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Although flourishing, I argue that evo-devo is not yet a mature scientific discipline. Its philosophical foundation exhibits an internal inconsistency that results from a metaphysical confusion. In modern evolutionary biology, species and other taxa are most commonly considered as individuals. I accept this thesis to be the best available foundation for modern evolutionary biology. However, evo-devo is characterized by a remarkable degree of typological thinking, which instead treats taxa as classes. This metaphysical incompatibility causes much distorted thinking. In this paper, I will discuss the logical implications of accepting the individuality thesis for evo-devo. First, I will illustrate the degree to which typological thinking pervades evo-devo. This ranges from the relatively innocent use of typologically tainted language to the more serious misuse of differences between taxa as evidence against homology and monophyly, and the logically flawed concept of partial homology. Second, I will illustrate how, in a context of typological thinking, evo-devo's harmless preoccupation with distant ancestors has become transformed into a pernicious problem afflicting the choice of model organisms. I will expose the logical flaws underlying the common assumption that model organisms can be expected to represent the clades they are a part of in an unambiguous way. I will expose the logical flaws underlying the general assumption that basal taxa are the best available stand-ins for ancestors and that they best represent the clade of which they are a part, while also allowing for optimal extrapolation of results.  相似文献   

Species: the concept, category and taxon   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The term species by itself is vague because it refers to the species concept, the species category and the species taxon, all of which are distinct although related to one another. The species concept is not primarily a part of systematics, but has always been an integral part of basic biological theory, It is based on evolutionary theory and applies only to sexually reproducing organisms. The species concept and the phyletic lineage concept are quite distinct although they are related to one another. The important aspect of the species concept is lack of gene flow between different species, and hence the defining criterion of the species is genetic isolation. The species concept is often considered as non‐dimensional, both in time and space. Species possess three different major properties, namely genetic isolation, reproductive isolation and ecological isolation; these properties evolve at different times and under the effect of different causes during the speciation process. Speciation requires an external isolating barrier during the initial allopatric phase in which genetic isolation evolves and must reach 100% efficiency. The subsequent sympatric phase of speciation occurs after the disappearance of the external isolating barrier when members of the two newly evolved species can interact with one another and exert mutual selective demands on one another. Much of the reproductive and ecological isolation evolves during this secondary sympatric phase. The species category is a rank in the taxonomic hierarchy and serves as the basis on which the diversity of organisms is described; it is not the same as the species concept. The species category applied to all organisms, sexually and asexually reproducing. The species taxon is the practical application of the species category in systematics with the recognition of species taxa requiring many arbitrary decisions. No single set of rules exist by which the species category can be applied to all organisms. Recognition of species taxa in asexually reproducing organisms is based on amount of variation and gaps in the variation of phenotypic features associated with ecological attributes of these organisms as compared with similar attributes in sympatric species taxa of sexually reproducing organisms. Species taxa are multidimensional in that they exist over space–time and often have fuzzy borders. Because recognition of species taxa, including those in sexually reproducing organisms, depends on many arbitrary decisions especially when dealing with broad geographical and temporal ranges, species taxa cannot be used as the foundation for developing and testing theoretical concepts in evolutionary theory which can only be done with the non‐dimensional species concept.  相似文献   

Phillip Cassey 《Ecography》2001,24(4):413-420
Verbal models have hypothesized a relation between body size and the successful introduction of animal species. This relation is largely based on studies of intrinsic rate of increase in what have been termed "colonizing" species. From these studies it has been predicted that introduction success should be negatively correlated with body size across taxa but positively correlated within closely related taxa. T examine this relation for globally introduced land birds. Introduced land birds are. on average, larger bodied than extant land bird species. Across species, families, and higher family nodes, global introduction success is significantly related to decreasing body size. However, within taxa there is a significant positive relationship between introduction success and body size. I discuss possible explanations for the observed relations and conclude that an indirect but genuine relationship between the introduction success of land birds and their body size is currently the most plausible.  相似文献   

