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Relapse to smoking occurs at higher rates in women compared with men, especially when triggered by stress. Studies suggest that sex‐specific interactions between nicotine reward and stress contribute to these sex differences. Accordingly, novel treatment options targeting stress pathways, such as guanfacine, an α2‐adrenergic receptor agonist, may provide sex‐sensitive therapeutic effects. Preclinical studies are critical for elucidating neurobiological mechanisms of stress‐induced relapse and potential therapies, but rodent models of nicotine addiction are often hindered by large behavioral variability. In this study, we used nicotine conditioned place preference to investigate stress‐induced reinstatement of nicotine preference in male and female mice, and the effects of guanfacine on this behavior. Our results showed that overall, nicotine induced significant place preference acquisition and swim stress‐induced reinstatement in both male and female mice, but with different nicotine dose‐response patterns. In addition, we explored the variability in nicotine‐dependent behaviors with median split analyses and found that initial chamber preference in each sex differentially accounted for variability in stress‐induced reinstatement. In groups that showed significant stress‐induced reinstatement, pretreatment with guanfacine attenuated this behavior. Finally, we evaluated neuronal activation by Arc immunoreactivity in the infralimbic cortex, prelimbic cortex, anterior insula, basolateral amygdala, lateral central amygdala and nucleus accumbens core and shell. Guanfacine induced sex‐dependent changes in Arc immunoreactivity in the infralimbic cortex and anterior insula. This study demonstrates sex‐dependent relationships between initial chamber preference and stress‐induced reinstatement of nicotine conditioned place preference, and the effects of guanfacine on both behavior and neurobiological mechanisms.  相似文献   

Deficits in social interaction are important early markers for autism and related neurodevelopmental disorders with strong genetic components. Standardized behavioral assays that measure the preference of mice for initiating social interactions with novel conspecifics would be of great value for mutant mouse models of autism. We developed a new procedure to assess sociability and the preference for social novelty in mice. To quantitate sociability, each mouse was scored on measures of exploration in a central habituated area, a side chamber containing an unfamiliar conspecific (stranger 1) in a wire cage, or an empty side chamber. In a secondary test, preference for social novelty was quantitated by presenting the test mouse with a choice between the first, now-familiar, conspecific (stranger 1) in one side chamber, and a second unfamiliar mouse (stranger 2) in the other side chamber. Parameters scored included time spent in each chamber and number of entries into the chambers. Five inbred strains of mice were tested, C57BL/6J, DBA/2J, FVB/NJ, A/J and B6129PF2/J hybrids. Four strains showed significant levels of sociability (spend- ing more time in the chamber containing stranger 1 than in the empty chamber) and a preference for social novelty (spending more time in the chamber containing stranger 2 than in the chamber containing the now-familiar stranger 1). These social preferences were observed in both male and female mice, and in juveniles and adults. The exception was A/J, a strain that demonstrated a preference for the central chamber. Results are discussed in terms of potential applications of the new methods, and the proper controls for the interpretation of social behavior data, including assays for health, relevant sensory abilities and motor functions. This new standardized procedure to quantitate sociability and preference for social novelty in mice provides a method to assess tendencies for social avoidance in mouse models of autism.  相似文献   

Infection of BALB/c mice with Plasmodium berghei results in an anemia which is excessive to that which can be accounted for solely by direct destruction of infected erythrocytes by the mature schizonts at the time of merozoite release. Mice infected with 104 infected erythrocytes exhibited a progressive anemia beginning on Day 7. Significant reticulocytosis was first observed on Day 9 and parasitemia tended to parallel reticulocytosis with a lag of about 1 day. In studies of erythrophagocytosis, washed erythrocytes from randomly selected mice infected with 105 infected red blood cells were phagocytized by peritoneal macrophages in vitro to a significantly greater extent on Days 3–5 postinfection than were erythrocytes taken from normal controls. The degree of erythrophagocytosis reached a peak on Day 4 and returned to control levels on Days 6 and 7. Erythrocytes taken from infected animals on Day 7 and incubated in normal plasma were phagocytized to a significantly greater extent than were normal erythrocytes incubated in normal plasma or erythrocytes from infected mice incubated in plasma from infected animals. The enhanced in vitro erythrophagocytosis observed on Days 3–5, which preceded and coincided with the beginning of the early-onset anemia on Day 5, may correlate with in vivo phenomena which may contribute to the developing anemia. Furthermore, the restoration of enhanced erythrophagocytosis by normal plasma seems to indicate that some component(s) of normal plasma may be depleted during the early stages of P. berghei infection.  相似文献   

