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Although they can provide valuable information on at‐sea ecology, data‐loggers may adversely affect energetics, diving performance, and breeding success of equipped birds. With the aim of determining the effects of leg‐attached data‐loggers on the activity budgets of Humboldt penguins (Spheniscus humboldti) while on land, we equipped birds kept at the Landau Zoo, Landau, Germany, with such devices. We followed them during sample periods and recorded the occurrence and length of behaviors. Birds quickly habituated to the devices within 1 day of deployment, and mean rates of device‐pecking were low (0.7–1.7 pecks/hr), with device‐induced behaviors accounting for <1% of the mean daily activity budget. The method of device attachment appears behaviorally less stressful than the traditional tape‐based system in which devices are normally attached to the penguin's back. By facilitating the testing of newly developed data‐loggers on captive birds, or the development of methods for device attachment, zoos and aquaria may strengthen their role in animal conservation by helping research on free‐ranging animals. Zoo Biol 21:365–373, 2002. © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Birds encounter climate at the scale of microclimates that can vary rapidly in time and space and so understanding potential vulnerability and adaptations to those microclimates requires fine‐scale measurements that accurately track thermal exposures. However, few options exist for recording the microclimates actually experienced by birds (realized microclimates). We constructed and tested a simple, low‐cost, temperature logger for recording the realized microclimates of ground‐nesting birds. We developed attachment protocols for band‐mounting Thermochron iButtons on Ring‐billed Gull (Larus delawarensis) chicks. We tested these mounted, temperature‐logging devices on 20 chicks weighing > 200 g (device weight was 4 g), attaching devices for 48 h and observing behavior before and after attachment and removal. Devices recorded temperature immediately surrounding the leg at 2‐min intervals. Recorded temperatures were strong predictors of observed thermoregulatory behaviors (panting and sitting), outperforming predictions based on air temperatures measured by basic, static approaches. Through comparison with matched controls (chicks with just a band), we detected no adverse physiological effects of devices, no effects on social or feeding behavior, and only a short‐term decrease in inactivity immediately after device attachment (likely due to increased preening). By attaching iButtons to the legs of birds, we quantified realized thermal exposure, integrating air temperature, modes of environmental heat transfer, and bird behavior at microclimatic scales. Although not yet validated for broader use, our approach (including possible miniaturization) should be suitable to measure thermal exposure of adults, not just chicks, allowing collection of data concerning thermal exposures during flight under field conditions. At ~ $25 USD per device, our approach facilitates experimental protocols with robust sample sizes, even for relatively modest budgets.  相似文献   

Tracking devices have contributed enormously to our knowledge of avian migration, although their effects on birds are controversial. Here, we study the short‐ and long‐term effects of deploying geolocators on European Rollers Coracias garrulus and assess the optimal weight of tracking devices to use. In nests in which both parents had geolocators, brood mass was lighter than in nests where only one or neither parent had a geolocator. The year‐to‐year recapture rate for Rollers tagged with geolocators was lower than that for control birds and the recapture rate in different populations was negatively related to the device‐to‐bird weight ratio, decreasing greatly when the weight ratio exceeded 2.5%.  相似文献   

Climate change has been widely recognized as a key factor driving changes in species distributions. In this study we use a metapopulation model, with a window of suitable climate moving polewards, to explore population shifts and survival of woodland birds under different climate change scenarios and landscape configurations. Extinction vulnerability and expansion ability are predicted for the middle spotted woodpecker Dendrocopus medius and two alternative r‐K strategies under west European climate change scenarios of 1, 2 and 4°C temperature increase per century, corresponding to isotemperature velocities of ca 2, 4 and 8 km yr?1. The simulated northward expansion of the bird's distribution is typically in the range of only 0–3 km yr?1, in spite of 10–20 times larger maximum dispersal distances. This is too slow to track the climate change‐driven range contraction of 4 or 8 km yr?1 in the south resulting in metapopulation extinction. Especially K‐selected (large‐bodied) species are vulnerable in the simulations. With a temperature increase of 4°C per century bird species go extinct within 104–178 yr. We present a simple approximation formula to predict the mean time to metapopulation extinction using 1) the rate of climate change, which determines the speed of range contraction in the south, 2) the size of the distribution range, which serves as a buffer against extinction, and 3) the northward expansion velocity, determined by species traits and landscape properties. Finally, our results indicate that the northward expansion rate is not constant. It will be initially lagged suggesting that recently observed expansion rates might be underestimations of future northward expansion rates.  相似文献   

