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Nest survival is critical to breeding in birds and plays an important role in life‐history evolution and population dynamics. Studies evaluating the proximate factors involved in explaining nest survival and the resulting temporal patterns are biased in favor of temperate regions. Yet, such studies are especially pertinent to the tropics, where nest predation rates are typically high and environmental conditions often allow for year‐round breeding. To tease apart the effects of calendar month and year, population‐level breeding activity and environmental conditions, we studied nest survival over a 64‐month period in equatorial, year‐round breeding red‐capped larks Calandrella cinerea in Kenya. We show that daily nest survival rates varied with time, but not in a predictable seasonal fashion among months or consistently among years. We found negative influences of flying invertebrate biomass and rain on nest survival and higher survival of nests when nests were more abundant, which suggests that nest predation resulted from incidental predation. Although an increase in nest predation is often attributed to an increase in nest predators, we suggest that in our study, it may be caused by altered predator activity resulting from increased activity of the primary prey, invertebrates, rather than activity of the red‐capped larks. Our results emphasize the need to conduct more studies in Afro‐tropical regions because proximate mechanisms explaining nest predation can be different in the unpredictable and highly variable environments of the tropics compared with the relatively predictable seasonal changes found in temperate regions. Such studies will aid in better understanding of the environmental influences on life‐history variation and population dynamics in birds.  相似文献   

Some equatorial environments exhibit substantial within‐location variation in environmental conditions throughout the year and yet have year‐round breeding birds. This implies that breeding in such systems are potentially unrelated to the variable environmental conditions. By breeding not being influenced by environmental conditions, we become sure that any differences in immune function between breeding and non‐breeding birds do not result from environmental variation, therefore allowing for exclusion of the confounding effect of variation in environmental conditions. This create a unique opportunity to test if immune function is down‐regulated during reproduction compared to non‐breeding periods. We compared the immune function of sympatric male and female chick‐feeding and non‐breeding red‐capped Calandrella cinerea and rufous‐naped larks Mirafra africana in equatorial East Africa. These closely‐related species occupy different niches and have different breeding strategies in the same grassland habitat. Red‐capped larks prefer areas with short grass or almost bare ground, and breed during low rainfall periods. Rufous‐naped larks prefer areas of tall grass and scattered shrubs and breed during high rainfall. We measured the following immune indices: nitric oxide, haptoglobin, agglutination and lysis, and measured total monthly rain, monthly average minimum (Tmin) and maximum (Tmax) temperatures. Contrary to our predictions, we found no down‐regulation of immune function during breeding; breeding birds had higher nitric oxide than non‐breeding ones in both species, while the other three immune indices did not differ between breeding phases. Red‐capped larks had higher nitric oxide concentrations than Rufous‐naped larks, which in turn had higher haptoglobin levels than red‐capped larks. Tmax was higher during breeding than during non‐breeding for red‐capped larks only, suggesting potential confounding effect of Tmax on the comparison of immune function between breeding and non‐breeding birds for this species. Overall, we conclude that in the two year‐round breeding equatorial larks, immune function is not down‐regulated during breeding.  相似文献   

Climate change is profoundly affecting the phenology of many species. In migratory birds, there is evidence for advances in their arrival time at the breeding ground and their timing of breeding, yet empirical studies examining the interdependence between arrival and breeding time are lacking. Hence, evidence is scarce regarding how breeding time may be adjusted via the arrival‐breeding interval to help local populations adapt to local conditions or climate change. We used long‐term data from an intensively monitored population of the northern wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe) to examine the factors related to the length of 734 separate arrival‐to‐breeding events from 549 individual females. From 1993 to 2017, the mean arrival and egg‐laying dates advanced by approximately the same amount (~5–6 days), with considerable between‐individual variation in the arrival‐breeding interval. The arrival‐breeding interval was shorter for: (a) individuals that arrived later in the season compared to early‐arriving birds, (b) for experienced females compared to first‐year breeders, (c) as spring progressed, and (d) in later years compared to earlier ones. The influence of these factors was much larger for birds arriving earlier in the season compared to later arriving birds, with most effects on variation in the arrival‐breeding interval being absent in late‐arriving birds. Thus, in this population it appears that the timing of breeding is not constrained by arrival for early‐ to midarriving birds, but instead is dependent on local conditions after arrival. For late‐arriving birds, however, the timing of breeding appears to be influenced by arrival constraints. Hence, impacts of climate change on arrival dates and local conditions are expected to vary for different parts of the population, with potential negative impacts associated with these factors likely to differ for early‐ versus late‐arriving birds.  相似文献   

