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Primary consumers are under strong selection from resource (‘bottom‐up’) and consumer (‘top‐down’) controls, but the relative importance of these selective forces is unknown. We performed a meta‐analysis to compare the strength of top‐down and bottom‐up forces on consumer fitness, considering multiple predictors that can modulate these effects: diet breadth, feeding guild, habitat/environment, type of bottom‐up effects, type of top‐down effects and how consumer fitness effects are measured. We focused our analyses on the most diverse group of primary consumers, herbivorous insects, and found that in general top‐down forces were stronger than bottom‐up forces. Notably, chewing, sucking and gall‐making herbivores were more affected by top‐down than bottom‐up forces, top‐down forces were stronger than bottom‐up in both natural and controlled (cultivated) environments, and parasitoids and predators had equally strong top‐down effects on insect herbivores. Future studies should broaden the scope of focal consumers, particularly in understudied terrestrial systems, guilds, taxonomic groups and top‐down controls (e.g. pathogens), and test for more complex indirect community interactions. Our results demonstrate the surprising strength of forces exerted by natural enemies on herbivorous insects, and thus the necessity of using a tri‐trophic approach when studying insect‐plant interactions.  相似文献   

Planktonic heterotrophic prokaryotes make up the largest living biomass and process most organic matter in the ocean. Determining when and where the biomass and activity of heterotrophic prokaryotes are controlled by resource availability (bottom‐up), predation and viral lysis (top‐down) or temperature will help in future carbon cycling predictions. We conducted an extensive survey across subtropical and tropical waters of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans during the Malaspina 2010 Global Circumnavigation Expedition and assessed indices for these three types of controls at 109 stations (mostly from the surface to 4,000 m depth). Temperature control was approached by the apparent activation energy in eV (ranging from 0.46 to 3.41), bottom‐up control by the slope of the log‐log relationship between biomass and production rate (ranging from ?0.12 to 1.09) and top‐down control by an index that considers the relative abundances of heterotrophic nanoflagellates and viruses (ranging from 0.82 to 4.83). We conclude that temperature becomes dominant (i.e. activation energy >1.5 eV) within a narrow window of intermediate values of bottom‐up (0.3–0.6) and top‐down 0.8–1.2) controls. A pervasive latitudinal pattern of decreasing temperature regulation towards the Equator, regardless of the oceanic basin, suggests that the impact of global warming on marine microbes and their biogeochemical function will be more intense at higher latitudes. Our analysis predicts that 1°C ocean warming will result in increased biomass of heterotrophic prokaryoplankton only in waters with <26°C of mean annual surface temperature.  相似文献   

Increased reactive nitrogen (Nr) deposition has raised the amount of N available to organisms and has greatly altered the transfer of energy through food webs, with major consequences for trophic dynamics. The aim of this review was to: (i) clarify the direct and indirect effects of Nr deposition on forest and lake food webs in N‐limited biomes, (ii) compare and contrast how aquatic and terrestrial systems respond to increased Nr deposition, and (iii) identify how the nutrient pathways within and between ecosystems change in response to Nr deposition. We present that Nr deposition releases primary producers from N limitation in both forest and lake ecosystems and raises plants' N content which in turn benefits herbivores with high N requirements. Such trophic effects are coupled with a general decrease in biodiversity caused by different N‐use efficiencies; slow‐growing species with low rates of N turnover are replaced by fast‐growing species with high rates of N turnover. In contrast, Nr deposition diminishes below‐ground production in forests, due to a range of mechanisms that reduce microbial biomass, and decreases lake benthic productivity by switching herbivore growth from N to phosphorus (P) limitation, and by intensifying P limitation of benthic fish. The flow of nutrients between ecosystems is expected to change with increasing Nr deposition. Due to higher litter production and more intense precipitation, more terrestrial matter will enter lakes. This will benefit bacteria and will in turn boost the microbial food web. Additionally, Nr deposition promotes emergent insects, which subsidize the terrestrial food web as prey for insectivores or by dying and decomposing on land. So far, most studies have examined Nr‐deposition effects on the food web base, whereas our review highlights that changes at the base of food webs substantially impact higher trophic levels and therefore food web structure and functioning.  相似文献   

