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Coastal sand dunes are dynamic ecosystems characterized by strong abiotic gradients from the seashore inland. Due to significant differences in the abiotic parameters in such an environment, there is great interest in biotic adaptation in these habitats. The aim of the present study, which was conducted in the northern Sharon sand-dune area of Israel, was to illustrate the spatial changes of a soil microarthropod community along a gradient from the seashore inland. Soil samples were collected from the 0–10 cm depth at five locations at different distances, from the seashore inland. Samples were taken from the bare open spaces during the wet winter and dry summer seasons. The soil microarthropod community exhibited dependence both on seasonality and sampling location across the gradient. The community was more abundant during the wet winter seasons, with an increasing trend from the shore inland, while during the dry summers, such a trend was not observed and community density was lower. The dominant groups within soil Acari were Prostigmata and Endeostigmata, groups known to have many representatives with adaptation to xeric or psammic environments. In addition, mite diversity tended to be higher at the more distant locations from the seashore, and lower at the closer locations, a trend that appeared only during the wet winters. This study demonstrated the heterogeneity of a soil microarthropod community in a coastal dune field in a Mediterranean ecosystem, indicating that the gradient abiotic parameters also affect the abundance and composition of a soil microarthropod community in sand dunes.  相似文献   

We investigated the distribution pattern of litter dwelling beetles in four primeval forests of the Western Carpathians. The forests are situated in two mountain ranges and are either southerly exposed oak forests or northerly exposed beech forests. Beetles were extracted from leaf litter of plots close to coarse woody debris (c-CWD) and distant from coarse woody debris (d-CWD). We collected 2946 individuals of 172 species. Plots close to CWD usually were hot spots of species richness and beetle density, which could be increased two-fold and five-fold, respectively, when compared to d-CWD sites. The influence of CWD within each forest type was stronger than that of any other environmental factor. The c-CWD plots were characterised by both a higher presence of common species and a higher number of rare species. Especially, zoophagous and mycetophagous beetles were enhanced. The assemblage wide carrying capacity at c-CWD sites varied in respect to the gradients of temperature and moisture within a forest. A longer gradient provided a higher carrying capacity. We assume that the influence of downed deadwood on litter dwelling beetles will also be effective in commercial forests and stop the downward spiral with continuing loss of species.  相似文献   



Forced displacement related to persecution and violent conflict has reached a new peak in recent years. The primary aim of this study is to provide an initial overview of the acute and chronic health care problems of asylum seekers from the Middle East, with special emphasis on asylum seekers from Syria.


Our retrospective data analysis comprised adult patients presenting to our emergency department between 01.11.2011 and 30.06.2014 with the official resident status of an “asylum seeker” or “refugee” from the Middle East.


In total, 880 patients were included in the study. Of these, 625 (71.0%) were male and 255 (29.0%) female. The median age was 34 (range 16–84). 222 (25.2%) of our patients were from Syria. The most common reason for presentation was surgical (381, 43.3%), followed by medical (321, 36.5%) and psychiatric (137, 15.6%). In patients with surgical presentations, trauma-related problems were most common (n = 196, 50.6%). Within the group of patients with medical presentation, acute infectious diseases were most common (n = 141, 43.9%), followed by neurological problems (n = 70, 21.8%) and gastrointestinal problems (n = 47, 14.6%). There were no differences between Syrian and non-Syrian refugees concerning surgical or medical admissions. The most common chronic disorder of unclear significance was chronic gastrointestinal problems (n = 132, 15%), followed by chronic musculoskeletal problems (n = 108, 12.3%) and chronic headaches (n = 78, 8.9%). Patients from Syria were significantly younger and more often suffered from a post-traumatic stress disorder than patients of other nationalities (p<0.0001, and p = 0.05, respectively).


