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Adult lifespans, age‐specific survival, age‐specific mortality, survival times on paraquat, and survival times on DDT were assayed in seven lines of Drosophila melanogaster, including two genetically heterogeneous wild lines recently collected from nature, and three inbred and recombinant inbred lines derived from an artificial selection experiment for increased lifespan. Survival on paraquat is positively correlated with adult lifespan. DDT resistance is uncorrelated with either paraquat resistance or lifespan. The wild lines are unexceptional with respect to average lifespan, paraquat resistance, age‐specific survivorship, and leveling off of mortality rates at advanced ages, but have high levels of DDT resistance. Cluster analysis groups the wild lines with three unselected laboratory stocks in one cluster, while two long‐lived elite recombinant inbred lines form a second cluster. Long‐lived laboratory‐adapted lines are quantitatively differentiated from the wild stocks, both with respect to average adult lifespans and resistance to an oxidizing agent. We reject the ‘recovery’ hypothesis, which proposes that Drosophila artificially selected for long life have phenotypes that merely recover the wild state. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Significant changes of genotypic structure in 20 lines selected for wing length are detected by analysis of the allelic frequencies of several enzyme loci (XDH, LAP-D, EST-6, 1-APH, ADH, -GPDH). These changes are not haphazard but a consequence of the effects of selection on the genetic structure of the population, since replicate lines always behave in a parallel way. The changes are larger in the lines selected for short wings, in which the genetic variability decreases considerably. This decrease is the result of selection for homozygosity, detected at the allozyme loci, but most probably reflects homozygosity of more or less extended chromosomal segments. Selection for wing length, especially for short wings, favoured recombinants of the initial founder chromosomes. Only in the 1-APH and the EST-6 loci, separated by 11.7 centimorgans on the genetic map, do the alleles linked in the founder lines change in parallel in the control and long wing lines. The correlated response in the allozyme allele frequencies cannot be accounted for by a direct influence of the allozymes on the variability in wing length. The changes in the EST-6, 1-APH and perhaps in the LAP-D, can be explained by a direct effect of natural selection on the allozyme loci, probably in interaction with the effect of selection for wing length on linked loci. This last effect seems to be the main factor contributing to the change detected in the XDH locus.  相似文献   

Thermal environments can influence many fitness‐related traits including life span. Here, we assess whether longevity in Drosophila melanogaster can experimentally evolve as a correlated response to cold‐stress selection, and whether genotype‐by‐temperature and sex‐by‐temperature interactions are significant components of variation in life span. Three replicated S lines were cold‐stress selected and compared with their respective unselected controls (Clines) in the 16th generation of thermal selection. Cold‐stress resistance exhibited a substantial direct response to selection, and also showed a significant interaction between sex and type of line. Mean longevity exhibited a significant interaction between adult test temperature (14 and 25 °C) and line (with suggestive evidence for increased longevity of S lines when tested at 14 °C), but there was no evidence for increased longevity in S lines at normal temperatures (i.e. 25 °C). Another temperature‐dependent effect was sex‐specific, with males being the longer lived sex at 25 °C but the less long‐lived sex at 14 °C. Additionally, we tested in an exploratory way the relationship between longevity and cold‐stress resistance by also measuring resistance to a prefreezing temperature before and after one generation of longevity selection at 14 °C (selection intensity, i = 1.47 for S lines, and 1.42 for C lines). In this longevity selection, we found that cold‐stress resistance increased by about 6% in S lines and 18% in C lines. However, taken together, the results indicate no simple relationship between longevity and cold‐stress resistance, with genotype‐by‐sex interactions in both traits. Temperature dependent interaction in longevity is apparent between S and C lines, and sex‐specific variation in mean longevity also depends on temperature.  相似文献   

Allozyme frequency data from natural populations of Drosophila buzzatii were analyzed for genotype-environment relationships. Allele frequency and heterozygosity at six loci polymorphic throughout eastern Australia and a number of environmental factors (both means and variabilities) were examined by a variety of multivariate techniques. Significant genotype-environment associations were found for five of the six loci, and after correcting for geographic location significant associations remained for Est-2 and Adh-1 gene frequencies and heterozygosities and for Pgm gene frequencies. The results are discussed in relation to selection and gene flow and provide the basis for laboratory studies to disentangle confounded effects of (1) environmental means and environmental variabilities and (2) allele frequency and heterozygosity, and thus to further test for and determine the nature of any natural selection at particular allozyme loci.This work was supported by a grant from the Australian Research Grants Committee to J. S. F. B.  相似文献   

