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We assessed cerebral asymmetry for language in 35 monozygotic twin pairs. Using DTI, we reconstructed the arcuate fasciculus in each twin. Among the male twins, right-handed pairs showed greater left-sided asymmetry of connectivity in the arcuate fasciculus than did those with discordant handedness, and within the discordant group the right-handers had greater left-sided volume asymmetry of the arcuate fasciculus than did their left-handed co-twins. There were no such effects in the female twins. Cerebral asymmetry for language showed more consistent results, with the more left-cerebrally dominant twins also showing more leftward asymmetry of high anisotropic fibers in the arcuate fasciculus, a result applying equally to female as to male twins. Reversals of arcuate fasciculus asymmetry were restricted to pairs discordant for language dominance, with the left-cerebrally dominant twins showing leftward and the right-cerebrally dominant twins rightward asymmetry of anisotropic diffusion in the arcuate fasciculus. Because monozygotic twin pairs share the same genotype, our results indicate a strong nongenetic component in arcuate fasciculus asymmetry, particularly in those discordant for cerebral asymmetry.  相似文献   

In many group living animal species, individuals use aggression to gain and maintain social dominance to secure access to ecological resources and potential mates. While social dominance has many fitness benefits, there are also potential costs associated with frequent agonistic interactions and status display. One potential cost of social dominance is oxidative stress, the imbalance of reactive oxygen species and antioxidant capacity. In the cichlid species Astatotilapia burtoni, dominant males are aggressive, hold a breeding territory, and have an activated reproductive system resulting in larger gonads. Subordinate males are submissive, school with females, and are nonreproductive. Females are submissive under natural conditions, but in a female-only group, a dominance hierarchy will form with dominant females taking on male-typical behaviours including aggression, territory defence, and increased androgen levels. However, in contrast to males, social dominance is not linked to increased activation of the reproductive system in females, allowing us to test whether social dominance alone exposes individuals to increased oxidative stress. We compared dominant and subordinate females in female-only groups in five markers of oxidative stress. Dominant females did not have higher levels of oxidative damage compared to same-sex subordinates. This result contrasted to the trend in males in which dominant males had higher oxidative damage than their subordinate counterparts. Our findings suggest that the oxidative cost of social dominance is limited and support the notion that previously reported associations between high rank and increased oxidative stress is most likely driven by increased investment in reproduction.  相似文献   

Although members of monozygotic twin pairs are identical in genome sequence, they may differ in patterns of gene expression. One early and irreversible process affecting gene expression, which can create differences within pairs of female monozygotic twins, is X inactivation - one twin can express mainly paternally-received genes on the X chromosome while the other twin expresses mainly maternally-received genes. It follows that non-identical X chromosome expression may cause female monozygotic twins to correlate less strongly than male monozygotic twins on complex behavioural traits affected by X-linked loci. We tested this hypothesis using data from around 4000 same-sex twin pairs on 9 social, behavioural and cognitive measures at ages 2, 3 and 4. Consistent with our hypothesis, monozygotic males were generally more similar than monozygotic females. Three of four significant differences were in traits showing higher correlations in males than females, and these traits - prosocial behaviour, peer problems, and verbal ability - have all been proposed previously in the literature as being influenced by genes on the X chromosome. Interestingly, dizygotic twins showed the reverse pattern of correlations for similar variables, which is also consistent with the X inactivation hypothesis; taken together, then, our monozygotic and dizygotic results suggest the presence of quantitative trait loci on the X chromosome.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Quantitative genetic studies revealed that not all of the phenotypic variance in PTC taste perception is heritable. AIM: To study quantitative variations in PTC tasting ability in twins and to estimate heritability of PTC taste perception on the taste of twin data on males and females sexes separately. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: The data for PTC taste sensitivity following the classic method of Harris & Kalmus (1949) were collected on a sample of 141 twin pairs (66 MZ and 75 DZ) and 275 singletons (128 males and 147 females) from Chandigarh, India. Genetic analyses were performed following Christian (1979), Donner (1986) and Sham (1998). RESULTS: Frequency of non-tasters was similar in twins (33 %) and singletons (32 %), but significant sex differences were observed. No differences were found between zygosities for mean thresholds. Similarly, no evidence of variance heterogeneity and environmental covariance was seen between zygosities. Since no basic assumption of the twin method was found violated, within-pair estimates of genetic variance would be unbiased. These estimates were highly significant in both males and females. However, dominance and additive components of genetic variance were found to differ between sexes. CONCLUSION: PTC thresholds do not seem to be significantly affected by environmental factors as no variance inequality was observed between twin zygosities. Intensity of bitterness (scalar dimensions) of PTC is a separate trait having no commonality with the genetic basis of recognition threshold for PTC tasting ability. The receptors recognizing bitter taste are different from the receptors determining intensity of taste. The absolute difference between co-twins in PTC thresholds can be used as a simple tool in the twin zygosity diagnosis. The results show that none of the MZ co-twins had manifested difference of more than 3 in their PTC threshold.  相似文献   

