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It is widely accepted that the effects of global sea‐level changes at the transition from the Devonian to the Carboniferous are recorded in deposits on the shelf of northern Gondwana. These latest Devonian strata had been thought to be poor in fossils due to the Hangenberg mass extinction. In the Ma'der (eastern Anti‐Atlas), however, the Hangenberg Black Shale claystones (latest Famennian) are rich in exceptionally preserved fossils displaying the remains of non‐mineralized structures. The diversity in animal species of these strata is, however, low. Remarkably, the organic‐rich claystones have yielded abundant remains of Ammonoidea preserved with their jaws, both in situ and isolated. This is important because previously, the jaws of only one of the main Devonian ammonoid clades had been found (Frasnian Gephuroceratina). Here, we describe four types of jaws of which two could be assigned confidently to the Order Clymeniida and to the Suborder Tornoceratina. These findings imply that chitinous normal‐type jaws were likely to have already been present at the origin of the whole clade Ammonoidea, i.e. in the early Emsian (or earlier). Vertebrate jaws evolved prior to the Early Devonian origin of ammonoids. The temporal succession of evolutionary events suggests that it could have been the indirect positive selection pressure towards strong (and thus preservable) jaws since defensive structures of potential prey animals would otherwise have made them inaccessible to jawless predators in the course of the mid‐Palaeozoic marine revolution. In this respect, our findings reflect the macroecological changes that occurred in the Devonian. [Correction added on 28 July 2016 after first online publication: In the Abstract, the sentence “Vertebrate jaws probably … in the Early Devonian” was amended]  相似文献   

Rhododendron aureum Georgi is a perennial evergreen dwarf shrub that grows at all elevations within the alpine tundra of northern China. Previous research has investigated the plant communities of R. aureum; however, little information is available regarding interspecific competition and underground soil microbial community composition. The objective of our study was to determine whether the presence of R. aureum creates a unique soil microbiome and to investigate the relationship between R. aureum and other plant species. Our study site ranged from 1,800 to 2,600 m above sea level on the northern slope of the Changbai Mountain. The results show that the soil from sites with an R. aureum community had a higher abundance of nitrogen‐fixing bacteria and a higher resistance to pathogens than soils from sites without R. aureum. We emphasize that R. aureum promotes a unique soil microbial community structure that is distinct from those associated with other plants. Elevation and microbial biomass were the main influencing factors for plant community structure. Analysis of interspecific relationships reveals that R. aureum is negatively associated with most other dominant shrubs and herbs, suggesting interspecific competition. It is necessary to focus on other dominant species if protection and restoration of the R. aureum competition is to occur. In the future, more is needed to prove whether R. aureum decreases species diversity in the tundra ecosystems of Changbai Mountain.  相似文献   

Fertiliser application can not only influence plant communities, but also the soil microbial community dynamics, and consequently soil quality. Specifically, mineral fertilisation can directly or indirectly affect soil chemical properties, microbial abundance and, the structure and diversity of soil microbial communities. We investigated the impact of six different mineral fertiliser regimes in a maize/soybean rotation system: control (CK, without fertilisation), PS (application of phosphorus plus sulphur), NS (application of nitrogen plus S), NP (application of N plus P), NPS (application of N, P plus S) and NPSm (application of N, P, S plus micronutrients). Soil samples were collected at the physiological maturity stage of maize and soybean in March of 2013 and 2014, respectively. Overall, mineral fertilisation resulted in significantly decreased soil pH and increased total organic carbon compared with the control (CK). The analysis of terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T‐RFLP) revealed that mineral fertilisers caused a shift in the composition of both bacterial and fungal communities. In 2013, the highest value of Shannon diversity of bacterial terminal restriction fragments (TRFs) was found in control soils. In 2014, NPSm treated soils showed the lowest values of diversity for both bacterial and fungal TRFs. In both crop growing seasons, the analysis of phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) detected the lowest value of total microbial biomass under CK. As PLFA analysis can be used to evaluate total microbial community, this result suggests that fertilisation increased total microbial biomass. When the bacterial and fungal abundance were examined using real time polymerase chain reaction, the results revealed that mineral fertilisation led to decreased bacterial abundance (16S rRNA), while fungal abundance (18S rRNA) was found to be increased in both crop growing seasons. Our results show that mineral fertiliser application has a significant impact on soil properties, bacterial and fungal abundance and microbial diversity. However, further studies are needed to better understand the mechanisms involved in the changes to microbial communities as a consequence of mineral fertilisation.  相似文献   

