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The early-phase migration dynamics of Echinococcus multilocularis in the intermediate hosts remain largely unknown. We compared the parasite burden in the intestine, liver and faeces of DBA/2 and C57BL/6 mouse strains using parasite-specific quantitative PCR. Our results indicated that the parasites invaded mainly from the middle segments of the small intestine and completed migration to the liver within 24 h p.i. C57BL/6 mice had lower parasite DNA burdens in the intestine and liver but higher in the faeces than DBA/2 mice, suggesting that parasite invasion of the intestine may be a critical stage regulating susceptibility to E. multilocularis infection in mice.  相似文献   

Previous histochemical studies have suggested a close temporal relationship between the deposition of highly sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and amyloid during experimental AA amyloidosis. In the present investigation, we extended these initial observations by using specific immunocytochemical probes to analyze the temporal and ultrastructural relationship between heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) accumulation and amyloid deposition in a mouse model of AA amyloidosis. Antibodies against the basement membrane-derived HSPG (either protein core or GAG chains) demonstrated a virtually concurrent deposition of HSPGs and amyloid in specific tissue sites regardless of the organ involved (spleen or liver) or the induction protocol used (amyloid enhancing factor + silver nitrate, or daily azocasein injections). Polyclonal antibodies to AA amyloid protein and amyloid P component also demonstrated co-localization to sites of HSPG deposition in amyloid sites, whereas no positive immunostaining was observed in these locales with a polyclonal antibody to the protein core of a dermatan sulfate proteoglycan (known as "decorin"). Immunogold labeling of HSPGs (either protein core or GAG chains) in amyloidotic mouse spleen or liver revealed specific localization of HSPGs to amyloid fibrils. In the liver, heparan sulfate GAGs were also immunolocalized to the lysosomal compartment of hepatocytes and/or Kupffer cells adjacent to sites of amyloid deposition, suggesting that these cells are involved in HSPG production and/or degradation. The close temporal and ultrastructural relationship between HSPGs and AA amyloid further implies an important role for HSPGs during the initial stages of AA amyloidosis.  相似文献   

Degradation of serum amyloid A (SAA) was studied in isolated perfused livers of mice treated with either a single injection of casein to induce an acute phase response or with 14 daily casein injections to maintain chronic inflammation. Littermates administered sterile saline served as controls. Radioiodinated SAA and apolipoprotein A-I, reconstituted with high-density lipoproteins in vivo, were studied in parallel. Degradation was monitored by appearance of acid-soluble radioactivity in the perfusate. Induction of an acute phase response reduced hepatic catabolism of SAA by 14% (from 8.6 +/- 1.2% to 7.4 +/- 1.1%/g liver in 3 hr, P less than 0.05, n = 16). The acute phase response had no effect on apolipoprotein A-I degradation or bile production. Livers from animals receiving 14 daily injections of casein were 31% less active than control livers at degrading SAA (8.1 +/- 1.6%/g/3 hr for treated group vs. 11.7 +/- 2.3%/g/3 hr for control group, P less than 0.025). Apolipoprotein A-I degradation was decreased but differences were not statistically significant and bile production was the same in both treatment groups. However, livers from treated animals were larger (mean weight 1.8 g) than those from controls (1.5 g) (P less than 0.05), although amyloid fibrils were not detected by Congo red stain. The size of the degradation products was analyzed by column chromatography. Elution profiles of perfusates from livers of chronically inflamed animals contained a peak corresponding to the molecular weight of amyloid A which was not present in perfusates from control liver. We conclude that hepatic catabolism of SAA is decreased both early and late in an inflammatory response and intermediate degradation products corresponding in size to amyloid A are released into the circulation following prolonged inflammation.  相似文献   

In mammals, Ral (Ras-like) GTPases have been implicated in the regulation of several cellular key processes such as oncogenic transformation, endocytosis, and actin-cytoskeleton dynamics. Here we provide, for the first time, molecular data on a Ral homologue from a parasitic helminth. We have cloned and characterized the complete cDNA molecule and the chromosomal locus encoding a novel GTP binding protein, EmRal, of the human parasite Echinococcus multilocularis. The encoded protein contained all highly conserved amino acid residues of the protein family at corresponding positions and shared significant sequence homologies with human RalA (53% identity) and RalB (54%). Upon heterologous expression of EmRal in Escherichia coli, the recombinant protein was able to bind GTP, thus indicating functionality of the Echinococcus factor. Using an in vitro prenylation assay, the purified protein was shown to be geranylgernylated, but not farnesylated, in both rabbit reticulocyte and Echinococcus cell extracts. The EmRal mRNA was found to be processed via trans-splicing and, using RT-PCR and virtual Northern blot experiments, expression of the factor could be demonstrated for the larval stages metacestode and protoscolex during an infection of the intermediate host. The data presented herein provide a solid basis for further investigations on Ras-Ral signaling mechanisms in Echinococcus.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was adapted for the serological differential diagnosis of cystic or alveolar echinococcosis in man caused by Echinococcus granulosus or E. multilocularis respectively. By affinity chromatography using rabbit anti hydatid fluid IgG coupled covalently to CNBr-Sepharose 4B a protein fraction (Em 1) containing shared antigens of both parasites could be isolated from an extract of E. multilocularis metacestode tissue. From the same source another antigen fraction (Em 2) with a high degree of specificity for E. multilocularis was prepared by immunosorption. Antigen Em 1 was equally sensitive for the detection of antibodies against E. granulosus and E. multilocularis, whereas antigen fraction Em 2 appeared to be more specific for E. multilocularis. A correct serological differential diagnosis was achieved in 95% of 57 confirmed cases of human cystic or alveolar echinococcosis by the simultaneous use of both antigen fractions in the ELISA and by comparison of their reactivities.  相似文献   

