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We used Pax-2 mRNA expression and Lim 1/2 antibody staining as markers for the conversion of chick intermediate mesoderm (IM) to pronephric tissue and Lmx-1 mRNA expression as a marker for mesonephros. Pronephric markers were strongly expressed caudal to the fifth somite by stage 9. To determine whether the pronephros was induced by adjacent tissues and, if so, to identify the inducing tissues and the timing of induction, we microsurgically dissected one side of chick embryos developing in culture and then incubated them for up to 3 days. The undisturbed contralateral side served as a control. Most embryos cut parallel to the rostrocaudal axis between the trunk paraxial mesoderm and IM before stage 8 developed a pronephros on the control side only. Embryos manipulated after stage 9 developed pronephric structures on both sides, but the caudal pronephric extension was attenuated on the cut side. These results suggest that a medial signal is required for pronephric development and show that the signal is propagated in a rostral to caudal sequence. In manipulated embryos cultured for 3 days in ovo, the mesonephros as well as the pronephros failed to develop on the experimental side. In contrast, embryos cut between the notochord and the trunk paraxial mesoderm formed pronephric structures on both sides, regardless of the stage at which the operation was performed, indicating that the signal arises from the paraxial mesoderm (PM) and not from axial mesoderm. This cut also served as a control for cuts between the PM and the IM and showed that signaling itself was blocked in the former experiments, not the migration of pronephric or mesonephric precursor cells from the primitive streak. Additional control experiments ruled out the need for signals from lateral plate mesoderm, ectoderm, or endoderm. To determine whether the trunk paraxial mesoderm caudal to the fifth somite maintains its inductive capacity in the absence of contact with more rostral tissue, embryos were transected. Those transected below the prospective level of the fifth somite expressed Pax-2 in both the rostral and the caudal isolates, whereas embryos transected rostral to this level expressed Pax-2 in the caudal isolate only. Thus, a rostral signal is not required to establish the normal pattern of Pax-2 expression and pronephros formation. To determine whether paraxial mesoderm is sufficient for pronephros induction, stage 7 or earlier chick lateral plate mesoderm was cocultured with caudal stage 8 or 9 quail somites in collagen gels. Pax-2 was expressed in chick tissues in 21 of 25 embryos. Isochronic transplantation of stage 4 or 5 quail node into caudal chick primitive streak resulted in the generation of ectopic somites. These somites induced ectopic pronephroi in lateral plate mesoderm, and the IM that received signals from both native and ectopic somites formed enlarged pronephroi with increased Pax-2 expression. We conclude that signals from a localized region of the trunk paraxial mesoderm are both required and sufficient for the induction of the pronephros from the chick IM. Studies to identify the molecular nature of the induction are in progress.  相似文献   

Murine embryonic stem (ES) cells are cell lines established from blastocyst which can contribute to all adult tissues, including the germ-cell lineage, after reincorporation into the normal embryo. ES cell pluripotentiality is preserved in culture in the presence of LIF. LIF withdrawal induces ES cell differentiation to nervous, myocardial, endothelial and hematopoietic tissues. The model of murine ES cell hematopoietic differentiation is of major interest because ES cells are non transformed cell lines and the consequences of genomic manipulations of these cells are directly measurable on a hierarchy of synchronized in vitro ES cell-derived hematopoietic cell populations. These include the putative hemangioblast (which represents the emergence of both hematopoietic and endothelial tissues during development), myeloid progenitors and mature stages of myeloid lineages. Human ES cell lines have been recently derived from human blastocyst in the USA. Their manipulation in vitro should be authorized in France in a near future with the possibility of developing a model of human hematopoietic differentiation. This allows to envisage in the future the use of ES cells as a source of human hematopoietic cells.  相似文献   

Genetic manipulation of embryonic stem (ES) cells has been used to produce genetically engineered mice modeling human disorders. Here we describe a novel, additional application: selection for a phenotype of interest and subsequent transmission of that phenotype to a living mouse. We show, for the first time, that a cellular phenotype induced by ENU mutagenesis in ES cells can be transmitted and recapitulated in adult mice derived from these cells. We selected for paraquat-resistant (PQR) ES clones. Subsequent injection of these cells into blastocysts resulted in the production of germline chimeras, from which tail skin fibroblasts exhibited enhanced PQR. This trait was also recovered in progeny of the chimera. We avoided PQ toxicity, which blocks the ability to involve the germline, by developing a sib-selection method, one that could be widely applied wherever the selection itself might diminish the pluripotency of the ES cells. Thus, phenotype-driven screens in ES cells are both feasible and efficient in producing intact mouse models for in vivo studies.  相似文献   