The ca. 1.38 billion years (Ga) old Roper Group of the McArthur Basin, northern Australia, is one of the most extensive Proterozoic hydrocarbon‐bearing units. Organic‐rich black siltstones from the Velkerri Formation were deposited in a deep‐water sequence and were analysed to determine their organic geochemical (biomarker) signatures, which were used to interpret the microbial diversity and palaeoenvironment of the Roper Seaway. The indigenous hydrocarbon biomarker assemblages describe a water column dominated by bacteria with large‐scale heterotrophic reworking of the organic matter in the water column or bottom sediment. Possible evidence for microbial reworking includes a large unresolved complex mixture (UCM), high ratios of mid‐chained and terminally branched monomethyl alkanes relative to n‐alkanes—features characteristic of indigenous Proterozoic bitumen. Steranes, biomarkers for single‐celled and multicellular eukaryotes, were below detection limits in all extracts analysed, despite eukaryotic microfossils having been previously identified in the Roper Group, albeit largely in organically lean shallower water facies. These data suggest that eukaryotes, while present in the Roper Seaway, were ecologically restricted and contributed little to export production. The 2,3,4‐ and 2,3,6‐trimethyl aryl isoprenoids (TMAI) were absent or in very low concentration in the Velkerri Formation. The low abundance is primary and not caused by thermal destruction. The combination of increased dibenzothiophene in the Amungee Member of the Velkerri Formation and trace metal redox geochemistry suggests that degradation of carotenoids occurred during intermittent oxygen exposure at the sediment–water interface and/or the water column was rarely euxinic in the photic zone and likely only transiently euxinic at depth. A comparison of this work with recently published biomarker and trace elemental studies from other mid‐Proterozoic basins demonstrates that microbial environments, water column geochemistry and basin redox were heterogeneous.  相似文献   

There is an increasing interest to combine phylogenetic data with distributional and ecological records to assess how natural communities arrange under an evolutionary perspective. In the microbial world, there is also a need to go beyond the problematic species definition to deeply explore ecological patterns using genetic data. We explored links between evolution/phylogeny and community ecology using bacterial 16S rRNA gene information from a high‐altitude lakes district data set. We described phylogenetic community composition, spatial distribution, and β‐diversity and biogeographical patterns applying evolutionary relatedness without relying on any particular operational taxonomic unit definition. High‐altitude lakes districts usually contain a large mosaic of highly diverse small water bodies and conform a fine biogeographical model of spatially close but environmentally heterogeneous ecosystems. We sampled 18 lakes in the Pyrenees with a selection criteria focused on capturing the maximum environmental variation within the smallest geographical area. The results showed highly diverse communities nonrandomly distributed with phylogenetic β‐diversity patterns mainly shaped by the environment and not by the spatial distance. Community similarity based on both bacterial taxonomic composition and phylogenetic β‐diversity shared similar patterns and was primarily structured by similar environmental drivers. We observed a positive relationship between lake area and phylogenetic diversity with a slope consistent with highly dispersive planktonic organisms. The phylogenetic approach incorporated patterns of common ancestry into bacterial community analysis and emerged as a very convenient analytical tool for direct inter‐ and intrabiome biodiversity comparisons and sorting out microbial habitats with potential application in conservation studies.  相似文献   