Flightless birds were once the largest and heaviest terrestrial fauna on many archipelagos around the world. Robust approaches for estimating their population parameters are essential for understanding prehistoric insular ecosystems and extinction processes. Body mass and population density are negatively related for extant flightless bird species, providing a method for quantifying densities and population sizes of extinct flightless species. Here we assemble an updated global data set of body mass and population densities for extant flightless birds and estimate the relationship between these variables. We use generalised least squares models that account for phylogenetic relatedness and incorporate the effects of limiting factors (e.g. habitat suitability) on population density. We demonstrate the applicability of this allometric relationship to extinct species by estimating densities for each of the nine species of moa (Dinornithiformes) and generating a combined spatially explicit map of total moa density across New Zealand. To compare our density estimates with those previously published, we summed individual species' abundances to generate a mean national density of 2.02–9.66 birds km−2 for low- and high-density scenarios, respectively. Our results reconcile the extreme bimodality of previous estimates (< 2 birds km−2 and > 10 birds km−2) and are comparable to contemporary densities of large herbivorous wild mammals introduced into New Zealand about 150 yr ago. The revised moa density has little effect on the harvest rates required to bring about extinction within 150–200 yr, indicating that rapid extinction was an inevitable response to human hunting, irrespective of the initial population of moa.  相似文献   

Summary Effects of device attachment on parental activities and body mass change in instrumented birds and their mates, and on chick growth and survival, were studied in Adélie Penguins Pygoscelis adeliae in Lützow-Holm Bay, Antarclica. Penguins on which small devices were fitted with rubber band harnesses exhibited increased foraging trip duration, and decreased body mass, food delivery rate, chick growth and chick survival. Their mates did not increase food delivery rate. Those on which small or large devices were fitted with epoxy glue did not change foraging trip duration, body mass, or chick survival. However, large devices decreased chick growth. These effects were more obvious; among penguins fitted with devices later in the chick rearing period, and suggest that: 1) parents fitted with devices give a priority to maintenance of their own energy reserve over guarding and food delivery for chicks; and, 2) parents' decreasing energy reserves later in the breeding season might intensify the effects of devices.  相似文献   

Feather mites are arthropods that live on or in the feathers of birds, and are among the commonest avian ectosymbionts. However, the nature of the ecological interaction between feather mites and birds remains unclear, some studies reporting negative effects of feather mites on their hosts and others reporting positive or no effects. Here we use a large dataset comprising 20 189 measurements taken from 83 species of birds collected during 22 yr in 151 localities from seven countries in Europe and North Africa to explore the correlation between feather mite abundance and body condition of their hosts. We predicted that, if wing‐dwelling feather mites are parasites, a negative correlation with host body condition should be found, while a mutualistic interaction should yield positive correlation. Although negative relationships between feather mite abundance and host body condition were found in a few species of birds, the sign of the correlation was positive in most bird species (69%). The overall effect size was only slightly positive (r =0.066). The effect of feather mite abundance explained <10% of variance in body condition in most species (87%). Results suggest that feather mites are not parasites of birds, but rather that they hold a commensalistic relationship where feather mites may benefit from feeding on uropygial gland secretions of their hosts and birds do not seem to obtain a great benefit from the presence of feather mites.  相似文献   

