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The evolution and functional diversification of animal microRNA genes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
microRNAs (miRNAs) are an abundant class of-22 nucleotide (nt) regulatory RNAs that are pervasive in higher eukaryotic genomes. In order to fully understand their prominence in genomes, it is necessary to elucidate the molecular mechanisms that can diversify miRNA activities. In this review, we describe some of the many strategies that allow novel miRNA functions to emerge, with particular emphasis on how miRNA genes evolve in animals. These mechanisms include changes in their sequence, processing, or expression pattern; acquisition of miRNA^* functionality or antisense processing; and de novo gene birth. The facility and versatility of miRNAs to evolve and change likely underlies how they have become dominant constituents of higher genomes.  相似文献   

The functional diversification of the vertebrate globin gene superfamily provides an especially vivid illustration of the role of gene duplication and whole-genome duplication in promoting evolutionary innovation. For example, key globin proteins that evolved specialized functions in various aspects of oxidative metabolism and oxygen signaling pathways (hemoglobin [Hb], myoglobin [Mb], and cytoglobin [Cygb]) trace their origins to two whole-genome duplication events in the stem lineage of vertebrates. The retention of the proto-Hb and Mb genes in the ancestor of jawed vertebrates permitted a physiological division of labor between the oxygen-carrier function of Hb and the oxygen-storage function of Mb. In the Hb gene lineage, a subsequent tandem gene duplication gave rise to the proto α- and β-globin genes, which permitted the formation of multimeric Hbs composed of unlike subunits (α2β2). The evolution of this heteromeric quaternary structure was central to the emergence of Hb as a specialized oxygen-transport protein because it provided a mechanism for cooperative oxygen-binding and allosteric regulatory control. Subsequent rounds of duplication and divergence have produced diverse repertoires of α- and β-like globin genes that are ontogenetically regulated such that functionally distinct Hb isoforms are expressed during different stages of prenatal development and postnatal life. In the ancestor of jawless fishes, the proto Mb and Hb genes appear to have been secondarily lost, and the Cygb homolog evolved a specialized respiratory function in blood-oxygen transport. Phylogenetic and comparative genomic analyses of the vertebrate globin gene superfamily have revealed numerous instances in which paralogous globins have convergently evolved similar expression patterns and/or similar functional specializations in different organismal lineages.  相似文献   

Kramer EM  Jaramillo MA  Di Stilio VS 《Genetics》2004,166(2):1011-1023
Members of the AGAMOUS (AG) subfamily of MIKC-type MADS-box genes appear to control the development of reproductive organs in both gymnosperms and angiosperms. To understand the evolution of this subfamily in the flowering plants, we have identified 26 new AG-like genes from 15 diverse angiosperm species. Phylogenetic analyses of these genes within a large data set of AG-like sequences show that ancient gene duplications were critical in shaping the evolution of the subfamily. Before the radiation of extant angiosperms, one event produced the ovule-specific D lineage and the well-characterized C lineage, whose members typically promote stamen and carpel identity as well as floral meristem determinacy. Subsequent duplications in the C lineage resulted in independent instances of paralog subfunctionalization and maintained functional redundancy. Most notably, the functional homologs AG from Arabidopsis and PLENA (PLE) from Antirrhinum are shown to be representatives of separate paralogous lineages rather than simple genetic orthologs. The multiple subfunctionalization events that have occurred in this subfamily highlight the potential for gene duplication to lead to dissociation among genetic modules, thereby allowing an increase in morphological diversity.  相似文献   

Members of the AP1/SQUA subfamily of plant MADS-box genes play broad roles in the regulation of reproductive meristems, the specification of sepal and petal identities, and the development of leaves and fruits. It has been shown that AP1/SQUA-like genes are angiosperm-specific, and have experienced several major duplication events. However, the evolutionary history of this subfamily is still uncertain. Here, we report the isolation of 14 new AP1/SQUA-like genes from seven early-diverging eudicots and the identification of 11 previously uncharacterized ESTs and genomic sequences from public databases. Sequence comparisons of these and other published sequences reveal a conserved C-terminal region, the FUL motif, in addition to the known euAP1/paleoAP1 motif, in AP1/SQUA-like proteins. Phylogenetic analyses further suggest that there are three major lineages (euAP1, euFUL, and AGL79) in core eudicots, likely resulting from two close duplication events that predated the divergence of core eudicots. Among the three lineages, euFUL is structurally very similar to FUL-like genes from early-diverging eudicots and basal angiosperms, whereas euAP1 might have originally been generated through a 1-bp deletion in the exon 8 of an ancestral euFUL- or FUL-like gene. Because euFUL- and FUL-like genes usually have broad expression patterns, we speculate that AP1/SQUA-like genes initially had broad functions. Based on these observations, the evolutionary fates of duplicate genes and the contributions of the frameshift mutation and alternative splicing to functional diversity are discussed.  相似文献   

