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An archaeological excavation in the Tungelroyse Beek valley revealed the remains of two red deer specimens (Cervus elaphus) of Early Mesolithic age that possibly were the victims of hunter-gatherers. The find of animal remains of this age is unique in the Netherlands. In this respect, a sediment core taken close to the remains was investigated, i.e. to reconstruct the vegetation and landscape development of the site and to find more evidence for human activity at this site during the Early Mesolithic. The sediment core shows a typical Early Holocene palynological sequence from the Younger Dryas into the Middle Atlantic, which is supported by AMS dating. The microscopic charcoal record shows peaks in fire activity during the Younger Dryas and Friesland phase, probably wildfire related. Records of spores of coprophilous fungi indicate that the Tungeroyse Beek valley was a favourable place for large herbivores (game) to visit during the investigated period. However, around the age of the oldest red deer remains, no significant peak in fire activity or spores of coprophilous fungi is visible in the investigated record. The pollen diagram does not show disturbed or open vegetation around this age either. This study therefore suggests the impact of Early Mesolithic people on their environment was very low.  相似文献   

The Late Glacial to early Holocene river valley landscape of the middle Lahntal in Hessen, central-west Germany, is reconstructed by means of pollen and macrofossil analyses. AMS 14C dating combined with pollen, macrofossil and geomorphological mapping provide a detailed chronology of the floodplain sediments of the river Lahn. Archaeological evidence for early Mesolithic settlements in the middle Lahntal is backed up by pollen and macrofossil evidence, which indicates an increase in light demanding plants, together with ones indicating nutrient-rich and disturbed environments and more macroscopic charcoal and charred pieces of pine. Different phases of human impact were dated; a first phase was dated at ca. 9,270 uncal b.p. and a second phase at ca. 9,120 uncal b.p. Comparison of the palynological data from different fluvial channel fills demonstrates that during this second phase, between ca. 9,120–8,700 uncal b.p., there were several cycles of woodland clearance. The outcome of combined archaeological, palynological and macrofossil data is discussed in terms of the impact of early Mesolithic people using fire on the vegetation during the early Holocene in the middle Lahntal.  相似文献   

The influence of pre-industrial animal husbandry on the boreal forest in south-central Sweden has been studied by pollen and charcoal analyses of peat profiles from two mires in the vicinity of a shieling site. The impact of farming on the local vegetation development is demonstrated from cal. A. D. 1300–1500 in three ways: forest clearance and cultivation of cereals at the local shieling site; alterations of hydrology and vegetation, such as an increase in Cyperaceae, at mires used for hay production; changes in the composition in the surrounding forest, with decreasing proportions of Betula, Picea and boreo-nemoral broadleaved trees and a consequent increase in Pinus, due to grazing and a change of fire regime. Similar alterations to the forest vegetation are noted at other sites in central and northern Sweden during the last thousand years, when the system of using shielings became more widespread. Hence, early animal husbandry is demonstrated to have had a regional impact on the long-term boreal forest development, replacing the original mixed deciduous-coniferous forest with Pinus dominated forest. Received November 27, 2001 / Accepted June 20, 2002 Correspondence to: Marie Emanuelsson  相似文献   

Pollen data from the Czech Republic was used to detect the early Holocene impact of hunter-gatherers on vegetation based on a selection of 19 early Holocene pollen profiles, complemented with archaeological information regarding the intensity of local and regional Mesolithic human habitation. Archaeological evidence was assigned to simple categories reflecting the intensity of habitation and distance from pollen sites. Multivariate methods (PCA and RDA) were used to determine relationships between sites and possible anthropogenic pollen indicators and to test how these indicators relate to the archaeological evidence. In several profiles the pollen signal was influenced by local Mesolithic settlement. Specific pollen types (e.g. Calluna vulgaris, Plantago lanceolata, Solanum and Pteridium aquilinum) were found to be significantly correlated with human activity. The role of settlement proximity to the investigation site, the statistical significance of pollen indicators of human activity, as well as the early occurrence of Corylus avellana and its possible anthropogenic dispersal, are discussed.  相似文献   