To assess regression models for lipid and lean body mass in small birds, we recorded live body mass ±0.1 g, total body electrical conductivity (TOBEC; from “third generation” TOBEC machine EM‐SCAN® SA‐3000) or E‐Value, visual fat score (VisFat), and seven body measurements for 52 migratory passerine birds of 13 species (5–40 g). We determined lipid and lean mass of each bird after petroleum‐ether extraction of lipids. We obtained “netE‐Value (NEV) for each scanned bird by subtracting the E‐Value of the empty bird‐restraining tube, because these showed an inverse temperature dependence (P<0.005). Leave‐one‐out cross validation was used to assess model selection and construct 95% confidence intervals. Although precision of TOBEC increased with bird size (CV of NEV vs. live mass: r=−0.276, P=0.002) and it explained an increasing proportion of variation in lean mass moving from small‐ to medium‐ to large‐bird classes of our data, it did no better than head length in single‐variable prediction of lean or lipid mass and was included in five of the 14 multivariate models we developed. The best multiple regression to predict lean mass included live weight, VisFat, bill length, tarsus and lnNEV (adjusted R2=99.0%); however, the same model lacking only lnNEV yielded aR2=98.9%. A parallel to the above pair of models, but predicting lipid mass, yielded aR2=90.3% and 90.0%, respectively. Subdividing the data by three size classes and three taxa (American redstart Setophaga ruticilla, ovenbird Seiurus aurocapilla, warblers), best‐subset multiple‐regression models predicted lean mass with aR2 from 94.7 to 99.6% and lipid mass with aR2 from 85.4 to 98.3%. Best models for the size‐ and species‐groups included VisFat and zero to five body measurements, and most included live weight. lnNEV was included only in the models for ovenbird (lipid), warblers (lipid), all birds (both), and large birds (both). Actual lipid mass of all birds was more highly correlated with multiple‐regression‐predicted lipid mass (r=0.955) than with visual subcutaneous fat‐scoring (r=0.683). These multiple‐regression models predicting lipid content using live‐bird measurements and visual fat score as independent variables represent more accurate and precise estimates of actual lipid content in small passerines than any previously published. They are particularly accurate for placing birds into percentage body‐fat classes.  相似文献   

Agricultural lands occupy about 40–50% of the Earth's land surface. Agricultural practices can make a significant contribution at low cost to increasing soil carbon sinks, reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and contributing biomass feedstocks for energy use. Considering all gases, the global technical mitigation potential from agriculture (excluding fossil fuel offsets from biomass) by 2030 is estimated to be ca. 5500–6000 Mt CO2‐eq. yr?1. Economic potentials are estimated to be 1500–1600, 2500–2700 and 4000–4300 Mt CO2‐eq. yr?1 at carbon prices of up to $US20, 50 and 100 t CO2‐eq.?1, respectively. The value of the global agricultural GHG mitigation at the same three carbon prices is $US32 000, 130 000 and 420 000 million yr?1, respectively. At the European level, early estimates of soil carbon sequestration potential in croplands were ca. 200 Mt CO2 yr?1, but this is a technical potential and is for geographical Europe as far east as the Urals. The economic potential is much smaller, with more recent estimates for the EU27 suggesting a maximum potential of ca. 20 Mt CO2‐eq. yr?1. The UK is small in global terms, but a large part of its land area (11 Mha) is used for agriculture. Agriculture accounts for about 7% of total UK GHG emissions. The mitigation potential of UK agriculture is estimated to be ca. 1–2 Mt CO2‐eq. yr?1, accounting for less than 1% of UK total GHG emissions.  相似文献   

