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A symbiotic, heterocystous, N2-fixing blue-green alga, isolated from the coralloid roots of a xerophytic plant,Cycas revoluta, grew best in liquid medium supplemented with 4 mM NO 3 . Morphologically, the isolated alga was identical to that of the natural endophyte but the cell size had decreased markedly. The alga was heterotrophic. Intact coralloid roots had nearly 4 to 5 times more nitrogenase activity compared with natural- and laboratory-grown agla but nitrate reductase was inducible in both the forms. Plasmid(s) were found in both algal forms.  相似文献   

Molecular nitrogen (N2) constitutes the majority of Earth's modern atmosphere, contributing ~0.79 bar of partial pressure (pN2). However, fluctuations in pN2 may have occurred on 107–109 year timescales in Earth's past, perhaps altering the isotopic composition of atmospheric nitrogen. Here, we explore an archive that may record the isotopic composition of atmospheric N2 in deep time: the foliage of cycads. Cycads are ancient gymnosperms that host symbiotic N2‐fixing cyanobacteria in modified root structures known as coralloid roots. All extant species of cycads are known to host symbionts, suggesting that this N2‐fixing capacity is perhaps ancestral, reaching back to the early history of cycads in the late Paleozoic. Therefore, if the process of microbial N2 fixation records the δ15N value of atmospheric N2 in cycad foliage, the fossil record of cycads may provide an archive of atmospheric δ15N values. To explore this potential proxy, we conducted a survey of wild cycads growing in a range of modern environments to determine whether cycad foliage reliably records the isotopic composition of atmospheric N2. We find that neither biological nor environmental factors significantly influence the δ15N values of cycad foliage, suggesting that they provide a reasonably robust record of the δ15N of atmospheric N2. Application of this proxy to the record of carbonaceous cycad fossils may not only help to constrain changes in atmospheric nitrogen isotope ratios since the late Paleozoic, but also could shed light on the antiquity of the N2‐fixing symbiosis between cycads and cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

Summary Labeled probes carrying the Anabaena PCC 7120 nitrogenase (nifK and nifD) and nitrogenase reductase (nifH) genes were hybridized to Southern blots of DNA from diverse N2-fixing cyanobacteria in order to test a previous observation of different nif gene organization in nonheterocystous and heterocystous strains. The nif probes showed no significant hybridization to DNA from a unicellular cyanobacterium incapable of N2 fixation. All nonheterocystous cyanobacteria examined (unicellular and filamentous) had a contiguous nifKDH gene cluster whereas all of the heterocystous strains showed separation of nifK from contiguous nifDH genes. These findings suggest that nonheterocystous and heterocystous cyanobacteria have characteristic and fundamentally different nif gene arrangements. The noncontiguous nif gene pattern, as shown with two Het- mutants, is independent of phenotypic expression of heterocyst differentiation and aerobic N2-fixation. Thus nif arrangement could be a useful taxonomic marker to distinguish between phenotypically Het- heterocystous cyanobacteria and phylogenetically unrelated nonheterocystous strains.  相似文献   

The removal of perennial bioenergy crops, such as Miscanthus, has rarely been studied although it is an important form of land use change. Miscanthus is a C4 plant, and the carbon (C) it deposits during its growth has a different isotopic signature (12/13C) compared to a C3 plant. Identifying the proportion of C stored and released to the atmosphere is important information for ecosystem models and life cycle analyses. During a removal experiment in June 2011 of a 20‐year old Miscanthus field (Grignon, France), vegetation was removed mechanically and chemically. Two replicate plots were converted into a rotation of annual crops, two plots had Miscanthus removed with no soil disturbance, followed by bare soil (set‐aside), one control plot was left with continued Miscanthus cultivation, and an adjacent field was used as annual arable crops control. There was a significant difference in the isotopic composition of the total soil C under Miscanthus compared with adjacent annual arable crops in all three measured soil layers (0–5, 5–10 and 10–20 cm). Before Miscanthus removal, total C in the soil under Miscanthus ranged from 4.9% in the top layer to 3.9% in the lower layers with δ13C values of ?16.3 to ?17.8 while soil C under the adjacent arable crop was significantly lower and ranged from 1.6 to 2% with δ13C values of ?23.2. This did not change much in 2012, suggesting the accumulation of soil C under Miscanthus persists for at least the first year. In contrast, the isotopic signals of soil respiration 1 year after Miscanthus removal from recultivated and set‐aside plots were similar to that of the annual arable control, while just after removal the signals were similar to that of the Miscanthus control. This suggests a rapid change in the form of soil C pools that are respired.  相似文献   