Here we demonstrate how our lab begins a HuES human embryonic stem cell line culture from a frozen stock. First, a one to two day old ten cm plate of approximately one (to two) million irradiated mouse embryonic fibroblast feeder cells is rinsed with HuES media to remove residual serum and cell debris, and then HuES media added and left to equilibrate in the cell culture incubator. A frozen vial of cells from long term liquid nitrogen storage or a -80 C freezer is sourced and quickly submerged in a 37 C water bath for quick thawing. Cells in freezing media are then removed from the vial and placed in a large volume of HuES media. The large volume of HuES media facilitates removal of excess serum and DMSO, which can cause HuES human embryonic stem cells to differentiate. Cells are gently spun out of suspension, and then re-suspended in a small volume of fresh HuES media that is then used to seed the MEF plate. It is considered important to seed the MEF plate by gently adding the HuES cells in a drop wise fashion to evenly disperse them throughout the plate. The newly established HuES culture plate is returned to the incubator for 48 hrs before media is replaced, then is fed every 24 hours thereafter.  相似文献   

Previous studies in several laboratories have demonstrated inadvertent chromosomal abnormalities in long-term cultured human embryonic stem cells (HESC). Here, using a two-step selection process we report a functional adaptation of a HESC line, HS181, towards a decreased dependence of extra cellular matrix (ECM) for in vitro survival, that is for growth directly onto a plastic surface. Successful adaptation was paralleled with a karyotype change in 100% of the cells to 47,XX,del(7)(q11.2),+i(12)(p10). The resulting adapted population showed increased survival and growth on plastic and also maintained expression of HESC markers, but showed a decreased pluripotency, as demonstrated by results from embryoid body (EB) formation in vitro. The finding of reduced pluripotency may not be totally unexpected since the variant cells were selected for self-renewal and proliferation, not differentiation during the adaptation to growth on plastic. In the light of recent models of a germ cell origin of HESC it is of particular interest that similar to many of the reported spontaneous HESC mutants, one of the identified specific chromosome abnormalities, i(12p), has also been strongly implicated for human germ cell cancer. However, the mutated HESC variant carrying this mutation failed to grow as a xeno-graft in a mouse model in vivo. This is surprising and needs a further mechanistic analysis for its explanation. Increased knowledge of genetic integrity of HESC may have significance on the understanding of mechanisms for tumor progression and thus strategy for treatments, particularly for tumors occurring in early life.  相似文献   

The homeobox gene Mixl1 is expressed in the primitive streak of the gastrulating embryo, and marks cells destined to form mesoderm and endoderm. The role of Mixl1 in development of haematopoietic mesoderm was investigated by analysing the differentiation of ES cells in which GFP was targeted to one (Mixl1(GFP/w)) or both (Mixl1(GFP/GFP)) alleles of the Mixl1 locus. In either case, GFP was transiently expressed, with over 80% of cells in day 4 embryoid bodies (EBs) being GFP(+). Up to 45% of Mixl1(GFP/w) day 4 EB cells co-expressed GFP and the haemangioblast marker FLK1, and this doubly-positive population was enriched for blast colony forming cells (BL-CFCs). Mixl1-null ES cells, however, displayed a haematopoietic defect characterised by reduced and delayed Flk1 expression and a decrease in the frequency of haematopoietic CFCs. These data indicated that Mixl1 was required for efficient differentiation of cells from the primitive streak stage to blood. Differentiation of ES cells under serum-free conditions demonstrated that induction of Mixl1- and Flk1-expressing haematopoietic mesoderm required medium supplemented with BMP4 or activin A. In conclusion, this study has revealed an important role for Mixl1 in haematopoietic development and demonstrates the utility of the Mixl1(GFP/w) ES cells for evaluating growth factors influencing mesendodermal differentiation.  相似文献   

The development of most, if not all, tubular organs is dependent on signaling between epithelial and stromal progenitor populations. Most often, these lineages derive from different germ layers that are specified during gastrulation, well in advance of organ condensation. Thus, one of the first stages of organogenesis is the integration of distinct progenitor populations into a single embryonic rudiment. In contrast, the stromal and epithelial lineages controlling renal development are both believed to derive from the intermediate mesoderm and to be specified as the kidney develops. In this study we directly analyzed the lineage of renal epithelia and stroma in the developing chick embryo using two independent fate mapping techniques. Results of these experiments confirm the hypothesis that nephron epithelia derive from the intermediate mesoderm. Most importantly, we discovered that large populations of renal stroma originate in the paraxial mesoderm. Collectively, these studies suggest that the signals that subdivide mesoderm into intermediate and paraxial domains may play a role in specifying nephron epithelia and a renal stromal lineage. In addition, these fate mapping data indicate that renal development, like the development of all other tubular organs, is dependent on the integration of progenitors from different embryonic tissues into a single rudiment.  相似文献   