Populations of migratory birds have undergone marked declines, although the causes and mechanisms remain unknown. Because environmental effects on population dynamics are mediated by the effects of ecological factors on individuals, understanding changes in individual phenotypes in response to ecological conditions is key to understanding population trends. We show that breeding individuals of a declining population of trans-Saharan migratory barn swallows, Hirundo rustica, were affected by environmental conditions, as estimated from the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), reflecting primary production, in their winter quarters. The breeding dates of the same individuals in consecutive breeding seasons were advanced and clutch sizes were larger after winters with high NDVI in the winter quarters. Feather moult was also affected by winter conditions, with consequences for male sexual attractiveness. Length of tail ornament was positively correlated with NDVI during the previous winter, and males with large tail ornaments reproduced earlier and had larger clutches. The mean annual breeding date of the population was earlier and breeding success was increased after favourable winters, but this result was mainly determined by a single winter with very low NDVI. Thus, ecological conditions in Africa influence individual performance and productivity in a barn swallow population.  相似文献   

Despite many bird species migrating regularly within the African continent, in response to rainfall and breeding opportunities, documented evidence of the spatiotemporal patterns of such movements is scarce. We use satellite telemetry to document the year round movement of an intra‐African migrant breeding in the savannah zone of sub‐Saharan Africa, the African cuckoo. After breeding in central Nigeria, the birds migrated to more forested sites in the Adamawa region of Cameroon (n = 2) and western Central African Republic (n = 1). Departure from the breeding ground coincided with deteriorating environmental conditions whereas arrival at the non‐breeding sites matched period of increasing vegetation greenness. Migratory movements generally occurred during dark hours. In total, an average distance of 748 km in 66 d was covered during the post‐breeding migration and 744 km in 27 d during return journey with considerable individual variation and with more stopover sites used during post‐breeding migration. The diversity of migration routes followed suggests a relatively variable or flexible initial migration strategy, high individual route consistency as well as high fidelity for non‐breeding grounds.  相似文献   

Shifts in reproductive phenology due to climate change have been well documented in many species but how, within the same species, other annual cycle stages (e.g. moult, migration) shift relative to the timing of breeding has rarely been studied. When stages shift at different rates, the interval between stages may change resulting in overlaps, and as each stage is energetically demanding, these overlaps may have negative fitness consequences. We used long‐term data of a population of European pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) to investigate phenological shifts in three annual cycle stages: spring migration (arrival dates), breeding (egg‐laying and hatching dates) and the onset of postbreeding moult. We found different advancements in the timing of breeding compared with moult (moult advances faster) and no advancement in arrival dates. To understand these differential shifts, we explored which temperatures best explain the year‐to‐year variation in the timing of these stages, and show that they respond differently to temperature increases in the Netherlands, causing the intervals between arrival and breeding and between breeding and moult to decrease. Next, we tested the fitness consequences of these shortened intervals. We found no effect on clutch size, but the probability of a fledged chick to recruit increased with a shorter arrival‐breeding interval (earlier breeding). Finally, mark–recapture analyses did not detect an effect of shortened intervals on adult survival. Our results suggest that the advancement of breeding allows more time for fledgling development, increasing their probability to recruit. This may incur costs to other parts of the annual cycle, but, despite the shorter intervals, there was no effect on adult survival. Our results show that to fully understand the consequences of climate change, it is necessary to look carefully at different annual cycle stages, especially for organisms with complex cycles, such as migratory birds.  相似文献   