The importance of serum amyloid A protein in the progression of renal failure was studied over three years in 28 patients with secondary (amyloid A type) amyloidosis predominantly due to rheumatoid arthritis. Creatinine clearance, the amount of protein in the urine, and serum amyloid A and C-reactive protein concentrations were determined regularly. Linear regression analysis showed a close correlation between the change in creatinine clearance each year and both serum amyloid A concentrations (20 patients: r= -0.83, p less than 0.001) and C-reactive protein concentrations (28 patients: r= -0.80, p less than 0.001). The correlation between serum amyloid A and C-reactive protein concentrations was also significant (317 parallel measurements: r=0.81, p less than 0.001). These findings suggest that monitoring serum amyloid A or C-reactive protein concentrations is valuable in assessing the prognosis in secondary amyloidosis and that therapeutic measures that lower serum amyloid A concentrations may reduce the formation of amyloid.  相似文献   

Acute-phase response of mRNAs for serum amyloid P component (SAP), C-reactive protein (CRP) and prealbumin was examined in C57BL/6 mouse liver by hybridization to specific cDNA probes. Although the level of SAP mRNAs in the unstimulated mouse was about one-tenth of that of CRP mRNAs, it increased up to 60-fold during the first 20 hr, and returned gradually to the original level at 69 hr after the administration of Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide. On the other hand, the level of CRP mRNA rapidly increased up to 6-fold during the first 4 hr, and reverted to the original level as early as at 20 hr. In contrast, the level of mRNA for prealbumin decreased to about 0.5-fold during the first 20 hr, recovered and increased up to 1.6-fold of the original level during 32 to 69 hr.  相似文献   

Systemic AA-amyloidosis is a complication of chronic inflammatory diseases and the fibril protein AA derives from the acute phase reactant serum AA. AA-amyloidosis can be induced in mice by an inflammatory challenge. The lag phase before amyloid develops can be dramatically shortened by administration of a small amount of amyloid fibrils. Systemic AA-amyloidosis is transmissible in mice and may be so in humans. Since transmission can cross species barriers it is possible that AA-amyloidosis can be induced by amyloid in food, e.g. foie gras. In mice, development of AA-amyloidosis can also be accelerated by other components with amyloid-like properties. A new possible risk factor may appear with synthetically made fibrils from short peptides, constructed for tissue repair.  相似文献   

The serum amyloid protein (apo-SAA) is a unique high density lipoprotein apoprotein exhibiting dramatic increases in plasma concentration following host injury. The events involved in the secretion of apo-SAA and assembly of apo-SAA-rich lipoprotein particles were studied in primary, serum-free culture of adult BALB/c mouse hepatocytes harvested 3 h following administration of the potent apo-SAA inducer, bacterial endotoxin (50 micrograms of intraperitoneally administered Salmonella typhosa lipopolysaccharide). An approximately 3.5-fold increase in the initial rate of apo-SAA secretion was observed over that of hepatocytes isolated from control mice, whereas the rate of apo-A-I secretion was unchanged by endotoxin administration. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis and autoradiography of [35S]methionine-labeled cell products indicated the synthesis of both major mouse apo-SAA isotypes by hepatocytes. Essentially all of the secreted apo-SAA chromatographed in Sephadex G-150 with an elution volume corresponding to a molecular weight of approximately 12,000. Approximately 90% of the secreted apo-SAA was recovered in fractions (d greater than 1.21 g/ml) following ultracentrifugal fractionation. In media supplemented with human lipoproteins (100 micrograms/ml), approximately 50% of the secreted apo-SAA was recovered in the high density lipoprotein fraction. These results suggest that mouse apo-SAA is secreted in monomeric form and becomes associated with lipoproteins in the intravascular compartment.  相似文献   