Trophic cascades in which predators regulate densities of organisms at lower trophic levels are important drivers of population dynamics, but effects of trophic cascades on ecosystem‐level fluxes and processes, and the conditions under which top‐down control is important, remain unresolved. We manipulated the structure of a food web in boreal feather mosses and found that moss‐inhabiting microfauna exerted top‐down control of N2‐fixation by moss‐associated cyanobacteria. However, the presence of higher trophic levels alleviated this top‐down control, likely through feeding on bacterivorous microfauna. These effects of food‐web structure on cyanobacterial N2‐fixation were dependent on global change factors and strongly suppressed under N fertilisation. Our findings illustrate how food web interactions and trophic cascades can regulate N cycling in boreal ecosystems, where carbon uptake is generally strongly N‐limited, and shifting trophic control of N cycling under global change is therefore likely to impact ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

One of the central goals of the field of population ecology is to identify the drivers of population dynamics, particularly in the context of predator–prey relationships. Understanding the relative role of top‐down versus bottom‐up drivers is of particular interest in understanding ecosystem dynamics. Our goal was to explore predator–prey relationships in a boreal ecosystem in interior Alaska through the use of multispecies long‐term monitoring data. We used 29 years of field data and a dynamic multistate site occupancy modeling approach to explore the trophic relationships between an apex predator, the golden eagle, and cyclic populations of the two primary prey species available to eagles early in the breeding season, snowshoe hare and willow ptarmigan. We found that golden eagle reproductive success was reliant on prey numbers, but also responded prior to changes in the phase of the snowshoe hare population cycle and failed to respond to variation in hare cycle amplitude. There was no lagged response to ptarmigan populations, and ptarmigan populations recovered quickly from the low phase. Together, these results suggested that eagle reproduction is largely driven by bottom‐up processes, with little evidence of top‐down control of either ptarmigan or hare populations. Although the relationship between golden eagle reproductive success and prey abundance had been previously established, here we established prey populations are likely driving eagle dynamics through bottom‐up processes. The key to this insight was our focus on golden eagle reproductive parameters rather than overall abundance. Although our inference is limited to the golden eagle–hare–ptarmigan relationships we studied, our results suggest caution in interpreting predator–prey abundance patterns among other species as strong evidence for top‐down control.  相似文献   

In food webs, interactions between competition and defence control the partitioning of limiting resources. As a result, simple models of these interactions contain links between biogeochemistry, diversity, food web structure and ecosystem function. Working at hierarchical levels, these mechanisms also produce self‐similarity and therefore suggest how complexity can be generated from repeated application of simple underlying principles. Reviewing theoretical and experimental literature relevant to the marine photic zone, we argue that there is a wide spectrum of phenomena, including single cell activity of prokaryotes, microbial biodiversity at different levels of resolution, ecosystem functioning, regional biogeochemical features and evolution at different timescales; that all can be understood as variations over a common principle, summarised in what has been termed the ‘Killing‐the‐Winner’ (KtW) motif. Considering food webs as assemblages of such motifs may thus allow for a more integrated approach to aquatic microbial ecology.  相似文献   

Apex predators and plant resources are both critical for maintaining diversity in biotic communities, but the indirect (‘cascading’) effects of top‐down and bottom‐up forces on diversity at different trophic levels are not well resolved in terrestrial systems. Manipulations of predators or resources can cause direct changes of diversity at one trophic level, which in turn can affect diversity at other trophic levels. The indirect diversity effects of resource and consumer variation should be strongest in aquatic systems, moderate in terrestrial systems, and weakest in decomposer food webs. We measured effects of top predators and plant resources on the diversity of endophytic animals in an understorey shrub Piper cenocladum (Piperaceae). Predators and resource availability had significant direct and indirect effects on the diversity of the endophytic animal community, but the effects were not interactive, nor were they consistent between living vs. detrital food webs. The addition of fourth trophic level beetle predators increased diversity of consumers supported by living plant tissue, whereas balanced plant resources (light and nutrients) increased the diversity of primary through tertiary consumers in the detrital resources food web. These results support the hypotheses that top‐down and bottom‐up diversity cascades occur in terrestrial systems, and that diversity is affected by different factors in living vs. detrital food webs.  相似文献   

