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1. Surface sediment biofilm samples from 82 Pyrenean lakes were analysed for marker pigment composition using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). 2. Variability in the pigment composition among lakes was investigated by multivariate statistical analyses using a large data set of factors describing lake chemical, physical, morphological and catchment characteristics. 3. Due to the widely varying light penetration in the lakes, the most significant gradient of pigment composition extended from a benthic to a planktonic signal. The most important pigments in the gradient were alloxanthin (cryptophytes marker pigment, planktonic signal) and diatoxanthin (diatoms marker pigment, benthic signal). The molar ratio between these two marker pigments was positively correlated with lake depth. 4. Chlorophyll‐a preservation was found to be positively related to light penetration and the development of an autothrophic biofilm on the surface sediment and negatively related to decreasing pH and the percentage of alpine meadows in the lake catchments. 5. Zooplankton marker pigments in the surface sediment, including grazing by‐products (e.g. phaeophorbides) and carotenoids (astaxanthin, canthaxanthin, echinenone) incorporated into their tissues, were correlated with the areal abundance of zooplankton. 6. Marker pigments for photosynthetic bacteria, BChl‐e and okenone, were found mainly in relatively shallow lakes with large catchments that are forested, probably because of their higher loading of allochthonous organic matter. 7. The evaluation of a preservation index (Chl‐a expressed as a percentage of a‐phorbins) and the alloxanthin/diatoxanthin ratios throughout the sediment record of mountain lakes can provide evidence of historical changes in the relative importance of planktonic versus benthic primary production and might ultimately be interpreted in terms of climatic or environmental changes.  相似文献   

Summary 1. To determine feeding links between primary producers, invertebrates and fish, stable isotope analyses and gut content analyses of fish were conducted on the components of four shallow, eutrophic to hypertrophic, plant-dominated lakes.
2. Although separation of basal resources was possible, the diets of both fish and invertebrates were broad, comprising food from different compartments (planktonic, epiphytic/benthic), as well as from different trophic levels.
3. Mixing models were used to determine the extent to which periphyton production supported higher trophic levels. Only one species of invertebrate relied upon periphyton production exclusively.
4. Fish density affected the diets of invertebrates. The response was different for planktonic and epiphytic/benthic invertebrates. The proportion of periphyton production in the diets of zooplankton appeared to increase with fish density, whilst it decreased for other invertebrates.
5. As all zooplankton samples were collected in the open water at dusk, these results are further evidence for the diurnal horizontal migration of zooplankton. Although not conclusive, they are consistent with a behavioural response by invertebrates and zooplankton in the presence of fish.  相似文献   

Straub  F. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,269(1):167-178
Core LNO3 is 1136 cm long and includes uninterrupted sediments from the Oldest Dryas to historic time which have been submitted for geological, geochemical, palynological and diatom analysis. Thirty samples have been investigated for diatoms, focussing especially on their preservation, which changed during major hydrological events. In the lower part of the core (Oldest Dryas to beginning of Atlantic), with low carbonate, but high clastic silicate content, the diatoms are rare but are well preserved. In the upper well carbonated part of the core (Atlantic to historical periods), the diatoms are abundant but show traces of dissolution.Between 1136 and 909 cm (Oldest Dryas) the flora is made up of benthic species principally of the genus Fragilaria. This flora is often the first to develop after the last glaciation. Between 879 and 569 cm (Bølling to beginning of Atlantic), littoral and terrestrial species adapted to eutrophic conditions are dominating. They suggest a strong fluvial impact on sedimentation, which corroborates the hypothesis of past inflows of the River Aar into the lake. Between 529 cm and 1 cm (Atlantic to historical periods) planktonic species of the genera Cyclotella, Aulacoseira or Stephanodiscus are dominating. This suggests that the upper well carbonated sediments were mainly formed by pelagic precipitation, without influence of the River Aar. The trophic level of the lake seems to have decreased, then increased again during prehistoric deforestation and development of agriculture in the watershed.  相似文献   

