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Following infection with Schistosoma mansoni larvae, haemocytes of resistant Biomphalaria glabrata snails execute a rapid defence during which they migrate towards and encapsulate the parasites. Such immediate and precise responses are thought to depend on signal transduction cascades though the signalling components involved remain largely unknown. It is proposed that mitogen-activated protein kinases may play a role in B. glabrata immune signalling, in particular p38 mitogen-activated protein kinases, which are known to be associated with stress and inflammatory signalling. Using degenerate PCR followed by Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends a full-length p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase-like cDNA was cloned from both the B. glabrata embryonic (Bge) cell line (Bge-p38) and haemocytes (Bgh-p38). In addition, B. glabrata p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase activation was examined at the protein level in Western blot analyses using an antibody that specifically recognises activated/diphosphorylated p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase. Results showed that Bge cell p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase was activated/phosphorylated following 30 min incubation with anisomycin, an established p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase activator. Furthermore, p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase was also activated after only 5 min exposure to either the beta-glucan polymer laminarin or S. mansoni larval excretory-secretory products. In a comparative study, activated haemocyte p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase could also be detected using the anti-phosphorylated p38 antibody following cell treatment with anisomycin. However, in contrast with Bge cells, haemocyte p38 was not activated by either excretory-secretory products or laminarin treatments, suggesting fundamental differences in the role of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase in signal transduction pathways between haemocytes and Bge cells.  相似文献   

Establishment of infection by Leishmania depends on the transformation of the invading metacyclic promastigotes into the obligatory intracellular amastigotes, and their subsequent survival in the macrophage phagolysosome, which is low in magnesium. We show that two Leishmania major proteins designated MGT1 and MGT2, which play a critical role in these processes, belong to the two-transmembrane domain (2-TM-GxN) cation transporter family and share homology with the major bacterial magnesium transporter CorA. Although both are present in the endoplasmic reticulum throughout the life cycle of the parasite, MGT1 is more highly expressed in the infectious metacyclic parasites, while MGT2 is enriched in the immature procyclic stages. The two proteins, although predicted to be structurally similar, have features that suggest different regulatory or gating mechanisms. The two proteins may also be functionally distinct, since only MGT1 complements an Escherichia coliΔCorA mutant. In addition, deletion of one mgt1 allele from L. major led to increased virulence, while deletion of one allele of mgt2 resulted in slower growth and total loss of virulence in vitro and in vivo. This loss of virulence may be due to an impaired transformation of the parasites into amastigotes. Deletion of both mgt1 alleles in the hemizygous MGT2 knockdown parasites reversed the growth defect and partially restored virulence. Our data indicate that the MGTs play a critical role in parasite growth, development and virulence.  相似文献   

美洲斑潜蝇、南美斑潜蝇、三叶斑潜蝇是危害蔬菜、花卉的世界性大害虫。不同种间相互更替或取代的现象时有发生。根据国内外相关研究报道,综述了对近年来3种斑潜蝇种间竞争的研究。对斑潜蝇种间更替和取代现象的分析显示,生殖干扰、新生物型的出现、天敌、生态位、寄主植物以及抗药性等因素可能是影响它们种间竞争的关键。以期为斑潜蝇种群演替研究及防治策略制定提供参考。  相似文献   

Phosphomannose isomerase (PMI) catalyzes the reversible interconversion of fructose 6-phosphate (Fru-6-P) and mannose 6-phosphate (Man-6-P), providing a link between glycolysis and the mannose metabolic pathway. In this study, we identified pmi gene (Mapmi) from the entomopathogenic fungus, Metarhizium acridum, and analyzed its functions using RNA interference (RNAi). Amending the growth medium with cell stress chemicals significantly reduced growth, conidial production and percent germination in Mapmi-RNAi mutant strain, compared to the wild-type strain. Growth of RNAi mutant was lower than the wild type strain with glucose or fructose as sole carbon source. RNAi mutant exhibited a normal growth phenotype with mannose at low concentrations, while trace or high concentration of mannose was more negatively impacted the growth of RNAi mutant than the wild type strain. Infection with Mapmi-RNAi mutant against Locusta migratoria manilensis (Meyen) led to a significantly reduced virulence compared to infection with the wild-type strain. These results suggest that Mapmi plays essential roles in stress tolerance and pathogenicity of M. acridum.  相似文献   