Measuring the completeness of survey inventories created by citizen-science initiatives can identify the strengths and shortfalls in our knowledge of where species occur geographically. Here, we use occurrence information from eBird to measure the survey completeness of the world's birds in this database at three temporal resolutions and four spatial resolutions across the annual cycle during the period 2002 to 2018. Approximately 84% of the earth's terrestrial surface contained bird occurrence information with the greatest concentrations occurring in North America, Europe, India, Australia and New Zealand. The largest regions with low levels of survey completeness were located in central South America, northern and central Africa, and northern Asia. Across spatial and temporal resolutions, survey completeness in regions with occurrence information was 55–74% on average, with the highest values occurring at coarser temporal and coarser spatial resolutions and during spring migration within temperate and boreal regions. Across spatial and temporal resolutions, survey completeness exceeded 90% within ca 4–14% of the earth's terrestrial surface. Survey completeness increased globally from 2002 to 2018 across all months of the year at a rate of ca 3% yr–1. The slowest gains occurred in Africa and in montane regions, and the most rapid gains occurred in India and in tropical forests after 2012. Thus, occurrence information from a global citizen-science program for a charismatic and well-studied taxon was geographically broad but contained heterogeneous patterns of survey completeness that were strongly influenced by temporal and especially spatial resolution. Our results identify regions where the application of additional effort would address current knowledge shortfalls, and regions where the maintenance of existing effort would benefit long-term monitoring efforts. Our findings highlight the potential of citizen science initiatives to further our knowledge of where species occur across space and time, information whose applications under global change will likely increase.  相似文献   

Sources of nitrogen and phosphorus were measured for a small pool, Brown Moss, which is a Site of Special Scientific Interest in the UK. The site is designated for its macrophyte and bird interest and comprises several pools flanked by heath and woodland. Currently the largest pool has high mean concentrations of total N and P (4 ± 2.4 mg N l−1 and 389 ± 254 μg P l−1), and also suffers from water table fluctuation and recreational impact. There are no point sources of nutrients but potential diffuse sources include direct rainfall, drainage from surrounding heathland and potentially from distal agricultural land, some septic tank drainage and bird excreta. Nutrients are also released from the sediments. Amongst external sources of phosphorus, birds contributed 234 mg m−2 yr−1 (73%), land drainage 63 mg m−2 yr−1 (20%), and rainfall 24 mg m−2 yr−1 (7%). Major bird species were dabbling ducks and geese. For external sources of nitrogen, the most important was land drainage (2,860 mg m−2 yr−1 and 64%), followed by rainfall (870 mg m−2 yr−1 and 19%) and birds (741 mg m−2 yr−1 and 11%) There was substantial internal loading of phosphorus (1670 mg m−2 yr−1) so that internal loading dominated the overall phosphorus budget (84%). The nitrogen budget was dominated by land drainage, though for short periods, geese made a major contribution. Restoration of the site to the status required by European legislation will be very difficult, if not impossible in the medium-term.  相似文献   

A study was performed on the numbers and species diversity of thermophilic fungi (growing at 45 °C in vitro) in 38 nests of 9 species of wetland birds, taking into account the physicochemical properties of the nests and the bird species. It was found that in nests with the maximum weight (nests of Mute Swan), the number and diversity of thermophilic fungi were significantly greater than in other nests, with lower weight. The diversity of the thermophilic biota was positively correlated with the individual mass of bird and with the level of phosphorus in the nests. The dominant species within the mycobiota under study was Aspergillus fumigatus which inhabited 95 % of the nests under study, with average frequency of ca. 650 cfu g?1 of dry mass of the nest material. In a majority of the nests studied (nests of 7 bird species), the share of A. fumigatus exceeded 50 % of the total fungi growing at 45 °C. Significantly higher frequencies of the fungal species were characteristic of the nests of small and medium-sized piscivorous species, compared with the other bird species. The number of A. fumigatus increased with increase in the moisture level of the nests, whereas the frequency of occurrence of that opportunistic pathogen, opposite to the general frequency of thermophilic mycobiota, was negatively correlated with the level of phosphorus in the nest material, and with the body mass and length of the birds. The authors indicate the causes of varied growth of thermophilic fungi in nests of wetland birds and, in particular, present a discussion of the causes of accumulation of A. fumigatus, the related threats to the birds, and its role as a source of transmission in the epidemiological chain of aspergillosis.  相似文献   