1. The alternative state theory claims that shallow lakes may have either clear water, and be dominated by submerged macrophytes, or turbid water and be dominated by phytoplankton. Most evidence for this theory comes from studies in temperate or boreal regions of Europe. Because of differences in the strength of trophic interactions, such as in the pressure of zooplankton grazing on phytoplankton, this influential theory might not apply elsewhere. 2. Here, we test the theory for South American lakes, combining field data and Landsat satellite data. We studied the frequency distribution of primary producers and water transparency, looking for potential bimodality separating clear and turbid lakes. A bimodal distribution might be observed if there are indeed alternative states, although would not itself be sufficient evidence for the theory. Possible shifts between alternative states were analysed by comparing satellite data from 1987 to 2005. 3. In our field data, there was a bimodal pattern in phytoplankton abundance and possibly in the abundance of submerged macrophytes, but not in water transparency. Analyses of the larger satellite data set revealed bimodality in lake transparency in 2005, but less so in 1987. In 1987, the lakes were generally clearer, and the transition to higher turbidity was more gradual than in 2005. The stronger bimodality in the more recent data, and the overall lower transparency, could have been caused by an increase in fertiliser use and subsequent eutrophication but also by differences in hydrology. Further, 1987 was much wetter than 2005, which could have caused dilution of suspended particles, leading to clearer water. 4. While a bimodal distribution in the abundance of primary producers and water clarity is not decisive evidence for or against the theory of alternative states, our data clearly fail to refute it.  相似文献   

Jensen  H. S.  Kristensen  P.  Jeppesen  E.  Skytthe  A. 《Hydrobiologia》1992,235(1):731-743
Analysis of Danish lakes showed that both mean winter and mean summer concentrations of lake water total phosphorus in the trophogenic zone correlated negatively with the total iron to total phosphorus ratio (Fe:P) in surface sediments. No correlation was found between the water total phosphorus concentration and either the sediment phosphorus concentration alone or with sediment calcium concentration. The increase in total phosphorus from winter to summer, which is partly a function of net internal P-loading, was lowest in lakes with high Fe:P ratios in the surface sediment.A study of aerobic sediments from fifteen lakes, selected as representative of Danish lakes with respect to the sediment Fe and phosphorus content, showed that the release of soluble reactive phosphorus was negatively correlated with the surface sediment Fe:P ratio. Analysis of phosphate adsorption properties of surface sediment from 12 lakes revealed that the capability of aerobic sediments to buffer phosphate concentration correlated with the Fe:P ratio while the maximum adsorption capacity correlated with total iron. Thus, the Fe:P ratio may provide a measure of free sorption sites for orthophosphate ions on iron hydroxyoxide surfaces.The results indicate that provided the Fe:P ratio is above 15 (by weight) it may be possible to control internal P-loading by keeping the surface sediment oxidized. Since the Fe:P ratio is easy to measure, it may be a useful tool in the management of shallow lakes.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the value of phantom midge Chaoborus (Diptera: Chaoboridae) larvae as a palaeoenvironmental proxy in northern Europe. The presence of Chaoborus was examined in 80 small shallow lakes across Finland (60–70°N), based on their subfossil mandibles preserved in lake sediments. Chaoborus flavicans was present in 33 lakes, but was the most abundant midge taxon in only one of the lakes. Chaoborus crystallinus/obscurripes mandibles were present in two lakes. Statistical analyses showed that the distribution of Chaoborus was significantly correlated with lake depth and mean July air temperature. Chaoborus was absent in the northern study lakes, whereas the results indicated that C. flavicans was frequently found in small shallow lakes in southern Finland. Chaoborus flavicans was particularly abundant in fish-free, macrophyte-rich, dystrophic lakes, but absent in oligotrophic clear-water lakes having fish. The results of this study indicate that the subfossil mandibles of Chaoborus can provide valuable information in multiproxy palaeolimnological studies, especially when investigating past changes in water level and temperature in small shallow lakes in northern Europe. Guest editors: K. Buczkó, J. Korponai, J. Padisák & S. W. Starratt Palaeolimnological Proxies as Tools of Environmental Reconstruction in Fresh Water  相似文献   

