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Kulkarni, V. J. and Schwabe, W. W. 1985 Graft transmission oflongday-induced leaf senescence in Kleinia articulata.—J.exp. Bot. 36: 1620–1633. Senescence of attached and detached rooted leaves in Kleiniaarticulata can be regulated by daylength, accelerated by longphotoperiods LD (> 16 h) and retarded by short days SD (8h). Using detached, rooted leaves as stocks in leaf to leafgrafts, senescence was readily transmitted from a LD donor leafto a SD receptor leaf even if the receptor was retained in SD(D8).However, no transfer could be detected where it had to passthrough any stem tissue. Senescence was reversible up to a certain stage, beyond whichgrafts senesced, pointing to an accumulation of the graft transmissiblefactor to a threshold level that causes irreversible death. Key words: Kleinia, leaf senescence, senescence factor, daylength, graft transmission  相似文献   

Photoperiodic control of flowering in the short day plant Perilla involves the transmission of a floral stimulus from induced leaves to the shoot apex. We have studied the basipetal movement of this stimulus and of 14C-labeled assimilates in plants with an induced leaf (donor) grafted into the uppermost internode of a vegetative plant in which the axillary shoots at various nodes along the stem function as receptors.  相似文献   

A method was used for applying a uniform mechanical impedanceto plant roots using sand packed at different bulk densitieswith depth within each growth cylinder. In a growth experiment,replicate cylinders were packed with sand to give the followingmechanical impedances: 0.25 MPa penetration resistance (negligibleimpedance), 1.40 MPa (moderate impedance) and 2.30 MPa (severeimpedance). Seedlings of Lolium perenne L., Trifolium repensL. and Agrostis capillaris were grown for 23 d in each impedancetreatment and effects on both roots and shoots were studied.Severe mechanical impedance affected both root and shoot growthrates for all three species resulting in smaller leaves andshorter roots. For the grasses, the root-to-shoot ratio at harvestwas the same for all the treatments, but a delay in the initiationof both shoots and roots was observed in the severe mechanicalimpedance treatment. The results are discussed in relation tothe possibility that roots penetrating the impeding treatmentsmay have caused signalling that kept shoot and root growth insynchrony. Differences observed in the response to mechanicalimpedance of T. repens compared to the other two species maybe a function of differences in the physiology between mono-and dicotyledonous species. Key words: Mechanical impedance, Lolium perenne, Trifolium repens, roots, shoots  相似文献   

Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plants were grown under long days(LD) of 18 h before a subset of the plants was transferred to10-h photosynthetic periods with either a dark night (SD) oran 8-h dim photoperiod extension with incandescent lamps (DE).Temperature was constant at 21 °C. Leaves were sampled atthe beginning and end of the high density light period for starchanalyses. Potato leaves accumulated starch more rapidly underSD than under LD; and this difference continued after a secondmajor sink, the tuber, began to develop. Starch accumulationover 10 h in SD leaves was three times higher than in LD leaves,even after 17 d of treatment. By this time SD gave higher wholeplant relative growth rates than LD, and the tuber mass of SDplants exceeded 30% of their total plant biomass. The DE treatmentresulted in starch accumulation intermediate to the LD and SDtreatments. Genotypes likewise differed: the earlier genotype,more strongly induced to tuberize, had higher leaf starch accumulationthan the later genotype. The effects of photoperiod and genotypewere also present when potatoes were grown at 27 °C, a temperatureunfavourable for tuberization under LD. Thus the formation ofa strong tuber sink was consistently associated with more rapidleaf starch accumulation. Potato, Solanum tuberosum L., cv. Norchip, photoperiod, temperature, genotype, starch accumulation, partitionin  相似文献   

