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ABSTRACT Although individually distinct begging calls may permit parents to recognize their offspring, birds nesting in dense breeding colonies where fledglings intermingle might benefit from additional adaptations. For example, if the calls of all nestlings in a brood were similar, parents would need to recognize only one brood call instead of the identity calls of each nestling. We recorded nestling Red‐winged Blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) to determine whether their calls function to identify individuals (identity call hypothesis) or broods (brood call hypothesis). We used spectrogram cross‐correlation and dynamic time warping as well as call duration, peak frequency, and frequency range to estimate the similarity of begging calls of nestling Red‐winged Blackbirds. We recorded individual nestlings on day 5 and on day 9 of the nestling period to determine whether calls of individuals were more similar than calls of different nestlings, and whether calls of broodmates were more similar than calls of nestlings from different broods. We found that calls of 8‐d‐old individuals were more similar than calls of different nestlings, but the calls of broodmates were not more similar than those of nestlings from different broods. These results were consistent with the identity call hypothesis. We then compared begging calls of pairs of nestlings recorded separately and together on day 9. We found that the calls of 8‐d‐old nestlings recorded together were more similar than when they were recorded separately. In addition, using playback of begging calls from normal broods and artificial “broods” constructed from the calls of single nestlings, we found that females returned with food sooner in response to the calls of single nestlings (with enhanced call similarity) than to those of normal broods. Our results suggest that similar begging calls may be beneficial for both nestlings and parents, with broodmates fed at higher rates when their calls are more similar and, after fledging, parents needing to recognize only one brood call instead of the identity calls of each fledgling.  相似文献   

Shiny Cowbirds Molothrus bonariensis and Screaming Cowbirds Molothrus rufoaxillaris are closely related brood parasites but the former is socially polygynous or promiscuous and an extreme host generalist, whereas the latter is socially monogamous and parasitizes almost exclusively one host. Females of both species lay in relative darkness, before dawn, relying for host nest location on previous days’ prospecting activity, or possibly on following better‐informed roost associates. We studied the temporal and spatial patterns of roosting behaviour in these species to test the hypothesis that roosting behaviour of cowbirds is related to their breeding strategy (brood parasitism) and reflects differences in strategies between species. We recorded fidelity to a roost, location fidelity within a roost, inter‐individual spatial associations and timing of roost departures and parasitic events, using tagged individuals. Female Shiny Cowbirds and both sexes of Screaming Cowbirds showed marked fidelity in roosting location, and roost departures occurred both during and after the known time window for parasitism, with earlier departures probably corresponding to laying days. Screaming Cowbird females and males that were trapped together and showed high levels of association during the day, also showed high levels of association in the roost. We describe the spatial and temporal patterns of a relatively poorly known aspect of avian ecology in general and the behaviour of brood parasites in particular.  相似文献   

Coevolutionary interactions between avian brood parasites and their hosts often lead to the evolution of discrimination and rejection of parasite eggs or chicks by hosts based on visual cues, and the evolution of visual mimicry of host eggs or chicks by brood parasites. Hosts may also base rejection of brood parasite nestlings on vocal cues, which would in turn select for mimicry of host begging calls in brood parasite chicks. In cuckoos that exploit multiple hosts with different begging calls, call structure may be plastic, allowing nestlings to modify their calls to match those of their various hosts, or fixed, in which case we would predict either imperfect mimicry or divergence of the species into host-specific lineages. In our study of the little bronze-cuckoo (LBC) Chalcites minutillus and its primary host, the large-billed gerygone Gerygone magnirostris, we tested whether: (1) hosts use nestling vocalizations as a cue to discriminate cuckoo chicks; (2) cuckoo nestlings mimic the host begging calls throughout the nestling period; and (3) the cuckoo begging calls are plastic, thereby facilitating mimicry of the calls of different hosts. We found that the begging calls of LBCs are most similar to their gerygone hosts shortly after hatching (when rejection by hosts typically occurs) but become less similar as cuckoo chicks get older. Begging call structure may be used as a cue for rejection by hosts, and these results are consistent with gerygone defenses selecting for age-specific vocal mimicry in cuckoo chicks. We found no evidence that LBC begging calls were plastic.  相似文献   

