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Autophagy is an evolutionarily conserved catabolic mechanism that targets intracellular molecules and damaged organelles to lysosomes. Autophagy is achieved by a series of membrane trafficking events, but their regulatory mechanisms are poorly understood. Here, we report small GTPase Rab12 as a new type of autophagic regulator that controls the degradation of an amino‐acid transporter. Knockdown of Rab12 results in inhibition of autophagy and in increased activity of mTORC1 (mammalian/mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1), an upstream regulator of autophagy. We also found that Rab12 promotes constitutive degradation of PAT4 (proton‐coupled amino‐acid transporter 4), whose accumulation in Rab12‐knockdown cells modulates mTORC1 activity and autophagy. Our findings reveal a new mechanism of regulation of mTORC1 signalling and autophagy, that is, quality control of PAT4 by Rab12.  相似文献   

The large neutral amino acid transporter type 1, LAT1, is the principal neutral amino acid transporter expressed at the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Owing to the high affinity (low Km) of the LAT1 isoform, BBB amino acid transport in vivo is very sensitive to transport competition effects induced by hyperaminoacidemias, such as phenylketonuria. The low Km of LAT1 is a function of specific amino acid residues, and the transporter is comprised of 12 phylogenetically conserved cysteine (Cys) residues. LAT1 is highly sensitive to inhibition by inorganic mercury, but the specific cysteine residue(s) of LAT1 that account for the mercury sensitivity is not known. LAT1 forms a heterodimer with the 4F2hc heavy chain, which are joined by a disulfide bond between Cys160 of LAT1 and Cys110 of 4F2hc. The present studies use site-directed mutagenesis to convert each of the 12 cysteines of LAT1 and each of the 2 cysteines of 4F2hc into serine residues. Mutation of the cysteine residues of the 4F2hc heavy chain of the hetero-dimeric transporter did not affect transporter activity. The wild type LAT1 was inhibited by HgCl2 with a Ki of 0.56 ± 0.11 μM. The inhibitory effect of HgCl2 for all 12 LAT1 Cys mutants was examined. However, except for the C439S mutant, the inhibition by HgCl2 for 11 of the 12 Cys mutants was comparable to the wild type transporter. Mutation of only 2 of the 12 cysteine residues of the LAT1 light chain, Cys88 and Cys439, altered amino acid transport. The Vmax was decreased 50% for the C88S mutant. A kinetic analysis of the C439S mutant could not be performed because transporter activity was not significantly above background. Confocal microscopy showed the C439S LAT1 mutant was not effectively transferred to the oocyte plasma membrane. These studies show that the Cys439 residue of LAT1 plays a significant role in either folding or insertion of the transporter protein in the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

In mammals, metabolic adaptations are required to cope with episodes of protein deprivation and malnutrition. Consequently, mammals have to adjust physiological functions involved in the adaptation to amino acid availability. Part of this regulation involves the modulation of the expression of numerous genes. In particular, it has been shown that amino acids by themselves can modify the expression of target genes. This review describes the regulation of amino acids homeostasis and the their role as signal molecules. The recent advances in the understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in the control of mammalian gene expression in response to amino acid limitation will be described.  相似文献   

An improved synthesis of (2S, 4S)‐ and (2S, 4R)‐2‐amino‐4‐methyldecanoic acids was accomplished using a glutamate derivative as starting material and Evans' asymmetric alkylation as the decisive step. The NMR data of the two diastereomers were measured and compared with those of the natural product. As a result, the stereochemistry of this novel amino acid unit in culicinins was assigned as (2S, 4R). Copyright © 2011 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The anterior piriform cortex (APC) is activated by, and is the brain area most sensitive to, essential (indispensable) amino acid (IAA) deficiency. The APC is required for the rapid (20 min) behavioral rejection of IAA deficient diets and increased foraging, both crucial adaptive functions supporting IAA homeostasis in omnivores. The biochemical mechanisms signaling IAA deficiency in the APC block initiation of translation in protein synthesis via uncharged tRNA and the general amino acid control kinase, general control nonderepressing kinase 2. Yet, how inhibition of protein synthesis activates the APC is unknown. The neuronal K+Cl? cotransporter, neural potassium chloride co‐transporter (KCC2), and GABAA receptors are essential inhibitory elements in the APC with short plasmalemmal half‐lives that maintain control in this highly excitable circuitry. After a single IAA deficient meal both proteins were reduced (vs. basal diet controls) in western blots of APC (but not neocortex or cerebellum) and in immunohistochemistry of APC. Furthermore, electrophysiological analyses support loss of inhibitory elements such as the GABAA receptor in this model. As the crucial inhibitory function of the GABAA receptor depends on KCC2 and the Cl? transmembrane gradient it establishes, these results suggest that loss of such inhibitory elements contributes to disinhibition of the APC in IAA deficiency.