During vegetative growth in controlled environments, the patternof distribution of 14C-labelled assimilates to shoot and root,and to the meristems of the shoot, was measured in red and whiteclover plants either wholly dependent on N2 fixation in rootnodules or receiving abundant nitrate nitrogen but lacking nodules. In experiments where single leaves on the primary shoot wereexposed to 14CO2, nodulated plants of both clovers generallyexported more of their labelled assimilates to root (+nodules),than equivalent plants utilizing nitrate nitrogen, and thiswas offset by reduced export to branches (red clover) or stolons(white clover). The intensity of these effects varied with experiment.The export of labelled assimilate to growing leaves at the terminalmeristem of the donor shoot was not influenced by source ofnitrogen. Internode elongation in the donor shoot utilized nolabelled assimilate. Whole plants of white clover exposed to 14CO2 on seven occasionsover 32 days exhibited the same effect on export to root (+nodules),which increased slightly in intensity with increasing plantage. Nodulated plants had larger root: shoot ratios than theirequivalents utilizing nitrate nitrogen. Trifolium repens, Trifolium pratense, red clover, white clover, nitrogen fixation, nitrate utilization, assimilate partitioning  相似文献   

JARVIS  S. C. 《Annals of botany》1982,49(2):199-206
The absorption and distribution of sodium were examined in threegrasses grown in flowing solution culture with different suppliesof potassium. There were marked differences between the speciesin the rate of absorption by their roots, timothy absorbingat a much slower rate than either ryegrass or cocksfoot. Inall species, the rate of Na absorption was greatest when therewas a maintained supply of K and/or when the K contents of theplants were high. Transport of Na from roots to shoots of timothywas restricted; it was less restricted in the other speciesand large proportions of the Na moved from roots to shoots whenK was not supplied to the plants. Sodium transported from theroots accumulated in old leaves and not in the younger leaves.When K was no longer supplied, the growth of ryegrass was maintainedin the plants previously grown with Na plus K; Na supplied insteadof K, however, did not maintain growth. Cocksfoot grown withNa grew less well than when grown without Na when plants wereno longer supplied with K; the growth of timothy was unaffectedby Na. Dactylis glomerata L., Lolium perenne L., Phleum pratense L., cocksfoot, ryegrass, timothy, absorption of ions, distribution of ions, potassium, sodium  相似文献   

Jan A. D. Zeevaart 《Planta》1969,84(4):339-347
Summary The long-short-day plant Bryophyllum daigremontianum can be induced to flower by transfer from long to short days (LDSD), or by gibberellin (GA) application under SD. Application of GA to mature leaves of intact or partially defoliated plants induces flowering more effectively than when applications are made to the youngest leaf pair and the shoot tip.Mature leaves on de-budded plants in SD are induced to produce floral stimulus by GA application, as demonstrated by grafting LD receptor scions onto the debudded plants, or by grafting SD leaves treated with GA onto receptor stocks in LD. This shows that GA applied to Bryophyllum in SD exerts its flower-promoting effect in the leaves.The minimal number of SD necessary for flower formation in Bryophyllum is approximately 15, both in case of photoinduction by the shift LDSD, and after GA treatment in SD. It is concluded that the LD part of photinduction establishes a high level of endogenous GAs in the leaves which is a prerequisite for production of floral stimulus under subsequent SD.Work supported by the United States Atomic Energy Commission, Contract No. AT(11-1) 1338.  相似文献   