Approaches that integrate multiple independent, yet complimentary, lines of evidence have been effectively utilized to identify and evaluate species diversity. Integrative approaches are especially useful in taxa that exhibit cryptic diversity and are highly morphologically conserved, as well as organisms whose distributions may be sympatric or parapatric. The Incilius coccifer complex in Honduras is comprised of three putative taxa: I. coccifer, I. ibarrai and I. porteri. The taxonomy of the I. coccifer complex has been a source of debate among specialists, with some recognizing three species, while others choose to recognize one widespread taxon. To assess species boundaries and evaluate the taxonomic structure for the I. coccifer complex, we utilized a combination of comprehensive field sampling, molecular phylogenetics and macroecological modelling. Using 58 samples representing all three putative taxa, we generated sequence data from the mitochondrial loci 16S and COI in order to assess genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships, and tested putative species boundaries using General Mixed Yule‐Coalescent models. To evaluate macroecological differences in the distribution of putative taxa, we utilized maximum entropy modelling and identified areas of suitable and non‐suitable habitat, as well as identifying potential areas of overlap between species habitats. We recovered three clades that broadly correspond to the three named taxa that, while being monophyletic, are separated by relatively small genetic distances. Species distribution models revealed that I. coccifer is macroecologically different than the other two taxa, but that I. ibarrai and I. porteri are highly similar. We uncovered cases of sympatry between pairs of species in at least three localities in Honduras, suggesting the potential for hybridization in these closely related lineages.  相似文献   

Bock, W. 2000. Heuristics in systematics. Ostrich 71 (1 &; 2): 41–44.

Avian systematics is not only part of the science of ornithology, but serves heuristically as a foundation for many other analyses in ornithology. Systematics can be divided roughly into two major areas, namely species-level analyses and supraspecific classification. Of greatest significance is the distinction between provisional classifications and standard sequences, the latter are based on widely accepted classifications and have major useful functions such as the arrangement of taxa in handbooks, check-lists, and museum collections. The species concept is part of evolutionary theory, not systematics, and applies to contemporaneous groups of individual organisms. Clear distinctions separate the species concept, the species category, the species taxon, and the phyletic lineage—all usually designated as the “species”. The frequent practice of recognising all distinctive allopatric forms as separate species taxa results in two discrete classes of species taxa which largely destroys their usefulness for other biological analyses, including conservation efforts.  相似文献   

The biological species (biospecies) concept applies only to sexually reproducing species, which means that until sexual reproduction evolved, there were no biospecies. On the universal tree of life, biospecies concepts therefore apply only to a relatively small number of clades, notably plants andanimals. I argue that it is useful to treat the various ways of being a species (species modes) as traits of clades. By extension from biospecies to the other concepts intended to capture the natural realities of what keeps taxa distinct, we can treat other modes as traits also, and so come to understand that theplurality of species concepts reflects the biological realities of monophyletic groups.We should expect that specialists in different organisms will tend to favour those concepts that best represent the intrinsic mechanisms that keep taxa distinct in their clades. I will address the question whether modes ofreproduction such as asexual and sexual reproduction are natural classes, given that they are paraphyletic in most clades.  相似文献   

As a first step in elucidating mechanisms of speciation in the Giliopsis group of Ipomopsis (Polemoniaceae), we examined patterns of morphological and genetic differentiation and crossability. This group comprises three species that diverged very recently: two perennials, I. guttata and I. tenuifolia, and one annual, I. effusa. Analysis of phenotypic variation established that the three species are distinct for floral characters, and this differentiation is maintained in a locality containing both perennial species. Next, we assessed the genealogical relationships with AFLPs. All sampled individuals of I. effusa clustered together, a result in accord with its genetic isolation. The perennials, which retain interfertility, were not resolved as sister taxa. Rather, individuals sampled from the single I. guttata population that is sympatric with I. tenuifolia were genetically more similar to I. tenuifolia samples than they were to conspecifics. This pattern may be due to substantial introgression of I. tenuifolia genomic regions that do not contribute to floral phenotype in I. guttata. Our result adds to mounting evidence that plant species, as defined by morphological characters, are often not genomically cohesive. Taken together, our data warrant caution in delimiting species with genetic markers alone, and, importantly, suggest that selection on species-diagnostic morphological characters can be sufficiently strong to counteract extensive gene flow.  相似文献   

Abstract— A tension has arisen over the primacy of interbreeding versus monophyly in defining the species category. Manifestations of this tension include unnecessary restriction of the concept of monophyly as well as inappropriate attribution of "species" properties, to "higher taxa", and vice versa. Distinctions between systems (wholes) deriving their existence from different underlying. processes have been obscured by failure to acknowledge different interpretations of the concept of individuality. We identify interbreeding (resulting in populations) and evolutionary descent (resulting in monophyletic groups) as two processes of interest to phylogenetic systematists, and explore the relations between the systems resulting from these processes. In the case of sexual reproduction, populations of interbreeding organisms (regardless of whether they are monophyletic) exist as cohesive wholes and play a special role in phylogenetic systematics, being the least inclusive entities appropriate for use as terminal units in phylogenetic analysis of organismal relationships. Both sexual and asexual organisms form monophyletic groups. Accepting the reality and significance of both interbreeding and monophyly emphasizes that a conscious decision must be made regarding which phenomenon should be used to define the species category. Examination of species concepts that focus either on interbreeding or on common descent leads us to conclude that several alternatives are acceptable from the standpoint of phylogenetic systematics but that no one species concept can meet the needs of all comparative biologists.  相似文献   