1. We studied the effects of increased water temperatures (0–4.5 °C) and nutrient enrichment on the stoichiometric composition of different primary producers (macrophytes, epiphytes, seston and sediment biofilm) and invertebrate consumers in 24 mesocosm ecosystems created to mimic shallow pond environments. The nutrient ratios of primary producers were used as indicative of relative nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P) limitation. We further used carbon stable isotopic composition (δ13C) of the different primary producers to elucidate differences in the degree of CO2 limitation. 2. Epiphytes were the only primary producer with significantly higher δ13C in the enriched mesocosms. No temperature effects were observed in δ13C composition of any primary producer. Independently of the treatment effects, the four primary producers had different δ13C signatures indicative of differences in CO2 limitation. Seston had signatures indicating negligible or low CO2 limitation, followed by epiphytes and sediment biofilm, with moderate CO2 limitation, while macrophytes showed the strongest CO2 limitation. CO2 together with biomass of epiphytes were the key variables explaining between 50 and 70% of the variability in δ13C of the different primary producers, suggesting that epiphytes play an important role in carbon flow of temperate shallow lakes. 3. The ratio of carbon to chlorophyll a decreased with increasing temperature and enrichment in both epiphytes and seston. The effects of temperature were mainly attributed to changes in algal Chl a content, while the decrease with enrichment was probably a result of a higher proportion of algae in the seston and epiphytes. 4. Macrophytes, epiphytes and seston decreased their C : N with enrichment, probably as an adaptation to the different N availability levels. The C : N of epiphytes and Elodea canadensis decreased with increasing temperature in the control mesocosms. Sediment biofilm was the only primary producer with lower C : P and N : P with enrichment, probably as a result of higher P accumulation in the sediment. 5. Independently of nutrient level and increased temperature effects the four primary producers had significantly different stoichiometric compositions. Macrophytes had higher C : N and C : P and, together with epiphytes, also the highest N : P. Seston had no N or P limitation, while macrophytes and epiphytes may have been P limited in a few mesocosms. Sediment biofilm indicated strong N deficiency. 6. Consumers had strongly homeostatic stoichiometric compositions in comparison to primary producers, with weak or no significant treatment effects in any of the groups (insects, leeches, molluscs and crustaceans). Among consumers, predators had significantly higher N content and lower C : N than grazers.  相似文献   

PCR-based denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis of 16S rRNA gene fragments was used to identify the cyanobacterial phylotypes in sediments and plankton of saline–alkaline and freshwater lakes of Kenya. The detection of the aminotransferase domain located on modules mcyE and ndaF using specific molecular markers confirmed the presence of potential toxin-producing cyanobacteria. The eight nucleotide sequences obtained from DGGE bands were placed in three divergent cyanobacterial clusters. Five nucleotide sequences were close to members of the genera Anabaenopsis and Umezakia ( Nostocales ), two sequences fell in the cluster with Arthrospira sp. ( Oscillatoriales ) and one sequence was related to Chroococcidiopsis sp. ( Pleurocapsales ). The presence of the latter taxon was demonstrated de novo in the investigated lakes. All nine attained nucleotide sequences of the aminotransferase region belonged to the mcyE module. Five sequences of the aminotransferase domain were included in the cluster having the nucleotide sequence of Anabaena sp. but showed a separate lineage. Other four aminotransferases were placed in the cluster represented by nucleotide sequence of Microcystis aeruginosa . To our knowledge, this is the first report on molecular detection of cyanobacterial phylotypes in sediments of African lakes and aminotransferase domains for cyanotoxin production from sediment samples in general.  相似文献   