Parasitic dinoflagellates of the genus Hematodinium infect several commercially important decapod crustaceans. Different species of Hematodinium have different levels of virulence in their respective hosts. Enzyme activities were studied from two species of Hematodinium, one isolated from the Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) and the other from the American blue crab (Callinectes sapidus). We report the identification of differences in secretion of acid phosphatase (AP) and leucine arylamidase from two parasite species. Leucine arylamidase was only contained and secreted by the species infecting the blue crab. Both parasite species contained AP, but only the species infecting the Norway lobster secreted this enzyme. In this species, AP activity was predominantly in the soluble fraction (69.5%). AP activity was localized to cytoplasmic granules and on the membranes surrounding the cell nucleus. In addition to providing information on the cellular metabolism of the parasite, the pattern of activities of these enzymes may also be useful in distinguishing among different species of Hematodinium.  相似文献   

Fungal virulence has been mostly associated with cuticle-degrading enzymes that can be regulated depending on nutrient conditions. However, few studies have related fungal virulence to insect-toxic secreted proteins. Here, we describe how the presence of secreted toxic proteins may be linked to conidial virulence, which can be affected by nutrient factors. In this study we evaluated: (1) the virulence of the conidia of four Beauveria bassiana strains (EABb 01/103-Su, EABb 01/12-Su, EABb 01/88-Su and EABb 01/110-Su) grown on three different media (malt extract agar (MA), Rice (Rice), Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA) and harvested from the cadavers of fungal-infected Galleria mellonella larvae (CAD) and (2) the toxicity of the crude soluble protein extracts (CSPEs) obtained from Adamek’s liquid medium inoculated with these conidia. Conidial suspensions were obtained from the four media, assessed on G. mellonella larvae and used to produce CSPEs that were injected into healthy G. mellonella larvae. The larvae were also injected with conidia obtained from MA and CAD cultures to expose them to in vivo-secreted proteins. For all isolates, the CAD conidia were by far the most virulent, followed by conidia grown on SDA, Rice and MA. The injected CSPEs showed the same toxicity trends as the conidial suspensions. In addition, the outcomes of injection of the in vivo-secreted proteins showed that the toxic proteins secreted in vitro by the EABb 01/110-Su strain are not produced in vivo. However, the other strains produced toxic proteins both in vivo and in vitro, suggesting that these toxic proteins may be virulence factors involved in invertebrate pathogenesis.  相似文献   

This study compared virulence and antibiotic resistance traits in clinical and environmental Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium isolates. E. faecalis isolates harboured a broader spectrum of virulence determinants compared to E. faecium isolates. The virulence traits Cyl-A, Cyl-B, Cyl-M, gel-E, esp and acm were tested and environmental isolates predominantly harboured gel-E (80% of E. faecalis and 31.9% of E. faecium) whereas esp was more prevalent in clinical isolates (67.8% of E. faecalis and 70.4% of E. faecium). E. faecalis and E. faecium isolated from water had different antibiotic resistance patterns compared to those isolated from clinical samples. Linezolid resistance was not observed in any isolates tested and vancomycin resistance was observed only in clinical isolates. Resistance to other antibiotics (tetracycline, gentamicin, ciprofloxacin and ampicillin) was detected in both clinical and water isolates. Clinical isolates were more resistant to all the antibiotics tested compared to water isolates. Multi-drug resistance was more prevalent in clinical isolates (71.2% of E. faecalis and 70.3% of E. faecium) compared to water isolates (only 5.7% E. faecium). tet L and tet M genes were predominantly identified in tetracycline-resistant isolates. All water and clinical isolates resistant to ciprofloxacin and ampicillin contained mutations in the gyrA, parC and pbp5 genes. A significant correlation was found between the presence of virulence determinants and antibiotic resistance in all the isolates tested in this study (p<0.05). The presence of antibiotic resistant enterococci, together with associated virulence traits, in surface recreational water could be a public health risk.  相似文献   

