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Summary The heart rate accelerating peptide neurohormone D is rapidly inactivated by intact Malpighian tubules of cockroaches and also by homogenates of them. The peptide is removed from a solution by an active uptake mechanism. Within the tubule cells one or a set of soluble proteinases with a molecular mass around 45000 Da hydrolyze the neuropeptide. The inhibition of the reaction by synthetic protease inhibitors and chelating agents characterizes the enzyme(s) as metalloendopeptidase with serine or cysteine at the active site. This seems to be the first evidence that a peptidase comparable to the neutral metalloendopeptidase of mammalian kidney microvilli exists in insect Malpighian tubules and could play an important role in the hydrolysis of neuropeptides.Abbreviations EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid - AEBSF 4--aminoethylbenzenesulfonylfluoride - PMSF pnenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride - TLCK tosyl-lysine chloromethyl ketone - TPCK tosyl-phenylalanyl chloromethyl ketone - CMB chloromercuribenzoic acid - DNP-Ala N-dinitrophenyl-alanine - TFA trifluoroacetic acid  相似文献   

Antiserum was produced in rabbits against the polyamine spermidine (Spd) conjugated to bovine serum albumin (BSA). The reactivity of the serum to Spd and a variety of structurally related compounds was quantified by a new immunocytochemical model system incorporating an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) binding test. This is based on the principle of coupling these compounds to the wells of microtiter plate activated with poly-l-lysine and glutaraldehyde and incubating the wells by the indirect immunoperoxidase method. The antiserum showed a 25% cross reaction with spermine (Spm), putrescine (Put), and cadaverine (Cad), and a 1% cross reaction with 1,3-diaminopropane (Dap), but no cross reaction with monoacetyl polyamines and amino acids. The antibody binding was inhibited most effectively by absorption of the antiserum with N 1-acetylspermidine and Spd in the ELISA inhibition test. Also, immunoblot analysis of the antiserum with nitrocellulose paper gave completely identical results to the ELISA binding tests. Spd-like immunoreactivities in human melanoma BD and neuroblastoma IMR 32 cell lines are presented as examples of the staining pattern obtained with the antiserum. Absorption of the serum with N 1-acetylspermidine and Spd was demonstrated to abolish the immunostaining reaction. The immunohistochemical model is simple: amines and amino acids are bound in the same way as in aldehyde-fixed tissues and, in comparison to immunoblot analysis, the immunoreactivity can be more easily and accurately quantified by assay with the antibody. The model should prove useful in assessing the specificity of other antisera.  相似文献   

Summary In the brain of the cockroach Periplaneta americana, the beta lobes of the corpora pedunculata respond with an intense positive reaction to a specific fluorescence histochemical method for catecholamines. The fluorescence reaction disappears completely after prolonged treatment of the cockroaches with reserpine. An ultrastructural examination of the beta lobes in formaldehyde-glutaraldehyde-osmium fixed preparations reveals the presence of two types of fibres: 1) Fibres and nerve endings containing small clear vesicles and sligthly larger vesicles with a semi-dense content. The appearance and size distribution of these vesicles ist not affected by treatment with reserpine. 2) Fibres containing larger and denser vesicles, but practically no clear vesicles. The size distribution of these dense vesicles is only slightly affected by treatment of the cockroaches with reserpine.If brain slices are incubated in a medium containing noradrenaline or -methyl-noradrenaline and fixed in permanganate, small vesicles with electron-dense central cores show up, similar to those which have been described in vertebrate adrenergic nerve fibres (small granular vesicles). They are confined to one of the two types of fibres (a and b) visible in these preparations, namely to type b, whose correspondence with type 2 fibres of formaldehyde-glutaraldehyde-osmium fixed preparations is discussed.The authors wish to thank Mr. E. Chessa and Mr. F. Piccirilli for technical assistance in photography.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Extracts of corpora cardiaca from two cockroaches, Nauphoeta cinerea Olivier and Leucophaea maderae F., from a cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus De Geer, from the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say, and from the sphinx moth, Sphinx ligustri L. were assayed for adipokinetic and hypertrehalosaemic activity, in acceptor locusts ( Locusta migratoria L.) and cockroaches ( Periplaneta americana L.) respectively. Both bioassays give positive results with all corpus cardiacum material tested except that from the sphinx moth; in this insect haemolymph lipid concentrations (but not those of the total carbohydrate) are, however, increased after injection of an extract of corpora cardiaca from the same species. A similar result is obtained when specimens of G. bimaculatus are injected with an extract of corpora cardiaca from G. bimaculatus. Biological activities of corpus cardiacum extracts from all species investigated can be resolved on reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Gland extracts from the two cockroach species each show a single absorbance peak which has hypertrehalosaemic activity, but with a (common) retention time distinct from all previously described arthropod neuropeptides. The corpora cardiaca of G. bimaculatus contain also a novel adipokinetic factor with a retention time distinct from previously characterized arthropod hormones, as well as from the new cockroach factor described in this study. The two hypertrehalosaemic factors from the corpora cardiaca of the potato beetle coelute with the hypertrehalosaemic hormones I and II of the American cockroach. The active (adipokinetic) compound from glands of S. ligustri appears to coelute with locust adipokinetic hormone I.  相似文献   