Aim To identify and interpret spatial patterns of vegetation and sedimentation during the Weichselian Late‐glacial. Location North‐eastern Germany and the adjacent fringe of north‐western Poland. Methods An inspection and comparison of palynological data from c. 150 sites. Results Open Vegetation phase I (Oldest Dryas = earlier part of the Meiendorf, 12,900–12,450 14C bp ) and the Hippophaë phase (Bølling = later part of the Meiendorf; 12,450–12,000 bp ) were rather homogeneous palynologically in the study area. Open Vegetation phase II (Older Dryas; 12,000–11,900 bp ) is strongly recorded in the northern part of the study area with relatively thick sediments (suggesting severe soil erosion), but it can hardly be traced 200 km further to the south. This is attributed to sea buckthorn (Hippophaë) shrubs persisting longer in the south due to higher temperatures, to Betula forests expanding earlier under the influence of a more humid climate or to a generally denser vegetation independent of the behaviour of Hippophaë and Betula. During the late‐glacial Betula/Pinus forest phase (Allerød; 11,900–11,000 bp ), pine (Pinus) forests dominated in the southern regions, whereas birch (Betula) forests prevailed in the north. Open Vegetation phase III (Younger Dryas; 11,000–10,000 bp ) was characterized by heathlands in the northern regions with scattered birches and with sedimentation dominated by in‐washed silicates. In the south, pine parklands occurred with sedimentation dominated by local primary production which had markedly decreased after the previous warmer vegetation phase. Main conclusions The differences in vegetation and sedimentation during the open vegetation phases are attributed to a colder climate in the north than in the south, probably related to a climatic gradient between the ice‐free continental central Europe and the decaying Scandinavian ice sheet. The vegetation patterns during the late‐glacial Betula/Pinus forest phase are attributed to edaphic differences between the predominantly till plains in the northern part of the study area and the prevailing sandy outwash plains and Urstromtäler of the southern regions.  相似文献   

Yellowstone National Park has been an important location for paleoecologic studies that focus on the use of charcoal data to reconstruct past fire activity and on the role of climate variations in shaping past vegetation and fire regimes. One hypothesis, which has been explored in other parts of the western U.S., is the idea that present-day summer-dry and summer-wet precipitation regimes were intensified during the early Holocene as a result of greater-than-present summer insolation and its effect on atmospheric circulation patterns. In Yellowstone, this hypothesis was previously examined at two sites, one in summer-wet and one in summer-dry precipitation regions. The records showed variation in both fire and vegetation history that supported the hypothesis. We present a fire and vegetation history from Blacktail Pond, located in Pseudotsuga parkland in the transitional region. The Blacktail Pond data indicate the following ecological history: prior to 12,000 cal yr BP, the site supported tundra vegetation and fire episodes were infrequent. Between 12,000 and 11,000 cal yr BP, PiceaPinus parkland was established and fire activity increased; these changes are consistent with increasing temperature, as a result of rising summer insolation. From 11,000 to 7600 cal yr BP, the presence of a closed forest of Pinus and some Picea is attributed to high levels of winter moisture, but high fire activity indicates that summers were drier than at present. After 7600 cal yr BP, the presence of forest and steppe vegetation in combination with high fire activity suggest that middle-Holocene conditions were warm and dry. The decrease in Picea and Betula in the last 4000 cal yr indicates continued drying in the late Holocene, although fire-episode frequency was relatively high until 2000 cal yr BP. The pollen data at Blacktail Pond and other low-elevation sites in the northern Rocky Mountains suggest a widespread vegetation response in summer-wet regions to effectively wetter conditions in the early Holocene and decreased moisture in the middle and late Holocene. In contrast, the more-variable fire history among the three sites implies either that (1) summer moisture stress and fire conditions are related to year-round moisture balance and not well predicted by the hypothesis, (2) the transitional area between summer-wet and summer-dry precipitation regimes experienced complicated shifts in effective moisture through time, and/or (3) fire-episode data have a limited source area that makes it difficult to separate local influences from regional climate changes in understanding long-term variations in fire-episode frequency.  相似文献   