Petrobia harti (Ewing) diapauses in the egg stage. Adult females lay either diapause or nondiapause eggs. On the University of Thessaloniki campus (41°N), the mite was found to develop on leaves ofOxalis corniculata L. throughout the year, while no mites were found on leaves ofOxalis articulata Savigny growing in the same area. In the laboratory the mite could be maintained equally well on detached leaves of both plant species, kept on wet cotton-wool.Forty to 90% females laying diapause eggs (dlf) were produced when the mites developed under LD 1212 and 19±1 °C, or LD 168 and 19±1 °C or 25±1 °C on leaves ofO. articulata detached from plants grown in the open in various seasons. Under the same conditions, a very low to zero percentage ofdlf was produced onO. corniculata. By rearing certain feeding stages on one of these twoOxalis hosts, and the other feeding stages on the other host, various percentages ofdlf were obtained. These percentages were the net effect of the antagonistic action of the twoOxalis species.By rearing the mites at LD 8.515.5, LD 1212 or LD 168 and a temperature of 19±1 °C onO. articulata leaves renewed every 3 days, or every 16–18 days, or not at all, it could be shown that diapause induction or aversion is caused by the direct effect of photoperiod on the mites, and not by an effect through the host leaves.When wholeO. articulata plants were grown under LD 168 and 19±1 °C in the laboratory, or developed in the open during April and May, flowers were produced, while under LD 1212 no flowering occurred. In the laboratory under diapause-inducing conditions, higher percentages ofdlf were produced on leaves detached from flowering plants than on leaves detached from plants not flowering.OnO. articulata leaves at 20 °C, photoperiods with photophases equal to or longer than 12 h induced from 70 to 80%dlf, while photoperiods with photophases equal to or shorter than 10.9 h induced very low to zero percentages. By transferring different chrysalis stages from a diapause-inducing (LD 1212) to a diapause-averting (LD 8.515.5) photoperiod, and vice versa, it was found that the nymphochrysalis through deutonymph stages were sensitive to photoperiod, the deutochrysalis and deutonymph being the most sensitive.Under an LD 1212 photoperiod, a temperature of 20 °C induced diapause, whereas 25 °C, 30 °C, or a daynight thermoperiod of 25 °C18 °C suppressed it.  相似文献   

NORRIS  I. B. 《Annals of botany》1984,54(2):255-261
The effect of daylength upon floral initiation, flower position,and associated features was measured in six white clover (Trifoliumrepens) varieties Most plants initiated flowers in the longest days (16 h). Thevarieties of more southerly origin and with large leaves hada greater spread of response to daylength. Increasing daylength increased the number of buds becoming inflorescencesin all varieties except Milkanova in which the reverse was true.Peduncle length and nectar production were both greatest inthe longest days. Trifolium repens, white clover, daylength, flower initiation, flower position  相似文献   

Environmental Control of Flowering in some Northern Carex Species   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
HEIDE  O. M. 《Annals of botany》1997,79(3):319-327
The environmental control of flowering in some arctic-alpineCarexspecies has been studied in controlled environments.Carex nigra,C. brunnescens, C. atrata, C. norwegica andC. serotina all hada dual induction requirement for flowering. In all exceptC.nigra either low temperature (12 °C or lower) or short days(SD) over a wider range of temperatures were needed for primaryfloral induction and inflorescence formation. InC. nigra primaryfloral induction took place in SD only (9–21 °C),8–10 weeks of exposure being required for a full response.In all these species long days (LD) were required for, or stronglypromoted, culm elongation and inflorescence development (secondaryinduction). Quantitative ecotype differences in both primaryand secondary induction were demonstrated. Unlike the otherspecies,C. bicolor proved to be a regular LD plant which requiredLD only for inflorescence initiation and development. In allspecies leaf growth was strongly promoted by LD, especiallyin the higher temperature range (15–21 °C). In SDand temperatures below 15 °C the leaves became senescentand the plants entered a semi-dormant condition which was immediatelyreversed by LD. The results are discussed in relation to growthform and life history of shoots. Carex ; dual induction; ecotypic diversity; flowering; growth; photoperiod; sedges; temperature  相似文献   

Schwabe, W. W. and Kulkarni, V. J. 1987. Senescence-associatedchanges during long-day-induced leaf senescence and the natureof the graft-transmissible senescence substance in Kleinia articulata.— J. exp. Bot. 38: 1741–1755. The long-day-induced senescence in Kleinia articulata leaveswas characterized by a loss in fresh and dry weight, in therate of leaf expansion and progressive loss of chlorophyll inthe detached rooted leaves. Ultrastructural examination of mesophyllcells of leaves from plants grown in continuous light showedthat osmiophilic globules accumulating in the chloroplasts werethe first visible sign of senescence in the organdies. Thesefirst signs of senescence could be detected in very young leavesof plants in continuous light, even before the leaves had expanded.Attempts were made to study the cause of this photoperiodicsenescence which, from previous work, appeared to involve agraft-transmissible substance. Leaves in continuous light showed reduced stomatal opening andextracts from them had very much higher activity in the Commelinastomatal closure assay (ABA-like activity ?) compared with non-senescingleaves grown in short days (8 h). However, even if all the activitywere due to ABA, this on its own does not appear to be the senescencesubstance because a much longer exposure to continuous lightwas required to induce irreversible senescence than to reachmaximum stomatal closure promoting activity in the bioassay.Moreover, severe water stress (high ABA?) did not lead to senescenceunless combined with continuous light or ethylene treatment.It is postulated that while ABA may play an important role inKleinia leaf senescence its lethal effect may not be realizedunless ethylene-induced membrane changes may synergisticallyassist. Key words: Leaf senescence, ABA, Daylength, stomatal movement, Kleinia  相似文献   