L-type amino acid transporter 1 (LAT1), an isoform of amino acid transport system L, transports branched or aromatic amino acids essential for fundamental cellular activities such as cellular growth, proliferation and maintenance. This amino acid transporter recently has received attention because of its preferential and up-regulated expression in a variety of human tumors in contrast to its limited distribution and low-level expression in normal tissues. In this study, we explored the feasibility of using LAT1 inhibitor as a new therapeutic agent for human malignant melanomas (MM) using canine spontaneous MM as a model for human MM. A comparative study of LAT expression was performed in 48 normal tissues, 25 MM tissues and five cell lines established from MM. The study observed LAT1 mRNA levels from MM tissues and cell lines that were significantly (< 0.01) higher than in normal tissues. Additionally, MM with distant metastasis showed a higher expression than those without distant metastasis. Functional analysis of LAT1 was performed on one of the five cell lines, CMeC-1. [3H]l-Leucine uptake and cellular growth activities in CMeC-1 were inhibited in a dose-dependent manner by selective LAT1 inhibitors (2-amino-2-norbornane-carboxylic acid, BCH and melphalan, LPM). Inhibitory growth activities of various conventional anti-cancer drugs, including carboplatin, cyclophosphamide, dacarbazine, doxorubicin, mitoxantrone, nimustine, vinblastine and vincristine, were significantly (< 0.05) enhanced by combination use with BCH or LPM. These findings suggest that LAT1 could be a new therapeutic target for MM.  相似文献   

Hxt2 is a glucose repressed, high affinity glucose transporter of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and is subjected to high glucose induced degradation. Hxt11 is a sugar transporter that is stably expressed at the membrane irrespective the sugar concentration. To transfer this property to Hxt2, the N‐terminal tail of Hxt2 was replaced by the corresponding region of Hxt11 yielding a chimeric Hxt11/2 transporter. This resulted in the stable expression of Hxt2 at the membrane and improved the growth on 8% d ‐glucose and 4% d ‐xylose. Mutation of N361 of Hxt11/2 into threonine reversed the specificity for d ‐xylose over d ‐glucose with high d ‐xylose transport rates. This mutant supported efficient sugar fermentation of both d ‐glucose and d ‐xylose at industrially relevant sugar concentrations even in the presence of the inhibitor acetic acid which is normally present in lignocellulosic hydrolysates. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2017;114: 1937–1945. © 2017 The Authors. Biotechnology and Bioengineering Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Aberrant receptor kinase signalling and tumour neovascularization are hallmarks of medulloblastoma development and are both considered valuable therapeutic targets. In addition to VEGFR1/2, expression of PDGFR α/β in particular has been documented as characteristic of metastatic disease correlating with poor prognosis. Therefore, we have been suggested that the clinically approved multi‐kinase angiogenesis inhibitor Axitinib, which specifically targets these kinases, might constitute a promising option for medulloblastoma treatment. Indeed, our results delineate anti‐neoplastic activity of Axitinib in medulloblastoma cell lines modelling the most aggressive c‐myc‐amplified Non‐WNT/Non‐SHH and SHH‐TP53‐mutated tumours. Exposure of medulloblastoma cell lines to Axitinib results in marked inhibition of proliferation and profound induction of cell death. The differential efficacy of Axitinib is in line with target expression of medulloblastoma cells identifying VEGFR 1/2, PDGFR α/β and c‐kit as potential markers for drug application. The high specificity of Axitinib and the consequential low impact on the haematopoietic and immune system render this drug ideal multi‐modal treatment approaches. In this context, we demonstrate that the clinically available PI3K inhibitor GDC‐0941 enhances the anti‐neoplastic efficacy of Axitinib against c‐myc‐amplified medulloblastoma. Our findings provide a rational to further evaluate Axitinib alone and in combination with other therapeutic agents for the treatment of most aggressive medulloblastoma subtypes.  相似文献   

LAT1 (SLC7A5) and CD98 (SLC3A2) constitute a heterodimeric transmembrane protein complex that catalyzes amino acid transport. Whether one or both subunits are competent for transport is still unclear. The present work aims to solve this question using different experimental strategies. Firstly, LAT1 and CD98 were immuno-detected in protein extracts from SiHa cells. Under oxidizing conditions, i.e., without addition of SH (thiol) reducing agent DTE, both proteins were revealed as a 120 kDa major band. Upon DTE treatment separated bands, corresponding to LAT1(35 kDa) or CD98(80 kDa), were detected. LAT1 function was evaluated in intact cells as BCH sensitive [3H]His transport inhibited by hydrophobic amino acids. Antiport of [3H]His was measured in proteoliposomes reconstituted with SiHa cell extract in presence of internal His. Transport was increased by DTE. Hydrophobic amino acids were best inhibitors in addition to hydrophilic Tyr, Gln, Asn and Lys. Cys, Tyr and Gln, included in the intraliposomal space, were transported in antiport with external [3H]His. Similar experiments were performed in proteoliposomes reconstituted with the recombinant purified hLAT1. Results overlapping those obtained with native protein were achieved. Lower transport of [3H]Leu and [3H]Gln with respect to [3H]His was detected. Kinetic asymmetry was found with external Km for His lower than internal one. No transport was detected in proteoliposomes reconstituted with recombinant hCD98. The experimental data demonstrate that LAT1 is the sole transport competent subunit of the heterodimer. This conclusion has important outcome for following studies on functional characterization and identification of specific inhibitors with potential application in human therapy.  相似文献   