In an effort to characterize the insect molting hormone bursicon from the cockroach, Periplaneta americana, amino acid sequences with high identity of Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD) of Drosophila virilis were identified. Antisera against a conserved region of SOD, and a sequence unique to Periplaneta SOD were produced and used to test whether bursicon might be a form of SOD. Western blots of one- and two-dimensional gels revealed that the dimeric form of SOD and bursicon have a similar molecular mass (30 kDa). The two proteins can be separated, however, according to their different isoelectric points. Bursicon is identified in two-dimensional gels by elution from four unique spots not labeled by the anti-SOD antisera. In sections of Periplaneta nerve cords the antisera labeled glial material surrounding neuronal somata close to the neural sheath. Bursicon, however, is contained in unique cell pairs in the ganglia of the ventral nerve cord. These neurons were labeled with new antisera produced against novel sequences of one of the four above-mentioned bursicon active spots. The results show unequivocally that SOD and bursicon are distinctly different proteins. Furthermore, the anti-SOD antisera provided a tool to isolate and sequence bursicon.  相似文献   

The ocellus of the cockroach,Periplaneta americana (Blattariae)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary The ocelli of Periplaneta americana were studied by light and electron microscopy. The view that the ocellus of the cockroach represents a degenerated structure can no longer be supported. All organelles necessary for function are present.The club-shaped retinular cells lie homogeneously distributed in the cupule of the ocellus. Rhabdoms are seen as sickle-, y-, x-or star-shaped structures with up to six cells in formation. Cells were found which had formed two rhabdomeres.The mass of cell organelles lies in the cytoplasm between the cell nucleus and the rhabdom. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is wound into a spindle formation of considerable size at the origin of the axon in some cells. A cylindrical body in which 10–40 microtubules are packed, as yet unknown in insect retinular cells, is described.The receptory area of the ocellus terminates in a tapetum which contains granules, soluble in alcohol. The axon bundles of the retinular cells run through the tapetum and immediately thereafter make synaptic contact with dendrites of the ocellar nerve cells, while still within the ocellus.The authors are indebted to Mrs. Margaret Weber-Wood for her linguistic assistance  相似文献   