Unicellular cyanobacteria are now recognized as important to the marine N and C cycles in open ocean gyres, yet there are few direct in situ measurements of their activities. Using a high‐resolution nanometer scale secondary ion mass spectrometer (nanoSIMS), single cell N2 and C fixation rates were estimated for unicellular cyanobacteria resembling N2 fixer Crocosphaera watsonii. Crocosphaera watsonii‐like cells were observed in the subtropical North Pacific gyre (22°45′ N, 158°0′ W) as 2 different phenotypes: colonial and free‐living. Colonies containing 3–242 cells per colony were observed and cell density in colonies increased with incubation time. Estimated C fixation rates were similarly high in both phenotypes and unexpectedly for unicellular cyanobacteria 85% of the colonial cells incubated during midday were also enriched in 15N above natural abundance. Highest 15N enrichment and N2 fixation rates were found in cells incubated overnight where up to 64% of the total daily fixed N in the upper surface waters was attributed to both phenotypes. The colonial cells retained newly fixed C in a sulfur‐rich matrix surrounding the cells and often cells of both phenotypes possessed areas (<1 nm) of enriched 15N and 13C resembling storage granules. The nanoSIMS imaging of the colonial cells also showed evidence for a division of N2 and C fixation activity across the colony where few individual cells (<34%) in a given colony were enriched in both 15N and 13C above the colony average. Our results provide new insights into the ecophysiology of unicellular cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

Predicting how individual taxa will respond to climatic change is challenging, in part because the impacts of environmental conditions can vary markedly, even among closely related species. Studies of chipmunks (Tamias spp.) in Yosemite National Park provide an important opportunity to explore the reasons for this variation in response. While the alpine chipmunk (T. alpinus) has undergone a significant elevational range contraction over the past century, the congeneric and partially sympatric lodgepole chipmunk (T. speciosus) has not experienced an elevational range shift during this period. As a first step toward identifying the factors underlying this difference in response, we examined evidence for dietary changes and changes in cranial morphology in these species over the past century. Stable isotope analyses of fur samples from modern and historical museum specimens of these species collected at the same localities indicated that signatures of dietary change were more pronounced in T. alpinus, although diet breadth did not differ consistently between the study species. Morphometric analyses of crania from these specimens revealed significant changes in cranial shape for T. alpinus, with less pronounced changes in shape for T. speciosus; evidence of selection on skull morphology was detected for T. alpinus, but not for T. speciosus. These results are consistent with growing evidence that T. alpinus is generally more responsive to environmental change than T. speciosus, but emphasize the complex and often geographically variable nature of such responses. Accordingly, future studies that make use of the taxonomically and spatially integrative approach employed here may prove particularly informative regarding relationships between environmental conditions, range changes, and patterns of phenotypic variation.  相似文献   

Ten strains of filamentous, heterocystous nitrogen-fixing blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) were screened for growth performance and tolerance to temperature, pH, irradiance and salinity, together with their potential as producers of phycobiliprotein pigments. Phycobiliproteins typically accounted for about 50% total cell protein, the prevalent type being C-phycocyanin, followed by alloppycocyanin, with levels of 17 and 11% d.wt, respectively, in some strains of Anabaena and Nostoc. C-phycoerythrin was the major pigment in several Nostoc strains, reaching 10% d.wt. Some strains represent, therefore, excellent sources of one or more phycobiliproteins. All strains tolerated an irradiance of ca 2000 μmol photon m-2 s-1. Anabaena sp. ATCC 33047 and Nostoc sp. (Albufera) exhibited the widest optimum range of both temperature (30–45 and 25–40 °C) and pH (6.5–9.5 and 6.0–9.0) for growth, the former also showing significant salt tolerance. In an outdoor open system, productivity of cultures of two phycoerythrin-rich strains of Nostoc was over 20 g (d.wt) m-2 d-1 during summer. The growth performance of the allophycocyanin-rich Anabaena sp. ATCC 33047 in outdoor semi-continuous culture has been assessed throughout the year. Productivity values under optimized conditions ranged from 9 (winter) to 24 (summer) g (d.wt) m-2 d-1.  相似文献   

