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Genetic mutations in FUS, a DNA/RNA‐binding protein, are associated with inherited forms of frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). A novel transgenic FUS[1‐359]‐tg mouse line recapitulates core hallmarks of human ALS in the spinal cord, including neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration, ensuing muscle atrophy and paralysis, as well as brain pathomorphological signs of FTLD. However, a question whether FUS[1‐359]‐tg mouse displays behavioural and brain pro‐inflammatory changes characteristic for the FTLD syndrome was not addressed. Here, we studied emotional, social and cognitive behaviours, brain markers of inflammation and plasticity of pre‐symptomatic FUS[1‐359]‐tg male mice, a potential FTLD model. These animals displayed aberrant behaviours and altered brain expression of inflammatory markers and related pathways that are reminiscent to the FTLD‐like syndrome. FTLD‐related behavioural and molecular Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine features were studied in the pre‐symptomatic FUS[1‐359]‐tg mice that received standard or new ALS treatments, which have been reported to counteract the ALS‐like syndrome in the mutants. We used anti‐ALS drug riluzole (8 mg/kg/d), or anti‐inflammatory drug, a selective blocker of cyclooxygenase‐2 (celecoxib, 30 mg/kg/d) for 3 weeks, or a single intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) infusion of human stem cells (Neuro‐Cells, 500 000‐CD34+), which showed anti‐inflammatory properties. Signs of elevated anxiety, depressive‐like behaviour, cognitive deficits and abnormal social behaviour were less marked in FUS‐tg–treated animals. Applied treatments have normalized protein expression of interleukin‐1β (IL‐1β) in the prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus, and of Iba‐1 and GSK‐3β in the hippocampus. Thus, the pre‐symptomatic FUS[1‐359]‐tg mice demonstrate FTLD‐like abnormalities that are attenuated by standard and new ALS treatments, including Neuro‐Cell preparation.  相似文献   

Mutations in the Fused in sarcoma/Translated in liposarcoma gene (FUS/TLS, FUS) have been identified among patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). FUS protein aggregation is a major pathological hallmark of FUS proteinopathy, a group of neurodegenerative diseases characterized by FUS-immunoreactive inclusion bodies. We prepared transgenic Drosophila expressing either the wild type (Wt) or ALS-mutant human FUS protein (hFUS) using the UAS-Gal4 system. When expressing Wt, R524S or P525L mutant FUS in photoreceptors, mushroom bodies (MBs) or motor neurons (MNs), transgenic flies show age-dependent progressive neural damages, including axonal loss in MB neurons, morphological changes and functional impairment in MNs. The transgenic flies expressing the hFUS gene recapitulate key features of FUS proteinopathy, representing the first stable animal model for this group of devastating diseases.  相似文献   

FUS is an RNA‐binding protein involved in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD). Cytoplasmic FUS‐containing aggregates are often associated with concomitant loss of nuclear FUS. Whether loss of nuclear FUS function, gain of a cytoplasmic function, or a combination of both lead to neurodegeneration remains elusive. To address this question, we generated knockin mice expressing mislocalized cytoplasmic FUS and complete FUS knockout mice. Both mouse models display similar perinatal lethality with respiratory insufficiency, reduced body weight and length, and largely similar alterations in gene expression and mRNA splicing patterns, indicating that mislocalized FUS results in loss of its normal function. However, FUS knockin mice, but not FUS knockout mice, display reduced motor neuron numbers at birth, associated with enhanced motor neuron apoptosis, which can be rescued by cell‐specific CRE‐mediated expression of wild‐type FUS within motor neurons. Together, our findings indicate that cytoplasmic FUS mislocalization not only leads to nuclear loss of function, but also triggers motor neuron death through a toxic gain of function within motor neurons.  相似文献   

Mutations in fused in sarcoma (FUS) are a cause of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (fALS). Patients carrying point mutations in the C‐terminus of FUS show neuronal cytoplasmic FUS‐positive inclusions, whereas in healthy controls, FUS is predominantly nuclear. Cytoplasmic FUS inclusions have also been identified in a subset of frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD‐FUS). We show that a non‐classical PY nuclear localization signal (NLS) in the C‐terminus of FUS is necessary for nuclear import. The majority of fALS‐associated mutations occur within the NLS and impair nuclear import to a degree that correlates with the age of disease onset. This presents the first case of disease‐causing mutations within a PY‐NLS. Nuclear import of FUS is dependent on Transportin, and interference with this transport pathway leads to cytoplasmic redistribution and recruitment of FUS into stress granules. Moreover, proteins known to be stress granule markers co‐deposit with inclusions in fALS and FTLD‐FUS patients, implicating stress granule formation in the pathogenesis of these diseases. We propose that two pathological hits, namely nuclear import defects and cellular stress, are involved in the pathogenesis of FUS‐opathies.  相似文献   