Seedlings of wheat (Triticum durum, cv. Balcarceño-INTA)were water-stressed in darkness with 20% polyethylene glycol(PEG) 6000 or 0.3 M mannitol added to the root medium. At differenttimes and up to a total of 36 h of treatment the coleoptileand primary leaves were cut and analysed. The height and freshweight of shoots were lower in treated plants than in controlplants. Dry weight was not significantly different between controland water-stressed plants. Total protein concentration decreasedsignificantly (P < 0.01) after 36 h of PEG 6000 treatment.Total DNA concentration decreased in controls but not significantly(P < 0.025) in treated seedlings. This result was interpretedas indicating that cell elongation prevailed over cell divisionin controls and that cell enlargement was affected in stressedplants. Total phosphorus concentration fell in control and treatedseedlings. However, phosphorus specific radioactivity increasedby 116% in control plants, 93% in mannitol-treated plants, and22% in PEG 6000-treated seedlings. These data suggest that anearly metabolic effect of water stress may be on phosphorusturnover in shoots.  相似文献   

The effect of light quality on the extension growth of vegetativeshoots and on the final size of their leaves was investigatedin plants of Lolium multiflorum, Sporobolus indicus and Paspalumdilatatum. Three experimental approaches were used, (a) redor far-red end-of-day irradiations of sunlight-grown plants,(b) different red/far-red ratios of white light in a growthroom and (c) sunlight enrichment with radiation of differentred/far-red ratios or with different amounts of far-red lightduring the photoperiod. Plants treated with end-of-day far-redor low red/far-red ratios throughout the photoperiod developedlonger leaves and, as a result, longer shoots. This effect wasmore marked in leaf sheaths than in blades. Tiller extensionand leaf sheath length increased with the amount of far-redadded to sunlight in a simple hyperbolic relationship. Theseresults show that vegetative grass shoots respond to light qualityin a way similar to internodes of dicotyledonous plants. Lolium multiflorum Lam., Sporobolus indicus (L.), Paspalum dilatatum (Poir.), leaf growth, tiller growth, photomorphogenesis  相似文献   

TAYLOR  M.; FRANCIS  D. 《Annals of botany》1989,64(6):625-633
The cell cycle in Silene coeli-rosa shoot apices was measuredto test whether or not early components of the floral stimulus,produced during the 2nd and 3rd long days (LD) of an inductiveLD treatment, resulted in an increase in the duration of G2phase in constant 20–24 h cell cycles. Plants were grownat 20°C in short days (SD) of 8 h light and 16 h darknessfor 28 d (day 0). Starting on day 0, plants were given SD or3 LD each comprising an identical 8 h day and 16 h photo-extension,or 3 dark-interrupted (d.i.) non-inductive LD, interrupted at1700 h of each day with 1 h of darkness. The cell cycle (percentagelabelled mitoses method) and changes in cell number were determinedin the shoot apical meristem. During days 1–2 of the SDtreatment, the cell cycle and mean cell generation time (MCGT)was 18 and 32 h, respectively, giving a growth fraction of 56%.During days 2–3, the cell cycle and MCGT shortened to15 and 23 h, respectively (growth fraction = 65%). During days1–2 of the LD and d.i. LD treatments, cell cycles andMCGTs were 9–10 and 27–29 h, respectively, resultingin smaller growth fractions (about 33%). Thus, shortened cellcycles and altered growth fractions occurred regardless of whetheror not the treatment was inductive. The LD treatment resultedin a marked shortening of G1 and, to a lesser extent, S-phase,whilst G2 remained constant. These changes were consistent withincreases in the proportion of cells in G2 during the photoextensionof each LD which were suppressed during the comparable periodsof the d.i. LD treatment. The latter treatment resulted in eachphase occupying virtually identical proportions of the cellcycle as in the SD treatment. Thus, the unique cell cycle responsesto the initial part of the inductive LD treatment were increasesin the proportion of cells in G2 coupled with G1 and G2 beingof similar duration. Cell cycle, mean cell generation time, shoot apex, Silene coeli-rosa  相似文献   