Lake Uddjaur in northern Sweden was formed as a consequence of non‐uniform glacio‐isostatic uplift in which a forested valley was gradually flooded and high elevation areas became islands. We hypothesized that small islands in Lake Uddjaur burnt through lightning strike more frequently when they were part of a large forested area compared to when they became true islands, and that this reduction in fire impact has enhanced the domination of late successional species and humus accumulation. Fire history and vegetation dynamics were studied by analysis of macroscopic charcoal (> 0.5 mm) and pollen in humus profiles from two islands. According to a model of isostatic uplift, the islands became gradually isolated from the mainland between ca. 2000 to 1000 BP, i.e. during the same time that fire impact declined. Prior to that, both islands were part of a Pinus‐Betula forest landscape affected by fires from ca. 5800 to ca. 1500 BP. Thereafter fire influence ceased and the islands became more strongly characterized by late successional species, e.g. Picea. This change was associated with substantial humus accumulation. The decreased fire influence on these islands contrasts with the regional increase in fire influence during the last 1000 yr. Long‐term influence of wildfire is important in vegetation dynamics and humus accumulation and, thus, post‐glacial isostatic land uplift can indirectly have a substantial influence on ecosystem development. Consequently, this effect should be further considered in long‐time ecosystem studies of areas with large, non‐uniform land uplift such as those found in northern Fennoscandia and eastern Canada.  相似文献   

Based on a dataset of 434 radiocarbon dates and charcoal data from burnt abandoned ant nests which were formerly interpreted as Mesolithic hearth-pits, the correlation between short periods of abrupt climatic cooling and increased forest fires during the early and middle Holocene is studied. Despite dating calibration limits, the results indicate a clear synchronicity between the 9.3 ka event and widespread and repeated forest fires which occurred in a coniferous woodland environment dominated by Pinus sylvestris (pine). It is argued that the cold and dry climatic conditions resulted in an overall desiccation of pines, which became prone to wildfires. A similar correlation is tentatively suggested for the 8.2 ka event, though changing climate first affected vegetation by reintroducing pines followed by increased wildfires. Indications of forest fires possibly caused by humans only appear around 6,400/6,200 uncal bp, corresponding to the final stage of hunter-gatherers along the southern North Sea basin.  相似文献   

Pollen, micro-charcoal and non-pollen palynomorph (NPP) data from the mid Holocene Ulmus decline and the preceding millennium have provided evidence of repeated fire disturbance of the upland woodland at Bluewath Beck Head, on the North York Moors in northeast England. Woodland disturbance coincides with the Ulmus decline, which at several similar upland sites in northern England is dated to ca. 4800 uncal b.p. (ca. 5550 cal b.p.), and so to the early Neolithic period. Two fire events occur within a cycle of disturbance and regeneration between about 6100 (ca. 6950 cal b.p.) and 5700 b.p. (ca. 6475 cal b.p.), placing them in the later stages of the Late Mesolithic hunter-gatherer occupation of the upland and near the start of the transition to early Neolithic agricultural economies. Increased Melampyrum and Corylus pollen percentages characterise the post-fire vegetation response. These disturbances probably resulted from human activity, suggesting that fire was an integral part of the Late Mesolithic ecology. The local origin of some NPPs greatly enhances the palaeoecological interpretation, showing variations in the hydrological responses to disturbance that are much less visible in the pollen record, and helping to distinguish between local and regional vegetation changes. Other NPPs indicate burning near to the site. A substantial peak in spores of the wood-rot fungus Kretzschmaria deusta across the Ulmus decline may indicate girdling and other woodland management techniques as part of Neolithic woodland farming.  相似文献   

