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Microbial sulfate reduction (MSR) is thought to have operated very early on Earth and is often invoked to explain the occurrence of sedimentary sulfides in the rock record. Sedimentary sulfides can also form from sulfides produced abiotically during late diagenesis or metamorphism. As both biotic and abiotic processes contribute to the bulk of sedimentary sulfides, tracing back the original microbial signature from the earliest Earth record is challenging. We present in situ sulfur isotope data from nanopyrites occurring in carbonaceous remains lining the domical shape of stromatolite knobs of the 2.7‐Gyr‐old Tumbiana Formation (Western Australia). The analyzed nanopyrites show a large range of δ34S values of about 84‰ (from ?33.7‰ to +50.4‰). The recognition that a large δ34S range of 80‰ is found in individual carbonaceous‐rich layers support the interpretation that the nanopyrites were formed in microbial mats through MSR by a Rayleigh distillation process during early diagenesis. An active microbial cycling of sulfur during formation of the stromatolite may have facilitated the mixing of different sulfur pools (atmospheric and hydrothermal) and explain the weak mass independent signature (MIF‐S) recorded in the Tumbiana Formation. These results confirm that MSR participated actively to the biogeochemical cycling of sulfur during the Neoarchean and support previous models suggesting anaerobic oxidation of methane using sulfate in the Tumbiana environment.  相似文献   

Microbially influenced corrosion of glass and countermeasures were studied by literature research and by an investigation of contaminated glass samples. Such corrosion is often linked to the growth of fungi. It is assumed that glass composition is not the decisive factor in biogenic contamination, but can encourage or retard the microbial activity significantly. It is suggested that a biochemically initiated ion-exchange reaction is most important for corrosion of glass exposed to the atmosphere. Future work will emphasize the biotechnological applications in the recovery of heavy metals from special glasses. Received: 26 September 1996 / Received revision: 17 December 1996 / Accepted: 17 December 1996  相似文献   

Carbonate microbialites in lakes can serve as valuable indicators of past environments, so long as the biogenicity and depositional setting of the microbialite can be accurately determined. Late Pleistocene to Early Holocene frondose draping tufa deposits from Winnemucca Dry Lake (Nevada, USA), a subbasin of pluvial Lake Lahontan, were examined in outcrop, petrographically, and geochemically to determine whether microbially induced precipitation is a dominant control on deposition. These observations were compared to modern, actively accumulating microbialites from Fayetteville Green Lake (New York, USA) using similar methods. In addition, preserved microbial DNA was extracted from the Lahontan tufa and sequenced to provide a more complete picture of the microbial communities. Tufas are texturally and geochemically similar to modern thrombolitic microbialites from Fayetteville Green Lake, and the stable isotopic composition of organic C, N, inorganic C, and O supports deposition associated with a lacustrine microbial mat environment dominated by photosynthetic processes. DNA extraction and sequencing indicate that photosynthetic microbial builders were present during tufa deposition, primarily Chloroflexi and Proteobacteria with minor abundances of Cyanobacteria and Acidobacteria. Based on the sequencing results, the depositional environment of the tufas can be constrained to the photic zone of the lake, contrasting with some previous interpretations that put tufa formation in deeper waters. Additionally, the presence of a number of mesothermophilic phyla, including Deinococcus–Thermus, indicates that thermal groundwater may have played a role in tufa deposition at sites not previously associated with groundwater influx. The interpretation of frondose tufas as microbially influenced deposits provides new context to interpretations of lake level and past environments in the Lahontan lake basins.  相似文献   