Eyestalks of the palinuran species Jasus lalandii and Panulirus homarus, and the brachyuran species Carcinus maenas, were examined with antisera raised against purified crustacean hyperglycaemic hormone (cHH) of the astacidean species Homarus americanus and Procambarus bouvieri, as well as the brachyuran species Cancer pagurus. Other antisera used in this investigation were raised against purified moult-inhibiting hormone (MIH) of C. pagurus and vitellogenesis-inhibiting hormone (VIH) of H. americanus. Positive immunoreactions to all the antisera were localised in perikarya of the X-organ and the axon terminals in the sinus gland of all the crustaceans investigated. These results illustrate the existence of an immunological similarity, detectable at the immunocytochemical level, between the cHH/MIH/VIH neurohormones of the Astacidae, Palinura and Brachyura infraorders. Furthermore, results from consecutive tissue sections indicate that cHH, MIH and VIH are co-localised in a subpopulation of X-organ neurons.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1987,17(7):1115-1118
The effects of the juvenile hormone (JH) analogue fenoxycarb (ethyl[2-(4-phenoxyphenoxy)-ethyl]carbamate) on the activity of corpora allata (CA) from adult female Periplaneta americana have been investigated. The in vitro biosynthesis of JH III by isolated CA was inhibited by about 85% in the presence of a high concentration (1 × 10−4 M) of fenoxycarb. However, at lower concentrations (1 × 10−6 M and 1 × 10−8 M) no inhibition of JH biosynthesis was apparent. Topical treatment of adult female cockroaches with fenoxycarb (100 μg/insect) did not reduce the subsequent rate of JH III biosynthesis by CA in vitro. By contrast, the same treatment markedly reduced the titre of endogenous JH III in intact cockroaches. These results suggest that CA activity in adult female P. americana may be controlled by negative feedback, and that this system of control is dependent on the maintenance of contact between the CA and nervous or humoral factors in the intact insect. Alternatively, it is possible that treatment with fenoxycarb increases the rate at which endogenous JH is metabolized.  相似文献   

El-Salhy  M.  Falkmer  S.  Kramer  K. J.  Speirs  R. D. 《Cell and tissue research》1983,232(2):295-317
In the brain of adult specimens of the tobacco hornworm moth, Manduca sexta (L), cells immunoreactive for several kinds of neuropeptides were localized by means of the PAP procedure, by use of antisera raised against mammalian hormones or hormonal peptides. In contrast, no such neurosecretory cells were found in the corpora cardiaca and corpora allata (CC/CA); in the CC/CA, however, immunoreactive nerve fibres were observed, reaching these organs from the brain. The neurosecretory cells found in the brain were immunoreactive with at least one of the following mammalian antisera, namely those raised against the insulin B-chain, somatostatin, glucagon C-terminal, glucagon N-terminal, pancreatic polypeptide (PP), secretin, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (GIP), gastrin C-terminus, enkephalin, alpha- and beta-endorphin, Substance P, and calcitonin. No cells were immunoreactive with antisera specific for detecting neurons containing the insulin A-chain, nerve growth factor, epidermal growth factor, insulin connecting peptide (C-peptide), polypeptide YY (PYY), gastrin mid-portion (sequence 6-13), cholecystokinin (CCK) mid-portion (sequences 9-20 and 9-25), neurotensin C-terminus, bombesin, motilin, ACTH, or serotonin. All the neuropeptide-immunoreactive cells observed emitted nerve fibers passing through the brain to the CC and in some cases also to the CA. In CC these immunoreactive nerve fibers tended to accumulate near the aorta. It was speculated that neuropeptides are released into the circulating haemolymph and act as neurohormones.  相似文献   

Summary A previously undescribed receptor in the coxo-trochantinal region of the metathoracic leg of the cockroach Periplaneta americana was found to have central cell bodies. This cockroach stretch receptor is the second sensory receptor in insects reported to possess somata in the CNS and its remarkable similarity to a locust proprioceptor suggests it to be homologous.  相似文献   