Fused in sarcoma (FUS) is a nuclear protein that carries a proline‐tyrosine nuclear localization signal (PY‐NLS) and is imported into the nucleus via Transportin (TRN). Defects in nuclear import of FUS have been implicated in neurodegeneration, since mutations in the PY‐NLS of FUS cause amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Moreover, FUS is deposited in the cytosol in a subset of frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) patients. Here, we show that arginine methylation modulates nuclear import of FUS via a novel TRN‐binding epitope. Chemical or genetic inhibition of arginine methylation restores TRN‐mediated nuclear import of ALS‐associated FUS mutants. The unmethylated arginine–glycine–glycine domain preceding the PY‐NLS interacts with TRN and arginine methylation in this domain reduces TRN binding. Inclusions in ALS‐FUS patients contain methylated FUS, while inclusions in FTLD‐FUS patients are not methylated. Together with recent findings that FUS co‐aggregates with two related proteins of the FET family and TRN in FTLD‐FUS but not in ALS‐FUS, our study provides evidence that these two diseases may be initiated by distinct pathomechanisms and implicates alterations in arginine methylation in pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Age is a critical factor in the prevalence of tauopathies, including Alzheimer's disease. To observe how an aging phenotype interacts with and affects the pathological intracellular accumulation of hyperphosphorylated tau, the tauopathy mouse model pR5 (expressing P301L mutant human tau) was back‐crossed more than ten times onto a senescence‐accelerated SAMP8 background to establish the new strain, SApT. Unlike SAMP8 mice, pR5 mice are characterized by a robust tau pathology particularly in the amygdala and hippocampus. Analysis of age‐matched SApT mice revealed that pathological tau phosphorylation was increased in these brain regions compared to those in the parental pR5 strain. Moreover, as revealed by immunohistochemistry, phosphorylation of critical tau phospho‐epitopes (P‐Ser202/P‐Ser205 and P‐Ser235) was significantly increased in the amygdala of SApT mice in an age‐dependent manner, suggesting an age‐associated effect of tau phosphorylation. Anxiety tests revealed that the older cohort of SApT mice (10 months vs. 8 months) exhibited a behavioural pattern similar to that observed for age‐matched tau transgenic pR5 mice and not the SAMP8 parental mice. Learning and memory, however, appeared to be governed by the accelerated aging background of the SAMP8 strain, as at both ages investigated, SAMP8 and SApT mice showed a decreased learning capacity compared to pR5 mice. We therefore conclude that accelerated aging exacerbates pathological tau phosphorylation, leading to changes in normal behaviour. These findings further suggest that SApT mice may be a useful novel model in which to study the role of a complex geriatric phenotype in tauopathy.  相似文献   

The neuropathological hallmark shared between Alzheimer's disease (AD) and familial frontotemporal dementia (FTDP-17) are neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) which are composed of filamentous aggregates of the microtubule-associated protein tau. Their formation has been reproduced in transgenic mice, which express the FTDP-17-associated mutation P301L of tau. In these mice, tau aggregates are found in many brain areas including the hippocampus and the amygdala, both of which are characterized by NFT formation in AD. Previous studies using an amygdala-specific test battery revealed an increase in exploratory behavior and an accelerated extinction of conditioned taste aversion in these mice. Here, we assessed P301L mice in behavioral tests known to depend on an intact hippocampus. Morris water maze and Y-maze revealed intact spatial working memory but impairment in spatial reference memory at 6 and 11 months of age. In addition, a modest disinhibition of exploratory behavior at 6 months of age was confirmed in the open field and the elevated O-maze and was more pronounced during aging.  相似文献   

Tau pathology is implicated in mechanisms of neurodegenerative tauopathies, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and hereditary frontotemporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17). It has been reported that transgenic mice expressing FTDP-17 mutation P301L of human tau (P301L mice) display extensive tau pathology and exhibit behavioral deficits with aging. In this study, we investigated the effects of T-817MA, a neuroprotective agent, on the motor and cognitive impairments associated with neuronal degeneration in P301L mice. T-817MA prevented the progression of motor deficit and the loss of spinal cord motor neurons in P301L mice. Furthermore, T-817MA significantly attenuated the spatial memory impairment and the reduction in synaptic terminal density in the hippocampal dentate gyrus of P301L mice. These results indicate that T-817MA improved the motor and cognitive impairments as a result of inhibiting neuronal degeneration derived from tau pathology in the P301L mice. Therefore, it is expected that T-817MA has a therapeutic potential for tau-related neurodegenerative diseases such as AD.  相似文献   

Synapse loss is associated with motor and cognitive decline in multiple neurodegenerative disorders, and the cellular redistribution of tau is related to synaptic impairment in tauopathies, such as Alzheimer''s disease and frontotemporal dementia. Here, we examined the cellular distribution of tau protein species in human tau overexpressing line 66 mice, a transgenic mouse model akin to genetic variants of frontotemporal dementia. Line 66 mice express intracellular tau aggregates in multiple brain regions and exhibit sensorimotor and motor learning deficiencies. Using a series of anti-tau antibodies, we observed, histologically, that nonphosphorylated transgenic human tau is enriched in synapses, whereas phosphorylated tau accumulates predominantly in cell bodies and axons. Subcellular fractionation confirmed that human tau is highly enriched in insoluble cytosolic and synaptosomal fractions, whereas endogenous mouse tau is virtually absent from synapses. Cytosolic tau was resistant to solubilization with urea and Triton X-100, indicating the formation of larger tau aggregates. By contrast, synaptic tau was partially soluble after Triton X-100 treatment and most likely represents aggregates of smaller size. MS corroborated that synaptosomal tau is nonphosphorylated. Tau enriched in the synapse of line 66 mice, therefore, appears to be in an oligomeric and nonphosphorylated state, and one that could have a direct impact on cognitive function.  相似文献   