Williams  Berwyn L.  Grayston  Susan J.  Reid  Eileen J. 《Plant and Soil》2000,225(1-2):175-185
The impact of urine on the microbial biomass, activity and community structure was compared in the soil beneath two pastures in the Scottish uplands; Fasset, a natural Agrostis capillaris–Festuca ovina–Galium saxatile grassland and Strathfinella, a semi-natural grassland, improved with fertiliser addition. Community level physiological profiles (CLPP) were used to characterise the microbial communities. The utilisation of sugars, oligosaccharides, alcohols, carboxylic acids, long chain aliphatic acids, acidic, basic and neutral amino acids, amide N, phenolic acids and long chain aliphatic acids was used to compare the soils and the impact of synthetic urine addition. In the untreated soils, the utilisation of all the substrates decreased from the first week in May through to October. Averaged over all times and urine treatment, the potential utilisation of all substrates except for phenolic acids, long chain aliphatic acids and carboxylic acids was greater in the improved and more intensively grazed Strathfinella site. When averaged over all sample times, urine increased the utilisation of sugars, oligosaccharides, basic amino acids and amide N and the increases were greater in the unimproved, less intensively grazed, Fasset soil than that at Strathfinella. The effect of urine tended to be greatest during the period between 2 and 5 weeks after urine addition when utilisation of alcohols, acidic and neutral amino acids was also increased. Microbial biomass C in the control soils was 155.9 and 112.7 g C m−2 at Fasset and Strathfinella, respectively. Values did not change significantly with time and were unchanged by the addition of urine. However, urine addition significantly increased basal respiration rates at Fasset and decreased them at Strathfinella. Urine also increased bacterial numbers in both soils, but had no consistent effect on fungi or yeasts. The significance of these findings for studies of soil microbial community structure and activity in grazed upland grasslands is discussed. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The effects of drought on soil dynamics after fire are poorly known, particularly its long‐term (i.e., years) legacy effects once rainfall returns to normal. Understanding this is particularly important for nutrient‐poor soils in semi‐arid regions affected by fire, in which rainfall is projected to decrease with climate change. Here, we studied the effects of post‐fire drought and its legacy on soil microbial community structure and functionality in a CistusErica shrubland (Spain). Rainfall total and patterns were experimentally modified to produce an unburned control (natural rainfall) and four burned treatments: control (natural rainfall), historical control (long‐term average rainfall), moderate drought (percentile 8 historical rainfall, 5 months of drought per year), and severe drought (percentile 2, 7 months of drought). Soil nutrients and microbial community composition (ester‐linked fatty acid approach) and functionality (enzyme activities and C mineralization rate) were monitored during the first 4 years after fire under rainfall treatments, plus two additional ones without them (six post‐fire years). We found that the recovery of burned soils was lower under drought. Post‐fire drought increased nitrate in the short term and reduced available phosphorus, exchangeable potassium, soil organic matter, enzyme activities, and carbon mineralization rate. Moreover, drought decreased soil total microbial biomass and fungi, with bacteria becoming relatively more abundant. Two years after discontinuing the drought treatments, the drought legacy was significant for available phosphorus and enzyme activities. Although microbial biomass did not show any drought legacy effect, the proportion of fungi and bacteria (mainly gram‐positive) did, being lower and higher, respectively, in former drought‐treated plots. We show that drought has an important impact on soil processes, and that some of its effects persist for at least 2 years after the drought ended. Therefore, drought and its legacy effects can be important for modeling biogeochemical processes in burned soils under future climate change.  相似文献   

该研究以典型的亚热带—温带过渡区森林为对象,采用野外过程监测和控制试验相结合的方法,利用磷脂脂肪酸和土壤胞外酶活性分别表征土壤微生物群落结构和活性,并结合微环境因子,重点探究土壤微生物生物量、群落结构和活性对植物地下碳输入的响应特征。结果表明:在观测周期内,处理均能显著降低三组年龄段林分的土壤微生物量碳,其变化幅度在-8.72%~-5.72%之间,其中在80年的林分中降幅最大,而在160年的林分中降幅最小;微生物量氮的变化规律与相应的微生物量碳的变化规律相似,但与对照相比其差异性均未达到显著性水平;另外,经壕沟处理2~4个月后,所有林分的土壤微生物量碳和氮与对照相比出现增加的现象。处理均能对三组年龄段林分的土壤微生物群落结构产生不同程度的影响,其中40年林分的土壤微生物群落对处理的响应程度要高于另外两个年龄段的林分;与对照相比,壕沟处理样方的腐生真菌的相对丰富度均下降明显,其中在40年和80年林分中的下降幅度达到显著水平,而细菌、放线菌和丛枝菌根真菌均无明显变化;壕沟处理样方的水解酶(β-葡萄糖苷酶和N-乙酰-葡萄糖苷酶)活性均显著下降,而氧化酶(酚氧化酶和过氧化物酶)活性的变化相对较小,除80年的林分外,其余林分均不显著。此外,处理均不能显著影响土壤的含水量和温度。该研究结果为初步阐明全球气候变化背景下森林土壤微生物结构及其功能的变化特征以及更加精确预测未来森林土壤碳的变化趋势提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