微生物成因的碳酸盐矿物研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
微生物诱导碳酸盐类矿物沉淀是地质微生物学的研究热点之一.微生物主要通过其代谢活动促进细胞周围微环境pH值及水体[CO32-]的升高,最终表现为碳酸盐类矿物饱和指数的增加.此外,微生物及其分泌的胞外聚合物可作为碳酸盐晶核的成核位点,为碳酸盐矿物晶体的生长进一步提供有利条件.微生物成因与纯化学成因的碳酸盐类矿物相比具有不同的矿物特征(如形貌、微量元素含量及碳同位素等).深入了解微生物诱导碳酸钙沉淀的行为对理解地质时期微生物活动及其在二氧化碳的地质封存中的潜在应用具有指导意义.本文综述了微生物诱导碳酸盐矿物沉淀的机理、代谢过程,总结了该领域的最新进展,探讨了生物成因以及化学成因碳酸盐矿物的区别,最后指出了该项研究在微生物岩以及CO2地质封存上的一些可能的拓展方向.  相似文献   

The extent of how complex natural microbial communities contribute to metal corrosion is still not fully resolved, especially not for freshwater environments. In order to elucidate the key processes, we investigated rust tubercles forming massively on sheet piles along the river Havel (Germany) applying a complementary set of techniques. In-situ microsensor profiling revealed steep gradients of O2, redox potential and pH within the tubercle. Micro-computed tomography and scanning electron microscopy showed a multi-layered inner structure with chambers and channels and various organisms embedded in the mineral matrix. Using Mössbauer spectroscopy we identified typical corrosion products including electrically conductive iron (Fe) minerals. Determination of bacterial gene copy numbers and sequencing of 16S rRNA and 18S rRNA amplicons supported a densely populated tubercle matrix with a phylogenetically and metabolically diverse microbial community. Based on our results and previous models of physic(electro)chemical reactions, we propose here a comprehensive concept of tubercle formation highlighting the crucial reactions and microorganisms involved (such as phototrophs, fermenting bacteria, dissimilatory sulphate and Fe(III) reducers) in metal corrosion in freshwaters.  相似文献   

Organic and inorganic stable isotopes of lacustrine carbonate sediments are commonly used in reconstructions of ancient terrestrial ecosystems and environments. Microbial activity and local hydrological inputs can alter porewater chemistry (e.g., pH, alkalinity) and isotopic composition (e.g., δ18Owater, δ13CDIC), which in turn has the potential to impact the stable isotopic compositions recorded and preserved in lithified carbonate. The fingerprint these syngenetic processes have on lacustrine carbonate facies is yet unknown, however, and thus, reconstructions based on stable isotopes may misinterpret diagenetic records as broader climate signals. Here, we characterize geochemical and stable isotopic variability of carbonate minerals, organic matter, and water within one modern lake that has known microbial influences (e.g., microbial mats and microbialite carbonate) and combine these data with the context provided by 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing community profiles. Specifically, we measure oxygen, carbon, and clumped isotopic compositions of carbonate sediments (δ18Ocarb, δ13Ccarb, ?47), as well as carbon isotopic compositions of bulk organic matter (δ13Corg) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC; δ13CDIC) of lake and porewater in Great Salt Lake, Utah from five sites and three seasons. We find that facies equivalent to ooid grainstones provide time‐averaged records of lake chemistry that reflect minimal alteration by microbial activity, whereas microbialite, intraclasts, and carbonate mud show greater alteration by local microbial influence and hydrology. Further, we find at least one occurrence of ?47 isotopic disequilibrium likely driven by local microbial metabolism during authigenic carbonate precipitation. The remainder of the carbonate materials (primarily ooids, grain coatings, mud, and intraclasts) yield clumped isotope temperatures (T(?47)), δ18Ocarb, and calculated δ18Owater in isotopic equilibrium with ambient water and temperature at the time and site of carbonate precipitation. Our findings suggest that it is possible and necessary to leverage diverse carbonate facies across one sedimentary horizon to reconstruct regional hydroclimate and evaporation–precipitation balance, as well as identify microbially mediated carbonate formation.  相似文献   

