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Several lines of evidence from experimental animal models of infection have clearly demonstrated the feasibility of a prophylactic and therapeutic vaccine against Helicobacter pylori. However, comparatively few clinical studies have been carried out to evaluate whether the positive results obtained in animals can be reproduced in humans. The preliminary results obtained with single component, mucosally delivered vaccines have shown very limited results thus far. Very good immunogenicity and safety profiles are now being obtained with parenterally delivered, aluminium hydroxide-adjuvanted multicomponent candidate vaccines. For sure, better vaccine formulations, better antigen preparation(s), better adjuvants, and better delivery systems have to be designed and tested for safety and immunogenicity. These studies are also needed for deciphering those aspects of the effector immune responses that correlate with protection against H. pylori infection and disease.  相似文献   

Marcin Górecki 《Chirality》2015,27(7):441-448
Recent advances in equipment enabled the collection of solid‐state electronic circular dichroism (ECD) spectra using the commercially available integrating sphere attachment for a regular ECD spectrometer. This accessory was designed to reduce negative factors occurring in solid‐state ECD measurements, and is, thereby, very useful for recording diffuse transmittance CD (DTCD) spectra using the pellet technique. In the present article, the operating principle of the integrating sphere and utility of the DTCD method in recording solid‐state ECD spectra is demonstrated. Based on illustrative examples, i.e., 10‐camphorsulfonic acid ammonium, cholest‐4‐en‐3‐one, (3R,4R,5S)‐oseltamivir, and (S)‐linezolid, ECD solid‐state measurements were performed by means of both transmission and diffusion methods and later compared. Selection of these compounds as models for comparative studies was made in view of their different chromophoric systems and the profound importance in the pharmaceutical industry. During the course of this work the benefits and limitations of the use of integrating sphere are presented. The final conclusion is that more relevant solid‐state spectra can be obtained by means of the DTCD method. Chirality 27:441–448, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The search for a unified framework describing the causal structure of biological entities is one of the main aims of Systems Biology. This comment tries to make the point that universal structures may be found in Systems Biology, in analogy with the success of Statistical Mechanics in describing a large variety of different physical systems in a single conceptual framework.  相似文献   

Adenosine deaminases acting on RNA (ADARs) are enzymes that convert adenosine (A) to inosine (I) in nuclear‐encoded RNAs and viral RNAs. The activity of ADARs has been demonstrated to be essential in mammals and serves to fine‐tune different proteins and modulate many molecular pathways. Recent findings have shown that ADAR activity is altered in many pathological tissues. Moreover, it has been shown that modulation of RNA editing is important for cell proliferation and migration, and has a protective effect on ischaemic insults. This review summarises available recent knowledge on A‐to‐I RNA editing and ADAR enzymes, with particular attention given to the emerging role played by these enzymes in cancer, some infectious diseases and immune‐mediated disorders.  相似文献   

Nucleotide diversity of the human Y chromosome is much lower than that in the rest of the genome. A new hypothesis postulates that this invariance may result from mutations in maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), leading to impaired reproduction among males and lowered male effective population size. If correct, we should expect to see low levels of polymorphism in the male-specific Y chromosome of many organisms but not necessarily in the female-specific W chromosome in organisms with female heterogamety. However, recent observations from birds suggest that the avian W chromosome is very low in nucleotide diversity. This indicates that mtDNA mutations cannot broadly explain the evolution of the sex-limited chromosome. Other work has suggested that sexual selection at loci involved in sex determination or secondary sexual characteristics might reduce levels of genetic variability on Y through hitch-hiking effects. Although the W chromosome does not seen to play a dominant role for sex determination in birds, it cannot be excluded that selective sweeps arising from natural or sexual selection contribute to the low levels of genetic variability seen on this chromosome.  相似文献   

Genetic plasticity plays a central role in the biology of the human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae. This is illustrated by the existence of at least 90 different capsular types (the polysaccharide capsule has an essential antiphagocytic function) as well as by the rapid emergence of penicillin-resistant (PenR) pneumococcal isolates. Natural genetic transformation is believed to be essential for this genetic plasticity; capsular types can be switched by intraspecies transformation, whereas interspecies transformation is responsible for the appearance, in the PenR isolates, of mosaic pbp genes, which encode proteins with reduced affinity for penicillin. Data on the regulation of competence for transformation in S. pneumoniae, on the control of intra- and interspecies genetic exchange and on the shuffling and capture of exogenous sequences during transformation are reviewed. Possible links between transformation and changes in environmental conditions are discussed, and the adaptive 'strategy' deduced for S. pneumoniae is compared with that of Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