1. Management of invasive species benefits from detailed information on the biology of the invaders, both from where they have already invaded, and from within their areas of origin. Western mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis, is a widely invasive and destructive freshwater fish. However, within its native range, G. affinis co‐exists with many other fish species in a wide variety of habitats without obvious harm. 2. In this study, we used data on fish communities within the native range of G. affinis at 154 sites across a broad spatial scale to examine the effects of G. affinis on species richness and diversity of residual (species other than G. affinis) fish assemblages. We further used data based on annual samples at eight fixed river sites over 18 summers to examine temporal population dynamics of G. affinis and to test factors associated with population fluctuations. 3. Higher residual species richness occurred in the presence of G. affinis, but residual diversity did not differ. We found an inverse relationship between relative abundance of G. affinis and residual species richness (although effect size was extremely small), but no effect on residual diversity. 4. Gambusia affinis populations fluctuated markedly across summers at all eight fixed sites, but population sizes at a site over time were not autocorrelated. However, population fluctuations were highly correlated among sites across all years, suggesting that regional factors influenced population size. Regional abundance of G. affinis did not correlate with drought, rainfall or winter temperature, but varied with spring temperature. We suggest earlier onset of reproduction in warmer springs resulted in larger summer populations. 5. Overall, within its native range, G. affinis does not appear to impact negatively on the assemblages in which it occurs, possibly due to fluctuations in its density. These findings suggest that introduced Gambusia populations, and those of other invasive species, warrant careful monitoring over long periods of time where they have invaded. Long‐term monitoring of new populations can establish if they are prone to ‘boom and bust’ dynamics, in which case the invader may be less a threat than sometimes assumed. Population information from long‐term studies, either in their native ranges or at invaded sites, can thus help to form the basis of prudent, cost‐effective management strategies for invasive organisms.  相似文献   

This study shows that Vochysia guatemalensis tree plantations were associated with enhanced soil biotic and abiotic characteristics in previously cleared forests in the northern zone of Costa Rica, suggesting the possible use of this practice as a restoration strategy for local land owners. Soil samples from a primary forest, secondary forest, and a 13‐year‐old plantation of V. guatemalensis had greater relative abundances of DNA sequences of microbial genera critical for carbon‐use (C‐use) efficiency (i.e. the saprobe, complex C and wood rot/lignin decomposer fungi, and bacterial lignin and other complex C degraders), and greater levels of total organic carbon, C‐biomass, and microbial quotients as indicators of enhanced C‐use efficiency, than found in soils of adjacent 5‐year‐old V. guatemalensis plantations and abandoned non‐productive pasture/grasslands (GRs). The major research conclusions were that (1) conversion of forested land into abandoned pasture/GRs decreased the C‐use efficiency in the soils and the microbial groups associated with C‐use efficiency; (2) soils in plantations of V. guatemalensis were associated with increased abundances of the DNA of these same microbial groups and enhanced C‐use efficiency; (3) DNA‐based taxonomic analysis of microbes and analysis of the microbial quotient values can be used to monitor soil ecosystems for assessment of the efficacy of restoration activities. Thus, planting V. guatemalensis on damaged lands in the Maquenque National Wildlife Refuge should be encouraged to provide a sustainable forestry crop that can be harvested rotationally, while improving soil ecosystem health and reducing the pressure to harvest other forest sites.  相似文献   