The most critical assumption of communication models regarding parent–offspring conflict is that food solicitation displays of genetic offspring are honest signals to elicit beneficial parental care. A critical requirement of honesty is the reliable change of perceivable aspects of begging calls with physiological needs. We experimentally tested whether and how the acoustic structure and begging call rate of individual Grey Warbler Gerygone igata nestlings change with hunger level and age. We also examined a rarely documented component of chick begging calls, namely the temporal dynamics of acoustic modulation after nestlings heard parental feeding calls. Begging call structure narrowed in frequency range and, surprisingly, decreased in amplitude as chick hunger levels increased. We also found that begging calls changed with chick age, with the frequency increasing and the duration decreasing for older chicks. These results indicate that the acoustic properties of nestling Grey Warbler begging calls are complex and may be used to signal several aspects of nestling traits, including hunger level and age (or size, a correlate of age). Overall, begging calls of Grey Warbler chicks appear to be honest, implying that parents are likely to benefit from relying on the acoustic features of their progeny’s calls which predict chick need. Our results have important implications regarding the reliability and information content of nestling solicitation signals for the brood parasite shining cuckoo Chrysococcyx lucidus exploiting Grey Warbler parental care, in that these begging‐call mimetic specialist cuckoos might also need to match closely the dynamics of acoustic features of their host chicks’ calls.  相似文献   

Acoustic signatures are common components of avian vocalizations and are important for the recognition of individuals and groups. The proximate mechanisms by which these signatures develop are poorly understood, however. The development of acoustic signatures in nestling birds is of particular interest, because high rates of extra‐pair paternity or egg dumping can cause nestlings to be unrelated to at least one of the adults that are caring for them. In such cases, nestlings might conceal their genetic origins, by developing acoustic signatures through environmental rather than genetic mechanisms. In a cross‐fostering experiment with tree swallows Tachycineta bicolor, we investigated whether brood signatures of nestlings that were about to fledge were attributable to their genetic/maternal origins or to their rearing environment. We found that the calls of cross‐fostered nestlings did not vary based on their genetic/maternal origin, but did show some variation based on their rearing environment. Control nestlings that were not swapped, however, showed stronger brood signatures than either experimental group, suggesting that acoustic signatures develop through an interaction between rearing environment and genetic/maternal effects.  相似文献   

Hosts of generalist brood parasites often vary with regardsto their life-history traits, and these differences have thepotential to influence the competitive environment experiencedby brood-parasitic nestlings. Although begging by brood parasitesis more exaggerated than their hosts, it is unclear if generalistbrood parasites modulate their begging behavior relative tohost size. I examined the begging behavior of brown-headed cowbird(Molothrus ater) nestlings when competing against nest matesthat differ in size and under different levels of short-termneed. Cowbird nestlings begged on nearly all feeding visits,responded to adults as fast as (or faster than) their nest mates,and typically begged more intensively than their nest mates.Latency to beg, time spent begging, and maximum begging postureof cowbirds were similar during supplementation and deprivationtreatments, indicating begging intensity was not influencedby short-term need. Time spent begging by cowbirds varied amonghosts of 3 different sizes when short-term need was standardized,suggesting that nest mate size strongly influenced begging behavior.Cowbirds obtained more food when competing against an intermediate-sizedhost due to lower provisioning rates of small hosts or becauseof increased competitive ability of large host nestlings. Overall,cowbirds obtained the greatest volume of food per unit timespent begging when competing against intermediate hosts, butthis value approached that of the small host when adjusted formodal brood size. These results demonstrate that cowbirds adjusttheir begging relative to the size of the hosts against whichthey compete but not to levels of short-term need.  相似文献   