Trends toward increased temperatures, reduced sea ice extent, and longer open water seasons have resulted in changing Arctic ecosystem dynamics. Expected changes include shifts in distribution and abundance of prey species for seabirds and marine mammals. Using stable isotope analysis, we studied spatial and interannual variation in ringed seal (Pusa hispida) feeding ecology in Hudson Bay in relation to environmental variables, between 2003 and 2010. Ringed seal muscle and hair samples collected from Arviat and Sanikiluaq, Nunavut, were analyzed for stable isotope ratios of nitrogen (δ15N) and carbon (δ13C). Seals from western Hudson Bay (Arviat) had higher δ15N and lower δ13C than seals from eastern Hudson Bay (Sanikiluaq), and stable isotope ratios varied interannually within each region. Peak δ15N occurred in years with spring air temperatures between approximately ?5°C and ?2°C. This temperature range was characteristic of warm years in western Hudson Bay and cool years in eastern Hudson Bay. We hypothesize that the high δ15N observed in ringed seals is indicative of greater importance of capelin (Mallotus villosus) in ringed seal diet. A comparison of ringed seal isotopic niche widths indicated greater dietary differences between western and eastern Hudson Bay with warming, suggesting a possible ecological divergence related to climate change.  相似文献   

The wild relatives of bread wheat ( Triticum aestivum ) are valued by plant breeders for their genetic diversity. However, increasing levels of nitrogen (N) deposition and ground‐level ozone (O3) threaten plant biodiversity in the Mediterranean and Near‐East, a hotspot for many crop wild relatives. Knowledge of the effect of these air pollutants in combination is still limited, but early indications are that effects vary depending on the level of pollutants, and on the sensitivity of the species to N and O3. This study examined the responses of four important wheat wild relatives ( Aegilops tauschii , Aegilops speltoides , Triticum dicoccoides and Triticum monococcum ) and one modern wheat cultivar ( T. aestivum ‘Cadenza’) to treatments of N (equivalent to 50 kg ha?1 year?1 ammonium nitrate) and O3 (100 ppb for 21 days), alone and in combination. Measurements included root, shoot and seed biomass, and electrolyte ratios. The O3 sensitivity of A. tauschii and T. aestivum ‘Cadenza’ were exacerbated by the addition of N, while A. speltoides was found to be nitrophilous, with N ameliorating the negative effect of O3. Both T. aestivum ‘Cadenza’ and T. dicoccoides produced immature seed heads, with the cultivar's seed head biomass reduced in response to O3 and N + O3 while that of T. dicoccoides was largely unaffected. These data suggest that all four wild relatives are likely to be affected when N and O3 air pollutants co‐occur, and there in situ populations may therefore be at risk. Equally, the results of this study can inform use of their beneficial traits by wheat breeders, and alert them to the inadvertent inclusion of N and O3 sensitivity.  相似文献   