Ecologists have extensively investigated the effect of warming on consumer–resource interactions, with experiments revealing that warming can strengthen, weaken or have no net effect on top‐down control of resources. These experiments have inspired a body of theoretical work to explain the variation in the effect of warming on top‐down control. However, there has been no quantitative attempt to reconcile theory with outcomes from empirical studies. To address the gap between theory and experiment, we performed a meta‐analysis to examine the combined effect of experimental warming and top‐down control on resource biomass and determined potential sources of variation across experiments. We show that differences in experimental outcomes are related to systematic variation in the geographical distribution of studies. Specifically, warming strengthened top‐down control when experiments were conducted in colder regions, but had the opposite effect in warmer regions. Furthermore, we found that differences in the thermoregulation strategy of the consumer and openness of experimental arenas to dispersal can contribute to some deviation from the overall geographical pattern. These results reconcile empirical findings and support the expectation of geographical variation in the response of consumer–resource interactions to warming.  相似文献   

升温对超富营养型浅水湖泊沉积物营养盐动态迁移的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李庚辰  刘足根  张敏  李娟  皮坤  熊鹰  徐军 《生态学报》2015,35(12):4016-4025
在实验室控制条件下,以超富营养型浅水湖泊——武汉南湖表层沉积物和表层水为研究对象,设置18℃和22.5℃两个温度处理组,模拟武汉地区预测的21世纪末春季变暖的情景,研究升温对沉积物营养盐释放的影响。实验结果表明:整个实验过程中,22.5℃处理组水体中正磷酸盐(o-P)和总磷(TP)含量显著高于18℃处理组,说明气温升高可以显著促进富营养化浅水湖泊沉积物磷的释放,促进水体中磷含量的显著升高;此外,在实验的初始阶段,升温能够加速水体中氨氮(NH+4-N)向硝态氮(NO-3-N)转化的过程,同时水体与沉积物中氮含量的下降可能是水体与沉积物中的氮通过反硝化作用从系统中溢出以及被系统中的底栖生物利用所致,没有观察到气温升高对沉积物中总氮的释放产生显著影响。  相似文献   

1. Nutrient and fish manipulations in mesocosms were carried out on food‐web interactions in a Mediterranean shallow lake in south‐east Spain. Nutrients controlled biomass of phytoplankton and periphyton, while zooplankton, regulated by planktivorous fish, influenced the relative percentages of the dominant phytoplankton species. 2. Phytoplankton species diversity decreased with increasing nutrient concentration and planktivorous fish density. Cyanobacteria grew well in both turbid and clear‐water states. 3. Planktivorous fish increased concentrations of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP). Larger zooplankters (mostly Ceriodaphnia and copepods) were significantly reduced when fish were present, whereas rotifers increased, after fish removal of cyclopoid predators and other filter feeders (cladocerans, nauplii). The greatest biomass and diversity of zooplankton was found at intermediate nutrient levels, in mesocosms without fish and in the presence of macrophytes. 4. Water level decrease improved underwater light conditions and favoured macrophyte persistence. Submerged macrophytes (Chara spp.) outcompeted algae up to an experimental nutrient loading equivalent to added concentrations of 0.06 mg L?1 PO4‐P and 0.6 mg L?1 NO3‐N, above which an exponential increase in periphyton biomass and algal turbidity caused characean biomass to decline. 5. Declining water levels during summer favoured plant‐associated rotifer species and chroococcal cyanobacteria. High densities of chroococcal cyanobacteria were related to intermediate nutrient enrichment and the presence of small zooplankton taxa, while filamentous cyanobacteria were relatively more abundant in fishless mesocosms, in which Crustacea were more abundant, and favoured by dim underwater light. 6. Benthic macroinvertebrates increased significantly at intermediate nutrient levels but there was no relationship with planktivorous fish density. 7. The thresholds of nutrient loading and in‐lake P required to avoid a turbid state and maintain submerged macrophytes were lower than those reported from temperate shallow lakes. Mediterranean shallow lakes may remain turbid with little control of zooplankton on algal biomass, as observed in tropical and subtropical lakes. Nutrient loading control and macrophyte conservation appear to be especially important in these systems to maintain high water quality.  相似文献   

