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S-Adenosylmethionine (SAM) plays a crucial role as a methyl donor in various biological processes and has been previously shown to be involved in adipogenesis in skeletal muscle. This study was conducted to explore the mechanism of SAM inducing adipogenesis in skeletal muscle. Adipose precursor cells, 3T3-L1, and C2C12 cells, were induced into adipogenic differentiation by addition of SAM in MDI-differentiation media (0.5 mmol/L isobutylmethylxanthine, 1 μm/L dexamethasone, and 10 μg/mL insulin) to explore the role of SAM in promoting adipogenesis. Subsequently, cells were cultured with a medium containing SAM alone at the beginning of differentiation to test the relationship between SAM-induced adipogenesis and Wnt/β-catenin, and Hedgehog signaling pathways that control the cell commitment to adipogenic- or myogenic-differentiation. We found SAM possessed an additive effect with MDI in promoting adipogenesis of 3T3-L1 and C2C12 cells at the beginning of adipogenic differentiation. SAM could also individually induce cell adipogenesis in a dose-dependent manner. Moreover, the expression of Wnt/β-catenin and Hedgehog signals and their targets were suppressed by SAM (P < 0.05). These results demonstrate that SAM, as an increasingly accepted nutritional supplement, can initiate adipogenesis of adipose precursor cells derived from adipose and muscle tissues, a function at least partly correlated with the suppression of Wnt/β-catenin and Hedgehog pathways.  相似文献   

During vertebrate heart valve formation, Wnt/β-catenin signaling induces BMP signals in atrioventricular canal (AVC) myocardial cells and underlying AVC endocardial cells then undergo endothelial-mesenchymal transdifferentiation (EMT) by receiving this BMP signals. Histone deacetylases (HDACs) have been implicated in numerous developmental processes by regulating gene expression. However, their specific roles in controlling heart valve development are largely unexplored. To investigate the role of HDACs in vertebrate heart valve formation, we treated zebrafish embryos with trichostatin A (TSA), an inhibitor of class I and II HDACs, from 36 to 48 h post-fertilization (hpf) during which heart looping and valve formation occur. Following TSA treatment, abnormal linear heart tube development was observed. In these embryos, expression of AVC myocardial bmp4 and AVC endocardial notch1b genes was markedly reduced with subsequent failure of EMT in the AVC endocardial cells. However, LiCl-mediated activation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling was able to rescue defective heart tube formation, bmp4 and notch1b expression, and EMT in the AVC region. Taken together, our results demonstrated that HDAC activity plays a pivotal role in vertebrate heart tube formation by activating Wnt/β-catenin signaling which induces bmp4 expression in AVC myocardial cells.  相似文献   



β-catenin is an essential mediator of canonical Wnt signaling and a central component of the cadherin-catenin epithelial adhesion complex. Dysregulation of β-catenin expression has been described in pancreatic neoplasia. Newly published studies have suggested that β-catenin is critical for normal pancreatic development although these reports reached somewhat different conclusions. In addition, the molecular mechanisms by which loss of β-catenin affects pancreas development are not well understood. The goals of this study then were; 1] to further investigate the role of β-catenin in pancreatic development using a conditional knockout approach and 2] to identify possible mechanisms by which loss of β-catenin disrupts pancreatic development. A Pdx1-cre mouse line was used to delete a floxed β-catenin allele specifically in the developing pancreas, and embryonic pancreata were studied by immunohistochemistry and microarray analysis.  相似文献   