Temporal trends of N2O fluxes across the soil–atmosphere interface were determined using continuous flux chamber measurements over an entire growing season of a subsurface aerating macrophyte (Phalaris arundinacea) in a nonmanaged Danish wetland. Observed N2O fluxes were linked to changes in subsurface N2O and O2 concentrations, water level (WL), light intensity as well as mineral‐N availability. Weekly concentration profiles showed that seasonal variations in N2O concentrations were directly linked to the position of the WL and O2 availability at the capillary fringe above the WL. N2O flux measurements showed surprisingly high temporal variability with marked changes in fluxes and shifts in flux directions from net source to net sink within hours associated with changing light conditions. Systematic diurnal shifts between net N2O emission during day time and deposition during night time were observed when max subsurface N2O concentrations were located below the root zone. Correlation (P < 0.001) between diurnal variations in O2 concentrations and incoming photosynthetically active radiation highlighted the importance of plant‐driven subsoil aeration of the root zone and the associated controls on coupled nitrification/denitrification. Therefore, P. arundinacea played an important role in facilitating N2O transport from the root zone to the atmosphere, and exclusion of the aboveground biomass in flux chamber measurements may lead to significant underestimations on net ecosystem N2O emissions. Complex interactions between seasonal changes in O2 and mineral‐N availability following near‐surface WL fluctuations in combination with plant‐mediated gas transport by P. arundinacea controlled the subsurface N2O concentrations and gas transport mechanisms responsible for N2O fluxes across the soil–atmosphere interface. Results demonstrate the necessity for addressing this high temporal variability and potential plant transport of N2O in future studies of net N2O exchange across the soil–atmosphere interface.  相似文献   

Climate warming and human landscape transformation during the Holocene resulted in environmental changes for wild animals. The last remnants of the European Pleistocene megafauna that survived into the Holocene were particularly vulnerable to changes in habitat. To track the response of habitat use and foraging of large herbivores to natural and anthropogenic changes in environmental conditions during the Holocene, we investigated carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotope composition in bone collagen of moose (Alces alces), European bison (Bison bonasus) and aurochs (Bos primigenius) in Central and Eastern Europe. We found strong variations in isotope compositions in the studied species throughout the Holocene and diverse responses to changing environmental conditions. All three species showed significant changes in their δ13C values reflecting a shift of foraging habitats from more open in the Early and pre‐Neolithic Holocene to more forest during the Neolithic and Late Holocene. This shift was strongest in European bison, suggesting higher plasticity, more limited in moose, and the least in aurochs. Significant increases of δ15N values in European bison and moose are evidence of a diet change towards more grazing, but may also reflect increased nitrogen in soils following deglaciation and global temperature increases. Among the factors explaining the observed isotope variations were time (age of samples), longitude and elevation in European bison, and time, longitude and forest cover in aurochs. None of the analysed factors explained isotope variations in moose. Our results demonstrate the strong influence of natural (forest expansion) and anthropogenic (deforestation and human pressure) changes on the foraging ecology of large herbivores, with forests playing a major role as a refugial habitat since the Neolithic, particularly for European bison and aurochs. We propose that high flexibility in foraging strategy was the key for survival of large herbivores in the changing environmental conditions of the Holocene.  相似文献   

Human‐induced changes in atmospheric composition are expected to affect primary productivity across terrestrial biomes. Recent changes in productivity have been observed in many forest ecosystems, but low‐latitude upper tree line forests remain to be investigated. Here, we use dendrochronological methods and isotopic analysis to examine changes in productivity, and their physiological basis, in Abies religiosa (Ar) and Pinus hartwegii (Ph) trees growing in high‐elevation forests of central Mexico. Six sites were selected across a longitudinal transect (Transverse Volcanic Axis), from the Pacific Ocean toward the Gulf of Mexico, where mature dominant trees were sampled at altitudes ranging from 3200 to 4000 m asl. A total of 60 Ar and 84 Ph trees were analyzed to describe changes in growth (annual‐resolution) and isotopic composition (decadal‐resolution) since the early 1900s. Our results show an initial widespread increase in basal area increment (BAI) during the first half of the past century. However, BAI has decreased significantly since the 1950s with accentuated decline after the 1980s in both species and across sites. We found a consistent reduction in atmosphere to wood 13C discrimination, resulting from increasing water use efficiency (20–60%), coinciding with rising atmospheric CO2. Changes in 13C discrimination were not followed, however, by shifts in tree ring δ18O, indicating site‐ and species‐specific differences in water source or uptake strategy. Our results indicate that CO2 stimulation has not been enough to counteract warming‐induced drought stress, but other stressors, such as progressive nutrient limitation, could also have contributed to growth decline. Future studies should explore the distinct role of resource limitation (water vs. nutrients) in modulating the response of high‐elevation ecosystems to atmospheric change.  相似文献   