Cyanogenesis in Trifolium repens L. is under the control oftwo loci; Ac/ac and Li/Hi control cyanogenic glucoside and linamaraseproduction respectively. Results obtained show that neitherthe dominant allele (Ac) coding for cyanogenic glucoside productionnor the dominant allele (Li) coding for linamarase productionare expressed in roots, seeds or seedlings before shoot emergence.Both linamarase and cyanogenic glucoside are produced duringshoot growth and there is little turnover of cyanogenic glucosidein mature leaves. As the leaves senesce there is breakdown ofthe mechanism separating cyanogenic glucoside and linamarase,since cyanogenic glucoside is lost in plants of genotype AcAc Li Li but not in those of genotype Ac Ac Li Li. About 60%of the cyanogenic glucoside produced was lotaustralin, in shootsof plants which were fed with equal quantities of the precursoramino acids L-valine and L-isoleucine. In contrast, the proportionof cyanogenic glucoside as lotaustralin found in leaves of oneplant, was only 40%. Different plants were shown to producedifferent quantities of cyanogenic glucoside, and the amountproduced was dependent on temperature.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》1987,28(1):89-96
A two-hormone system regulating leaf development in the heterophyllous amphibious angiosperm Proserpinaca palustris L. is described. Aerial shoots develop expanded, lanceolate, serrate leaves under long-day photoperiods (LD, 16 h light: 8 h dark), whereas growth under short days (SD, 10 h light: 14 h dark) induces dissected leaf formation. The photoperiodic effect on leaf development of aerial shoots involves changes in endogenous gibberellins (GAs) since plants grown under SD in the presence of GA3 develop expanded lanceolate serrate leaves. However, when submerged, shoots develop highly dissectedaquatic leaves regardless of photoperiod or GA3 treatment. In the present study, submerged plants exposed to 1.0 or 5.0 μM abscisic acid (ABA) developed aerial-type leaves typical of the photoperiod under which they were cultured. Both exogenous ABA (5.0 μM) and GA3 (10 μM) treatments were required for laminar expansion to occur on submerged shoots under SD. It is suggested that (1) leaf development in Proserpinaca is regulated by both endogenous GAs and ABA, and (2) the endogenous status of these phytohormones is modulated by different environmental stimuli of photoperiod and water stress, respectively. The adaptive significance of this mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   

Leaves from in vitro and greenhouse cultured plants of Malusdomestica (Borkh.) cv. Mark were subjected to 4 h of darkness;4 h of 1 M mannitol induced water stress; 1 h of 10–4M to 10–7 M cis-trans abscisic acid (ABA) treatment; 1h of 0.12% atmospheric CO2. Stomatal closure was determinedby microscopic examination of leaf imprints. In all treatments,less than 5% of the stomata from leaves of in vitro culturedplants were closed. The diameter of open stomata on leaves fromin vitro culture remained at 8 µm. In contrast, an averageof 96% of the stomata on leaves of greenhouse grown plants wereclosed after 4 h in darkness; 56% after 4 h of mannitol inducedwater stress; 90% after 1 h of 10–4 M ABA treatment; 61%after 1 h in an atmosphere of 0.12% CO2. Stomata of in vitroapple leaves did not seem to have a closure mechanism, but acquiredone during acclimatization to the greenhouse environment. Thelack of stomatal closure in in vitro plants was the main causeof rapid water loss during transfer to low relative humidity.  相似文献   