Ever since Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species was published, the received view has been that Darwin literally thought of species as not extra-mentally real. In 1969 Michael Ghiselin upset the received view by interpreting Darwin to mean that species taxa are indeed real but not the species category. In 1985 John Beatty took Ghiselin's thesis a step further by providing a strategy theory to explain why Darwin would say one thing (his repeated nominalistic definition of species) and do another (hold that species taxa are real). In the present paper I attempt to take this line of interpretation to a new level. Guided by the principle of charity, I provide and analyze a considerable amount of evidence from Darwin's mature writings (both private and published) to show that (contra Ghiselin and Beatty) Darwin did not simply accept the species delimitations of his fellow naturalists but actually employed, repeatedly and consistently, a species concept in a thoroughly modern sense, albeit with an implicit definition, a concept uniquely his own and fully in accord with his theory of evolution by natural selection. This implicit concept and definition is carefully reconstructed in the present paper. A new strategy theory is then provided to account for why Darwin would define species (both taxa and category) nominalistically on the one hand but delimit species realistically on the other.  相似文献   

Bioluminescence is widespread among many different types of marine organisms. Metazoans contain two types of luminescence production, bacteriogenic (symbiotic with bacteria) or autogenic, via the production of a luminous secretion or the intrinsic properties of luminous cells. Several species in two families of squids, the Loliginidae and the Sepiolidae (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) harbor bacteriogenic light organs that are found central in the mantle cavity. These light organs are exceptional in function, that is, the morphology and the complexity suggests that the organ has evolved to enhance and direct light emission from bacteria that are harbored inside. Although light organs are widespread among taxa within the Sepiolidae, the origin and development of this important feature is not well studied. We compared light organ morphology from several closely related taxa within the Sepiolidae and combined molecular phylogenetic data using four loci (nuclear ribosomal 28S rRNA and the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and 12S and 16S rRNA) to determine whether this character was an ancestral trait repeatedly lost among both families or whether it evolved independently as an adaptation to the pelagic and benthic lifestyles. By comparing other closely related extant taxa that do not contain symbiotic light organs, we hypothesized that the ancestral state of sepiolid light organs most likely evolved from part of a separate accessory gland open to the environment that allowed colonization of bacteria to occur and further specialize in the eventual development of the modern light organ.  相似文献   

Despite being limited to caves, many anchialine taxa have disjunct insular distributions, which raises questions about their origins and colonization history. This study deals with the new gastropod Neritilia cavernicola sp. n. (Neritopsina: Neritiliidae) from anchialine caves on two islands in the Philippines that are separated by the deep Bohol Strait and situated 200 km apart along the coastline of Cebu Island. Neritilia cavernicola is an obligate stygobiont and most closely resembles Neritilia littoralis , which lives in interstitial waters of the Nansei-shoto Islands, Japan. Its eggs and larval shells are identical to those of other Neritilia species, despite their different adult habitats. This suggests a marine planktotrophic phase (as occurs in amphidromous riverine species of Neritilia ), and consequent migration between islands via ocean currents. Here we present the first genetic structure for anchialine cave organisms; comparisons of 1276 bp sequences from mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I show no evidence of genetic isolation between the islands. All individuals evidently are part of a panmictic population and the low vagility of adults and their seemingly isolated cave habitats do not limit gene flow in N. cavernicola . This migration model, based on marine larval dispersal, may be widely applicable to anchialine stygobites with insular distributions, as many such organisms (including shrimps, crabs and fishes) are phylogenetically allied to amphidromous species.  相似文献   