CD4(+) T cell responses and macrophage activation are essential components of schistosome egg-induced granuloma formation. Previous studies implicated tumour necrosis factor (TNF) as a potential mediator of macrophage recruitment and activation during schistosome infection. Here we demonstrate that signalling by TNF and its receptors can influence granuloma formation, but is ultimately dispensable for granuloma formation in this system. However, we identify a previously unrecognised role for TNF in limiting hepatocellular damage in response to schistosome eggs. Further, we show that this activity of TNF is independent of TNF receptors (TNFR1 and TNFR2). Taken together, these data suggest that additional, as yet unrecognised receptors exist for TNF and that these receptors are capable of mediating important pathological effects in the liver. Finally, we provide evidence that TNF plays an unexpected role in maintaining adult schistosome viability in the portal system.  相似文献   

Termites encounter a diverse array of potentially useful and harmful fungi in their subterranean habitats. These vary from symbiotic to harmful species with varying levels of virulence. How these hemiedaphic insects survive in habitats with infective fungi is not well understood. Possible mediation of olfactory signals in avoiding contact with entomopathogenic fungi has been explored by a number of workers. In the present study, we initially found that Macrotermes michaelseni detected a virulent isolate of Metarhizium anisopliae from some distance and avoided direct physical contact. We hypothesized that there may be a relationship between virulence and repellency of different isolates of M. anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana to the termite. We compared these for selected isolates of the two fungi. Positive correlations between the two parameters for both sets of isolates of the fungi were obtained. The results show an interesting co-evolutionary phenomenon in which the termite's response to either M. anisopliae or B. bassiana is directly related to potential harm these fungi can inflict on the insect and that the virulent strains are more likely to be recognized from some distance and avoided.  相似文献   

We have previously described an attenuated line of Leishmania infantum (H-line), selected by culturing promastigotes in vitro in the presence of gentamicin. To elucidate the molecular basis for this attenuation, we undertook a comparative proteomic analysis using multiplex 2-dimensional (2D) difference gel electrophoresis. Eighteen proteins that showed significant and reproducible changes in expression were identified. Many of these were components of the thiol-redox control system in Leishmania and this observation, validated by Western blot, prompted us to investigate the sensitivity of the attenuated line to oxidative stress. The attenuated line was found to be significantly more susceptible to hydrogen peroxide, a change which may explain the loss of virulence. In a direct assay of trypanothione-dependent peroxidase activity, hydrogen peroxide metabolism in the H-line was significantly lower than in wild type. Furthermore, trypanothione reductase activity was significantly lower in the H-line, suggesting that gentamicin selection may result in pleiotropic affects on thiol metabolism in Leishmania. A putative RNA-binding protein was very strongly up-regulated in the attenuated line, suggesting a possible target for gentamicin in Leishmania.  相似文献   

Botryosphaeriaceae represents an important and diverse family of latent fungal pathogens of woody plants. We address the question of host range of these fungi by sampling leaves and branches of four native South African trees, including Acacia karroo (Fabaceae), Celtis africana (Cannabaceae), Searsia lancea (Anacardiaceae), and Gymnosporia buxifolia (Celastraceae). Two new species of the Botryosphaeriaceae, namely Tiarosporella africana sp. nov. and Aplosporella javeedii sp. nov. were identified, together with five known species, including Neofusicoccum parvum, Neofusicoccum kwambonambiense, Spencermartinsia viticola, Diplodia pseudoseriata, and Botryosphaeria dothidea. Most Botryosphaeriaceae occurred on more than one host. With the exception of S. lancea, which was infected by A. javeedii all the hosts were infected by more than one Botryosphaeriaceae species. Collectively, the results suggest that some intrinsic host factors, possibly combined with local environmental conditions, affect the distribution and co-infectivity of various hosts by the Botryosphaeriaceae. This would counteract the general ability of a species in the Botryosphaeriaceae to infect a broad range of plants. The combination of host and environmental factors might also explain why some Botryosphaeriaceae with apparently broad host ranges, are found on different suites of hosts in different areas of the world.  相似文献   