Inequality in male and female numbers may affect population dynamics and extinction probabilities and so has significant conservation implications. We previously demonstrated that Brown‐headed Cowbird Molothrus ater brood parasitism of Song Sparrows Melospiza melodia results in a 50% reduction in the proportion of female host offspring by day 6 post‐hatch and at fledging, which modelling demonstrated is as significant as nest predation in affecting demography. Many avian brood parasites possess special adaptations to parasitize specific hosts so this sex‐ratio effect could be specific to the interaction between these two species. Alternatively, perturbations associated with brood parasitism per se (e.g. the addition of an extra, larger, unrelated nestling), rather than a Cowbird nestling specifically, may be responsible. We experimentally eliminated the effects of Cowbird‐specific traits by parasitizing nests with a conspecific nestling rather than a Cowbird, while otherwise emulating the circumstances of Cowbird parasitism by adding an extra, larger (2‐day‐older), unrelated Song Sparrow nestling to Song Sparrow nests. Our parasitism treatment led to few host offspring deaths and no evidence of male‐biased sex ratios by day 6 post‐hatch. However, after day 6, female nestling mortality rates increased significantly in experimentally parasitized nests, resulting in a 60% reduction in the proportion of females fledging. Cowbird‐specific traits are thus not necessary to cause female‐biased host nestling mortality and far more general features associated with Cowbird parasitism instead appear responsible. Our results suggest, however, that Cowbird‐specific traits may help accelerate the pace of female host deaths. The conservation implications of our results could be wide reaching. Cowbirds are unrelated to all their hosts, are larger than the great majority, and a Cowbird nestling's presence can mean there is an extra mouth to feed. Thus, sex‐biased mortality in parasitized nests could be occurring across a range of host species.  相似文献   

Vocalizations produced by developing young early in life have simple acoustic features and are thought to be innate. Complex forms of early vocal learning are less likely to evolve in young altricial songbirds because the forebrain vocal‐learning circuit is underdeveloped during the period when early vocalizations are produced. However, selective pressure experienced in early postnatal life may lead to early vocal learning that is likely controlled by a simpler brain circuit. We found the food begging calls produced by fledglings of the brown‐headed cowbird (Molothrus ater), a generalist avian brood parasite, induced the expression of several immediate early genes and early circuit innervation in a forebrain vocal‐motor pathway that is later used for vocal imitation. The forebrain neural activity was correlated with vocal intensity and variability of begging calls that appears to allow cowbirds to vocally match host nestmates. The begging‐induced forebrain circuits we observed in fledgling cowbirds were not detected in nonparasitic passerines, including species that are close relatives to the cowbird. The involvement of forebrain vocal circuits during fledgling begging and its association with vocal learning plasticity may be an adaptation that provides young generalist brood parasites with a flexible signaling strategy to procure food from a wide range of heterospecific host parents. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 76: 615–625, 2016  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Nestling begging and parental provisioning can attract nest predators and reduce reproductive success, so parents and their offspring might be expected to respond adaptively by minimizing predator‐attracting cues when predators threaten nests. Male Red‐winged Blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) are well known for their antipredator alarm calls that contain information about the approach of potential nest predators. We examined the begging behavior of nestlings and the provisioning behavior of females in response to antipredator alarm calls of males to test the adaptive response hypothesis. Playback experiments provided no evidence that alarm calls function to switch off vocal begging; nestlings were equally likely to beg vocally during playback and control periods. Video recordings showed that male alarm calling had no significant effect on inappropriate vocal begging (in the absence of an adult), but significantly reduced the incidence of spontaneous calling (in the absence of begging). Adult females responded to male antipredator alarm calls by delaying their provisioning visits. In addition, although having no significant effect on use of nest‐arriving calls by females, male alarm calling significantly reduced their use of nest‐leaving calls. We conclude that nestling and female Red‐winged Blackbirds respond to male alarm calls in ways that might reduce the risk of predation, but nestlings beg vocally when females arrive to feed them, regardless of male alarm calling, perhaps to avoid a competitive disadvantage with broodmates.  相似文献   