The Setesdal valley in South Norway runs north to south for 200 km, from alpine vegetation at 1200 m, passing the tree-line at around 1000 m, through Boreal forests, to Nemoral forest at sea level. The Holocene vegetation history and its altitudinal differentiation were reconstructed using pollen percentages and influx and plant macrofossil concentration records from four lakes along an altitudinal transect. During the early Holocene (c. 10500–8000 cal b.p.) Betula pubescens, Pinus sylvestris, Alnus, and Corylus expanded in the lowlands. Only Pinus and B. pubescens reached 1000 m asl (Lille Kjelavatn). Only B. pubescens reached Holebudalen (1144 m asl) at about the same time as it arrived in the lowlands. Between c. 8000–3000 cal b.p. mixed deciduous forest developed around Dalane (40 m asl) and to a lesser extent around Grostjørna (180 m asl), birch woodland with pine surrounded Lille Kjelavatn and birch woodland occurred at Holebudalen. From c. 3000 cal b.p. to present, the vegetation at Dalane hardly changed except for slight human impact and the immigration of Picea abies. At Grostjørna Pinus expanded. At Lille Kjelavatn Pinus disappeared and Betula became sparse as at the tree-line today. Betula retreated from Holebudalen thus leaving it above the tree-line in low-alpine vegetation. The strengths and weaknesses of pollen and plant macrofossil data were assessed for forest reconstructions. Where local pollen production is low, as near the tree-line, percentages of long-distance tree pollen can be misleadingly high. Pollen influxes of Betula and Pinus were much smaller near their altitudinal limits than at lower altitudes, although their macrofossils were equally abundant. The limited dispersal capacity of macrofossils documents the local presence of species and the character of the local vegetation, although macrofossils of some tree taxa are rarely found. Pollen and plant macrofossil evidence complement each other to provide a more complete reconstruction of Holocene tree-limits and tree-lines and hence climate changes, than either form of evidence alone.  相似文献   

In the Mediterranean Basin, most cultivated areas were abandoned in the last century and are now in various stages of old-field succession. The aim of this work was to analyse the successional trajectories of these ecosystems, and to assess possible deviations in these pathways due to fire occurrence at high or low recurrence levels. Old-fields abandoned either about 50 or about 100 years ago were selected in SE Spain. Within the 50-year-old abandoned fields, plots were established which had been burned by 1, 2 and 3 fires in the last 25 years. Cover values of vascular species were sampled and then analysed by means of multivariate analysis. Euclidean distances between resulting communities were used as an indicator of the possible deviation from the unburned successional pathway. Our results pointed to the possibility that different successional pathways may exist depending on fire occurrence and recurrence. In the absence of fire, the vegetation is dominated by pioneer species, mainly Pinus. With the passage of time this vegetation will become dominated by later successional tree species (Quercus). However, when early-successional communities are affected by fire, the succession can be diverted. A single fire is enough to change Pinus forests into alternative stable states dominated by Rosmarinus officinalis shrub communities, where the colonisation of species in later successional stages is arrested. This deviation increases in high fire recurrence regimes where the vegetation changes to dwarf shrubs and herbs.  相似文献   

Abstract. Succession, changes in the distribution pattern of forest vegetation, and Pinus forest survival following pine wilt disease were clarified based on phytosociological analysis and vegetation maps. Survival of Pinus forests was restricted to the early successional stages, which were located on ridges and the upper part of slopes. Subsequent to pine wilt disease, the succession progressed from early to late substages of Pinus forest, mixed deciduous and evergreen Quercus, to evergreen Quercus forest. Succession occurs in abandoned pine forests which apparently are in a bad state and are vulnerable to attacks by pine wilt disease.  相似文献   

A pollen analysis conducted on a 600 cm core from Lake Ribno (2184 m) in the Northwestern Rila Mountains, supplemented by 13 radiocarbon dates, has revealed the basic stages in its postglacial vegetation dynamics. The lateglacial vegetation, composed of Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae and Poaceae, with stands of Pinus and Juniperus-Ephedra shrubland, dominated in the stadials and partly retreated during the B?lling/Aller?d interstadial (14700–12900 cal. yrs. BP). The afforestation in the early Holocene (11600–7800 cal. yrs. BP) started with pioneer Betula forests, with groups of Pinus and Juniperus at mid-high altitudes, and Quercus forests with Tilia, Ulmus, Fraxinus, Corylus below the birch zone. A coniferous belt composed of Pinus sylvestris, P. peuce and Abies was shaped under the conditions of a more humid climate (7800–5800 cal. yrs. BP). The last trees that invaded the study area were Fagus after 4300 cal. yrs. BP and Picea abies after 3400 cal. yrs. BP. Evidence for destructive changes in the vegetation and indications of agricultural and stock-breeding activities (pollen of Triticum, Secale, Plantago lanceolata, Rumex, Juglans) was continuously recorded since the Late Bronze Age (3400–3200 cal. yrs. BP). The postglacial vegetation history in the Northwestern Rila Mountains demonstrated close similarities with that of the Northern Pirin Mountains.  相似文献   