Hair color was assessed routinely from three months to six years for children participating in a longitudinal study of twins: 169 female twin pairs, 161 male pairs, and 60 opposite-sex pairs. Age trends, established by sampling only one number of every pair, showed marked changes in hair color for both sexes, but there was a consistent excess of light-haired males and dark-haired females. Within-pair concordance rates were calculated for same-sex pairs whose zygosity had been determined independently through bloodtyping. A high rate of concordance was found for MZ twins at every age in spite of the general change in hair color, indicating a strong genetic influence in the timing of color changes. The results are discussed in terms of accelerated maturation of females, and the need for genetic models of the inheritance of hair color which are age- and sex-specific.  相似文献   

Within-brood or -litter dominance provides fitness-related benefits if dominant siblings selfishly skew access to food provided by parents in their favour. Models of facultative siblicide assume that dominants exert complete control over their subordinate sibling's access to food and that control is maintained, irrespective of the subordinate's hunger level. By contrast, a recent functional hypothesis suggests that subordinates should contest access to food when the cost of not doing so is high. Here, we show that within spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) twin litters, dominants most effectively skew access to maternal milk in their favour when their aggression prompts a highly submissive response. When hungry, subordinates were less submissive in response to aggression, thereby decreasing lost suckling time and increasing suckling time lost by dominants. In a species where adult females socially dominate adult males, juvenile females were more often dominant than males in mixed-sex litters, and subordinate sisters used more effective counter-tactics against dominant brothers than subordinate brothers against dominant sisters. Our results provide, to our knowledge, the first evidence in a mammal that dominant offspring in twin litters do not exert complete control over their sibling's access to resources (milk), and that sibling dominance relationships are influenced by sibling sex and training effects.  相似文献   

Impact of heredity in myopia   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

Sera were collected from 49 pairs of identical twins, 27 of whom were discordant (only one twin affected) and 22 concordant (both diabetic) for insulin-dependent diabetes. All were tested for antibodies to mumps, cytomegalovirus, rubella, Coxsackie virus types B1-5, and Mycoplasma pneumoniae. The diabetic co-twins had no more antibodies to any of the viruses than the non-diabetic co-twins of the discordant pairs. Antibodies to Coxsackie B2, rubella virus, and M pneumoniae were found more often in the discordant than in the concordant twins. In 30 of the 71 diabetic twins symptoms began when they were aged 4-6 years or 10-15 years. More concordant than discordant twins were diagnosed during the months January to March. Hence there was no direct evidence of a virus aetiology of juvenile onset diabetes in these twins, and the difference in antibody titres between the concordant and discordant twins was in keeping with a genetic difference between them. The age and time of onset suggested that environmental factors may be important in causing diabetes in the twins.  相似文献   

Summary The resting EEGs of 17 twin pairs originally traced through one neurotic co-twin (10 monozygotic and 7 dizygotic pairs aged between 18 and 63 years) have been described and compared with the neuroticism scores (Schepank, 1974) of these twins. EEG comparison according to the customary visual criteria failed to show any consistent EEG differences between monozygotic co-twins, whereas dizygotic pairs often showed EEG discordance. Computerized time-domain (interval-amplitude) analysis failed to show a higher degree of EEG discordance between neurotic MZ cotwins than between co-twins in 25 adult nonneurotic male MZ pairs (age range 18–33; mean age 22.9 years). There were no significant correlations between EEG differences and differences in the neuroticism score among ten MZ pairs traced through a neurotic co-twin. It is concluded that the individual and genetically determined EEG pattern is manifest even in the face of the long-lasting psychological alterations observed in neurotics.  相似文献   