Insect-passaged cultures of entomopathogenic fungi grown on potato dextrose agar media have been shown to have altered virulence and profiles of volatile compounds. The present study demonstrated the pathogenic status of FS0 (in vitro) and FS1 and FS2 (insect-passaged cultures grown on PDA) cultures of Metarhizium anisopliae (strains 406 and 02049) and Beauveria bassiana by a non-choice assay, in which filter paper was inoculated with fungal spores at a concentration of 1 × 107 spores/ml. The FS1 and FS2 cultures of M. anisopliae strain 02049 and B. bassiana produced conidia with high virulence, and the volatile profiles of these conidia comprised relatively lower percentages of branched-alkanes than conidia from the FS0 cultures. In contrast, the conidia from an FS0 culture of M. anisopliae strain 406 had somewhat elevated virulence levels, but their volatile profile had <2% branched-alkanes. The FS1 and FS2 cultures of M. anisopliae strain 406 did not gain virulence, and these cultures showed a decline in virulence along with major alteration of their volatile profiles. Their volatile profiles mainly comprised branched-alkanes. The volatile profiles of the FS1 and FS2 cultures lacked n-tetradecane, which was an important component of all the virulent cultures. Four compounds, 2-phenylpropenal, 2,5,5-trimethyl-1-hexene, n-tetradecane and 2,6-dimethylheptadecane, were detected only from the virulent cultures, suggesting that low LT50 values were probably due to the production of these compounds. This is the first report to characterize volatiles from FS0, FS1 and FS2 cultures of entomopathogenic fungi; its utility in different aspects opens an interesting area for further investigations.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease, has at least two principal intraspecific subdivisions, T. cruzi I (TCI) and T. cruzi II (TCII), the latter containing up to five subgroups (a-e). Whilst it is known that TCI predominates from the Amazon basin northwards and TCII to the South, where the disease is considered to be clinically more severe, the precise clinical and evolutionary significance of these divisions remains enigmatic. Here, we present compelling evidence of an association between TCI and opossums (Didelphis), and TCII and armadillos, on the basis of key new findings from the Paraguayan Chaco region, together with a comprehensive analysis of historical data. We suggest that the distinct arboreal and terrestrial ecologies, respectively, of these mammal hosts provide a persuasive explanation for the extant T. cruzi intraspecific diversity in South America, and for separate origins of Chagas disease in northern South America and in the southern cone countries.  相似文献   

Plasmodium giganteum and P. agamae, parasites of the rainbow lizard, Agama agama, in West Africa were studied to determine the nature of any interspecific interactions between the two malaria species. The plasmodia are distributed in A. agama throughout the mesic zone of Africa; P. agamae is sometimes found as a solitary malaria species in populations of the lizard, but P. gigateum has not been found alone. In 3170 lizards from Sierra Leone the prevalence of lizard malaria at 22 sites varied considerably (8–90% of lizards were infected), but the ratio of the two species was similar among sites (52–91% P. agamae). Larger lizards were more often infected. Mixed infections occurred 2–5 times more often than expected by chance. Parasite density within individual hosts, or parasitemia, was similar for each species when alone or in mixed infection. Natural infections followed in laboratory lizards stayed at constant levels for as long as 211 days. The two species use different classes of host cells (P. giganteum in immature cells and P. agamae in mature erythrocytes) and may have different periods of peak transmission. Analysis of the data does not support a neutral relationship between P. giganteum and P. agamae, nor ongoing competition for resources or heterologous immunity. The data best support facilitation in which P. agamae alters the host in a way that allows more successful establishment of P. giganteum.  相似文献   

