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Binding monoclonal antibodies (MAb) both to D66 and 9.6/T11(1) epitopes on the CD2 [T,gp50]-defined molecule produces a high level of T cell mitosis. This was observed with a battery of MAb of different isotypes. In contrast, none of the anti-D66 or anti-9.6/T11(1)Ab could trigger T cell proliferation in combination with anti-T11(3). Moreover, all anti-D66-9.6/T11(1) pairs of MAb tested required monocytes to activate T cells which were recruited through their Fc receptors. Variations among normal individuals were observed in the level of response to anti-D66-9.6/T11(1) pairs of Ab, 75% of a population of French Caucasians giving a high response. The level of response of a given individual was determined by his accessory cells. However, the level of response of an individual appeared to be minimally influenced by the isotype of a peculiar anti-D66 or anti-9.6/T11(1) Ab. The addition of exogeneous IL 2 could overcome the removal of accessory cells or the modulation of CD3 molecules. In contrast, IL 2 receptor appearance was not overcome by removal of monocytes. Thus, T cell activation via CD2 seems to be produced by "touching" several definite regions of this molecule which trigger a cascade of events similar to those produced by mitogenic lectins. One can assume that the appropriate conformational changes of the CD2 molecule induced by anti-D66-9.6/T11(1) pairs of Ab are solely produced when they are presented by accessory cells. This leaves open the question of whether accessory cells would also play a more active role.  相似文献   

Although resting B cells are poor accessory cells for signals transmitted through the TCR/CD3 complex, we report that these B cells can support T cell proliferation when T cell activating signals are delivered through CD2. This was first suggested when leucine methyl ester treatment of PBMC abolished proliferation induced by anti-CD3, but not by the accessory cell-dependent anti-CD2 mAb combination, GT2 and OKT11. Then we demonstrated that unstimulated, resting B cells could support the proliferation of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Aggregated IgG inhibited proliferation, suggesting that anti-CD2 mAb bound to T cells were cross-linked by attachment to B cell FcR. Two lines of evidence suggested that lymphocyte function-associated Ag-1/intercellular adhesion molecule-1 interaction was crucial for anti-CD2-induced proliferation. First, proliferation was blocked by mAb against these adhesion molecules. Second, intercellular adhesion molecule-1 expression rapidly increased on resting B cells after the addition of anti-CD2, but not anti-CD3. This was of interest because fixed monocytes, but not fixed B cells, were able to support the proliferative response. In contrast to lymphocyte function-associated Ag-1/intercellular adhesion molecule-1, CD28/B7 interaction was not required for anti-CD2-induced proliferation, although ligation of these molecules provided important costimulatory signals for stimulation by anti-CD3. Finally, neutralizing antibodies against IL-1 alpha, IL-1 beta, and IL-6 showed only modest inhibitory effects on T cell proliferation. The addition of IL-1 and/or IL-6 to T cells failed to substitute for accessory cells and were only partially effective with fixed B cells. Further evidence of a linkage between CD2 and CD45 isoforms was obtained. Anti-CD45RA, but not anti-CD45RO, potentiated anti-CD2-induced T cell proliferation. These studies have revealed a novel role for resting B cells as accessory cells and have documented costimulatory signals that are important for this effect. Because Ag-presentation by resting B cells to T cells generally leads to T cell nonresponsiveness, it is possible that this tolerogenic signal may be converted to an activation signal if there is concurrent perturbation of CD2 on T cells.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated that IL-1 and IL-6 are synergistic accessory signals for activation of T cells. In this study, highly purified human T cells were cultured with either a stimulating pair of anti-CD2 mAb or with immobilized anti-CD3 mAb. Monocytes, a cellfree monocyte culture supernatant or IL-1 were required for anti-CD2-stimulated T cell proliferation, and they each strongly enhanced anti-CD3-induced T cell growth. IL-6 was synergistic with IL-1 as a helper factor for T cell growth after activation via CD2, but we could not demonstrate any effect of IL-6 in the CD3 pathway. The mechanism of the synergistic helper activity of IL-1 and IL-6 on T cell activation in the CD2 pathway was further examined. IL-1 (but not IL-6) was required for induction of IL-2 production. Both IL-1 and IL-6 enhanced IL-2R (p55) expression and the proliferative response to IL-2. T cell proliferation after stimulation with anti-CD2 and IL-1 or IL-1/IL-6 proceeded through an autocrine IL-2-dependent pathway. Moreover we found that, in the absence of IL-1, IL-6 still supported a transient and limited proliferation of anti-CD2- (but not of anti-CD3-) stimulated T cells, which apparently was independent of the autocrine growth factors IL-2 or IL-4. Our data suggest that IL-6 is important as an accessory signal for T cell growth in the CD2 pathway of T cell activation.  相似文献   