The benefits of recognition of family members may range from inbreeding avoidance to cooperative and coordinated behaviors within the family group. In birds, recognition of family members has almost exclusively been studied between parents and offspring or within cooperatively breeding societies. Yet, recognition of nest‐mates could be of special importance in recently fledged birds of colonial species by helping in locating the nest, maintaining family group cohesion, or allowing detection of feeding opportunities by recognizing the begging calls nest‐mates produced on the return of a parent. Here we study nest‐mate discrimination based on begging calls in fledglings of domesticated zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata), a gregarious songbird living in loose colonies in which juveniles may gather in crèches and are fed by parents up to 20 d after fledging. Using playback tests, we show that fledglings called more and spent more time near the loudspeaker in response to the begging calls of their nest‐mates than to the calls of other familiar individuals. Because each fledgling was exposed to the repeated association of the begging calls of its nest‐mates and the subsequent feeding of its parents, this preferential response to the nest‐mates' calls could be a conditioned response to the food reward. Whereas fledglings answered more to male fledgling calls than to female fledgling calls, response to playback was influenced neither by the sex of the subject nor by its brood size. Discriminant function analysis based on acoustic parameters showed that begging calls carried an individual signature as well as a brood signature which might account for such nest‐mate discrimination. Begging signals are major study systems of the evolution of communication in the face of conflicts of interest between signalers and receivers. Our results suggest that eavesdropping and communication networks may be other informative frameworks to understand the design of offspring solicitation signals.  相似文献   

Nestling rejection is a rare type of host defense against brood parasitism compared with egg rejection. Theoretically, host defenses at both egg and nestling stages could be based on similar underlying discrimination mechanisms but, due to the rarity of nestling rejector hosts, few studies have actually tested this hypothesis. We investigated egg and nestling discrimination by the fan-tailed gerygone Gerygone flavolateralis, a host that seemingly accepts nonmimetic eggs of its parasite, the shining bronze-cuckoo Chalcites lucidus, but ejects mimetic parasite nestlings. We introduced artificial eggs or nestlings and foreign gerygone nestlings in gerygone nests and compared begging calls of parasite and host nestlings. We found that the gerygone ejected artificial eggs only if their size was smaller than the parasite or host eggs. Ejection of artificial nestlings did not depend on whether their color matched that of the brood. The frequency of ejection increased during the course of the breeding season mirroring the increase in ejection frequency of parasite nestlings by the host. Cross-fostered gerygone nestlings were frequently ejected when lacking natal down and when introduced in the nest before hatching of the foster brood, but only occasionally when they did not match the color of the foster brood. Begging calls differed significantly between parasite and host nestlings throughout the nestling period. Our results suggest that the fan-tailed gerygone accepts eggs within the size range of gerygone and cuckoo eggs and that nestling discrimination is based on auditory and visual cues other than skin color. This highlights the importance of using a combined approach to study discrimination mechanisms of hosts.  相似文献   

To compete over limited parental resources, young animals communicate with their parents and siblings by producing honest vocal signals of need. Components of begging calls that are sensitive to food deprivation may honestly signal need, whereas other components may be associated with individual‐specific attributes that do not change with time such as identity, sex, absolute age and hierarchy. In a sib–sib communication system where barn owl (Tyto alba) nestlings vocally negotiate priority access to food resources, we show that calls have individual signatures that are used by nestlings to recognize which siblings are motivated to compete, even if most vocalization features vary with hunger level. Nestlings were more identifiable when food‐deprived than food‐satiated, suggesting that vocal identity is emphasized when the benefit of winning a vocal contest is higher. In broods where siblings interact iteratively, we speculate that individual‐specific signature permits siblings to verify that the most vocal individual in the absence of parents is the one that indeed perceived the food brought by parents. Individual recognition may also allow nestlings to associate identity with individual‐specific characteristics such as position in the within‐brood dominance hierarchy. Calls indeed revealed age hierarchy and to a lower extent sex and absolute age. Using a cross‐fostering experimental design, we show that most acoustic features were related to the nest of origin (but not the nest of rearing), suggesting a genetic or an early developmental effect on the ontogeny of vocal signatures. To conclude, our study suggests that sibling competition has promoted the evolution of vocal behaviours that signal not only hunger level but also intrinsic individual characteristics such as identity, family, sex and age.  相似文献   