To identify large numbers of twins affected by chronic disease as potential subjects for studies of environmental and genetic chronic disease determinants, we advertised for affected twins over the period 1980-91 in newspapers across North America. Responses were received from 17 245 twin pairs in which cases of cancer or other chronic disease had occurred. To assess the representativeness of affected twins identified by advertising, we evaluated the pattern of reporting, compared the cases identified to the number of cases estimated to be prevalent among all North American twins, compared the cases to population-based singleton case series, compared the healthy co-twins to population-based samples of healthy persons, assessed the impact on ascertainment of opinions about disease causation, compared the pattern of prospective to retrospective ascertainment of disease in the originally unaffected co-twins of cases, and compared the results of the prospective ascertainment of disease in co-twins to comparable published estimates. Youth, gender, zygosity, education, and disease concordance were found to be overall determinants of ascertainment. Disease-discordant DZ twins appeared to be modestly underascertained. While somewhat better educated, both concordant and discordant pairs were judged to be reasonably representative of affected non-Hispanic white North American twin pairs of comparable status, ie of comparable age, sex, race, and zygosity. If interpreted with caution, the concordance patterns of such twins can be used to generate genetic hypotheses, but should not be the basis of definitive heritability analyses. We conclude that advertising offers a method of identifying pairs of twins that can serve as subjects for studies designed to identify disease determinants.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(5):1371-1378
The influence of male dominance on male-female social interactions was examined in black ducks, Anas rubripes, and mallards, A. platyrhynchos, that were raised from hatch in four different groups (male and female mallards; male and female black ducks; male mallards and female black ducks; male black ducks and female mallards). The mate preference of females, independent of the influence of male dominance, was determined by exposing females to four caged, isolated males, one from each different group. All females preferred the type of male they had been raised with since hatch. Females were then exposed to the same four males, now free-swimming, to determine how male dominance influenced the initial preference. Under these conditions, each female associated primarily with the most dominant of the four males, regardless of her initial mate preference. Mallards were the most dominant males in all tests. These results demonstrate that male dominance influences social interactions and is one factor contributing to hybridization between these two species.  相似文献   

Ongoing development of brain systems for social behaviour renders these systems susceptible to the influence of stressors in adolescence. We previously found that adult male rats that underwent social instability stress (SS) in mid-adolescence had decreased sexual performance compared with control males (CTL). Here, we test the hypotheses that SS in adolescence decreases the “attractiveness” of male rats as sexual partners compared with CTL rats and that dominance status is a protective factor against the effects of SS. The main prediction was that females would spend more time with CTL males than SS males, and that this bias would be greater for submissive than for dominant rats. Among dominant pairs (n = 16), females preferred SS males, spending more time with and visiting more often SS than CTL males (each pair tested 5 ×), and SS males had shorter latencies to ejaculation, shorter inter-ejaculation intervals, and made more ejaculations compared with CTL males. Among submissive pairs (n = 16), females spent more time with, visited more often, and displayed more paracopulatory behaviour with CTL than with SS males, and differences in sexual performance between SS and CTL males were modest and in the opposite direction from that in dominant pairs. The heightened motivation of SS males relative to CTL males for natural rewards may have attenuated differences in sexual performance in a paced mating context. In sum, the experience of stress in adolescence leads to long-lasting changes in males that are perceptible to females, are moderated by social status, and influence sexual behaviour.  相似文献   