We developed a recombinant DNA system to overexpress a fusion protein between the small, minimally soluble acute phase serum protein, serum amyloid A (SAA), and the bacterial enzyme staphylococcal nuclease (SN). This fusion protein is very soluble and is immunoreactive to polyclonal anti-SAA antibodies. Tryptophan fluorescence shows smooth denaturation curves for the fusion protein in guanidinium HCl or potassium thiocyanate. Fluorescence also indicates that only a single tryptophan residue (of the four present) is accessible to iodide quenching and, presumably, is exposed on the surface of the fusion protein. Circular dichroism (CD) shows a significant signal indicating α-helix, which can be attributed to the SAA portion of the molecule; these are the first CD spectral data available for SAA. pH titration shows persistence of helix domains for the fusion protein at pH 3.0, in contrast to the denaturation of SN under the same conditions. (The entire fusion protein shows a random coil pattern below pH 3.0.) By exploiting the structural and solubility properties of SN, this fusion protein has provided the first structural data about SAA—the precursor of the amyloid deposits in secondary amyloidosis. This fusion protein should be useful for further physical and physiologic studies of SAA. Proteins 30:381–387, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Kroeze W. K. and Tanner C. E. 1987. Echinococcus multilocularis: susceptibility and responses to infection in inbred mice. International Journal for Parasitology17: 873–883. Of six strains of mice examined, C57L/J mice were the most susceptible to intraperitoneal infections with Echinococcus multilocularis. Five of the six strains developed splenomegaly during the infection. Changes in leukocyte levels in infected mice were most pronounced in the C57L/J and BALB/cJ strains. Two of the six strains of mice, C57BL/6J and C57BL/6J (bgJ), showed low specific IgG responses to E. multilocularis when measured using an ELISA. Many of the responses observed were directly correlated with the parasite burden in infected animals. It is concluded that susceptibility or resistance to E. multilocularis in mice is probably controlled by non-H-2 gene(s); additionally, hematological and immunological responses to infection, although correlated to parasite burden, varied among strains of mice, suggesting some degree of host genetic control of these responses.  相似文献   

Serological relationship between mouse adenovirus strains FL and K87   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three-week-old outbred mice were inoculated intraperitoneally or orally and intranasally with the FL or K87 strains of mouse adenovirus and bled at intervals after infection. Serum was tested by both the complement fixation and indirect immunofluorescence tests for reactivity with either virus antigen. A unilateral relationship was detected between FL and K87 strains. Serum from mice given the FL strain of virus reacted in both tests with FL and K87 antigens. Serum from mice given the K87 strain reacted only with the homologous antigen. Serum antibody titers were generally higher in the immunofluorescence test than in the complement fixation test. These observations stress the need to use both FL and K87 antigens for specific serologic diagnosis of adenovirus infection in mouse colonies.  相似文献   

While some reports in humans have shown that nephron number is positively correlated with height, body weight or kidney weight, other studies have not reproduced these findings. To understand the impact of genetic and environmental variation on these relationships, we examined whether nephron number correlates with body weight, kidney planar surface area, or kidney weight in two inbred mouse strains with contrasting kidney sizes but no overt renal pathology: C3H/HeJ and C57BL/6J. C3H/HeJ mice had smaller kidneys at birth and larger kidneys by adulthood, however there was no significant difference in nephron number between the two strains. We did observe a correlation between kidney size and body weight at birth and at adulthood for both strains. However, there was no relationship between nephron number and body weight or between nephron number and kidney size. From other studies, it appears that a greater than 2-fold variation is required in each of these parameters in order to demonstrate these relationships, suggesting they are highly dependent on scale. Our results are therefore not surprising since there was a less than 2-fold variation in each of the parameters examined. In summary, the relationship between nephron number and body or kidney size is most likely to be demonstrated when there is greater phenotypic variation either from genetic and/or environmental factors.  相似文献   

While some reports in humans have shown that nephron number is positively correlated with height, body weight or kidney weight, other studies have not reproduced these findings. To understand the impact of genetic and environmental variation on these relationships, we examined whether nephron number correlates with body weight, kidney planar surface area, or kidney weight in two inbred mouse strains with contrasting kidney sizes but no overt renal pathology: C3H/HeJ and C57BL/6J. C3H/HeJ mice had smaller kidneys at birth and larger kidneys by adulthood, however there was no significant difference in nephron number between the two strains. We did observe a correlation between kidney size and body weight at birth and at adulthood for both strains. However, there was no relationship between nephron number and body weight or between nephron number and kidney size. From other studies, it appears that a greater than two-fold variation is required in each of these parameters in order to demonstrate these relationships, suggesting they are highly dependent on scale. Our results are therefore not surprising since there was a less than two-fold variation in each of the parameters examined. In summary, the relationship between nephron number and body or kidney size is most likely to be demonstrated when there is greater phenotypic variation either from genetic and/or environmental factors.  相似文献   