Increased expression of major histocompatibility complex class II (Ia) antigens on vascular endothelium is a common observation in allografts undergoing acute rejection. This phenomenon is generally ascribed to the host immune response directed against graft alloantigens, but its cellular and molecular basis are incompletely understood. In the present study we show that constitutively Ia-negative human microvascular endothelial cells (EC) can be induced to express surface class II human leukocyte antigens shortly after exposure to allogeneic lymphocytes in vitro. CD16+ (natural killer) and CD8+ (cytotoxic/suppressor) lymphocytes were efficient in triggering Ia antigen expression by EC, whereas CD4+ (helper/inducer) lymphocytes induced EC Ia expression only if cultured in the presence of autologous monocytes. Binding of lymphocytes to EC was shown to be essential for the subsequent induction of EC Ia, and anti-CD18 (LFA-1) antibody, which blocks lymphocyte-EC adhesion, was the only antibody of a panel of antilymphocyte antibodies that completely blocked the induction of EC Ia. Antibodies to interferon-gamma, which is a potent inducer of EC Ia, and to the CD3 T cell-surface antigen partly inhibited the induction of EC Ia by T cells, but neither antibody had any effect on Ia induction mediated by CD16+ cells, suggesting that T cells and natural killer cells utilize different mechanisms to induce Ia on EC. When combined with data from other laboratories indicating that Ia+ but not Ia- EC stimulate allogeneic T cell proliferation and cytotoxicity, our results suggest that the binding of EC by lymphocyte subpopulations followed by the induction of Ia antigen may represent the initial stage of incompatible allograft rejection.  相似文献   

We establish a novel method for the induction and collection of mesenchymal stem cells using a typical cell surface marker, CD105, through adipogenesis from mouse ES cells. ES cells were cultured in a medium for adipogenesis. Mesenchymal stem cells from mouse ES cells were easily identified by the expression of CD105, and were isolated and differentiated into multiple mesenchymal cell types. Mesenchymal stem cells showed remarkable telomerase activity and sustained their growth for a long time with a high potential for differentiation involving skeletal myogenesis in vitro. When mesenchymal stem cells were transplanted into the injured tibialis anterior muscles, they differentiated into skeletal muscle cells in vivo. In addition, they improved the vascular formation, but never formed teratoma for longer than 6 months. Gene expression profiles revealed that mesenchymal stem cells lost pluripotency, while they acquired high potential to differentiate into mesenchymal cell lines. They thus indicate a promising new source of cell-based therapy without teratoma formation.  相似文献   

Prior to differentiation, embryonic stem (ES) cells in culture are maintained in a so-called “undifferentiated” state, allowing derivation of multiple downstream cell lineages when induced in a directed manner, which in turn grants these cells their “pluripotent” state. The current work is based on a simple observation that the initial culture condition for maintaining mouse ES cells in an “undifferentiated” state does impact on the differentiation propensity of these cells, in this case to a neuronal fate. We point out the importance in judging the “pluripotency” of a given stem cell culture, as this clearly demonstrated that the “undifferentiated” state of these cells is not necessarily a “pluripotent” state, even for a widely used mouse ES cell line. We partly attribute this difference in the initial value of ES cells to the naïve-to-primed status of pluripotency, which in turn may affect early events of the differentiation in vitro.  相似文献   

The potential use of embryonic stem (ES) cells for cell therapy of diabetes requires improved methods for differentiation and isolation of insulin-producing beta-cells. The signal transduction protein SHB may be involved in both angiogenesis and beta-cell development. Here we show that cells expressing the pancreatic endodermal marker PDX-1 appear in the vicinity of vascular structures in ES cell-derived embryoid bodies (EBs) cultured in vitro. Moreover, overexpression of SHB as well as culture of EBs in presence of the angiogenic growth factors PDGF or VEGF enhanced the expression of PDX-1 and/or insulin mRNA. Finally, expression of GFP under control of the PDX-1 promoter in EBs allowed for the enrichment by FACS of cells expressing PDX-1, C-peptide, and insulin as determined by immunofluorescence. It is concluded that SHB and angiogenic factors promote the development of cells expressing PDX-1 and insulin in EBs and that such cells can be separated by FACS.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) induce and regulate T-cell responses, and tolerogenic DCs can promote the development of regulatory T cells with suppressive activity. The possibility of manipulating DCs using different pharmacological or biological agents, enabling them to exert tolerogenic activities, could be exploited to better control a variety of chronic inflammatory conditions, from autoimmune diseases to allograft rejection.  相似文献   

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