The signals involved in the initiation of mitogen-induced activation of resting guinea pig T cells were examined. The combination of phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and 4 beta-phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) stimulated DNA synthesis by accessory cell (AC)-depleted T cells cultured at high density, but the use of low density cultures indicated that intact AC were absolutely necessary for PHA-stimulated T cell DNA synthesis even in the presence of PMA, interleukin 1 (IL 1), or interleukin 2 (IL 2). In contrast, AC-depleted T cells were able to respond to the combination of the calcium ionophore, ionomycin, and PMA regardless of the cell density at which they were cultured. Cell cycle analysis by acridine orange staining indicated that neither PHA nor ionomycin, in the absence of AC, activated resting T cells. PMA in the absence of all AC, supported cell cycle entry and progression to the DNA synthetic phase of the majority of ionomycin-stimulated T cells, but permitted only a small number of PHA-triggered T cells to enter the initial stage of the cell cycle (G1a) characterized by a modest increase in cellular RNA content. Although PMA permitted some PHA-stimulated T cells to enter the cell cycle, most required intact AC to enter G1, and all required intact AC to progress through G1 and synthesize maximal amounts of RNA. No PHA-stimulated cells reached the S phase without intact AC. In PHA-stimulated cultures containing intact AC, PMA increased the number of cells entering the cell cycle and increased the rate of their progress to the DNA synthetic phase. IL 1 also augmented PHA-stimulated AC-dependent T cell DNA synthesis in the presence or absence of PMA, but appeared to be most active during the later stage of the first cell cycle, augmenting the number of activated cells that entered the S phase of the cell cycle. These results support the conclusion that intact AC, IL 1, and a PMA-like signal play distinct roles in the progression of mitogen-stimulated T cells through the first round of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

The function of the T cell surface protein CD99 was investigated in human CD4(+) peripheral T cells. Crosslinking of the CD99 molecule using anti-CD99 mAbs in the presence of anti-CD3 Ab resulted in a marked enhancement of proliferation. CD99 coligation also enhanced CD25 expression and early markers of T cell activation, CD69 and CD40L. Ligation of CD99 resulted in the pronounced tyrosine phosphorylation of an approximately 29-kDa protein suggesting that a specific CD99-induced signal transduction pathway may exist. Simultaneous costimulation with anti-CD99 and anti-CD28 Abs appeared to have additive effects on CD40L expression while CD99 ligation had no effect on CD2-mediated T cell induction of CD40L expression. These results demonstrate that CD99 signal transduction can deliver effective costimulatory signals to T cells.  相似文献   

Triggering of T cell activation via CD4 dimers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The onset of activation in Th cells is triggered by localized co-engagement of TCRs and the coreceptor CD4. A CD4 crystal suggested that CD4 may form dimers in some circumstances. In this study, we use live-cell fluorescence resonance energy transfer imaging to demonstrate that CD4 dimers are present at a basal level on the cell surface and accumulate at the synapse. Mechanistically, we reveal two conditions under which dimers are highly relevant. First, CD4 dimers are more proficient in mediating prolonged cell contacts with APCs in the presence or absence of Ag. This is consistent with a model whereby the dimer functions to increase T-APC avidity. Second, we show that dimer mutations result in an increased level of an inactive lckTyr(505) bound to the CD4 molecule relative to dimer-competent CD4. We also find a consistent defect in signaling onset in these cells. This supports a role for CD4 dimerization in maintaining active signaling machinery. We suggest that modulation of the dimer/monomer ratio may permit tuning of activation thresholds during initial engagement.  相似文献   