Question: Is the expansion of Hippophaë rhamnoides in coastal dunes associated with a decline in plant species richness, and is this decline best described by a hump‐backed relationship between species number and shrub cover? Location: Grey and yellow dunes on the East Frisian islands Spiekeroog and Norderney. Methods: Total plant species richness as well as the number of herbaceous and cryptogam species were determined in 2001 using plots of 16 m2 size. We compared shrubland plots with varying cover of Hippophaë with neighbouring dune grassland plots without shrubs as reference sites. Soil samples were collected to determine the values of some important edaphic variables (pH, organic matter, nitrogen). Results: The shrubland plots with Hippophaë had or tended to have lower soil pH and C/N ratios and higher contents of organic matter and nitrogen than the grassland plots. Total species richness was marginally significantly related to the cover of Hippophaë in a hump‐backed manner on both islands. The pattern was more pronounced for mosses and lichens than for herbaceous species. For all species groups on Spiekeroog and for the herbaceous species on Norderney, the hump‐backed relationship was much improved when using the difference in species number between shrubland and grassland plot as a dependent variable. Relationships could be improved by including the soil parameters as co‐variables. Species richness was highest at moderate levels of shrub expansion, while it was much reduced in very dense shrubland. The decrease in species number is caused by the decline in grassland species typical of the open dunes, including some rare taxa. Conclusions: The expansion of Hippophaë rhamnoides is a serious threat to the plant species richness of open coastal dunes, and needs to be counteracted by management measures.  相似文献   

The method of pollen analysis was used to study a profile sample taken from the Jest?ebské blato mire, the Doksy District (northern Bohemia). The aim of the palacobotanical analyses was to perform a reconstruction of vegetation and environment for geobotanical and archaeological research purposes. Sediments dating back to the end of the Late Glacial and to both the Early and Middle Holocene were pollenanalytically studied. The results of the pollen analyses recorded the development of vegetation during the end of the Late Glacial, Preboreal, Boreal and Atlantic Periods. Parkline pine stands of the end of the Late Glacial developed to closed pine forests, during the Preboreal. Even during the Boreal, the dominant pine formed forest communities were typical of the area under study, though trees with greater demands on temperature and moisture conditions continued to penetrate the existing communities. During the Lower and the first half of the Upper Atlantic Period, spruce forests and alder woods formed the dominant forest communities in mire. Nevertheless,Pinus was still dominant on extreme sites (both from the edaphic and geomorphological points of view). An early occurrence ofAlnus andPicea is another characteristic feature of the studied area. The conclusions drawn from pollenanalytical results were used for the reconstruction of the past environment of the Mesolithic and Neolithic Ages.  相似文献   

Abstract. We document post‐fire succession on xeric sites in the southern Appalachian Mountains, USA and assess effects of 20th century reduction in fire frequency on vegetation structure and composition. Successional studies over 18 yr on permanent plots that had burned in 1976–1977 indicate that tree mortality and vegetation response varied with fuel load and fire season. In the first three years after fire, hardwood sprouts dominated tree regeneration. On sites where summer and autumn fires reduced litter depth to less than 1 cm, densities of shade‐intolerant Pinus seedlings increased steadily over this period. 4 to 8 yr after fire, large numbers of newly established seedlings and sprouts had grown to 1 – 10 cm DBH. By year 18 growth of these saplings led to canopy closure on most sites. Herbaceous cover and richness peaked in the first decade after fire, then declined. On similar sites that had not burned in more than 50 yr, regeneration of shade‐intolerant Pinus spp. and mean cover and richness of herbs were considerably lower than those observed on recently burned plots. Reconstructions of landscape conditions based on observed post‐fire succession and 20th century changes in fire regime suggest that reductions in fire frequency circa 1940 led to substantial changes in forest structure and decreases in cover and richness of herbaceous species.  相似文献   