In this study we used recent (2010) and herbarium material (1980) of six bryophyte species to assess long‐term atmospheric deposition in natural forested areas in northern Spain. For this purpose, tissue nitrogen and carbon content, as well as δ13C and δ15N signatures of samples of Hypnum cupressiforme, Polytrichastrum formosum, Leucobryum juniperoideum, Rhytidiadelphus loreus, Homalothecium lutescens and Diplophyllum albicans were analysed and comparisons made between years and species. In addition, the usefulness of each of the six species was evaluated. The range of values observed was similar to that in other studies carried out in rural areas. Significantly lower values were found in 2010 for N (H. cupressiforme), δ15N (R. loreus and D. albicans), C (R. loreus) and δ13C (all except L. juniperoideum). Our natural areas are thus now less influenced by atmospheric pollutants than they were, most probably due to changes in some traditional local activities. Differences were observed between species for all the four parameters studied, so different species must not be analysed together. Finally, R. loreus and H. lutescens seem to be good bioindicators, sensitive even with a few samples, although further studies are needed to corroborate their usefulness.  相似文献   

In many marine ecosystems, diatoms dominate in nutrient‐rich coastal waters while coccolithiophores are found offshore in areas where nutrients may be limiting. In lab‐controlled batch cultures, mixed‐species competition between the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum and the coccolithophore Emiliana huxleyi and the response of each species were examined under nitrate (N) and phosphate (P) starvation. Based on the logistic growth model and the Lotka–Volterra competition model, E. huxleyi showed higher competitive abilities than P. tricornutum under N and P starvation. For both species, cell growth was more inhibited by P starvation, while photosynthetic functions (chl a fluorescence parameters) and cellular constituents (pigments) were impaired by N starvation. The decline of photosynthetic functions occurred later in E. huxleyi (day 12) than in P. tricornutum (day 9); this time difference was associated with greater damage of the photosynthetic apparatus in P. tricornutum compared with E. huxleyi. Xanthophyll cycle pigment accumulation and the transformation from diadinoxanthin to diatoxanthin was more active in E. huxleyi than P. tricornutum, under similar N and P starvation. We concluded that E. huxleyi and P. tricornutum have different mechanisms to allocate resources and energy under nutrient starvation. It appears that E. huxleyi has a more economic strategy to adapt to nutrient depleted environments than P. tricornutum. These findings provided additional evidence explaining how N versus P limitation differentially support diatom and coccolithophore blooms in natural environments.  相似文献   

Despite the recognition that some species might quickly adapt to new conditions under climate change, demonstrating and predicting such a fundamental response is challenging. Morphological variations in response to climate may be caused by evolutionary changes or phenotypic plasticity, or both, but teasing apart these processes is difficult. Here, we built on the number of thoracic vertebrae (NTV) in ectothermic vertebrates, a known genetically based feature, to establish a link with body size and evaluate how climate change might affect the future morphological response of this group of species. First, we show that in old‐world salamanders, NTV variation is strongly related to changes in body size. Secondly, using 22 salamander species as a case study, we found support for relationships between the spatial variation in selected bioclimatic variables and NTV for most of species. For 44% of species, precipitation and aridity were the predominant drivers of geographical variation of the NTV. Temperature features were dominant for 31% of species, while for 19% temperature and precipitation played a comparable role. This two‐step analysis demonstrates that ectothermic vertebrates may evolve in response to climate change by modifying the number of thoracic vertebrae. These findings allow to develop scenarios for potential morphological evolution under future climate change and to identify areas and species in which the most marked evolutionary responses are expected. Resistance to climate change estimated from species distribution models was positively related to present‐day species morphological response, suggesting that the ability of morphological evolution may play a role for species’ persistence under climate change. The possibility that present‐day capacity for local adaptation might help the resistance response to climate change can be integrated into analyses of the impact of global changes and should also be considered when planning management actions favouring species persistence.  相似文献   

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