Measures of genetic parental distances (GPD) based on microsatellite loci (D (2) and IR), have been suggested to be better correlated with fitness than individual heterozygosity (H), as they contain information about past events of inbreeding or admixture. We investigated if GPD increased with increasing genetic divergence between parental populations in Drosophila buzzatii and if the measures indicate past events of admixture. Further we evaluated the relationship between GPD, fitness and fluctuating asymmetry (FA) of size and shape. We investigated three populations of Drosophila buzzati, from Argentina, Europe and Australia. From these populations two intraspecific hybridisation lines were made; one between the Argentinean and European populations, which have been separated 200 years and one between the populations from Argentina and Australia, which have been separated 80 years. By doing this we obtained hybrid progeny having different levels of GPD. We found that D (2) and H can be used as indicators of admixture when comparing hybrid individuals with their parentals. IR was not informative. Our results does not exclude the presence of genetic fitness correlations (GFC) over individuals with a broad fitness range from populations in equilibrium, but we doubt the presence of GFC using GPD measures in admixed populations. Shape FA could be a relevant measure for fitness, however, only when comparing populations, not at individual level.  相似文献   

The correlation between body size and longevity was tested in an Argentinian natural population of Drosophila buzzatii. Mean thorax length of flies newly emerging from rotting cladodes of Opuntia vulgaris was significantly smaller than that of two samples of flies caught at baits. The present results which might be interpreted as directional selection for longevity favoring larger flies are in agreement with previous results achieved in a Spanish natural population of D. buzzatii. Flies emerging from different substrates showed significant differences in thorax length, suggesting that an important fraction of phenotypic variance can be attributed to environmental variability. However, laboratory and field work in different populations of D. buzzatii showed a significant genetic component for thorax length variation.  相似文献   

The present study shows that the wing beat frequency of Drosophila is visually controlled and modulated in response to different optomotor stimuli.Whereas rotational large field stimuli do not appear to modulate wing beat frequency, single rotating vertical stripes increase or decrease wing beat frequency when moving back-to-front or front-to-back, respectively. Maximal modulations occur at lateral stripe positions.Expansion stimuli eliciting the landing response cause a marked increase in wing beat frequency. Parameters of this frequency response depend in a graded fashion on certain stimulus properties, and the frequency response co-habituates with the landing response. Several results indicate that the frequency response is an integral component of the landing response, although it can also occur when the characteristic front leg extension is not observed. The complex spatial input integration underlying the frequency response and other motor components of the landing response cannot easily be explained by a system of large field integration units, but might indicate the existence of local expansion detectors.  相似文献   

Summary The mutagenic efficiency of ionizing radiations has been tested on different lines of Drosophila melanogaster. It has been shown that differential lethal effects are obtained when irradiated females from different lines are mated to flies carrying heterozygous lethal genes. The results seem not to be attributable to differential expression of the lethality in the various crosses performed with the irradiated flies. This might suggest that gene activity is involved in the expression of the mutagenic effects of radiations.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Developmental time and body size are two positively correlated traits closely related to fitness in many organisms including Drosophila . Previous work suggested that these two traits are involved in a trade-off that may result from a negative genetic correlation between their effects on pre-adult and adult fitness. Here, we examine the evolution of developmental time and body size (indexed by wing length) under artificial selection applied to one or both traits in replicated D. buzzatii populations. Directional changes in both developmental time and wing length indicate the presence of substantial additive genetic variance for both traits. The strongest response to selection for fast development was found in lines selected simultaneously to reduce both developmental time and wing length, probably as an expected consequence of a synergistic effect of indirect selection. When selection was applied in the direction opposite to the putative genetic correlation, that is, large wing length but fast development, no responses were observed for developmental time. Lines selected to reduce both wing length and developmental time diverged slightly faster from the control than lines selected to increase wing length and reduce developmental time. However, wing length did not diverge from the control in lines selected only for fast development. These results suggest a complex genetic basis of the correlation between developmental time and wing length, but are generally consistent with the hypothesis that both traits are related in a trade-off. However, we found that this trade-off may disappear under uncrowded conditions, with fast-developing lines exhibiting a higher pre-adult viability than other lines when tested at high larval density.  相似文献   