Nutrient pollution and reduced grazing each can stimulate algal blooms as shown by numerous experiments. But because experiments rarely incorporate natural variation in environmental factors and biodiversity, conditions determining the relative strength of bottom–up and top–down forcing remain unresolved. We factorially added nutrients and reduced grazing at 15 sites across the range of the marine foundation species eelgrass (Zostera marina) to quantify how top–down and bottom–up control interact with natural gradients in biodiversity and environmental forcing. Experiments confirmed modest top–down control of algae, whereas fertilisation had no general effect. Unexpectedly, grazer and algal biomass were better predicted by cross‐site variation in grazer and eelgrass diversity than by global environmental gradients. Moreover, these large‐scale patterns corresponded strikingly with prior small‐scale experiments. Our results link global and local evidence that biodiversity and top–down control strongly influence functioning of threatened seagrass ecosystems, and suggest that biodiversity is comparably important to global change stressors.  相似文献   

1. There is an ongoing debate about the relative importance of top‐down and bottom‐up regulation of herbivore dynamics in the wild. Secondary metabolites, produced by plants, have negative effects on survival and growth of some herbivore species, causing bottom‐up regulation of population dynamics. Herbivore natural enemies may use plant secondary metabolites as cues to find their prey, but their survival and reproduction can also be influenced by the upward cascade of secondary metabolites through the food web. Thus plant chemistry might also affect herbivore populations by mediating top‐down regulation. 2. We investigated the influence of heritable variation in aliphatic glucosinolates, a class of secondary metabolites produced by Brassica plants, on the relative importance of top‐down and bottom‐up regulation of Brevicoryne brassicae (mealy cabbage aphid) colonies in natural Brassica oleracea (wild cabbage) populations. We manipulated natural enemy pressure on plants differing in their glucosinolate profiles, and monitored aphid colony growth and disperser production. 3. Aphid colony sizes were significantly smaller on plants producing sinigrin, compared with plants producing alternative aliphatic glucosinolates. Aphid natural enemy numbers correlated with aphid colony size, but there was no additional effect of the plants' chemical phenotype on natural enemy abundance. Furthermore, experimental reduction of natural enemy pressure had no effect on aphid colony size or production of winged dispersers. 4. Our results provide evidence for glucosinolate‐mediated, bottom‐up regulation of mealy cabbage aphid colonies in natural populations, but we found no indication of top‐down regulation. We emphasise that more studies of these processes should focus on tritrophic interactions in the wild.  相似文献   

The diversity of plant neighbors commonly results in direct, bottom‐up effects on herbivore ability to locate their host, and in indirect effects on herbivores involving changes in plant traits and a top‐down control by their enemies. Yet, the relative contribution of bottom‐up and top‐down forces remains poorly understood. We also lack knowledge on the effect of abiotic constraints such as summer drought on the strength and direction of these effects. We measured leaf damage on pedunculate oak (Quercus robur), alone or associated with birch, pine or both in a long‐term tree diversity experiment (ORPHEE), where half of the plots were irrigated while the other half remained without irrigation and received only rainfall. We tested three mechanisms likely to explain the effects of oak neighbors on herbivory: (1) Direct bottom‐up effects of heterospecific neighbors on oak accessibility to herbivores, (2) indirect bottom‐up effects of neighbors on the expression of leaf traits, and (3) top‐down control of herbivores by predators. Insect herbivory increased during the growth season but was independent of neighbor identity and irrigation. Specific leaf area, leaf toughness, and thickness varied with neighbor identity while leaf dry matter content or C:N ratio did not. When summarized in a principal component analysis (PCA), neighbor identity explained 87% of variability in leaf traits. PCA axes partially predicted herbivory. Despite greater rates of attack on dummy caterpillars in irrigated plots, avian predation, and insect herbivory remained unrelated. Our study suggests that neighbor identity can indirectly influence insect herbivory in mixed forests by modifying leaf traits. However, we found only partial evidence for these trait‐mediated effects and suggest that more attention should be paid to some unmeasured plant traits such as secondary metabolites, including volatile organic compounds, to better anticipate the effects of climate change on plant‐insect interactions in the future.  相似文献   