To understand the consequences of ever‐changing environment on the dynamics of phenotypic traits, distinguishing between selection processes and individual plasticity is crucial. We examined individual consistency/plasticity in several male secondary sexual traits expressed during the breeding season (white wing and forehead patch size, UV reflectance of white wing patch and dorsal melanin coloration) in a migratory pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) population over an 11‐year period. Furthermore, we studied carry‐over effects of three environmental variables (NAO, a climatic index; NDVI, a vegetation index; and rainfall) at the wintering grounds (during prebreeding moult) on the expression of these breeding plumage traits of pied flycatcher males at individual and population levels. Whereas NAO correlates negatively with moisture in West Africa, NDVI correlates positively with primary production. Forehead patch size and melanin coloration were highly consistent within individuals among years, whereas the consistency of the other two traits was moderate. Wing patch size decreased with higher NAO and increased with higher rainfall and NDVI at the individual level. Interestingly, small‐patched males suffered lower survival during high NAO winters than large‐patched males, and vice versa during low NAO winters. These counteracting processes meant that the individual‐level change was masked at the population level where no relationship was found. Our results provide a good example of how variation in the phenotypic composition of a natural population can be a result of both environment‐dependent individual plasticity and short‐term microevolution. Moreover, when plasticity and viability selection operate simultaneously, their impacts on population composition may not be evident.  相似文献   

Timing is crucial in seasonal environments. Passerine birds typically use a combination of physiological mechanisms and environmental cues to ensure that breeding, moult and migration occur without major temporal overlap and under the most favourable conditions. However, late in the breeding season some individuals initiate additional clutches , whereas others initiate moult. Such alternative strategies are thought to reflect trade‐offs between reproductive benefits and timely investment in maintenance and survival. The degree of seasonal plasticity differs between species, depending on the mechanisms that govern their annual routine. Migrants are generally under pressure to complete breeding and moult before the autumn departure and often show little plasticity. We studied seasonal plasticity of breeding and moult schedules in the European Stonechat Saxicola rubicola. This species, an obligate short‐distance migrant in Central Europe, sometimes initiates late clutches after typically at least two earlier breeding attempts. Based on life‐history theory and on observations in captivity, which revealed photoperiodic regulation of breeding and moult, we predicted relatively little seasonal plasticity in Stonechats. We further predicted that reproductive gains of late breeders should be offset by reduced survival. These predictions were tested on long‐term field data, using Underhill–Zucchini models to estimate moult. Late breeding occurred in c. 40% of pairs and increased their reproductive success by a third. Both sexes modified moult timing but in different ways. Late breeding females postponed moult approximately until chick independence without compensating for delay by faster moult. Males started moult on time and overlapped it with breeding, associated with markedly slowed plumage change. Sex differences in moult score increased with lay date, but due to their respective modifications, both sexes delayed moult completion. Nonetheless, we could not detect any evidence for survival costs of late breeding. Breeding and moult of European Stonechats appear relatively flexible, despite migratory schedules and photoperiodic programs for seasonal timing. Individuals can modify seasonal behaviour in late summer, presumably depending on their condition, and may profit considerably from extended breeding.  相似文献   

Increasingly imperative objectives in ecology are to understand and forecast population dynamic and evolutionary responses to seasonal environmental variation and change. Such population and evolutionary dynamics result from immediate and lagged responses of all key life‐history traits, and resulting demographic rates that affect population growth rate, to seasonal environmental conditions and population density. However, existing population dynamic and eco‐evolutionary theory and models have not yet fully encompassed within‐individual and among‐individual variation, covariation, structure and heterogeneity, and ongoing evolution, in a critical life‐history trait that allows individuals to respond to seasonal environmental conditions: seasonal migration. Meanwhile, empirical studies aided by new animal‐tracking technologies are increasingly demonstrating substantial within‐population variation in the occurrence and form of migration versus year‐round residence, generating diverse forms of ‘partial migration’ spanning diverse species, habitats and spatial scales. Such partially migratory systems form a continuum between the extreme scenarios of full migration and full year‐round residence, and are commonplace in nature. Here, we first review basic scenarios of partial migration and associated models designed to identify conditions that facilitate the maintenance of migratory polymorphism. We highlight that such models have been fundamental to the development of partial migration theory, but are spatially and demographically simplistic compared to the rich bodies of population dynamic theory and models that consider spatially structured populations with dispersal but no migration, or consider populations experiencing strong seasonality and full obligate migration. Second, to provide an overarching conceptual framework for spatio‐temporal population dynamics, we define a ‘partially migratory meta‐population’ system as a spatially structured set of locations that can be occupied by different sets of resident and migrant individuals in different seasons, and where locations that can support reproduction can also be linked by dispersal. We outline key forms of within‐individual and among‐individual variation and structure in migration that could arise within such systems and interact with variation in individual survival, reproduction and dispersal to create complex population dynamics and evolutionary responses across locations, seasons, years and generations. Third, we review approaches by which population dynamic and eco‐evolutionary models could be developed to test hypotheses regarding the dynamics and persistence of partially migratory meta‐populations given diverse forms of seasonal environmental variation and change, and to forecast system‐specific dynamics. To demonstrate one such approach, we use an evolutionary individual‐based model to illustrate that multiple forms of partial migration can readily co‐exist in a simple spatially structured landscape. Finally, we summarise recent empirical studies that demonstrate key components of demographic structure in partial migration, and demonstrate diverse associations with reproduction and survival. We thereby identify key theoretical and empirical knowledge gaps that remain, and consider multiple complementary approaches by which these gaps can be filled in order to elucidate population dynamic and eco‐evolutionary responses to spatio‐temporal seasonal environmental variation and change.  相似文献   