Artificial selection was carried out for over 45 generations to enhance and suppress expression of the mutation hairy on the Drosophila melanogaster wing. Whole chromosome mapping of X‐linked and autosomal modifiers of sense organ number displayed regional differences in magnitude and direction of their effects. Regional specificity of modifier effects was also seen in some interchromosomal interactions. Scanning electron microscopy allowed precise measurement of sense organ size and position along the L3 longitudinal wing vein. Sense organ size varied in a predictable fashion along the proximal–distal axis, and the dorsal pattern differed from the ventral pattern. The high and low selection lines differed most in the proximal portion of the L3 vein. Extra sense organs in the High line were often associated with vein fragments at locations predicted from ancestral vein patterns. Thus, regional specificity of polygenic or quantitative trait locus modifier effects was identified in several different parts of the wing. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In Drosophila melanogaster, abdominal tergite pigmentation and the appearance of a trident‐shaped thoracic pattern exhibit similar biogeographical variation and sensitivity to temperature. These pigmentation traits may be under common selection pressure in natural populations or may be genetically correlated. To investigate the nature of this interaction, replicated populations of D. melanogaster were selected for increased or decreased melanization of the abdominal tergites for 40 generations. Selection for abdominal tergite pigmentation leads to correlated changes in trident formation. Although selection was performed only on female flies, male pigmentation also responded to selection. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 287–294.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments were designed to examine whether heterosis would occur in crosses of Drosophila melanogaster populations adapted to 18 °C or 28 °C environments. Crosses were examined in parental environments, an intermediate environment (23 °C) and a mixed environment (alternating 18°/28°C). Parental populations did not show divergence for larval viability, cold shock or high temperature mortalities when tested in a common environment. However, the 28 °C population was less fecund than the 18 °C population, but had higher larval competitive ability and higher adult longevity. Heterosis for viability, cold shock mortality and high temperature mortality occurred in crosses between a population adapted to 18 °C and another adapted to 28 °C, but not in crosses between two populations adapted to the same temperature. The results suggest that, in the absence of drift, heterosis is expected in crosses between lines or populations with different histories of selection but not between lines with the same selection histories.  相似文献   

In this work we investigate the effect of interspecific hybridization on wing morphology using geometric morphometrics in the cactophilic sibling species D. buzzatii and D. koepferae. Wing morphology in F1 hybrids exhibited an important degree of phenotypic plasticity and differs significantly from both parental species. However, the pattern of morphological variation between hybrids and the parental strains varied between wing size and wing shape, across rearing media, sexes, and crosses, suggesting a complex genetic architecture underlying divergence in wing morphology. Even though there was significant fluctuating asymmetry for both, wing size and shape in F1 hybrids and both parental species, there was no evidence of an increased degree of fluctuating asymmetry in hybrids as compared to parental species. These results are interpreted in terms of developmental stability as a function of a balance between levels of heterozygosity and the disruption of coadaptation as an indirect consequence of genomic divergence.  相似文献   

The stability of the elements of eleven transposon families (412, B 104, blood, 297, 1731, G, copia, mdg 4, hobo, jockey and I) has been compared by the Southern technique among individuals of a Drosophila line that has been subjected to 30 generations of sister sib matings. The 412, B104, blood, 297, 1731 and G elements appear stable. Heterochromatic copia and hobo elements and euchromatic I elements appear highly polymorphic. In addition, copia, mdg 4, jockey and I elements undergo an instability resulting in significant variations in relative intensity among autoradiographic bands. The extent of the polymorphisms detected strongly suggests de novo rearrangements of transposable elements.  相似文献   