Altricial offspring of birds solicit food provisioning by complexbegging displays, implying acoustic and visual signals. Differentcomponents of begging behavior may function as reliable signalsof offspring state and thus reproductive value, on which parentsbase optimal parental decisions about allocation of criticalresources (e.g., food). We experimentally manipulated componentsof general condition of nestling barn swallows (Hirundo rustica)by (1) altering brood size by cross-fostering an unbalanced number of nestlings between pairs of synchronous broods andthus manipulating the level of within-brood competition forfood, (2) injecting some nestlings with a harmless immunogen,simulating an infection, and (3) preventing part of the nestlingsfrom receiving food for a short period while establishing controlgroups. We recorded rate of begging response by individual nestlings as parents visited the nest and recorded begging calls usinga DAT recorder to analyze six sonagraphic features of vocalizations.Our factorial experiment revealed that nestlings deprived offood begged more frequently when parents visited the nest comparedto their non—food-deprived nest mates. Food deprivationincreased duration of syllables forming begging calls, whereas brood size enlargement resulted in increased latency of responseto parental calls. Heavy nestlings in good body condition vocalizedat a relatively low peak frequency. To our knowledge, thisis the first study in which begging rate and sonagraphic structureof begging calls are shown to reliably reveal a diverse setof components of offspring general state, on which parental decisions may be based.  相似文献   

Some studies suggest that offspring might coordinate their begging displays to send a more effective brood signal, which in turn, could increase parental feeding rates. In tree swallows Tachycineta bicolor , when nestlings call together, their calls are more similar in structure than when they call alone. Here, we tested the hypothesis that call convergence enhances the overall brood signal, thus increasing parental provisioning rates. We played back similar and dissimilar calls (as measured by cross-correlation) to parents during a one-h playback period, and filmed the response of parents and nestlings. Contrary to our hypothesis, parental feeding rates did not differ in relation to call similarity. Based on these results, call similarity does not appear to function as a coordinated brood signal in tree swallows.  相似文献   

Begging in avian nestlings is a highly conspicuous behaviorwith important implications for the study of parent–offspringconflict. In some species, nestlings also call for long boutsin the absence of parents, and it has been proposed that thisbehavior is used by nestlings as a means of negotiating accessto food. We studied this phenomenon in the spotless starling(Sturnus unicolor). We found that parent-absent calls were acousticallydistinct from parent-present calls. Observations showed thatthe probability of parent-absent begging increased with nestlingage and brood size, whereas it decreased with increasing bodycondition. This result was confirmed by an experiment that showedthat nestlings produced higher parent-absent begging rates whenfood deprived than when satiated. Finally, we carried out aplayback experiment to test the reaction of nestlings to parent-absentbegging by fellow nestlings. Principle components analyses yielded2 independent components of begging: 1) a general begging componentand 2) a second factor that measures the relative contributionof communicative begging over competitive begging. Nestlingsexposed to playback decreased their general begging levels andsimultaneously increased the relative contribution of communicativeover competitive begging. This behavior may favor needy nestlingsto obtain impending feedings while keeping high levels of foodsolicitation from parents and is consistent with a cooperativestrategy among nestlings. Future research should consider theactual response of parents to these signals.  相似文献   

Costs imposed by brood parasitic birds exert strong selection on their hosts to avoid parasitism. While egg rejection is a common defence, nestling rejection is rarer and less well understood. Theoretical models suggest that among non‐evicting parasites such as cowbirds nestling rejection can only evolve when levels of parasitism are high. Here we describe a possible case of early rejection of cowbird nestlings, by an infrequently parasitised host, the firewood‐gatherer Anumbius annumbi. Firewood‐gatherers accepted most shiny cowbird Molothrus bonariensis eggs despite clear differences in coloration. Cowbird eggs usually hatched 4–5 d before host eggs. All parasitic nestlings died within 48 h, and hosts continued their breeding attempts. Nestling death was most likely due to neglect since little food was found in the stomach of dead nestlings. Feeding neglect could be due to differences in visual or acoustic appearance between host and parasite hatchlings. Alternatively, hosts may refrain from feeding nestlings that hatch too early compared to their normal incubation time. At the moment our data do not allow distinction between active nestling recognition or cowbird nestling failure due to the unsuitability of the firewood‐gatherer as a host (i.e. too long incubation). Experiments are needed to tease these alternatives apart.  相似文献   