External corrosion of buried carbon steel pipes is a problem of global proportions, affecting a wide range of industries and services. Many factors affect corrosion rates. Biofilms may secrete enzymes and compounds that attack metal, alter local acidity and create differential aeration and galvanic cells. An important consideration is that biofilm metabolisms and enzymatic reactions are constantly in flux, altering the impact of microorganisms on corrosion rates, and thermodynamic equilibrium is not reached. Recent research demonstrates that some anaerobic microorganisms catalyse the oxidation of metallic iron and directly consume the electrons, with serious consequences for corrosion. This review examines relationships between soil characteristics, microbiology and corrosion processes, focussing on the impacts of microorganisms on external corrosion of buried carbon steel pipes. Techniques for improving the understanding of microbially influenced corrosion are considered and critiqued, with the aim of assisting those who work in the area of corrosion mitigation.  相似文献   

Aims: To investigate the role of heterotrophic bacteria in the corrosion of galvanized steel in the presence of water. Methods and Results: Samples were taken from corroding galvanized steel pipes conveying water for specialist applications, and heterotrophic bacteria were isolated and cultured. The majority of bacteria were Gram‐negative aerobes and included Pseudomonas sp., Bacillus pumilus, Afipia spp. and Blastobacter denitrificans/Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Zinc tolerance was assessed through growth and zinc disc diffusion experiments. In general, zinc negatively influenced growth rates. An unidentified yeast also isolated from the system demonstrated a high tolerance to zinc at concentrations up to 4 g l?1. Coupon experiments were performed to assess corrosion by the bacteria on galvanized steel and steel coupons. The majority of isolates as pure culture biofilms (69%) accelerated corrosion of galvanized coupons, assessed as zinc release, relative to sterile control coupons (P < 0·05). Pure culture biofilms did not increase the corrosion of steel, with four isolates demonstrating protective effects. Conclusions: Pure culture biofilms of heterotrophic bacteria isolated from a corroding galvanized pipe system were found to accelerate the corrosion of galvanized steel coupons. Significance and Impact of the Study: Microbially influenced corrosion is a potential contributor to sporadically occurring failures in galvanized steel systems containing water. Management strategies should consider microbial control as a means for corrosion prevention in these systems.  相似文献   

Modern microbialites are often located within groundwater discharge zones, yet the role of groundwater in microbialite accretion has yet to be resolved. To understand relationships between groundwater, microbialites, and associated microbial communities, we quantified and characterized groundwater flow and chemistry in active thrombolitic microbialites in Lake Clifton, Western Australia, and compared these observations to inactive thrombolites and lakebed sediments. Groundwater flows upward through an interconnected network of pores within the microstructure of active thrombolites, discharging directly from thrombolite heads into the lake. This upwelling groundwater is fresher than lake water and is hypothesized to support microbial mat growth by reducing salinity and providing limiting nutrients in an osmotically stressful and oligotrophic habitat. This is in contrast to inactive thrombolites that show no evidence of microbial mat colonization and are infiltrated by hypersaline lake water. Groundwater discharge through active thrombolites contrasts with the surrounding lakebed, where hypersaline lake water flows downward through sandy sediments at very low rates. Based on an appreciation for the role of microorganisms in thrombolite accretion, our findings suggest conditions favorable to thrombolite formation still exist in certain locations of Lake Clifton despite increasing lake water salinity. This study is the first to characterize groundwater flow rates, paths, and chemistry within a microbialite‐forming environment and provides new insight into how groundwater can support microbial mats believed to contribute to microbialite formation in modern and ancient environments.  相似文献   