We tested for variation in longevity, senescence rate and early fecundity of Drosophila buzzatii along an elevational transect in Argentina, using laboratory-reared flies in laboratory tests performed to avoid extrinsic mortality. At 25 °C, females from lowland populations lived longer and had a lower demographic rate of senescence than females from highland populations. Minimal instead of maximal temperature at the sites of origin of population best predicted this cline. A very different pattern was found at higher test temperature. At 29.5 °C, longevity of males increased with altitude of origin of population. No clinal trend was apparent for longevity of females at 29.5 °C. There was evidence for a trade-off between early fecundity and longevity at non-stressful temperature (25 °C) along the altitudinal gradient. This trait association is consistent with evolutionary theories of aging. Population-by-temperature and sex-by-temperature interactions indicate that senescence patterns are expressed in environment specific ways.  相似文献   

Summary Measurements of cAMP in early embryos of Drosophila melanogaster demonstrate that the dunce gene plays a major role, and the rutabaga gene a secondary role, in maternal regulation of embryonic cAMP content. Studying the double mutant combination, we find that variability in elevated cAMP content between individual embryos is associated with a wide variability in developmental potential. Embryos with about five times the normal cAMP content define a threshold between apparently normal and abnormal development. Measurements of cAMP content in anterior and posterior halves of embryos indicate that the posterior embryonic region, which is developmentally more sensitive to the effects of elevated cAMP than the anterior region, does not contain more cAMP than the anterior region. The variety of developmental defects observed is discussed in relation to possible targets of cAMP action. Offprint requests to: J.A. Kiger, Jr  相似文献   

Using lines selected for long life by Luckinbill and his co-workers, we screened two selected and two control lines for allelic frequency differences at 1200 randomly chosen RAPD marker loci. Twenty-three marker loci showed frequency differences in excess of 80%, and five were greater than 90%. Age-specific effects of the five most differentiated loci were estimated by collecting complete survival data in segregating backcross populations. Alleles at four of the five marker loci were associated with significant extension of life span in males, while two marker loci had significant effects in females. Eighty percent of the total selection response in males can be explained by the identified QTL's, under the assumption of additivity. The N14+ marker allele accounted for a 12-day life span extension in males, but had little effect in females. Both sex-limited and sex-shared effects were observed. Analysis of age-specific mortality rates suggests that life span extension occurs by a combination of genetic factors that moderate both the level of mortality and the rate at which mortality increases with age. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary We have screened for dominant enhancers and suppressors of the wing phenotype associated with two Delta alleles: Dl 9P39, an amorphic allele, and Dl FE32, an antimorphic allele. The interactions of some of the modifiers with Delta are due to haplo-insufficient expression of the corresponding genes. Although not explicitly shown for the remaining cases, we assume that haploin-sufficiency is also the basis for the relationships of these genes to Delta, since no allele specific interactions were observed. The modifiers found define 22 genes with pleiotropic expression, which can be classified into two groups: genes required for wing vein pattern formation and for neurogenesis, and genes which are not required for neurogenesis. Among the genes of the first group, Hairless and Star were previously known to participate in neural development. One further modifier was found which may correspond to a new neurogenic gene. The second group of genes is larger and includes already known loci, e.g., Plexate, blistered, plexus, etc, as well as other previously unidentified genes, which function during wing morphogenesis. Correspondence to: J.A. Campos-Ortega  相似文献   

Size-related sexual selection (SRSS) was examined on four traits (thorax and wing length and head and face width) inDrosophila buzzatii, by scoring male copulatory status in two mass-mating experiments. Using axenic females, experiment 1 was carried out with axenic males, and experiment 2 with yeast-supplemented males. While there was no indication of SRSS in experiment 1, such selection was substantial in yeast-supplemented males, which transmitted yeasts to mating females. Multivariate analyses of selection indicated that face width is the measured trait on which directional SRSS essentially acted in yeast-supplemented males, resulting in indirect selection on body size. Because this selection was affected by yeast diet in males, its possible interaction with the yeast transmission from males to females during the courtship is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary We have examined the metamorphosis of the wing imaginal disc of Drosophila during culture in vitro in the continuous presence of 20-hydroxy ecdysone (0.1 g/ ml). We find that the sequence of cellular changes in the wing blade during culture closely match those occurring in situ, involving two periods at which the dorsal and ventral surfaces are joined only by cell processes containing trans-alar microtubule arrays. Good pupal and imaginal cuticle secretion is found in this system.  相似文献   

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