The fiber constituents and connections of the calyces — the input-receiving regions — of the corpora pedunculata (“mushroom bodies”) were studied in reduced silver preparations from the American cockroach, Periplaneta americana (L.). In the outer synaptic layer of the calyces five fiber classes were distinguished, the first three of which arise outside the mushroom body. (1) Four highly similar neurons with somata near the optic lobe branch into different parts of the ipsiateral protocerebrum, including both calyces. Their fibers are highly constant in arrangement and position and contain small nucleus-like bodies. (2) The tractus olfactorio-globularis (sensu lato) emits fiber groups which course along the calycal walls as “calycal tracts” before ultimately dissipating into the synaptic layer. Variability within these tracts is described. (3) Fibers of undertermined origin outside the mushroom body radiate from the calycal center outwards through the synaptic layer. (4) From the inner calycal layer of neurites belonging to intrinsic mushroom-body neurons, perpendicular collaterals enter the synaptic layer. (5) Intrinsic-neuron somata near the calycal rim emit fibers which course tangentially within the synaptic layer from calycal rim to center. These fibers form a special peripheral zone in the pedunculus. The predominant presumably afferent calycal fiber class is that derived from the tractus olfactorio-globularis. No evidence was found for tracts from optic lobe to calyces. On this basis, and in light of the experimental and comparative anatomical literature, it is suggested that the corpora pedunculata of P. americana and other pterygotes are fundamentally second-order antennal sensory processing centers. Conflicting observations in earlier reports are critically discussed.  相似文献   

A sensitive and specific radioimmunoassay for prostaglandin D2 has been developed using its stabilized 11-methoxime derivative, which was obtained after treatment of prostaglandin D2 with methoxamine-HCl. The antiserum was obtained after injection of prostaglandin D2-methoxamine coupled to bovine serum albumin. A (125I)-Histamide prostaglandin D2-methoxamine tracer was prepared by iodination of the corresponding histamide, followed by thin layer chromatography purification. The sensitivity of the assay was 280 femtomoles per ml at 50% displacement. The cross reactivities were 15% with prostaglandin D1-methoxamine and less than 0.20% with other prostaglandins. Determination of the half-life of prostaglandin D2 in a solution containing albumin was also carried out, since it has been shown to catalyze prostaglandin D2 destruction. The unstability of this prostaglandin is due to the presence of a beta-hydroxy ketone group, and all prostaglandins possessing this labile moiety could be stabilized by such a derivatization before developing a radioimmunoassay.  相似文献   

Serotonin-like immunoreactivity was mapped in the central nervous system (CNS) of the cockroach, Periplaneta americana. Immunoreactive staining occurred in every ganglion of the CNS. The largest numbers of immunoreactive somata were detected in the optic lobes and the brain, and lowest numbers in the first and second thoracic ganglia. Dense stained fibers, ramifications, and varicosities were found in all ganglia, and numerous axon like processes occurred in all interganglionic connectives. Immunoreactive processes were not, however, detected in most of the peripherally projecting nerve roots. Processes were found only in roots of the suboesophageal ganglion and the tritocerebral lobes of the brain. A comparison of the map for serotonin immunoreactivity with one generated for the pentapeptide transmitter proctolin suggests that the two systems overlap only in the suboesophageal ganglion and the tritocerebrum. The amine and peptide may co-occur in neurons in these regions. The serotonin immunoreactive system appeared significantly different from the octopaminergic system of the ventral nerve cord. Seventy-two potentially identifiable immunoreactive cells were located in the cockroach CNS. Some of these may be suitable for physiological study of the functional role of serotonin.  相似文献   

Changes in the frequency of cardiac pulsations have been monitored in the decapitated body of adult P. americana before and 5 h after the injections of [Arg(7)]-corazonin and CCAP, using newly invented touch-free, noninvasive optocardiographic methods. Relatively large dosages of these peptides (10(-6) M concentrations in the body) had no effect on the rate of the heartbeat beyond the Ringer control limits. It has been concluded, therefore, that Corazonin and CCAP, which are currently cited in the literature as "the most potent cardiostimulating peptides" in insects, have no effect on the physiological regulation of cardiac functions in the living body.  相似文献   

Two predominant peptides have been isolated from neurohaemal lobes of corpora cardiaca of 8000 adults of Locusta migratoria. Both peptides have been unambiguously characterized by automated peptide microsequencing and liquid secondary-ion mass spectrometry as a 50-residue peptide (5K peptide) and a 48-residue isologue (5K' peptide). Computer search of sequence data banks did not reveal any significant similarity with other identified proteins. The 5K peptides are remarkably rich in alanine residues (25%) and contain a stretch of five consecutive alanines. This structure suggests that these molecules could correspond to spacer peptides. This assumption is corroborated in the accompanying paper [Lagueux et al. (1990) Eur. J. Biochem. 187, 249-254] on the molecular cloning of the precursor protein which attributes to the 5K peptides a role analogous to that of the C peptides of insulins.  相似文献   