At present, the production of cement contributes approximately 8% to global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, whereas a further increase in the future is expected. To reduce these emissions, a prominent measure of the cement industry is to use materials such as coal fly ash (CFA) as a cement substitute, but the availability of qualified ash is limited. The development of “green cements” with lower CO2 emissions attracts attention within the cement industry and politics. Recently, a new invention for a calcium carbonate (CaCO3)‐based cement intends to use CFA as an alkaline resource during a manufacturing process based on CO2 mineralization converting anthropogenic CO2 into stable calcareous materials by using calcium‐bearing brines. In our systems analysis, we demonstrate that the alkalinity of CFA usable for mass production of cements is poor. The alkalinity of CFA primarily depends on the dissolution of free lime. For CO2 mineralization, the resulting alkalinity is just sufficient to precipitate the calcium supplied by the CFA itself, and the capacity of CO2 mineralization is low. Thus, CFA could only be used as a supplementary resource. Even at locations where exceptional calcium‐rich ash is available, very large amounts of ash must be processed. Globally, only a few million tonnes of calcium could be extracted in this way. Because qualified CFA is already used in the construction industry, the extraction of calcium from nonqualified, more polluted CFA is associated with a risk of unwanted environmental effects and implies an elaborated pollutant control.  相似文献   

The content and organization of mental health care have been heavily influenced by the view that mental difficulties come as diagnosable disorders that can be treated by specialist practitioners who apply evidence‐based practice (EBP) guidelines of symptom reduction at the group level. However, the EBP symptom‐reduction model is under pressure, as it may be disconnected from what patients need, ignores evidence of the trans‐syndromal nature of mental difficulties, overestimates the contribution of the technical aspects of treatment compared to the relational and ritual components of care, and underestimates the lack of EBP group‐to‐individual generalizability. A growing body of knowledge indicates that mental illnesses are seldom “cured” and are better framed as vulnerabilities. Important gains in well‐being can be achieved when individuals learn to live with mental vulnerabilities through a slow process of strengthening resilience in the social and existential domains. In this paper, we examine what a mental health service would look like if the above factors were taken into account. The mental health service of the 21st century may be best conceived of as a small‐scale healing community fostering connectedness and strengthening resilience in learning to live with mental vulnerability, complemented by a limited number of regional facilities. Peer support, organized at the level of a recovery college, may form the backbone of the community. Treatments should be aimed at trans‐syndromal symptom reduction, tailored to serve the higher‐order process of existential recovery and social participation, and applied by professionals who have been trained to collaborate, embrace idiography and maximize effects mediated by therapeutic relationship and the healing effects of ritualized care interactions. Finally, integration with a public mental health system of e‐communities providing information, peer and citizen support and a range of user‐rated self‐management tools may help bridge the gap between the high prevalence of common mental disorder and the relatively low capacity of any mental health service.  相似文献   

Fever is a fundamental response to infection and a hallmark of inflammatory disease, which has been conserved and shaped through millions of years of natural selection. Although fever is able to stimulate both innate and adaptive immune responses, the very nature of all the molecular thermosensors, the timing and the detailed mechanisms translating a physical trigger into a fundamental biological response are incompletely understood. Here we discuss the consequence of hyperthermic stress in dendritic cells (DCs), and how the sole physical input is sensed as an alert stimulus triggering a complex transition in a very narrow temporal window. Importantly, we review recent findings demonstrating the significant and specific changes discovered in gene expression and in the metabolic phenotype associated with hyperthermia in DCs. Furthermore, we discuss the results that support a model based on a thermally induced autocrine signalling, which rewires and sets a metabolism checkpoint linked to immune activation of dendritic cells. Importantly, in this context, we highlight the novel regulatory functions discovered for IGFBP‐6 protein: induction of chemotaxis; capacity to increase oxidative burst and degranulation of neutrophils, ability to induce metabolic changes in DCs. Finally, we discuss the role of IGFBP‐6 in autoimmune disease and how novel mechanistic insights could lead to exploit thermal stress‐related mechanisms in the context of cancer therapy.  相似文献   

A number of evolutionary theories of human life history assume a quantity-quality tradeoff for offspring production: parents with fewer offspring can have higher biological fitness than those with more. Direct evidence for such a tradeoff, however, is mixed. We tested this assumption in a community of Ecuadorian Shuar hunter-horticulturalists, using child anthropometry as a proxy for fitness. We measured the impact of household consumer/producer (CP) ratio on height, weight, skinfold thicknesses, and arm and calf circumferences of 85 children and young adults. To control for possible "phenotypic" correlates that might mask the effect of CP ratio on anthropometry, we also measured household garden productivity, wealth, and social status. Regression models of the age-standardized variables indicated a significant negative impact of CP ratio on child growth and nutrition. The age-standardized height and weight of children in households with the largest CP ratio (10) were 1.38 and 1.44 standard deviations, respectively, below those of children in households with the smallest CP ratio (2). Surprisingly, garden productivity, wealth, and status had little to no effect on the fitness proxies. There was, however, an interesting and unexpected interaction between status and sex: for females, but not males, higher father status correlated significantly with higher values on the proxies.  相似文献   