The mean body size of limnetic cladocerans decreases from cold temperate to tropical regions, in both the northern and the southern hemisphere. This size shift has been attributed to both direct (e.g. physiological) or indirect (especially increased predation) impacts. To provide further information on the role of predation, we compiled results from several studies of subtropical Uruguayan lakes using three different approaches: (i) field observations from two lakes with contrasting fish abundance, Lakes Rivera and Rodó, (ii) fish exclusion experiments conducted in in-lake mesocosms in three lakes, and (iii) analyses of the Daphnia egg bank in the surface sediment of eighteen lakes. When fish predation pressure was low due to fish kills in Lake Rivera, large-bodied Daphnia appeared. In contrast, small-sized cladocerans were abundant in Lake Rodó, which exhibited a typical high abundance of fish. Likewise, relatively large cladocerans (e.g. Daphnia and Simocephalus) appeared in fishless mesocosms after only 2 weeks, most likely hatched from resting egg banks stored in the surface sediment, but their abundance declined again after fish stocking. Moreover, field studies showed that 9 out of 18 Uruguayan shallow lakes had resting eggs of Daphnia in their surface sediment despite that this genus was only recorded in three of the lakes in summer water samples, indicating that Daphnia might be able to build up populations at low risk of predation. Our results show that medium and large-sized zooplankton can occur in subtropical lakes when fish predation is removed. The evidence provided here collectively confirms the hypothesis that predation, rather than high-temperature induced physiological constraints, is the key factor determining the dominance of small-sized zooplankton in warm lakes.  相似文献   

Identifying the ecological factors that shape parasite distributions remains a central goal in disease ecology. These factors include dispersal capability, environmental filters and geographic distance. Using 520 haemosporidian parasite genetic lineages recovered from 7,534 birds sampled across tropical and temperate South America, we tested (a) the latitudinal diversity gradient hypothesis and (b) the distance–decay relationship (decreasing proportion of shared species between communities with increasing geographic distance) for this host–parasite system. We then inferred the biogeographic processes influencing the diversity and distributions of this cosmopolitan group of parasites across South America. We found support for a latitudinal gradient in diversity for avian haemosporidian parasites, potentially mediated through higher avian host diversity towards the equator. Parasite similarity was correlated with climate similarity, geographic distance and host composition. Local diversification in Amazonian lineages followed by dispersal was the most frequent biogeographic events reconstructed for haemosporidian parasites. Combining macroecological patterns and biogeographic processes, our study reveals that haemosporidian parasites are capable of circumventing geographic barriers and dispersing across biomes, although constrained by environmental filtering. The contemporary diversity and distributions of haemosporidian parasites are mainly driven by historical (speciation) and ecological (dispersal) processes, whereas the parasite community assembly is largely governed by host composition and to a lesser extent by environmental conditions.  相似文献   

A comparison of the present chironomid fauna of four shallow, humic lakes with the subfossils of surficial sediments is made. The chemistry and benthos of the lakes investigated varied greatly. Results indicate a reasonable correlation between biocenoses and thanatocenoses, but a marked under-representation ofProcladius is apparent. It is suggested that, at least in shallow, humic lakes,Procladius be excluded in attempts to reconstruct chironomid communities from subfossils.  相似文献   

Insect herbivory is thought to favour carbon allocation to storage in juveniles of shade‐tolerant trees. This argument assumes that insect herbivory in the understorey is sufficiently intense as to select for storage; however, understoreys might be less attractive to insect herbivores than canopy gaps, because of low resource availability and – at temperate latitudes – low temperatures. Although empirical studies show that shade‐tolerant species in tropical forests do allocate more photosynthate to storage than their light‐demanding associates, the same pattern has not been consistently observed in temperate forests. Does this reflect a latitudinal trend in the relative activity of insect herbivory in gap versus understorey environments? To date there has been no global review of the effect of light environment on insect herbivory in forests. We postulated that if temperature is the primary factor limiting insect herbivory, the effect of gaps on rates of insect herbivory should be more evident in temperate than in tropical forests; due to low growing season temperatures in the oceanic temperate forests of the Southern Hemisphere, the effect of gaps on insect herbivory rates should in turn be stronger there than in the more continental temperate climates of the Northern Hemisphere. We examined global patterns of insect herbivory in gaps versus understories through meta‐analysis of 87 conspecific comparisons of leaf damage in contrasting light environments. Overall, insect herbivory in gaps was significantly higher than in the understorey; insect herbivory was 50% higher in gaps than in understoreys of tropical forests but did not differ significantly between gaps and understories in temperate forests of either hemisphere. Results are consistent with the idea that low resource availability – and not temperature – limits insect herbivore activity in forest understoreys, especially in the tropics, and suggest the selective influence of insect herbivory on late‐successional tree species may have been over‐estimated.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the pollution of heavy metals in the sediments of park lakes in Guangzhou, which is a large city with rapid urbanization, industrialization, and dense population in South China. Thirty-two surface sediment samples were collected from seven lakes in different districts of this city. The concentrations and distributions of Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb were measured to assess the level of enrichment and toxicity in the sediments. The enrichment factor showed that Pb and Zn showed severe enrichment in all lakes except for the Dafu Shan Forest Park (DFS), and the geo-accumulation index (Igeo) showed that all lakes were polluted with Cu, Pb, Cd, Ni, and Zn in different levels. The results of risk assessment indicated that the DFS located in the suburbs represented moderate risks; however, other lakes in the city central represented high or very high risks. Moreover, Cd had the primary contribution to the risk of the sediments' environment in urban lakes. Multivariate statistical analyses are carried out to explore the correlativity between heavy metals and human development indices. This study indicated that the levels of heavy metals' contamination and ecological risk of urban lakes in Guangzhou have a close relationship with anthropogenic activities.  相似文献   