The nervous system of the cockroach Periplaneta americana is well suited to studies of invertebrate amino acid receptors. Using a combination of radioligand binding and electrophysiological techniques, several distinct receptors have now been identified. These include an l-glutamate-gated chloride channel which has no known counterpart in the vertebrate nervous system, and a putative kainate/quisqualate receptor with pharmacological properties different from those of the existing categories of vertebrate excitatory amino acid receptors. GABA receptors have also been characterized in the cockroach nervous system. Bicuculline, benzodiazepines and steroids have revealed important differences between certain insect GABA-gated chloride channels and vertebrate GABA receptors. Identifiable neurones may facilitate the allocation of specific functions to amino acid receptor subtypes. In view of the existence of subtypes of amino acid receptors in insects, it is of interest to examine how this is reflected at the molecular level in terms of receptor subunit composition and amino acid sequence. Preliminary molecular cloning studies on insect GABA receptors are described.  相似文献   

A novel neurohormone, which anticipates ovarian maturation, was recently purified using liquid chromatography from the African locust nervous corpora cardiaca. Both its function and production by the pars intercerebralis of Locusta migratoria lead to its name, the ovary maturating parsin (Lom OMP). In this study, the Lom OMP was physically and chemically characterized. Its multiply charged ion spectrum was interpreted as two peaks of quite equal size having molecular masses of 6923.4 Da (major peak) and 6907.3 Da. The Lom OMP presented no periodic secondary structure according to the far ultraviolet circular dichroism spectrum obtained. It is composed of 65 amino acids and included a high concentration of alanine but is devoid of cysteine, isoleucine, methionine, lysine and threonine. The amino acid sequence indicated only one microheterogeneity, observed at position 26, consisted in the replacement of serine by alanine. The calculated Mr of the two acidic isoforms (calculated pHi = 4.87) were found to be in agreement with mass spectrometry measurements. When compared to the sequence libraries, the Lom OMP, the first insect gonadotropic neurohormone, was revealed as an unique protein.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The neurosecretory corpora cardiaca/corpora allata complex of Carausius morosus , a wingless insect of the superorder Orthopteroidea, contains adipokinetic and hyperglycaemic factor(s) capable of elevating lipids in locusts, and carbohydrates in cockroaches. Neither activity can be demonstrated in the stick insect itself, however. In addition, in locusts the Carausius gland extract is able to elevate levels of cyclic AMP in the fat body.  相似文献   

A digestive trypsin from the American cockroach (Periplaneta americana, Dictyoptera) males was purified by a combination of anionic chromatographies in low and high pressure systems. The yield was 70% with a final specific activity of 2,000 units per mg protein (substrate: benzoyl-Arg-p-nitroanilide, BRpNA). Chemical modification with TLCK (k(obs)=3.3 M(-1) s(-1); stoichiometry 1:1) and PMSF (k(obs)=0.18 M(-1) s(-1); stoichiometry 1:1) confirmed that this peptidase is a trypsin. This enzyme has a molecular weight of 29 kDa (SDS-PAGE), a pI of 6.0 and a pH optimum of 8.9. Kinetic parameters using different colorimetric, fluorimetric and internally-quenched substrates indicated that P. americana trypsin prefers to hydrolyze synthetic substrates containing more than one amino acid residue and with an arginine residue at P1 position and a hydrophobic residue at P2. This enzyme presented a Km of 120 microM for BRpNA and is competitively inhibited by benzamidine (Ki=0.25 microM). Soybean trypsin inhibitor is a tight-binding inhibitor presenting a K(D) of 0.4 nM. Differences in substrate specificity and in the reactivity of the trypsin active site groups can be related to adaptation of insects to different hosts. P. americana trypsin is an excellent model for comparison as a basal group on evolutionary studies of insect trypsins.  相似文献   

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