We report an immunocytochemical analysis of E. m. protoscolices obtained in 2 strains of mice (AKR, Balb c) which were experimentally infected. Sections of hepatic and peritoneal lesions and spreading of protoscolices from peritoneal vesicles were analyzed. Five monoclonal antibodies, specific of murine T lymphocyte populations, produced an intense and regular staining of the anterior area of the protoscolices. This immunostaining has not yet been explained; it could bear witness to particular mode of parasite protection against host immunological responses.  相似文献   

To further determine the distribution and prevalence of Echinococcus multilocularis in the central United States, 245 wild canids (125 red foxes, 120 coyotes) and 33 bobcats were collected from Nebraska, Kansas, and Wyoming and examined for this parasite. Animals examined included 11 red foxes from the western panhandle of Nebraska; 5 red foxes and 30 coyotes from southern Nebraska; 56 red foxes and 1 coyote from northeastern Nebraska; 20 red foxes, 63 coyotes, and 13 bobcats from northern Kansas; 2 red foxes, 26 coyotes, and 20 bobcats from southern Kansas; and 31 red foxes from east-central Wyoming. Of these, 27 of 72 (37.5%) red foxes from Nebraska were positive, including 2 of 11 (18.2%) from the western panhandle and 25 of 56 (44.6%) from the northeastern part of the state. Mean intensity of infection was 282 worms (range, 1-5,150). New distribution records were established for E. multilocularis in western Nebraska as well as for several northeastern counties. These findings support previous estimates that the southernmost front of the parasite's range extends along the southern border of Wyoming, eastward through central Nebraska and central Illinois into Indiana and Ohio.  相似文献   

The changes of biotransformation enzymes will substantially affect the host's ability to metabolize drugs and other xenobiotic compounds. In order to further elucidate this process and promote the development in treatment of echinococcosis, we investigated the effects of Echinococcus multilocularis infection and drug treatment on biotransformation enzymes in mouse liver. In microsomal and cytosolic fractions, from the six activities assayed, significant decrease of glutathione S-transferases (GST) activity and significant increase of 7-pentoxyresorufin (PROD) and NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) activity were observed in the mice infected with E. multilocularis metacestodes. In addition, after six weeks treatment of albendazole in E. multilocularis infected mice, significant decreased GST activity and significant increase of 7- ethoxyresorufin (EROD), PROD, and particularly 3-fold higher 7-methoxyresorufin (MROD) activity were observed. The 3-bromopyruvate treated mice only exhibited significantly lower GST activity. Our results demonstrate that E. multilocularis metacestodes infection can affect the activities of main hepatic biotransformation enzymes and such alterations of activity may further affect the hepatic biotransformation of xenobiotics. Moreover, albendazole and 3-bromopyruvate, the promising potential drug against Echinococcus, affected different hepatic biotransformation enzymes and may affect their metabolism. The findings will help to develop rational treatments with less side effects and promote the development of more efficient treatments against E. multilocularis.  相似文献   

A total of 15 red foxes, 15 raccoon dogs, 15 domestic dogs and 15 domestic cats were each infected with 20,000 protoscolices of Echinococcus multilocularis. At 35, 63, and 90 days post inoculation (dpi), five animals from each group were necropsied and the worm burdens determined. The highest worm burdens in foxes (mean of 16,792) and raccoon dogs (mean of 7930) were found at 35 dpi. These declined to a mean of just 331 worms in foxes and 3213 worms in raccoon dogs by day 63 with a further decline to 134 worms in foxes and 67 worms in raccoon dogs by day 90. In dogs, there was no significant difference between worm burdens recovered at days 35 (mean of 2466) and day 90 (mean of 1563), although reduced numbers were recovered on day 63 (mean of 899). In cats, worms were found in four animals 35 dpi (mean of 642), in three at 63 dpi (mean of 28) and in two at 90 dpi (mean of 57). Faecal egg counts were determined at 3 day intervals from 25 dpi. A mathematical model of egg excretion dynamics suggested that the mean biotic potential per infected animal was high in foxes (346,473 eggs); raccoon dogs (335,361 eggs) and dogs (279,910 eggs) but very low for cats (573 eggs). It also indicated that approximately 114, 42 and 27 eggs per worm were excreted in the faeces of dogs, raccoon dogs and foxes, respectively. The fecundity of worms in cats was low with an average of less than one egg per worm. The peak levels of coproantigen were detected earlier in foxes and raccoon dogs than in dogs. Eggs recovered from foxes, raccoon dogs and dogs resulted in massive infections in experimental mice. However, metacestodes did not develop from eggs originating from infected cats. It is concluded that foxes, raccoon dogs and dogs are good hosts of E. multilocularis. In contrast, the low worm establishment, the very few excreted eggs and the lack of infectivity of eggs strongly indicate that cats play an insignificant role in parasite transmission.  相似文献   

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