《Annals of botany》1997,79(5):517-527
This paper deals with the pattern of nutrient cycling and nutrient use efficiency in four (1–4 years old) poplar (Populus deltoidesMarsh) plantations previously investigated for dry matter dynamics. The present plantations were planted at 3×5 m spacing after clear felling of natural sal (Shorea robustaDipterocarpaceae) mixed broad-leaved forests in central Himalayan Tarai. The nutrient concentrations (N, P and K) in different layers of vegetation were in the order: tree>shrub>herb; whereas the standing state of nutrients were in the order: tree>herb>shrub. Soil, litter and vegetation, respectively accounted for 81–96, 2–4 and 2–15% of the total nutrients in the system. Considerable reductions (trees, 50–68; shrubs, 35–40; and herbs 18–26%) in the concentration of nutrients in leaves occurred during senescence. The uptake of nutrients by the vegetation, and also by the different components, with and without adjustment for internal recycling, was calculated separately. Annual transfer of litter nutrients to the soil by vegetation was 91–148 N, 8–15 P and 70–99 K kg ha−1yr−1. The turnover rate for different nutrients ranged between 0.83 and 0.92 yr−1. The nutrient use efficiency of poplar plantations ranged from 151 to 174 kg ha−1yr−1for N, 1338 to 1566 kg ha−1yr−1for P, and 313 to 318 kg ha−1yr−1for K. Compared with low density eucalypt and older poplar stands, there was a higher proportion of nutrient retranslocation in present poplars, largely because of higher tissue nutrient concentrations. This indicates lower nutrient use efficiency as compared to eucalypt plantations. Compartment models for nutrient dynamics have been developed to represent the distribution of nutrient pools and net annual fluxes within the system.  相似文献   

Aim To describe species–area relationships in human settlements and compare them with those from a non‐urban habitat. Location West‐central Mexico. Methods We surveyed breeding birds in 13 human settlements and five shrubland patches. We estimated bird species richness using an abundance‐based coverage estimator with equal sample sizes to eliminate biases related to sampling effort differences. To assess species–area relationships, we performed log–log linear regressions between the size of the studied patches and their estimated bird richness. We also used a logarithmic approach to determine how the species–area relationship asymptoted and made use of the Michaelis–Menten model to identify the size at which the studied patches reached their maximum species richness. We also investigated (1) possible relationships among the estimated bird richness and other variables known to affect urban‐dwelling birds (built cover, plant species richness, tree cover or human population density) and (2) changes in bird community composition related to the size of the studied human settlements. Results Species–area relationships exhibited different patterns among the studied habitats. The log–log regression slope was steeper in human settlements, while the intercept was higher in shrublands. The maximum number of species was more than twofold higher in shrublands. Human settlement patch size was the only variable significantly related to bird richness. Our community composition results show that two main bird groups are related to human settlement size, and that as the size of human settlements increases, bird community similarity in relation to the largest city increases. Main conclusions Human settlements act as ecological islands, with pronounced species–area relationships. Our results suggest that an important threshold for bird species richness and community composition is reached in human settlements > 10.2 km2. This threshold is unlikely to be generalizable among bio‐regions, and thus should be quantified and considered when studying, managing and/or planning urban systems.  相似文献   

Biologging devices are providing detailed insights into the behaviour and movement of animals in their natural environments. It is usually assumed that this method of gathering data does not impact on the behaviour observed. However, potential negative effects on birds have rarely been investigated before field-based studies are initiated. Seabirds which both fly and use pursuit diving may be particularly sensitive to increases in drag and load resulting from carrying biologging devices. We studied chick-rearing adult common guillemots Uria aalge equipped with and without back-mounted GPS tags over short deployments of a few days. Concurrently guillemots carried small leg-mounted TDR devices (time-depth recorders) providing activity data throughout. Changes in body mass and breeding success were followed for device equipped and control guillemots. At the colony level guillemots lost body mass throughout the chick-rearing period. When-equipped with the additional GPS tag, the guillemots lost mass at close to twice the rate they did when equipped with only the smaller leg-mounted TDR device. The elevated mass loss suggests an impact on energy expenditure or foraging performance. When equipped with GPS tags diving performance, time-activity budgets and daily patterns of activity were unchanged, yet dive depth distributions differed. We review studies of tag-effects in guillemots Uria sp. finding elevated mass loss and reduced chick-provisioning to be the most commonly observed effects. Less information is available for behavioural measures, and results vary between studies. In general, small tags deployed over several days appear to have small or no measurable effect on the behavioural variables commonly observed in most guillemot tagging studies. However, there may still be impacts on fitness via physiological effects and/or reduced chick-provisioning, while more detailed measures of behaviour (e.g. using accelerometery) may reveal effects on diving and flight performance.  相似文献   