Stream inlets into shallow bays of reservoirs and lakes may be ‘hot‐spots’ for toxic cyanobacterial bloom initiation. These ‘hot‐spots’ may be connected with the permanent inflow of high nutrient concentrations from the catchment, optimal physical conditions (wind protected areas) that occur in shallow areas and/or ineffective top‐down control. Four sampling sites along a transect from stream to reservoir in a shallow bay of Sulejow Reservoir (Poland) were studied to test the above hypothesis, comprising a transition zone between lotic and pelagic habitats. Investigations showed that stream inlet into shallow bay acted as incubator for Microcystis blooms. The nutrient level, especially phosphorus, was identified as the major cause of cyanobacterial bloom growth. The increase of Microcystis biomass strongly correlated with increasing microcystin concentrations, however, a relationship with microcystin content was not observed. Toxicity of bloom demonstrated seasonal variability, reaching its maximum at the initial phase of bloom. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

  1. To investigate the structural changes of a food‐web architecture, we considered real data coming from a soil food web in one abandoned pasture with former low‐pressure agriculture management and we reproduced the corresponding ecological network within a multi‐agent fully programmable modeling environment in order to simulate dynamically the cascading effects due to the removal of entire functional guilds.
  2. We performed several simulations differing from each other for the functional implications. At the first trophic level, we simulated a removal of the prey, that is, herbivores and microbivores, while at the second trophic level, we simulated a removal of the predators, that is, omnivores and carnivores. The five main guilds were removed either separately or in combination.
  3. The alteration in the food‐web architecture induced by the removal of entire functional guilds was the highest when the entire second trophic level was removed, while the removal of all microbivores caused an alteration in the food‐web structure of less than 5% of the total changes due to the removal of opportunistic and predatory species.
  4. Omnivores alone account for the highest shifts in time of the numerical abundances of the remaining species, providing computational evidence of the importance of the degree of omnivory in the stabilization of soil biota.

1. Water‐level fluctuations are typical of lakes located in the semi‐arid Mediterranean region, which is characterised by warm rainy winters and hot dry summers. Ongoing climate change may exacerbate fluctuations and lead to more severe episodes of drought, so information on the effects of water level on the functioning of lake ecosystems in such regions is crucial. 2. In eutrophic Lake Eymir, Turkey, we conducted a 4‐month (summer) field experiment using cylindrical 0.8‐m‐ (low‐water‐level) and 1.6‐m‐deep (high‐water‐level) mesocosms (kept open to the sediment and atmosphere). Fish (tench, Tinca tinca, and bleak, Alburnus escherichii) were added to half of the mesocosms, while the rest were kept fishless. Ten shoots of Potamogeton pectinatus were transplanted to each mesocosm. 3. Sampling for physicochemical variables, chlorophyll a (chl‐a), zooplankton and per cent plant volume inhabited (PVI%) by macrophytes was conducted weekly during the first 5 weeks, and subsequently biweekly. Macrophytes were harvested on the last sampling date. During the course of the experiment, the water level decreased by 0.41 ± 0.06 m. 4. Throughout the experiment, fish affected zooplankton abundance (?), nutrient concentrations (+), chl‐a (+) and water clarity (?) most strongly in the low‐water‐level mesocosms and the zooplankton community shifted towards dominance of small‐sized forms. The fishless mesocosms had a higher zooplankton/phytoplankton ratio, suggesting higher grazing. 5. Greatest macrophyte growth was observed in the low‐water‐level fishless mesocosms. However, despite high nutrient concentrations and low water clarity, macrophytes were also abundant in the fish mesocosms and particularly increased following a water‐level decrease from midsummer onwards. Macrophyte growth was poor in the high‐water‐level mesocosms, even in the fishless ones with high water clarity. This was ascribed to extensive periphyton development reducing light availability for the macrophytes. 6. Our results indicate that a reduction in water level during summer may help maintain the growth of macrophytes in Mediterranean eutrophic shallow lakes, despite a strong negative effect of fish predation on water clarity. It is therefore probable that an expected negative effect of global climate change on water clarity because of eutrophication and enhanced top‐down control of fish may be, at least partly, counteracted by reduced water level, provided that physical disturbance is not severe.  相似文献   

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