For many parasites, especially those that obligately kill the host for transmission, host age is crucially important to determine success. Here, we have experimentally investigated this relationship with the microsporidian parasite, Nosema whitei, in its host, the Red Flour Beetle, Tribolium castaneum. We find that infection is only possible in young larvae and that spore load at the time of transmission (i.e., host death) correlates with host body size. The data suggested that an infection by N. whitei prolongs the life span of the infected larva and prevents them from pupation. Together, virulence to the host and success for the parasite is mainly determined by the host age at infection. The patterns are consistent with theoretical predictions for obligate killer parasites.  相似文献   

Anti-parasite behaviour can reduce parasitic infections, but little is known about how such behaviours affect infection location within the host''s body and whether parasite distribution ultimately affects tolerance of infection. To assess these questions, we exposed both anaesthetized (no behaviour) and non-anaesthetized Hyla femoralis tadpoles to plagiorchiid cercariae (larval trematodes), and quantified resistance, tolerance (relationship between mass change and infection intensity) and encystment location. Non-anaesthetized tadpoles had significantly more infections in their tail region than anaesthetized tadpoles, which had the majority of their infections in the head. This pattern indicates that parasites preferred to infect the head, but that hosts shunted infections to the tail when possible. Furthermore, there was a significant effect of encystment location on tolerance, with head-infected tadpoles having poorer tolerance to infection than tail-infected tadpoles. Variance partitioning suggests that, among infected tadpoles, behaviour contributed more to tolerance than resistance. These results suggest that, in addition to using behaviour to resist parasites, H. femoralis tadpoles also use behaviour to enhance infection tolerance by deflecting infections posteriorly, away from their vital sensory organs. These findings highlight the need to assess how widespread and important behaviour is to the tolerance of infections.  相似文献   

Three different germination types of conidia; unidirectional, bidirectional and multidirectional, were revealed through microscopic observations for eight Beauveria bassiana isolates germinated on Sabouraud dextrose agar. Canonical correlation analysis indicated that there is a positive correlation between unidirectional germination and virulence against diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella and the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata. Scanning electron microscopy revealed different in vivo behaviors for unipolar- and bipolar-germinated conidia. Unipolar-germinated conidia produced a strong germ tube with mostly appressorium-like structures while bipolar-germinated conidia continued to invasive hyphal growth without any penetration, indicating that germination polarity in one way or another may be an indicator of pathogenic ability.  相似文献   

The interactions in multiple species infections and effects on the horizontal transmission of three microsporidian species, Vairimorpha disparis, Nosema lymantriae and Endoreticulatus schubergi, infecting Lymantria dispar were evaluated in the laboratory. Simultaneous and sequential inoculations of host larvae were performed and the resulting infections were evaluated. Test larvae were exposed to the inoculated larvae to measure horizontal transmission. Dual species infections demonstrated interspecific competition between Nosema and Vairimorpha in the host larvae, but no observable competition occurred between Endoreticulatus and either of the other microsporidian species. Timing of inoculation was an important factor determining the outcome of competition between Nosema and Vairimorpha. The species inoculated first showed a higher rate of successful establishment; a time lag of 7 days between inoculations allowed the first species to essentially exclude the second. The microsporidia differed in efficiency of horizontal transmission. Nosema and Endoreticulatus were transmitted at very high rates, close to 100%. Horizontal transmission of Vairimorpha was less efficient, ranging from 25% to a maximum of 75%. The patterns of infection observed in inoculated larvae were reflected in the test larvae that acquired infections in the horizontal transmission experiments. Competition with Vairimorpha suppressed horizontal transmission of Nosema after simultaneous and sequential inoculation. In simultaneous inoculation experiments Endoreticulatus had no effect on transmission of Nosema and Vairimorpha.  相似文献   

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