Female European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis, produce and males respond to sex pheromone blends with either E‐ or Z‐Δ11‐tetradecenyl acetate as the major component. E‐ and Z‐race populations are sympatric in the Eastern United States, Southeastern Canada, and the Mediterranean region of Europe. The E‐ and Z‐pheromone races of O. nubilalis are models for incipient species formation, but hybridization frequencies within natural populations remain obscure due to lack of a high‐throughput phenotyping method. Lassance et al. previously identified a pheromone gland‐expressed fatty‐acyl reductase gene (pgfar) that controls the ratio of Δ11‐tetradecenyl acetate stereoisomers. We identified three single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers within pgfar that are differentially fixed between E‐ and Z‐race females, and that are ≥98.2% correlated with female pheromone ratios measured by gas chromatography. Genotypic data from locations in the United States demonstrated that pgfar‐z alleles were fixed within historically allopatric Z‐pheromone race populations in the Midwest, and that hybrid frequency ranged from 0.00 to 0.42 within 11 sympatric sites where the two races co‐occur in the Eastern United States (mean hybridization frequency or heterozygosity (HO) = 0.226 ± 0.279). Estimates of hybridization between the E‐ and Z‐races are important for understanding the dynamics involved in maintaining race integrity, and are consistent with previous estimates of low levels of genetic divergence between E‐ and Z‐races and the presence of weak prezygotic mating barriers.  相似文献   

Earthworms and plants greatly affect belowground properties; however, their combined effects are more attractive based on the ecosystem scale in the field condition. To address this point, we manipulated earthworms (exotic endogeic species Pontoscolex corethrurus) and plants (living plants [native tree species Evodia lepta] and artificial plants) to investigate their combined effects on soil microorganisms, soil nutrients, and soil respiration in a subtropical forest. The manipulation of artificial plants aimed to simulate the physical effects of plants (e.g., shading and interception of water) such that the biological effects of plants could be evaluated separately. We found that relative to the controls, living plants but not artificial plants significantly increased the ratio of fungal to bacterial phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) and fungal PLFAs. Furthermore, earthworms plus living plants significantly increased the soil respiration and decreased the soil NH4+‐N, which indicates that the earthworm effects on the associated carbon, and nitrogen processes were greatly affected by living plants. The permutational multivariate analysis of variance results also indicated that living plants but not earthworms or artificial plants significantly changed the soil microbial community. Our results suggest that the effects of plants on soil microbes and associated soil properties in this study were largely explained by their biological rather than their physical effects.  相似文献   

This study examines fresh renewable water resources available for bioenergy feedstock production in the United States. The impacts of feedstock irrigation on surface and groundwater resources available to nonbioenergy sectors were quantified using a pair of water availability indexes: streamflow availability index and percolation flow availability index. The two metrics were applied to both historical (2008) and three possible future biomass production scenarios from the 2016 U.S. Billion‐Ton Report at the county level. For both historical and future scenarios, we found that the consumptive irrigation requirements for bioenergy feedstock account for <0.01% of annual streamflow in all but three counties in Nebraska. Results suggest that the irrigation demand of future biomass production could be supplied by annual renewable groundwater flow in about 94% of feedstock‐growing counties that use groundwater for irrigation, representing about 92% of production tonnage. Counties that require irrigation from nonrenewable groundwater resources are mostly located in the Northern Plains and Pacific regions. We also evaluated the sensitivity of crop water footprint estimation to soil moisture carryover by comparing blue water estimates from six different empirical and process‐based methods. Our findings suggest that accounting for preseason soil moisture is critical for representative blue water estimation, so that the irrigation water consumption is not overestimated. This is especially true in the Corn Belt region, where blue water estimates with and without preseason soil moisture would be about 1.9 versus 45.5 billion m3/year under the historical scenario. This difference is smaller in semiarid regions like the High Plains, but the blue water estimate can still triple if soil moisture is not considered. From the perspective of renewable surface water and groundwater resources, scaling feedstock production up in the High Plains and California will require careful planning integrated with water management strategies to improve water resource conservation.  相似文献   