A faunistic survey covering 25 sites in estuaries, coastal lakes and ponds along the west coast of South Africa between the Cape of Good Hope in the south and the Olifants River in the north was carried out in May 2014. The study aimed to establish a dataset with ecological and distribution data of ostracods and foraminifers for later palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that the distribution of the 19 foraminifer and 32 ostracod taxa was controlled mainly by habitat structure, but that specific conductivity (salinity) was best and solely described by the second axis, highlighting the usefulness of the two microfossil groups for salinity reconstructions. Habitat structure was demonstrated by the foraminifer species Trochamminita irregularis’ preference for stillwater areas of lakes. Sarscypridopsis aculeata and Sarscypridopsis glabrata were the dominant ostracod species in coastal ponds and lakes. However, their living distributions excluded each other, with S. aculeata preferring areas of lower salinity and S. glabrata dominating areas of higher salinity up to hyperhaline conditions in small, closed water bodies.  相似文献   

The South China Sea (SCS) is the largest marginal sea of the western Pacific Ocean, yet little is known about archaeal distributions and TEX86-based temperatures in this unique oceanic setting. Here we report findings of abundances in both core lipids (CL) and intact polar lipids (IPL) of Archaea from surface water (CL only) and core-top sediments from different regions of the SCS. TEX86-derived temperatures were also calculated for these samples. The surface water had extremely low abundances of CL (average of 0.05 ± 0.13 ng/liter; n = 75), with higher values present in regions where upwelling is known to occur. The core-top sediments had CL values of 0.1 to 0.9 μg/g, which are on the low end of CL concentrations reported for other marine sediments and may reflect the oligotrophic nature of the open SCS. The IPL of Archaea accounted for 6 to 36.4% of total lipids (CL plus IPL), indicating that the majority of archaeal lipids in core-top sediments were derived from nonliving cells. The TEX86-based temperatures of surface water were overall lower than satellite-based sea surface temperatures or CTD-measured in situ temperatures. The core-top sediment samples, however, had TEX86 temperatures very close to the mean annual sea surface temperatures, except for samples with water depths of less than 100 m. Our results demonstrated low and heterogeneous distributions of archaeal lipids in surface water and core-top sediments of the SCS, which may reflect local or regional differences in productivity of Archaea. While TEX86-based temperatures for core-top marine sediments at deep water depths (>100 m) generally reflected mean annual sea surface temperatures, TEX86 temperatures in surface water varied basin wide and underestimated sea surface temperatures in most locations for the season when surface water samples were collected.  相似文献   