The annual cycle of breeding, moult and weight variation in the Helmeted Honeyeater Lichenostomus melanops cassidix , a sedentary bird of temperate southeast Australia, is documented. Breeding and moult were sequential unimodal annual events, whose timing was highly consistent between years. However, overlap of breeding and moult was frequent, and some individuals even commenced primary moult before laying their final clutch. The timing of the post-juvenile moult was coincident with that of adults. Early-hatched young moulted within a few months of hatching, but late-hatched young deferred moult for a year. Helmeted Honeyeaters were heaviest in autumn and early winter, and lightest in spring and early summer, a cycle most consistent with the redirection of all available resources to reproduction. The long breeding season (seven-and-a-half months) of the Helmeted Honeyeater, extensive overlap of breeding and moult, and other life-history attributes including small clutch size, are more consistent with the described bio-rhythmic patterns for birds in the humid tropics than the temperate zone. However, the Helmeted Honeyeater has a fairly rapid primary moult rate, unusual amongst species that overlap moult and breeding. This combination of attributes reflects the stable, somewhat seasonal environment occupied and the resource monopoly established by this tightly territorial subspecies. We speculate that extension of the breeding season, by overlapping breeding and moult, is one of the few options available to vary life-history strategies amongst 'old-endemic' Australian birds of the temperate zone.  相似文献   

Avian migration, which involves billions of birds flying vast distances, is known to influence all aspects of avian life. Here we investigate how birds fit moult into an annual cycle determined by the need to migrate. Large variation exists in moulting patterns in relation to migration: for instance, moult can occur after breeding in the summer or after arrival in the wintering quarters. Here we use an optimal annual routine model to investigate why this variation exists. The modelled bird's decisions depend on the time of year, its energy reserves, breeding status, experience, flight feather quality and location. Our results suggest that the temporal and spatial variations in food are an important influence on a migratory bird's annual cycle. Summer moult occurs when food has a high peak on the breeding site in the summer, but it is less seasonal elsewhere. Winter moult occurs if there is a short period of high food availability in summer and a strong winter peak at different locations (i.e. the food is very seasonal but in opposite phase on these areas). This finding might explain why only long-distance migrants have a winter moult.  相似文献   