Aim Ixodes scapularis is the most important vector of human tick‐borne pathogens in the United States, which include the agents of Lyme disease, human babesiosis and human anaplasmosis, among others. The density of host‐seeking I. scapularis nymphs is an important component of human risk for acquiring Borrelia burgdorferi, the aetiological agent of Lyme disease. In this study we used climate and field sampling data to generate a predictive map of the density of host‐seeking I. scapularis nymphs that can be used by the public, physicians and public health agencies to assist with the diagnosis and reporting of disease, and to better target disease prevention and control efforts. Location Eastern United States of America. Methods We sampled host‐seeking I. scapularis nymphs in 304 locations uniformly distributed east of the 100th meridian between 2004 and 2006. Between May and September, 1000 m2 were drag sampled three to six times per site. We developed a zero‐inflated negative binomial model to predict the density of host‐seeking I. scapularis nymphs based on altitude, interpolated weather station and remotely sensed data. Results Variables that had the strongest relationship with nymphal density were altitude, monthly mean vapour pressure deficit and spatial autocorrelation. Forest fragmentation and soil texture were not predictive. The best‐fit model identified two main foci – the north‐east and upper Midwest – and predicted the presence and absence of I. scapularis nymphs with 82% accuracy, with 89% sensitivity and 82% specificity. Areas of concordance and discordance with previous studies were discussed. Areas with high predicted but low observed densities of host‐seeking nymphs were identified as potential expansion fronts. Main conclusions This model is unique in its extensive and unbiased field sampling effort, allowing for an accurate delineation of the density of host‐seeking I. scapularis nymphs, an important component of human risk of infection for B. burgdorferi and other I. scapularis‐borne pathogens.  相似文献   

Increased understanding of the species–area relationship (SAR) can improve its usefulness as a tool for prediction of species loss for biodiversity conservation targets. This study was conducted: (i) to determine the best plant attribute for the SAR in the community of arthropods living within the grass Muhlenbergia robusta; (ii) to determine the contribution of phenophases of plant foliage (dry and fresh), shade and conspecific distance to the variation in arthropod richness within the plant; (iii) to determine the best functional model of changes in the abundance, diversity and biomass in communities of arthropods in response to increases in plant size; (iv) to determine the best host‐plant attribute for prediction of these community attributes; and (v) to determine the effect of the plant phenophase, shade and M. robusta isolation on the abundance, diversity and biomass of the arthropod community. The above‐ground dry weight of grass was found to be the best host‐plant attribute for the SAR, while the light environment explained the arthropod richness within the grass, with higher richness observed in shaded environments. This study also showed that the best functional mathematical models for estimation of changes in the abundance, dry weight and diversity of arthropods in response to increases in grass size (dry weight) are the power model, exponential model and logarithmic model, respectively. Furthermore, the host‐plant foliage phenophase, shade and the isolation of M. robusta with other conspecifics had no effect on the abundance, biomass or diversity per basal area of the grass.  相似文献   

A critical component in the effort to restore the Kissimmee River ecosystem is the reestablishment of an aquatic invertebrate community typical of free‐flowing rivers of the southeastern United States. This article evaluates early responses of benthic and snag‐dwelling macroinvertebrates to restoration of flow and habitat structure following Phase I construction (interim period) of the Kissimmee River Restoration Project. Replicate benthic and snag samples were collected from remnant river channels in Pool A (Control site), and Pool C, the site of the first phase of restoration (Impact site). Samples were collected quarterly for 2 years prior to construction (baseline) and monthly or quarterly for 3 years following Phase I construction and restoration of flow. Baseline benthic data indicate a community dominated by taxa tolerant of organic pollution and low levels of dissolved oxygen, including the dipterans Chaoborus americanus (Chaoboridae) and the Chironomus/Goeldichironomus group (Chironomidae). Baseline snag data indicate a community dominated by gathering‐collectors, shredders, and scrapers. Passive filtering‐collector invertebrates were rare. Following restoration of flow, benthic invertebrate communities are numerically dominated by lotic taxa, including bivalves and sand‐dwelling chironomids (e.g. Polypedilum spp., Cryptochironomus spp., and Tanytarsini). Snags within the Phase I area support an invertebrate community dominated by passive filtering‐collectors including Rheotanytarsus spp. (Chironomidae) and Cheumatopsyche spp. (Hydropsychidae). Results indicate that restoration of flow has resulted in ecologically significant changes to the river habitat template not observed in Pool A. Observed shifts in benthic and snag macroinvertebrate community structure support previously developed hypotheses for macroinvertebrate responses to hydrologic restoration.  相似文献   

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