Całowanie site, which supported hunter-gatherer populations from ca. 11 380±95 until 8270±100 B.P., is the major terminal Palaeolithic and early Mesolithic occupation complex of the North European Plain. The archaeological layers are intercalated with biogenic sediments. The remains of plants that probably served as food were recovered from terminal Palaeolithic and early Mesolithic layers. Most of the charred plant remains, apart from wood charcoal, derives from vegetative parenchyma which forms a major part of organs such as root and tuber. Two taxa have been identified on the basis of the anatomy of parenchymatous tissue, namely Sagittaria cf. sagittifolia and Polygonum sp. In addition, several charred seeds and fruits were recovered. This is the first evidence for the probable use of plant foods, other than hazel nuts or water-chestnuts, in the diet of hunter-gatherers in the North European Plain during the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic.  相似文献   

The Siskiyou Mountains of northwestern California and southwestern Oregon are a floristic hotspot, and the high diversity of conifers there likely results from a combination of geological, ecological, climatological and historical factors. To evaluate how past climate variability has influenced the composition, structure and fire regime of the Siskiyou forests, pollen, charcoal, and lithological evidence was examined from two lakes along a moisture gradient to reconstruct the vegetation, fire and climate history. The late-glacial period was characterized by subalpine parkland and infrequent fire at both sites. During the late-glacial/Early Holocene transition period, subalpine parkland was replaced by a closed forest of Pinus, Cupressaceae, Abies and Pseudotsuga and more frequent fires a 1000 years earlier at the wetter site, and it is likely that reduced Pacific Ocean upwelling created warmer drier conditions at the coast. In the Early Holocene, Pinus, Cupressaceae were less abundant and fire less frequent at the coastal site during a period of increased coastal upwelling and fog production. In the Late Holocene, Abies, Pseudotsuga, Pinus, and Quercus vaccinifolia increased in the forest at both sites suggesting a widespread response to cooling. Fewer fires at the wetter site may account for the abundance of Picea breweriana within the last 1000 years. The comparison of the two records implies that large-scale controls in climate during the last 14,000 cal yr BP have resulted in major changes in vegetation and fire regime. Asynchrony in the ecosystem response of wetter and drier sites arises from small-scale spatial variations in effective moisture and temperature resulting from topographically-influenced microclimates and coastal-to-inland climate gradients.  相似文献   

Abstract. In the Mediterranean basin, the climate is predicted to be warmer and effectively drier, leading to changes in fuel conditions and fire regime. Land abandonment in the Mediterranean basin is also changing the fire regime through the increase in fuel loads. In the present study, two simulation models of vegetation dynamics were tested in order to predict changes in plant functional types due to changes in fire recurrence in eastern Spain. The two modelling approaches are the FATE-model (based on vital attributes) and the gap model BROLLA (based on the gap-phase theory). The models were arranged to simulate four functional types, based mainly on their regenerative strategies after disturbance: Quercus (resprouter), Pinus (non-resprouter with serotinous cones), Erica (resprouter), and Cistus (non-resprouter with germination stimulated by fire). The simulation results suggested a decrease in Quercus abundance, an increase in Cistus and Erica, and a maximum of Pinus at intermediate recurrence scenarios. Despite their different approaches, both models predicted a similar response to increased fire recurrence, and the results were consistent with field observations.  相似文献   

A core from Töölönlahti, a bay close to the central business district of Helsinki, the capital of Finland, was analysed for its pollen stratigraphy. The extrapolated age-depth curve based on137Cs dating, sphaeroidal carbonaceous particle analysis and historical data suggests that the core goes back to the 17th or early 18th century. Four local pollen assemblage zones (LPAZ) were identified. Detrended correspondence analysis was used to detect the main phases of change represented by these zones. The basal LPAZ indicates that the vegetation was characterized by forest dominated byPinus sylvestris andPicea abies during the early history of the city of Helsinki and that human impact remained relatively minor until the end of the 19th century. A drastic change in vegetation took place at the turn of the 19/20th century when bothPinus andPicea declined rapidly while pollen values of several anthropogenic indicators rose. These changes were synchronous with the rapid expansion of population and urban area in Helsinki. Rarefaction analysis shows that palynological richness was highest during the early phase of increased human impact but then started to fall. During the 20th century the main vegetational trend has been the proliferation of introduced park trees. Palynological richness has decreased.  相似文献   

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