Microbialites provide a record of the interaction of microorganisms with their environment constituting a record of microbial life and environments through geologic time. Our capacity to interpret this record is limited by an incomplete understanding of the microbial, geochemical, and physical processes that influence microbialite formation and morphogenesis. The modern system Laguna Negra in Catamarca Province, Argentina contains microbialites in a zone of carbonate precipitation associated with physico-chemical gradients and variable microbial community structure, making it an ideal location to study how these processes interact to drive microbialite formation. In this study, we investigated the geospatial relationships between carbonate morphology, geochemistry, and microbial community at the macro- (decimeter) to mega- (meter) scale by combining high-resolution imagery with field observations. We mapped the distribution of carbonate morphologies and allochtonously-derived volcaniclasts and correlated these with sedimentary matrices and geochemical parameters. Our work shows that the macroscale distribution of different carbonate morphologies spatially correlates with microbial mat distributions—a result consistent with previous microscale observations. Specifically, microbialitic carbonate morphologies more commonly occur associated with microbial mats while abiotically derived carbonate morphologies were less commonly associated with microbial mats. Spatial variability in the size and abundance of mineralized structures was also observed, however, the processes controlling this variability remains unclear and likely represent a combination of microbial, geochemical, and physical processes. Likewise, the processes controlling the spatial distribution of microbial mats at Laguna Negra are also unresolved. Our results suggest that in addition to the physical drivers observed in other modern environments, variability in the spatial distribution of microbialites and other carbonate morphologies at the macro- to megascale can be controlled by microbial processes. Overall, this study provides insight into the interpretation of microbialite occurrence and distributions in the geologic record and highlights the utility of geospatial statistics to probe the controls of microbialite formation in other environments.  相似文献   

The relationship between the thrombolitic mesostructures and their depositional environments is still poorly understood due to inconsistent results by sedimentary investigation. Rare earth elements plus yttrium (REY) in ancient microbialites have been extensively applied to paleoenvironmental studies owing to their fractionation in different depositional environments. In order to investigate the environmental controls on thrombolitic mesostructures, we present the REY concentrations and patterns of four types of mesostructures of the Miaolingian (Cambrian) thrombolites in the Changhia Formation at the Jiulongshan section, Shandong Province, China. The REY compositions of those thrombolites show two distinctive groups: (1) light REY depleted patterns with negative Ce anomalies in spotted (SM) and layered mesostructures (LM) of thrombolites; and (2) flat patterns with weak Ce anomalies in dendritic (DM) and meshed mesostructures (MM) of thrombolites. Controlling factors analysis reveals that terrigenous detritus inputs have stronger influence on REY in SM and LM. In contrast, early diagenetic porewaters from underlying sediments have more serious impacts on REY concentrations and patterns in DM and MM. Our results clearly indicate that SM and LM were formed under oxic marine settings with minor terrigenous inputs, whereas DM and MM formed under suboxic marine settings suffered from early diagenetic porewater from underlying sediments. This new geochemical evidence suggests that thrombolitic mesostructures were strongly influenced by paleoenvironment, and REY of thrombolites with controlling factors analysis can be utilized as effective proxies for paleoenvironments.  相似文献   

The record of life during the Proterozoic is preserved by several different lithologies, but two in particular are linked both spatially and temporally: chert and carbonate. These lithologies capture a snapshot of dominantly peritidal environments during the Proterozoic. Early diagenetic chert preserves some of the most exceptional Proterozoic biosignatures in the form of microbial body fossils and mat textures. This fossiliferous and kerogenous chert formed in shallow marine environments, where chert nodules, layers, and lenses are often surrounded by and encased within carbonate deposits that themselves often contain kerogen and evidence of former microbial mats. Here, we review the record of biosignatures preserved in peritidal Proterozoic chert and chert-hosting carbonate and discuss this record in the context of experimental and environmental studies that have begun to shed light on the roles that microbes and organic compounds may have played in the formation of these deposits. Insights gained from these studies suggest temporal trends in microbial-environmental interactions and place new constraints on past environmental conditions, such as the concentration of silica in Proterozoic seawater, interactions among organic compounds and cations in seawater, and the influence of microbial physiology and biochemistry on selective preservation by silicification.  相似文献   