Many ecosystems contain sympatric predator species that hunt in different places and times. We tested whether this provides vacant hunting domains, places and times where and when predators are least active, that prey use to minimize threats from multiple predators simultaneously. We measured how northern Yellowstone elk (Cervus elaphus) responded to wolves (Canis lupus) and cougars (Puma concolor), and found that elk selected for areas outside the high‐risk domains of both predators consistent with the vacant domain hypothesis. This enabled elk to avoid one predator without necessarily increasing its exposure to the other. Our results demonstrate how the diel cycle can serve as a key axis of the predator hunting domain that prey exploit to manage predation risk from multiple sources. We argue that a multi‐predator, spatiotemporal framework is vital to understand the causes and consequences of prey spatial response to predation risk in environments with more than one predator.  相似文献   

SELDI-TOF-MS is rapidly gaining popularity as a screening tool for clinical applications of proteomics. Application of adequate statistical techniques in all the stages from measurement to information is obligatory. One of the statistical methods often used in proteomics is classification: the assignment of subjects to discrete categories, for example healthy or diseased. Lately, many new classification methods have been developed, often specifically for the analysis of X-omics data. For proteomics studies a good strategy for evaluating classification results is of prime importance, because usually the number of objects will be small and it would be wasteful to set aside part of these as a 'mere' test set. The present paper offers such a strategy in the form of a protocol which can be used for choosing among different statistical classification methods and obtaining figures of merit of their performance. This paper also illustrates the usefulness of proteomics in a clinical setting, serum samples from Gaucher disease patients, when used in combination with an appropriate classification method.  相似文献   

Abstract Most deceit‐pollinated species involve floral dimorphisms characterized by the presence of rewarding male flowers and nonrewarding female flowers. It has been proposed that this polymorphism establishes the conditions for the action of frequency dependent selection (FDS). The tendency of foraging animals to aggregate in areas of high resource density suggests that pollination efficiency and fruit production may be positively influenced by flower density (density dependent selection, DDS). In this paper we offer a graphical model describing the effects of FDS and DDS on a monoecious species pollinated by deceit. We test the FDS and DDS assumptions and the predictions of the model using field observations and experimental populations of Begonia gracilis in which population sex ratio and flower density were controlled. We found a marked effect of both FDS and DDS on pollinator visitation, fruit‐set, and on the probability of female flowers to setting fruits. We conclude that these two types of selection have had a strong influence on the evolution of deceit‐pollinated species.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that the red light and CO2 responses of stomata are caused by a signal from the mesophyll to the guard cells. Experiments were conducted to test the idea that this signal is a vapour‐phase ion. Stomata in isolated epidermes of Tradescantia pallida were found to respond to air ions created by an electrode that was positioned under the epidermes. Anthocyanins in the epidermes of this species were observed to change colour in response to these air ions, and this change in colour was attributed to changes in pH. A similar change in lower epidermal colour was observed in intact leaves upon illumination and with changes in CO2 concentration. Based on the change in epidermal colour, the pH of the epidermis was estimated to be approximately 7.0 in darkness and 6.5 in the light. Stomata in isolated epidermes responded to pH when suspended over (but not in contact with) solutions of different pH. We speculate that stomatal responses to CO2 and light are caused by vapour‐phase ions, possibly hydronium ions that change the pH of the epidermis.  相似文献   

Intracellular membrane trafficking in eukaryotes involves the budding of vesicles from a donor compartment, their translocation, and subsequent fusion with a target membrane. This last step has been shown to involve SNARE proteins, classified into two categories, vesicular (v)-SNAREs and target (t)-SNAREs. It is the pairing of v- and t-SNAREs that is responsible for bringing the lipid bilayers together for membrane fusion. Key to the discovery of SNAREs is the sensitivity of their neuronal synaptic prototypes, which mediate the release of neurotransmitters, to clostridial neurotoxins. In this review, we focus on tetanus neurotoxin-sensitive and tetanus neurotoxin-insensitive v-SNAREs, in particular synaptobrevin and cellubrevin, both tetanus neurotoxin-sensitive and Tetanus neurotoxin-Insensitive Vesicle-Associated Membrane Protein (TI-VAMP, also called VAMP7). The brevins are characterized by an RD sequence in the middle of their SNARE motif whereas TI-VAMP has an RG sequence. These two categories of exocytic v-SNAREs define two important routes to and from the plasma membrane: one sensitive, the other insensitive to tetanus neurotoxin. We also discuss the central role of the endosomal system that could be considered, as already suggested for Rab proteins, as a mosaic of v-SNAREs, thus raising the question of whether or not these two routes can merge, and if so, how and where.  相似文献   