Overall a remarkable number of our very young group of patients suffered from psychiatric disorders and unspecified somatic symptoms. Asylum seekers should be carefully evaluated when presenting to a medical facility and physicians should be aware of the high incidence of unspecified somatic symptoms in this patient population.In general, there is no major difference between asylum seekers from Syria when compared to other nationalities of asylum seekers from the Middle East.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to test whether the zona pellucida selects spermatozoa with higher fertilization potential. Fertilization rates of mouse oocytes after sperm microinjection under the zona pellucida (SMUZ) of zona-bound spermatozoa and of spermatozoa incubated in the absence of oocytes and treated (acid-treated group) or not (control group) with acid Tyrode's solution were compared. SMUZ was performed at 15, 30, 60, and 90 min after the insemination of fresh oocytes required for selecting spermatozoa bound to the zona pellucida. At these times, the percentages of acrosome-reacted spermatozoa (PARS) were evaluated using the chlortetracycline fluorescence method. Fertilization rate in the three groups analysed increased from 25.9% to 47.3% in the control group, from 29.3% to 44.0% in the acid-treated group, and from 19.5% to 40.0% in the zona-bound group from 15 to 90 min after insemination, respectively. The global fertilization potential was significantly lower in the zona-bound group compared to the other two groups. The PARS in the zona-bound group at 15 (11.48 ± 3.02); 30 (16.74 ± 3.71), and 90 (19.68 ± 3.68) min after insemination were significantly (P < 0.05) lower than those found in the acid-treated group (39.26 ± 6.69, 38.20 ± 6.24, and 42.83 ± 5.39, respectively). At 90 min after insemination, the PARS in the zona-bound group was also significantly (P 0.05) lower than the control group (36.72 ± 4.51). No significant correlation between either time and PARS or PARS and fertilization rate was observed. It appears that the zona pellucida does not select from the medium spermatozoa with higher fertilization potential. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper reports the first find of pika remains in the Iberian Peninsula, at a site in central Spain. A fragmented mandible of Ochotona cf. pusilla was unearthed from Layer 3 (deposited some 63.4±5.5 ka ago as determined by thermoluminescence) of the Buena Pinta Cave. This record establishes new limits for the genus geographic distribution during the Pleistocene, shifting the previous edge of its known range southwest by some 500 km. It also supports the idea that, even though Europe’s alpine mountain ranges represented a barrier that prevented the dispersal into the south to this and other taxa of small mammals from central and eastern Europe, they were crossed or circumvented at the coldest time intervals of the end of the Middle Pleistocene and of the Late Pleistocene. During those periods both the reduction of the forest cover and the emersion of large areas of the continental shelf due to the drop of the sea level probably provided these species a way to surpass this barrier. The pika mandible was found accompanying the remains of other small mammals adapted to cold climates, indicating the presence of steppe environments in central Iberia during the Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Considerable scientific, politic and economic attention has been directed to biological invasions. Multiple pathways serve to introduce species to new environments and the release or escape of pets are among the most important sources for species invasions. Risk assessments help to identify species that are likely to become invasive and to set up preventive measures. Weighing the relative importance of ecological and human factors driving the establishment success of abandoned pets, we here present a new methodological guideline to help prioritising management activities for frequently traded pet reptiles. Climate match scores between the different distribution ranges as well as traits and niche axes shared by native and non-native species were assessed. Moreover, we tested for discrepancies in niche breadth between native and non-native ranges and estimated the ability of species to coexist with humans. Potentially moderate to high establishment success in most species was linked to appropriate climate match scores, broader niches with restrained human impacts and high similarities in reproductive traits with the native herpetofauna. Providing baseline information on the invasion potential of pet reptiles, this assessment calls for trade regulations and, to an even greater degree, for large scale education campaigns to prevent the establishment of non-native populations.  相似文献   

Pysek P  Sádlo J  Mandák B  Jarosík V 《Oecologia》2003,135(1):122-130
Temporal patterns of immigration to the country were analysed using 668 alien species in the flora of the Czech Republic for which the dates of the first record were available (64.8% of the total number of 1031 so-called neophytes, i.e. aliens introduced after the year 1500). After a period of initial slow increase lasting to the 1840s, the accumulation of neophytes over time could be best fitted by a linear model that explained 97% of the variance. The intensity of floristic research, which varied between periods, did not significantly affect the overall increase in the number of aliens. The effect of species traits on the year of introduction was evaluated, with continent of origin, introduction type (deliberate or accidental), life history, Grime's life strategy, onset of flowering, mode of dispersal and propagule size as explanatory variables. Species of European origin and CSR strategists arrived earlier than those with other origins and strategies. Deliberately introduced species appeared earlier than accidental arrivals, and those cultivated for utilitary reasons on average arrived earlier than ornamentals. Species capable of early flowering were remarkably more prevalent among early newcomers. A separate analysis of accidentally introduced American species also identified life history as a significant predictor of immigration time, with annuals being introduced earlier than biennials and perennials. The data contribute to an understanding of a crucial stage of the invasion process that has received little attention in the literature. The model "early alien" to Central Europe is a European species with a CSR strategy deliberately brought for cultivation as a utilitary plant. Once it escaped from cultivation, its establishment in the wild was favoured by its ability to flower early and, therefore, complete the life cycle.  相似文献   