Migratory birds spend periods of the year in different locations as a response to seasonal changes in environmental suitability. They are classified as either ‘niche-trackers’ or ‘niche-switchers’, depending on whether they track or switch environmental conditions throughout the year. However, the relationship between these strategies and their migratory behaviour is still unclear. Here we examine whether migratory European Robins Erithacus rubecula and Eurasian Blackcaps Sylvia atricapilla track environmental conditions between breeding and wintering areas and whether their behaviour differs from that of their sedentary counterparts. We used ringing data for both migratory and sedentary individuals wintering sympatrically in the Iberian Peninsula to assess the environmental conditions relating to their seasonal distributions. We explored seasonal niche-tracking using two multivariate analyses with alternative sets of predictor variables (landscape and climate) to generate different environmental scenarios. Our results show that migratory individuals track similar climatic conditions throughout their seasonal distributions, whereas sedentary birds cope with great variation in climate over the course of the year. In addition, migratory birds show less seasonal overlap in the landscape structure of their chosen habitats compared with sedentary individuals. These results suggest that there is a trade-off between, on the one hand, the cost for migrants of travelling long distances and, on the other, the increased flexibility required by sedentary birds if they are to tolerate a wider suite of environmental conditions within their permanent ranges. Given that sedentary populations in the southern Iberian Peninsula seem to be linked to populations of migratory individuals of these two species that started to move northwards after the last glacial cycle, the observed patterns suggest that migrant birds represent a fraction of the southern population that is specialized in the exploitation of a narrower range of environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Migratory bird populations frequently consist of individuals that overwinter variable distances from the breeding site. Seasonal changes in photoperiod, which varies with latitude, underlie seasonal changes in singing frequency in birds. Therefore, migratory populations that consist of individuals that overwinter at different latitudes with large overwintering ranges could experience within‐population variation in seasonal production of song. To test the influence of overwintering latitude on intrapopulation variance in song production in the spring, we subjected two groups of Eastern Song Sparrows (Melospiza melodia melodia) from the same partially migratory breeding population to different photoperiodic schedules associated with a 1,300‐km difference in overwintering location. One group remained on the natural photoperiodic schedule of the breeding site (resident group) while the other group experienced a nonbreeding photoperiod that mimicked a southern migration in the fall followed by a northern migration back to the breeding site in the spring (migratory group). We compared song output between the two groups in three different stages (nonbreeding, prebreeding, and breeding). Little singing occurred during nonbreeding stage sample dates (20 November, 6 December) for the resident group, and no singing occurred for the migrant group. During the prebreeding stage (27 January, 7 February), significantly more singing occurred in the resident group than in the migrant group. During the breeding stage (21 March, 4 April), after a simulated migration for the migrants, song output was similar in both groups. These results suggest that within‐population variation in wintering latitude may contribute to variation in seasonal changes in singing behavior, which may covary with readiness to breed. Studies utilizing confirmed migrants and residents, rather than merely simulated migrants and residents, are also needed to better understand these processes.  相似文献   

Birds that are year‐round residents of temperate and tropical regions have divergent life histories. Tropical birds have a slower ‘pace of life’, one characteristic of which includes lower peak metabolic rate and daily activity levels. Temperate resident birds are faced with seasonal variation in thermogenic demand. This challenge is met with seasonally increased peak metabolic rate during winter. These thermogenic demands are much lower in birds that are year‐round tropical residents. By measuring peak (summit) metabolic rate in tropical and temperate resident bird species during summer and winter, we asked whether tropical birds exhibit seasonality in peak metabolic rate, and if the direction of seasonality differs between tropical and temperate species. We measured summit metabolism in seven tropical and one temperate species during the winter and during the summer breeding season to test the hypothesis that summit metabolism of tropical residents would change seasonally. We consider whether metabolic seasonality is associated with breeding season for tropical species. We found that summit metabolism was significantly greater during the summer for most tropical residents, while the temperate resident matched several previous reports with higher summit metabolism in winter. We conclude that metabolic seasonality occurs in tropical residents and differs from temperate residents, suggesting that breeding during the summer may be driving relatively higher metabolism as compared to winter thermogenesis in temperate birds.  相似文献   

Within three decades, the barnacle goose population wintering on the European mainland has dramatically increased in numbers and extended its breeding range. The expansion has occurred both within the Arctic as well as by the colonization of temperate areas. Studies of performance of individuals in expanding populations provide information on how well species can adapt to novel environments and global warming. We, therefore, studied the availability of high quality food as well as timing of reproduction, wing moult, fledgling production and postfledging survival of individually marked geese in three recently established populations: one Arctic (Barents Sea) and two temperate (Baltic, North Sea). In the Barents Sea population, timing of hatching was synchronized with the peak in food availability and there was strong stabilizing selection. Although birds in the Baltic and North Sea populations bred 6–7 weeks earlier than Arctic birds, timing of hatching was late in relation to the peak in food availability, and there was moderate to strong directional selection for early breeding. In the Baltic, absolute timing of egg laying advanced considerably over the 20‐year study period, but advanced little relative to spring phenology, and directional selection on lay date increased over time. Wing moult of adults started only 2–4 weeks earlier in the temperate populations than in the Arctic. Synchronization between fledging of young and end of wing moult decreased in the temperate populations. Arctic‐breeding geese may gradually accumulate body stores from the food they encounter during spring migration, which allows them to breed relatively early and their young to use the peak of the Arctic food resources. By contrast, temperate‐breeding birds are not able to acquire adequate body stores from local resources early enough, that is before the quality of food for their young starts to decrease. When global temperatures continue to rise, Arctic‐breeding barnacle geese might encounter similar problems.  相似文献   

