‐cell PCRs of 301 individuals revealed 12 different genetic lineages and both the general mixed Yule‐coalescent (GMYC) model and the automatic barcode gap discovery (ABGD) methods largely support the hypothesis that these 12 H. papilio lineages correspond to evolutionary independent units (i.e. cryptic species). Our data also showed a high degree of genetic heterogeneity within different geographical regions. Furthermore, we used variation partitioning based on partial redundancy analyses (pRDA) to evaluate the contributions of climate and dispersal limitations on the distribution patterns of the different genetic lineages. The largest fraction of the variation in genetic lineage distribution was attributed to purely climatic factors (21%), followed by the joint effect of spatial and bioclimatic factors (13%), and a purely spatial effect (3%). Therefore, these data suggest that the distribution patterns of H. papilio genetic lineages in the Northern Hemisphere are more influenced by climatic conditions than by dispersal limitations.  相似文献   

Thespesia consists of 16 species of trees and shrubs from Southeast Asia–Oceania, Africa and America, the most well known being T. populnea, a small tree of tropical coastal areas around the world. Phylogenetic relationships in the genus and among its allies in tribe Gossypieae were inferred using three plastid and two nuclear regions to ascertain its generic delimitation and explore its biogeographical history. Maximum‐likelihood and Bayesian analyses confirmed that Thespesia is not monophyletic and, based on these results, Azanza is reinstated to accommodate the two species previously placed in Thespesia section Lampas. Dating analyses and ancestral range estimation indicated that Thespesia s.s. most likely originated in Southeast Asia–Oceania c. 30 Mya, but extant species did not begin to differentiate until the late Miocene. Two dispersal events, one into Africa c. 11 Mya and another into America (Antilles) c. 9 Mya, gave rise to the African and the Greater Antillean endemics, respectively. The two most widespread hydrochorous species, T. populnea and T. populneoides, originated in Southeast Asia–Oceania from where they spread to other parts of the world. Our analysis also indicated a much earlier origin than previously reported for the eumalvoid clade and its tribes Gossypieae, Malveae and Hibisceae suggesting that vicariance might have had an important role early in the history of these groups.  相似文献   

In this study, we explored how past terrestrial and marine climate changes have interacted to shape the phylogeographic patterns of the intertidal red seaweed Gracilaria caudata, an economically important species exploited for agar production in the Brazilian north‐east. Seven sites were sampled along the north‐east tropical and south‐east sub‐tropical Brazilian coast. The genetic diversity and structure of G. caudata was inferred using a combination of mitochondrial (COI and cox2‐3), chloroplast (rbcL) and 15 nuclear microsatellite markers. A remarkable congruence between nuclear, mitochondrial and chloroplast data revealed clear separation between the north‐east (from 03° S to 08° S) and the south‐east (from 20° S to 23° S) coast of Brazil. These two clades differ in their demographic histories, with signatures of recent demographic expansions in the north‐east and divergent populations in the south‐east, suggesting the maintenance of several refugia during the last glacial maximum due to sea‐level rise and fall. The Bahia region (around 12° S) occupies an intermediate position between both clades. Microsatellites and mtDNA markers showed additional levels of genetic structure within each sampled site located south of Bahia. The separation between the two main groups in G. caudata is likely recent, probably occurring during the Quaternary glacial cycles. The genetic breaks are concordant with (i) those separating terrestrial refugia, (ii) major river outflows and (iii) frontiers between tropical and subtropical regions. Taken together with previously published eco‐physiological studies that showed differences in the physiological performance of the strains from distinct locations, these results suggest that the divergent clades in G. caudata correspond to distinct ecotypes in the process of incipient speciation and thus should be considered for the management policy of this commercially important species.  相似文献   

Highly mobile species that thrive in a wide range of habitats are expected to show little genetic differentiation across their range. A limited but growing number of studies have revealed that patterns of broad‐scale genetic differentiation can and do emerge in vagile, continuously distributed species. However, these patterns are complex and often shaped by both historical and ecological factors. Comprehensive surveys of genetic variation at a broad scale and at high resolution are useful for detecting cryptic spatial genetic structure and for investigating the relative roles of historical and ecological processes in structuring widespread, highly mobile species. In this study, we analysed 10 microsatellite loci from over 1900 samples collected across the full range of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), one of the most widely distributed and abundant of all large mammal species in North America. Through both individual‐ and population‐based analyses, we found evidence for three main genetic lineages, one corresponding to the ‘mule deer’ morphological type and two to the ‘black‐tailed deer’ type. Historical biogeographic events likely are the primary drivers of genetic divergence in this species; boundaries of the three lineages correspond well with predictions based on Pleistocene glacial cycles, and substructure within each lineage demonstrates island vicariance. However, across large geographic areas, including the entire mule deer lineage, we found that genetic variation fit an isolation‐by‐distance pattern rather than discrete clusters. A lack of genetic structure across wide geographic areas of the continental west indicates that ecological processes have not resulted in restrictions to gene flow sufficient for spatial genetic structure to emerge. Our results have important implications for our understanding of evolutionary mechanisms of divergence, as well as for taxonomy, conservation and management.  相似文献   