Uridine 5′-diphosphoglucose:betanidin 5-O- and 6-O-glucosyltransferases (5-GT and 6-GT; EC 2.4.1) catalyze the regiospecific formation of betanin (betanidin 5-O-β-glucoside) and gomphrenin I (betanidin 6-O-β-glucoside), respectively. Both enzymes were purified to near homogeneity from cell-suspension cultures of Dorotheanthus bellidiformis, the 5-GT by classical chromatographic techniques and the 6-GT by affinity dye-ligand chromatography using UDP-glucose as eluent. Data obtained with highly purified enzymes indicate that 5-GT and 6-GT catalyze the indiscriminate transfer of glucose from UDP-glucose to hydroxyl groups of betanidin, flavonols, anthocyanidins and flavones, but discriminate between individual hydroxyl groups of the respective acceptor compounds. The 5-GT catalyzes the transfer of glucose to the C-4′ hydroxyl group of quercetin as its best substrate, and the 6-GT to the C-3 hydroxyl group of cyanidin as its best substrate. Both enzymes also catalyze the formation of the respective 7-O-glucosides, but to a minor extent. Although the enzymes were not isolated to homogeneity, chromatographic, electrophoretic and kinetic properties proved that the respective enzyme activities were based on the presence of single enzymes, i.e. 5-GT and 6-GT. The N terminus of the 6-GT revealed high sequence identity to a proposed UDP-glucose:flavonol 3-O-glucosyltransferase (UF3GT) of Manihot esculenta. In addition to the 5-GT and 6-GT, we isolated a UF3GT from D. bellidiformis cell cultures that preferentially accepted myricetin and quercetin, but was inactive with betanidin. The same result was obtained with a UF3GT from Antirrhinum majus and a flavonol 4′-O-glucosyltransferase from Allium cepa. Based on these results, the main question to be addressed reads: Are the characteristics of the 5-GT and 6-GT indicative of their phylogenetic relationship with flavonoid glucosyltransferases? Received: 11 February 1997 / Accepted: 18 April 1997  相似文献   

Freshwater reservoirs are a known source of greenhouse gas (GHG) to the atmosphere, but their quantitative significance is still only loosely constrained. Although part of this uncertainty can be attributed to the difficulties in measuring highly variable fluxes, it is also the result of a lack of a clear accounting methodology, particularly about what constitutes new emissions and potential new sinks. In this paper, we review the main processes involved in the generation of GHG in reservoir systems and propose a simple approach to quantify the reservoir GHG footprint in terms of the net changes in GHG fluxes to the atmosphere induced by damming, that is, ‘what the atmosphere sees.’ The approach takes into account the pre-impoundment GHG balance of the landscape, the temporal evolution of reservoir GHG emission profile as well as the natural emissions that are displaced to or away from the reservoir site resulting from hydrological and other changes. It also clarifies the portion of the reservoir carbon burial that can potentially be considered an offset to GHG emissions.  相似文献   



Testicular cancer (TC) represents 1% of all new male cancer cases but remains the most frequent cancer in adolescents and young adults in industrialized countries. In this study, we assessed time trends in use of sperm cryopreservation by men with TC from 1990 to 2013 in France.


We collected data from patients diagnosed with TC who underwent sperm cryopreservation in the French national network of sperm banks. Trends in the incidence of sperm cryopreservation were estimated through two statistical models: the commonly used Poisson regression model and the Verhulst model.