The duplication-degeneration-complementation model of duplicate gene preservation by subfunctionalisation is currently the best explanation for the high level of retention of duplicate genes in early vertebrate evolution. But a direct test of the applicability of this model to such ancient evolutionary events may be difficult. More likely, recent duplications in other lineages will allow us to establish general principles concerning the fate of genes of different types that are duplicated in different ways. These principles may be then extrapolated to understanding the early evolution of the vertebrates.  相似文献   

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) plays important roles as an anti-oxidant and in collagen synthesis. These important roles, and the relatively large amounts of vitamin C required daily, likely explain why most vertebrate species are able to synthesize this compound. Surprisingly, many species, such as teleost fishes, anthropoid primates, guinea pigs, as well as some bat and Passeriformes bird species, have lost the capacity to synthesize it. Here, we review the genetic bases behind the repeated losses in the ability to synthesize vitamin C as well as their implications. In all cases so far studied, the inability to synthesize vitamin C is due to mutations in the L-gulono-γ-lactone oxidase (GLO) gene which codes for the enzyme responsible for catalyzing the last step of vitamin C biosynthesis. The bias for mutations in this particular gene is likely due to the fact that losing it only affects vitamin C production. Whereas the GLO gene mutations in fish, anthropoid primates and guinea pigs are irreversible, some of the GLO pseudogenes found in bat species have been shown to be reactivated during evolution. The same phenomenon is thought to have occurred in some Passeriformes bird species. Interestingly, these GLO gene losses and reactivations are unrelated to the diet of the species involved. This suggests that losing the ability to make vitamin C is a neutral trait.  相似文献   

The study of the evolutionary origin of vertebrates has been linked to the study of genome duplications since Susumo Ohno suggested that the successful diversification of vertebrate innovations was facilitated by two rounds of whole-genome duplication (2R-WGD) in the stem vertebrate. Since then, studies on the functional evolution of many genes duplicated in the vertebrate lineage have provided the grounds to support experimentally this link. This article reviews cases of gene duplications derived either from the 2R-WGD or from local gene duplication events in vertebrates, analyzing their impact on the evolution of developmental innovations. We analyze how gene regulatory networks can be rewired by the activity of transposable elements after genome duplications, discuss how different mechanisms of duplication might affect the fate of duplicated genes, and how the loss of gene duplicates might influence the fate of surviving paralogs. We also discuss the evolutionary relationships between gene duplication and alternative splicing, in particular in the vertebrate lineage. Finally, we discuss the role that the 2R-WGD might have played in the evolution of vertebrate developmental gene networks, paying special attention to those related to vertebrate key features such as neural crest cells, placodes, and the complex tripartite brain. In this context, we argue that current evidences points that the 2R-WGD may not be linked to the origin of vertebrate innovations, but to their subsequent diversification in a broad variety of complex structures and functions that facilitated the successful transition from peaceful filter-feeding non-vertebrate ancestors to voracious vertebrate predators.  相似文献   

The presence of two sets of paired appendages is one of the defining features of jawed vertebrates. We are interested in identifying genetic systems that could have been responsible for the origin of the first set of such appendages, for their subsequent duplication at a different axial level, and/or for the generation of their distinct identities. It has been hypothesized that four genes of the T-box gene family (Tbx2Tbx5) played important roles in the course of vertebrate limb evolution. To test this idea, we characterized the orthologs of tetrapod limb-expressed T-box genes from a teleost, Danio rerio. Here we report isolation of three of these genes, tbx2, tbx4, and tbx5. We found that their expression patterns are remarkably similar to those of their tetrapod counterparts. In particular, expression of tbx5 and tbx4 is restricted to pectoral and pelvic fin buds, respectively, while tbx2 can be detected at the anterior and posterior margins of the outgrowing fin buds. This, in combination with conserved expression patterns in other tissues, suggests that the last common ancestor of teleosts and tetrapods possessed all four of these limb-expressed T-box genes (Tbx2Tbx5), and that these genes had already acquired, and have subsequently maintained, their gene-specific functions. Furthermore, this evidence provides molecular support for the notion that teleost pectoral and pelvic fins and tetrapod fore- and hindlimbs, respectively, are homologous structures, as suggested by comparative morphological analyses. Received: 14 July 1999 / Accepted: 4 September 1999  相似文献   