Detailed analysis of the interrelationships between sourcesof photosynthate production and sites of utilization in thetaxonomically closely related species Ranunculus bulbosus L.and R. repens L. showed that leaves whether present on rosette,stem, or stolon had similar levels of 14CO2-fixation but thepattern of distribution of radiocarbon to the rest of the plantdiffered. Fruits of R. bulbosus had a lower fixation rate thanleaves but were characterized by total retention of the fixedradiocarbon. Rosette leaves of R. bulbosus supplied the youngleaves, developing apices in the rosette, roots, and corms,whereas the labelled assimilates from cauline leaves were evenlydistributed between reproductive and vegetative parts. The cormwas the major sink both at the flowering and fruiting stages.When plants were treated with 14CO2 in the field even higherlevels of radiocarbon moved into the corm than in comparableexperiments under greenhouse conditions. The rosette leaf ofR. repens exported mainly to actively growing stolons in plantswith many stolons bearing rooted ramets although growth of astolon was also substantially supported by photosynthates producedby its own ramets. A proportion of the radiocarbon fixed byleaves of mature ramets was exported and moved in a predominantlyacropetal direction into the stolon apex, stolon axis, and youngramets of the same stolon. The stock in R. repens had a muchlower demand for assimilates than the corm in R. bulbosus. The results are consistent with the concept that R. bulbosusoperates a conservative policy involving the replacement ofthe parent in situ by a daughter from the corm, coupled withextensive fruit production. In R. repens the emphasis is onlateral spread and exploitation of substantial areas of groundby vegetative spread and replacement of the parent by daughtersmany of which may occupy sites some distance from the parent.  相似文献   

Single plants of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) were grownfrom stolon cuttings rooted in sand. All plants were inoculatedwith Rhizobium trifolii, and for 14 weeks received nutrientsolution containing 0.5 mg N each week, as either ammonium ornitrate. Plants were then leniently defoliated or were leftintact and a 15N-labelled N source was applied at intervalsof 4 d to replace the unlabelled N. Lement defoliation removedfully expanded leaves only; the remaining immature leaves accountedfor 39–44% of the total. At harvests over the following21 d, leaf numbers were counted and dry matter (DM), N contentsand 15N enrichments of individual plant organs were determined. Rates of leaf emergence and expansion were accelerated in defoliatedplants; numbers of young leaves were similar in defoliated andintact plants. Total DM and N content were less in defoliatedthan intact plants and were not affected by form of N supplied.DM of young leaves, growing points and stolons and N contentof young leaves were, however, greater when ammonium ratherthan nitrate N was supplied. Rates of increase in the contentof plant total N were 8.2 ± 1.36 mg N d-1 and 10.2±1.82 mg N d-1 in defoliated and intact plants respectively.The increases were predominantly due to N2 fixation, since recoveryof 15N showed that less than 1% of the increment in plant totalN was assimilated mineral N. Nevertheless, the contributionof mineral N to plant total N was 50% more in defoliated thanin intact plants; higher amounts of mineral N were found particularlyin young leaves and growing points. Partitioning of mineralN to nodulated roots increased over time and was greater whenammonium rather than nitrate N was present. White clover, Trifolium repens L. cv. S184, lenient defoliation, N accumulation, N2 fixation  相似文献   

Correlative Inhibition in the Shoot of Agropyron repens ( L.) Beauv   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Correlative inhibition was investigated in plants of Agropyronrepens at two temperatures. Reciprocal inhibition ocrurred betweenthe main shoot apex and the outgrowing axillary shoots, withthe balance of inhibition varying with temperature. Apical dominancewas stronger at 10 °C than at 20 °C , but even at 10°C release of apical dominance by decapitation had onlyminor effects on the timing of outgrowth, growth pattern andrate of dry weight aocumulation of the axillary shoots. Dominanceof the main shoot apex by the axillary shoots was stronger at20 °C than at 10 °C. Removal of axillary buds preventeddecline in size and activity of the main shoot apex ard resultedin increased rates of primordium initiation, leaf emergenceand dry weight accumulation in the main shoot. It is suggestedthat a system of reciprocal dominance provides a mechanism formaintaining the characteristic habit of the grass plant andlimits growth in height of vegetative shoots. Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv, couch grass, correlative inhibition, apical dominance, shoot, apex  相似文献   

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