Modern carbonate tufa towers in the alkaline (~pH 9.5) Big Soda Lake (BSL), Nevada, exhibit rapid precipitation rates (exceeding 3 cm/year) and host diverse microbial communities. Geochemical indicators reveal that carbonate precipitation is, in part, promoted by the mixing of calcium-rich groundwater and carbonate-rich lake water, such that a microbial role for carbonate precipitation is unknown. Here, we characterize the BSL microbial communities and evaluate their potential effects on carbonate precipitation that may influence fast carbonate precipitation rates of the active tufa mounds of BSL. Small subunit rRNA gene surveys indicate a diverse microbial community living endolithically, in interior voids, and on tufa surfaces. Metagenomic DNA sequencing shows that genes associated with metabolisms that are capable of increasing carbonate saturation (e.g., photosynthesis, ureolysis, and bicarbonate transport) are abundant. Enzyme activity assays revealed that urease and carbonic anhydrase, two microbial enzymes that promote carbonate precipitation, are active in situ in BSL tufa biofilms, and urease also increased calcium carbonate precipitation rates in laboratory incubation analyses. We propose that, although BSL tufas form partially as a result of water mixing, tufa-inhabiting microbiota promote rapid carbonate authigenesis via ureolysis, and potentially via bicarbonate dehydration and CO2 outgassing by carbonic anhydrase. Microbially induced calcium carbonate precipitation in BSL tufas may generate signatures preserved in the carbonate microfabric, such as stromatolitic layers, which could serve as models for developing potential biosignatures on Earth and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Thrombocytes are activated by shearing and influence possibly the flow properties of blood. Erythrocytes resuspended in platelet poor plasma show a significantly increased deformability as well as reduced aggregability after addition of ADP as well as adrenaline in comparison with control. In platelet rich plasma the aggregation of erythrocytes becomes enhanced. This is discussed in respect of a release of macromolecules of platelets.  相似文献   

Hamilton WA 《Biofouling》2003,19(1):65-76
The general term biomineralisation refers to biologically induced mineralisation in which an organism modifies its local microenvironment creating conditions such that there is chemical precipitation of mineral phases extracellularly. Most usually this results from an oxidation or reduction carried out by some microbial species, with the formation of a recognised biomineralised product. These reactions play a major role in microbial physiology and ecology, and are of central importance to such engineering consequences as microbial mining and microbially influenced corrosion. This paper will examine metal microbe interactions, both in naturally occurring microbial ecosystems and in two particular cases of biocorrosion, with the objective of putting forward a unifying hypothesis relevant to the understanding of each of these apparently disparate processes.  相似文献   

Through the use of scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) combined with other complementary techniques (SEM, cryo‐TEM, HRTEM, and EELS), we have studied the interaction of microorganisms inhabiting deep anoxic waters of acidic pit lakes with dissolved aluminum, silica, sulfate, and ferrous iron. These elements were close to saturation (Al, SiO2) or present at very high concentrations (0.12 m Fe(II), 0.12–0.22 m SO42?) in the studied systems. The anaerobic conditions of these environments allowed investigation of geomicrobial interactions that are difficult to see in oxidized, Fe(III)‐rich environments. Detailed chemical maps and through‐cell line scans suggest both extra‐ and intracellular accumulation of Al, Si, S, and Fe(II) in rod‐like cells and other structures (e.g., spherical particles and bacteriomorphs) of probable microbial origin. The bacterial rods showed external nanometric coatings of adsorbed Fe(II) and Al on the cell surface and cell interiors with significant presence of Al, Si, and S. These microbial cells coexist with spherical particles showing similar configuration (Fe(II) external coatings and [Al, Si, S]‐rich cores). The Al:Si and Al:S ratios and the good Al–Si correlation in the cell interiors suggest the concurrent formation of two amorphous phases, namely a proto‐aluminosilicate with imogolite‐like composition and proto‐hydrobasaluminite. In both cases, the mineralization appears to comprise two stages: a first stage of aluminosilicate and Al‐hydroxysulfate precipitation within the cell or around cellular exudates, and a second stage of SO42? and Fe(II) adsorption on surface sites existing on the mineral phases in the case of (SO42?) or on presumed organic molecules [in the case of Fe(II)]. These microbially related solids could have been formed by permineralization and mineral replacement of senescent microbial cells. However, these features could also denote biomineralization by active bacterial cells as a detoxification mechanism, a possibility which should be further explored. We discuss the significance of the observed Al/microbe and Si/microbe interactions and the implications for clay mineral formation at low pH.  相似文献   