Radiotherapy is an important treatment for cancer. The main mode of action is thought to be the irreversible damage to tumor cell DNA, but there is evidence that irradiation mobilizes tumor-specific immunity, and recent studies showed that the efficacy of high-dose radiotherapy depends on the presence of CD8(+) T cells. We show in this study that the efficacy of radiotherapy given as a single, high dose (10 Gy) crucially depends on dendritic cells and CD8(+) T cells, whereas CD4(+) T cells or macrophages are dispensable. We show that local high-dose irradiation results in activation of tumor-associated dendritic cells that in turn support tumor-specific effector CD8(+) T cells, thus identifying the mechanism that underlies radiotherapy-induced mobilization of tumor-specific immunity. We propose that in the absence of irradiation, the activation status of dendritic cells rather than the amount of tumor-derived Ag is the bottleneck, which precludes efficient anti-tumor immunity.  相似文献   

TCR stimulation by Ag or anti-receptor antibodies in murine T cells results in the activation of two independent protein kinases, protein kinase C (PKC) and a protein tyrosine kinase. Similarly, stimulation of murine Thy-1 or Ly-6 with mAb also results in activation of both of these kinase pathways. Tyrosine phosphorylation in all cases occurs on the TCR zeta-chain. It is known that Ag and anti-receptor antibodies activate PKC in human T cells. In this study we demonstrate that mitogen or anti-CD3 antibodies activate tyrosine phosphorylation of the human TCR-zeta-chain. PMA, which activates PKC, does not result in zeta-chain tyrosine phosphorylation. Stimulation of human T cells by antibodies that bind the CD2 molecule is an alternate mode of inducing T cell proliferation. These antibodies surprisingly do not induce tyrosine phosphorylation of the zeta-chain. Thus, different methods of cellular activation can result in distinguishable patterns of receptor-mediated biochemical signaling events.  相似文献   

Defining the cellular composition of the memory T cell pool has been complicated by an inability to distinguish effector and memory T cells. We present here an activation profile assay, using anti-CD3 and antigenic stimuli, that clearly distinguishes effector and memory CD4 T cells and defines subsets of long-lived memory CD4 T cells based on CD62 ligand (CD62L) expression. The CD62L(low) memory subset functionally resembles effector cells, exhibiting hyper-responsiveness to antigenic and anti-CD3 mediated stimuli, high proliferative capacity, and rapid activation kinetics. The CD62L(high) memory subset functionally resembles resting memory cells, exhibiting hyporesponsiveness to anti-CD3 stimuli, lower proliferative capacity, and slower activation kinetics. Our results indicate that the memory CD4 T cell pool is heterogeneous, consisting of persisting effectors and resting memory T cells.  相似文献   

A regulatory role for the CD4 and CD8 molecules in T cell activation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of the CD4 and CD8 molecules in T cell activation is presently a matter of controversy. Although their role as associative binding elements to MHC class II or class I is well documented, their influence on the triggering process in unclear. Because antibodies to CD4 or CD8 block T cell activation in the absence of their respective ligands, a negative signaling by these molecules has been suggested. However, recent experimental evidence argues against a negative regulatory effect of these molecules, since, e.g., simultaneous cross-linking of TCR and CD4 leads to enhanced T cell activation. Therefore, a current model suggests that the association of TCR and CD4 in the membrane gives a positive signal essential for triggering. In this report we present evidence that this model is likely to be too simple. Anti-CD4 and CD8 antibodies inhibit alternative, nonreceptor pathways of T cell triggering via Tp103 and Tp44 in the absence of class II positive accessory or target cells. These antibodies also inhibit bypass activation of T cells by phorbol ester and calcium ionophore in an accessory cell-free system. Furthermore, if the CD4 or CD8 molecules are removed from the cell surface by antibody-induced modulation, the proliferative and cytotoxic response of T cell clones is enhanced. This enhancement is also observed if resting peripheral blood T cells are used as responder cells. These data show that the CD4 or CD8 molecules have a complex regulatory function in T cell activation beyond the requirement for co-cross-linking with the TCR.  相似文献   

A novel role for accessory cells in T cell-dependent B cell differentiation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The monocyte requirement for pokeweed mitogen-induced T cell-dependent B cell activation was reexamined. We report a dichotomy in the requirement for accessory cells in B cell proliferation and differentiation. Adherent cell-depleted human peripheral blood mononuclear cells which contained only 5% monocytes generated sufficient T cell help for optimal B cell proliferation. However, the presence of 10 to 20% monocytes were required during the last 5 days of culture for stimulated B cells to become IgG-secreting cells. Similar numbers of monocytes were also needed for anti-CD3-induced B cell differentiation. Moreover, monocytes alone added to previously activated B cells could support B cell differentiation in the absence of T cells. To determine the role of cytokines in this system, we demonstrated that supernatants of adherent cell-depleted PBMC contained decreased IL-6 activity in comparison with unseparated PBMC, but not IL-1, IL-2, or BCGF. Recombinant IL-6, however, added back either alone or with other cytokines could not replace the effects of intact monocytes on B cell differentiation. Physical interaction between the accessory cells and the responder cells was also required. As a minimum, paraformaldehyde-fixed monocytes, IL-6, and IL-1 were needed to reconstitute maximal IgG secretion. These studies suggest that accessory cells capable of producing IL-1 and IL-6 can have direct effects on the terminal differentiation of stimulated B cells.  相似文献   