A152T‐variant human tau (hTau‐A152T) increases risk for tauopathies, including Alzheimer's disease. Comparing mice with regulatable expression of hTau‐A152T or wild‐type hTau (hTau‐WT), we find age‐dependent neuronal loss, cognitive impairments, and spontaneous nonconvulsive epileptiform activity primarily in hTau‐A152T mice. However, overexpression of either hTau species enhances neuronal responses to electrical stimulation of synaptic inputs and to an epileptogenic chemical. hTau‐A152T mice have higher hTau protein/mRNA ratios in brain, suggesting that A152T increases production or decreases clearance of hTau protein. Despite their functional abnormalities, aging hTau‐A152T mice show no evidence for accumulation of insoluble tau aggregates, suggesting that their dysfunctions are caused by soluble tau. In human amyloid precursor protein (hAPP) transgenic mice, co‐expression of hTau‐A152T enhances risk of early death and epileptic activity, suggesting copathogenic interactions between hTau‐A152T and amyloid‐β peptides or other hAPP metabolites. Thus, the A152T substitution may augment risk for neurodegenerative diseases by increasing hTau protein levels, promoting network hyperexcitability, and synergizing with the adverse effects of other pathogenic factors.  相似文献   

Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) promotes the survival of motor neurons, in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, CNTF can block the degeneration of injured or diseased motor neurons in young rodents. Motor neuron degeneration (mnd) mutant mice display adult onset symptoms reflecting progressive motor debilitation and provide a model in which to test the hypothesis that CNTF can prevent the loss of these motor functions. We generated mnd mice that harbor a genomically integrated transgene, resulting in overexpression of the encoded CNTF protein in these mice. In contrast to the beneficial effects of CNTF in preventing motor neuron degeneration in other experimental paradigms, we report that overproduction of CNTF increased the rate of onset of motor disease symptoms in mnd mice and the presence of the transgene correlated with low adult body weight in mnd and wild-type genetic backgrounds. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Tau, a microtubule binding protein, is not only a major component of neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimer's disease, but also a causative gene for hereditary frontotemporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17). We show here that an FTDP-17 tau mutation (V337M) in SH-SY5Y cells reduces microtubule polymerization, increases voltage-dependent calcium current (ICa) density, and decreases ICa rundown. The reduced rundown of ICa by V337M was significantly inhibited by nifedipine (L-type Ca channel blocker), whereas omega-conotoxin GVIA (N-type Ca channel blocker) showed smaller effects, indicating that tau mutations affect L-type calcium channel activity. The depolarization-induced increase in intracellular calcium was also significantly augmented by the V337M tau mutation. Treatment with a microtubule polymerizing agent (taxol), an adenylyl cyclase inhibitor, or a protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor, counteracted the effects of mutant tau on ICa. Taxol also attenuated the Ca2+ response to depolarization in cells expressing mutant tau. Apoptosis in SH-SY5Y cells induced by serum deprivation was exacerbated by the V337M mutation, and nifedipine, taxol, and a PKA inhibitor significantly protected cells against apoptosis. Our results indicate that a tau mutation which decreases its microtubule-binding ability augments calcium influx by depolymerizing microtubules and activating adenylyl cyclase and PKA.  相似文献   

The pattern of expression of the simian virus 40 (SV40) T antigen gene and resultant dysplasia were re-examined in a line of transgenic mice in which the T antigen gene was under the control of the SV40 early promoter. We found that T antigen expression in the kidney, and resulting dysplastic lesions, occurred exclusively in the distal convoluted tubules and the ascending limbs of Henle. Epidermal growth factor (EGF) expression in the kidney of normal mice was similarly immunolocalized. The correlation between high EGF immunoreactivity in normal mouse tissues and T antigen expression in the transgenic counterpart was also seen in the choroid plexus epithelium and in the submandibular glands of male mice. T antigen was not found in the submandibular gland of transgenic females. Similarly, EGF was only rarely detected in the normal female submandibular gland. In contrast to the correlation between T antigen expression in the transgenic mice and EGF expression in the corresponding tissues of the normal mice, within the dysplastic lesions of the transgenic mice EGF expression was severely diminished. Adenocarcinomas of the male submandibular gland from another line of transgenic mice that expresses theInt-1 transgene, showed similarly reduced levels of immunostaining for EGF. Thus, reduced expression of EGF might be a general feature of dysplasia and tumorigenesis in those tissues that normally express EGF.  相似文献   

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