Between 1990 and 2013, the overall incidence of sperm cryopreservation rose from 1.73 to 5.57 per 100,000 person-years. Poisson regression predicted an incidence of 9 per 100,000 [95% CI?=?8.66–9.34] in 2020. However, since 2005, the observed sperm cryopreservation rate seems to be attenuating. The Verhulst model predicted an incidence of 6 per 100,000 after 2020.


Limitations include the impossibility of analyzing age-standardized incidence. Based on the Verhulst model, results suggest that it is still relevant to follow up TC incidence and sperm cryopreservation in order to confirm or refute the potential decrease already observed in this disease.

The main objective was to discover extent of interference and/or exploitative competition between the native red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and the introduced, invasive raccoon dog (Nyctereues proconoides) in the intensively used, agricultural landscape of northeast Germany (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania) using very high frequency (VHF) radio telemetry. We recorded location data for 12 foxes and 16 raccoon dogs between July 2004 and December 2006. Species had similar average home range sizes estimated in each season (K95). Home ranges of adjacent raccoon dogs and foxes overlapped from 0.5 to 74.5 % with a mean of 26.4 %. We found a significantly different home range overlap index between the species showing that raccoon dog ranges shifted between seasons to a greater extent than red fox ranges. The raccoon dog differed significantly from the red fox in its use of habitat types, preferring dense vegetation cover and avoiding open areas. The red fox displayed less preference for or avoidance of specific habitat types. Moreover, an almost neutral inter-specific interaction index ranging from ?0.12 to 0.12 indicates that raccoon dogs and red foxes ignored each other. It is concluded that widespread and available resources and differences in spatial use patterns prevent competition between red foxes and raccoon dogs in the agricultural landscape of northeast Germany.  相似文献   

Migrating long distances requires time and energy, and may interact with an individual's performance during breeding. These seasonal interactions in migratory animals are best described in populations with disjunct nonbreeding distributions. The black‐tailed godwit (Limosa limosa limosa), which breeds in agricultural grasslands in Western Europe, has such a disjunct nonbreeding distribution: The majority spend the nonbreeding season in West Africa, while a growing number winters north of the Sahara on the Iberian Peninsula. To test whether crossing the Sahara has an effect on breeding season phenology and reproductive parameters, we examined differences in the timing of arrival, breeding habitat quality, lay date, egg volume, and daily nest survival among godwits (154 females and 157 males), individually marked in a breeding area in the Netherlands for which wintering destination was known on the basis of resightings. We also examined whether individual repeatability in arrival date differed between birds wintering north or south of the Sahara. Contrary to expectation, godwits wintering south of the Sahara arrived two days earlier and initiated their clutch six days earlier than godwits wintering north of the Sahara. Arrival date was equally repeatable for both groups, and egg volume larger in birds wintering north of the Sahara. Despite these differences, we found no association between wintering location and the quality of breeding habitat or nest survival. This suggests that the crossing of an important ecological barrier and doubling of the migration distance, twice a year, do not have clear negative reproductive consequences for some long‐distance migrants.  相似文献   

Image‐based modeling, and more precisely, Structure from Motion (SfM) and Multi‐View Stereo (MVS), is emerging as a flexible, self‐service, remote sensing tool for generating fine‐grained digital surface models (DSMs) in the Earth sciences and ecology. However, drone‐based SfM + MVS applications have developed at a rapid pace over the past decade and there are now many software options available for data processing. Consequently, understanding of reproducibility issues caused by variations in software choice and their influence on data quality is relatively poorly understood. This understanding is crucial for the development of SfM + MVS if it is to fulfill a role as a new quantitative remote sensing tool to inform management frameworks and species conservation schemes. To address this knowledge gap, a lightweight multirotor drone carrying a Ricoh GR II consumer‐grade camera was used to capture replicate, centimeter‐resolution image datasets of a temperate, intensively managed grassland ecosystem. These data allowed the exploration of method reproducibility and the impact of SfM + MVS software choice on derived vegetation canopy height measurement accuracy. The quality of DSM height measurements derived from four different, yet widely used SfM‐MVS software—Photoscan, Pix4D, 3DFlow Zephyr, and MICMAC, was compared with in situ data captured on the same day as image capture. We used both traditional agronomic techniques for measuring sward height, and a high accuracy and precision differential GPS survey to generate independent measurements of the underlying ground surface elevation. Using the same replicate image dataset (n = 3) as input, we demonstrate that there are 1.7, 2.0, and 2.5 cm differences in RMSE (excluding one outlier) between the outputs from different SfM + MVS software using High, Medium, and Low quality settings, respectively. Furthermore, we show that there can be a significant difference, although of small overall magnitude between replicate image datasets (n = 3) processed using the same SfM + MVS software, following the same workflow, with a variance in RMSE of up to 1.3, 1.5, and 2.7 cm (excluding one outlier) for “High,” “Medium,” and “Low” quality settings, respectively. We conclude that SfM + MVS software choice does matter, although the differences between products processed using “High” and “Medium” quality settings are of small overall magnitude.  相似文献   