Cryptic species are continuously discovered in rotifers using different methods to delineate these units of diversity. DNA taxonomy is the most effective method taxonomists have to untie potential cryptic taxa. Here, we estimate hidden diversity in a genus of bdelloid rotifers, Adineta. We analyse cryptic diversity using a coalescent approach to infer evolutionarily significant units from a phylogenetic tree obtained from cytochrome oxidase I sequences. Cryptic diversity was measured for eight traditional species and from several additional undetermined populations. Taxonomic inflation of up to 36 taxa was found in A. vaga from DNA taxonomy. As observed in other microscopic organisms, cryptic taxa within each traditional species were not geographically isolated, but had significantly narrower ecological niches than expected by chance alone.  相似文献   

Geographical gradients in species richness and the degree to which different taxa show congruent patterns remain unknown for many taxonomic groups. Here, I examined broad-scale species richness patterns in five groups of freshwater organisms; macrophytes, dragonflies, stoneflies, aquatic beetles and fishes. The analyses were based on provincial distribution records in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland. In general, variation in species richness across provinces was concordant among the groups, but stoneflies showed weaker negative relationships with the other taxonomic groups. Species richness in most groups decreased with increasing latitude and altitude, and a considerable part of the variation was explained by mean July temperature. However, stoneflies showed a reversed pattern, with species richness correlating positively, albeit more weakly, with mean provincial altitude. Nevertheless, combined species richness of all five taxa showed a strong relationship with mean July temperature, accounting for 74% of variation in provincial species richness alone. Such temperature-controlled patterns suggest that regional freshwater biodiversity will strongly respond to climate change, with repercussions for local community organization in freshwater ecosystems in Fennoscandia.  相似文献   

A survey of the size and form of the midgut caeca in relation to diet has been carried out on 173 species from 21 families and subfamilies of Acridoidea (grasshoppers). Although differences exist in the size of the anterior caecal arms relative to body length, these differences are not related to the type of food eaten. Assuming that the anterior arms have a key role in digestive and absorptive processes, this suggests that different foods make similar demands on these processes. The posterior caecal arms are smaller in graminivorous species than in species eating other types of plants as a whole or part of their diet. This is true across all the taxa, including those families and subfamilies that are predominantly forb-feeding. It is suggested that the posterior caecal arms have a special role in the detoxification of plant secondary compounds and that the requirement for this is reduced in graminivorous species because of the lower levels of toxic secondary compounds in grasses. A specialized pocket region is present in the posterior caecal arms of some forb-feeding species. Its occurrence across the taxa is spasmodic. It may be concerned with the removal of phenolic compounds.  相似文献   

Because of the correlation expected between the phylogenetic relatedness of two taxa and their net ecological similarity, a measure of the overall phylogenetic relatedness of a community of interacting organisms can be used to investigate the contemporary ecological processes that structure community composition. I describe two indices that use the number of nodes that separate taxa on a phylogeny as a measure of their phylogenetic relatedness. As an example of the use of these indices in community analysis, I compared the mean observed net relatedness of trees (>/=10 cm diameter at breast height) in each of 28 plots (each 0.16 ha) in a Bornean rain forest with the net relatedness expected if species were drawn randomly from the species pool (of the 324 species in the 28 plots), using a supertree that I assembled from published sources. I found that the species in plots were more phylogenetically related than expected by chance, a result that was insensitive to various modifications to the basic methodology. I tentatively infer that variation in habitat among plots causes ecologically more similar species to co-occur within plots. Finally, I suggest a range of applications for phylogenetic relatedness measures in community analysis.  相似文献   

The robust macro-ecological observation that there are more small-bodied species implies that small-bodied organisms have experienced elevated net rates of diversification. We investigate the role of body size in creating non-random differences in rates of cladogenesis using a set of 38 species-level phylogenies drawn from a range of animal groups. We use independent contrasts to explore the relationship between body size and species richness within individual phylogenies and across related sets of phylogenies. We also carry out a meta-analysis looking for associations between body size and species richness across the taxa. We find little evidence for increased cladogenesis among small-bodied organisms within taxa, and no evidence for any consistent differences between taxa. We explore possible explanations for the inconsistency of our findings with macro-ecological patterns.  相似文献   