Like most corvids, adult magpies (Pica pica) have harsh vocal repertoires characterized by a wide distribution of energy over the frequency scale. Shortly after hatching, begging calls of magpie nestlings have a tonal quality but become increasingly noisier as they develop. The appearance of harsh structures in the calls is closely related to a process of frequency modulation which ends at about 16–18 days. At this age, nestlings suddenly develop genuine harsh calls, typical of fledglings and adult birds. During development, similarities can be observed between frequency modulation and noise production, suggesting that nestlings acquire the ability to produce adult harsh vocalizations by modulating their begging calls. This hypothesis does not explain, however, why genuine harsh calls develop without transitional forms being evident in the preceding begging calls. Also, intra- and interspecific differences in modulation rates do not cause differences in noise production in the way that this hypothesis would at first suggest. Frequency modulation and noise production do not seem to be involved in the ontogeny of the adult voice. It is suggested that both features contribute to call degradation in the environment, in order to compensate for the increasing risks of nests being detected by predators due to the more detectable calls of older nestlings.  相似文献   

The begging displays used by altricial nestling birds to solicit care from parents include vigorous movements and loud calling. These begging signals have attracted considerable interest, mainly because their intensity seems excessive for the function of transmitting information about nestling need to parents. However, how information on need is encoded in the various components of the signal, especially its acoustic components, is poorly understood. We examined how begging calls of large and small nestling tree swallows, Tachycineta bicolor, changed during a short period of food deprivation and cooling, as a first step in determining the role that various call characteristics played in advertising nestling need. In contrast to previous studies, we examined several call variables, and related them not only to need for food but also need for warmth. When nestlings were deprived of food, their calls increased in rate and length. Large nestlings also increased the amplitude of their calls. When nestlings were cooled during food deprivation, they decreased the frequency of their calls and their call rate. The latter trend was especially evident in small nestlings. Our results suggest that begging calls carry information not only on the overall hunger level of broods, as emphasized in previous studies, but also on the size, hunger and thermal need of individual nestlings. Further tests are needed to determine whether parents use this information and whether begging calls are optimally designed to convey it. Copyright 2001 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

In many bird species, parents usually feed the first nestling that starts to beg before its nest‐mates. The pressure to avoid missed feeds could trigger nestlings to perform in erroneous begging in absence of parents, which has the same costs as begging in the presence of parents but without any reward. So, nestlings should try to minimize both erroneous begging and missed feeds simultaneously. The threshold to start begging is predicted to be lower for hungry nestlings and for nestlings that are unrelated to their nest‐mates, because they suffer lower inclusive fitness costs when depriving nest‐mates of food. In line with this idea, we found that brood parasitic great spotted cuckoo nestlings responded sooner than their magpie nest‐mates when an adult arrived to the nest. Under laboratory conditions, nestlings of both species rarely incurred in erroneous begging when food was abundant, but under conditions of restricted food, magpie nestlings increased erroneous begging while cuckoo nestlings did not. Highly conspicuous begging in cuckoos results in an increased predation risk, which could have resulted in stronger selection pressures on cuckoos to avoid erroneous begging, probably resulting in better developed perceptual abilities, allowing cuckoos to perform better than their host nest‐mates.  相似文献   

Avian brood parasites, including cuckoos and cowbirds, have multiple negative effects on their hosts. We analysed the effects of Shiny Cowbird Molothrus bonariensis parasitism on different components (e.g. egg losses, hatching success, chick survival and nest abandonment) of House Wren Troglodytes aedon reproductive success. We also conducted an experiment to discriminate between two mechanisms that may reduce hatching success in parasitized clutches: lower efficiency of incubation due to the increase in clutch volume and disruption of host incubation by the early hatching of Cowbirds. Egg puncturing by Shiny Cowbirds reduced host clutch size at hatching by 10–20%, and parasitized nests had a decrease in hatching success of 40–80%. Egg losses and hatching failures were positively associated with the intensity of parasitism. Brood reduction was greater in parasitized nests, but the growth rate of the chicks that fledged was similar to that in unparasitized nests. The combined effects of egg losses, hatching failures and brood reduction decreased the number of fledged chicks by 80%. In addition, egg puncturing increased the likelihood of nest abandonment by Wrens. Experimental data showed that hatching failures occurred when there was a combination of: (1) an increase in the volume of the clutch by the addition of the Cowbird egg without removal of host eggs, and (2) the addition of the Cowbird egg before the onset of incubation. This was relatively common in House Wren nests, as Cowbirds generally parasitize before the onset of incubation. Our results indicate that Shiny Cowbird parasitism imposes a major impact on House Wrens, as it affects all components of the Wren's reproductive success.  相似文献   

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