Folsomia manolachei Bagnall, 1939 (Collembola), is a widespread and common European species. However, it may represent a complex of species also associated with the climatically more extreme environments of the karst landforms. Three species of the genus Folsomia, distributed in the Slovak Karst region (Central Europe), namely three different populations of F. manolachei, and one population of F. penicula and F. candida, were analysed using a partial sequence of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI barcoding section). The DNA barcoding suggested the existence of cryptic diversity in populations of the eurytopic species Folsomia manolachei. The cold‐adapted population of ‘F. manolachei’ was abundant in primary soil on stony debris near the permanent floor ice (yearly air temperature ~0°C) in the collapsed karst doline of the Silická ?adnica Ice Cave. It showed a genetic differentiation supported by intra‐ and interspecific distances that ranged from 0.0% to 1.4% and from 19.2% to 24.0%, respectively. Analysis using Taxon DNA showed a large barcoding gap between intra‐ and interspecific COI sequences. Genetic differentiation suggests a scenario of cryptic speciation in the population of ‘F. manolachei’ occupying harsh soils near the floor ice. A survival test showed the different responses of ‘F. manolachei’ and other populations to low temperature. Within a temperature range from ?3 to ?10°C, the ‘F. manolachei’ population from Silická ?adnica was the most cold‐resistant, showing a lethal dose LD50 of ?7.8°C. The two forest populations of F. manolachei had LD50 ?6.1°C and ?6.0°C, respectively; the most cold‐sensitive F. penicula showed an LD50 of ?5.4°C. The survival of the tested springtails significantly decreased with temperature (p < 0.0001). The lethal temperature and the shape of the survival–temperature curves were different in different populations. The impact of population was significant at p < 0.0001, and the interaction between population and temperature at p < 0.039 was significant as well. Crypticity vs. phenotypic plasticity in Folsomia manolachei populations is discussed in terms of DNA barcoding and the cold tolerance data provided by this study.  相似文献   

1. Seasonal relationships between macrophyte and phytoplankton populations may alter considerably as lakes undergo eutrophication. Understanding of these changes may be key to the interpretation of ecological processes operating over longer (decadal‐centennial) timescales. 2. We explore the seasonal dynamics of macrophytes (measured twice in June and August) and phytoplankton (measured monthly May–September) populations in 39 shallow lakes (29 in the U.K. and 10 in Denmark) covering broad gradients for nutrients and plant abundance. 3. Three site groups were identified based on macrophyte seasonality; 16 lakes where macrophyte abundance was perennially low and the water generally turbid (‘turbid lakes’); 7 where macrophyte abundance was high in June but low in August (‘crashing’ lakes); and 12 where macrophyte abundance was high in both June and August (‘stable’ lakes). The seasonal behaviour of the crashing and turbid lakes was extremely similar with a consistent increase in nutrient concentrations and chlorophyll‐a over May–September. By contrast in the stable lakes, seasonal changes were dampened with chlorophyll‐a consistently low (<10–15 μg L?1) over the entire summer. The crashing lakes were dominated by one or a combination of Potamogeton pusillus, Potamogeton pectinatus and Zannichellia palustris, whereas Ceratophyllum demersum and Chara spp. were more abundant in the stable lakes. 4. A long‐term loss of macrophyte species diversity has occurred in many shallow lakes affected by eutrophication. One common pathway is from a species‐rich plant community with charophytes to a species‐poor community dominated by P. pusillus, P. pectinatus and Z. palustris. Such compositional changes may often be accompanied by a substantial reduction in the seasonal duration of plant dominance and a greater tendency for incursions by phytoplankton. We hypothesise a slow‐enacting (10–100 s years) feedback loop in nutrient‐enriched shallow lakes whereby increases in algal abundance are associated with losses of macrophyte species and hence different plant seasonal strategies. In turn such changes may favour increased phytoplankton production thus placing further pressure on remaining macrophytes. This study blurs the distinction between so‐called turbid phytoplankton‐dominated and clear plant‐dominated shallow lakes and suggests that plant loss from them may be a gradual process.  相似文献   

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