Two peat cores from the Store Mosse mire in the central part of South Sweden have been analyzed for dry bulk density, carbon, and nitrogen They cover the development of the peat mound from the time of the conversion of the initial fen to an ombrotrophic bog at 5450 BP through three different bog stages, the Fuscum. the Rubellum-Fuscum and the Magellanicum bog stages, each one characterized by a specific macrofossil assemblage All N supplied to the bog surface is assumed to be contained in the organic matter At the beginning of the Magellanicum bog stage, 1000 BP, the nitrogen accumulation rate increased from an earlier value of ca 0.4 g m–2 yr–1 to 0.8 g m–2 yr–1 These accumulation rates for N have been used to establish time scales for the periods between the 14C-datings The estimated litter deposition rate in the hummocks is 120 g m–2 yr–1 in the two older bog stages and 270 g m–2 yr–1 in the Magellanicum bog stage The decay losses in the acrotelm increased, as a proportion of the addition, with time through each one of the bog stages The range of variation in the cores for the acrotelm decay losses was 25-80%. and the annual input of organic matter to the catotelm, 30-130 g m–2 These ranges are greater than those found among recent bog hummocks in NW Europe and North America The decay losses during 5000 yr in the catotelm may not have exceeded 20% of the original input The over-all net rate of accumulation of C was highest, ca 40 g m–2 yr–1, at the beginning of the Fuscum bog stage The changes in the macrofossil assemblages are all associated with rapid increases in the peat accumulation rate, but decreases in accumulation rate are not At the conversion from fen to bog the increased input of organic matter to the catotelm depended on expansion of Sphagnum fuscum which formed a decay resistant litter Later increases depended on rapid rises of the mean water table, resulting in shorter residence times and smaller decay losses from the acrotelm The periods of decreases in input of organic matter to the catotelm depended on longer residence times in the acrotelm when the water table fell relative to the bog surface However, comparisons with recent conditions suggest that the variation in mean water level relative to the surface may not have exceeded 10-15 cm  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. The diet of the Eurasian dipper Cinclus cinclus. a riverine bird from a globally widespread genus, was assessed through all stages of its annual cycle using published data and field studies from streams of contrasting chemistry. Time-activity budgets were also compiled throughout the year and used to estimate annual energy requirements from the stream ecosystem. 2. The annual energy requirements for a territorial pair ranged from 148,000 to 158,000 kJ yr?1 depending on whether one or two broods were reared. After allowing for assimilation efficiency, these requirements were estimated to represent 10.5–11.0 kg dry mass of fish and invertebrates. Using representative values for territory size (4680–11,250 m2), annual exploitation of secondary production was estimated at 0.93–2.35 g dry mass m?2. 3. Several features combined to focus the predatory load on certain organisms over different stages of the annual cycle. These included the availability and selection of alternative prey, the need to provision nestlings with large items such as trichopteran larvae, and the use by females of calcium-rich prey such as fish prior to egg formation. 4. Across their range of territory size, annual exploitation (dry mass) by dippers was estimated at 0.06–0.29 g m?2 for Plecoptera. 0.02–0.22 g m?2 for Ephemeroptera. 0.59–1.11 g m?2 for Trichoptera and 0–0.78 g m?2 for fish. Exploitation of Ephemeroptera. I richoptera and fish were all highest in circumneutral streams, but exploitation of Plecoptera was highest in acidic streams because other prey were scarce. 5. Cottids dominated the fish component of the diet. Influences on their density could be substantial according to available data on production in Welsh streams. Hydropsychids and limnephilids dominated the trichopteran component, with exploitation again representing potentially substantial amounts of production. Contemporaneous data are required on benthic production and exploitation by the birds. 6. The ecological role of birds in rivers particularly, and aquatic ecosystems generally, is currently neglected but worthy of considerable research effort.  相似文献   