The opportunist free‐living protists such as Acanthamoeba spp. and Balamuthia mandrillaris have become a serious threat to human life. As most available drugs target functional aspects of pathogens, the ability of free‐living protists to transform into metabolically inactive cyst forms presents a challenge in treatment. It is hoped, that the development of broad spectrum antiprotist agents acting against multiple cyst‐forming protists to provide target‐directed inhibition will offer a viable drug strategy in the treatment of these rare infections. Here, we present a comprehensive report on upcoming drug targets, with emphasis on cyst wall biosynthesis along with the related biochemistry of encystment pathways, as we strive to bring ourselves a step closer to being able to combat these deadly diseases.  相似文献   

Successful geographic range expansion by parasites and parasitoids may also require host range expansion. Thus, the evolutionary advantages of host specialization may trade off against the ability to exploit new host species encountered in new geographic regions. Here, we use molecular techniques and confirmed host records to examine biogeography, population divergence, and host flexibility of the parasitoid fly, Ormia ochracea (Bigot). Gravid females of this fly find their cricket hosts acoustically by eavesdropping on male cricket calling songs; these songs vary greatly among the known host species of crickets. Using both nuclear and mitochondrial genetic markers, we (a) describe the geographical distribution and subdivision of genetic variation in O. ochracea from across the continental United States, the Mexican states of Sonora and Oaxaca, and populations introduced to Hawaii; (b) demonstrate that the distribution of genetic variation among fly populations is consistent with a single widespread species with regional host specialization, rather than locally differentiated cryptic species; (c) identify the more‐probable source populations for the flies introduced to the Hawaiian islands; (d) examine genetic variation and substructure within Hawaii; (e) show that among‐population geographic, genetic, and host song distances are all correlated; and (f) discuss specialization and lability in host‐finding behavior in light of the diversity of cricket songs serving as host cues in different geographically separate populations.  相似文献   

Parasites and hosts interact across both micro‐ and macroevolutionary scales where congruence among their phylogeographic and phylogenetic structures may be observed. Within southern Africa, the four‐striped mouse genus, Rhabdomys, is parasitized by the ectoparasitic sucking louse, Polyplax arvicanthis. Molecular data recently suggested the presence of two cryptic species within P. arvicanthis that are sympatrically distributed across the distributions of four putative Rhabdomys species. We tested the hypotheses of phylogeographic congruence and cophylogeny among the two parasite lineages and the four host taxa, utilizing mitochondrial and nuclear sequence data. Despite the documented host‐specificity of P. arvicanthis, limited phylogeographic correspondence and nonsignificant cophylogeny was observed. Instead, the parasite–host evolutionary history is characterized by limited codivergence and several duplication, sorting and host‐switching events. Despite the elevated mutational rates found for P. arvicanthis, the spatial genetic structure was not more pronounced in the parasite lineages compared with the hosts. These findings may be partly attributed to larger effective population sizes of the parasite lineages, the vagility and social behaviour of Rhabdomys, and the lack of host‐specificity observed in areas of host sympatry. Further, the patterns of genetic divergence within parasite and host lineages may also be largely attributed to historical biogeographic changes (expansion‐contraction cycles). It is thus evident that the association between P. arvicanthis and Rhabdomys has been shaped by the synergistic effects of parasite traits, host‐related factors and biogeography over evolutionary time.  相似文献   

David M. Watson 《Biotropica》2013,45(2):195-202
Mistletoes rely on birds for seed dispersal, but the presumed importance of mistletoe‐specialist frugivores has not been critically examined nor compared with generalist frugivores and opportunistic foragers. The contribution of these three groups was compared directly by quantifying bird visitation to fruiting mistletoe plants ( Oryctanthus occidentalis: Loranthaceae) at Barro Colorado Island, Panama, and by comparing these results with proportions calculated from other empirical studies of mistletoe visitation conducted elsewhere. After more than 100 h of timed watches, 23 bird species were recorded visiting eight heavily infected host trees ( Luehea seemannii: Tiliaceae). Eight of these species visited mistletoe, of which five (all tyrannids) consumed mistletoe fruit. Although two mistletoe specialist frugivores ( Tyrannulus elatus and Zimmerius vilissimus) removed most fruit (73%), more than a quarter was consumed by one generalist frugivore ( Mionectes oleagineus) and two opportunists ( Myiozetetes cayanensis and Myiozetetes similis). Post consumption behaviour varied: the specialists flew from mistletoe to mistletoe, the generalist rested in the subcanopy and understory, and the opportunists spent most time hawking insects and resting high in the canopy. Integrating these data with previous work, the dietary specialization, short gut passage rate and strict habitat preferences of mistletoe specialists suggests that their services relate primarily to intensification and contagious dispersal, while species with broader diets are more likely to visit uninfected trees and establish new infections. The presumed importance of mistletoe‐specialist frugivores was not supported and mistletoes are considered to be comparable to many other bird‐dispersed plants, relying on both specialist and generalist frugivores, while opportunists may be disproportionately important in long‐distance dispersal.  相似文献   

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