Dual role of the CD44 molecule in T cell adhesion and activation   总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46  
Studies of T cell adhesion and activation reveal two new functions of the CD44 molecule, a molecule now recognized to be identical to three molecules of functional interest: Pgp-1, Hermes, and extracellular matrix receptor type III (ECMRIII). By screening for mAb which inhibit T cell adhesion to E, we have identified a functionally unique CD44-specific mAb, NIH44-1, which partially inhibits T cell rosetting by binding to CD44 on the E. NIH44-1, which immunoprecipitates a protein of 85 to 110 kDa with broad tissue distribution, was determined to be specific for CD44 based on comparison of its tissue distribution with multiple CD44-specific reference mAb and sequential immunoprecipitation with such mAb. Anticipating a role for many adhesion molecules in signal transduction, we studied the effect of CD44 mAb on T cell activation and observed that CD44 mAb dramatically augments T cell proliferation induced by CD3- and CD2-receptor-mediated activation. The augmentation of the response to immobilized CD3 mAb by exhaustively monocyte-depleted T cells indicates that augmentation can be mediated by binding to the T cell. Thus, our studies demonstrate specific new roles for CD44 in T cell adhesion and activation. Furthermore, we suggest that: 1) CD44 has a role in adhesion of cells of multiple lineages; and 2) CD44 may participate in adhesion not (only) by functioning as an adhesion receptor but rather by serving as an anchorage site for other adhesion molecules.  相似文献   

CD4 T cells play an important role in the initiation and persistence of CD8 T cells responses. In this review, we report on and evaluate the mechanisms by which CD4 T cells contribute to activation of CD8 T cells and the signal pathways of the down-streaming events after CD4 T cell help.  相似文献   

Splenic macrophages were cultured in the inner chamber of a Marbrook flask and their ability to induce suppressor activity in a glass-wool-adherent T-cell population was determined. Nontreated, lipopolysaccharide-, or phytohemagglutinin-treated macrophages, all induced comparable levels of suppressor activity in glass-wool-adherent T cells. Suppression induced by untreated macrophages was reversible by the addition of a prostaglandin synthetase inhibitor. In addition, macrophages enhanced non-glass-adherent T-cell activation of glass-wool-adherent cells. The results indicate that macrophage in concert with T cells may activate T suppressor cells via a prostaglandin-dependent pathway.  相似文献   

High concentrations of interleukin 2 (IL 2) were shown to produce a delayed but pronounced proliferation of purified resting T cells in the apparent absence of other activation signals. Because these stimulatory effects of IL 2 occurred in the absence of detectable Tac+ cells, the possibility that IL 2 might be initially interacting with an IL 2 binding protein distinct from the Tac protein was studied. Chemical cross-linking studies with 125I-IL 2 revealed the presence of an IL 2 binding protein distinct from the Tac protein on the surface of these unstimulated T cells. This second IL 2 receptor has an estimated molecular size of 70,000 daltons, lacks reactivity with the anti-Tac antibody, and appears to be identical to the p70 protein recently proposed as a component of the high affinity IL 2 receptor. Scatchard analysis of IL 2 binding assays performed with the unactivated T cells revealed approximately 600 to 700 p70 sites per cell and an apparent Kd of 340 pM. These data indicate that the p70 protein present on resting T cells binds IL 2 with an intermediate affinity compared with the previously recognized high and low affinity forms of the receptor and may account for the high concentration of IL 2 needed to induce resting T cell proliferation. To investigate the early biologic consequences of IL 2 binding to the p70 protein, potential changes in the expression of genes involved in T cell activation were examined. Northern blotting revealed the rapid induction of c-myc, c-myb, and Tac mRNA after stimulation of resting T cells with a high concentration of IL 2. The anti-Tac antibody did not inhibit IL 2 induced expression of these genes, suggesting that the p70 protein rather than the Tac antigen or the high affinity IL 2 receptor complex mediated this signal. However, in contrast to these early activation events, the anti-Tac antibody significantly inhibited IL 2 induced T cell proliferation. This finding implicates the high affinity form of the IL 2 receptor in the proliferative response of the IL 2 activated T cells. Thus these data support a two step model for the induction of resting T cell proliferation by high doses of IL 2 involving the initial generation of an activation or "competence" signal through the p70 protein and a subsequent proliferation or "progression" signal through the high affinity form of the receptor.  相似文献   