Species concepts and definitions have been a long-standing debate in evolutionary biology since before Darwin, and almost all proposed solutions are based upon grouping and clustering, with species conceived as somehow biological distinct entities, originated and maintained mainly by reproductive isolation. Lacking reproductive exchange, asexual organisms such as bdelloid rotifers, the best-supported clade of so-called 'ancient asexuals', pose an interesting challenge to debates over the reality of species. However, few data are available on bdelloid rotifers. The only evidence has been that bdelloid species have been more consistently recognised than in their sister sexual group, the monogonont rotifers, across successive taxonomic treatments, but this is confounded by the much lesser degree of taxonomic interest in bdelloids. We applied geometric morphometrics analyses on shape and size of hard masticatory pieces, named trophi, of 1420 bdelloids, belonging to 48 populations of eight traditional species, to test the hypothesis of recognisability of bdelloids. Our morphological analysis confirms that traditional bdelloid species are separated distinct entities, possessing trophi morphologies divided by gaps between taxa, similar to patterns of morphological features in sexually reproducing organisms. In common with most microscopic understudied organisms, bdelloid rotifers harbour much previously undescribed diversity: we found significant differences in trophi morphology within traditional species, revealing the existence of cryptic taxa, similar to those also found in facultatively sexual monogonont rotifers. We confirm that recognisability in bdelloids is not qualitatively different from other small understudied animals such as monogononts, and that sexual versus asexual reproduction does not lead to differences in morphological diversity patterns, as previously suggested based on interpretation of taxonomic revisions.  相似文献   

Molecular genetic analyses of species boundaries in the sea   总被引:36,自引:6,他引:30  
Knowlton  N. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,420(1):73-90
The tools of molecular genetics have enormous potential for clarifying the nature and age of species boundaries in marine organisms. Below I summarize the genetic implications of various species concepts, and review the results of recent molecular genetic analyses of species boundaries in marine microbes, plants, invertebrates and vertebrates. Excessive lumping, rather than excessive splitting, characterizes the current systematic situation in many groups. Morphologically similar species are often quite distinct genetically, suggesting that conservative systematic traditions or morphological stasis may be involved. Some reproductively isolated taxa exhibit only small levels of genetic differentiation, however. In these cases, large population sizes, slow rates of molecular evolution, and relatively recent origins may contribute to the difficulty in finding fixed genetic markers associated with barriers to gene exchange. The extent to which hybridization blurs species boundaries of marine organisms remains a subject of real disagreement in some groups (e.g. corals). The ages of recently diverged species are largely unknown; many appear to be older than 3 million years, but snails and fishes provide several examples of more recent divergences. Increasingly sophisticated genetic analyses make it easier to distinguish allopatric taxa, but criteria for recognition at the species level are highly inconsistent across studies. Future molecular genetic analyses should help to resolve many of these issues, particularly if coupled with other biological and paleontological approaches.  相似文献   

The validity of the species category (rank) as a distinct level of biological organization has been questioned. Phenetic, cohesion and monophyletic species concepts do not delimit species-level taxa that are qualitatively distinct from lower or higher taxa: all organisms throughout the tree of life exhibit varying degrees of similarity, cohesion, and monophyly. In contrast, interbreeding concepts delimit species-level taxa characterized by a phenomenon (regular gene flow) not found in higher taxa, making the species category a distinct level of biological organization. Only interbreeding concepts delimit species-level taxa that are all comparable according to a biologically meaningful criterion and qualitatively distinct from entities assigned to other taxonomic categories. Consistent application of interbreeding concepts can result in counterintuitive taxonomies--e.g. many wide polytypic species in plants and narrow cryptic species in animals. However, far from being problematic, such differences are biologically illuminating--reflecting differing barriers to gene flow in different clades. Empirical problems with interbreeding concepts exist, but many of these also apply to other species concepts, whereas others are not as severe as some have argued. A monistic view of species using interbreeding concepts will encounter strong historical inertia, but can save the species category from redundancy with other categories, and thus justify continued recognition of the species category.  相似文献   

Species: kinds of individuals or individuals of a kind   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The “species‐as‐individuals” thesis takes species, or taxa, to be individuals. On grounds of spatiotemporal boundedness, any biological entity at any level of complexity subject to evolutionary processes is an individual. From evolutionary theory flows an ontology that does not countenance universal properties shared by evolving entities. If austere nominalism were applied to evolving entities, however, nature would be reduced to a mere flow of passing events, each one a blob in space–time and hence of passing interest only. Yet if there is genuine biodiversity in nature, if nature is genuinely carved into species, and taxa, then these evolutionary entities will be genuinely differentiated into specific kinds, each species being one of its kind. Given the fact that evolving entities have un‐sharp boundaries, an appropriately weak, “non‐essentialist” concept of natural kind has to be invoked that does not allow for strong identity conditions. The thesis of this paper is that species are not either individuals, or natural kinds. Instead, species are complex wholes (particulars, individuals) that instantiate a specific natural kind. © The Willi Hennig Society 2007.  相似文献   

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