A relationship has been proposed to exist between individual outcomes (live or stillbirth) of twins in the same set. Here, we analyze this association between live births and stillbirths among individuals in different twin pairs. When national birth registers are analyzed, individuals in opposite-sex twin sets can be identified and the correlation between individual outcomes estimated. However, full information about the individuals in same-sex twin sets is not, as a rule, available, and consequently, correlation coefficients cannot be estimated, but upper and lower limits of the correlation coefficients can be obtained. The methods introduced here were applied to data from Sweden (1869-1967), the Aland Islands (Finland) (1750-1949), the Kingdom of Saxony (1881-1900), and England and Wales (1940-2003). Comparisons between the correlation coefficients among opposite-sex twins and the lower bound (minimum) of correlation coefficients among same-sex twins indicate that in all populations studied a stronger association exists between twins in same-sex rather than opposite-sex twin sets or pairs. For opposite-sex twin sets no general association between the correlation coefficient and the stillbirth rate was identified.  相似文献   

Twin studies typically indicate shared environmental influence for cognitive abilities, especially in early childhood. However, across studies, DZ twin correlations tend to be greater than non-twin sibling correlations, suggesting that twin estimates of shared environment are to some extent specific to twins. We tested this hypothesis in a sample of more than 1800 MZ and 1800 same-sex DZ pairs from the Twins Early Development Study (TEDS), a study of twins born in England and Wales in 1994 and 1995. For this analysis, we obtained comparable data from more than 130 same-sex younger siblings of the twins. Twins and their younger siblings were assessed for language, cognitive abilities and behavior problems by their parents at 2 and 3 years of age. For language and cognitive measures at both 2 and 3 years, but not for behavior problems, estimates of shared environment were more than twice as large for twins as compared to non-twin siblings. We conclude that about half of twin study estimates of shared environment for cognitive abilities in early childhood are specific to twins. Although many possibilities exist for explaining the special shared environment effect for twins, we suggest that cognitive-relevant experiences that are not shared by siblings are shared by twins because they are exactly the same age.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Sex differences in structural birth defects are often confounded by environmental risk factors. Opposite-sex twins provide a unique model for detecting sex differences in birth defects while maximally controlling environmental risk factors in a natural setting. METHODS: Population data from the Florida Birth Defects Registry were analyzed. A total of 4,768 pairs of twins who were discordant for sex and born between 1996 and 2001 were analyzed. The McNemar test was used to compare the differences between a male twin and his twin sister for the risk of developing specific defects and organ-system defects. RESULTS: Of 4,768 twin pairs, 225 males (4.72%) and 175 females (3.67%) had birth defects. Among opposite-sex twin pairs, males had a 29% higher risk for birth defects than their twin sisters. Compared to their twin sisters, males had a 5.4 times higher risk for pyloric stenosis and a 2.4 times higher risk for obstructive genitourinary defect, but only one-tenth the risk for congenital hip dislocation. CONCLUSIONS: Sex differences in birth defects exist between opposite-sex twins.  相似文献   

Dominant individuals have access to higher-quality resource; thus, reversing their dominance status would be important for subordinate individuals. Using the convict cichlid fish (Amatitlania nigrofasciata), this study examines whether forming a pair bond can reverse dominance status. Furthermore, I hypothesize that female convict cichlids will incur more dominance reversals from pair-bond formation than males. Dyadic, same-sex contests were conducted to determine dominant and subordinate individuals. Forced pairing of these individuals based on status was followed by polyadic, between-pair contests. The results indicate that individual dominance status does carry over into between-pair competition. Furthermore, dominance reversals do occur in convict cichlids and occur more frequently in females than in males. In addition, dominant males assist their mates during aggressive encounters, and these assists may account for subordinate females winning against dominant females during polyadic contests.  相似文献   

目的:用经典的双生子设计探讨遗传因素对青少年身高、体重、体质指数(BMI)等体型指征的影响程度。方法:从青岛市双生子库中选择自愿参加本研究的362对11-19岁双生子,测量身高、体重。同性别的双生子通过16个多态标记进行卵型鉴定,在此基础上,应用Mx软件构建结构方程模型分析计算遗传度。结果:对362对有效双生子数据进行分析,其中同卵双生子194对,异卵双生子168对,身高的最佳拟合模型ACE模型,体重和BMI的最佳拟合模型为AE模型。调整年龄性别后,身高的遗传度为66%,体重的遗传度为84%,体质指数的遗传度为75%。结论:在青少年体型指征的相关指标中,身高、体重、BMI受遗传因素影响都较大。  相似文献   