The fourth and fifth instar larvae of the silkworm were reared on artificial diets containing ponasterone A, ecdysterone, and inokosterone. The growth of the larvae and their silk glands, fibroin-synthesizing activity, and silk formation have been investigated. With a diet containing ponasterone A, the fourth instar larvae grew slowly and only a few larvae could ecdyse, while the growth of the fifth instar larvae was disturbed and they died with a darkening of the skin. Ponasterone A also inhibited the growth of the silk glands during the fifth instar. In contrast, the other two phytoecdysones did not greatly influence larval growth. The fourth instar larvae grew rapidly and their ecdysis was advanced with a diet which contained 10 μg of inokosterone/1 g of dry diet. The diet which contained 5 μg of ecdysterone or 10 μg of inokosterone/1 g of dry diet accelerated maturation, while that containing 10 or 20 μg of ecdysterone, or 40 μg of inokosterone, delayed maturation of the fifth instar larvae.Only phytoecdysones caused a decrease in growth of the silk glands in the early half of the instar, and a large amount of phytoecdysones accelerated their growth during the last part of the fifth instar. The fibroin-synthesizing activity was levelled up by feeding ecdysterone and inokosterone, and inokosterone appreciably stimulated activity. Assay of in vitro fibroin synthesis showed that ponasterone A competed with ecdysterone in a stimulative action. Silk formation was much lower in larvae fed the diet containing 5 μg of ecdysterone or 10 μg of inokosterone/1 g of dry diet and was far greater in larvae fed the diet containing 40 μg of inokosterone than in the controls.  相似文献   

Lake Clifton in Western Australia is recognized as a critically endangered ecosystem and the only thrombolite reef in the southern hemisphere. There have been concerns that increases in salinity and nutrient run-off have significantly impacted upon the thrombolite microbial community. Here we used cultivation-independent molecular approaches to characterize the microbial diversity of the thrombolites at Lake Clifton. The most dominant phyla currently represented are the Proteobacteria with significant populations of Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes. Cyanobacteria, previously invoked as the main drivers of thrombolite growth, represent only a small fraction (~1–3% relative abundance) of the microbial community. We report an increase in salinity and nitrogen levels at Lake Clifton that may be contributing to a change in dominant microbial populations. This heightens concerns about the long-term health of the Lake Clifton thrombolites; future work is needed to determine if phyla now dominating this system are capable of the required mineral precipitation for continued thrombolite growth.  相似文献   

Summary We first perform a linear stability analysis of the Gierer-Meinhardt model to determine the critical parameters where the homogeneous distribution of activator and inhibitor concentrations becomes unstable. There are two kinds of instabilities, namely, one leading to spatial patterns and another one leading to temporal oscillations. Focussing our attention on spatial pattern formation we solve the corresponding nonlinear equations by means of our previously introduced method of generalized Ginzburg-Landau equations. We explicitly consider the two-dimensional case and find both rolls and hexagon-like structures. The impact of different boundary conditions on the resulting patterns is also discussed. The occurrence of the new patterns has all the features of nonequilibrium phase transitions.  相似文献   

Summary Scanning electron microscopic observations ofDictyostelium discoideum cell masses during slug formation revealed two populations around the anterior tip; one group of cells resembled elongated aggregation stream cells and their orientation suggested that they move to the tip, whereas the other group of cells were isodiametric and showed no obvious orientation. In seeking further evidence for a role of differential cAMP chemotaxis in the orientation and movement of slug cells the anterior prestalk cells were compared to the posterior prespore cells in two chemotaxis tests. When a cell mass is placed on cAMP agar the prestalk cells exhibited better movement to cAMP sources but when the gradient was generated in a diffusion chamber the prestalk cells did not. This evidence suggested that the cells which are better able to generate a cAMP gradient might form part of the anterior zone of the slug.  相似文献   

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