Summary The Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (Mayr), is a widespread invasive ant species that commonly displaces native ants and other ground-dwelling invertebrates in its introduced range. Previous studies have documented a relationship between the spread of Argentine ants and abiotic conditions (particularly water availability) in invaded areas, suggesting that the invasion success of Argentine ants may be related to specific abiotic factors. This study describes the relative humidity preferences and survival of Argentine ants and a dominant native ant, Iridomyrmex rufoniger sp. group, in the laboratory. In a preference experiment, Argentine ant workers showed a significantly greater propensity than Iridomyrmex to locate themselves in containers with the highest relative humidity. A series of survival trials revealed that the survival of both species was related to the relative humidities within experimental containers. The survival of Argentine ant colonies was reduced in comparison with those of Iridomyrmex sp. after 4 h, however by 24 h both species displayed similar levels of survival in all relative humidity conditions. These findings confirm a relationship between the level of available moisture and the distribution and survival of Argentine ants, and may help to account for the current distribution and invasion success of Argentine ants in Australia.  相似文献   

Mature seeds of the Cape Verde Islands (Cvi) ecotype of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. show a very marked dormancy. Dormant (D) seeds completely fail to germinate in conditions that are favourable for germination whereas non-dormant (ND) seeds germinate easily. Cvi seed dormancy is alleviated by after-ripening, stratification, and also by nitrate or fluridone treatment. Addition of gibberellins to D seeds does not suppress dormancy efficiently, suggesting that gibberellins are not directly involved in the breaking of dormancy. Dormancy expression of Cvi seeds is strongly dependent on temperature: D seeds do not germinate at warm temperatures (20–27°C) but do so easily at a low temperature (13°C) or when a fluridone treatment is given to D seeds sown at high temperature. To investigate the role of abscisic acid (ABA) in dormancy release and maintenance, we measured the ABA content in both ND and D seeds imbibed using various dormancy-breaking conditions. It was found that dry D seeds contained higher amounts of ABA than dry ND after-ripened seeds. During early imbibition in standard conditions, there was a decrease in ABA content in both seeds, the rate of which was slower in D seeds. Three days after sowing, the ABA content in D seeds increased specifically and then remained at a high level. When imbibed with fluridone, nitrate or stratified, the ABA content of D seeds decreased and reached a level very near to that of ND seeds. In contrast, gibberellic acid (GA3) treatment caused a transient increase in ABA content. When D seeds were sown at low optimal temperature their ABA content also decreased to the level observed in ND seeds. The present study indicates that Cvi D and ND seeds can be easily distinguished by their ability to synthesize ABA following imbibition. Treatments used here to break dormancy reduced the ABA level in imbibed D seeds to the level observed in ND seeds, with the exception of GA3 treatment, which was active in promoting germination only when ABA synthesis was inhibited.Abbreviations ABA Abscisic acid - Cvi Cape Verde Islands - D Dormant - GA Gibberellin - GA3 Gibberellic acid - ND Non dormant  相似文献   

Collagen‐type‐II‐induced arthritis (CIA) is an autoimmune disease, which involves a complex host systemic response including inflammatory and autoimmune reactions. CIA is milder in CD38?/? than in wild‐type (WT) mice. ProteoMiner‐equalized serum samples were subjected to 2D‐DiGE and MS‐MALDI‐TOF/TOF analyses to identify proteins that changed in their relative abundances in CD38?/? versus WT mice either with arthritis (CIA+), with no arthritis (CIA?), or with inflammation (complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA)‐treated mice). Multivariate analyses revealed that a multiprotein signature (n = 28) was able to discriminate CIA+ from CIA? mice, and WT from CD38?/? mice within each condition. Likewise, a distinct multiprotein signature (n = 16) was identified which differentiated CIA+ CD38?/? mice from CIA+ WT mice, and lastly, a third multiprotein signature (n = 18) indicated that CD38?/? and WT mice could be segregated in response to CFA treatment. Further analyses showed that the discriminative power to distinguish these groups was reached at protein species level and not at the protein level. Hence, the need to identify and quantify proteins at protein species level to better correlate proteome changes with disease processes. It is crucial for plasma proteomics at the low‐abundance protein species level to apply the ProteoMiner enrichment. All MS data have been deposited in the ProteomeXchange with identifiers PXD001788, PXD001799 and PXD002071 ( http://proteomecentral.proteomexchange.org/dataset/PXD001788 , http://proteomecentral.proteomexchange.org/dataset/PXD001799 and http://proteomecentral.proteomexchange.org/dataset/PXD002071 ).  相似文献   

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