Evolution and functional diversification of MIRNA genes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Lathe WC  Bork P 《FEBS letters》2001,502(3):113-116
The tuf gene of eubacteria, encoding the EF-tu elongation factor, was duplicated early in the evolution of the taxon. Phylogenetic and genomic location analysis of 20 complete eubacterial genomes suggests that this ancient duplication has been differentially lost and maintained in eubacteria.  相似文献   

On the basis of function and sequence similarities, the vertebrate fucosyltransferases can be classified into three groups: alpha-2-, alpha-3-, and alpha-6-fucosyltransferases. Thirty new putative fucosyltransferase genes from invertebrates and bacteria and six conserved peptide motifs have been identified in DNA and protein databanks. Two of these motifs are specific of alpha-3-fucosyltransferases, one is specific of alpha-2-fucosyltransferases, another is specific of alpha-6-fucosyltransferases, and two are shared by both alpha-2- and alpha-6-fucosyltranserases. Based on these data, literature data, and the phylogenetic analysis of the conserved peptide motifs, a model for the evolution offucosyltransferase genes by successive duplications, followed by divergent evolution is proposed, with either two different ancestors, one for the alpha-2/6-fucosyltransferases and one for the alpha-3-fucosyltransferases or a single common ancestor for the two families. The expected properties of such an hypothetical ancestor suggest that the plant or insect alpha-3-fucosyltransferases using chitobiose as acceptor might be the present forms of this ancestor, since fucosyltransferases using chitobiose as acceptor are expected to be of earlier appearance in evolution than enzymes using N -acetyllactosamine. However, an example of convergent evolution of fucosyltransferase genes is suggested for the appearance of the Leaepitopes found in plants and primates.  相似文献   

Recent analysis of the complete mosquito Anopheles gambiae genome has revealed a far higher number of opsin genes than for either the Drosophila melanogaster genome or any other known insect. In particular, the analysis revealed an extraordinary opsin gene content expansion, whereby half are long wavelength-sensitive (LW) opsin gene duplicates. We analyzed this genomic data in relationship to other known insect opsins to estimate the relative timing of the LW opsin gene duplications and to identify "missing" paralogs in extant species. The inferred branching patterns of the LW opsin gene family phylogeny indicate at least one early gene duplication within insects before the emergence of the orders Orthoptera, Mantodea, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, and Diptera. These data predict the existence of one more LW opsin gene than is currently known from most insects. We tested this prediction by using a degenerate PCR strategy to screen the hymenopteran genome for novel LW opsin genes. We isolated two LW opsin gene sequences from each of five bee species, Bombus impatiens, B. terrestris, Diadasia afflicta, D. rinconis, and Osmia rufa, including 1.1 to 1.2 kb from a known (LW Rh1) and 1 kb from a new opsin gene (LW Rh2). Phylogenetic analysis suggests that the novel hymenopteran gene is orthologous to A. gambiae GPRop7, a gene that is apparently missing from D. melanogaster. Relative rate tests show that LW Rh2 is evolving at a slower rate than LW Rh1 and, therefore, may be a useful marker for higher-level hymenopteran systematics. Site-specific rate tests indicate the presence of several amino acid sites between LW Rh1 and LW Rh2 that have undergone shifts in selective constraints after duplication. These sites and others are discussed in relationship to putative structural and functional differences between the two genes.  相似文献   

The origin of novel gene functions through gene duplication, mutation, and natural selection represents one of the mechanisms by which organisms diversify and one of the possible paths leading to adaptation. Nonetheless, the extent, role, and consequences of duplications in the origins of ecological adaptations, especially in the context of species interactions, remain unclear. To explore the evolution of a gene family that is likely linked to species associations, we investigated the evolutionary history of the A-superfamily of conotoxin genes of predatory marine cone snails (Conus species). Members of this gene family are expressed in the venoms of Conus species and are presumably involved in predator-prey associations because of their utility in prey capture. We recovered sequences of this gene family from genomic DNA of four closely related species of Conus and reconstructed the evolutionary history of these genes. Our study is the first to directly recover conotoxin genes from Conus genomes to investigate the evolution of conotoxin gene families. Our results revealed a phenomenon of rapid and continuous gene turnover that is coupled with heightened rates of evolution. This continuous duplication pattern has not been observed previously, and the rate of gene turnover is at least two times higher than estimates from other multigene families. Conotoxin genes are among the most rapidly evolving protein-coding genes in metazoans, a phenomenon that may be facilitated by extensive gene duplications and have driven changes in conotoxin functions through neofunctionalization. Together these mechanisms led to dramatically divergent arrangements of A-superfamily conotoxin genes among closely related species of Conus. Our findings suggest that extensive and continuous gene duplication facilitates rapid evolution and drastic divergence in venom compositions among species, processes that may be associated with evolutionary responses to predator-prey interactions.  相似文献   

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