Summary Simulation model estimates of bioenergetics are coupled with observations of diet selection and arthropod prey abundances to assess (1) the role of bird populations in trophic energy fluxes in a temporally heterogeneous shrubsteppe ecosystem, and (2) the degree to which those populations may be limited by food.The model estimates a total annual energy demand of 2.91 kcal m-2 yr-1 by the entire passerine avifauna during 1974, with daily demands varying from 0.0025 to 0.0260 kcal m-2. Coupling energy requirements with estimates of arthropod availability implies that bird demands on the insect standing crop never exceeded 0.7% per day of that standing crop during the breeding season or summer.Overall, the bioenergetic estimates imply that these birds are unlikely to be important in ecosystem processes and, reciprocally, are unlikely to be limited by food resources even during peak energy demands. As a consequence, I suggest that biological interactions such as competition play a relatively minor role in structuring the bird community in this variable environment.  相似文献   

Effects of plant traits on herbivore-carnivore interactions are well documented in component communities but are not well understood at the level of large, complex communities. We report on a 2-year field experiment testing mechanisms by which variation in food quality among eight temperate forest tree species alters avian suppression of an assemblage of dietary generalist caterpillars. Plant quality and bird effects varied dramatically among tree species; high-quality plants yielded herbivores of 50% greater mass than those on low-quality plants, and bird effects ranged from near 0% to 97% reductions in caterpillar density. We also find evidence for two mechanisms linking host plant quality to bird effects. If caterpillar density was statistically controlled for, birds had relatively strong effects on the herbivores of low-quality plants, as predicted by the slow-growth/high-mortality hypothesis. At the same time, caterpillar density increased with plant quality, and bird effects were density dependent. Consequently, the net effect of birds was strongest on the herbivores of high-quality plants, a dynamic we call the high-performance/high-mortality hypothesis. Host plant quality thus changes highly generalized herbivore-carnivore interactions by two complementary but opposing mechanisms. These results highlight the interrelatedness of plant-herbivore and herbivore-carnivore interactions and thus the importance of a tritrophic perspective.  相似文献   

Effects of tracking devices on survival are generally considered to be small. However, most studies to date have been conducted over a time-period of only one year, neglecting the possible accumulation of negative effects and consequently stronger negative impacts on survival when the individuals have carried the tracking devices for longer periods. We studied the effects of geolocators in a closely monitored and colour-ringed southern dunlin Calidris alpina schinzii population breeding in Finland. Our capture–recapture data spans 2002–2018 and includes individual histories of 338 colour-ringed breeding adult dunlins (the term ‘recapture' includes resightings of colour-ringed and individually recognizable birds). These data include 53 adults that were fitted with leg-flag mounted geolocators in 2013–2014. We followed their fates together with other colour-ringed birds not equipped with geolocators until 2018. Geolocators were removed within 1–2 years of attachment or were not removed at all, which allowed us to examine whether carrying a geolocator reduces survival and whether the reduction in survival becomes stronger when geolocators are carried for more than one year. We fit multi-state open population capture–recapture models to the encounter history data. When assessing geolocator effects, we accounted for recapture probabilities, time since marking, and sex and year effects on survival. We found that carrying a geolocator reduced survival, which contrasts with many studies that examined return rates after one year. Importantly, survival declined with the time the individual had carried a geolocator, suggesting that the negative effects accumulate over time. Hence, the longer monitoring of birds carrying a geolocator may explain the difference from previous studies. Despite their larger mass, females tended to be more strongly affected by geolocators than males. Our results warrant caution in conducting tracking studies and suggest that short-term studies examining return rates may not reveal all possible effects of tracking devices on survival.  相似文献   

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