The biological age difference among twins is frequently an issue in studies of genetic influence on various dental features, particularly dental development. The timing of dental development is a crucial issue also for many clinicians and researchers. The aim of this study was therefore to verify within groups of twins how dental development differs, by applying Demirjian's method, Mincer's charts of development of third molars and two of Cameriere's methods for dental age estimation, which are among the most popular methods both in the clinical and the forensic scenario. The sample consisted of 64 twin pairs: 21 monozygotic, 30 dizygotic same-sex and 13 dizygotic opposite-sex with an age range between 5.8 and 22.6 years. Dental age was determined from radiographs using the mentioned methods. Results showed that dental age of monozygotic twins is not identical even if they share all their genes. The mean intra-pair difference of monozygotic pairs was low and similar to the difference in dizygotic same-sex twins; the maximum difference between monozygotic twins, however, was surprisingly large (nearly two years). This should lead to some circumspection in the interpretation of systematic estimations of dental age both in the clinical and forensic scenario.  相似文献   

Twin concordance rates for a binary trait can provide information about causes of trait variation. However, if trait prevalence varies with age (or birth cohort) or between the sexes, trait concordance rates will be artificially inflated because of the matching within pairs of twins. Our previous paper showed how to minimize the effects of such confounding by using logistic regression to model trait prevalence as a function of age and sex and that the binary correlation coefficient was useful as a measure of concordance that can be adjusted for trait prevalence. This method is extended here to allow for nested analyses and is applied to the smoking habits of a sample of 3,807 pairs of adult twins. For monozygotic (MZ) twins, the correlation coefficients for the binary trait of "ever-smoking" (males: .50 +/- .04; females: .60 +/- .02) were significantly greater than for dizygotic (DZ) twins (males: .37 +/- .05; females: .31 +/- .04; unlike-sex pairs: .21 +/- .03). For "giving-up smoking," given that both twins were previously smokers, the correlations for MZ twins (males: .37 +/- .07; females: .29 +/- .05) were also greater than for DZ twins (males: .11 +/- .09; females: .26 +/- .08; unlike-sex pairs: .13 +/- .06), although the difference was not statistically significant for females. Current smokers who had been smoking for at least 10 years were arbitrarily defined as "committed-smokers." The binary trait of "committed-smoking" was more strongly correlated in MZ twins (males: .41 +/- .06; females: .41 +/- .04) than in DZ twins (males: .22 +/- .08; females: .18 +/- .05; unlike-sex pairs: .16 +/- .05). These observations suggest that as well as depending on socially determined environmental factors, smoking behavior is influenced by genetic factors and/or by environmental factors unique to the MZ twin environment, which are of particular importance as determinants of "committed-smoking." There is a need for further research to investigate the personal characteristics of "committed-smokers" and to seek intervention strategies that are more suited to the needs of individual smokers.  相似文献   

The long-term effect of differences in placentation in MZ twins is a controversial subject. An effect has been clearly established for birth weight but data on psychological traits are still under debate. We studied 20 pairs of monochorionic MZ (MC MZ) and 24 pairs of dichorionic MZ (DC MZ) twins. A chorion effect was observed for Block Design (WISC-R) confirming a previous report: MC MZ co-twins were more similar that DC MZ co-twins. For anthropometrical measures, an expected effect in the opposite direction was found. No chorion effect was significant for the other variables. A follow up was undertaken 3 years later using cognitive, national academic evaluations, and personality variables. The sample included 16 pairs of MC MZ and 22 pairs of DC MZ twins. Again a chorion effect was observed on anthropometrical variables but results on the Block Design were not replicated. However, the MC MZ co-twins were more similar than the DC MZ co-twins for two other cognitive variables: Perceptual Organization Index from the WISC-R and Global Visualisation from a Belgian reasoning test. Among the personality variables only one was sensitive to a chorion effect. The discussion focuses on the need for larger samples to achieve adequate power in statistical comparisons.  相似文献   

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