A series of model compounds containing 3‐amino‐1H‐pyrazole‐5‐carboxylic acid residue with N‐terminal amide/urethane and C‐terminal amide/hydrazide/ester groups were investigated by using NMR, Fourier transform infrared, and single‐crystal X‐ray diffraction methods, additionally supported by theoretical calculations. The studies demonstrate that the most preferred is the extended conformation with torsion angles ? and ψ close to ±180°. The studied 1H‐pyrazole with N‐terminal amide/urethane and C‐terminal amide/hydrazide groups solely adopts this energetically favored conformation confirming rigidity of that structural motif. However, when the C‐terminal ester group is present, the second conformation with torsion angles ? and ψ close to ±180° and 0°, respectively, is accessible. The conformational equilibrium is observed in NMR and Fourier transform infrared studies in solution in polar environment as well as in the crystal structures of other related compounds. The observed conformational preferences are clearly related to the presence of intramolecular interactions formed within the studied residue. Copyright © 2017 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Tissue homeostasis requires lineage fidelity of stem cells. Dysregulation of cell fate specification and differentiation leads to various diseases, yet the cellular and molecular mechanisms governing these processes remain elusive. We demonstrate that YAP/TAZ activation reprograms airway secretory cells, which subsequently lose their cellular identity and acquire squamous alveolar type 1 (AT1) fate in the lung. This cell fate conversion is mediated via distinctive transitional cell states of damage‐associated transient progenitors (DATPs), recently shown to emerge during injury repair in mouse and human lungs. We further describe a YAP/TAZ signaling cascade to be integral for the fate conversion of secretory cells into AT1 fate, by modulating mTORC1/ATF4‐mediated amino acid metabolism in vivo. Importantly, we observed aberrant activation of the YAP/TAZ‐mTORC1‐ATF4 axis in the altered airway epithelium of bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome, including substantial emergence of DATPs and AT1 cells with severe pulmonary fibrosis. Genetic and pharmacologic inhibition of mTORC1 activity suppresses lineage alteration and subepithelial fibrosis driven by YAP/TAZ activation, proposing a potential therapeutic target for human fibrotic lung diseases.  相似文献   

SNAT4 is a system A type amino acid transporter that primarily expresses in liver and mediates the transport of L-alanine. To determine the critical amino acid residue(s) involved in substrate transport function of SNAT4, we used hydrosulfate cross-linking MTS reagents - MMTS and MTSEA. These two reagents caused inhibition of L-alanine transport by wild-type SNAT4. There are 5 cysteine residues in SNAT4 and among them; residues Cys-232 and Cys-345 are located in the transmembrane domains. Mutation of Cys-232, but not Cys-345, inhibited transport function of SNAT4 and also rendered SNAT4 less sensitive to the cross-linking by MMTS and MTSEA. The results suggested that TMD located Cys-232 is an aqueous accessible residue, likely to be located close to the core of substrate binding site. Mutation of Cys-232 to serine similarly attenuated the transport of L-alanine substrate. Biotinylation analysis showed that C232A mutant of SNAT4 was equally capable as wild-type SNAT4 of expressing on the cell surface. Moreover, single site mutant, C232A was also found to be more resistant to MTS inhibition than double mutant C18A,C345A, further confirming the aqueous accessibility of Cys-232 residue. We also showed that mutation of Cys-232 to alanine reduced the maximal velocity (Vmax), but had minimal effect on binding affinity (Km). Together, these data suggest that residue Cys-232 at 4th transmembrane domain of SNAT4 has a major influence on substrate transport capacity, but not on substrate binding affinity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify the transporter mediating l -arginine transport at the inner blood–retinal barrier (BRB). The apparent uptake clearance of [3H] l -arginine into the rat retina was found to be 118 μL/(min·g retina), supporting a carrier-mediated influx transport of l -arginine at the BRB. [3H] l -Arginine uptake by a conditionally immortalized rat retinal capillary endothelial cell line (TR-iBRB2 cells), used as an in vitro model of the inner BRB, was primarily an Na+-independent and saturable process with Michaelis-Menten constants of 11.2 μM and 530 μM. This process was inhibited by rat cationic amino acid transporter (CAT) 1-specific small interfering RNA as well as substrates of CATs, l -arginine, l -lysine, and l -ornithine. The expression of cationic amino acid transporter (CAT) 1 mRNA was 25.9- and 796-fold greater than that of CAT3 in TR-iBRB2 and magnetically isolated rat retinal vascular endothelial cells, respectively. The expression of CAT1 protein was detected in TR-iBRB2 cells and immunostaining of CAT1 was observed along the rat retinal capillaries. In conclusion, CAT1 is localized in retinal capillary endothelial cells and at least in part mediates l -arginine transport at the inner BRB. This process seems to be closely involved in visual functions by supplying precursors of biologically important molecules like nitric oxide in the neural retina.  相似文献   

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