MicroRNA-218 (miR-218) is a short, noncoding RNA, with multiple biological functions. In this study, we aimed to investigate the potential effects of miR-218 on the apoptosis of human ovarian carcinoma cells and the underlying mechanisms by which miR-218 exerted its actions. After over-expressing miR-218 in human ovarian carcinoma (OVCAR3) cells, cell viability was determined by MTT method, cell apoptosis was observed by flow cytometry (FCM), mRNA expression of miR-218, Bcl2, Bax was measured by RT-PCR and protein expression levels of Wnt, tankyrase and β-catenin were quantified by Western blots. Over-expression of miR-218 potently suppressed cell viability and promoted the apoptosis of human ovarian carcinoma cells in a time-dependent manner. In addition, the down-regulation of tankyrase expression level was detected in miR-218-over-expressed cells. Following the block of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway using the inhibitor XAV-939, the effects of miR-218 on the proliferation and apoptosis of human ovarian carcinoma cells were significantly suppressed. Augmenting expression of miR-218 and/or miRNA-218 mimicking therapeutics may provide viable avenue for the treatment of ovarian cancer.  相似文献   

In neural crest cell development, the expression of the cell adhesion proteins cadherin-7 and cadherin-11 commences after delamination of the neural crest cells from the neuroepithelium. The canonical Wnt signaling pathway is known to drive this delamination step and is a candidate for inducing expression of these cadherins at this time. This project was initiated to investigate the role of canonical Wnt signaling in the expression of cadherin-7 and cadherin-11 by treating neural crest cells with Wnt3a ligand. Expression of cadherin-11 was first confirmed in the neural crest cells for the chicken embryo. The changes in the expression level of cadherin-7 and -11 following the treatment with Wnt3a were studied using real-time RT-PCR and immunostaining. Statistically significant upregulation in the mRNA expression of cadherin-7 and cadherin-11 and in the amount of cadherin-7 and cadherin-11 protein found in cell-cell interfaces between neural crest cells was observed in response to Wnt, demonstrating that cadherin-7 and cadherin-11 expressed by the migrating neural crest cells can be regulated by the canonical Wnt pathway.Key words: neural crest, Wnt, cadherin-7, cadherin-11  相似文献   



Mechanical ventilation (MV) with high tidal volumes (VT) can cause or aggravate lung damage, so-called ventilator induced lung injury (VILI). The relationship between specific mechanical events in the lung and the cellular responses that result in VILI remains incomplete. Since activation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling has been suggested to be central to mechanisms of lung healing and fibrosis, we hypothesized that the Wnt/β-catenin signaling plays a role during VILI.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Prospective, randomized, controlled animal study using adult, healthy, male Sprague-Dawley rats. Animals (n = 6/group) were randomized to spontaneous breathing or two strategies of MV for 4 hours: low tidal volume (VT) (6 mL/kg) or high VT (20 mL/kg). Histological evaluation of lung tissue, measurements of WNT5A, total β-catenin, non-phospho (Ser33/37/Thr41) β-catenin, matrix metalloproteinase-7 (MMP-7), cyclin D1, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and axis inhibition protein 2 (AXIN2) protein levels by Western blot, and WNT5A, non-phospho (Ser33/37/Thr41) β-catenin, MMP-7, and AXIN2 immunohistochemical localization in the lungs were analyzed. High-VT MV caused lung inflammation and perivascular edema with cellular infiltrates and collagen deposition. Protein levels of WNT5A, non-phospho (Ser33/37/Thr41) β-catenin, MMP-7, cyclin D1, VEGF, and AXIN2 in the lungs were increased in all ventilated animals although high-VT MV was associated with significantly higher levels of WNT5A, non-phospho (Ser33/37/Thr41) β-catenin, MMP-7, cyclin D1, VEGF, and AXIN2 levels.


Our findings demonstrate that the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway is modulated very early by MV in lungs without preexistent lung disease, suggesting that activation of this pathway could play an important role in both VILI and lung repair. Modulation of this pathway might represent a therapeutic option for prevention and/or management of VILI.  相似文献   