In the present work we analyzed the proliferative response of T lymphocytes from 11 atopic patients stimulated in vitro via either the CD2 or the CD3 pathway of cell activation. In both cases we found a significant decrease of thymidine incorporation in cell DNA in comparison with T cells from normal donors. The mechanism of this impaired proliferative response was analyzed. Atopic patients' T cells were found to secrete low quantities of interleukin 2 (IL2) and to express low amounts of Tac antigen, measured as both a percentage of Tac-positive cells and a mean fluorescence intensity of Tac antigen per cell. Addition of recombinant IL2 to cultures completely restored both cell proliferative response and Tac antigen expression. This effect was specific of IL2 since addition of IL1 or IL4 did not significantly affect T cell proliferative response. We conclude that atopic patients' T lymphocytes have a defect in both CD2 and CD3 pathways of cell activation relying on impairment of IL2 production, without involving IL2 responsiveness or other lymphokine defects.  相似文献   

In the generation of allogeneic, hapten-modified and virus-specific cytotoxic T cell (CTL) responses there is usually a requirement for T-T interaction between the T helper cell (TH) and the precursor CTL (CTL). We have investigated the role of a TH signal in the induction of a xenogeneic mouse antihuman CTL response by using membranes and liposomes bearing the xenogeneic antigen to stimulate primed responders. The TH signal can be achieved by either an Ia-restricted, L3T4+ DR-specific T cell or by the addition of nonspecific T helper factors(s). This signal is delivered to an Lyt-2+, L3T4-DR-specific CTL to generate active xenogeneic (xeno-) CTL. The roles of the T cell accessory molecules L3T4, Lyt-2, and LFA-1 in the generation of and target cell lysis by xeno-CTL are investigated.  相似文献   

In this study, we have investigated the ability of splenic B cells to act as antigen-presenting cells. Previous data had established that lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-activated B cells were effective antigen-presenting cells; however, the relative capacity of resting B cells to carry out this function remains controversial. Splenic B cells from naive BALB/c mice were depleted of macrophages, dendritic cells, and T cells, and were fractionated on the basis of cell density by using Percoll gradient centrifugation. Fractions were collected from the 50/60, 60/65, and 65/72% interfaces and from greater than 72% (pellet). Cytofluorograph analysis of the fractionated B cells showed that the two lower density fractions (50/60 and 60/65) contained a number of cells which, by cell size determination, appeared to be activated B cells, whereas the two higher density fractions (65/72 and greater than 72) appeared to contain predominantly small resting B cells contaminated by many fewer activated B cells. Functionally, the capacity of fractionated B cells to act as accessory cells for a concanavalin A response or present the antigens chicken ovalbumin (OVA) or OVA-tryptic digest gave similar results, which indicated a striking hierarchy of accessory cell function in the different Percoll fractions. When normalized to the most active low-density fraction (50/60%), the activity of the other fractions were: 60/65 = 78%; 65/72 = 25%; and greater than 72 = 4%. The differences in the functional capacity between the various Percoll fractions did not appear to be due to differences in Ia expression. Although the expression of Ia varied approximately 12-fold within any one fraction, there was little difference in the mean amount of Ia on cells obtained from the various fractions. Kinetic studies showed that activation of B cells with LPS and dextran sulfate resulted in the expression of two stages of functional development. The first stage was an increased efficiency of accessory cell function that was abrogated by irradiation with 4000 rad followed by a second stage, which was characterized by the acquisition of resistance to treatment with 4000 rad. When nonfractionated B cells that had been stimulated with LPS and DexSO4 were sorted on the basis of cell size into a small B cell fraction and a large B cell fraction, only the large B cells were able to present antigen. Taken together, these data suggest that much of the accessory cell function associated with splenic B cells can be accounted for by the relatively small percentage of activated B cells present in the spleen.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

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