To examine models of evolution for Coregonus from the Central Alpine region of Europe, 20 populations from nine lakes were assessed for variation at six microsatellite DNA loci. Patterns of variation were tested against three evolutionary models: phenotypic plasticity, multiple invasions of lakes by divergent forms, and within-lake radiation of species flocks. All sympatric and all but one allopatric pairs of populations were significantly divergent in allele frequencies. Pairwise F -statistics indicated reduced gene flow among phenotypically divergent sympatric populations. These results reject the hypothesis that within-lake morphological and ecological diversity reflects phenotypic plasticity within a single gene pool. Genetic similarity was higher among forms within lakes than between populations of the same form in different lakes. Among-lake divergence was primarily a product of allele size differences. Mantel tests contrasting patterns of genetic divergence against patterns predicted from the multiple invasions and species flocks models indicated that the latter is the best explanation of the observed genetic variation. Thus, reproductively isolated species diverged within lakes, with similar patterns repeatedly emerging among lakes. While this study argues for a particular mode of evolution in Central Alpine Coregonus , the taxonomy of these forms remains unresolved.  相似文献   

To analyse the involvement of the plastidial lysophosphatidylcholine (lyso-PC) acyltransferase in the import of the extraplastidial lipid precursors required for eukaryotic plastid lipid synthesis, we plan to obtain transgenic plants. Since no sequence of lyso-PC acyltransferase is known, the purification of this enzyme has been undertaken to establish its sequence. First we determined the conditions allowing the solubilization of this membrane-bound enzyme. It is shown that by using CHAPS as a detergent, a lyso-PC acyltransferase activity is associated with the solubilized proteins.  相似文献   

Bukhov NG  Heber U  Wiese C  Shuvalov VA 《Planta》2001,212(5-6):749-758
Dissipation of light energy was studied in the moss Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus (Hedw.) Warnst., and in leaves of Spinacia oleracea L. and Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh., using chlorophyll fluorescence as an indicator reaction. Maximum chlorophyll fluorescence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU)-treated spinach leaves, as produced by saturating light and studied between +5 and −20 °C, revealed an activation energy ΔE of 0.11 eV. As this suggested recombination fluorescence produced by charge recombination between the oxidized primary donor of photosystem II and reduced pheophytin, a mathematical model explaining fluorescence, and based in part on known characteristics of primary electron-transport reactions, was developed. The model permitted analysis of different modes of fluorescence quenching, two localized in the reaction center of photosystem II and one in the light-harvesting system of the antenna complexes. It predicted differences in the relationship between quenching of variable fluorescence F v and quenching of basal, so-called F 0 fluorescence depending on whether quenching originated from antenna complexes or from reaction centers. Such differences were found experimentally, suggesting antenna quenching as the predominant mechanism of dissipation of light energy in the moss Rhytidiadelphus, whereas reaction-center quenching appeared to be important in spinach and Arabidopsis. Both reaction-center and antenna quenching required activation by thylakoid protonation but only antenna quenching depended on or was strongly enhanced by zeaxanthin. De-protonation permitted relaxation of this quenching with half-times below 1 min. More slowly reversible quenching, tentatively identified as so-called q I or photoinhibitory quenching, required protonation but persisted for prolonged times after de-protonation. It appeared to originate in reaction centers. Received: 8 April 2000 / Accepted: 31 August 2000  相似文献   

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