Song Y  Yang QX  Zhang F  Meng F  Li H  Dong Y  Han A 《Cancer epidemiology》2012,36(2):e116-e121
Aim: To investigate the role of β-catenin in pathogenesis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). Methods: Cellular proliferation, apoptosis, matrix penetration assay, and western blotting were employed to determine cell biological changes in NPC cell lines transfected with β-catenin siRNA. Immunohistochemistry staining was used to detect β-catenin and Ki-67 expression in NPC tissue. Results: β-Catenin was upregulated in NPC cell lines and tissues compared with chronic nasopharyngitis tissue. β-Catenin knockdown dramatically inhibited cellular growth, migration and invasion, but induced apoptosis of NPC cells. Further study showed that downstream genes of β-catenin signaling pathway including cyclin D1, c-Myc, MMP2 and MMP9 expression were suppressed in NPC cell lines transfected with β-catenin siRNA. Conclusion: Targeting β-catenin signaling pathway may be a noval strategy for NPC therapy.  相似文献   

As the crucial biological regulators, microRNAs that act by suppressing their target genes are involved in a variety of pathophysiological processes. It is generally accepted that microRNAs are often dysregulated in many types of neoplasm and other human diseases. In neoplasm, microRNAs may function as oncogenes or tumor suppressors. As constitutive activation of the Wnt signaling pathway is a common feature of neoplasm and contributes to its development, progression and metastasis in various cancers, numerous studies have revealed that microRNA-mediated gene regulation are interconnected with the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway, forming a Wnt/β-catenin–microRNA regulatory network, which is critical to successful targeting of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway for oncotherapy. In this review, we aim to accumulate recent advances on microRNAs that work in tandem with Wnt/β-catenin signaling in tumorigenesis, with particular focus on how microRNAs affect Wnt/β-catenin activity as well as how microRNAs are regulated through the Wnt/β-catenin pathway.  相似文献   

Analysis of anteroposterior (AP) axis specification in regenerating planarian flatworms has shown that Wnt/β-catenin signaling is required for posterior specification and that the FGF-like receptor molecule nou-darake (ndk) may be involved in restricting brain regeneration to anterior regions. The relationship between re-establishment of AP identity and correct morphogenesis of the brain is, however, still poorly understood. Here we report the characterization of two axin paralogs in the planarian Schmidtea mediterranea. Although Axins are well known negative regulators of Wnt/β-catenin signaling, no role in AP specification has previously been reported for axin genes in planarians. We show that silencing of Smed-axin genes by RNA interference (RNAi) results in two-tailed planarians, a phenotype previously reported after silencing of Smed-APC-1, another β-catenin inhibitor. More strikingly, we show for the first time that while early brain formation at anterior wounds remains unaffected, subsequent development of the brain is blocked in the two-tailed planarians generated after silencing of Smed-axin genes and Smed-APC-1. These findings suggest that the mechanisms underlying early brain formation can be uncoupled from the specification of AP identity by the Wnt/β-catenin pathway. Finally, the posterior expansion of the brain observed following Smed-ndk RNAi is enhanced by silencing Smed-APC-1, revealing an indirect relationship between the FGFR/Ndk and Wnt/β-catenin signaling systems in establishing the posterior limits of brain differentiation.  相似文献   

Skin morphogenesis, maintenance, and healing after wounding require complex epithelial–mesenchymal interactions. In this study, we show that for skin homeostasis, interleukin-1 (IL-1) produced by keratinocytes activates peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor β/δ (PPARβ/δ) expression in underlying fibroblasts, which in turn inhibits the mitotic activity of keratinocytes via inhibition of the IL-1 signaling pathway. In fact, PPARβ/δ stimulates production of the secreted IL-1 receptor antagonist, which leads to an autocrine decrease in IL-1 signaling pathways and consequently decreases production of secreted mitogenic factors by the fibroblasts. This fibroblast PPARβ/δ regulation of the IL-1 signaling is required for proper wound healing and can regulate tumor as well as normal human keratinocyte cell proliferation. Together, these findings provide evidence for a novel homeostatic control of keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation mediated via PPARβ/δ regulation in dermal fibroblasts of IL-1 signaling. Given the ubiquitous expression of PPARβ/δ, other epithelial–mesenchymal interactions may also be regulated in a similar manner.  相似文献   

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