1. The genus Planktothrix (Cyanobacteria) usually produces concentrated populations of filaments in the summer metalimnion of thermally stratifying lakes. This has been associated with the action of gas vesicles, cellular structures providing positive buoyancy. At the end of the summer, filaments are carried by convective mixing deeper into the water column where some gas vesicles collapse as a result of high hydrostatic pressure. They then lose their buoyancy, sink and are lost from the euphotic zone. 2. The resistance of gas vesicles to hydrostatic pressures is critical for the survival of Planktothrix in deep lakes. However, comparative observations on populations from lakes of a range of depths and hydrodynamic regimes are still needed to examine the relationships between the adaptive trait (i.e. the ‘critical’ pressure at which each gas vesicle collapses) with the environmental factor (i.e. the maximum hydrostatic pressure). 3. To explore the adaptation of Planktothrix populations to the depth of winter circulation in different systems, we collected 276 strains of P. cf. rubescens from eight lakes (zmax = 24–410 m) in Northern Italy during summer 2009 and we analysed the multicopy gene gvpC coding for a protein that crucially influences the critical pressure. 4. The strains analysed clustered into two main groups having gas vesicles with a mean critical pressure of 1.1 and 0.9 MPa, respectively. The proportion of the stronger strains was generally positively related to lake depth, although the overall pattern was complicated by individual lake morphology and hydrology. The relative frequency of stronger filaments was (i) greatest in deep basins with concave slopes and (ii) least in one deep, but permanently stratified lake. 5. The simultaneous presence of ‘weaker’ and ‘stronger’ filaments could allow for a rapid adaptive response to changes in hydrostatic pressures, related to changes in the amplitude of vertical circulation characterising deep lakes.  相似文献   

Transplantation experiments are a useful method to identify responses of organisms to environmental change. However, they are typically restricted to single or few species. Our experiment was carried out using entire bromeliad‐inhabiting microfauna communities which were transplanted along an elevational gradient, simulating environmental change acting on the communities. Additionally, we manipulated trophic interactions, i.e. resource availability and predator presence, thus combining abiotic and biotic effects in a full‐factorial experimental design. Using this experiment, we found a strong signal of original elevation in microfauna community structure (abundance, evenness, functional composition) with a shift from amoeba‐dominated to flagellate‐dominated communities with increasing original elevation. Surprisingly, the transplantation of communities along the elevational gradient did not affect community structure, indicating strong priority effects. Predation decreased microfauna abundance and increased microfauna evenness, specifically in higher original elevation and high resource levels. In summary, our results suggest that microfauna communities in bromeliads might be primarily shaped by priority effects and predator presence. However, interacting effects (between predator presence and resource availability, as well as between predator presence and original elevation) highlight the usefulness of studies with full‐factorial experimental designs to understand community‐structuring processes. Bromeliads and other micro‐ecosystems provide convenient study systems for community level approaches that could be used in future studies concerning the effects of environmental change, for example climate change on community structure.  相似文献   

Anders Södergren 《Hydrobiologia》1993,251(1-3):217-225
The origin and mechanisms of formation of aquatic surface microlayers are reviewed, and processes within the layer responsible for enrichment of inorganic and organic substances, particles, and microorganisms are discussed. In a study of the chemical and biological composition of microlayers in three lakes of different levels of productivity, surface slicks were sampled with a revolving cylinder coated with hydrophilic Teflon. DOC, POC, DON and various forms of phosphorus were enriched in the microlayer compared to those in the subsurface water. In eutrophic and oligotrophic lakes the DOC:DON ratio shows that the slicks were more influenced by allochtonous sources than was the subsurface water, which indicates that processes in the ecotone influence the microlayer composition.  相似文献   

In this paleolimnological multi-proxy study, anthropogenic influences and salinity changes of the northwest Russian lakes Erchovskye Ozero East (ESE) and Erchovskye Ozero West (ESW) were assessed using diatoms, pollen and other microfossils from 210Pb-dated sediment cores. Both lakes are situated on the Fennoscandian Shield in direct vicinity to the White Sea coast, a region that is still subject to isostatic land uplift processes today. The analyses showed that both lakes evolved from typical saltwater-dominated coastal waters to freshwater lakes within the last two centuries. Salinity was found to be the determining environmental factor for the aquatic biota whereas no significant anthropogenic influences on the lakes could be detected. The decreasing salinity in both lakes was caused by basin elevation and isolation due to isostatic rebound of the Fennoscandian Shield. A hypothetical land uplift rate of 5.7 mm yr−1 was calculated based on data from the sediment cores analysed. Guest editors: K. Buczkó, J. Korponai, J. Padisák & S. W. Starratt Palaeolimnological Proxies as Tools of Environmental Reconstruction in Fresh Water  相似文献   

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