Migratory behavior varies extensively between bird taxa, from long distance migration to purely sedentary behavior. Variability in migratory behavior also occurs within taxa, where individuals within some species, or even populations, show mixed strategies. The same variability occurs in seabird species. We examined the migratory behavior of distinct populations of great frigatebirds Fregata minor in three distant oceanographic basins. Great frigatebird populations showed extensive variation in post‐breeding migratory behavior. Birds from Europa Island (Mozambique Channel) made long‐distance migration to numerous distinct roosting sites in the Indian Ocean, New Caledonia birds made shorter distance migrations to roosting sites in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, and Galapagos birds were resident within the archipelago year round. Juvenile birds from Europa Is. and New Caledonia dispersed widely whereas Galapagos juveniles were resident year round. The migratory behavior of Europa Is. and New Caledonia resulted in complete separation of foraging grounds between breeding adults, non‐breeding adults, and juveniles, whereas in the Galapagos the overlap was complete. We suggest that population variability in migratory behavior may have arisen because of different environmental conditions at sea, and also depends on the availability of suitable roosting sites on oceanic islands. The results also highlight the capacity of frigatebirds to remain airborne most of the time even outside the breeding season when they have to molt.  相似文献   

Migratory species are subject to environmental variability occurring on breeding and wintering grounds. Estimating the relative contribution of environmental factors experienced sequentially during breeding and wintering, and their potential interaction, to the variation of survival is crucial to predict population viability of migratory species. Here we investigated this issue for the Montagu's harrier Circus pygargus, a trans‐Saharan migrant. We analysed capture–recapture data from a 29‐year long monitoring of wing‐tagged offspring and adults at two study sites in France (Rochefort‐RO and Maine‐et‐Loire‐ML). The study period covers a climatic shift occurring in the Sahel with increasing rainfall following a period of droughts (Sahel greening). We found that harriers’ adult survival in RO (between 1988 and 2005) varied over time and was sensitive to the interaction between the amount of rainfall in the Sahel and the annual mean breeding success, two proxies of prey availability. The occurrence of adverse conditions on breeding and wintering grounds in the same year decreased survival from 0.70–0.77 to 0.48 ± 0.05. Juvenile survival in RO was slightly more sensitive to conditions in Europe than in the Sahel. Unexpectedly, lower survival rates were found in years with higher mean breeding success, suggesting compensatory density feedbacks may operate. By contrast, adult survival in ML, monitored between 1999 and 2017, was higher compared to RO (0.76 ± 0.03 versus 0.66 ± 0.02), remained constant and unaffected by any proxy of prey availability. This difference seems consistent with the fact that harriers in ML experienced better and especially less variable environmental conditions during breeding and wintering seasons compared to RO. Overall, we showed that survival of a migratory bird is sensitive to the level of variability in environmental conditions and that adverse conditions on wintering grounds can amplify the negative effects of conditions during the previous breeding season on birds’ survival.  相似文献   

Costs of reproduction represent a common life‐history trade‐off. Critical to understanding these costs in migratory species is the ability to track individuals across successive stages of the annual cycle. We assessed the effects of total number of offspring fledged and date of breeding completion on pre‐migratory body condition, the schedule of moult and annual survival in a migratory songbird, the Savannah Sparrow Passerculus sandwichensis. Between 2008 and 2010, moult was delayed for individuals that finished breeding later in the breeding period and resulted in reduced lean tissue mass during the pre‐migratory period, suggesting an indirect trade‐off between the timing of breeding completion and condition just prior to migration. Lean tissue mass decreased as the number of offspring fledged increased in 2009, a particularly cool and wet year, illustrating a direct trade‐off between reproductive effort and condition just prior to migration in years when weather is poor. However, using a 17‐year dataset from the same population, we found that parents that fledged young late in the breeding period had the highest survival and that number of offspring fledged did not affect survival, suggesting that individuals do not experience long‐term trade‐offs between reproduction and survival. Taken together, our results suggest that adult Savannah Sparrows pay short‐term costs of reproduction, but that longer‐term costs are mitigated by individual quality, perhaps through individual variation in resource acquisition.  相似文献   

I. NEWTON  & P. ROTHERY 《Ibis》2005,147(4):667-679
Moult was studied in 1 year among Greenfinches trapped in a garden in east‐central England. Over the period June–December 2003, 333 captures of 179 individual adults provided information on breeding condition, moult, body weight, sex and age (yearling or older adult, equivalent to birds in their second or later calendar years, respectively). About 95% of all birds (sex and age groups combined) started primary feather moult from 2 July to 14 August, and finished from 10 October to 22 November. The mean date of moult onset in the population as a whole was 24 July. On average, males began 8 days before females, and yearlings began 6 days before older birds. The mean duration of moult was 100 days, whether the figure was calculated for the population as a whole or just for the 36 individual birds that were caught more than once during moult. However, moult rate was slightly slower, and moult duration slightly longer, in yearlings than in older adults of both sexes. No evidence was found for any systematic relationship between moult onset date and rate (duration). Breeding and moult overlapped by up to 5 weeks or more in individual birds, and some birds probably started to moult as early as the incubation stage of their last clutch of the season. The cloacal protuberance (taken as indicative of breeding condition) had regressed in all males by the time the fifth primary was shed, and the brood patch had regressed and re‐feathered in all females by the time the fourth primary was shed. The bulk of feather replacement in the secondary, tail and body tracts occurred in the second half of primary moult, and after cloacal protuberances and brood patches were completely regressed. In all birds examined near the end of primary moult the secondaries were still growing, and would have continued growth for up to another 19 days or more, extending the end of the moulting season into December. Body mass during moult was affected significantly by sex and age, as well as by time of day, amount of food in gullet, reproductive condition and date. No firm evidence emerged that body mass was affected by moult stage, after allowing for effects of date and other variables (although there was a non‐significant negative relationship between moult stage and body mass in males). In the population as a whole, the breeding season (from first egg‐laying to independence of last young) was spread over 21 weeks and moult over 24 weeks. With an overlap between the two events at the population level of up to 9 weeks, the two processes together took up to 36 weeks, some 69% of the year.  相似文献   

Events in the life cycle of migrant birds are generally time‐constrained. Moult, together with breeding and migration, is the most energetically demanding annual cycle stages, but it is the only stage that can be scheduled at different times of the year. However, it is still not fully understood what factors determine this scheduling. We compare the timing of primary feather moult in relation to breeding and migration between two populations of Eurasian golden plover Pluvialis apricaria, the continental population breeding in Scandinavia and in N Russia that migrates to the Netherlands and southern Europe, and the Icelandic population that migrates mainly to Ireland and western UK. Moult was studied at the breeding grounds (N Sweden, N Russia, Iceland) and at stopover and wintering sites (S Sweden, the Netherlands). In both populations, primary moult overlapped with incubation and chick rearing, and females started on average 9 d later than males. Icelandic plovers overlapped moult with incubation to a larger extent and stayed in the breeding grounds until primary moult was completed. In contrast, continental birds only moulted the first 5–7 primaries at the breeding grounds and completed moult in stopover and wintering areas, such as S Sweden and the Netherlands. This overlap, although rare in birds, can be understood from an annual cycle perspective. Icelandic plovers presumably need to initiate moult early in the season to be able to complete it at the breeding grounds. The latter is not possible for continental plovers as their breeding season is much shorter due to a harsher climate. Additionally, for this population, moulting all the primaries at the stopover/wintering site is also not possible as too little time would remain to prepare for cold‐spell movements. We conclude that environmental conditions and migration strategy affect the annual scheduling of primary feather moult in the Eurasian golden plover.  相似文献   

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